[homin.git] / note
1 [===[
7 hentaianimedownloads.com hentaianimedownloads.com
8 framagit.org
9 TeamB 公演庫存
10 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPjdogp4RVU&list=PLC3kRRdibvTeWQT4UmaW5QE7iN7uM8j9g'
14 https://piratebay-proxies.com/
15 https://thepiratebay.org/top/48h500
17 https://tpb.party/top/48h500
18  indonesia.faithfreedom.org      indonesia.faithfreedom.org
19 www.imagestunt.com www.imagestunt.com
20 https://framagit.org/
22 sed 's|^\[{|[\n{|;s|,{"id":|,\n{"id":|g;s|}\]$|}\n]|'
23 framagit() { local f=$(mktemp XXXXX) ; PREFIX_HOST=https://framagit.org gitlab_commmon $@ > $f ; sed 's|^\[{|[\n{|;s|,{"id":|,\n{"id":|g;s|}\]$|}\n]|' $f ; rm $f ; }
25 gitlab_commmon() {
26  local self=gitlab_commmon
27  local c=${1}
28  shift
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56   done
57  fi
60 赵天杨 
61 孙语姗
62 刘胜男 
63 张茜
65 sudo chroot ~/z/sysroot /usr/bin/lua5.1
66 url = require "socket.url"
67 function f(s) print('\n'..url.unescape(s:gsub('^https://app%.bitbigs%.com/magnet/%?hash=',''))..'\n') end
68 repeat local r=io.read() f(r) until nil
70 while read item; do echo $item ; done < <(grep -h -v ^# '/home/oblive/z/w/project/obarun-install-themes/jwm/package_list/other' | sed "/^\s*$/d" | sort -du)
72 for s in $(grep -h -v ^# '/home/oblive/z/w/project/obarun-install-themes/jwm/package_list/other' | sed "/^\s*$/d" | sort -du) ; do echo $s ; done
75 while read h ; do h=${h%.torrent} ; h=${h##*.} ; transmissionit mv ~/z/t/h ~/z/t/e $h ; done < '/home/oblive/tr'
76 transmissionit mv ~/z/t/h ~/z/t/e 
77 transmissionit mv ~/z/t/e ~/z/t/h 
78 transmissionit rep-cp ~/z/t ~/z/t/h
80 for p in 
81 do dli porteus/x86_64/Porteus-v5.0/bundles http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/porteus/x86_64/Porteus-v5.0/bundles/$p ; done
83 $ git clone https://github.com/transmission/transmission Transmission
84 $ cd Transmission
85 $ git submodule update --init
86 $ mkdir build
87 $ cd build
88 $ cmake ..
89 $ make
90 $ sudo make install
92 ExploitedCollegeGirls.19.10.24.Audrey.Hempburne.And.Mabel.May..480p.MP4-XXX
93 Deeper - Jessa Rhodes - Show Me Your Legs
94 Passion-HD.19.10.16.Harmony.Wonder.Explosive.Chemistry..480p.MP4-XXX
97 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks
98 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB
99 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multiboot_USB_drive
100 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_boot_process
102 mkdir boot
103 sudo mount /run/mnt/sdb1 -oremount,noatime,rw
104 sudo mv boot /run/mnt/sdb1
105 sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck --boot-directory=/run/mnt/sdb1/boot /dev/sdb
107 http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html
112 sprdsl.sby@gmail.com
113 toryodeu
116 https://video.fosdem.org/2017/H.2215/s6_supervision.vp8.webm
117 https://archive.fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/s6_supervision/attachments/slides/1587/export/events/attachments/s6_supervision/slides/1587/s6_lightning_talk.pdf
120 ---\/---
121 gitlab_commmon() {
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133                 lgp|list_group_projects) s="groups/${1}/projects" ; p=yes ;;
134         esac
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144         if [[ "${p}" = yes ]] ; then
145                 local i=2 r
146                 until ! ; do
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152                 done
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156 framagit() { PREFIX_HOST=https://framagit.org gitlab_commmon $@ ; }
158 sed 's|^\[{|[\n{|;s|,{"id":|,\n{"id":|g;s|}\]$|}\n]|'
160 framagit() { local f=$(mktemp XXXXX) ; PREFIX_HOST=https://framagit.org gitlab_commmon $@ > $f ; sed 's|^\[{|[\n{|;s|,{"id":|,\n{"id":|g;s|}\]$|}\n]|' $f ; rm $f ; }
161 ---/\---
163 https://framagit.org/api/v4/users?username=obarun
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183 {"id":27410,"description":null,"name":"applysys","name_with_namespace":"Eric Vidal / applysys","path":"applysys","path_with_namespace":"Obarun/applysys","created_at":"2018-06-06T23:22:51.020Z","default_branch":"master","tag_list":[],"ssh_url_to_repo":"git@framagit.org:Obarun/applysys.git","http_url_to_repo":"https://framagit.org/Obarun/applysys.git","web_url":"https://framagit.org/Obarun/applysys","readme_url":"https://framagit.org/Obarun/applysys/blob/master/README","avatar_url":null,"star_count":0,"forks_count":0,"last_activity_at":"2019-08-09T12:17:06.372Z","namespace":{"id":21082,"name":"Eric Vidal","path":"Obarun","kind":"user","full_path":"Obarun","parent_id":null,"avatar_url":"/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/19225/avatar.png","web_url":"https://framagit.org/Obarun"}}
186 {"id":49204,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obcommunity","name":"obcommunity","path":"obcommunity","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obcommunity","full_path":"pkg/obcommunity","parent_id":48248},
187 {"id":49200,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obcore","name":"obcore","path":"obcore","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obcore","full_path":"pkg/obcore","parent_id":48248},
188 {"id":49201,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obextra","name":"obextra","path":"obextra","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obextra","full_path":"pkg/obextra","parent_id":48248},
189 {"id":49453,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obmods","name":"obmods","path":"obmods","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obmods","full_path":"pkg/obmods","parent_id":48248},
190 {"id":49205,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obmultilib","name":"obmultilib","path":"obmultilib","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obmultilib","full_path":"pkg/obmultilib","parent_id":48248},
191 {"id":49199,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/observice","name":"observice","path":"observice","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"owner","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / observice","full_path":"pkg/observice","parent_id":48248},
192 {"id":54006,"web_url":"https://framagit.org/groups/pkg/obzfs","name":"obzfs","path":"obzfs","description":"","visibility":"public","share_with_group_lock":false,"require_two_factor_authentication":false,"two_factor_grace_period":48,"project_creation_level":"developer","auto_devops_enabled":null,"subgroup_creation_level":"maintainer","emails_disabled":null,"mentions_disabled":null,"lfs_enabled":true,"avatar_url":null,"request_access_enabled":false,"full_name":"pkg / obzfs","full_path":"pkg/obzfs","parent_id":48248},
194 ---\/--- chrootoverlay
195 #!/usr/bin/bash
197 ##              Check if the functions file exists
198 sourcing(){
199         local list
200         for list in $CONF /usr/lib/obarun/util.sh ; do
201                 if [[ -f "${list}" ]]; then
202                         source "${list}"
203                 else
204                         echo "Missing file : ${list}"
205                         exit    
206                 fi
207         done
208         unset list
210 sourcing
212 ##              Clean before exit
214 #trap "clean_install" QUIT KILL STOP INT TERM 
216 ##              Must be root user 
218 if (( EUID != 0 )) || [[ -z "${SUDO_USER}" ]] || [[ "${SUDO_USER}" == "root" ]]; then
219         die "You must run this script with root privileges by sudo command as normal user" "clean_install" 
222 chroot_overlay $@
223 ---/\--- chrootoverlay
225 ---\/--- obarun-install
226 for l in $(cat snapshot) ; do
227  if [[ -f "/run/mnt/sdb1/obarun/$l" ]] ; then echo $l
228  else
229   ( cd /run/mnt/sdb1/obarun ; ls dist/*/repo/*/${l##*/} 2>/dev/null) || echo "#$l"
230  fi
231 done
233 obarun-install arch-install-scripts expac rsync mc git pacman pacman-contrib cower obarun-libs obarun-install-themes dialog parted gptfdisk
234 obarun-install 1.0.1-1 2.0.3-1
235 arch-install-scripts 21-1 23-1
236 expac 9-1 10-1
237 rsync 3.1.3-1
238 mc 4.8.22-2 4.8.23-1
239 git 2.21.0-1 2.24.1-4
240 pacman 5.1.3-6 5.2.1-2
241 pacman-contrib 1.1.0-2 1.2.0-4
242 cower 18-2 18-3
243 obarun-libs 0.1.6-1 0.1.8-3
244 obarun-install-themes 0.1.4-2 0.1.8-1
245 error: package 'dialog' was not found 1:1.3_20191210-1
246 parted 3.2-9 3.3-1
247 gptfdisk 1.0.4-1
248 sudo pacman --config /home/oblive/z/obarun/conf/pacman.conf.install -S obarun-install arch-install-scripts expac pacman pacman-contrib cower obarun-libs obarun-install-themes dialog 
250 prepare_obarun_hack(){
251  local c=$(pwd) f p
252  for f in db/pkg/obarun-* ; do
253   echo $f
254   p=${f##*/} ; p=${p%-x86_64.pkg.*}
255   mkdir -p hack/$p
256   ( cd hack/$p ; bsdtar -x -f "$c/$f" )
257  done
258  ( cd hack ; git init ; git add . ; git commit -m pristine )
261 HOSTNAME="Ob66"
262 NEWUSER="hmz"
263 EDITOR="mcedit"
264 NEWROOT="/mnt"
265 CONFIG_DIR="minimal"
266 CACHE_DIR="/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
267 BOOTLOADER="Syslinux"
269 obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/filesystem.sh
270 check_mountpoint
271 mount_umount
272 mount_one
274 obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/pac.sh
275 check_gpg
277 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install.sh
278 set_keymap
279 check_network
281 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/config.sh
282 config_gpg
283 config_mirrorlist
284 config_password
286 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/choose.sh
287 choose_rankmirrors
289 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/define.sh
290 define_root
292 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/pac.sh
293 sync_data
294 install_package
296 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/partition.sh
297 part_auto
299 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/util.sh
300 create_dir
301 copy_file
302 copy_rootfs
303 generate_fstab
304 custo_once
306 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/bootloader.sh
307 grub_install
308 syslinux_install
310 obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/edit.sh
311 edit_conf
313 trim_pkg_list() {
314  local P p l i f
315  P=$(pacman -Slq)
316  for i in ${P} ; do l="$l $i" ; done ; l="$l "
317  for f in $@ ; do
318   p=$(sed '/^#/d' "$f")
319   for i in $p ; do
320    [[ $l =~ " $i " ]] || sed -i "s|^$i|#$i|" "$f"
321   done
322  done
324 trim_pkg_list hack/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/*
326 list_pkg() {
327  local P p l i f
328  P="$(sed '/^x/d;s/^. //' "$1")"
329 # for i in ${P} ; do l="$l $i" ; done ; l="$l "
330  #[[ $l =~ " $2" ]] && echo yes
331 # for f in "$2"/* ; do
332 #  p=$(sed '/^#/d' "$f")
333 #  for i in $p ; do
334 #   [[ $l =~ " $i " ]] || sed -i "s|^$i|#$i|" "$f"
335 #  done
336 # done
337  echo obarun:
338  sed '/^#/d;/^$/d' "$2"/* | sort -u
339  p=$(sed '/^#/d;/^$/d' "$2"/*)
340  l=""
341  for i in ${p} ; do l="$l $i" ; done ; l="$l "
342  echo other:
343  for i in ${P} ; do
344   [[ $l =~ " $i " ]] || echo $i
345  done | sort -u
347 list_pkg db/sync-20200103/pkg.list hack/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list
350 ( cd / ; cat '/home/oblive/z/obarun/diff' | sudo patch -p 2 )
352 ---/\--- obarun-install
354 ---\/--- obarun-install pkg
355 abduco
356 adapta-gtk-theme
357 adapta-kde
358 adrdox
359 amd-ucode
360 android-udev
361 arc-icon-theme
362 arch-wiki-docs
363 aria2
364 asciidoctor
366 astyle
367 atril
368 autorandr
369 awesome
371 bigloo
372 boost
373 breeze-gtk
374 bsdiff
375 ccache
376 cdrdao
377 celluloid
378 chicken
379 chromium-bsu
380 chrootuid
381 chrpath
382 clipgrab
383 clisp
384 clutter
385 clutter-gst
386 clutter-gtk
387 #compton
388 picom
389 consolekit-66serv
390 cppcodec
391 cpulimit
392 cpupower
393 critter
394 cvc4
395 dash
396 devtools
397 dfmt
398 dhex
399 dina-font
400 dkms
402 dmd-docs
403 dmidecode
404 docbook-dsssl
405 docbook-mathml
406 docbook-sgml
407 docbook-sgml31
408 docbook-utils
409 docbook-xml
410 docbook-xsl
411 dosbox
412 dropbear
413 dropbear-scp
414 dscanner
415 dtools
419 efitools
420 eigen
421 electron
422 elfkickers
423 emacs
424 emacs-nox
425 evemu
426 evince
427 expac
428 fakechroot
429 falkon
430 fbreader
431 fcgi
432 ffcall
433 figlet
435 font-mathematica
436 fragments
437 gambit-c
438 gauche
439 gcc-ada
440 gcc-fortran
441 gcc-go
442 gcc-objc
443 gcolor2
445 gcc-d
446 geda-gaf
448 ghc-static
449 ghex
450 gir-to-d
451 glibd
452 glpk
454 gnome-mplayer
455 gnu-netcat
456 gnumeric
457 gnurl
458 gocr
459 gprolog
460 grub
461 gsmartcontrol
462 gtkd
463 gtkwave
464 gucharmap
465 gumbo-parser
466 gxmessage
467 haveged-66serv
468 hd-idle
469 hddtemp
470 hdparm
471 hefur
472 hexedit
473 hiawatha
474 hitch
476 hsetroot
477 http-parser
478 httptunnel
479 i3lock
480 idle3-tools
481 imvirt
482 intel-tbb
483 intel-ucode
484 ipcalc
485 irrlicht
486 irrlicht-docs
487 isomd5sum
490 jshon
491 kate
492 kexec-tools
493 kturtle
494 l3afpad
495 lasem
497 leafpad
498 lib32-gcc-libs
499 lib32-glibc
500 libharu
501 librecad
502 libva-intel-driver
503 libva-vdpau-driver
504 libwebsockets
505 libxp
506 lightdm-66serv
507 lightdm-gtk-greeter
508 linux-hardened-docs
509 linux-hardened-headers
510 linux-headers
511 linux-lts
512 linux-lts-headers
514 lldb
515 llpp
516 lout
517 lsb-release
518 lshw
519 lsof
521 ltrace
522 lua-lgi
523 lua-sec
524 lua52-luajson
525 luakit
526 luarocks
527 lxappearance-gtk3
528 lxdm
529 lxdm-gtk3
530 lxterminal
531 lzop
532 mathjax
533 mathjax2
534 maxima
535 mcabber
536 memtest86+
537 memtester
538 mescc-tools
539 meson
541 minisign
542 mit-scheme
543 mkcert
544 mkinitcpio-nfs-utils
545 mktorrent
546 monero
547 mpop
548 mruby
549 msr-tools
550 mtpaint
552 mtr-gtk
553 mupdf
554 musl
555 namcap
557 nftables
558 nginx
559 nickle
561 nimble
562 ninja
563 nmap
564 nodejs
565 nodm
567 obarun-build
568 obarun-mkiso
569 okular
570 opendesktop-fonts
571 openmp
572 openscad
573 owl-lisp
574 pacman-contrib
575 pacutils
576 paps
577 patchelf
579 pdfjs
580 pidgin
581 pkgfile
582 plowshare
583 podofo
584 polyclipping
585 polyml
586 ponymix
587 pound
589 premake
590 proxychains-ng
591 proxytunnel
592 psensor
594 pslist
595 pygtk
596 qbittorrent-nox
597 qcad
598 qemu
599 qemu-arch-extra
601 qt5-gsettings
602 quilt
603 radare2
604 ragel
605 read-edid
606 reiserfsprogs
607 remacs
608 repose
609 reptyr
610 root-66tree
611 rtorrent
612 rttr
613 rubygems
614 rust
615 rust-docs
616 rustup
617 s6-suite
618 samurai
619 sbcl
620 scummvm
621 seamonkey
622 shfmt
623 sipcalc
624 slib
625 slop
626 smalltalk
627 smartmontools
628 snappy-player
629 socat
630 sqlite-analyzer
631 sqlite-doc
632 sqlite-tcl
633 squashfs-tools
634 squeak-vm
635 sshd-66serv
636 sslscan
637 sslsplit
638 sslstrip
639 stfl
640 stunnel
641 surf
642 sxiv
643 sylpheed
644 tarantool
647 tensorflow
648 tesseract
649 testssl.sh
650 texmaker
651 three.js
652 tidy
654 tilda
655 tinc
656 tinyproxy
657 tinyssh
661 traceroute
662 translate-shell
663 transmission-gtk
664 ttf-anonymous-pro
665 ttf-croscore
666 ttf-droid
667 ttf-fantasque-sans-mono
668 ttf-fira-code
669 ttf-fira-mono
670 ttf-fira-sans
671 ttf-font-awesome
672 ttf-hanazono
673 ttf-hannom
674 ttf-ibm-plex
675 ttf-inconsolata
676 ttf-linux-libertine
677 ttf-linux-libertine-g
678 ttf-opensans
679 ttf-proggy-clean
680 ttf-roboto
681 ttf-roboto-mono
682 ttf-sazanami
683 ttf-ubuntu-font-family
684 turbostat
685 twin
686 typescript
687 uboot-tools
688 ucblogo
689 udns
690 uncrustify
691 unicode-character-database
692 unicorn
693 units
694 usbctl
695 v2ray
696 vbindiff
697 vdpauinfo
698 vibe-d
699 viewnior
700 virtualbox
701 virtualbox-guest-dkms
702 virtualbox-guest-iso
703 virtualbox-guest-utils
704 virtualbox-guest-utils-nox
705 virtualbox-host-dkms
706 #virtualbox-host-modules-arch
707 virtualbox-sdk
712 wabt
713 webfs
714 weboob-headless
715 websocketpp
716 weechat
717 whitedb
718 wmctrl
719 wren
721 xautolock
722 xautomation
723 xaw3d
725 xcas
726 xcircuit
727 xdialog
728 xdm-archlinux
730 xf86-video-amdgpu
731 xorg-server-xephyr
732 xorg-server-xnest
733 xorg-server-xwayland
734 xorg-x11perf
735 xorg-xbacklight
736 xorg-xconsole
737 xorg-xcursorgen
738 xorg-xdm
739 xorg-xdpyinfo
740 xorg-xdriinfo
741 xorg-xfd
742 xorg-xfontsel
743 xorg-xinput
744 xorg-xkbevd
745 xorg-xkbutils
746 xorg-xlsatoms
747 xorg-xlsclients
748 xorg-xlsfonts
749 xorg-xmag
750 xorg-xmessage
751 xorg-xmodmap
752 xorg-xrandr
753 xorg-xrdb
754 xorg-xrefresh
755 xorg-xset
756 xorg-xsetroot
757 xorg-xvidtune
758 xorg-xvinfo
759 xorg-xwd
760 xorg-xwininfo
761 xorg-xwud
762 xprintidle
763 xreader
764 xsecurelock
765 xsel
766 xss-lock
767 xssstate
768 xtrlock
769 ydcv
770 you-get
772 zapcc
774 zile
775 ---/\--- obarun-install pkg
781 #compton
782 #gdc
783 #dropbear-scp
784 #emacs-nox
785 #linux-lts
786 #linux-lts-headers
787 #lxdm
788 #mtr
789 #rustup
790 #virtualbox-guest-utils-nox
791 #virtualbox-host-modules-arch
792 #zapcc
795 sudo rm /etc/obarun/install.conf 
796 sudo pacman --noconfirm --config /home/oblive/z/obarun/conf/pacman.conf.install -S obarun-install obarun-libs obarun-install-themes
797 ( cd / ; cat '/home/oblive/z/obarun/diff' | sudo patch -p 2 )
798 sudo cp -f /home/oblive/z/obarun/install.conf /etc/obarun/
800 /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
801 /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
802 /etc/lightdm/Xsession
803 ~/.Xresources
804 /usr/lib/Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
806 startx:
807         client:
808                 $(HOME)/.startxrc /usr/lib/sys.startxrc $(HOME)/.xinitrc /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
809         server:
810                 $(HOME)/.xserverrc /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc
811 xinit:
812         client:
813                 $(HOME)/.xinitrc 
814                 xterm  -geometry  +1+1  -n  login  -display  :0
815         server:
816                 $(HOME)/.xserverrc
817                 X :0
819 bitfield_has_bit 60
820 default_mount_handler 364
821 endswith 129
822 err  12
823 fsck_device 246
824 fsck_root 263
825 launch_interactive_shell 49
826 log_kmsg 16
827 major_minor_to_device 64
828 mount_setup 464
829 msg  9
830 parse_cmdline 198
831 parse_cmdline_item 141
832 poll_device 21
833 process_cmdline_param 187
834 rdlogger 420
835 rdlogger_start 373
836 rdlogger_stop 395
837 resolve_device 313
838 run_hookfunctions 77
839 set_log_option 93
840 startswith 117
841 tag_to_udev_path 305
843 ---\/--- mkinitcpio-25-2 (obarun)
844 /proc/cmdline :
845 BOOT_IMAGE=(loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz \
846 img_dev=/dev/disk/by-uuid/8eb5cef9-e748-4f58-a5b9-2699350cdb0f \
847 img_loop=/iso/Obarun-Plasma_x86_64-2019-05.279b8bc4aa69c16e79e9fd5e696fc45e.iso \
848 earlymodules=loop \
849 cow_spacesize=384M
851 init_functions:
852         bitfield_has_bit 60
853         default_mount_handler 366
854         endswith 129
855         err  12
856         fsck_device 246
857         fsck_root 263
858         launch_interactive_shell 49
859         log_kmsg 16
860         major_minor_to_device 64
861         mount_setup 466
862         msg  9
863         parse_cmdline 198
864         parse_cmdline_item 141
865         poll_device 21
866         process_cmdline_param 187
867         rdlogger 422
868         rdlogger_start 375
869         rdlogger_stop 397
870         resolve_device 315
871         run_hookfunctions 77
872         set_log_option 93
873         startswith 117
874         tag_to_udev_path 307
876 hooks:
877         archiso:
878                 _mnt_dev 76
879                 _mnt_dmsnapshot 2
880                 _mnt_overlayfs 45
881                 _mnt_sfs 55
882                 _verify_checksum 103
883                 _verify_signature 112
884                 archiso_mount_handler 149 <-- mount_handler
885                 run_hook 121
886         archiso_loop_mnt:
887                 archiso_loop_mount_handler  11 <-- mount_handler
888                 run_hook  3
890 ---/\---
893 mountiso_artix(){
894  mkdir -p "$2/iso"
895  sudo mount -r "$1" "$2/iso"
896  mkdir -p "$2/sfs"
897  sudo mount -r "$2/iso/LiveOS/rootfs.img" "$2/sfs"
899 umountiso_artix(){
900  sudo umount "$1/sfs" &&
901  sudo umount "$1/iso"
903 mountiso_obarun(){
904  mkdir -p "$2/iso"
905  sudo mount -r "$1" "$2/iso"
906  mkdir -p "$2/sfs"
907  sudo mount -r "$2/iso/arch/x86_64/airootfs.sfs" "$2/sfs"
909 umountiso_obarun(){
910  sudo umount "$1/sfs" &&
911  sudo umount "$1/iso"
915 mary rock
916 mia split
917 melody marks
918 lexi belle
919 melody foxx
920 kamryn jayde
922 xset m 3/0 1
925 k linux-lts linux-lts-docs linux-lts-headers
926 k linux-lts419 linux-lts419-docs linux-lts419-headers
927 k linux-firmware
929 b root-66tree boot-66serv boot-user@-66mod tty@-66serv
930 b consolekit-66serv lightdm-66serv dbus-66serv
931 b sshd-66serv dmraid-66serv haveged-66serv
932 b nginx-66serv
933 b pgsql-initdb-66serv postgresql-66serv postgresql-docs
935 o base obarun-build obarun-mkiso obarun-install-themes obshutdown-git
936 G s6-suite
937 x obnews obarun-zsh
939 a memtest86+ efitools refind-efi syslinux grub intel-ucode amd-ucode uboot-tools
941 a jwm awesome wmctrl lsw twin spacefm
942 a transmission-gtk rtorrent hefur fragments qbittorrent-nox
943 x transmission-cli
944 a lxappearance-gtk3 lxterminal tilda
945 a okular mupdf xreader fbreader llpp atril
946 x evince
947 a emacs kate geany leafpad
948 a geeqie qiv viewnior sxiv
949 a lxdm nodm lightdm-gtk-greeter lxdm-gtk3
950 a falkon seamonkey w3m luakit surf midori
951 a gnome-mplayer clipgrab snappy-player celluloid gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly
952 a alsa-utils ponymix asoundconf python-gobject
953 a xdgmenumaker hsetroot gxmessage gtkwave gucharmap lasem autorandr galculator-gtk2 gcolor2 gmrun gsimplecal gsmartcontrol psensor xdialog xprintidle xsel
954 a xsecurelock xss-lock xssstate xtrlock i3lock
955 a mtpaint scrot volumeicon gtk-engines
956 a pidgin sylpheed hexchat psi mcabber
957 a clutter clutter-gst clutter-gtk
958 a gnumeric
959 a geda-gaf pcb xcircuit librecad openscad qcad
960 a chromium-bsu ucblogo kturtle critter irrlicht irrlicht-docs
961 a vtk xcas
962 a qt5-gsettings
963 a maxima cvc4
964 e vym
966 l lua-sec lua-lgi luarocks premake bam libluv tarantool tolua++
968 d autoconf automake bison flex gettext patch pkgconf autogen
969 d pacopts devtools namcap pacutils asp expac pkgfile ccache pacman-contrib repose tig
970 d meson ninja gn samurai
971 d gcc-ada gcc-fortran gcc-go gcc-objc tcc gdb intel-tbb
972 d lldb lld
973 d rust rust-docs rustup
974 d nimble nim
975 d dmd dmd-docs gdc ldc gtkd glibd dub dtools adrdox dfmt dscanner gir-to-d
976 d clisp ecl sbcl owl-lisp
977 d bigloo chicken gambit-c gauche mit-scheme slib
978 d dash wren mruby musl rubygems bc tcl tk radare2 ragel
979 d ghc ghc-static
980 n nodejs npm
981 x dart
982 n boost cppcodec eigen ffcall figlet fmt glpk quilt rttr astyle
983 d smalltalk zig zapcc nickle scummvm typescript openmp gprolog polyml squeak-vm
985 n hq jq yq gumbo-parser jshon
986 n libwebsockets http-parser tidy
987 n mtr mtr-gtk nftables nmap aria2
988 n sqlite-analyzer sqlite-doc sqlite-tcl
989 n whitedb
990 n fakechroot lsof lshw
991 r traceroute ppp iputils nbd dhcpcd hdparm htop which usbutils sudo ltrace 
992 n lzop abduco bsdiff chrootuid chrpath cpulimit cpupower elfkickers evemu gocr
993 n hd-idle imvirt ipcalc isomd5sum memtester minisign patchelf pslist sipcalc tlp
994 n socat stunnel proxytunnel httptunnel gnu-netcat proxychains-ng tinyproxy
995 n man-db man-pages rfc
996 n reptyr usb_modeswitch ddrescue
997 n nginx webfs fcgi hiawatha hitch pound
998 n sslscan sslsplit sslstrip testssl.sh mkcert xca
999 n dropbear dropbear-scp
1000 n libatasmart smartmontools dmidecode hddtemp idle3-tools read-edid cdrdao
1001 n lsb-release dkms kexec-tools msr-tools mkinitcpio-nfs-utils
1002 n reiserfsprogs squashfs-tools
1003 n docbook-dsssl docbook-mathml docbook-sgml docbook-sgml31 docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl
1004 n asciidoctor lout libharu podofo
1005 n vis vi e3 mg remacs emacs-nox zile ghex dhex hexedit
1006 n electron mathjax three.js pdfjs mathjax2
1007 n lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs
1008 a unrar p7zip unzip
1009 n gnurl
1010 p shfmt uncrustify translate-shell turbostat units vbindiff stfl mpop plowshare
1011 p iwd android-udev
1012 n you-get
1013 p mescc-tools 
1014 p tesseract
1015 p xdm-archlinux
1016 p wabt websocketpp wt vibe-d weboob-headless weechat ydcv tor
1017 p tinyssh tinc v2ray udns
1018 p mktorrent
1019 p monero
1020 p unicode-character-database paps
1021 p arch-wiki-docs
1022 p polyclipping
1024 t breeze-gtk adapta-gtk-theme gtk-engine-murrine adapta-kde arc-gtk-theme arc-icon-theme faenza-icon-theme
1025 f ttf-droid ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine font-mathematica ttf-linux-libertine-g ttf-ubuntu-font-family opendesktop-fonts ttf-croscore dina-font ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-fantasque-sans-mono ttf-fira-code ttf-fira-mono
1026 f ttf-fira-sans ttf-font-awesome ttf-hanazono ttf-hannom ttf-ibm-plex ttf-inconsolata ttf-opensans ttf-proggy-clean ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-sazanami
1027 x ttf-freefont
1028 x numix-gtk-theme
1030 x xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse
1031 r xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void
1032 r xf86-video-ati xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-intel xf86-video-openchrome
1033 r xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-voodoo xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau
1034 r xorg-fonts-100dpi
1035 r xorg-server xorg-server-xephyr xorg-server-xnest xorg-server-xwayland
1036 a xorg-xinit xorg-xdm xorg-xkill xorg-xmag xorg-xmessage xorg-xmodmap xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xvidtune xorg-xwd xorg-xwud xorg-xev xorg-xbacklight
1037 n xorg-xdriinfo xorg-xvinfo xorg-xwininfo
1038 d xorg-xdpyinfo
1039 x xvkbd
1040 n xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau
1041 a libva-mesa-driver libva-intel-driver libva-vdpau-driver mesa-vdpau opencl-mesa
1042 p xorg-x11perf xorg-xconsole xorg-xcursorgen xorg-xfd xorg-xfontsel xorg-xinput xorg-xkbevd xorg-xkbutils xorg-xlsatoms xorg-xlsclients xorg-xlsfonts xdo slop xautolock xautomation vdpauinfo
1043 n libxp xaw3d
1045 v qemu qemu-arch-extra unicorn
1046 v dosbox
1047 v virtualbox virtualbox-guest-iso virtualbox-host-dkms virtualbox-sdk virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-utils-nox
1048 x virtualbox-host-modules-arch
1050 x networkmanager-66serv nfs-utils-66serv ntpd-66serv wpa_supplicant-66serv xdg-user-dirs-66serv
1051 x linux linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers
1052 x linux-hardened-headers linux-hardened-docs usbctl
1053 x compton
1054 x toxcore utox
1055 x l3afpad
1056 x neko
1057 x astromenace teeworlds vbam-sdl
1058 x connman bluez wpa_supplicant pptpclient openvpn
1059 x gap gap-doc gap-packages
1060 x texmaker
1061 x tensorflow
1063 k linux-lts linux-lts-docs linux-lts-headers
1064 k linux-lts419 linux-lts419-docs linux-lts419-headers
1065 k linux-firmware
1067 b root-66tree boot-66serv boot-user@-66mod tty@-66serv
1068 b consolekit-66serv lightdm-66serv dbus-66serv
1069 b sshd-66serv dmraid-66serv haveged-66serv
1070 b nginx-66serv
1071 b pgsql-initdb-66serv postgresql-66serv postgresql-docs
1073 o base obarun-build obarun-mkiso obarun-install-themes obshutdown-git
1074 G s6-suite
1075 x obnews obarun-zsh
1077 a memtest86+ syslinux grub intel-ucode amd-ucode
1079 a jwm wmctrl lsw spacefm awesome
1080 a transmission-gtk
1081 x transmission-cli
