Update Make.
[hocat.git] / cross.v
1 Require Import Morphisms.
2 Require Import RelationClasses.
3 Require Import Equivalence.
4 Require Import Setoid.
6 (* Eelis *)
7 Require Import interfaces.abstract_algebra.
8 (* me *)
10 Section Cross.
11 Context `(Category L) `(Category R).
13 Inductive Object :=
14 | inl : L -> Object
15 | inr : R -> Object
16 | cross
19 Definition Arrow (x y: Object) : Type := match x, y with
20 | inl l, inl r => l ⟶ r
21 | inr l, inr r => l ⟶ r
22 | inl _, _ => unit
23 | _, inr _ => unit
24 | cross, cross => unit
25 | _, _ => Empty_set
26 end.
28 Global Instance: Arrows Object := Arrow.
29 Hint Extern 4 (Arrows Object) => exact Arrow: typclasses_instance.
31 Section contents.
32 Section more_arrows. Context (x y: Object).
33 Global Instance e: Equiv (x ⟶ y) :=
34 match x, y with
35 | inl l, inl r => fun f g: l ⟶ r => f = g
36 | inr l, inr r => fun f g: l ⟶ r => f = g
37 | _, _ => fun _ _ => True
38 end.
40 Let e_refl: Reflexive e.
41 Proof.
42 intro f.
43 unfold e.
44 destruct x, y; reflexivity.
45 Qed.
47 Let e_sym: Symmetric e.
48 Proof.
49 clear e_refl.
50 unfold e.
51 intros f g.
52 destruct x, y; try symmetry; trivial.
53 Qed.
55 Let e_trans: Transitive e.
56 Proof.
57 clear e_refl e_sym.
58 intros f g h . unfold e.
59 destruct x, y; try transitivity g; trivial.
60 Qed.
61 Instance: Equivalence e.
62 Global Instance: Setoid (x⟶y).
63 End more_arrows.
65 Global Instance: CatId Object.
66 Proof.
67 intro x; destruct x; compute; exact cat_id || exact tt.
68 Defined.
70 Global Instance: CatComp Object.
71 intros x y z; destruct x, y, z; compute; trivial;
72 try contradiction; apply comp.
73 Defined.
75 Let id_l' (x y: Object) (f: x ⟶ y): cat_id ◎ f = f.
76 Proof.
77 destruct x, y; compute; trivial; apply id_l.
78 Qed.
79 Let id_r' (x y: Object) (f: x ⟶ y): f ◎ cat_id = f.
80 Proof.
81 destruct x, y; compute; trivial; apply id_r.
82 Qed.
84 Section comp_assoc.
85 Context (w x y z: Object) (a: w ⟶ x) (b: x ⟶ y) (c: y ⟶ z).
86 Lemma comp_assoc': c ◎ (b ◎ a) = (c ◎ b) ◎ a.
87 Proof.
88 destruct w, x, y, z; compute; trivial; try contradiction; apply comp_assoc.
89 Qed.
90 End comp_assoc.
92 Global Instance: forall x y z: Object, Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv)
93 (() : (y ⟶ z) -> (x ⟶ y) -> (x ⟶ z)).
94 Proof.
95 intros x y z; destruct x, y, z; compute; trivial; try contradiction; [apply H0 | apply H2].
96 Qed.
98 Global Instance: Category Object := { comp_assoc := comp_assoc'; id_l := id_l'; id_r := id_r'}.
100 End contents.
102 End Cross.