Refactored world runner.
[hollow-plutonium.git] / Spatial.hs
1 module Spatial where
3 import Data.Set (Set)
4 import qualified Data.Set as Set
5 import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
6 import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
7 import Data.Maybe
8 import qualified Data.Stream as Sm
9 import Data.List
11 import Piece
12 import Coord
13 import Image
14 import TwoIntSet
17 data structure to hide the details of spatial search
18 and collision semantics
20 at first it will be inefficient, hopefully later it
21 can be replaced with a real spatial search structure
22 like a quadtree (somehow)
26 data Spatial = Spatial {
27 piecemap :: IntMap Piece,
28 collisions :: TwoIntSet
32 internalInteractions :: Spatial ->([(Piece,Piece)], [(Piece,Piece)], Spatial)
33 internalInteractions (Spatial pm cols) = (os, ds, Spatial pm' cols') where
34 os = map f (Set.elems diff)
35 ds = []
36 cols' = s1
37 pm' = pm
38 s0 = cols
39 diff = s1 Set.\\ s0
40 s1 = Set.fromList intpairs
41 f (Two (n,m)) = (l n, l m)
42 l x = fromMaybe (error emsg) (IM.lookup x pm)
43 emsg = "???"
44 intpairs = map (\(p,q) -> Two (key p, key q)) overlaps
45 overlaps = computeCollisions pm
47 moveEverything :: Spatial -> Spatial
48 moveEverything s = s { piecemap = m' } where
49 m = piecemap s
50 m' = IM.filter f . g . IM.filter h $ m
51 h = isJust . absolute m
52 g p = p {
53 path = tail (path p),
54 graphics = Sm.tail (graphics p),
55 wakeup = Sm.tail (wakeup p)
57 f = not . null . path
60 allPieces :: Spatial -> [Piece]
61 allPieces s = IM.elems (piecemap s)
63 pokePiece :: Piece -> Collision -> Spatial -> (Spatial, [Operation])
64 pokePiece p c s = (s', rs) where
65 m = piecemap s
66 (p',rs) = (transfer p) p c
67 m' =
68 if null (path p')
69 then IM.delete (key p') m
70 else IM.insert (key p') p' m
71 s' = s { piecemap = m' }
73 spawnPieces :: [Piece] -> Spatial -> Spatial
74 spawnPieces ps s = s' where
75 s' = s
80 snapShotPieces :: Spatial -> [(Image, Coord)]
81 snapShotPieces s = catMaybes mbyImgXys where
82 pcs = sort (allPieces s)
83 mbyImgXys = map f pcs
84 f p = absolute (piecemap s) p >>= \xy -> return (Sm.head (graphics p), xy)
88 -- this will crash if there is cyclic dependency in
89 -- relative piece positions
90 absolute :: IntMap Piece -> Piece -> Maybe Coord
91 absolute m p = do
92 x <- listToMaybe (path p)
93 case anchor p of
94 Nothing -> return x
95 Just n -> do
96 op <- IM.lookup n m
97 o <- absolute m op
98 return (o + x)
101 absoluteBound :: IntMap Piece -> Piece -> Bound
102 absoluteBound m p = (o + xy, wh) where
103 o = fromMaybe (error emsg) (absolute m p)
104 (xy,wh) = bounding p
105 emsg = "absoluteBound of nowhere"
108 areColliding :: IntMap Piece -> Piece -> Piece -> Bool
109 areColliding m p1 p2 = overlap (absoluteBound m p1) (absoluteBound m p2)
111 computeCollisions :: IntMap Piece -> [(Piece, Piece)]
112 computeCollisions m =
114 (x,y) |
115 (x:xs) <- tails (IM.elems m),
116 y <- xs,
117 areColliding m x y