1082 a lxappearance-gtk3 lxterminal
1083 a qt5ct
1084 a okular mupdf xreader fbreader
1085 x evince
1086 a emacs kate geany leafpad
1087 a geeqie qiv
1088 a lightdm-gtk-greeter lxdm-gtk3
1089 a falkon seamonkey w3m luakit surf midori
1090 a gnome-mplayer clipgrab snappy-player celluloid gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly
1091 a alsa-utils asoundconf python-gobject
1092 a xdgmenumaker hsetroot gxmessage gtkwave gucharmap lasem autorandr galculator-gtk2 gcolor2 gmrun gsimplecal gsmartcontrol psensor xdialog xprintidle xsel
1093 a xtrlock
1094 a mtpaint scrot volumeicon gtk-engines
1095 a pidgin sylpheed hexchat psi mcabber
1096 a clutter clutter-gst clutter-gtk
1097 a gnumeric
1098 a chromium-bsu ucblogo kturtle critter irrlicht irrlicht-docs
1099 e vym
1100 p xdm-archlinux
1102 l lua-sec lua-lgi luarocks premake bam libluv tarantool tolua++
1104 d autoconf automake bison flex gettext patch pkgconf autogen
1105 d pacopts devtools namcap pacutils asp expac pkgfile ccache pacman-contrib repose tig
1106 d meson ninja gn samurai
1107 d gcc-ada gcc-fortran gcc-go gcc-objc tcc gdb intel-tbb
1108 d lldb lld
1109 d rust rust-docs rustup
1110 d nimble nim
1111 d dmd dmd-docs gdc ldc gtkd glibd dub dtools adrdox dfmt dscanner gir-to-d
1112 d clisp ecl sbcl owl-lisp
1113 d bigloo chicken gambit-c gauche mit-scheme slib
1114 d dash wren bc tk gprolog polyml openmp radare2 ragel nickle
1115 d mruby musl rubygems ruby-irb ruby-rdoc ruby-docs
1116 d ghc
1117 n nodejs npm
1118 x dart
1119 n boost cppcodec eigen ffcall figlet fmt glpk quilt rttr astyle
1120 d smalltalk squeak-vm
1122 n hq jq yq gumbo-parser jshon
1123 n libwebsockets http-parser tidy
1124 n mtr mtr-gtk nftables nmap aria2
1125 n sqlite-analyzer sqlite-doc sqlite-tcl
1126 n whitedb
1127 n fakechroot lsof lshw
1128 r traceroute ppp iputils nbd dhcpcd hdparm htop which usbutils sudo ltrace 
1129 n lzop abduco bsdiff chrootuid chrpath cpulimit cpupower elfkickers evemu gocr
1130 n hd-idle imvirt ipcalc isomd5sum memtester minisign patchelf pslist sipcalc tlp
1131 n socat stunnel proxytunnel httptunnel gnu-netcat proxychains-ng tinyproxy
1132 n man-db man-pages rfc
1133 n reptyr usb_modeswitch ddrescue
1134 n nginx webfs fcgi hitch pound
1135 n sslscan sslsplit sslstrip testssl.sh mkcert xca
1136 n dropbear dropbear-scp
1137 n libatasmart smartmontools dmidecode hddtemp idle3-tools read-edid cdrdao
1138 n lsb-release dkms kexec-tools msr-tools mkinitcpio-nfs-utils
1139 n reiserfsprogs squashfs-tools
1140 n docbook-dsssl docbook-mathml docbook-sgml docbook-sgml31 docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl
1141 n asciidoctor lout libharu podofo
1142 n vis vi e3 mg remacs emacs-nox zile ghex dhex hexedit
1143 n mathjax three.js pdfjs mathjax2
1144 n lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs
1145 a unrar p7zip unzip
1146 n gnurl
1147 p shfmt uncrustify translate-shell turbostat units vbindiff stfl mpop plowshare
1148 p iwd android-udev
1149 n you-get
1150 p mescc-tools 
1151 p wabt websocketpp wt vibe-d weboob-headless weechat ydcv tor
1152 p tinyssh tinc v2ray udns
1153 p mktorrent
1154 p unicode-character-database paps
1155 p arch-wiki-docs
1156 p polyclipping
1158 t breeze-gtk adapta-gtk-theme gtk-engine-murrine adapta-kde arc-gtk-theme arc-icon-theme faenza-icon-theme
1159 f ttf-droid ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine font-mathematica ttf-linux-libertine-g ttf-ubuntu-font-family opendesktop-fonts ttf-croscore dina-font ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-fantasque-sans-mono ttf-fira-code ttf-fira-mono
1160 f ttf-fira-sans ttf-font-awesome ttf-hanazono ttf-hannom ttf-ibm-plex ttf-inconsolata ttf-opensans ttf-proggy-clean ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-sazanami
1161 x ttf-freefont
1162 x numix-gtk-theme
1164 x xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse
1165 r xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void
1166 r xf86-video-ati xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-intel xf86-video-openchrome
1167 r xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-voodoo xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau
1168 r xorg-fonts-100dpi
1169 r xorg-server xorg-server-xephyr xorg-server-xnest xorg-server-xwayland
1170 a xorg-xinit xorg-xdm xorg-xkill xorg-xmag xorg-xmessage xorg-xmodmap xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xvidtune xorg-xwd xorg-xwud xorg-xev xorg-xbacklight
1171 n xorg-xdriinfo xorg-xvinfo xorg-xwininfo xorg-xdpyinfo
1172 x xvkbd
1173 n xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau
1174 a libva-mesa-driver libva-intel-driver libva-vdpau-driver mesa-vdpau opencl-mesa
1175 p xorg-x11perf xorg-xconsole xorg-xcursorgen xorg-xfd xorg-xfontsel xorg-xinput xorg-xkbevd xorg-xkbutils xorg-xlsatoms xorg-xlsclients xorg-xlsfonts xdo slop xautolock xautomation vdpauinfo
1176 n libxp xaw3d
1178 v qemu qemu-arch-extra unicorn
1179 v virtualbox virtualbox-guest-iso virtualbox-host-dkms virtualbox-sdk virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-utils-nox
1180 x virtualbox-host-modules-arch
1182 x networkmanager-66serv nfs-utils-66serv ntpd-66serv wpa_supplicant-66serv xdg-user-dirs-66serv
1183 x linux linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers
1184 x linux-hardened-headers linux-hardened-docs usbctl
1185 x compton
1186 x toxcore utox
1187 x l3afpad
1188 x neko
1189 x astromenace teeworlds vbam-sdl
1190 x connman bluez wpa_supplicant pptpclient openvpn
1191 x gap gap-doc gap-packages
1192 x texmaker
1193 x tensorflow
1195 fit() { local h f=$(readlink -f "$1") ; mkdir rm ; unset DIR ; while : ; do h=$(sed -n "1p" "$f") ; [[ "$h" = '---' ]] && break ; h=${h#*=} ; [ -z "$h" -o -f *$h*.mp4 ] && continue ; yt dl $h ; sed -i 1d "$f" ; echo "$h" >> "$f" ; done ; rm *.h *.dump cookies ; mv *.mp4 rm ; }
1197 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl N2j3MWu1Lvk 248)
1198 timeit at '20200520 20:30:00' ; elshintajkt
1199 timeit at '20200521 05:00:00' ; elshintajkt
1200 cp -r /home/oblive/z/pool/done/* /run/mnt/sdb1/a/e/ ; sync ; TT
1201 cp -r /home/oblive/z/pool/{e,h} /run/mnt/sdb1/a/ ; sync
1202 cp /home/oblive/z/pool/fit/rm/* /run/mnt/sdb1/a/d/fitlifetv/ ; sync
1206 libtransmission
1207 stig
1208 stig-git
1209 transmission-cli-git
1210 transmission-gtk-git
1211 transmission-utils
1214 ---\/--- obarun-JWM-2020.07.01
1215 alsa-plugins alsa-tools alsa-utils asoundconf autoconf autogen automake base bison boot-user@-66mod clipit connman-gtk connmand-66serv consolekit2 crda cupsd-66serv ddrescue efitools epdfview faenza-icon-theme flex galculator-gtk2 geany geeqie gmrun gparted gsfonts gsimplecal gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines gvfs-smb htop intel-ucode jwm libva-mesa-driver linux linux-firmware lxappearance make man-db man-pages materia-gtk-theme memtest86+ mesa-vdpau midori mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd notification-daemon numlockx obarun-zsh obnews obshutdown-git opencl-mesa openntpd p7zip pacopts patch perl-file-mimeinfo picom pidgin pkgconf polkit-gnome refind scrot spacefm sudo syslinux testdisk ttf-liberation unrar unzip upower usb_modeswitch usbutils vi volumeicon wgetpaste wireless_tools wpa_supplicant-66serv wvdial xarchiver-gtk2 xdg-user-dirs-66serv xdgmenumaker xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void xf86-video-ati xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-openchrome xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-voodoo xorg-font-util xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-server xorg-xev xorg-xinit xorg-xkill xterm zsh-completions
1216 +       xorg-xrandr
1217 +       celluloid falkon gcc-ada gcc-d xreader fbreader transmission-gtk lxterminal termite ruby ruby-docs tk sylpheed geany mupdf llpp zathura-pdf-mupdf obarun-build obarun-install obarun-install-themes obarun-libs libxp xaw3d cmake luarocks luakit awesome
1218 +       postgresql-docs pgsql-initdb-66serv
1219 -       arandr i3lock lynx nano parole rofi terminator zenity
1220 ---/\--- obarun-JWM-2020.07.01
1223 sudo ./chroot_overlay obarun-JWM-2020.07.01/sfs obarun-JWM-2020.07.01/overlay
1225 curl -kI https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl
1226 ping framagit.org
1228 The beauty of physics lies in its coherence in terms of a few fundamental concepts and principles. Even physicists have occasion to marvel at the overarching reach of basic principles and their ability to account for features stretching from the microscopic sub-atomic world to the cosmological expanses of the Universe. While mathematics is its natural language, physics is mostly about patterns, connections, and relations between objects and phenomena, and it is this aspect that is emphasized in this book.
1229 Since science tries to connect phenomena that at first sight appear widely different, while boiling them down to a small set of essential principles and laws, metaphor and analogy pervade our subject. Consider the pendulum, its swing from one extreme to the other often invoked in social or economic contexts. In molecular vibrations, such as in the CO2 molecule, the quantum motions of electrons and nuclei are metaphorically the pendulums. In electromagnetic radiation, including the visible light we observe, there are not even any concrete material particles, only electric and magnetic fields executing simple harmonic motion. But, to a physicist, they are all "just a pendulum".
1230 The selection of topics reflects the author's own four-decade career in research physics and his resultant perspective on the subject. While aimed primarily at physicists, including junior students, this book also addresses other readers who are willing to think with symbols and simple algebra in understanding the physical world around us. Each chapter, on themes such as dimensions, transformations, symmetries, or maps, begins with simple examples accessible to all while connecting them later to more sophisticated realizations in more advanced topics of physics
1232 Quantum physicist, New York Times bestselling author, and BBC host Jim Al-Khalili offers a fascinating and illuminating look at what physics reveals about the world. Shining a light on the most profound insights revealed by modern physics, Jim Al-Khalili invites us all to understand what this crucially important science tells us about the universe and the nature of reality itself. Al-Khalili begins by introducing the fundamental concepts of space, time, energy, and matter, and then describes the three pillars of modern physics—quantum theory, relativity, and thermodynamics—showing how all three must come together if we are ever to have a full understanding of reality. Using wonderful examples and thought-provoking analogies, Al-Khalili illuminates the physics of the extreme cosmic and quantum scales, the speculative frontiers of the field, and the physics that underpins our everyday experiences and technologies, bringing the reader up to speed with the biggest ideas in physics in just a few sittings. Physics is revealed as an intrepid human quest for ever more foundational principles that accurately explain the natural world we see around us, an undertaking guided by core values such as honesty and doubt. The knowledge discovered by physics both empowers and humbles us, and still, physics continues to delve valiantly into the unknown. Making even the most enigmatic scientific ideas accessible and captivating, this deeply insightful book illuminates why physics matters to everyone and calls one and all to share in the profound adventure of seeking truth in the world around us.
1238 a=MIYA
1239 echo ${a,,}
1240 echo ${a^^}
1241 echo ${a:0:1}
1242 echo ${a/i/I} ${a//i/I}
1244 echo ${a+natsuyaki}
1247 gitit cbd landley 'https://github.com/landley/$repo.git' toybox mkroot
1252 sudo pacman -U /run/mnt/sdc1/obarun/dist/obarun/repo/obextra/{obarun-install-2.0.3-1,obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1,obarun-libs-0.1.8-3}-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /run/mnt/sdc1/obarun/dist/arch/repo/core/dialog-1:1.3_20191210-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
1253 ( cd / ; sudo patch -p 2 < '/home/oblive/z/pool/patch' )
1258 Long before European empires came to dominate the Middle East, Britain was brought face to face with Islam through the activities of the Barbary corsairs. For three centuries after 1500, Muslim ships based in North African ports terrorized European shipping, capturing thousands of vessels and enslaving hundreds of thousands of Christians. Encountering Islam is the fascinating story of one Englishman's experience of life within a Muslim society, as both Christian slave and Muslim soldier. Born in Exeter around 1662, Joseph Pitts was captured by Algerian pirates on his first voyage in 1678. Sold as a slave in Algiers, he underwent forced conversion to Islam. Sold again, he accompanied his kindly third master on pilgrimage to Mecca, so becoming the first Englishman known to have visited the Muslim Holy Places. Granted his freedom, Pitts became a soldier, going on campaign against the Moroccans and Spanish before venturing on a daring escape while serving with the Algiers fleet. Crossing much of Italy and Germany on foot, he finally reached Exeter seventeen years after he had left. Joseph Pitts's A Faithful Account of the Religion and Manners of the Mahometans, first published in 1704, is a unique combination of captivity narrative, travel account and description of Islam. It describes his time in Algiers, his life as a slave, his conversion, his pilgrimage to Mecca (the first such detailed description in English), Muslim ritual and practice, and his audacious escape. A Christian for most of his life, Pitts also had the advantage of living as a Muslim within a Muslim society. Nowhere in the literature of the period is there a more intimate and poignant account of identity conflict.
1260 Encountering Islam contains a faithful rendering of the definitive 1731 edition of Pitts's book, together with critical historical, religious and linguistic notes. The introduction tells what is known of Pitts's life, and places his work against its historical background, and in the context of current scholarship on captivity narratives and Anglo-Muslim relations of the period. Paul Auchterlonie, an Arabist, worked for forty years as a librarian specializing in Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, and from 1981 to 2011 was librarian in charge of the Middle East collections at the University of Exeter. He is the author and editor of numerous works on Middle Eastern bibliography and library science, and has recently published articles on historical and cultural relations between Britain and the Middle East. He is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter.
1262 git clone --shallow-submodules --depth 1 --bare https://github.com/transmission/transmission
1264 gitit cbd transmission 'https://github.com/transmission/$repo' transmission dht libb64 libevent libnatpmp libutp miniupnpc
1268 pacman -Qql mkinitcpio | sed '/\/$/d'
1269 mkinitcpio
1270 archiso
1271 obarun-mkiso
1273 'http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch'
1276 ]===]
1278 youtube {[[
1280 RAMUAN BAHARI PULAU PANGEMPANG (16102919) Part 1-fmt22_720p-183984504-q_hX0tqnoqI.mp4
1282 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0fbm0Act0A
1284 d95mZPLde4M SIKKA, EKSOTISME TANAH TRADISI (28/08/19) Part 1
1286 for h in R9wajAFojtQ TViCLuU_uTY luxVln5-Gs4 rjrZFjw8Bzg EtsYDhpzHaw W2y3-FPeHO0 aODTrtkLHt4 ; do ls -l z/store/*/*$h* ; read ; done
1288 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=prostat
1289 uz0wf8HlBK4
1290 m232jPb14rQ
1291 -KwEfPvXSXs
1292 vb0ZEma2osE
1293 VbcWsUX9bdA
1294 Cqfh3kwZlWw
1295 VpzY8km6Zas
1296 NK9Zzl9d-Rc
1297 DsTpuSrLlZs
1298 KjbEUIk87Wo
1299 kUq7G8CnB5E
1300 B8Upe7cMzJQ
1301 jb5Vf8n3pEs
1302 zuwCpL1fSqs
1303 Sv0v8cZ0HEs
1304 VF40J_au7sI
1305 DL2R-tPEEtI
1306 dli prostat 
1308 (IOq_9Z2xfVY)
1310 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=china
1311 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCDDYb_M2B4 CCTV LIVE
1313 dli h/save "" "現場直播:中共建政70週年(10月1日)前夕,尖沙咀鐘樓組人鏈牽手到太子-fmt22_720p-1675491398-3YqJRDs0rqA.mp4"
1315 dli h/save "" "Live: Grand celebration honoring 70th anniversary of PRC's founding 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年-fmt247_720p-2512792868-X_Z9QE4EblY.webm"
1317 dli h/save "" "LIVE: China holds grand gathering, parade on 70th National Day-fmt248_1080p-3409352772-dit7zmnzAh0.webm"
1319 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=chinese+70th+national+day
1321 dli h/save "" "LIVE: Gala performance and fireworks in Beijing during China’s 70th National Day-fmt247_720p-1099174284-cgJbNo90oX0.webm"
1323 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgJbNo90oX0
1324 TypEKtdYN6w 《庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会 阅兵式 群众游行特别报道》 20191001 | CCTV - Durasi: 2.52.42. CCTV中国中央电视台 1.170.345 x ditonton
1325 dli h/save "" "《庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会 阅兵式 群众游行特别报道》 20191001 | CCTV-fmt248_1080p-2815396907-TypEKtdYN6w.webm"
1327 JzrpCC7XmyE Full video: China's Grand military parade celebration - Durasi: 1.40.43. CCTV English 1.096.179 x ditonton
1329 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Z9QE4EblY
1330 wBHVKIw8VJ8 Live: Gala celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary北京天安门广场举办国庆联欢活动 - Durasi: 2.21.16. CGTN 73.112 x ditonton
1331 dli h/save "" "Live: Gala celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary北京天安门广场举办国庆联欢活动-fmt247_720p-1433018144-wBHVKIw8VJ8.webm"
1332 6Kpw92QMAlk 直播回看:中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式特别报道 - Durasi: 2.37.04. CCTV中国中央电视台 266.289 x ditonton
1333 dli h/save "" "直播回看:中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式特别报道-fmt22_720p-2045043998-6Kpw92QMAlk.mp4"
1335 ofimgaO7Qck [中华人民共和国成立70周年] 阅兵分列式 | CCTV - Durasi: 49.40. CCTV中国中央电视台 4.698.387 x ditonton
1336 dli h/save "" "[中华人民共和国成立70周年] 阅兵分列式 | CCTV-fmt251_opus-35802012-ofimgaO7Qck.webm"
1338 SNH48 Group - BEJ48 Team E Mini Live at Shanghai Xingmeng Theater 20191003 Hc0-4v_cbuA
1339 BEJ48 201901005 Team E 《星梦Mini Live》 上海巡演 - Durasi: 1.07.00. YHEgKHEUjJs
1340 BEJ48 20191005 Team E 《宇宙e奇幻不眠夜》上海巡演 - Durasi: 3.18.52. jscp2iR9U9c
1345 sPkkU_zgIqI jqTlVsMBC_o HL2MMLWi37M CEUh8pdWruI Q0PHEBbFofM
1347 yMwe8ezXx6Q
1349 oznZFP3DDYQ
1350 WXsfS5VSZ7E
1352 xJxuxYBNRuA
1354 URL="https://r2---sn-nh5gu-n0cl.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1580190968&ei=mHgvXovpGdTCoAO7jpFg&ip="
1355 curlit temp /run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e "$URL" \
1356 "e0TF_ALC4YU BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2020-01-18 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3280511346.mp4"
1358 "f9y73l4f-j4 BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演  (2020-01-12 晚场)-fmt22_720p-2726325404.mp4"
1359 "xqmsATkoojQ GNZ48 Team NIII《Fiona.N》剧场公演 (2020-01-05 午场)-fmt248_1080p-2096582685.webm"
1360 NdA0C3j1JHw
1361 "oRS0gu8DYLk BEJ48 Team J 《Hakuna Matata》剧场公演  (2020-01-17 晚场)-fmt248_1080p-2293660832.webm"
1362 "FebResI5nXU BEJ48 Team B《B A Fighter》两周年剧场公演 (2020-01-18 午场)-fmt248_1080p-3070879739.webm"
1363 "e0m5_cT3BtI 《命运的H号》刁滢生日公演 SHY48 TeamHⅢ 20181201-fmt248_1080p-3199058773.webm"
1364 "XMvAlhfpjd0 《Idol.S》公演 SHY48 TeamSⅢ 20181202-fmt248_1080p-2486056281.webm"
1365 "LvD-MPqkrLs 《命运的H号》公演 SHY48 TeamHⅢ 20181202-fmt248_1080p-2867023023.webm"
1366 "_YfKR8UQz5k 《命运的H号》剧场公演 SHY48 TeamHⅢ 20181208-fmt22_720p-2303243899.mp4"
1367 "AJNoRSffSXo 《Idol.S》赵天杨生日公演 SHY48 TeamSⅢ 20181209-fmt22_720p-3234087434.mp4"
1368 "qjuinWaxMFQ 《命运的H号》剧场公演 SHY48 TeamHⅢ 20181209-fmt22_720p-2445129613.mp4"
1369 "1isYTx2CIdU BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演  (2020-01-05 晚场)-fmt22_720p-2862306913.mp4"
1370 "J4QSLZ6OV5k 《命运的H号》剧场公演 SHY48 TeamHⅢ 20181222-fmt22_720p-2676179358.mp4"
1371 "e3KsFDHiKOY 《Idol.S》剧场公演 SHY48 TeamSⅢ 20181222-fmt248_1080p-2865251278.webm"
1372 "Fvmd58Oznww 《Fiona.N》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20200105-fmt22_720p-2165528262.mp4"
1373 "kpKLBXsfxbg 《十八个闪耀瞬间》杨媛媛生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20200104-fmt22_720p-3732637114.mp4"
1374 "n2BD3XONSHw 《Call爆你3001》全团联合特别公演 GNZ48 20200101-fmt22_720p-2772628497.mp4"
1375 "hx-iVLcZO8U BEJ48 《跨年联合公演》剧场公演 (2019-12-31 晚场)-fmt248_1080p-3070911086.webm"
1376 "ryWMJ1r1f4M 191221 SNH48 Group 第六届年度金曲大赏 BEST 50-fmt313_2160p-12202157128.webm"
1377 "gqOTAvRQIyk SNH48 Group 第六届年度金曲大赏 BEST 50-fmt248_1080p-3819341439.webm"
1378 "Mg_0wDkaES8 《16号街区》剧场公演 SHY48 20181223-fmt248_1080p-2873895649.webm"
1379 "B3gBMwrLXKU 《巡演记-十六号街区》剧场公演 SHY48 20190101-fmt248_1080p-2787446394.webm"
1380 "DwJYC5YC9yw 《巡演记-十六号街区》剧场公演 SHY48 20190112-fmt248_1080p-2809684340.webm"
1381 "pqKL7apBO2U 《重生计划》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191229-fmt22_720p-3057878850.mp4"
1382 "jWleAz16reY 《Fiona.N》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20191130-fmt248_1080p-2450081480.webm"
1383 "-gWxuoj9Zjs 《Victoria.G》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20191214-fmt22_720p-2399492071.mp4"
1384 "qmPJXcYgpY4 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20191201-fmt22_720p-2526520026.mp4"
1385 "vkONAWt_wDQ 《Fiona.N》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20191208-fmt22_720p-2480038870.mp4"
1386 "-JTBxgwANhE 191214 SNH48 Team NII《N.E.W 2.0》1-fmt22_720p-3464164582.mp4"
1387 FFzxoZAEFD8 《遗忘的国度》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191215-fmt22_720p-2650234852.mp4
1388 Q0PHEBbFofM 《重生计划》张语格生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191208-fmt22_720p-4909304791.mp4
1389 sPkkU_zgIqI 《重生计划》戴萌生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191201-fmt22_720p-3538226832.mp4
1390 vAy2wfN_yBQ BEJ48 20191208 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演-fmt22_720p-2443945329.mp4
1391 a9iqsc_VjBk BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演  (2019-12-07 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3291858667.mp4
1392 Xc8UinHp__4 BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》2.0首演 (2019-12-06 晚场)-fmt22_720p-2753028992.mp4
1393 85FDRBR4ZQI BEJ48 20191214 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演-fmt22_720p-2893004148.mp4
1394 iXOsodH5EqQ 《S队成队六周年庆》公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191129-fmt248_1080p-3829827314.webm
1395 61-IorsCym8 BEJ48 20191207 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演-fmt22_720p-2385963942.mp4
1396 RK-_aefNSJU 《Girl X》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191130-fmt248_1080p-3123621642.webm
1397 rDE8xYEeih8 《时之卷》何晓玉生日公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191130-fmt248_1080p-3403831234.webm
1398 《Girl X》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191124-fmt248_1080p-2560870991-0JcBZn3WjOY.webm
1399 《橘色奇迹》万丽娜生日公演 SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20191123-fmt248_1080p-3657090571-zWnX--GM49I.webm
1400 b6gdslleQjM
1401 BEJ48 20191130 Team E《羽化成蝶》张笑盈生日公演-fmt22_720p-3085225360-yb4FFIh0L1k.mp4
1402 BEJ48 20191124 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》) 剧场公演-fmt22_720p-2567722550-kNvgxBF9KD8.mp4
1403 BEJ48 20191123 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演-fmt22_720p-3409360109-Hy6hmWv3vug.mp4
1404 《时之卷》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191122-fmt248_1080p-2709225840-VKcXXFXZU7U.webm
1405 《重生计划》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191121-fmt248_1080p-2994625433-AG7wFJT3-B4.webm
1406 《六周年庆公演》 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191117-fmt248_1080p-3260465595-hG14cLk-DF4.webm
1407 《头号新闻》陈盼生日公演 SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20191116-fmt248_1080p-3392704013-_Gp7TyaiWjk.webm
1408 《Girl X》孙歆文生日公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191116-fmt248_1080p-3208047530-0VRmudws-EM.webm
1409 《重生计划》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191114-fmt248_1080p-2508359947-DLUXJmAlpBM.webm
1410 BEJ48 20191116 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演-fmt248_1080p-2975960900-hCfw0quIsSw.webm
1411 BEJ48 20191117 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)葛司琪生日公演-fmt248_1080p-2037692597-tqr4Jjo6hlQ.webm
1412 BEJ48 20191117 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演-fmt248_1080p-2397720941-bmpDJs9zdeY.webm
1413 BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演  (2019-11-09 午场)-fmt22_720p-2971556841-qozFgbAu8q0.mp4
1414 BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-11-03 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3076934042-NIJAcYN2-Gc.mp4
1415 BEJ48 Team J《J队三周年+万圣节特殊公演》剧场公演  (2019-11-02 晚場)-fmt22_720p-2088724010-eWyVGuXOwjk.mp4
1416 BEJ48 三队联合《TOP16答谢公演》剧场公演  (2019-11-10 )-fmt248_1080p-2175493762-QqsdStKMO5k.webm
1417 BEJ48 Team J《梦想的旗帜》剧场公演 + 第六屆年度金曲大賞BEST50 中報 (2019-10-27 晚場)-fmt22_720p-2820521715-rg61aCloF0w.mp4
1418 BEJ48 Team B《万圣节特殊公演》特殊公演  (2019-10-26 晚場)-fmt22_720p-3009316267-yqXYVnsIC2Q.mp4
1419 BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》冯薪朵兼任首演  (2019-11-08晚场)-fmt248_1080p-3524063729-sBRVuev0db0.webm
1420 BEJ48 20191105 Team E 【悠唐KTV】B50预热场-fmt22_720p-2231436441-4mpNVVAQFYo.mp4
1421 《时之卷》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191102-fmt248_1080p-3455851190--nt6DHrzeT4.webm
1422 《时之卷》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191101-fmt248_1080p-2792746336-9qfkOSzJp-s.webm
1423 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20191101-fmt248_1080p-1847669348--QvdW2JtfTo.webm
1424 万圣节特别公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ  20191031-fmt248_1080p-3647263802-xKasTt8cwn4.webm
1425 《命运的X号》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191026-fmt248_1080p-2543550838-agRs0Oo8xmM.webm
1426 《命运的X号》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191025-fmt248_1080p-2606563176-S6lFZHBd79Y.webm
1427 《时之卷》 剧场公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191024-fmt248_1080p-2811655699-G4sa6cUgpiU.webm
1428 BEJ48 20191102 Team J 《J队三周年+万圣节特殊公演》特殊公演-fmt248_1080p-3520053082-5MlK3L4U7nI.webm
1429 BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》程戈生日公演-fmt248_1080p-2962885473-wVQCIBSO8fI.webm
1430 《重生计划》公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191020-fmt248_1080p-2572541592-4fv3t_qDhf8.webm
1431 BEJ48 20191102 Team B 程戈生日会 (参与成员:沈小爱,赵天杨,刘姝贤)-fmt22_720p-762284293}-gTIotQBkTeI.mp4
1432 《时之卷》公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191019-fmt248_1080p-3345208517-oXHBv4Z_Xcs.webm
1433 《Victoria.G》朱怡欣生日公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20191027-fmt248_1080p-3431329745--Iwo3ix1rQ0.webm
1434 《重生计划》孙芮生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191027-fmt248_1080p-3425412645-xyIUJmbDPYE.webm
1435 《Fiona.N》剧场公演(第六届年度金曲大赏BEST50 中报)  GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20191027-fmt248_1080p-2168145964-7ifu2wL4XyI.webm
1436 《橘色奇迹》剧场公演B50中报   SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20191027-fmt248_1080p-2946626960-lICzjQunWFk.webm
1437 BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演  (2019-10-27 午場)-fmt22_720p-3186084162-aXWHfPDZ360.mp4
1438 BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》李娜生日公演 (2019-10-26 下午場)-fmt22_720p-3651193491-iE5uGotCpgs.mp4
1439 BEJ48 Team B 《B A Fighter》剧场公演 (2019-10-25 晚場)-fmt22_720p-3184843477-c5aokKGTJQ0.mp4
1440 《十八个闪耀瞬间》熊心瑶生日公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20190831-fmt248_1080p-3529760088-RChBmj3EIAQ.webm
1441 《橘色奇迹》公演 SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20190829-fmt248_1080p-2791273855-IwkE27SKRpw.webm
1442 BEJ48 TeamJ 《夢想的旗幟》劇場公演 (2019-10-20 晚場)-fmt248_1080p-2680161626-rUvlWe7ajSs.webm
1443 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》首演參場及張愛靜生日公演 (2019-10-20 下午場)-fmt248_1080p-3849721357-L_7Rn0dSWUM.webm
1444 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》首演貳場 (2019-10-19 晚場)-fmt248_1080p-4356574839-Re9_Z-vhLq4.webm
1445 BEJ48 TeamB 《B A Fighter》劇場公演 (2019-10-19 下午場)-fmt248_1080p-2925582955-nkKd4OWp0Vs.webm
1446 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》原創公演首演 (2019-10-18 晚場)-fmt248_1080p-3597698067-zP8RCSYfjho.webm
1447 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》原創公演首演 (2019-10-18 晚場)-fmt313_2160p-19677114454-zP8RCSYfjho.webm
1448 《十八个闪耀瞬间》农燕萍生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190824-fmt248_1080p-4065794024-enIeIdfNR20.webm
1449 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20191006-fmt248_1080p-3071152178-X-vbcHBjBB4.webm
1450 《Victoria.G》陈佳莹生日公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20190928-fmt248_1080p-2740708266-WogUWgOs1iM.webm
1451 《时之卷》公演 第六届年度金曲大赏速报 SNH48 TeanNⅡ 20191013-fmt248_1080p-3208796885-LKQyvp6Z0Oc.webm
1452 《重生计划》特别公演 SNH48 20191013-fmt248_1080p-3831412991-VqdEdo3XfPk.webm
1453 《时之卷》公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20191011-fmt248_1080p-2909403294-y8hT2EFuzHw.webm
1454 BEJ48 TeamE 《Universe》千秋樂  (2019-10-13 下午場)-fmt248_1080p-3226326078-l2FDjW-LkDc.webm
1455 BEJ48 TeamB 《B A Fighter》及第六屆年度金曲大賞速報公演 (2019-10-13 晚場)-fmt248_1080p-2158630748-mI9Fuv_CdYo.webm
1456 BEJ48 TeamJ 《夢想的旗幟》劇場公演 (2019-10-12 晚場)-fmt248_1080p-2395044725-IrX2BNfjulI.webm
1457 《命运的X号》潘瑛琪生日公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191007-fmt248_1080p-3509413289-mVnl2szRVfk.webm
1458 《Victoria.G》阳青颖生日公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20191004-fmt248_1080p-3536665599-zhSWHAdBMUg.webm"
1459 BEJ48 Team B 《B A Fighter》剧场公演(2019-09-27晚場)-fmt251_opus-175756985-q1G56VWibX0.webm
1460 BEJ48 TeamE 《宇宙奇幻不眠夜》上海巡演 2019-10-04 晚場-fmt248_1080p-3243907462-Ym6QF_LIemk.webm
1461 BEJ48 TeamE 《宇宙奇幻不眠夜》上海巡演 2019-10-05 晚場-fmt248_1080p-3085635004-ZDBCCkWTyx0.webm
1462 《重生计划》刘增艳生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20190915-fmt248_1080p-3586733901--XVVFTuFknk.webm
1463 《Girl X》公演 SNH48 TeamX 20190908-fmt248_1080p-3131649946-kknZ6xs2fnQ.webm
1464 《时之卷》公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20190911-fmt251_opus-183012479-MFMJl_981_g.webm
1465 《时之卷》公演 SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20190911-fmt248_1080p-3493793302-MFMJl_981_g.webm
1466 BEJ48 Team J《梦想的旗帜》金锣赛生日公演 (2019-09-22下午場)-fmt248_1080p-3201678812-_zKvHYsXB8c.webm
1467 你好!李艺彤!”  SNH48 李艺彤毕业公演 20190912-fmt251_opus-157049039-wXxHoZqNBa4.webm
1468 六周年庆公演 SNH48 20190914-fmt251_opus-206643557-v0fbm0Act0A.webm
1469 六周年庆公演 SNH48 20190914-fmt248_1080p-3922414525-v0fbm0Act0A.webm
1470 《重生计划》钱蓓婷生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20191006-fmt248_1080p-3480626442-6D2aug26lak.webm
1471 BEJ48 TeamB 《B A Fighter》劇場公演 (2019-10-25 晚場) c5aokKGTJQ0 720p
1472 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》李娜生日公演 (2019-10-26 下午場) iE5uGotCpgs 720p
1473 BEJ48 TeamB 《萬聖節特殊公演》 (2019-10-26 晚場) yqXYVnsIC2Q 720p
1474 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》劇場公演 (2019-10-27 下午場) aXWHfPDZ360 720p
1475 BEJ48 TeamJ 《夢想的旗幟》劇場公演 (2019-10-27 晚場) rg61aCloF0w 720p
1477 BEJ48 TeamJ 《夢想的旗幟》剧场公演 (2019-11-01 晚場) JAb_xzmypDk
1478 BEJ48 TeamB 《十八個閃耀瞬間──絕密代碼》程戈生日公演 (2019-11-02 下午場) wVQCIBSO8fI 1080p
1479 BEJ48 TeamJ 《J隊三周年 + 萬聖節特殊公演》(2019-11-02 晚場) eWyVGuXOwjk 720p
1480 BEJ48 TeamB 《十八個閃耀瞬間──絕密代碼》剧场公演 (2019-11-03 下午場) KXDyANDINJo 720p
1481 BEJ48 TeamE 《羽化成蝶》劇場公演 (2019-11-03 晚場) NIJAcYN2-Gc 720p
1483 sBRVuev0db0 BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》冯薪朵兼任首演 (2019-11-08晚场) 1080p
1484 qozFgbAu8q0 BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 (2019-11-09 午场) 720p
1485 lYo2QYAuDgE BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-11-09 晚场)
1486 QqsdStKMO5k BEJ48 三队联合《TOP16答谢公演》剧场公演 (2019-11-10) 1080p
1488 YO2ghmX7SeI BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 (2019-11-15 晚场) 7wukEBqUBiE
1489 JP7FG8LaN0A BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》 彭嘉敏生日公演 (2019-11-16 午场) zgY3OAFr0eE
1490 -IBCb4FQ4_c BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 (2019-11-16 晚场) hCfw0quIsSw
1491 kROXgfxViZM BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》 葛司琪生日公演 (2019-11-17 午场) tqr4Jjo6hlQ
1492 rfmBUKKDt5Q BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-11-17 晚场) bmpDJs9zdeY
1494 NQgdvVvJg4I BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-11-22 晚场) - Durasi: 2 jam, 48 menit
1495 dhSTAriSqzw BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》 刘闲生日公演 (2019-11-23 午场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 39 menit
1496 E2uP6gu9KqU BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-11-23 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 20 menit
1497 -KxlcobVBIE BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-11-24 午场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 10 menit
1498 2yYUSmh-Lrg BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 (2019-11-24 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 33 menit
1500 ITSsu2lv2Zg BEJ48 20191122 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 2.28.14
1501 0hrBYMWJqRE BEJ48 20191123 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)刘闲生日公演 3.22.41
1502 Hy6hmWv3vug BEJ48 20191123 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 2.55.27
1503 kNvgxBF9KD8 BEJ48 20191124 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》) 剧场公演 2.43.19
1504  4PLi9EenxQo BEJ48 20191124 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 2.58.41
1506 rBYlzflL0mw BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》 J队新生亮相公演 (2019-11-29 晚场)
1507 yUybcZT12VE BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》 张笑盈生日公演 (2019-11-30 午场)
1508 lZcZfJ_fjxY BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 (2019-11-30 晚场)
1509 7J9-byhx4Ts BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-12-01 午场)
1510 33ciGiZ4aVM BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-01 晚场)
1512 wSOmt9hF8t8 BEJ48 20191129 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》) J队新生亮相公演 - Durasi: 3.22.30
1513 yb4FFIh0L1k BEJ48 20191130 Team E《羽化成蝶》张笑盈生日公演 3.25.27
1514 qh7ywT31UC8 BEJ48 20191130 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演 - Durasi: 3.26.20
1515 kkvktt6QOIM BEJ48 20191201 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》) 剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.23.32
1516 dFqHvLj2gus BEJ48 20191201 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 - Durasi: 3.07.17
1518 Xc8UinHp__4 BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》2.0首演 (2019-12-06 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 7 menit
1519 Zh5CiBbN1Bc BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-07 午场) - Durasi: 2 jam, 50 menit
1520 a9iqsc_VjBk BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 (2019-12-07 晚场) - Durasi: 4 jam
1521  4x5ndY61bjY BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》 唐霖生日公演 (2019-12-08 午场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 31 menit
1522 fPqw2iqSrXU BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-08 晚场) - Durasi: 2 jam, 48 menit
1524 VwXadYI55R4 BEJ48 20191206 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》2.0首演
1525 61-IorsCym8 BEJ48 20191207 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.32.02
1526 GN0af5fjOdA BEJ48 20191207 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演
1527 btwYJI_dq6c BEJ48 20191208 Team J《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)唐霖生日公演
1528 vAy2wfN_yBQ BEJ48 20191208 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.34.40
1530  yzUgrGGa3X4 BEJ48 Team J 《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-12-13 晚场)
1531  2gz2eVYlA4E BEJ48 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 (2019-12-14 午场)
1532 mGk6vHCYOGw BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-14 晚场) - Durasi: 3.23.43
1533  3S4oW10NtJI BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-12-15 午场) Durasi: 3.01.43.
1534  8x4ARO5pkyU BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 (2019-12-15 晚场)
1536 rreO7FKR8gs BEJ48 20191213 Team J《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.38.53
1537 NFFJ2rLG2y8 BEJ48 20191214 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.52.24
1538 85FDRBR4ZQI BEJ48 20191214 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.59.37
1539 SdI0jdp0yns BEJ48 20191215 Team J《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.42.53
1540 vCtOkwHP2cw BEJ48 20191215 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.37.09
1542 2qV7FTZMR2c BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-27 晚场)
1543 RfmJ4DTn3Cc BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 (2019-12-28 午场) - Durasi: 3.00.39
1544 qGXFAQHxMNY BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2019-12-28 晚场)
1545 zp2NL1JOcuE BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2019-12-29 午场) - Durasi: 2.34.04
1546 HtZsmdgMRk4 BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 (2019-12-29 晚场) - Durasi: 2.54.44
1548 y3pXXIh0uoE BEJ48 20191227 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.47.14
1549 ZbfwhlGamo4 BEJ48 20191228 Team B 《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演 - Durasi: 2.40.46
1551 oOsgvO04l8E BEJ48 周湘 口袋直播 咔咔咔👀 20191228 - Durasi: 2.13.06
1553 hx-iVLcZO8U BEJ48 《跨年联合公演》剧场公演 (2019-12-31 晚场) - Durasi: 3.26.34
1554 vWNfNK-vhV0 BEJ48 Team E 《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2020-01-03 晚场)
1557 oRS0gu8DYLk BEJ48 Team J 《Hakuna Matata》剧场公演 (2020-01-17 晚场) - Durasi: 2.44.02
1558 FebResI5nXU BEJ48 Team B《B A Fighter》两周年剧场公演 (2020-01-18 午场) - Durasi: 3.49.10
1559 e0TF_ALC4YU BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演 (2020-01-18 晚场) - Durasi: 3.34.05.
1562 gqOTAvRQIyk SNH48 Group 第六届年度金曲大赏 BEST 50 - Durasi: 3.51.05
1563 5e0Y_au0GMI SNH48 Group 第六届年度金曲大赏 BEST 50 (备用:线2直播间) - Durasi: 3.35.26
1564 vZMEpHhny1U SNH48 GROUP - BEST 125 Original music 原创音乐排名 (125-51) - Durasi: 1.07.51
1565 BKevwji7v1A SNH48 GROUP - BEST 125 Original music 原创音乐排名 (50-1) - Durasi: 1.08.02
1566 ZxRCHCuCdWc SNH48 Group 6th General Elections - Shanghai (Full) 20170727 - Durasi: 5.42.57
1567 ZVncp5PGrt8 【SNH48group】青春有你2宣传片中出现的小偶像安利(上)
1568 5lBLkHu6bx8 SNH48 Group Top48《有你》 旅行日记 轻综艺 - Durasi: 12.02
1569 MWG854J2S9Q BEJ48 Team B "笨" MV (Full HD) 20191011 - Durasi: 6.48
1570 "6GJ3khWxk3A 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20200118-fmt22_720p-3073248668.mp4"
1571 "HEM8RxP8jic 《N.E.W》剧场公演  SNH48 TeamNⅡ 20200105-fmt22_720p-2212938299.mp4"
1572 "tNIG2gY6f7o 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191229-fmt22_720p-2275878870.mp4"
1573 "LOnreKAlvpA 2020北京春晚 | 苏大强、谢广坤南北“作爹”合体这谁能受得了,上演《都挺好》续集《勿忘我》笑着笑着就哭了-fmt248_1080p-273470635.webm"
1574 "i82m8MWHTFc 天津卫视 2020 春节晚会:德云社相声晚会 郭德纲于谦带新作拜年,岳云鹏带全场合唱《送情郎》-fmt248_1080p-2800783420.webm"
1575 "7BIxgr9k6Jo GNZ48 Team Z《十八个闪耀瞬间》杨媛媛生日公演 (2020-01-04 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3893597409.mp4"
1576 yXuwuPC7VIM GNZ48 Team Z《三角函数》剧场公演 (2020-01-11 午场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 43 menit.
1577 "3fU8Io2qaEA 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20200111-fmt22_720p-2586570592.mp4"
1578 "fJXwsxN0T8A 《三角函数》剧场公演  GNZ48 TeamZ 20200103-fmt22_720p-2415340927.mp4"
1579 "vpvwikg0ywM 《Victoria.G》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20200110-fmt22_720p-2597213661.mp4"
1580 "pcnme89fokY 《Victoria.G》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamG 20200104-fmt22_720p-2542322370.mp4"
1581 "5VJll5IxUHA 《头号新闻》剧场公演 SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20191229-fmt22_720p-2849520370.mp4"
1583 4TndotJTixY BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2020-01-05 午场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 6 menit.
1585 ZYIOUP_haKc 《凛冬的羽翼》新年特殊公演 CKG48 20191231 - Durasi: 2 jam, 29 menit.
1586 so6MpPmbPD0 《凛冬的羽翼》新年特殊公演 CKG48 20200101 - Durasi: 2 jam, 44 menit.
1587 VJ-xll1sTWU 《Miss Camellia 2020》谯玉珍生日公演 CKG48 20200111 - Durasi: 3 jam, 3 menit.
1588 8dVsheY6ZwE 《十八个闪耀瞬间》刘倩倩生日公演 GNZ48 TeamNⅢ 20200111 - Durasi: 3 jam, 45 menit.
1589         TPuRh5fRXVU GNZ48 Team NIII《十八个闪耀瞬间》刘倩倩生日公演 (2020-01-11 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 44 menit.
1590 9odnNbS1QCA 《凛冬的羽翼》王梦竹生日公演 CKG48 20200118 - Durasi: 3 jam, 21 menit.
1592 "z286I1UqQQQ 《头号新闻》剧场公演  SNH48 TeamHⅡ 20200103-fmt22_720p-2646387303.mp4"
1593 "p0uXxKvyNMI SNH48 Team X《遗忘的国度》公演 (2020-01-04 晚场)-fmt248_1080p-3416884298.webm"
1594 "C75bff3nqgI BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演  (2020-01-10 晚场)-fmt22_720p-2650024682.mp4"
1595 "EITvmhqgrkM BEJ48 Team J《HAKUNA MATATA》剧场公演 (2020-01-12 午场)-fmt248_1080p-2357189863.webm"
1596 "-3raI-63dBQ SNH48 Team X《遗忘的国度》 公演  (2020-01-18 午场)-fmt248_1080p-3652183599.webm"
1597 "2v25pyDNnsA 《重生计划》陈俊羽生日公演 SNH48 TeamSⅡ 20200105-fmt22_720p-2712663539.mp4"
1598 "KZNJDu-dkPI SNH48 Team NII《N.E.W》 公演 (2020-01-04 午场)-fmt248_1080p-2409950260.webm"
1599 "d882PoTf8-M GNZ48 Team NIII《十八个闪耀瞬间》冼燊楠生日公演 (2019-12-29 午场)-fmt22_720p-3060878390.mp4"
1600 "Gm4wz_To5YQ GNZ48 Team NIII《十八个闪耀瞬间》卢静生日公演 (2019-12-28 晚场)-fmt22_720p-4083632519.mp4"
1601 "rDRM3_MlHn0 GNZ48 Team Z《十八个闪耀瞬间》张秋怡生日公演 (2019-12-28 午场)-fmt22_720p-3606528068.mp4"
1602 "yCuLJ-lN0-E GNZ48 Team Z《三角函数》剧场公演 (2019-12-14 晚场)-fmt22_720p-2804382810.mp4"
1603 "id2jIfB50-Q GNZ48 Team Z《十八个闪耀瞬间》梁婉琳生日公演 (2019-12-08 午场)-fmt22_720p-4443970488.mp4"
1604 "35K-rnbnuoc GNZ48 Team Z《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 (2019-11-30 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3325432488.mp4"
1605 "Gf7KRIOv2iI 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191124-fmt248_1080p-2629990981.webm"
1606 "WzvtB53z_cM 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191123-fmt248_1080p-2571735080.webm"
1607 "M2cZ1_LO6cI 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191115-fmt248_1080p-2174355443.webm"
1608 "GQ1vHHKDn2o 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191109-fmt248_1080p-2492338681.webm"
1609 "YFRI4lWXx30 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191108-fmt248_1080p-2463040631.webm"
1610 "e2CSXuf-Quk 《三角函数》陈桂君生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191103-fmt248_1080p-3887394126.webm"
1611 "mPRwG4PHm2I 《万圣节最靓的仔》全团联合特别公演 GNZ48 20191102-fmt248_1080p-2036444927.webm"
1612 "5Ck9MqMvOis 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191026-fmt248_1080p-2679885863.webm"
1613 "GKNgGnUUyjs 《三角函数》王秭歆生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191020-fmt248_1080p-3322779559.webm"
1614 "sxoVkn9zZNg 《十八个闪耀瞬间》龙亦瑞生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191019-fmt248_1080p-3570633556.webm"
1615 "KYxpdVk7AKg 《三角函数》剧场公演 第六届年度金曲大赏BEST50速报 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191013-fmt248_1080p-2752648289.webm"
1616 "QCvzOHUFxKo 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191007-fmt248_1080p-2233850073.webm"
1617 "2qaNxJCVkgQ 《十八个闪耀瞬间》杨可璐生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191005-fmt248_1080p-3742369287.webm"
1618 "GGGiX0wBaJA 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191003-fmt248_1080p-2907269331.webm"
1619 "MU8OVOHLc6o 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190922-fmt248_1080p-2657957148.webm"
1620 "wa6CFIzOGUA 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190921-fmt248_1080p-2421662691.webm"
1621 "O6p-ozifNT4 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190914-fmt248_1080p-2627659427.webm"
1622 "9duaTKRup94 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190913-fmt248_1080p-2351058190.webm"
1623 "lr_PzSjhvjo 《十八个闪耀瞬间》赖梓惜生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190907-fmt248_1080p-3198400869.webm"
1624 "XvkAeZlsBzo 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190830-fmt248_1080p-2816756799.webm"
1625 "enIeIdfNR20 《十八个闪耀瞬间》农燕萍生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190824-fmt248_1080p-4065794024.webm"
1626 "ec1Psa_KiF4 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190811-fmt248_1080p-2631898013.webm"
1627 "qJt3V64Pokg 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190803-fmt248_1080p-2085970286.webm"
1628 "izVjBkD-gx4 《三角函数》赖梓惜、杨媛媛、王翠菲拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190720-fmt248_1080p-3093361660.webm"
1629 "rplnS5zGEq8 《三角函数》王偲越、王炯义拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190714-fmt248_1080p-2915755125.webm"
1630 "8HaBPjEWDiE 《十八个闪耀瞬间》方琪生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190712-fmt248_1080p-3739175810.webm"
1631 "-y6F1uKJJc4 《十八个闪耀瞬间》梁婉琳、郭铱宁拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190707-fmt248_1080p-2757831035.webm"
1632 "7zRleMU6430 《三角函数》张秋怡、陈桂君拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190630-fmt248_1080p-2842506885.webm"
1633 "Ex2d7MY6CBo 《十八个闪耀瞬间》王炯义生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190622-fmt248_1080p-3739609807.webm"
1634 "j7BzI63KtFs 《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190621-fmt248_1080p-3004698555.webm"
1635 "b2tpFG-BvGI 《十八个闪耀瞬间》农燕萍、谢菲菲拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190615-fmt248_1080p-2859442741.webm"
1636 "kH2gseoEY-E 《三角函数》龙亦瑞、梁乔拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190614-fmt248_1080p-2798293130.webm"
1637 "QJGApzGJsjA 《十八个闪耀瞬间》王秭歆、邓惠恩拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190608-fmt248_1080p-3008758919.webm"
1638 "TqU9HQhqJ94 《三角函数》方琪,杨可璐拉票公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190602-fmt248_1080p-2786636014.webm"
1639 "AUax0iy04J0 《十八个闪耀瞬间》邓惠恩生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190601-fmt248_1080p-3076914431.webm"
1640 "T57zFMG_Rb0 《三角函数》北京巡演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190526-fmt248_1080p-3381725214.webm"
1641 "_Wt-rwAI9Pg 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190519-fmt248_1080p-3026368312.webm"
1642 "1UuPYdkHAz8 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190518-fmt248_1080p-2671220440.webm"
1643 "xcpXpOdnOlg 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190510-fmt248_1080p-2401836879.webm"
1644 "gIg32hwpqb0 《十八个闪耀瞬间》公演首演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190503-fmt248_1080p-3285543913.webm"
1645 "_Q24ee89jp8 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20190501-fmt248_1080p-3284709422.webm"
1646 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x5F5O1u5DM
1647 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCpmqNaFkdw
1648 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ma5IqVykYM
1649 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu3E_4fu9gg
1650 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEI0aGDft0I
1651 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKsXrCzFF1U
1652 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9WPVk-mxwo
1653 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr3ihRj5BcQ
1654 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KLO7E2tJcc
1655 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOxoZ22u0s
1656 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTHTj1NtzWw
1657 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbqXkSdWpw
1658 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbN5bGt4V8
1659 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4h48cUT7sU
1660 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBWs8dlZsBE
1661 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsEV9MCay0A
1663 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtDgHV7KYFA
1664 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9UFP7VxVU4
1665 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTWWNR8Wf-8
1666 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruuJ3Lq4cX0
1667 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO8bdYgoURo
1668 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xflBmqF9PQ
1669 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc7hPxQhPU0
1671 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR5pLgzqS84
1672 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTO06ilM4ew
1673 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoK7VD7noBI
1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9xfdtlqNU4
1675 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRnnfhZhzqw
1676 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbZG0UpnChA
1678 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD6iPd_zg8Q
1679 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkN2OnxO9Ww
1680 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4nnJFbl8-Q
1681 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PJk9Eg2D74
1682 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxt-X1wRC9A
1683 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sGHeVLLcNs
1684 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdEq8gP3OaA
1685 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBcw4BxJqUE
1686 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0ASVBeXQUU
1687 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aC0P2Du_EU
1688 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT0m5pnEnmQ
1690 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7azt-f9ra9o
1691 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeAjPH1Bzfk
1692 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IupTLNu2FVM
1693 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMhQMhcDG2Y
1695 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muZUCVMPlfM
1696 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMONnj1VdfU
1697 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlbCpLDkQ1w
1698 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEhYr4cv9YE
1700 QCvzOHUFxKo 《命运的X号》潘瑛琪生日公演 SNH48 TeamX 20191007
1701 2qaNxJCVkgQ 《十八个闪耀瞬间》杨可璐生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191005
1702 GGGiX0wBaJA 《三角函数》剧场公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20191003
1704 AfiuwU_bffg 周深阿云嘎天籁开唱 赵薇再唱《情深深雨濛濛》怀旧金曲 致敬最美逆行人员 | 《东方卫视元宵特别节目2020》Shanghai Lantern Festival Gala 2020 【东方卫视官方频道】 - Durasi: 1.03.36
1705 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2020+lantern+festival
1707 OpkjlyV9b6U 【FULL】《2019湖南卫视跨年演唱会》TFboys新歌全球首唱 罗志祥 张艺兴舞台再合体!Hunan TV 2019 New Year Countdown Concert【湖南卫视1080P官方】 - Durasi: 4.23.39
1709 m2I0d_JKDXE 《湖南卫视2019/2020跨年演唱会》完整版:极致舞美 极致青春!震撼升级唱响开年青春正能量【湖南卫视官方HD】 - Durasi: 3.08.30
1710 8vcHf6ErBxg 2020北京卫视跨年演唱会|张若昀关晓彤同台说唱太上头 甜美小姐姐花泽香菜遇上情歌小王子汪苏泷《有点甜》 - Durasi: 2.58.34. 北京卫视官方频道 China BeijingTV Official Channel 38.108 x ditonton
1711 VDIpwUSN9Jo 【FULL】2020跨年演唱会 RM跑男/刘宪华/范丞丞/胡彦斌/NEXT/WayV/钟汉良/言承旭/花泽香菜《2020感恩有你》 浙江卫视2020跨年晚会 20191231 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ] - Durasi: 4.06.55 中国浙江卫视官方频道 Zhejiang STV Official Channel - 欢迎订阅 - 352.415 x ditonton
1712 ITWxzazelrQ 《启航2020——中央广播电视总台跨年盛典》1/2 | CCTV综艺 - Durasi: 2.00.40. CCTV综艺 425.326 x ditonton
1713 Z_siMzKPrBw 《启航2020——中央广播电视总台跨年盛典》2/2 | CCTV综艺 - Durasi: 2.03.20
1714 _7pMU5MGEJ0 《中国京剧像音像集萃》 20191231 京剧《西厢记》 1/2| CCTV戏曲 - Durasi: 1.26.51
1715 15fOBXEzxyM 《中国京剧像音像集萃》 20191231 京剧《西厢记》 2/2| CCTV戏曲 - Durasi: 1.22.59
1716 I5G4feuxi-Y [ P1 ] 跑男团合体跨年2020 NEXT唱跳亮相燃炸 范丞丞Lucas别太撩《2020感恩有你》 浙江卫视2020跨年晚会 20191231 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ] - Durasi: 1.39.58
1718 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAMjdrUf9V4
1719 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3frnBoqqI_Q
1720 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaOUKR9Wnt8
1721 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhX0fOUYd8Q
1722 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86PMVOYia_k
1723 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZExnK_iTvYI
1724 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G7PxeQ4jRs
1725 https://youtu.be/ZqP58DN8h9s
1726 https://youtu.be/HBzuISldiu4
1727 https://youtu.be/qJGNbhI7lpw
1728 https://youtu.be/C5kwrnrFFCA
1730 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bej48
1731 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb5-dajN2f4dotoyOtIto3Q
1732 口袋48 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb5-dajN2f4dotoyOtIto3Q/videos
1733 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0f7oPi6MVke5jwf5It5nYw/playlists?disable_polymer=1
1735 Team B 《B A FIGHTER》剧场公演
1736 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX94oZY4e0oH9jVFrZmZXnYi8
1737 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-绝密代码》剧场公演
1738 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX96wiGHoUiS-m6UypBr17lsU
1740 Team E 《羽化成蝶》原创公演
1741 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX94JVPzsfpIvmc-lCZOByWY3
1743 Team J 《哈库那玛塔塔》(《HAKUNA MATATA》)剧场公演
1744 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX95a0Ls1O5Vj_7Ndc7WRf4qW
1745 Team J 《梦想的旗帜》
1746 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX97kqG9jOYjtyJKAosnaG4GR
1747 Team J 《因为喜欢你2.0》剧场公演
1748 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNa3BXASX94yaaeaSEpLGEaIz9VcxH04
1750 BEJ48 OverseasFans
1751 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY__JlcyvqI7VWZA2KchSIg
1752 TeamB 公演庫存
1753 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTeWQT4UmaW5QE7iN7uM8j9g
1754 TeamE 公演庫存 
1755 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTfHXAfTGeTipFaKhvbP7aGF
1756 TeamJ 公演庫存
1757 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTeiuIrdgIyfbgUK3H1xkZP_
1758 Special Stages (特殊公演 / 特別公演)
1759 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTeYtQryhKCOSUVpJYPzCO_M
1760 Live Broadcast (口袋直播 / Pocket48生放送)
1761 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY__JlcyvqI7VWZA2KchSIg/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=9
1762 口袋直播-TeamB
1763 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTcYFE7LI5zHaWJqjG_ygtUe
1764 口袋直播-TeamE
1765 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTengaYsRQqR-whZMqeZna4d
1766 口袋直播-TeamJ
1767 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3kRRdibvTfilrl6_qkIjy1erwC8Ieta
1769 com3
1770 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIfpz7fkaGHN9cwwshqHPw/videos
1772 teddetted91
1773 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJaFNHlH3YNBBVqE8LVi8A
1776 URL=
1777 curlit temp store "$URL" \
1778 "JsYTgSUYzUM 【FULL】《梦圆东方2020东方卫视跨年盛典》:肖战压轴献唱好听到哭 李现跨年首秀 迪丽热巴超霸气唱跳 朱一龙化身摇滚青年燃炸舞台!20191231 [ 东方卫视官方HD ]-fmt248_1080p-4724795248.webm"
1779 "JsYTgSUYzUM 【FULL】《梦圆东方2020东方卫视跨年盛典》:肖战压轴献唱好听到哭 李现跨年首秀 迪丽热巴超霸气唱跳 朱一龙化身摇滚青年燃炸舞台!20191231 [ 东方卫视官方HD ]-fmt248_1080p-4385229412.webm"
1781 "2qV7FTZMR2c BEJ48 Team E《羽化成蝶》剧场公演  (2019-12-27 晚场)-fmt137_1080p-4532355075.mp4"
1782 "RfmJ4DTn3Cc BEJ48 Team B《十八个闪耀瞬间-丁达尔效应》剧场公演  (2019-12-28 午场)-fmt137_1080p-4631104999.mp4"
1785 URL=
1786 curlit temp /run/mnt/sdb1/a/2020 "$URL" \
1787 "OpkjlyV9b6U 【FULL】《2019湖南卫视跨年演唱会》Hunan TV 2019 New Year Countdown Concert【湖南卫视1080P官方】-fmt248_1080p-4924701671.webm"
1789 "m2I0d_JKDXE 《湖南卫视2019-2020跨年演唱会》【湖南卫视官方HD】-fmt248_1080p-3531469966.webm"
1790 "8vcHf6ErBxg 2020北京卫视跨年演唱会|张若昀关晓彤同台说唱太上头 甜美小姐姐花泽香菜遇上情歌小王子汪苏泷《有点甜》-fmt248_1080p-3434871865.webm"
1791 "VDIpwUSN9Jo 【FULL】2020跨年演唱会《2020感恩有你》浙江卫视2020跨年晚会 20191231 浙江卫视官方HD-fmt248_1080p-4606761664.webm"
1792 "ITWxzazelrQ 《启航2020——中央广播电视总台跨年盛典》1%2 | CCTV综艺-fmt248_1080p-2103388710.webm"
1793 "Z_siMzKPrBw 《启航2020——中央广播电视总台跨年盛典》2%2 | CCTV综艺-fmt248_1080p-2147829013.webm"
1794 osXr6uz8j70 【Full】周深阿云嘎新年舞台超惊喜 靳东朱一龙默契献唱 迪玛希李玉刚神仙大合唱 |《春满东方·2020东方卫视春晚》Shanghai Spring Festival Gala【东方卫视官方频道】 - Durasi: 3.08.56. SMG上海电视台官方频道 SMG Shanghai TV Official Channel
1795 hdxMXG_p20Q 2020北京春晚 | 肖战靳东男神合唱 《家有儿女》重聚杨紫张一山甜蜜牵手 苏大强谢广坤南北“作爹”在线battle「北京卫视官方HD」完整版 - Durasi: 2.57.59. 北京卫视官方频道 China BeijingTV Official Channel
1796 aJwb5WQeXjQ 【完整版】山东卫视 最爱中国年 2020山东春节联欢晚会【山东广播电视台官方频道】 - Durasi: 3.33.47. 中国山东广播电视台官方频道 China Shandong TV Official Channel
1797 EZD59M_4dOk 《中央广播电视总台2020年春节联欢晚会》完整版 2020 Spring Festival Gala | CCTV春晚 - Durasi: 3.54.20.
1798 TKQwEiaQ90k 百花迎春-中国文学艺术界2020春节大联欢(20200108)2020 China Literary and Art Circles Spring Festival Gala - Durasi: 2.00.01. Beautiful Music and Culture 2
1799 Bl1-RrCDtL8 2020鼠年春晚 “岭南春来早” —— 2020广东卫视春节晚会【完整版】2020 GRT Spring Festival Gala [Full Version] - Durasi: 2.29.05. CantoneseTV
1800 CIQszh1sE1c 【2020重庆卫视春节联欢晚会】鼠你好看,贺新春!惊喜明星孙燕姿亮嗓渝都! - Durasi: 2.33.02. CBG重庆广播电视集团官方频道 Chongqing Broadcasting Group 46.880 x ditonton
1802 riy1ATNzZyk 2020春晚直击: 萧敬腾老歌致敬邓丽君【北京卫视春晚】(完整版) - Durasi: 3.12.14. 北京电视台新闻频道 China BeijingTV News Channel
1803 MqoMMOI6hv4 新相亲大会 您的信念“新相亲”礼包已经送达,爸妈这次真的拼了! 200126 - Durasi: 1.36.03. 江苏卫视官方频道China JiangsuTV Official Channel 150.765 x ditonton
1804 L0uBeuB5of8 辽宁卫视 2020 春节联欢晚会:宋小宝岳云鹏爆笑迎新年 高清完整版 - Durasi: 4.10.42. 中国辽宁卫视官方频道 China Liaoning TV official channel
1805 u2TpL4ztW6g 【2020鼠年春晚】毛不易新专辑《一程山路》首开唱 成龙吴京畅谈安徽记忆 欢乐小品脱口秀笑料不断《安徽卫视春晚》高清完整版 20200122 [安徽卫视官方高清] - Durasi: 3.20.20 中国安徽电视台 China Anhui TV Official
1806 A61uQ4LGvgU Chinese New Year 2020 - Spring Festival Celebration ! 2020 新年快樂 - Durasi: 4.06.57. SOMPOPTV
1807 qztVYOIcYBY 辽宁卫视 2020 春节联欢晚会:宋小宝岳云鹏爆笑迎新年 高清完整版 辽宁广播电视台官方账号
1808 "giieHJ1s_1w GNZ48 Team G《Victoria.G》剧场公演 (2020-01-17 晚场)-fmt22_720p-3293580886.mp4"
1809 "x58wTZ_T-iM 《开门大吉》 20200129 新春圆梦之夜| CCTV综艺-fmt22_720p-1246613799.mp4"
1810 TPuRh5fRXVU GNZ48 Team NIII《十八个闪耀瞬间》刘倩倩生日公演 (2020-01-11 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 44 menit.
1811 cYi8lxFRkGg GNZ48 Team Z《十八个闪耀瞬间》剧场公演 (2020-01-18 晚场) - Durasi: 3 jam, 31 menit.
1813 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1rjNLmJnCQ
1814 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqErs-2Ypd8
1816 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKU-W5R-VXg
1817 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCGHTjLvyPs
1818 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzuiY1ZXL5U
1819 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSgO5XvjbhA 20180603《偶像研究计划》
1820 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rebXvu-NBNE
1821 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqTpStmvOMo
1822 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbwEtoZrF2U
1824 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5M9EdDJijY
1825 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff_-grLu-r8 20180525《偶像研究计划》
1826 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0894ALzulIw
1827 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXYr4cp9hac
1828 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGPH0VapxGg 20180506《偶像研究计划》
1829 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X-9FEb9wY4
1830 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giS9J-7BIkM
1831 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgaiIUdLIRM
1833 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_VWObcPZy0
1834 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9KiEbC3bKY
1835 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gw9nuTzwG4 20180428《偶像研究计划》
1836 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CufG8appK28
1837 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2j3MWu1Lvk
1838 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rWMnrvkROw
1839 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnl7x-SaI_k
1840 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CUWdDfdIUg
1841 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJPhpc7lbY 20180408 丝芭偶像节特别公演(PART4)
1842 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUiJ-FZLJr4 20180407 丝芭偶像节特别公演(PART3)
1843 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMeaMuYfV7s 20180407 丝芭偶像节特别公演(PART2)
1844 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2tY_BT5I6o 20180406 丝芭偶像节特别公演(PART1)
1846 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmVQbsV2_vY
1847 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfsqzP-RGoc 20180330《偶像研究计划》公演
1848 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuZhqiLGClM
1850 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dODH-RzpVzY 20170805-dODH-RzpVzY 《专属派对》公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20170805-fmt18
1851 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmj9NAe75FY 20170805-qmj9NAe75FY 《奇幻加冕礼》公演 BEJ48 TeamE 20170805-fmt18
1852 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiFRgWN5Mwk 20170709-YiFRgWN5Mwk 《专属派对》赵欣雨生日公演 GNZ48 TeamZ 20170709-fmt18
1854 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H3DkAgc1kU (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl _H3DkAgc1kU 22)
1855 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBHRMFBkjuM
1856 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMlU-CNDFwQ
1857 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_FcXh6vDM
1858 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ0epvrSJqk
1859 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSw1hP4WgD0
1860 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72l8ANqYBnE
1861 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb5IcU3IxUo
1862 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sQHiM0j8A
1863 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX5FTmdCUDs
1864 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtbbxvkoL68
1865 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0tvQu0eoJI
1866 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtH5fdrqifc
1867 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRl73f--NgA
1868 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tywH0pT-JQE
1869 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eJqOXDdYmE
1870 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDD27P79JuQ
1871 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkAVrhoWX_s
1872 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBNt3hAwk9U
1873 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_67_5hxhoU
1874 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_PemlY1fyg
1875 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRTDmG3x47k
1876 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBG-lzbTpuA
1877 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b31fF981Rdw
1878 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nyYRg3-5k4
1879 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV__RHXmFIk
1880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9GBUzy2NbA
1881 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAMmgRXeu20 20161203-XAMmgRXeu20 《不眠之夜》公演 BEJ48 TeamE-fmt18
1882 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGnqsBzaIOA (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl IGnqsBzaIOA 248)
1883 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwG_CkKzAPo 20161120-CwG_CkKzAPo 《心的旅程》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1884 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiuYfPVw4FU 20161119-hiuYfPVw4FU 《心的旅程》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1885 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiuYfPVw4FU 20161119-hiuYfPVw4FU 《心的旅程》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1886 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMlWX0hjzsw (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl pMlWX0hjzsw 248)
1887 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdOuQG-Rd3Y (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl cdOuQG-Rd3Y 248)
1888 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUStNgoSrMM (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl NUStNgoSrMM 248)
1889 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNnFLRm4m0E 20160925-vNnFLRm4m0E 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1890 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lUcC-3TnOg 20160911--lUcC-3TnOg 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1891 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn-I8xWYGDs 20160910-nn-I8xWYGDs 《剧场女神》熊素君生日公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1892 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5M8cXFZN3s (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl e5M8cXFZN3s 248)
1893 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLSOxlEoVyc (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl OLSOxlEoVyc 248)
1894 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE4SD-i8YIQ (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl oE4SD-i8YIQ 248)
1895 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYfqyB5ZQVM 20160814-pYfqyB5ZQVM 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1896 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpTvNV_z1l8 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl CpTvNV_z1l8 248)
1897 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTQedPvVwhU (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl WTQedPvVwhU 248)
1898 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsFMb2l_rtk (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl qsFMb2l_rtk 248)
1899 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxzxYvzlw34 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl PxzxYvzlw34 248)
1900 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2DjR83R1nA (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl _2DjR83R1nA 248)
1901 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzqAkVJOAtE (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl EzqAkVJOAtE 248)
1902 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPWn9VxGFQA (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl zPWn9VxGFQA 248)
1903 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr837LmFuHc (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl gr837LmFuHc 248)
1904 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OBiCdOgvDc (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48e yt dl 5OBiCdOgvDc 18)
1905 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhuAKU9yE8I (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48b yt dl zhuAKU9yE8I 18)
1908 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYfqyB5ZQVM 20160814-pYfqyB5ZQVM 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1909 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn-I8xWYGDs 20160910-nn-I8xWYGDs 《剧场女神》熊素君生日公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1910 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lUcC-3TnOg 20160911--lUcC-3TnOg 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1911 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNnFLRm4m0E 20160925-vNnFLRm4m0E 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
1912 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7-iSP53Pw0
1913 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H21jRNMFFFk
1914 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COuRkfQ85YI
1915 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URrKvk12I6g
1916 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiuYfPVw4FU
1917 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwG_CkKzAPo
1918 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_PemlY1fyg
1919 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMlU-CNDFwQ
1921 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPWn9VxGFQA
1922 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLSOxlEoVyc
1923 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--xglfgLQvM
1924 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAMmgRXeu20
1925 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDD27P79JuQ
1926 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_FcXh6vDM
1927 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmj9NAe75FY
1929 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwHlLqs_MVw (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48j yt dl MwHlLqs_MVw 248)
1930 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGQfZL7lQyk
1931 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygx8oJp9Tp0
1932 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or9vFGWuZ_4
1934 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b31fF981Rdw
1935 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_67_5hxhoU
1936 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkAVrhoWX_s
1937 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eJqOXDdYmE
1938 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRl73f--NgA
1939 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtH5fdrqifc
1940 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0tvQu0eoJI
1941 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtbbxvkoL68
1942 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX5FTmdCUDs
1943 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sQHiM0j8A
1944 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb5IcU3IxUo
1945 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72l8ANqYBnE
1946 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSw1hP4WgD0
1947 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ0epvrSJqk
1948 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBHRMFBkjuM
1949 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiFRgWN5Mwk
1950 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dODH-RzpVzY
1952 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TzULCe2iY0
1953 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUVvE7CnGs8
1954 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeaSIoRtWFs
1955 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug7mlS6pQwY
1956 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmmli0wgauk
1957 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG3PN7GQVgM
1958 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9StdxeD2iQ
1959 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxRasD-wT9w
1960 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv_xr87CoRE
1961 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9nNT1k-LLA
1962 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8MdaoYJr8s
1963 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JDydKMVA5w
1964 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSwHzWR40sQ
1965 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDMb4isvRYM
1966 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZtxvhUyzKc
1967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo5oZtO7ynI
1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfmkrztlTMs
1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T-WVWmlqLs
1970 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zB3P77bJ18
1972 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WulTL17Zysg
1973 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBRYTeSOn8
1974 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbdqbk4SFw4
1975 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNhqSkh2xmE
1976 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8cs0lliZdI
1977 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmOHpicHUf8
1978 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud9vf6hNYQc
1979 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Iuw5s63oA
1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI1UBBFyNAg
1981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLjPq02E1-8
1982 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLn6VEsB48s
1983 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_nS3JtkkB0
1984 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRKzDu9iCe4
1985 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TdP_kC-g4I
1986 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utt292uWdkk
1987 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqFwcOrYQrA
1988 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-94Ky8MFZY
1989 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCHgHyCHlXg
1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAganx-iaFc
1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nv48zFubQ
1992 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQ9po-Kfbo
1993 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz11uFgFtFk
1994 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5SljZxg4Z8
1995 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEeV01HZe1k
1996 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkgBM7CVioM
1997 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf13OjsF1p0
1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQoSrDIQ45M
2000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEZOSYJxwE 20160519-yKEZOSYJxwE 《逆流而上》公演 SNH48 TeamX 20160519-fmt18
2001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgxLRD8a3ho (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl NgxLRD8a3ho 248)
2002 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrhtm0bZX-w
2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcj0U2DvJak
2004 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNEUsJqnXc
2005 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuMU5DAC11s
2006 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRgDCsleuSc
2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9y9iD89ZgE
2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms6j80WEGS0
2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nrsQxHDeyE
2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkjxYtkJRUM
2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzsVWyZ9tFE
2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NvXcA3V__k
2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dvBYW2XP9A
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anABBjhVp1g
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_c94aGDhA8 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl 4_c94aGDhA8 251);(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl 4_c94aGDhA8 248)
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEjbq2F0kTY (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl gEjbq2F0kTY 251);(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl gEjbq2F0kTY 248)
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSFPY1C91Ms (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl uSFPY1C91Ms 248)
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbZjBom6zaE 248
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OooCCbsrBu8 20170518-OooCCbsrBu8 《梦想的旗帜》公演 SNH48 TeamX 20170518-fmt18
2020 snh top16
2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AmG7vW8ImA
2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8CfHHJcdsc
2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1yRicUNwbY
2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU2YPVLSJRs
2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baq4U-v4xoE
2028 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYfqyB5ZQVM 20160814-pYfqyB5ZQVM 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
2029 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn-I8xWYGDs 20160910-nn-I8xWYGDs 《剧场女神》熊素君生日公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
2030 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lUcC-3TnOg 20160911--lUcC-3TnOg 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
2031 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNnFLRm4m0E 20160925-vNnFLRm4m0E 《剧场女神》公演 BEJ48 TeamB-fmt18
2032 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7-iSP53Pw0
2033 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H21jRNMFFFk
2034 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COuRkfQ85YI
2035 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URrKvk12I6g
2036 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiuYfPVw4FU
2037 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwG_CkKzAPo
2038 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_PemlY1fyg
2039 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMlU-CNDFwQ
2041 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPWn9VxGFQA
2042 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLSOxlEoVyc
2043 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--xglfgLQvM
2044 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAMmgRXeu20
2045 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDD27P79JuQ
2046 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_FcXh6vDM
2047 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmj9NAe75FY
2049 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwHlLqs_MVw (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/bej48j yt dl MwHlLqs_MVw 248)
2050 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGQfZL7lQyk
2051 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygx8oJp9Tp0
2052 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or9vFGWuZ_4
2054 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b31fF981Rdw
2055 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_67_5hxhoU
2056 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkAVrhoWX_s
2057 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eJqOXDdYmE
2058 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRl73f--NgA
2059 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtH5fdrqifc
2060 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0tvQu0eoJI
2061 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtbbxvkoL68
2062 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX5FTmdCUDs
2063 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sQHiM0j8A
2064 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb5IcU3IxUo
2065 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72l8ANqYBnE
2066 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSw1hP4WgD0
2067 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ0epvrSJqk
2068 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBHRMFBkjuM
2069 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiFRgWN5Mwk
2070 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dODH-RzpVzY
2072 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TzULCe2iY0
2073 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUVvE7CnGs8
2074 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeaSIoRtWFs
2075 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug7mlS6pQwY
2076 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmmli0wgauk
2077 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG3PN7GQVgM
2078 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9StdxeD2iQ
2079 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxRasD-wT9w
2080 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv_xr87CoRE
2081 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9nNT1k-LLA
2082 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8MdaoYJr8s
2083 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JDydKMVA5w
2084 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSwHzWR40sQ
2085 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDMb4isvRYM
2086 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZtxvhUyzKc
2087 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo5oZtO7ynI
2088 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfmkrztlTMs
2089 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T-WVWmlqLs
2090 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zB3P77bJ18
2092 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WulTL17Zysg
2093 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBRYTeSOn8
2094 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbdqbk4SFw4
2095 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNhqSkh2xmE
2096 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8cs0lliZdI
2097 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmOHpicHUf8
2098 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud9vf6hNYQc
2099 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Iuw5s63oA
2100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI1UBBFyNAg
2101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLjPq02E1-8
2102 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLn6VEsB48s
2103 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_nS3JtkkB0
2104 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRKzDu9iCe4
2105 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TdP_kC-g4I
2106 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utt292uWdkk
2107 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqFwcOrYQrA
2108 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-94Ky8MFZY
2109 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCHgHyCHlXg
2110 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAganx-iaFc
2111 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nv48zFubQ
2112 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQ9po-Kfbo
2113 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz11uFgFtFk
2114 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5SljZxg4Z8
2115 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEeV01HZe1k
2116 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkgBM7CVioM
2117 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf13OjsF1p0
2118 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQoSrDIQ45M
2120 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEZOSYJxwE 20160519-yKEZOSYJxwE 《逆流而上》公演 SNH48 TeamX 20160519-fmt18
2121 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgxLRD8a3ho (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl NgxLRD8a3ho 248)
2122 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrhtm0bZX-w
2123 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcj0U2DvJak
2124 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNEUsJqnXc
2125 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuMU5DAC11s
2126 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRgDCsleuSc
2127 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9y9iD89ZgE
2128 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms6j80WEGS0
2129 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nrsQxHDeyE
2130 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkjxYtkJRUM
2131 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzsVWyZ9tFE
2132 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NvXcA3V__k
2133 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dvBYW2XP9A
2134 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anABBjhVp1g
2135 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_c94aGDhA8 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl 4_c94aGDhA8 251);(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl 4_c94aGDhA8 248)
2136 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEjbq2F0kTY (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl gEjbq2F0kTY 251);(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl gEjbq2F0kTY 248)
2137 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSFPY1C91Ms (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl uSFPY1C91Ms 248)
2138 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbZjBom6zaE 248
2139 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OooCCbsrBu8 20170518-OooCCbsrBu8 《梦想的旗帜》公演 SNH48 TeamX 20170518-fmt18
2140 snh top16
2141 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AmG7vW8ImA
2142 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8CfHHJcdsc
2143 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1yRicUNwbY
2144 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU2YPVLSJRs
2145 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baq4U-v4xoE
2147 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNAy2_rvoUs Zanilia Zhao Liying 赵丽颖 - From 2 to 29 years old 從2到29歲
2148 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhiesKRI7xo Lagu2 mandarin terenak
2149 3AbIY9Bj1q4 Our Glamorous Time Episode 1 Sub English 45:31
2153 Powerful Yang Mi PYM
2154 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMJWrJLc8zH5pf7zs0jBPuA
2155 楊幂 Yang Mi Fans
2156 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru6YHP8z47U
2157 捷成华视—偶像剧场 Idol & Romance
2158 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ACqIQiy1SkjglQQ6bWDRg
2159 精彩TV
2160 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHwfcmZ37SxaNgOQv-oD0pA
2161 歡瑞官方影視專區
2162 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZuFI39vKCuBiJGYk88aRnA
2163 华语影视频道
2164 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLKAq0ui5Mgh3Avx90W4Uw
2165 出色中国电视剧
2166 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1WPfASy_zV0jj7PlafgELg
2167 芒果TV青春剧场 MGTV Drama Channel
2168 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTulSfEm1c14WWRbSN-CNAQ
2169 MGTV English
2170 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmalSiRq25rjrpycAsS5ocA
2171 Chinese Drama Global TV
2172 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sw0PZo6fDVf4GXAARA2CQ
2173 2020电视剧俱乐部
2174 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRb4u4Satbnn9qNTuJFiCzw
2175 China Zone - English
2176 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvEgMB1W6pJ88Sej_JNMcA
2177 Fresh Drama
2178 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyILTZPF8cht2WZnDWprTPw
2179 Foxismybias
2180 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkPdJ0cBZAJaojJl5L8mcjA
2181 最佳华语内容推荐官
2182 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSNnRzTFF1frFlmyKMsQACA
2183 Chinese Classic TV Series
2184 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCej21H_JjjFz92ahX803mHg
2185 浮云朗读 Fuyun Story Time
2186 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ESkbEcBQ4Fn5qTU-3PQsQ
2187 YoYo English Channel
2188 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3UUwfyntghfisq02q5v2tw
2189 Viki Global TV
2190 https://www.youtube.com/user/VikiKdrama
2191 Chinese star news
2192 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPR70WtR_kM2cZIPioauezA
2193 chuza2003
2194 https://www.youtube.com/user/chuza2003
2196 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVxTjRP869o&list=PLbQ4TEB9S9RtwBhLr250w3Y_S6rR3ofCm
2197 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZKjrBND8io&list=PL4nGKjc_PJOS4NnJugYwWUgZGMuY9oyIk
2198 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUFOun28x4g&list=PLMyW72XPKM5L6YvpR9BRIg9C9Oq4zGsyU
2199 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agLh8KB2B4U&list=PLrDjqFdYmPuGi-auYfCa4MLTnBmHnU9Kn
2200 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZaQq-MuwHE&list=PLc1MuQB_kpdPGOqBc-eVXy-49-Da_S9-d
2201 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJLkS5O_cWQ&list=PLbQ4TEB9S9RuIB5JPLygJ8vzPtf8aSz1h
2202 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr1tpMdWwIo&list=PLorTwSvOJv52IV096UKPTXOs8LxI4rjQY
2203 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wxcel__gUQ&list=PLc1MuQB_kpdMRXZlIaFW6ASp8syYkGmwm
2204 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pFqLXw7-g4&list=PL9L1Imo2JbnWd8INnbIRUEp0ierGrMFDA
2205 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ8Sohe0Y0A&list=PLDE6BE45FE5C99B16
2206 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7GsJN2jBHI&list=PLc1MuQB_kpdODxT8Wn8yfMkEtKDVrGs36
2207 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTc6fOrVv5E&list=PLYyD2OSyWqf2ejTUurm6wG7JLgxso9t0F
2208 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pETuNzO8vc&list=PLnS5UIMVxd9Bor4Jp49s2rbu3TAG5zCRI
2209 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emeBnv5FZb0&list=PLv7tfg4kyE_G4zfKmkhKt4KREH-4PEBai
2210 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnKED3IWefM&list=PL8wa_XvNnEIC3qRXXE9DIfYDxUzrceZXT
2213 Eternal Love of Dream (The Pillow Book)
2214 The rise of Phoenixes
2215 Eternal Love 3 Worlds
2216 Ashes of Love
2217 legend of fuyao
2218 untamed yQewTI342pI
2219 journey of flower BxIA9OIiaB4
2220 Princess Silver
2221 three lives three worlds
2222 Nirvana in Fire
2223 The Story of Minglan c_msaDLCmlo
2224 the general and I
2225 Jade Palace Lock Heart
2226 Goodbye My Princess
2227 princess weiyoung
2228 sweet dreams
2229 legend of chusen YXbYy5OBXAc
2230 legend of yunxin
2231 Three lives Three Worlds
2232 Legend of dugu
2234 The tale of Yanxi Palace
2235 go go squid
2236 snow tower
2237 legend of Fei
2238 our glamorous time
2239 Boss and Me
2240 Princess silver
2241 Rookie agent rouge
2242 Love by hypnotic
2243 Bloody romance
2244 The king's woman
2245 Legend of chusen
2246 Princess of lanlin king
2247 Under the power
2248 Love better than immortality
2249 Legend of the acient sword
2250 legend of the Phoenix
2252 95NlBT9wKZk (English subtitle)《 Legend of Dugu 獨孤天下》 第01集(主演 :胡冰卿,張丹峰,安以軒,徐正溪,李依曉,應昊茗)
2253 LerFyEw4E3s 【SUB】【于朦胧 陈钰琪】E01: The Love Lasts Two Mind 两世欢| iQIYI
2254 6vsAgLaHqTA [ENG SUB] She | An Oriental Odyssey 01 (Wu Qian, Zheng Yecheng, Zhang Yujian, Dong Qi Starring)
2255 rzzyCESSesw 【ENG SUB】E01 L.O.R.D. Critical World 爵迹·临界天下
2256 XNlq3UNnLe0 (English Subtitle) The Legend of White Snake Epi 02 -《天乩之白蛇傳說》(楊紫, 任嘉倫, 茅子俊, 李曼, 劉嘉玲, 趙雅芝)
2257 qAHVxbs94c8 (English Subtitle)《Snow Tower 聽雪樓》第02集(秦俊傑,袁冰妍,宣萱,袁澧林,鄭文森,韓承羽)
2258 8MZQEtjeyUg 《花千骨 │The Journey of Flower》第50集 官方高清版(霍建华、赵丽颖、蒋欣、杨烁领衔出演)
2259 HpAfASeQGxQ 《新萧十一郎》 第01集 超清(严屹宽、甘婷婷、李依晓、朱一龙、张含韵、吕良伟)
2260 d5mh45Yht8Q Hot CN Drama【Lost Love in Times】EP01 Liu Shishi/William Chen/Xu Haiqiao/Han Xue
2261 cvHx81ImZ-k 《乾隆王朝│Qianlong Dynasty》第01集 官方高清版(焦晃、陳銳、左小青、賈一平、盧燕領銜主演)
2262 cSZuPxuw9-4 【ENG SUB】致我们单纯的小美好 02 | A Love So Beautiful EP02 胡一天、沈月校园甜宠爱恋,融化少女心!
2263 -JF8VxDzCVI 【English Sub】追鱼传奇 03丨Snakefish legend 03(主演:赵丽颖、关智斌)
2264 pZg3DIKxhXo 【1 Hour】 Eve & Sou & まふまふ Best Japanese Songs - Best J-POP Songs 2020
2265 dgIf2mL0whQ Love Better Than Immortality EP40 END - Li Hongyi, Zhao Lusi, Wu Junyu【Fresh Drama】
2266 _XJ6iNrvzS8 Chinese Drama 2019 | Princess of Lanling King 01 Eng Sub 兰陵王妃 | Historical Romance Drama 1080P
2267 aEmjzpLa6zg 【ENG SUB】《离人心上》第1集 英雄救美初相遇 The Sleepless Princess EP1【芒果TV青春剧场】
2268 XdwzGb4kkZg 《羽化成蝶》未来·壹仟零E篇 巡演第二场 BEJ48 TeamE 20200801
2269 i_jN80H-m-w Qing Xin Yin 清心音 [Pure Heart Sound] - The Untamed OST (1 hour loop) HanQuang Jun/Lan WangJi
2271 MNSzqDPW8xc Ashes of Love OST
2272 -nJ4wu4flSw Romance Movie 2020 电影 | The Girl, Eng Sub 校花驾到 1 极品校花 | 赵奕欢 青春校园 Campus Love Story, Full Movie 1:50:57
2273 03fC84GoL3A Rebel of Kung fu || Best Chinese Action Kung Fu Movies || Full Length Action Movie in English ll 1:28:46
2274 HSOtku1j600 2 Hour Beautiful Piano Music for Studying and Sleeping 【BGM】
2276 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zebz8tK9_M
2277 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_Y2qRjSu46iS4CORth9jA
2279 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ-R03cT0Ps
2280 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAw7vWtcQF116NqUAzDoReQ
2282 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWe-vAfGmv4
2283 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOfcj1Ii-4yvJZ96I93JVRQ
2285 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPIRD4yr1hlAEovBCSNlAKg
2286 n5o_vu77c_c Tian mei de yao hen chapter 39 season 2 | you are the power to help me survive
2287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88uYHZlP1-06i_4mRpYELQ
2288 MMrLrQzT9hE Cat Maid and Mistress | Zanka | Chapter 11 | Yuri Manga (English)
2289 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIQlGYNJsY3zGMUPxFJEqWQ
2290 7TUj6n3JUfU Hiroya Oku Special 1 - HEN / Zero One / GANTZ / Last Hero Inuyashiki
2291 https://www.youtube.com/user/ulxTIMxate
2292 rYMt4RyuV2U [Season 2] Tian Mei De Yao Hen Chapter 35 like manga
2293 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZKzZ3Fsvga926zKfW7JrA
2295 dbOK9gmXsZ4 Study Music, Concentration, Focus, Meditation, Memory, Work Music, Relaxing Music, Study, ☯2699
2296 6zD5Q_hb7YM Natsu no Ari | I love you | Yuri Hime | Manga - animanga
2297 vN_xXyDxFzs Manga - Anime yuri - Yuri na watashi to akuma na kanojo
2298 MGAMb6M3rCw I'm A Fool - [Yuri Manga]
2300 yt dl QY_dALtqm3k 18
2302 #(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/gnz48 yt dl JqAy135j-Fw 22)
2303 #(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48n yt dl TVeg0PchrBM 248)
2304 #(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48x yt dl SZkJ0VVFdoY 248)
2305 #(DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48 yt dl iIJjYgoNn-8 248)
2306 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/gnz48 yt dl a9Umd9-G3oY 22)
2307 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48n yt dl oFeyALc4mJw 248)
2308 (DIR=/run/mnt/sdb1/a/48/snh48h yt dl V0gSjSLT3GM 251)
2310 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb5-dajN2f4dotoyOtIto3Q
2311 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bej48
2315 JadePalace
2316 精彩TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHwfcmZ37SxaNgOQv-oD0pA
2318 zh_DOPO-1-w
2319 yfc3vo8iBMQ
2320 s8H56Ik28es
2321 ehjuMfyE--0
2322 udur4jBgEVI
2323 ju_g9iN5Wdo
2324 V1PFz32xsLw
2325 W4ffH_WcnW0
2326 rM0WEiTNjDg
2327 E7EhwpO7aWI
2328 ccHkbl_JIXE
2329 QJW4VtsfgXI
2330 p1ShV33N7cg
2331 rEDQOla2As0
2332 M_plwKI9GI8
2333 9FlI-vikP1M
2334 uXE5aH6J4kQ
2335 VOV9U7aCGGY
2336 Yas1rGHIJyg
2337 ufz6IXZMovw
2338 lQTt2U9mrmA
2339 dVmclpV0EIA
2340 48qk7vF5CRs
2341 4NbjMSkOh4w
2342 d81R9P66RKQ
2343 xmHzULV78UI
2344 HZUyYM0Sn8s
2345 uGaE6sUu5iA
2346 ZQjLwB-m_tw
2347 5u3K3NJp6No
2348 cq-Zz851opg
2350 hfegYe85cgk
2351 zggZkyrWFAQ
2352 qz7RqXMlxr4
2353 WQlJSwuAF6k
2354 BOBK-fpGlpQ
2357 The4ScholarsInJiangnan
2358 (CURLIT_TEMP_MS=$((700*(1024**2))) DIR=/run/mnt/sda1/a/c/The4ScholarsInJiangnan yt dl EWCRGgTFL6U 251 248)
2360 WgKBcBi0ons
2362 DdczxhsS9eg
2363 XeDhG3jiE_0
2364 NKI3bo9r898
2365 kApi4ygSBpo
2366 lgab6aiazjU
2367 vny7ebHRhMo
2368 Xn12hpWmvxo
2369 6Bd0yI55gNc
2370 83LL-z_7Kfw
2371 dyKBeOpJ6yY
2372 WZxVlXZbqdA
2373 qPahlsymE0s
2374 MquhVkXjm4M
2375 TWaSO3ueAYM
2376 WYEJ-OVGMn8
2377 419HdcXzntA
2378 XEm527eEyU0
2379 VdKBnlNyZXE
2380 GXETOqjBimw
2381 D9sq3P6sGsQ
2382 UPj24Op3WVs
2383 m5Pr9GfFOZM
2384 jtzwBxtZYjA
2385 0ArP1X8XVsw
2386 gfbEIIEW524
2387 JXh7doO-o_A
2388 tEPlzQ1ybLM
2389 eVYSTWuy_18
2390 bd6zNgiewEk
2391 qV9BpCc0W-U
2392 v-7r5pFK-lE
2393 PDK3CyZGO6E
2394 K4W5jdDxecM
2395 MAR7e3D0578
2396 6qXvNuC1EOg
2397 2bymU4y1FVQ
2398 5dUpiVoEqug
2399 NLv5x-MxQOw
2400 EyAnRmwzc8M
2401 PwiCefFwNkI
2404 TheJourneyOfFlower
2406 BxIA9OIiaB4
2407 Bm8FG91HMhM
2408 SvNZAAUdnhM
2409 Ya8r3d58pjo
2410 jbVT_H_T0xg
2411 yZKGDrQnDSE
2412 GI8CeSKTgNU
2413 TtgGYwJQ3HY
2414 wkknEA13HtI
2415 AHfCxlRjp40
2416 7KmIZo0VDSM
2417 RXp7c4qLjDc
2418 hjeMlPYG6CE
2419 g_REMUugMJs
2420 D_5Gwa6Zpoo
2421 f7ZpoLmxrkQ
2422 naiI1os4j0Y
2423 Kd3wfKH1UQA
2424 pSNEUVCBilc
2425 dachzq_2aWI
2427 7Srzz8TLhHY
2428 OlujLFqxaCY
2429 AN6GMhoWrQs
2430 AnIoFnYChXc
2431 LPHFtdbsvDM
2432 TG9kNuujhb4
2433 KXC3cP0KM0Q
2434 eZyStjJ0uBo
2435 15UohsuRQyU
2436 LD-CBLxjyEA
2437 BvaXmW5CMQI
2438 qFkmSyaMzcs
2439 3RHta-btW2A
2440 LOB3GTVmt6Y
2441 vxZ7V2sAXgQ
2442 cNZ0s7o3MYk
2443 iMGABquBJDk
2444 _R8IlR1UPcY
2445 Xw9qZCnKUuA
2446 AeRmaTXUc4M
2447 esWMI9egOUA
2448 uxzIwy0B6dc
2449 ms8jSGg48x4
2450 n8D2IBZMFdM
2451 mOJVZS0j438
2452 CMAanTUAeIs
2453 9b5SbH_aa9k
2454 tbBrk7-F12I
2455 8MZQEtjeyUg
2458 zly - mermaid
2460 BzPC6YiumrI
2461 nW_WsgOPT5w
2462 I9VEcXunkJI
2463 IpVNXiXoEDw
2464 lfKnEE5ZDXw
2465 12Drg4_mlFw
2466 dOKDR7wshQM
2467 T0ulnftFNmw
2468 yQmpdZShoJk
2469 X9uUa6NKbcM
2470 dkXny-2TyvM
2471 yY8sBpIPj4g
2472 SN3PbFY4S5o
2473 C06pBtgqKQc
2474 qoqPoCOY-Mc
2475 2cMrlffZ43I
2476 VDVNTn3qsys
2477 cXYjXQuUDVw
2478 UJi75HfigR0
2479 r2cN5iEs4p8
2480 Hd2jTC-eTB8
2481 jJC9Ma4AKPU
2482 ms35rh7sHzA
2483 WPOWFyrkyP4
2484 PsNJsghzC0g
2485 OBWbX00HcI4
2486 i9u0yMJgKmU
2487 4nlnOormf00
2488 _5pVQWLd3uM
2489 RN9f-GYOCB8
2490 sCVI6kNZ12Y
2491 yBYZxIk4cjo
2492 c1VizM6KkGU
2493 JH22pAjWQYs
2494 nLXdt58_y-I
2495 i1LoVk_N9jo
2496 U_92Pnq2fX8
2499 ThePrincessWeiYoung
2500 (CURLIT_TEMP_MS=$((700*(1024**2))) DIR=/run/mnt/sda1/a/c/ThePrincessWeiYoung yt rd pow 'yt hd1080')
2502 KtZzQNpJSUo
2503 HNklN7XEoSQ
2504 I4Crl4qduXY
2505 h3ACJzpyNnM
2506 hHo1zvLPsbA
2507 vc8mgxDX26E
2508 S73CzCJkmd0
2509 5sHbZP51nO8
2510 urGaelugGuI
2511 0luyRN5MG5k
2512 iRlR3ajbnFI
2513 pgDWEbVBMb0
2514 _1HP7eGDbPc
2515 I1RwCsJ5wdk
2516 s9Slpe6pgXU
2517 Fs8wtRTCrUU
2518 2fb01k2OFq8
2519 _LjJB4RFH3U
2520 O_OKtNuZwtQ
2521 NrwZE9Dj1JU
2522 2Y2n-PrJnSE
2523 qFdBRPNBPTw
2524 7jNF_HSVZfM
2525 9WvU0Nv0478
2526 8zBStHIF0KQ
2528 6i9jh2hzzls
2529 grwBM9qYAd4
2530 cK0_3nffOdk
2531 KHiuuOwSj5M
2532 sJA-VoHEq8k
2533 OPlcKJCdMUg
2534 cNOXd6zobbQ
2535 8o3D_1UeJ20
2536 dAEBok1SevM
2537 jtjuS2LHQZM
2538 ibf2AffuL0Q
2539 UPxGBpnAi1M
2540 trvA9ONUzSQ
2541 -tPsg8Fgv0M
2542 2uZEtEkRIP0
2543 D522GNUmgrE
2544 S5SKCHauXcI
2545 DuMu0nCRdr0
2546 qNbPN-kwTiU
2547 ybLO1bfkqZw
2548 c_-u56KVGKk
2549 nqma5_15sJw
2551 d2kuZDOPJKE
2552 9cR5mopK9pk
2553 g3VfFRraByI
2554 T9zrY7mGsp0
2555 mA3mMbCQ074
2556 ujOaNdb24Pw
2559 title: 如意: Ru Yi (全)!
2560 channel: 偶像星剧场 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChd9J0EKfzEnQYohXHMq5Ng)
2562 title: 《筑梦情缘》前传篇 杜万鹰码头强杀沈贵平 Great Architect 【芒果TV独播剧场】
2563 channel: 芒果TV青春剧场 MGTV Drama Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTulSfEm1c14WWRbSN-CNAQ)
2565 title: 神探狄仁杰前傳
2566 channel: 大劇獨播MZTV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNORTw_uosRNGgdEjwdHvuw)
2572 phaidon [[
2574 Solusi Hidup Sehat Surabaya 
2575 Jika anda 
2576 1. Sudah mengalami diabetes, hipertensi, kanker 
2577 2. Berusia di atas 40 tahun, pria dan wanita 
2578 3. memiliki riwayat merokok, minum alkohol, terlalu banyak konsumsi obat obatan baik terlarang atau obat resep
2580 Maka 
2581 Anda sangat berisiko mengalami kondisi penyakit yang lebih parah
2583 Khususnya jika pola makan anda belum sehat, masih belum rutin berolahraga, dan stress. 
2584 Salah satu bagian dari pencegahan adalah, konsumsi kayu manis, dalam bentuk bubuk atau kayu celup.misal kopi kayumanis bubuk, coklat, gula aren, atau teh lemon kayu manis madu. Kayu manis adalah produk alami kontrol gula darah, dan gula aren atau madu mencegah kenaikan gula darah.
2586 Mau tau selanjutnya? Sebentar.. Salah satu bagian dari solusi sehat untuk restorasi jaringan adalah rutin mengkonsumsi kunyit (dilarutkan air panas sedikit agar bahan aktifnya keluar) plus lemon (keluarga jeruk memperbaiki pembuluh darah), dan minyak zaitun ( anti peradangan, anti kanker, pengencer darah alami), rutin 2x sehari 
2587 Mau tau selanjutnya? Yuk ikut seminar solusi sehat alami, mencegah diabetes, hipertensi, kanker, semua secara alami 
2588 Detilnya lihat poster
2590 Mencegah Kanker 
2591 1 diantara 5 pria dan 1 diantara 6 wanita akan terkena kanker, demikian reportase dari WHO tahun 2018 .. Penelitian membuktikan juga bahwa beberapa hal berkorelasi kuat dengan manifestasi kanker 
2592 1. Kadar gula darah tinggi 
2593 2. Obat untuk diabetes 
2594 3. Gorengan dan junk food
2595 4. Penuaan (ca prostat) 
2596 5. Rokok, aktif atau pasif.
2598 Karena anda orang cerdas, maka anda tau antisipasi pencegahan tentu lebih efektif dan ekonomis dalam mencegah kanker baik yang belum muncul, atau sudah eksis agar tidak bertambah parah 
2599 Beberapa bahan alami terbukti membantu mengurangi risiko kanker misal kunyit yang ternyata menyebabkan sel kanker bunuh diri, probiotik yang ternyata bisa meningkatkan NK Cell , pemakan sel sel kanker. 
2600 Mau tau selanjutnya? 
2601 Ikuti penjelasannya, sebab penting buat anda yang sadar pentingnya pola hidup sehat 
2603 Kebiasaan Positif itu Untung 
2604 Biasa olahraga, 3x seminggu, biasa makan lebih sehat 3x sehari (misal pilih dua kebiasaan aja, makan buah dan menu ga digoreng), akan membantu kita lebih sehat. 
2605 Yuk dihitung. 2 kebiasaan lebih sehat saat makan per hari, artinya ada 6 kebiasaan per hari. Ada 180 kebiasaan per bulan. Ada 2160 kebiasaan per tahun, ada 21600 kebiasaan per 10 tahun. 
2606 Olahraga 3x seminggu artinya 12 sesi latihan per bulan, 144 sesi per tahun, 1440 sesi per 10 tahun .. Apa artinya? Ada 21600 perbedaan kesehatan pada tubuh kita, karena makanan, ada 1440 perbedaan pada tubuh kita karena olahraga.
2608 Tubuh lebih sehat dan bugar artinya risiko diabetes, hipertensi, kolesterol, berkurang...lalu bisa lebih produktif, hasil kerja lebih berkualitas, lebih untung, lebih punya peluang menikmati hidup. 
2609 Salam sehat.
2611 Autopilot (lebih) sehat
2613 Di dalam otak 👴👩 manusia ada sistem yang disebut sistem retikular. Sistem ini membantu kita mencapai apabila kita menginginkannya dengan spesifik. Misal, di malam hari ketika ingin bangun pagi, ketika kita perintahkan otak buat bangun jam 4🕓 , maka jam 4 kurang semenit kita bangun. ( Yang pernah ngalamin begini, coba kasi komen..bener gak) 
2614 Sistem ini dipakai di pesawat terbang ✈ untuk proses autopilot sehingga pesawat ga nyasar dengan tujuan. ( Jakarta Surabaya, koordinat beda 1 derajat aja, bisa nyasar ke Banyuwangi) 
2615 Demikian jika kita pingin lebih sehat, kita perintahkan otak kita untuk mempersiapkan pilihan makanan yang lebih sehat, ( saya harus makan buah 🍇🍅🍏 tiap hari) waktu berolahraga ( harus latihan 🏊🏃⛹ Senen Rabu Jumat di ....) waktu bekerja, waktu santai 💆🛀.. menyiasati waktu, pendelegasian dan lainnya. 
2616 Maka kita bisa hidup lebih sehat dan bugar. 
2618 Tips mengatasi asam urat 
2619 Penderita asam urat tau sakit nya ga enak sekali kalau udah kumat. 
2620 Makan obat tentu bisa membantu kalau lagi kumat .. Tapi
2622 Obat ga menyelesaikan masalah. 
2623 Kata kunci agar lebih sehat adalah 
2624 Pertama ☝ tukar karbohidratnya. Sebaiknya hindari Karbo putih deh..nasi putih, roti putih, gula putih alias gula pasir, apalagi cat rumah putih ( ini sangat berbahaya buat diminum)
2626 Kedua ✌ olahraga wajib. Tampak ga berhubungan, tapi justru, dibalik layar sangat berhubungan .. Ketiga 👌 boleh ditambahkan keluarga jeruk baik lemon, nipis, limo, dll yang asem. Campur air kasih madu or gula aren. Minum dua kali sehari.. Jeruk bukan beruk 🐒.. Salam sehat
2628 Tips membantu diabetes
2630 Membantu memulihkan diabetes, ga bisa hanya soal obat, herbal, terapi a, b, c. Tapi harus mengubah total gaya hidup. Makanan, olahraga, pikiran. Pun harus ada konsepnya.. Untuk urusan makanan, yang terpenting pertama adalah pemilihan karbohidrat. Pilih Karbo kompleks. Wajib ga bisa ditawar. 
2631 Kemudian sebagai komplemen, salah satu ☝ nya adalah Aloe Vera. Lidah buaya 🐊 ..bukan buaya darat.. Aloe Vera membantu pemulihan diabetes, tapi untuk jangka panjang, karena kemampuannya memulihkan jaringan rusak. Dari berbagai penelitian, sekitar 100 CC per hari selama 3 bulan bisa menurunkan gula puasa sampai 46 mg/dL, dan HbA1c sekitar 2 point'. Lumayan lah. 
2632 Silakan beli Aloe Vera olah sendiri atau beli jadi. Saran saya satu, jangan beli yang ada gula nya. Beli yang tawar. Kalau mau manis bole tambahkan gula aren atau madu. 
2633 Salam sehat
2635 Mencegah Hipertensi 
2636 Mencegah selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati. 
2637 Tapi untuk mencegah dibutuhkan pengetahuan, dan kemauan untuk berubah. 😀
2639 Salah satu☝ pengetahuan pertama adalah stop gula. Gula bisa menyempitkan arteri yang berakibat hipertensi. Tukar dengan madu. Madu alami lebih sehat dan bisa cegah hipertensi
2641 Salah dua ✌ pengetahuan adalah pemulihan arteri, salah satunya pakai lemon. Vitamin c dan fitokimia pada lemon 🍋 membantu memulihkan arteri
2643 Salah tiga 👌 adalah menggunakan teh. Teh membantu menurunkan stress sehingga secara psikologis membantu menurunkan tensi.
2645 Jadi ☝madu ✌ lemon dan 👌 teh adalah salah satu minuman yang membantu mencegah hipertensi ( Plus stop gorengan ya)
2647 diabetes apel,timun,cinnamon,kunyit,jahe
2648 hipertensi semangka,zaitun,green tea,timun,Suplementasi kalsium magnesium
2649 kolesterol tomat,strawberry,alpukat
2650 asam urat cuka apel,cherry,zaitun,lemon
2652 Cuka apel
2654 Adalah minuman fermentasi jus apel yang mengandung asam asetat, multivitamin, dan fitokimia. Kaya akan khasiat, beberapa diantaranya
2655 1. Membuat penampilan awet muda, karena merangsang produksi kolagen kulit secara alami
2656 2. Membantu mencegah penumpukan asam urat, sehingga mengurangi risiko batu ginjal. Proses akan optimal kalau sehari hari minum air distilasi
2657 3. Membantu proses pembersihan darah secara alami. 
2658 Syarat utama, minum jangan ditambah gula pasir. 
2659 Larutkan 2sendok makan cuka apel dalam segelas air 200 cc akan lebih bagus pakai air distilasi. Seperti Amidis.
2661 Ginger alias jahe 
2662 Adalah "wonder herb" karena 1. Manfaat luar biasa 2. Rasanya yang unik dan aduhai 3. Harga yang ekonomis. Jahe berkhasiat sebagai anti mual yang paten, pengencer darah alami, anti kanker yang kuat, anti nyeri yang baik. Diseduh anget anget di malam yang dingin akan memberi kehangatan dan kesehatan.. 
2664 Turmeric is good. 
2665 Kunyit adalah salah satu produk alami yang berkhasiat membantu pemulihan jaringan organ tubuh, otak, pankreas, liver. Kita bisa sebut sebagai stimulator stem cell. Harga ekonomis. Di negri kita, sebagai minuman, udah lazim sebagai bagian dari jamu. 
2666 Tambahkan lemon, kasi zaitun dikit, pakai madu 🍯.. Sangat baik bagi yang suka olahraga
2668 Anti Aging Medicine 
2669 Salah satu teori penyebab penuaan dini adalah teori inflamasi atau peradangan. 
2670 Salah satu penyebab inflamasi kronis adalah toksin yang berasal dari sisa feses atau kotoran di usus yang tidak terbuang sempurna akibat 
2671 1. Kurang makanan berserat, khususnya serat kasar. 
2672 2. Terlalu banyak antibiotik apalagi yang tidak rasional menyebabkan gangguan flora usus
2673 3. Kuranf air putih menyebabkan proses pembentukan feses ga sempurna. 
2674 Dampak dari usus yang "kotor" ini banyak sekali. Itu sebabnya Dr Bernard Jensen mengatakan " death starts in colon". Dan di tahun 1980 dia menulis buku tentang colon cleansing. 
2675 Beberapa cara colon cleansing adalah
2676 1. Colon hydrotherapy
2677 2. Coffee enema
2678 3. Organic vegetables. Sayuran organik dalam bentuk bubuk sayur karena proses cold press memungkinkan kita makan sayur utuh dalam volume kecil. 
2679 Bubuk sayuran ini ketika dicampur air akan mengembang dan berbagai zat fitokimia akan bekerja membersihkan usus secara alami. 
2680 Salah satu contoh produknya adalah produk Zmooth dari perusahaan Zegen, yang sudah mendapat ijin BPOM di Indonesia. 
2681 Jika anda membutuhkan produk, anda bisa hubungi Andi di 085286824401 
2683 Anti Aging Medicine 
2684 Salah satu penyebab penuaan dini adalah proses oksidasi. 
2685 Ketika sel tubuh mengalami oksidasi maka sel mengalami kematian lebih dini dari yang seharusnya, sehingga tubuh harus memproduksi sel baru lebih cepat. Karena kapasitas produksi sel terbatas jumlahnya, maka proses oksidasi mempercepat tubuh menggunakan "stok" genetik untuk produksi sel baru. 
2686 Dampak oksidasi adalah kerusakan jaringan, (misalnya kolesterol jika teroksidasi menyumbat pembuluh darah walau kolesterol dalam batas normal. Maka banyak yang kecele, saat diperiksa lab sehat, tapi bisa kena stroke atau serangan jantung) bahkan Kematian menjadi lebih cepat.
2688 Solusinya adalah penggunaan antioksidan. 
2689 Lester Packer adalah orang pertama yang mencetuskan kata antioksidan dan menjelaskan teori antioxidant network. 
2690 Tips sederhana antioksidan adalah 
2691 1. Makan buah 3x sehari, boleh buah potong, buah berbumbu, blender. 
2692 2. Minuman herbal, seperti teh, coklat, jahe, kunyit. 
2693 3. Suplementasi antioksidan 
2694 Jika anda membutuhkan blender yang bagus dan atau suplementasi antioksidan, bisa hubungi Andi di 0852 8682 4401
2696 Semangka dan Kesehatan
2698 Semangka, buab dengan warna daging kemerahan nan menggoda, ternyata selain enak, manis, menyegarkan, juga memiliki manfaat kesehatan
2700 1. Kesehatan kuliyt, mengandung lycopene untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit
2702 2. Kaya akan citrulline, bahan baku arginine, yang bermanfaat bagii kesehatan pembuluh darah
2704 3. Fitokimia pada bagian putih nya sebagai antikanker yang kuat. Kombinasi bagian merah dan putih apabila diblender akan membantu kesehatan ginjal, membuang batu ginjal
2706 Melon dan Kesehatan
2708 Melon, buah yang segar, manis dan harga ekonomis, ternyata menyimpan banyak manfaat kesehatan 
2709 1. Kaya serat larut yang membantu menurunkan kolesterol, plus kaya antioksidan melindungi kolesterol dari kerusakan
2711 2. Kaya akan materi yang memulihkan dinding sel lambung penderita sakit maag. Biasakan makan melon sebelum makan, akan membantu melindungi usus. 
2712 3. Jika diblender sama bijinya merupakan sumber kalsium alami mencegah osteoporosis. Pilih blender yang bisa memecah biji, agar enak diminum. Tanpa gula tambahan. 
2713 Jika hendak memesan blender yang digambar ini, bisa hubungi Andi di 0852 8682 4401
2715 Timun dan Kesehatan
2717 Timun adalah buah yang memiliki banyak manfaat. 
2718 1. Jika dimakan sebelum makan pokok, akan memperlambat kenaikan gula darah. 
2719 2. Kaya akan silika, sebagai antiosteoporosis plus membuat kulit kenyal
2720 3. Harga ekonomis dan ada di mana mana. 
2722 Ngopi itu Sehat
2724 Kopi sering dituduh menyebabkan hipertensi. 
2725 Bener, tapi kopi bukan penyebab orang jadi hipertensi. Hipertensi itu proses panjang sampai terjadi. Gula, goreng, stress, ga olahraga, penuaan, adalah beberapa kontributor hipertensi. 
2726 Kopi itu sehat jika dikonsumsi tanpa gula pasir. Jika dikonsumsi ranpa gula alias pahit, sebelum olahraga, membantu proses pembakaran lemak. Jika ingin manis, pakai gula aren. 
2727 Menikmati kopi bisa bermacam cara, boleh ditambah herbal supaya lebih enak. 
2728 Kopi bisa diminum panas, atau dingin, segelas besar arau one shoot deal. 
2730 Diabetes dan Palugada
2731 Diabetes adalah jika kadar gula darah puasa anda di atas 100mg/dL. Padahal kadar gula darah puasa 90 mg/dL saja sudah menyebabkan masalah pada kesehatan, dan salah satu manifestasinya adalah diabetes. Gejala diabetes adalah sering lapar, sering haus, dan sering buang air kecil. Jadi kalau anda jadi gampang lapar padahal baru makan atau gampang haus padahal baru minum atau sering kencing, bisa jadi itu adalah gejala penyakit diabetes. Diabetes boleh dibilang penyakit palugada.
2733 Istilah palugada adalah singkatan dari apa lu mau gua ada.. istilah palugada ini lazim digunakan di dunia kerja, dan dunia bisnis khususnya yang berperan sebagai makelar. Dalam dunia kedokteran, diabetes disebut penyakit palugada, karena kita mau sakit apa aja akan tersedia jika sudah terkena diabetes. Mau penyakit jantung, darah tinggi alias hipertensi, kolesterol, asam urat, trigliserida, bahkan kanker. Diabetes mengganggu kesehatan kerja yang pada akibatnya menurunkan produktivitas kerja, dan mengganggu kinerja perusahaan.
2735 Diabetes memicu penyakit jantung dan karena diabetes menyebabkan masalah penyumbatan pembuluh darah jantung, karena kadar gula darah yang tinggi menyebabkan dinding dalam pembuluh darah termasuk arteri koroner pada jantung, alias endotel, seperti digosok ampelas, menyebabkan peradangan. Lama kelamaan ini akan menyebabkan sumbatan. Jika sumbatan ini terjadi di leher maka akan menyebabkan stroke, jika di jantung maka menyebabkan serangan jantung, jika di arah alat vital lelaki, maka akan menyebabkan anda tidak tahan lama alias impotensi. Nah..artinya jika anda mengalami impotensi karena diabetes, maka untuk tahan lama urusan seks sebaiknya hindari mengandalkan jamu kuat atau obat tahan lama. Justru perbaiki dulu diabetesnya dan dampak diabetes terhadap tubuh, misalnya sumbatan pembuluh darah ini dibersihkan secara alami dengan smoothie pembersih pembuluh darah seperti yang mengandung alpukat dengan bijinya, apel dengan bijinya, dan lainnya.
2737 Apakah diabetes bisa sembuh alami? Bisa. Anda boleh coba langkah pertama, yakni menukar karbohidrat. Hindari nasi putih tukar nasi merah. Hindari gula pasir tukar gula aren. Hindari mi tukar spaghetti. Selain gula darah turun, ini adalah cara menurunkan berat badan alami. Kita tau bahwa diabetes berhubungan dengan kegemukan. Banyak orang yang tadinya tidak diabetes jadi diabetes karena kegemukan, dan kalau anda menukar karbohidrat selain tidak menaikkan gula darah, juga merupakan cara menguruskan badan yang benar.
2739 Karbohidrat Kompleks dan Kesehatan
2740 Ketika anda mengalami gejala diabetes atau gejala sakit gula yakni anda jadi gampang lapar padahal baru makan atau gampang haus padahal baru minum atau sering kencing, maka bisa jadi itu adalah gejala penyakit diabetes. Lalu anda memeriksakan diri dan anda menjumpai kadar gula darah puasa anda di atas 100mg/dL. maka gejala penyakit diabetes atau penyakit gula dan pemeriksaan lab sudah menunjang. Ketika terdiagnosa diabetes, maka produktivitas kerja akan berkurang dan jika sudah masuk pensiun, maka kualitas hidup semakin berkurang. Umumnya selain diresepkan dokter obat, maka penderita diabetes akan mencari obat diabetes atau obat gula darah sendiri, mulai dari obat diabetes herbal, suplementasi makanan, jamu diabetes, dan lainnya.
2742 Padahal seharusnya kita memulai dari logika paling sederhana soal gula darah.
2744 Gula darah tinggi adalah akibat dari apa yang dimakan. Jadi kalau kita memilih makanan yang tidak meningkatkan gula darah, maka gula darah kita tidak akan naik, stamina kita bagus, dan produktivitas kerja optimal. Ingat obat penyakit gula yang paling benar bukanlah obat gula darah itu sendiri, tetapi memilih karbohidrat yang tidak meningkatkan gula darah. Ketika anda menukar karbohidrat sederhana menjadi karbohidrat kompleks, misalnya menukar nasi putih menjadi nasi merah, maka dampak pertama yang akan anda rasakan adalah gula darah anda tidak naik. Gejala diabetes seperti sering lapar akan berkurang sebab gula darah stabil. Jadi karbohidrat kompleks bisa dibilang merupakan obat penyakit gula alami alias obat alami diabetes. Karbohidrat yang kurang serat misalnya nasi putih yang pulen, bubur nasi, mi instan, roti putih, roti gandum, gula akan cepat meningkatkan gula darah. Selain menyebabkan gejala diabetes semakin parah, maka karbohidrat sederhana ini berisiko menyebabkan darah tinggi, kolesterol, trigliserida, dan asam urat. Padahal jenis ini memang sangat enak di mulut. Mengkonsumsi karbohidrat yang cukup serat seperti nasi merah, kacang hijau, roti gandum, spaghetti dan jika ingin konsumsi pemanis anda bisa pakai gula aren, madu, stevia, maka akan membuat gula darah anda relatif stabil. Karbohidrat kompleks merupakan fondasi diet alami yang juga membantu turunkan berat badan dan merupakan cara menurunkan berat badan yang sehat. Bayangkan, hidup sehat yang juga merupakan cara menguruskan badan yang sehat, sehingga manfaatnya ganda. Gejala diabetes berkurang, dan orang menjadi kurus dengan cepat. Tentu sebaiknya dibarengi menu sehat yang enak agar dijalankan dengan suka cita.
2746 Olahraga aerobik dan Kesehatan
2747 Olahraga aerobik membantu membakar lemak. Ketika seseorang mengalami kegemukan maka dia akan mengalami berbagai risiko penyakit. Faktor utama yang berperan menimbulkan resitensi insulin adalah kegemukan. Peningkatan berat badan (lemak) 5-8 kg meningkatkan risiko diabetes tipe 2 menjadi 2 kali dibanding tidak menambah berat badan, sementara mereka yang nambah sampai 20 kg punya risiko 4x menderita diabetes. Kegemukan, khususnya yang terjadi akibat gaya hidup tidak sehat, akan menyebabkan reseptor (penerima; “lubang kunci”) insulin dalam sel menjadi tidak sensitif. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kelainan pada reseptor insulin yang terdapat di dinding sel, atau adanya ketidakberesan pada proses lanjutan di dalam sel setelah insulin terikat reseptor (pascareseptor). Catatan, untuk diabetisi, hindari olahraga dengan perut kosong.
2749 Olahraga aerobik membantu menurunkan darah tinggi dan mengobati impotensi melalui tiga mekanisme utama. Pertama, membakar lemak sehingga menurunkan resistensi perifer, dan kedua meningkatkan nitric oxide secara alami, sehingga walau tekanan darah naik saat latihan, akan turun secara alamiah setelah berlatih. Ketiga, membantu membersihkan pembuluh darah secara alami, jika ditambahkan nutrisi seperti teh hijau yang dikonsumsi sebelum olahraga, suplementasi vitamin e dan c dalam diet sehari-hari, atau smoothie buah yang mengandung anggur hitaolm, alpukat dengan bijinya, atau delima.
2751 Olahraga aerobik adalah olahraga mengecilkan perut yang efektif. Penyebab kegemukan bukan semata-mata kelebihan makan dan kurang olahraga. Akan tetapi olahraga jelas membantu kesehatan semua orang, termasuk yang kegemukan. Aktivitas aerobik adalah olahraga mengecilkan perut yang efektif, apabila dilakukan dengan frekuensi, intensitas, time alias waktu yang cukup. Program mengecilkan badan akan lebih optimal apabila menggunakan “fat burner” seperti kopi atau teh yang dikonsumsi tanpa gula sebelum latihan dalam keadan perut kosong.
2753 Olahraga meningkatkan produktivitas tenaga kerja, karena kesehatan dan kebugaran meningkat, dan karena olahraga secara alamiah meningkatkan endorfin, maka rasa nyaman dalam tubuh akan memberi pengaruh motivasi terhadap produktivitas kerja. Karyawan yang sehat dan bugar akan lebih optimal dalam bekerja dan output pekerjaan akan lebih baik.
2755 Kanker dan Penyembuhan Alami
2756 Kanker adalah kata yang menakutkan jika didengar oleh orang yang menimpanya dan atau pendampingnya. Kata kanker yang diucapkan oleh dokter kadang seperti kalimat hukuman mati yang menyebabkan tubuh lemas, tak bertenaga, dan nyawa seolah sudah melayang padahal masih hidup. Dalam dunia kerja, kanker menurunkan produktivitas kerja dan mengganggu kinerja perusahaan ketika kesehatan kerja karyawan terganggu. Saya ingin anda tau, bahwa yang punya umur adalah Tuhan. Hindari keburu stress mendengar kata kanker. Hati yang gembira adalah obat dan semangat yang patah keringkan tulang. Pecaya Tuhan akan buka jalan walau tampak tiada jalan.
2758 Dalam dunia kedokteran, cabang ilmu yang mempelajari kanker adalah onkologi. kanker atau dalam dunia kedokteran disebut dengan neoplasma adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan berubahnya siklus kehidupan sel dimana sel tumbuh tidak terkendali (pembelahan sel melebihi batas normal), menyerang jaringan tubuh disekitarnya, dan bermigrasi ke jaringan tubuh yang lain melalui sirkulasi darah atau sistem limfatik, disebut metastasis. Karakter-karakter inilah yang nantinya membedakan keganasan suatu kanker. Kanker bisa bentunya berupa tumor, bisa juga tidak, seperti kanker darah leukemia. Gejala kanker berbeda, tergantung pada lokasi dan karakter keganasan, serta ada tidaknya metastasis atau penyebaran sel kanker. Diagnosa pasti kanker membutuhkan pemeriksaan patologi anatomi, yang menggunakan mikroskop jaringan yang diperoleh dengan pengambilan jaringan kanker atau biopsi.
2760 Setelah diagnosa pasti ditegakkan, kanker biasanya dirawat dengan operasi, kemoterapi, atau radiasi, yang dilakukan oleh dokter spesialis onkologi, yang merupakan superspesialisasi dari bidang spesialis kedokteran. Jika yang menderita kanker adalah organ wanita seperti rahim, maka yang merawat adalah dokter spesialis Obgyn (sering disebut dokter kandungan) superspesialis onkologi. Jika yang menderita kanker adalah anak, maka yang merawat adalah dokter spesialis anak superspesialis onkologi. kebanyakan kanker menyebabkan kematian. Tapi, semua orang toh harus mati. Malah banyak yang mati mendadak karena serangan jantung. Kanker memang adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian di negara berkembang. Kebanyakan kanker dapat dirawat dan banyak disembuhkan, terutama bila perawatan dimulai sejak awal. Banyak bentuk kanker berhubungan dengan faktor lingkungan yang sebenarnya bisa dihindari. Merokok dapat menyebabkan banyak kanker daripada faktor lingkungan lainnya.
2762 Tumor (bahasa Latin; pembengkakan) menunjuk massa jaringan yang tidak normal, tetapi dapat berupa “ganas” (bersifat kanker) atau “jinak” (tidak bersifat kanker). Hanya tumor ganas yang mampu menyerang jaringan lainnya ataupun bermetastasis. Kanker dapat menyebar melalui kelenjar getah bening maupun pembuluh darah ke organ lain. Kemajuan dunia kedokteran dengan metode kemoterapi, radiasi, dan pembedahan, terbukti memperpanjang usia penderita kanker. Akan tetapi tidak semua orang siap atau sanggup menghadapi pengobatan tersebut. Baik tidak siap secara psikologi misalnya karena salah satu organ tubuhnya dipotong guna menghindari metastase, atau ketidakmampuan finansial membayar biaya pengobatan, atau ketika menjalani pengobatan seperti kemoterapi alias pengobatan kimia untuk kanker berupa obat, penderita tidak kuat menghadapi efek samping obat yang dirasakan baik rasa mual, nyeri pada sendi, kelemahan, dan kebotakan. Itu sebabnya, ketika anda merasa takut dan lelah dengan berbagai pengobatan, maka saran saya berhentilah menyerah. Ya.. berhenti menyerah. Karena kita akan mencoba berdamai dengan kanker dengan menjalani hidup sehat dan hentikan kebiasaan yang menyebabkan kanker, misalnya hentikan rokok bagi penderita kanker paru-paru dan saluran nafas. Terbukti bahwa gaya hidup yang sehat sangat mengurangi kesakitan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh kanker. Makan sehat, olahraga, istirahat cukup, pikiran sehat, dan aktivitas sehat, sangat membantupenderita kanker. Plus, menggunakan alat bantu berupa bahan berkhasiat obat yang disediakan alam baik berupa makanan, rempah-rempah, dan tehnik lain. Saya doakan anda lebih sehat dan sembuh.
2764 Kanker dan karbohidrat
2765 Jika anda menderita kanker maka langkah awal untuk membantu kondisi kesehatan anda adalah berhenti mengkonsumsi gula dan makanan yang cepat meningkatkan gula darah.Peneliti di Huntsman Cancer Institute Utah Amerika Serikat, adalah salah satu yang pertama menjumpai bahwa gula memberi makan kanker. Penelitian ini dipublikasikan di jurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences dikatakan “ telah diketahui sejak 1923 bahwa sel tumor menggunakan glukosa lebih banyak daripada sel normal. Penelitian kami menunjukkan bagaimana proses ini terjadi , dan bagaimana menghentikan pertumbuhan tumor”, demikian kata Don Ayer PhD, profesor dari Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah.Dr. Thomas Graeber, profesor molecular and medical pharmacology, meneliti bagaimana metabolisme gula mempengaruhi sinyal metabolisme yang ada di dalam sel kanker.
2767 Dalam penelitian yang dipublikasikan 26 Juni 2012 di jurnal Molecular Systems Biology, Graeber dan kawan-kawan mendemonstrasikan bahwa membuat sel kanker kelaparan akan gula, mengaktifkan sinyal metaolik yang menyebabkan sel kanker mengalami kematian sebagai akibat dari akumulasi reactive oxygen species (ROS) yang toksik. Dalam dunia kerja, menukar gula dan karbohidrat mengurangi risiko turunnya produktivitas kerja dan mengurangi masalah metabolik lain seperti diabetes yang mengganggu kesehatan kerja dan meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Langkah pertama membantu ksehatan alami jika anda menderita kanker, mulai saat ini berhenti makan dan minuman yang mengandung gula pasir seperti sayur atau sambal yang seringkali diberi gula, minuman dalam kemasan; hindari juga nasi putih, roti putih, mi, kue dan panganan berbahan dasar tepung.
2769 Sumber karbohidrat anda adalah nasi merah akan lebih baik pilih yang orgnik kacang hijau, ubi, talas, dan buah-buahan yang lebih baik organik. Drs. Rainer Klement dan Ulrike Kammerer melakukan review yang melibatkan karbohidrat dan hubungannya langsung atau tidak langsung terhadap sel kanker dan dipublikasikan di bulan Oktober 2011 di jurnal Nutrition and Metabolism, menyimpulkan bahwa kanker sedemikian sensitif terhadap suplai gula. Peningkatan suplai gula meningkatkan beberapa tanda perkembangan kanker seperti pembelahan sel kanker yang berlebihan, signal antiapoptosis ( anti bunuh diri), perkembangan siklus sel, dan angiogenesis (pertumbuhan pembuluh darah di sekitar kanker). Makan gula putih dan juga makanan yang cepat meningkatkan gula darah menyebabkan defisiensi ( kekurangan) mineral magnesium, sebab magnesium hilang dalam pemrosesan makanan, dan ini menyebabkan gula lebih bebas bergerak. Gula itu prokanker dan pro peradangan.
2771 Langkah kedua adalah meminum jus buah dalam arti smoothie. Pilih yang kurang manis, seperti apel, strawberry, alpukat, tomat, timun, terong. Jus itu hanya airnya, sementara smoothie dibuat beserta semua seratnya. Bagian putih dari buah kaya akan fitokimia yang membantu melawan kanker dan vitamin serta mineral di dalam buah-buahan mempunyai sifat “chelation”, artinya mengikat bahan toksik yang berada di dalam sel kanker. Diduga bahan kimia toksik inilah yang merupakan tersangka mengapa sel tubuh berubah menjadi kanker. Sel tubuh berusaha mengisolasi bahan toksik ini agar tidak meracuni sel disekitarnya, dan sel yang mengisolasi kanker ini merupakan sel yang kuat serta tidak mau bunuh diri ( sel tubuh manusia punya mekanisme bunuh diri alami).
2773 Langkah ketiga adalah melakukan “colon cleansing”. Jika kita kekuranan makan makanan berserat, maka sisa makanan berupa kotoran di tubuh kita tidak terbuang dengan sempurna. Serat dari sayur dan buah serta yang ada di biji makanan itu berfungsi sebagai “sapu alami” di dalam usus. Sehingga bila volume sapu ini kurang, maka sisa makanan ini menumpuk dan dalam periode puluhan tahun bisa menjadi berkilo-kilo beratnya. Ada beberapa pilihan untuk melakukan “colon cleansing” alami, yaitu dengan colon hydrotherapy, coffee enema ( pakai kopi organik), atau fiber therapy. Fiber therapy seperti yang ada di dalam Zmooth selain mengandung sayuran organik, juga mengandung probiotik yang membantu flora normal di usus dan prebiotik yang merupakan makanan probiotik.
2778 tomat rebus + kunyit + extra virgin olive oil + lemon
2779 asparagus | brokoli | kembang kol
2780 kunyit + santan
2782 celery
2783 beets
2784 pepper
2785 fennel
2786 peppermint
2787 kale
2788 romaine lettuce
2789 basil
2790 parsley
2791 chia seeds
2796 obarun {
2798 obarun-install diff (obarun-install-2.0.3-1 obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1 obarun-libs-0.1.8-3)
2799 [===[
2800 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/etc/obarun/install.conf b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/etc/obarun/install.conf
2801 index d06a32f..17cd891 100644
2802 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/etc/obarun/install.conf
2803 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/etc/obarun/install.conf
2804 @@ -96,3 +96,5 @@ BRANCH_THEMES=""
2806  # gpg directory used during the installation
2807  GPG_DIR="/var/lib/obarun/gnupg"
2809 +CACHE_DIR_DEST="/run/mnt/sdc1"
2810 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/bin/obarun-install b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/bin/obarun-install
2811 index 42c6dad..2e26b40 100755
2812 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/bin/obarun-install
2813 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/bin/obarun-install
2814 @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if [[ "$NETWORKCHECK" == "yes" ]]; then
2815  fi
2816  check_database
2817  main_update
2818 -hot_fix
2819 +#hot_fix
2820  dg_info "Welcome to the obarun installer" "$dgm_welcome"
2821  if [[ "$KEYBOARDCHECK" == "yes" ]]; then
2822         set_keymap
2823 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install.sh b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install.sh
2824 index d09ca3d..e245d84 100755
2825 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install.sh
2826 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install.sh
2827 @@ -336,8 +336,11 @@ start_from(){
2828  #              fi
2829  #      else
2830                 create_dir
2831 -               mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2832 -               mount_one "${CACHE_DIR}" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2833 +               #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2834 +               #mount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2835 +               #mount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" -o bind
2836 +               mount_root
2837 +               dg_info "Welcome to the obarun installer" "$dgm_welcome"
2838                 copy_file
2839                 check_gpg "$GPG_DIR"
2840                 sync_data
2841 @@ -391,8 +394,10 @@ customize_newroot(){
2842         fi
2844         create_dir
2845 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2846 -       mount_one "${CACHE_DIR}" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2847 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2848 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2849 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" -o bind
2850 +       mount_root
2851         copy_rootfs
2852         define_root 
2853         customizeChroot_menu
2854 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/config.sh b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/config.sh
2855 index b3b1a45..e695697 100755
2856 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/config.sh
2857 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/config.sh
2858 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ config_custofile(){
2859         custo_once config_user
2860         custo_once config_keymap
2861         custo_once config_xkeymap
2862 -       custo_once config_pac_sync
2863 +       #custo_once config_pac_sync
2864         custo_once config_pacopts
2867 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ config_localetime(){
2869  config_user(){
2871 -       chroot "$NEWROOT" useradd -m -G "audio,floppy,log,network,rfkill,scanner,storage,optical,power,wheel,video,users" -s /usr/bin/zsh "$NEWUSER"
2872 +       chroot "$NEWROOT" useradd -m -G "audio,floppy,log,network,rfkill,scanner,storage,optical,power,wheel,video,users" -s /usr/bin/sh "$NEWUSER"
2874         config_password "${NEWUSER}"
2876 @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ config_password(){
2877                 fi
2878         done
2880 -       printf "%b\n" "${pass}\n${pass1}" | passwd -R "${NEWROOT}" "${user}" || die "unable to set the ${user} password" "clean_install"
2881 +       chroot "${NEWROOT}" /bin/sh -c "printf \"%b\n\" \"${pass}\n${pass1}\" | passwd \"${user}\"" || die "unable to set the ${user} password" "clean_install"
2883         unset pass pass1 user
2885 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/define.sh b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/define.sh
2886 index cff3832..f835a02 100755
2887 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/define.sh
2888 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/define.sh
2889 @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ define_root(){
2891         if [[ ! $(grep "root::" $NEWROOT/etc/shadow) ]]; then
2892                 out_action "Create root user on $NEWROOT"
2893 -               usermod -R "$NEWROOT" -s /usr/bin/zsh root
2894 +               usermod -R "$NEWROOT" -s /usr/bin/sh root
2895         fi
2897         mkdir -p -m 0700 "$NEWROOT/root"
2898 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/pac.sh b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/pac.sh
2899 index d4951ca..7337db1 100755
2900 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/pac.sh
2901 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/pac.sh
2902 @@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ install_package(){
2903  sync_data(){
2905         out_action "Synchronize database"
2906 -       pacman -Sy --config "$GENERAL_DIR/$CONFIG_DIR/pacman.conf" || die " Impossible to synchronize database" "clean_install"
2907 +       #pacman -Sy --config "$GENERAL_DIR/$CONFIG_DIR/pacman.conf" || die " Impossible to synchronize database" "clean_install"
2909         out_action "Copying database on $NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/"  
2910         mkdir -p -m0755 "$NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/"
2912 -       cp /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.{db,sig} "$NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/" || die "/var/lib/pacman/sync/*.db doesn't exit on host" "clean_install"
2913 -       cp /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.{db,sig} "$NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/" || die "/var/lib/pacman/sync/*.{db,sig} doesn't exit on host" "clean_install"
2914 +       cp /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.db "$NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/" || die "/var/lib/pacman/sync/*.db doesn't exit on host" "clean_install"
2915 +       #cp /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.{db,sig} "$NEWROOT/var/lib/pacman/sync/" || die "/var/lib/pacman/sync/*.{db,sig} doesn't exit on host" "clean_install"
2919 diff --git a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/util.sh b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/util.sh
2920 index f09197f..8d0fc26 100755
2921 --- a/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/util.sh
2922 +++ b/obarun-install-2.0.3-1/usr/lib/obarun/install/util.sh
2923 @@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ clean_install(){
2924         kill_process "haveged gpg-agent dirmngr"
2926         out_valid "Umount $NEWROOT"
2927 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2928 -       umount_one "${NEWROOT}${CACHE_DIR}" "${NEWROOT}${CACHE_DIR}"
2929 +       #umount_one "${NEWROOT}${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "${NEWROOT}${CACHE_DIR_DEST}"
2930 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2931 +       #umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
2932 +       umount_root
2934         #if [[ $(awk -F':' '{ print $1}' /etc/passwd | grep usertmp) >/dev/null ]]; then
2935         #       out_valid "Removing user usertmp"
2936 @@ -132,12 +134,15 @@ mc_newroot(){
2937         fi
2939         create_dir
2940 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2941 -       mount_one "${CACHE_DIR}" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2942 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2943 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2944 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" -o bind
2945 +       mount_root
2946         SHELL=/bin/sh chroot "$NEWROOT" /usr/bin/mc || return 1
2947 -       umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
2948 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2949 -       
2950 +       #umount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}"
2951 +       #umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
2952 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2953 +       umount_root
2956  ##             Open an interactive shell on NEWROOT
2957 @@ -151,8 +156,10 @@ call_shell(){
2958         fi
2960         create_dir
2961 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2962 -       mount_one "${CACHE_DIR}" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2963 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2964 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2965 +       #mount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" -o bind
2966 +       mount_root
2967         clear
2968         tput cnorm
2969         out_info "Tape exit when you have finished"
2970 @@ -161,9 +168,10 @@ call_shell(){
2971         else
2972                 SHELL=/bin/sh chroot "$NEWROOT" || return 1
2973         fi
2974 -       umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
2975 -       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2976 -       
2977 +       #umount_one "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}" "$NEWROOT${CACHE_DIR_DEST}"
2978 +       #umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
2979 +       #mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
2980 +       umount_root
2984 @@ -236,3 +244,25 @@ generate_fstab(){
2986         unset _directory
2989 +mount_root() {
2990 +       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "mount"
2991 +       mount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
2992 +       local d
2993 +       for d in ${BIND_DIRS} ; do
2994 +               #read -p "mounting ${NEWROOT}${d}"
2995 +               mount_one "${NEWROOT}${d}" "${d}" "${NEWROOT}${d}" -o bind
2996 +       done
2999 +umount_root() {
3000 +       local a i
3001 +       a=(${BIND_DIRS})
3002 +       i=${#a[@]}
3003 +       for ((i--;i>=0;i--)) ; do
3004 +               #read -p "umounting $NEWROOT${a[$i]}"
3005 +               umount_one "$NEWROOT${a[$i]}" "$NEWROOT${a[$i]}"
3006 +       done
3007 +       mount_umount "$NEWROOT" "umount"
3008 +       umount_one "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "$NEWROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
3010 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/customizeChroot b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/customizeChroot
3011 index b413d84..e198dec 100755
3012 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/customizeChroot
3013 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/customizeChroot
3014 @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ config_66(){
3015         66-tree -v3 -Ecn root
3017         out_action "Enable tty1, tty2, dbus, connmand, wpa_supplicant and ntpd on tree root"
3018 -       66-enable -v3 tty@tty1 tty@tty2 dbus openntpd connmand wpa_supplicant
3019 +       66-enable -v3 tty@tty1 tty@tty2 dbus
3021         out_action "Create tree graphics for ${NEWUSER}, enables and makes it current"
3022         su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-tree -v3 -Ecn graphics"
3024         out_action "Enable xdg-user-dirs, dbus-session@${NEWUSER} on tree graphics"
3025 -       su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-enable -v3 xdg-user-dirs dbus-session@${NEWUSER}"
3026 +       su "${NEWUSER}" -c "66-enable -v3 dbus-session@${NEWUSER}"
3028  custo_once config_66
3030 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base
3031 index feee7e1..d58c0f6 100644
3032 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base
3033 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base
3034 @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
3035  #--------------
3037  applysys
3038 +base
3039  bash
3040  bzip2
3041  coreutils
3042 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_X b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_X
3043 index 18d0237..97fbd85 100644
3044 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_X
3045 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_X
3046 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ xorg-fonts-100dpi
3047  xorg-xev 
3048  xorg-xinit
3049  xorg-xprop 
3050 -xterm 
3051 +#xterm 
3052  xcb-util-renderutil
3055 @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ xcb-util-renderutil
3056  #------------------
3058  xf86-input-libinput
3059 -xf86-input-keyboard 
3060 -xf86-input-mouse
3061 +#xf86-input-keyboard 
3062 +#xf86-input-mouse
3063  xf86-input-synaptics
3064  xf86-input-vmmouse
3065  xf86-input-void 
3066 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_obarun b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_obarun
3067 index 5faccdc..959e07b 100644
3068 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_obarun
3069 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_obarun
3070 @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ git
3071  htop
3072  libgudev
3073  mc
3074 -nano
3075 +#nano
3076  obarun-keyring
3077  obarun-zsh
3078  oblibs
3079 -obnews
3080 +#obnews
3081  p7zip
3082  s6
3083  s6-linux-utils
3084 @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ s6-portable-utils
3085  s6-rc
3086  skalibs
3087  sudo
3088 -testdisk
3089 +#testdisk
3090  unrar
3091  unzip
3092  vi
3093  zsh
3094 -zsh-completions
3095 +#zsh-completions
3097  #-----------
3098  ## services
3099 @@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ boot-66serv
3100  tty@-66serv
3101  dhcpcd-66serv
3102  dmraid-66serv
3103 -wpa_supplicant-66serv
3104 -# nfs-utils-66serv
3105 +#wpa_supplicant-66serv
3106 +#nfs-utils-66serv
3107 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_utilities b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_utilities
3108 index 032819f..c4ebd80 100644
3109 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_utilities
3110 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/base_utilities
3111 @@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ lynx
3112  #------------
3114  btrfs-progs 
3115 -crda
3116 +#crda
3117  dmraid
3118  dosfstools 
3119 -# nfs-utils
3120 -ntfs-3g
3121 -perl-file-mimeinfo 
3122 +#nfs-utils
3123 +#ntfs-3g
3124 +#perl-file-mimeinfo 
3125  python
3126  usb_modeswitch
3127  wget 
3128 -wireless_tools 
3129 -wgetpaste 
3130 -wpa_supplicant
3131 +#wireless_tools 
3132 +#wgetpaste 
3133 +#wpa_supplicant
3135  #-------------------
3136  ## obarun utilities
3137 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/desktop b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/desktop
3138 index d48fbe5..3c7d148 100644
3139 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/desktop
3140 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/package_list/desktop
3141 @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
3142  jwm
3143  xdgmenumaker
3144  obshutdown-git
3145 -lxappearance
3146 -i3lock
3147 -rofi
3148 +#lxappearance
3149 +#i3lock
3150 +#rofi
3151  gsimplecal
3153  #-----------
3154 @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ gsimplecal
3155  #-----------
3157  dbus-66serv
3158 -connmand-66serv
3159 -openntpd-66serv
3160 -xdg-user-dirs-66serv
3161 -cupsd-66serv
3162 +#connmand-66serv
3163 +#openntpd-66serv
3164 +#xdg-user-dirs-66serv
3165 +#cupsd-66serv
3166  boot-user@-66mod
3167  tty@-66serv
3169 @@ -32,31 +32,31 @@ tty@-66serv
3170  #-----------
3172  asoundconf
3173 -clipit
3174 -connman
3175 -connman-gtk
3176 -compton
3177 -epdfview
3178 +#clipit
3179 +#connman
3180 +#connman-gtk
3181 +#compton
3182 +#epdfview
3183  galculator-gtk2 
3184  geany
3185  geeqie
3186  gmrun
3187 -gparted 
3188 -gvfs
3189 -gvfs-smb
3190 +#gparted 
3191 +#gvfs
3192 +#gvfs-smb
3193  hexchat
3194  imagemagick
3195  midori
3196 -parole
3197 -polkit-gnome
3198 +#parole
3199 +#polkit-gnome
3200  scrot
3201  spacefm
3202 -sakura 
3203 +#sakura 
3204  udevil 
3205  volumeicon
3206 -xarchiver-gtk2
3207 -xdg-user-dirs
3208 -zenity
3209 +#xarchiver-gtk2
3210 +#xdg-user-dirs
3211 +#zenity
3213  #-----------
3214  ## Themes
3215 @@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ ttf-liberation
3216  #-----------
3218  alsa-lib 
3219 -alsa-plugins 
3220 -alsa-tools 
3221 +#alsa-plugins 
3222 +#alsa-tools 
3223  alsa-utils 
3224 -arandr 
3225 +#arandr 
3226  arch-install-scripts
3227  colord
3228  consolekit2
3229 @@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ libbsd
3230  libcups
3231  libpulse
3232  libwacom
3233 -notification-daemon
3234 -openntpd
3235 -numlockx 
3236 +#notification-daemon
3237 +#openntpd
3238 +#numlockx 
3239  polkit
3240  upower
3241 -wvdial
3242 +#wvdial
3243  xdg-utils 
3244  xorg-xkill
3246 diff --git a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/pacman.conf b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/pacman.conf
3247 index cd1bc2f..934a6eb 100644
3248 --- a/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/pacman.conf
3249 +++ b/obarun-install-themes-0.1.8-1/var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/jwm/pacman.conf
3250 @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ CheckSpace
3252  # By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
3253  # trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
3254 -SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional 
3255 +SigLevel = Never
3256  LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
3257  #RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
3259 @@ -68,68 +68,21 @@ LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
3260  # repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
3261  # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
3263 -#[obcore-testing]
3264 -#SigLevel = Required
3265 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore/testing/
3267  [obcore]
3268 -SigLevel = Required
3269 -Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore
3271 -#[obextra-testing]
3272 -#SigLevel = Required
3273 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra/testing
3275 +Server = https://repo.obarun.org/$repo
3276  [obextra]
3277 -SigLevel = Required
3278 -Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra
3280 -#[obcommunity-testing]
3281 -#SigLevel = Required
3282 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcommunity/testing
3284 +Server = https://repo.obarun.org/$repo
3285  [obcommunity]
3286 -SigLevel = Required
3287 -Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcommunity
3289 -#[obmultilib-testing]
3290 -#SigLevel = Required
3291 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obmultilib/testing
3293 -#[obmultilib]
3294 -#SigLevel = Required
3295 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obmultilib
3297 -#[observice-testing]
3298 -#SigLevel = Required
3299 -#Server = https://repo.obarun.org/observice/testing
3301 +Server = https://repo.obarun.org/$repo
3302  [observice]
3303 -SigLevel = Required
3304 -Server = https://repo.obarun.org/observice
3306 -#[testing]
3307 -#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3308 +Server = https://repo.obarun.org/$repo
3310 +# arch
3311  [core]
3312  Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3314  [extra]
3315  Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3317 -#[community-testing]
3318 -#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3320  [community]
3321  Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3323 -# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
3324 -# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
3326 -#[multilib-testing]
3327 -#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3329  #[multilib]
3330  #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
3333 diff --git a/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/filesystem.sh b/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/filesystem.sh
3334 index a7e8d8d..011e2ee 100755
3335 --- a/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/filesystem.sh
3336 +++ b/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/lib/filesystem.sh
3337 @@ -17,31 +17,32 @@
3338  check_mountpoint(){
3339         local _directory
3340         _directory="${1}"
3341 -       
3342         if mountpoint -q "$_directory"; then
3343                 return 0
3344         else
3345                 return 1
3346         fi
3347 -       
3348         unset _directory
3351  mount_one() {
3352 -       local msg=$1; shift
3353 +       [[ -d "$1" ]] || mkdir -p "$1"
3354 +       local msg=$(readlink -f "$1"); shift
3355         out_trace "Check mounted $msg"
3356         if ! [[ $(mount | grep "${msg}") ]]; then
3357 -               mount "$@" 
3358 +               mount "$@"
3359 +               out_success "$msg success mounted"
3360         else
3361                 out_success "$msg already mounted"
3362         fi
3365  umount_one() {
3366 -       local msg=$1; shift
3367 +       local msg=$(readlink -f "$1"); shift
3368         out_trace "Check mounted $msg"
3369         if  [[ $(mount | grep "${msg}") ]]; then
3370                 umount "$@" 
3371 +               out_success "$msg success unmounted"
3372         else
3373                 out_success "$msg not mounted"
3374         fi
3375 @@ -59,74 +60,25 @@ mount_umount(){
3376         if [[ "${rep:$len-1:1}" == "/" ]]; then
3377                 rep="${rep%?}"
3378         fi
3379 -                               
3380         if [[ "$action" == "mount" ]]; then
3381                 out_trace "Check mounted filesystem on $rep"
3382 -               if ! [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/proc) ]]; then
3383 -                       mount_one "$rep/proc" -t proc proc "$rep/proc" -o nosuid,noexec,nodev 
3384 -               else
3385 -                       out_success "$rep/proc already mounted"
3386 -               fi
3387 -               if ! [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/sys) ]]; then
3388 -                       mount_one "$rep/sys" -t sysfs sys "$rep/sys" -o nosuid,noexec,nodev,ro 
3389 -               else
3390 -                       out_success "$rep/sys already mounted"
3391 -               fi
3392 -               if ! [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/dev) ]]; then
3393 -                       mount_one "$rep/dev" -t devtmpfs dev "$rep/dev" -o mode=0755,nosuid
3394 -                       mount_one "$rep/dev/pts" -t devpts devpts "$rep/dev/pts" -o mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec
3395 -                       mount_one "$rep/dev/shm" -t tmpfs shm "$rep/dev/shm" -o mode=1777,nosuid,nodev
3396 -               else
3397 -                       out_success "$rep/dev already mounted"
3398 -               fi
3399 -               if ! [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/run) ]]; then
3400 -                       mount_one "$rep/run" -t tmpfs run "$rep/run" -o nosuid,nodev,mode=0755
3401 -               else
3402 -                       out_success "$rep/run already mounted"
3403 -               fi
3404 -               if ! [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/tmp) ]]; then
3405 -                       mount_one "$rep/tmp" -t tmpfs tmp "$rep/tmp" -o mode=1777,strictatime,nodev,nosuid
3406 -               else
3407 -                       out_success "$rep/tmp already mounted"
3408 -               fi              
3409 +               mount_one "$rep/proc" -t proc proc "$rep/proc" -o nosuid,noexec,nodev 
3410 +               mount_one "$rep/sys" -t sysfs sys "$rep/sys" -o nosuid,noexec,nodev,ro 
3411 +               mount_one "$rep/dev" -t devtmpfs dev "$rep/dev" -o mode=0755,nosuid
3412 +               mount_one "$rep/dev/pts" -t devpts devpts "$rep/dev/pts" -o mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec
3413 +               mount_one "$rep/dev/shm" -t tmpfs shm "$rep/dev/shm" -o mode=1777,nosuid,nodev
3414 +               mount_one "$rep/run" -t tmpfs run "$rep/run" -o nosuid,nodev,mode=0755
3415 +               mount_one "$rep/tmp" -t tmpfs tmp "$rep/tmp" -o mode=1777,strictatime,nodev,nosuid
3416         fi
3417         if [[ "$action" == "umount" ]]; then
3418                 out_trace "Check mounted filesystem on $rep"
3419 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/proc) ]]; then
3420 -                       umount_one "$rep/proc" "$rep/proc"
3421 -               else
3422 -                       out_success "$rep/proc not mounted"
3423 -               fi
3424 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/sys) ]]; then
3425 -                       umount_one "$rep/sys" "$rep/sys"
3426 -               else
3427 -                       out_success "$rep/sys not mounted"
3428 -               fi
3429 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/dev/pts) ]]; then
3430 -                       umount_one "$rep/dev/pts" "$rep/dev/pts"
3431 -               else
3432 -                       out_success "$rep/dev/pts not mounted"
3433 -               fi
3434 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/dev/shm) ]]; then
3435 -                       umount_one "$rep/dev/shm" "$rep/dev/shm"
3436 -               else
3437 -                       out_success "$rep/dev/shm not mounted"
3438 -               fi
3439 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/run) ]]; then
3440 -                       umount_one "$rep/run" "$rep/run"
3441 -               else
3442 -                       out_success "$rep/run not mounted"
3443 -               fi
3444 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/tmp) ]]; then
3445 -                       umount_one "$rep/tmp" "$rep/tmp"
3446 -               else
3447 -                       out_success "$rep/tmp not mounted"
3448 -               fi
3449 -               if [[ $(mount | grep "$rep"/dev) ]]; then       
3450 -                       umount_one "$rep/dev" "$rep/dev"
3451 -               else
3452 -                       out_success "$rep/dev not mounted"
3453 -               fi
3454 +               umount_one "$rep/proc" "$rep/proc"
3455 +               umount_one "$rep/sys" "$rep/sys"
3456 +               umount_one "$rep/dev/pts" "$rep/dev/pts"
3457 +               umount_one "$rep/dev/shm" "$rep/dev/shm"
3458 +               umount_one "$rep/run" "$rep/run"
3459 +               umount_one "$rep/tmp" "$rep/tmp"
3460 +               umount_one "$rep/dev" "$rep/dev"
3461         fi
3462         unset rep action
3464 diff --git a/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/util.sh b/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/util.sh
3465 index 9fed6a0..30ee8e6 100755
3466 --- a/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/util.sh
3467 +++ b/obarun-libs-0.1.8-3/usr/lib/obarun/util.sh
3468 @@ -116,3 +116,48 @@ shellopts_save(){
3469  shellopts_restore(){
3470         eval "$SHELL_OPTS"
3473 +chroot_overlay(){
3474 +       local newroot="$1" workdir="$2" theroot d
3475 +       check_mountpoint "${newroot}"
3476 +       if (( $? )) ; then
3477 +               dg_info "Chroot" "$dgm_invalid_newroot"
3478 +               return 1
3479 +       fi
3480 +       if [[ -n "${workdir}" ]] ; then
3481 +               mkdir -p "${workdir}"/{root,over,work}
3482 +               mount_one "${workdir}/root" overlay "${workdir}/root" -t overlay -o lowerdir="${newroot}",upperdir="${workdir}/over",workdir="${workdir}/work"
3483 +               theroot="${workdir}/root"
3484 +       else theroot=${newroot}
3485 +       fi
3486 +       #create_dir
3487 +       mount_umount "${theroot}" "mount"
3488 +       if [[ -n "${CACHE_DIR}" ]] ; then
3489 +               mount_one "${theroot}/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${CACHE_DIR}" "${theroot}/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -o bind
3490 +       fi
3491 +       if [[ -n "${BIND_DIRS}" ]] ; then
3492 +               for d in ${BIND_DIRS} ; do
3493 +                       mount_one "${theroot}/${d}" "${d}" "${theroot}/${d}" -r -o bind
3494 +               done
3495 +       fi
3496 +       clear
3497 +       tput cnorm
3498 +       out_info "Type exit when you have finished"
3499 +       if [[ -e "${theroot}/usr/bin/zsh" ]]; then
3500 +               SHELL=/bin/sh chroot "${theroot}" /usr/bin/zsh # || return 1
3501 +       else
3502 +               SHELL=/bin/sh chroot "${theroot}" # || return 1
3503 +       fi
3504 +       if [[ -n "${BIND_DIRS}" ]] ; then
3505 +               for d in ${BIND_DIRS} ; do
3506 +                       umount_one "${theroot}/${d}" "${theroot}/${d}"
3507 +               done
3508 +       fi
3509 +       if [[ -n "${CACHE_DIR}" ]] ; then
3510 +               umount_one "${theroot}/var/cache/pacman/pkg" "${theroot}/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
3511 +       fi
3512 +       mount_umount "${theroot}" "umount"
3513 +       if [[ -n "${workdir}" ]] ; then
3514 +               umount_one "${theroot}" "${theroot}"
3515 +       fi
3517 ]===]
3522 exherbo {
3523 git://git.exherbo.org/arbor.git
3524 git://git.exherbo.org/paludis/paludis.git
3525 git://git.exherbo.org/paludis/paludis-scripts.git
3530 void {
3532 mkdir xbps ; sudo mv xbps /var/db
3533 xbps-install -d --repository=http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/voidlinux/current/ -S
3534 xbps-query -d --repository=http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/voidlinux/current/ xbps
3536 XBPS_ARCH=x86_64-musl ./usr/bin/xbps-install -d --repository=http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/voidlinux/current/musl -S
3538 arch='i686 x86_64 armv6l armv7l'
3543 lfs {
3544 9.1 {
3545 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downloads/9.1/LFS-BOOK-9.1.tar.xz
3546 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downloads/9.1/lfs-bootscripts-20191031.tar.xz
3547 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/bash-5.0-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3548 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/bzip2-1.0.8-install_docs-1.patch
3549 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/coreutils-8.31-i18n-1.patch
3550 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/glibc-2.31-fhs-1.patch
3551 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/kbd-2.2.0-backspace-1.patch
3552 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/9.1/sysvinit-2.96-consolidated-1.patch
3554 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/blfs-book-9.1-html.tar.xz
3555 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/blfs-bootscripts-20191204.tar.bz2
3557 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/ImageMagick-6.9.10-93-libs_only-1.patch
3558 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/LWP-Protocol-https-6.07-system_certs-1.patch
3559 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/SDL2-2.0.10-opengl_include_fix-1.patch
3560 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/autoconf-2.13-consolidated_fixes-1.patch
3561 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/blfs-systemd-units-20180105.tar.xz
3562 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/cdparanoia-III-10.2-gcc_fixes-1.patch
3563 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/clisp-2.49-readline7_fixes-1.patch
3564 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/clucene-
3565 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/docbook-utils-0.6.14-grep_fix-1.patch
3566 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/docbook-xsl-nons-1.79.2-stack_fix-1.patch
3567 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/epdfview-0.1.8-fixes-2.patch
3568 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/firefox-68.5.0esr-system_graphite2_harfbuzz-1.patch
3569 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/glib-2.62.4-cve_2020_6750_fix-1.patch
3570 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/glib-2.62.4-skip_warnings-1.patch
3571 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/gpm-1.20.7-glibc_2.26-1.patch
3572 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/gptfdisk-1.0.5-convenience-1.patch
3573 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/heirloom-mailx-12.5-fixes-1.patch
3574 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/httpd-2.4.41-blfs_layout-1.patch
3575 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/ibus-1.5.21-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3576 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/id3lib-3.8.3-consolidated_patches-1.patch
3577 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/inkscape-0.92.4-poppler_0_83_0_fixes-1.patch
3578 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/inkscape-0.92.4-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3579 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/inkscape-0.92.4-use_versioned_ImageMagick6-1.patch
3580 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/konsole-19.12.2-scrollbar-1.patch
3581 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/lcms-1.19-cve_2013_4276-1.patch
3582 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libexif-0.6.21-security_fix-1.patch
3583 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libgrss-0.7.0-bugfixes-1.patch
3584 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libmad-0.15.1b-fixes-1.patch
3585 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libmusicbrainz-2.1.5-missing-includes-1.patch
3586 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/liboauth-1.0.3-openssl-1.1.0-3.patch
3587 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libpcap-1.9.1-enable_bluetooth-1.patch
3588 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libquicktime-1.2.4-ffmpeg4-1.patch
3589 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/libunique-1.1.6-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3590 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/lua-5.2.4-shared_library-1.patch
3591 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/lua-5.3.5-shared_library-1.patch
3592 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/mesa-19.3.4-add_xdemos-1.patch
3593 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/mesa-19.3.4-fix_svga_vmwgfx_segfaults-1.patch
3594 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/mupdf-1.16.1-shared_libs-1.patch
3595 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/mypaint-brushes-1.3.0-automake_1.16-1.patch
3596 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/net-tools-CVS_20101030-remove_dups-1.patch
3597 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/nss-3.50-standalone-1.patch
3598 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/openjade-1.3.2-upstream-1.patch
3599 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/openjdk-12.0.2-make_4.3_fix-1.patch
3600 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/openldap-2.4.49-consolidated-1.patch
3601 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/polkit-0.116-fix_elogind_detection-1.patch
3602 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/postfix-3.4.8-glibc230_fix-1.patch
3603 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/procmail-3.22-consolidated_fixes-1.patch
3604 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/ptlib-2.10.11-bison_fixes-2.patch
3605 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/ptlib-2.10.11-openssl-1.1.0-1.patch
3606 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/rpcbind-1.2.5-vulnerability_fixes-1.patch
3607 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/rustc-1.37.0-llvm9_fixes-1.patch
3608 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/sendmail.8.15.2-openssl-1.patch
3609 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/sgml-common-0.6.3-manpage-1.patch
3610 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/systemd-244-seccomp_and_cpuaffinity_fix-1.patch
3611 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/texlive-20190410-source-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3612 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/transcode-1.1.7-ffmpeg4-1.patch
3613 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/unzip-6.0-consolidated_fixes-1.patch
3614 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/vorbis-tools-1.4.0-security_fix-1.patch
3615 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/wireless_tools-29-fix_iwlist_scanning-1.patch
3616 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/xarchiver-0.5.4-fixes-1.patch
3617 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/9.1/patches/xindy-2.5.1-upstream_fixes-1.patch
3621 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.34.tar.xz
3622 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-10.1.0/gcc-10.1.0.tar.xz
3623 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-6.2.0.tar.xz
3624 https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpc/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz
3625 http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-4.0.2/mpfr-4.0.2.tar.xz
3626 https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.7.2.tar.xz
3627         https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.7.tar.xz
3628         https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/patch-5.7.6.xz linux-5.7.6.patch.xz
3629 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.31.tar.xz
3630 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-1.4.18.tar.xz
3631 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ncurses/ncurses-6.2.tar.gz
3632 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-5.0.tar.gz
3633 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.tar.xz
3634 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/diffutils/diffutils-3.7.tar.xz
3635 http://ftp.astron.com/pub/file/file-5.39.tar.gz
3636 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/findutils/findutils-4.7.0.tar.xz
3637 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gawk/gawk-5.1.0.tar.xz
3638 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grep/grep-3.4.tar.xz
3639 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gzip/gzip-1.10.tar.xz
3640 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-4.3.tar.gz
3641 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/patch/patch-2.7.6.tar.xz
3642 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-4.8.tar.xz
3643 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/tar/tar-1.32.tar.xz
3644 https://tukaani.org/xz/xz-5.2.5.tar.xz
3646 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-3.6.4.tar.xz
3647 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.20.2.tar.xz
3648 https://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.30.3.tar.xz
3649 https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.3/Python-3.8.3.tar.xz
3650 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo/texinfo-6.7.tar.xz
3651 https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.35/util-linux-2.35.2.tar.xz
3653 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/development/glibc-2.31-fhs-1.patch
3654 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/development/gcc-10.1.0-cet_fix-1.patch
3662 lua {
3664 https://github.com/ {
3666 https://github.com/firasuke/awesome
3667 https://github.com/tpimh/ngtc
3669 https://github.com/multiarch/crossbuild (Jan 17, 2020)
3670 https://github.com/wang-bin (Jun 6, 2020)
3674 https://github.com/aiq/basexx/archive/v0.4.1.tar.gz
3675 https://luarocks.org/manifests/openresty/lua-cjson-2.1.0-1.src.rock
3676 https://luarocks.org/manifests/gvvaughan/lpeg-1.0.2-1.src.rock
3677 https://luarocks.org/manifests/daurnimator/lpeg_patterns-0.5-0.src.rock
3679 https://luarocks.org/manifests/craigb/gumbo-0.5-1.src.rock
3680 https://luarocks.org/manifests/luasocket/luasocket-scm-2.src.rock
3682 https://luarocks.org/manifests/openresty/lua-cjson-
3683 https://luarocks.org/manifests/tieske/copas-2.0.2-1.src.rock
3685 https://luarocks.org/manifests/hisham/coxpcall-1.17.0-1.src.rock
3686 https://luarocks.org/manifests/fyp/copas-cvs-5.src.rock
3687 https://luarocks.org/manifests/tieske/copastimer-1.0.0-1.src.rock
3689 https://luarocks.org/manifests/mascarenhas/xavante-2.4.0-1.src.rock
3690 https://luarocks.org/manifests/brunoos/luasec-0.9-1.src.rock
3691 https://luarocks.org/manifests/tieske/binaryheap-0.4-1.src.rock
3692 https://luarocks.org/manifests/siffiejoe/bit32-5.3.0-1.src.rock
3693 https://luarocks.org/manifests/siffiejoe/compat53-0.7-1.src.rock
3694 https://luarocks.org/manifests/daurnimator/cqueues-20190813.53-0.src.rock
3695 https://luarocks.org/manifests/daurnimator/fifo-scm-0.src.rock
3696 https://luarocks.org/manifests/daurnimator/luaossl-20190731-0.src.rock
3697 https://luarocks.org/manifests/xpol/rmrf-0.1.0-3.src.rock
3698 https://luarocks.org/manifests/xpol/mkdirp-0.1.0-2.src.rock
3699 https://luarocks.org/manifests/hisham/luafilesystem-1.7.0-2.src.rock
3700 https://github.com/TiagoDanin/htmlEntities-for-lua/archive/1.3.1.tar.gz
3701 https://luarocks.org/manifests/luarocks/mimetypes-1.0.0-2.src.rock
3702 https://luarocks.org/manifests/hisham/lzlib-
3703 https://luarocks.org/manifests/evandrolg/pegasus-0.9.4-1.src.rock
3704 https://luarocks.org/manifests/moteus/lua-curl-0.3.11-1.src.rock
3705 https://luarocks.org/manifests/daurnimator/http-0.3-0.src.rock
3706 https://luarocks.org/manifests/amireh/lua_cliargs-3.0-2.src.rock
3707 https://luarocks.org/manifests/mpeterv/alt-getopt-0.8.0-1.src.rock
3708 https://luarocks.org/manifests/gvvaughan/optparse-1.4-1.src.rock
3709 https://luarocks.org/manifests/gvvaughan/luaposix-34.1.1-1.src.rock
3710 https://github.com/Yonaba/30log/archive/30log-1.3.0-1.tar.gz
3711 https://luarocks.org/manifests/SvenMarcus/lua-pie-1.0-6.src.rock
3712 https://luarocks.org/manifests/siffiejoe/classy-0.3-1.src.rock
3714 https://github.com/keplerproject/md5/archive/1.3.tar.gz
3715 https://luarocks.org/manifests/starius/luacrypto-0.3.2-2.src.rock
3716 https://luarocks.org/manifests/brimworks/lua-zlib-1.2-0.src.rock
3717 https://luarocks.org/manifests/benoitgermain/lanes-3.13.0-0.rockspec
3718 https://luarocks.org/manifests/moteus/lua-llthreads2-0.1.5-1.src.rock
3719 https://luarocks.org/manifests/mva/htmlparser-0.3.6-1.src.rock
3720 https://luarocks.org/manifests/askyrme/luaproc-1.0-4.src.rock
3721 https://luarocks.org/manifests/aryajur/luastepper-
3722 https://luarocks.org/manifests/rayaman/multi-14.2-0.rockspec
3723 https://luarocks.org/manifests/osch/mtstates-0.4.1-1.rockspec
3724 https://luarocks.org/manifests/osch/mtmsg-0.3.1-1.rockspec
3725 https://luarocks.org/manifests/luarocks/lpack-20070629-1.src.rock
3726 https://luarocks.org/manifests/paulclinger/serpent-0.28-1.rockspec
3727 https://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-3.3.0.tar.gz
3728 https://luarocks.org/manifests/luasocket/luasocket-3.0rc1-2.src.rock
3730 export LUA_INIT="package.path = os.getenv('HOME')..'/lua-mods/?.lua;' .. package.path"
3732 https://github.com/gvx/bitser
3733 https://github.com/daurnimator
3734 https://github.com/pllua/pllua
3735 https://github.com/DarkWiiPlayer/restia
3736 https://github.com/ryanford-dev/pathetic
3737 https://github.com/sile-typesetter/sile
3738 https://github.com/jung-kurt/luahpdf
3739 https://github.com/gvvaughan/luke
3740 https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/lua-jwt
3741 https://github.com/lusis/lua-httpclient
3742 https://github.com/osch/lua-mtstates
3743 https://github.com/osch/lua-mtmsg
3744 https://github.com/osch/lua-mtint
3745 https://github.com/Neopallium/nixio
3746 https://github.com/mpeterv/depgraph
3747 https://luarocks.org/modules/benemohamed/ipfinder
3748 https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-tui
3749 https://github.com/xopxe/ahsm
3750 https://github.com/stravant/LuaMinify
3751 https://github.com/andremm/lua-parser
3752 https://github.com/ldrumm/chronos High resolution monotonic timers
3753 https://github.com/effil/effil
3754 https://github.com/eja/eja
3755 https://github.com/aleclarson/lua-emitter
3756 https://github.com/Tangent128/lua-evdev
3757 https://github.com/moteus/lua-EventEmitter
3758 https://github.com/siffiejoe/lua-finally
3759 https://github.com/siffiejoe/lua-luaipc
3760 https://github.com/giann/fourmi
3761 https://gitlab.com/rychly/handler-helpers
3762 https://github.com/un-def/httoolsp
3763 https://github.com/yogiverma007/httprequestparser
3764 https://github.com/james-callahan/laws
3765 https://github.com/daurnimator/ldbus
3766 https://github.com/jprjr/lua-lecho
3767 https://github.com/lcurses/lcurses
3768 https://github.com/3uclidian/lgetchar
3769 https://github.com/pavouk/lgi
3770 https://github.com/rayaman/net
3771 https://github.com/majek/lua-channels
3772 https://github.com/pocomane/luachild
3773 https://github.com/pocomane/luaproc-extended
3774 https://github.com/lmillanfdez/luaproc-master
3775 https://github.com/aiq/luazdf
3776 https://github.com/pocomane/luasnip
3777 https://github.com/emiruz/luacombine
3778 https://github.com/sheeep/lua-event-dispatcher
3779 https://github.com/chen0040/lua-algorithms
3780 https://github.com/arcapos/luanet
3781 https://github.com/andremm/lua-parser
3782 https://luarocks.org/modules/jakeg/lua-requests
3783 https://github.com/zserge/luash
3784 https://luarocks.org/modules/lipp/lua-step
3785 https://luarocks.org/modules/aryajur/luastepper
3786 https://github.com/echiesse/luno
3787 https://github.com/OlivineLabs/mediator_lua
3788 https://luarocks.org/modules/olivine-labs/mediator_lua
3789 https://github.com/skrolikowski/Modern
3790 https://github.com/gordonbrander/multimethod.lua
3791 https://zadzmo.org/code/perihelion/
3792 https://github.com/siffiejoe/luarocks-fetch-gitrec
3793 https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser
3794 https://luarocks.org/modules/peterbillam/readkey
3795 https://github.com/APItools/router.lua
3796 https://github.com/mikejsavage/websocket.lua
3797 https://github.com/jirutka/luasrcdiet
3798 https://luarocks.org/modules/daurnimator/spawn
3799 https://github.com/telemachus/split
3800 https://github.com/lua-stdlib/normalize
3801 https://github.com/mah0x211/lua-table-flatten
3802 https://github.com/mah0x211/lua-net-http
3803 https://github.com/starius/tree.lua
3804 https://luarocks.org/modules/rychly/uhttpd-lua-utils
3805 https://github.com/leafo/lua-uinput
3806 https://github.com/mah0x211/lua-url
3807 https://github.com/moznion/lua-url-encode
3808 https://github.com/starwing/lua-fmt
3809 https://github.com/starwing/luautf8
3810 https://github.com/starwing/lpath
3811 https://github.com/davisdude/Timer
3816 https://zadzmo.org/code/daemonparts
3819 https://github.com/videojs/video.js
3822 https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make
3823 https://github.com/just-containers/busybox-chroots
3824 https://github.com/jprjr/iup-build
3825 https://github.com/jprjr/glibc-cross-make
3826 https://github.com/skarnet
3828 https://github.com/EvandroLG?tab=repositories
3829 https://github.com/mpeterv?tab=repositories
3830 https://github.com/pkulchenko?tab=repositories
3832 https://gitlab.com/craigbarnes dte lua-gumbo showdown ltcn lua-discount lua-sass
3834 https://github.com/firasuke/awesome
3835 https://github.com/tpimh/ngtc
3837 https://github.com/multiarch/crossbuild (Jan 17, 2020)
3838 https://github.com/wang-bin (Jun 6, 2020)
3839 https://github.com/LewisJEllis/awesome-lua
3840 https://github.com/kennyledet/Algorithm-Implementations
3841 https://github.com/libarchive/libarchive
3842 https://github.com/mebens/strong
3843 https://github.com/LewisJEllis/awesome-lua
3844 https://github.com/ruby/ruby
3845 https://github.com/mruby/mruby
3846 https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems
3847 https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js
3848 https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
3849 https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo
3850 https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv
3851 https://github.com/dlang/phobos
3852 https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot
3853 https://github.com/Etiene/luatakeme
3854 https://github.com/stedolan/jq
3855 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
3856 https://github.com/GNOME/vte
3857 https://github.com/thepaulm/wprox
3858 https://github.com/luaforge/luapop3
3859 https://github.com/libgit2/luagit2
3860 https://github.com/nogoegst/bearssl
3861 https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls
3863 http://asbradbury.org/projects/lua-discount/
3864 http://github.com/starwing/luautf8
3865 https://clear-code.github.io/luacs/
3866 https://clear-code.github.io/xmlua/
3867 https://git.2e8.dk/lua-inet/about/
3868 https://github.com/archlinuxfr package-query
3869 https://github.com/armatys hyperparser
3870 https://github.com/awesomeWM
3871 https://github.com/bakpakin Fennel binser corope luamd 
3872 https://github.com/bjornbytes lust
3873 https://github.com/bminor
3874 https://github.com/creationix lhttp_parser weblit
3875 https://github.com/cryi hjson-lua
3876 https://github.com/daelvn filekit
3877 https://github.com/emmachase rawterm
3878 https://github.com/euclidianAce lmenu
3879 https://github.com/fengari-lua fengari
3880 https://github.com/fmamud lsh
3881 https://github.com/gbaptista supernova
3882 https://github.com/gilzoide nested wildcard_pattern.lua
3883 https://github.com/gustavo-hms cli
3884 https://github.com/gvvaughan luke lyaml typecheck
3885 https://github.com/kanaka wac
3886 https://github.com/lalawue
3887 https://github.com/leihog hashids.lua
3888 https://github.com/martin-eden lua_table_serializer
3889 https://github.com/mpeterv luacheck markdown
3890 https://github.com/msva luatorrent
3891 https://github.com/nhartland forma
3892 https://github.com/osch lua-lpugl
3893 https://github.com/rhajamor luajwt.git zee
3894 https://github.com/ryanford-dev pathetic
3895 https://github.com/sailorproject sailor
3896 https://github.com/seahorse47 lua-click
3897 https://github.com/sheeep lua-event-dispatcher
3898 https://github.com/siffiejoe lua-classy lua-luaipc lua-moon
3899 https://github.com/sqmedeiros lpeglabel
3900 https://github.com/starwing lpath lua-fmt
3901 https://github.com/tboox ltui
3902 https://github.com/teal-language tl
3903 https://github.com/un-def httoolsp lua-basex lua-buffet
3904 https://github.com/vsbenas parser-gen
3905 https://github.com/wahern cqueues luaossl luapath lunix shix
3906 https://github.com/xHasKx luamqtt
3907 https://github.com/xxtea xxtea-lua
3908 https://github.com/zhaozg lua-auxiliar lua-openssl lui
3909 https://github.com/ziglang zig
3910 https://github.com/zyedidia micro
3911 https://github.com/jmaygarden gzio
3912 https://github.com/rust-embedded
3913 https://github.com/brimworks lua-http-parser lua-ev lua-zlib lua-archive 
3914 https://github.com/luvit luv
3915 https://github.com/mpx lua-cjson
3916 https://github.com/luarocks luarocks luarocks-build-rust lua-style-guide
3917 http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/zile.git
3918 https://github.com/mpeterv luacheck argparse
3919 https://github.com/keplerproject
3920 https://github.com/Tangent128 luasdl2
3921 https://github.com/kikito inspect.lua
3922 https://github.com/Tieske Penlight
3923 https://github.com/harningt lua-bz2
3924 https://github.com/brunoos luasec
3925 https://github.com/ntd luasyslog
3926 https://github.com/vsbenas
3927 https://github.com/stevedonovan
3928 https://github.com/openresty
3929 https://github.com/JakobGreen
3930 https://github.com/gobolinux
3931 https://github.com/lcurses/lcurses
3932 https://github.com/sschoener/lua-schema
3933 https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix
3934 https://github.com/analuciadm/procdata
3935 https://github.com/diegonehab/luasocket
3936 https://github.com/andremm/typedlua
3937 https://github.com/salmito/clp
3938 https://github.com/sailorproject/sailor
3939 https://github.com/norman/telescope
3940 https://github.com/analuciadm/procdata
3941 https://github.com/sschoener/lua-schema
3942 https://github.com/Kong
3943 https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra
3944 https://github.com/LuaDist/lua
3945 https://github.com/davidm/luacom
3946 https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio
3947 https://github.com/Lua-cURL/Lua-cURLv3
3948 https://github.com/neoxic/lua-mongo
3949 https://github.com/luapower/pp
3950 https://github.com/EvandroLG/pegasus.lua
3951 https://github.com/witchu/lua-http-parser
3952 https://github.com/daurnimator/luaossl
3953 https://github.com/mkottman/luacrypto
3954 https://github.com/mwild1/luadbi
3955 https://github.com/lipp/lua-websockets
3956 https://github.com/zeromq/lyre
3957 https://github.com/joyent/libuv
3958 https://github.com/dcurrie/lunit
3959 https://github.com/forhappy/awesome-lua
3960 https://github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit
3961 https://github.com/agile6v/awesome-nginx
3962 https://github.com/sorrycc/awesome-javascript
3963 https://github.com/tayllan/awesome-algorithms
3964 https://github.com/karlseguin/Algorithms
3966 https://github.com/Silverfeelin/Starbound-SpawnableItemPack
3968 https://github.com/gordonbrander/iter
3969 https://github.com/derickd/moaigui
3970 https://github.com/dlaurie/lua-notes
3971 https://github.com/luafun/luafun
3972 https://github.com/davidm/lua-parser-loose
3973 https://github.com/batrick/lunadry
3974 https://github.com/bjc/prosody
3975 https://github.com/yuri/lua-diff
3976 https://github.com/mah0x211/lua-session
3977 https://github.com/lusis/lua-httpclient
3978 https://github.com/kikito/md5.lua
3979 https://github.com/umegaya/lua-aws
3980 https://github.com/alfredopalhares/LuaBash
3981 https://github.com/sile-typesetter/cassowary.lua
3982 https://github.com/cheusov/lua-alt-getopt
3983 https://github.com/stravant/LuaMinify
3984 https://github.com/amireh/lua_cliargs
3985 https://github.com/vrld/imap4.lua
3986 https://github.com/zserge/luash
3987 https://github.com/kylemanna/lua-popen3
3988 https://github.com/kikito/semver.lua
3989 https://github.com/Lukc/brunch
3990 https://github.com/jgm/lunamark
3992 https://github.com/sebcat lpeg-markdown
3993 https://github.com/craigbarnes ltcn
3994 https://github.com/lusis lua-github
3995 https://github.com/sile-typesetter cassowary.lua
3996 https://github.com/malkia ufo
3997 https://github.com/jirutka luapak sh-parser luasrcdiet
3998 https://github.com/gvvaughan optparse typecheck luke lyaml lpath
3999 https://github.com/norman tlua
4000 https://github.com/pablomayobre obey
4001 https://github.com/justincormack ljsyscall 
4002 https://github.com/DhavalKapil luaver 
4003 https://github.com/o080o reLua
4004 https://github.com/drmargarido linters
4005 https://github.com/sbabic tekUI
4006 https://github.com/jtarchie underscore-lua
4007 https://github.com/mirven underscore.lua
4008 https://github.com/libvips lua-vips
4009 https://github.com/fengari-lua fengari
4010 https://github.com/lipp lua-websockets ludent
4011 https://github.com/pygy LuLPeg
4012 https://github.com/tst2005 lua-utf8string lua-lfs-find lua-parser-lpeg lua-httpkeepalive
4013 https://github.com/ers35 luastatic lhex au netstring luakernel
4014 https://github.com/rxi json.lua flux lite log.lua lume coil classic tick
4015 https://github.com/bluebird75 luaunit lua_get_os_name
4016 https://github.com/koreader koreader
4017 https://github.com/sqmedeiros lpeglabel pegparser
4018 https://github.com/EvandroLG pipe.lua array.lua Hash.lua luaDoc computer_science_in_lua euler 
4019 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat ELScheduler Luaoop Luaseq MGL ALGUI lgmp ELProfiler Luang pegasus.lua str parser_html simple_test 
4020 https://github.com/LuaStakky LuaMinify LuaStakky
4021 https://github.com/Mehgugs Starbound-Async lrand
4022 https://github.com/MissinA pinyin
4023 https://github.com/ToxicFrog vstruct luautil
4024 https://github.com/acd lua-yaml
4025 https://github.com/alekmarinov caas fetus foil luaconfig luavlc luvhttpd luail luaftgl luaicp luacurl
4026 https://github.com/alloy-d lister
4027 https://github.com/andremm lua-parser typedlua 
4028 https://github.com/aperezdc lua-dotty lua-lineinput lua-shelve lua-wcwidth luabot lua-wcwidth lua-itertools
4029 https://github.com/silentbicycle lua-memcached lunatest lua-ev lua-xosd
4030 https://github.com/justincormack ljsyscall 
4031 https://github.com/jmckaskill luaffi clang-toolchain
4032 https://github.com/vrld imap4.lua
4033 https://github.com/easeway lua-chan
4034 https://github.com/flukso lua-mosquitto
4035 https://github.com/RhodiumToad pllua-ng
4036 https://github.com/arcapos luafcgi luauuid luanet luaintl luaunix luapgsql luananomsg luawebsocket luaproxy luajson luaqrencode mqlua
4037 https://github.com/TheLinx lao
4038 https://github.com/james-callahan laws
4039 https://github.com/pavouk lgi
4040 https://github.com/zevv libuilua
4041 https://github.com/jgm lunamark
4042 https://github.com/Igalia pflua
4043 https://github.com/snabbco snabb
4044 https://github.com/JakobOvrum LuaD LuaIRC LuaWeb LuaMVC
4045 https://github.com/q66 getopt.lua
4046 https://github.com/asb lua-tinycdb lua-imlib2 lua-discount
4047 https://github.com/marcopompili lua-leveldb
4048 https://github.com/cehoffman lua-build luaenv
4049 https://github.com/ma-bo lua-poco
4050 https://github.com/SteveKChiu lua-intf
4051 https://github.com/iamaleksey lua-zmq
4052 https://github.com/zserge lua-promises luash jsmn.lua
4053 https://github.com/davidsiaw luacppinterface
4054 https://github.com/bluebird75 luaunit lua_get_os_name
4055 https://github.com/APItools router.lua sandbox.lua
4056 https://github.com/leafo lua-enet lapis cloud_storage moonscript pgmoon lua-uinput
4057 https://github.com/kikito stateful.lua md5.lua tween.lua inspect.lua middleclass i18n.lua semver.lua 
4058 https://github.com/gyepisam pllua
4059 https://github.com/norman telescope
4060 https://github.com/mascarenhas luaclr alien
4061 https://github.com/xpol lua-rapidjson mkdirp.lua rmrf 
4062 https://github.com/Yonaba Moses Jumper 30log delaunay Jumper-Examples Binary-Heaps
4063 https://github.com/nrk redis-lua
4064 https://github.com/ignacio LuaNode
4065 https://github.com/davidm lua-inspect lua-matrix
4066 https://github.com/stevedonovan LDoc Microlight lua-command-tools
4067 https://github.com/fab13n metalua
4068 https://github.com/mkottman lqt luacrypto 
4069 https://github.com/titan-lang titan c-parser
4070 https://github.com/daurnimator ldbus lua-http lua-spawn lua-tui lua-psl luatz fifo.lua l luasodium
4071 https://github.com/Kiwi clyde
4072 https://github.com/eklitzke lua-bz2
4073 https://github.com/harningt luaevent luajson
4074 https://github.com/hoelzro pluto sqlite-lua-extension luabdb lua-term lua-repl lua-linenoise lua-iterators lua-ares linotify ansicolors 
4075 https://github.com/geoffleyland luatrace lua-geometry2d lua-csv
4076 https://github.com/Neopallium nixio lualogging lua-http-message lua-http-tokenizer LuaNativeObjects luaxcb
4077 https://github.com/moteus lua-sendmail lua-path lua-llthreads2 lua-pop3
4078 https://github.com/Etiene/lua.space
4079 https://github.com/Olivine-Labs lua-style-guide busted mediator_lua luassert lua-jwt say
4080 https://github.com/zaki lua-style-guide
4081 https://github.com/tootsuite mastodon documentation
4082 https://github.com/mascarenhas thread alien
4083 https://github.com/yuri sputnik lua-colors
4084 https://github.com/ceu-lang ceu
4085 https://github.com/hishamhm restserver tabular lua-mastodon safer copas-async lutrace
4091 alpine-3.11 {
4092 lua5.1-sql-postgres lua5.1-dbi-postgresql postgresql postgresql-doc postgresql-contrib postgresql-libs \
4093 lua5.1-socket lua5.1-lzlib lua5.1-md5 lua5.1-copas lua5.1-filesystem lua5.1-basexx lua5.1-curl lua-inspect lua5.1-sec \
4094 alpine-baselayout apk-tools alpine-keys \
4095 execline-dev execline-doc skalibs-dev skalibs-doc skalibs-static \
4096 s6 s6-dev s6-doc s6-static s6-linux-init s6-linux-init-dev s6-linux-init-doc s6-linux-init-static s6-linux-utils s6-linux-utils-doc s6-networking s6-networking-dev s6-networking-doc s6-networking-static s6-portable-utils s6-portable-utils-doc s6-rc s6-rc-dev s6-rc-doc s6-rc-static \
4097 mruby mruby-dev mruby-tools \
4098 xbps xbps-dev xbps-doc \
4099 h2o h2o-dev h2o-doc \
4100 musl-dev musl-libintl musl-nscd musl-nscd-dev musl-nscd-doc musl-utils \
4102 lua5.3-socket lua5.3-lzlib lua5.3-md5 lua5.3-copas lua5.3-filesystem lua5.3-basexx lua5.3-curl lua-inspect lua5.3-sec \
4103 sqlite sqlite-dev sqlite-doc sqlite-static \
4104 lua5.3-sql-postgres lua5.3-dbi-postgresql lua5.3-dbi-sqlite3 lua5.3-sql-sqlite3 lua5.3-sqlite \
4105 lua5.1-dbi-sqlite3 lua5.1-sql-sqlite3 lua5.1-sqlite \
4106 lua5.1-dev lua5.1-doc lua5.3-dev lua5.3-doc \
4107 luajit luajit-dev luajit-doc \
4109 ---\/--- apkit
4110 APK_REPO_ALPINE="main community"
4111 APK_SERVER_ALPINE=http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine
4114 ALPINE_HOME=/home/oblive/z/alpine-3.11
4115 export ALPINE_HOME
4117 polipo_alpine(){
4118 : ${ALPINE_HOME:=/home/oblive/z/alpine-3.11}
4119 export ALPINE_HOME
4121 local ALPINE_TARBALL="$1"
4122 local LUAPOLIPO="$2"
4124 [ ! -e "${ALPINE_TARBALL}" -o ! -e "${LUAPOLIPO}" ] && { echo "not exist" ; return ; }
4125 sudo -E /bin/sh -c ". /home/oblive/z/t/xs alpineit ; alpineit setup $ALPINE_HOME ; (cd ${ALPINE_HOME}/dist ; tar xfJ ${ALPINE_TARBALL}) ; alpineit init alpine-baselayout apk-tools alpine-keys ; mkdir -p ${ALPINE_HOME}/sysroot/run/tmp/cache ; chmod -R o+r,o+w,o+x ${ALPINE_HOME}/sysroot/root ${ALPINE_HOME}/sysroot/run/tmp"
4126 sudo -E /bin/sh -c ". /home/oblive/z/t/xs alpineit ; alpineit setup $ALPINE_HOME ; alpineit mountsys"
4128 sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /usr/sbin/adduser -D -u 1001 -s /bin/sh oblive
4129 sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /bin/chown -R 1000:1000 /home/oblive
4130 #sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /usr/bin/vi /etc/passwd
4131 sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /bin/sed -i 's|1001:1001|1000:1000|' /etc/passwd
4132 #sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /usr/bin/vi /etc/group
4134 ( cd ${ALPINE_HOME}/sysroot/home/oblive ; tar xf ${LUAPOLIPO} )
4135 sudo cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts ${ALPINE_HOME}/sysroot/etc
4137 #apk add --allow-untrusted lua5.1-sec lua5.1-copas lua5.1-curl lua5.1-filesystem lua5.1-inspect lua5.1-md5 lua5.1-basexx lua5.1-lzlib
4138 sudo chroot "${ALPINE_HOME}"/sysroot /sbin/apk add --allow-untrusted lua5.3-sec lua5.3-copas lua5.3-curl lua5.3-filesystem lua5.3-inspect lua5.3-md5 lua5.3-basexx lua5.3-lzlib
4139 #apk add --allow-untrusted openssl curl
4141 polipo_alpine '/run/archiso/img_dev/pkg/alpine/alpine-3.11.polipo.txz' '/run/archiso/img_dev/pkg/alpine/lua-polipo-3.txz'
4143 ( cd ~/z/sysroot ; tar xfJ /run/mnt/sda3/h/save/polipo-cache-20191025-0057.txz )
4145 su -c 'chroot /home/oblive/z/alpine-3.11/sysroot /bin/su oblive'
4146 export LUA_INIT="do local topdir = os.getenv('HOME') package.path = topdir..'/polipo/?.lua;' .. package.path end"
4147 d="${HOME}/polipo-cache $(ls -dr ${HOME}/polipo-cache-*)";d="$(echo $d)";d=${d// /;};lua5.3 ${HOME}/polipo/xavante-polipo.lua 7777=${d}
4148 lua5.3 -e "Polipo = require 'polipokit' OW='yes' Polipo.params.inter.minimalLength=300000 Polipo.params.inter.minimalLengthCutOff=1 Polipo.repl_cache_alt('${HOME}/polipo-cache')"
4149 lua5.3 -e "xDEF_ACT='overwrite' Polipo = require 'polipokit' OW='yes' Polipo.params.inter.minimalLength=30000 Polipo.params.inter.minimalLengthCutOff=nil Polipo.repl_cache_alt('${HOME}/polipo-cache',1)"
4151 ---/\--- apkit
4153 ---\/--- polipo
4154 f(){
4155 APK_COMMON_DIR=/home/oblive/z
4156 APK_REMOTE_MIRROR=http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine
4157 #APK_REMOTE_MIRROR=http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/alpine
4159 APK_REPOS="main community"
4160 APK_ROOT_DIR="${APK_COMMON_DIR}/sysroot"
4161 APK_APP_STATIC="${APK_ROOT_DIR}/sbin/apk.static"
4166 ( cd ${APK_COMMON_DIR} ; tar xfJ '/run/mnt/sdg1/save/alpine-polipo.txz' )
4167 sudo -k
4168 sudo -E /bin/sh -c ". /home/oblive/z/t/xs apkit ; apkit init busybox alpine-baselayout apk-tools alpine-keys ; mkdir -p ${APK_ROOT_DIR}/run/tmp/cache ; chmod o+r,o+w,o+x ${APK_ROOT_DIR}/root ${APK_ROOT_DIR}/run/tmp/cache"
4169 ( cd ${APK_ROOT_DIR}/root ; tar xfJ /run/mnt/sdg1/save/lua-polipo.txz )
4170 sudo cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts ${APK_ROOT_DIR}/etc
4171 sudo -E /bin/sh -c ". /home/oblive/z/t/xs apkit ; apkit chroot"
4173 apk add lua5.1-sec lua5.1-copas lua5.1-curl lua5.1-filesystem lua5.1-inspect lua5.1-md5 lua5.1-basexx lua5.1-lzlib openssl curl
4174 ( cd ~/z/sysroot ; tar xfJ /run/mnt/sda3/h/save/polipo-cache-20191025-0057.txz )
4176 su -c 'chroot /home/oblive/z/sysroot /bin/sh'
4177 export LUA_INIT="do local topdir = os.getenv('HOME') package.path = topdir..'/polipo/?.lua;' .. package.path end"
4178 lua5.3 /root/polipo/xavante-polipo.lua 7777=/run/tmp/cache\;/run/tmp/cache/l\;/run/tmp/cache/nn\;/run/tmp/cache/n\;/run/tmp/cache/cache/acc
4179 lua5.3 -e "Polipo = require 'polipokit' OW='yes' Polipo.params.inter.minimalLength=300000 Polipo.params.inter.minimalLengthCutOff=1 Polipo.repl_cache_alt('/run/tmp/cache')"
4180 lua5.3 -e "DEF_ACT='overwrite' Polipo = require 'polipokit' OW='yes' Polipo.params.inter.minimalLength=30000 Polipo.params.inter.minimalLengthCutOff=nil Polipo.repl_cache_alt('/run/tmp/cache',1)"
4181 ---/\--- polipo
4185 sh [=[
4187 alias cp='cp -uvd --preserve=all'
4188 alias T="transmissionit start ~/z/t"
4189 alias TT="transmissionit start ~/z/t/te"
4190 alias ta='(textadept_10.8.x86_64/textadept &)'
4191 p() { [ $# = 2 ] && set -- $2 $1 ; curl -v -N -k -x "${1}" | zcat > ${2:-z}/yt.html ; }
4192 isitup() { curl "https://isitup.org/${1}.json?callback=isitup_json" ; }
4193 alias psm='/bin/ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,cmd --sort=pid --cols 153'
4194 alias psm='/bin/ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,cmd -H f'
4196 alias s='sudo /bin/sh -c "read -t 1800 ; chvt 1"'
4198 for f in install.sh obarun-install.in install/* ; do sed -i '/[^ \t]\+[ \t]\+$/s|[ \t]\+$||' "$f" ; done
4200 backup_polipo(){
4201  local d="${1:?}"
4202  d="$(realpath "$1")"
4203  #read
4204  local p=$(pwd)
4206  cd "$d"
4207  (cd polipo-cache ; ls) | zstd -19 > list.zst
4208  tar c polipo-cache | zstd -19 > polipo-cache.tzs
4209  tar c list.zst polipo-cache.tzs > ${2+${2}/}polipo-cache-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M).tar
4212 backup_data(){
4213 ( cd ; tar c z/t | zstd -19 > z/z.$(date '+%Y%m%d').tzs )
4215 backup_data_add(){
4216 ( local t="$(readlink -f "$1")" IFS=$'\n' ; cd ~/z/t ; tar c xs note $(find torrents -type f -newer "$t" -exec /bin/sh -c 't="{}" ; r=resume${t#torrents} ; r=${r%torrent}resume ; echo "$t" ; [ -f "$r" ] && echo "$r"' \;) ) | zstd -19 > "z+$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).tzs"
4218 backup_static(){
4219  local BACKUP_lightdm=(/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf)
4220  local BACKUP_falkon=(~/.config/falkon ~/.config/falkonrc)
4221  local BACKUP_themes=(~/.themes/Materia-black)
4222  local BACKUP_jwm=(~/.jwmrc ~/.config/jwm ~/.Xprofile ~/.Xdefault)
4223  local BACKUP_xvkbd=(/usr/share/applications/xvkbd.desktop /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XVkbd-fitaly)
4224  local BACKUP_fbreader=(~/.FBReader)
4225  local BACKUP_spacefm=(~/.config/spacefm)
4226  local BACKUP_gtk=(~/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.config/gtk-2.0 ~/.config/gtk-3.0 ~/.config/gtkrc ~/.config/gtkrc-2.0)
4227  local BACKUP_lxterminal=(~/.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf)
4228  local BACKUP_okular=(~/.config/okularpartrc ~/.config/okularrc)
4229  local BACKUP_user=(~/.gitconfig)
4230  local BACKUP_etc=(/etc/{asound.conf,hosts,resolv.conf,passwd,udevil/udevil.conf})
4231  local BACKUP_ppp=(/etc/ppp/peers/{smartfren4g.d,smartfren4g} /etc/ppp/scripts/link /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/01-route.sh)
4233  sudo -k ; sudo -v
4234  #sudo ls -l $(xvar BACKUP_) | less -S
4235  sudo tar c $(xvar BACKUP_) | zstd -19 > backup_static-$(date '+%Y%m%d').tzs
4238 xvar() {
4239  local a="\${!${1}@}"
4240  local v
4241  #echo $a $(eval echo $a)
4242  v=$(for v in $(eval echo $a) ; do a="\${${v}[@]}" ; echo $(eval echo $a) ; done | sort)
4243  echo $v
4246 md5ed(){
4247  local p=$(realpath "$1")
4248  set -- $(md5sum "$p")
4249  local a=${p%.*}
4250  local z=${p##*.}
4251  local f="$a.$1.$z"
4252  ln "$p" "$f"
4255 md5edcheck(){
4256  local p=$(realpath "$1")
4257  local m=${p%.*}
4258  m=${m##*.}
4259  set -- $(md5sum "$p")
4260  [ "$1" = "$m" ]
4263 f(){
4264  : ${1:?'/run/archiso/img_dev/pkg/Obarun-Plasma_x86_64-2019-05.279b8bc4aa69c16e79e9fd5e696fc45e.pkgs.txz'}
4265  : ${2:?'/run/archiso/img_dev/pkg/alpine/backup_static-20200607.tzst'}
4266  sudo -k ; sudo -v
4267  cd
4268  mkdir -p z w mnt
4269  sudo mv z w mnt /run
4270  ln -s /run/z .
4271  mount_partition() {
4272   local d l p
4273   IFS=$'\n'
4274   for l in $(lsblk -P -o TYPE,HOTPLUG,FSTYPE,PATH,MOUNTPOINT,UUID) ; do
4275    unset IFS
4276    set -- $l
4277    if [[ "$5" = "MOUNTPOINT=\"\"" ]] ; then
4278     case "$3" in
4279      FSTYPE=\"ext?\")
4280       d=${4#*=\"} ; d=${d%?}
4281       p=/run/mnt/${d##*/}
4282       #echo ${1} ${4} ${3}
4283       mkdir -p $p ; sudo mount -r $d $p
4284      ;;
4285     esac
4286    fi
4287   done
4289  mount_partition ; unset mount_partition
4291 mkdir z/pkg
4292 cd z/pkg
4293 tar xfJ "$1"
4294 sudo pacman -U --noconfirm \
4295 dist/*/repo/*/{\
4296 gnome-mpv-*,lua52-5.2.*,mpv-*,libcdio-paranoia-*,rubberband-*,vamp-plugin-sdk-*,\
4297 xvkbd-*,libxp-*,xaw3d-*,\
4298 spacefm-*,udevil-*,ffmpegthumbnailer-*,\
4299 lxterminal-*,vte3-*,vte-common-*,\
4300 fbreader-*,libunibreak-*,\
4301 lua51-luajson-*,lua51-lpeg-*,lua51-5.1.*,\
4302 sylpheed-*,compface-*,gtkspell-*,enchant-*,aspell-*,hspell-*,libvoikko-*,\
4303 hdparm-*,\
4304 lxappearance-gtk3-*,\
4305 transmission-gtk-*,\
4306 ttf-droid-*,\
4307 alsa-utils-*,\
4308 squashfs-tools-*,\
4309 jwm-*,\
4310 xtrlock-*,\
4311 hexchat-*\
4314  sudo 66-disable networkmanager ; sudo 66-stop networkmanager
4315  sudo 66-disable wpa_supplicant ; sudo 66-stop wpa_supplicant
4316  sudo killall -9 ModemManager
4317  #local D=$(ls -d /run/mnt/*/obarun-20180915/pacman)
4318  (cd / ; sudo tar x --zstd -f "$2")
4319  sudo ln -s ~/.Xdefault /root/.Xresources
4320  . ~/.Xprofile
4321  rm -r .cache .local ; mkdir z/.cache z/.local ; ln -s z/.cache z/.local .
4322  ln -s z/t/transmission-finish
4328 radio {
4330 <option value=";">Elshinta Jakarta</option>
4331 <option value=";">Elshinta Bandung</option>
4332 <option value=";">Elshinta Palembang</option>
4333 <option value=";">Elshinta Semarang</option>
4334 <option value=";">Elshinta Surabaya</option>
4335 <option value=";">Elshinta Tegal</option>
4336 <option value=";">Elshinta Medan</option>
4337 <option value=";">FitRadio Bandung</option>
4338 <option value=";">FitRadio Semarang</option>
4340; anime-ume-radio-station
4341 http://stream.animeradio.de/animeradio.mp3
4342 http://chiru.no:8000/stream.mp3
4343 http://node-12.zeno.fm/g0wsfbbaft5tv?rj-ttl=5&rj-token=AAABbYHvP50mR3ChT3ZYdAI_zv8lKI_ysfGLoRFzk0Mgax1Ix0dgdA JMusicAnime Radio
4344 http://radionami.com:8000/any-anime.ru
4345; Radio Anime 24
4346 http://listen1.myradio24.com:9000/7934 Asian Wave Radio
4347 http://http.qingting.fm/332.mp3 Beijing Music Radio
4348 http://live2.indostreamserver.com:8016/; Mandarin Station 98.3 FM
4350 http://streaming.stratofm.com:8300/;
4351 Radio Smart FM
4352 http://listen.radionomy.com/japanarenaonlineradio?type=.mp3/;stream.mp3 Japan Arena Radio
4353 http://live.japanesemusicid.com:8000/ japanesemusic
4354 http://itori.animenfo.com:443/;
4355 mms://hdv.nkansai.tv/azumino
4356 http://musicbird.leanstream.co/JCB039-MP3
4357 http://musicbird.leanstream.co/JCB049-MP3
4358 http://radio.mitra.net.id:8102/; pasfmsby
4359; pasfm
4360; Global FM Jakarta
4361 RRI Channel 5
4363 alias elshintajkt='pod dl Elshinta ";"'
4364 alias elshintasby='pod dl Elshinta ";"'
4369 distro {
4371 to be downloaded {
4372 ( # OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma-clang.x86_64.iso
4373 #URL="http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/release_current/OpenMandriva_Lx_4/OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma-clang.x86_64.iso"
4374 URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmandriva/OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma-clang.x86_64.iso"
4375 curlit temp /run/mnt/sdb1/a/distro "$URL" \
4376 "OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma-clang.x86_64.iso"
4377 # Last-Modified: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 21:31:18 GMT
4378 # ETag: "57e4a-a6de2800-59d764b43f580"
4379 # Content-Length: 2799577088
4381 ( # OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma.x86_64.iso
4382 URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmandriva/OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma.x86_64.iso"
4383 curlit temp /run/mnt/sdb1/a/distro "$URL" \
4384 "OpenMandrivaLx.4.1-plasma.x86_64.iso"
4385 # content-length: 2740301824
4386 # last-modified: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 20:33:09 GMT
4387 # etag: "5e35e085-a355b000"
4389 ( # MX-19.1_ahs_x64.iso
4390 DIR=/-
4391 #URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mx-linux/MX-19.1_ahs_x64.iso"
4392 URL="http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/mx-isos/MX/Final/MX-19.1_ahs_x64.iso"
4393 TGT="MX-19.1_ahs_x64.1a700d49da1cb1cc12b86a77c82f989a.iso"
4394 SHA256=990b19603a59cc04498cb4da112f57677078ce7e06156e1c68271a256f5d3d42
4395 curlit temp "$DIR" "$URL" "$TGT"
4397 ( # MX-19.1_x64.iso
4398 DIR=/-
4399 #URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mx-linux/MX-19.1_x64.iso"
4400 URL="http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/mx-isos/MX/Final/MX-19.1_x64.iso"
4401 TGT="MX-19.1_x64.d34cc2c52abfd8db68ee54d36f3c8da8.iso"
4402 SHA256=18e880f55d83abb19f042310f46a2738807ed8dd48c86e2ef0a5a083672e9e2d
4403 curlit temp "$DIR" "$URL" "$TGT"
4405 ( # MX-19.2_ahs_x64.iso
4406 DIR=/-
4407 URL="http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/mx/MX/Final/MX-19.2_ahs_x64.iso"
4408 TGT="MX-19.2_ahs_x64.01435f705690c1bddfe3abf0921d0168.iso"
4409 curlit temp "$DIR" "$URL" "$TGT"
4410 #Content-Length: 1738539008
4411 #Last-Modified: Mon, 01 Jun 2020 17:18:57 GMT
4413 ( # MX-19.2_x64.iso
4414 DIR=/-
4415 URL="http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/mx/MX/Final/MX-19.2_x64.iso"
4416 TGT="MX-19.2_x64.a8f62099a9567e146108c51457183ad3.iso"
4417 curlit temp "$DIR" "$URL" "$TGT"
4418 #Content-Length: 1609564160
4419 #Last-Modified: Mon, 01 Jun 2020 17:37:56 GMT
4421 ( # obarun-JWM-2020.11.01-x86_64.iso
4422 DIR=.
4423 URL="https://repo.obarun.org/iso/2020.11.01/obarun-JWM-2020.11.01-x86_64.iso"
4424 TGT="obarun-JWM-2020.11.01-x86_64.7472092fef48a4249af317c510adfc9a.iso"
4425 curlit temp "$DIR" "$URL" "$TGT"
4426 #content-length: 1199702016
4427 #last-modified: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 06:48:07 GMT
4432 downloaded {
4433 "obarun-JWM-2020.09.01-x86_64.7f1344d4bdd98b2102ca2216aa7977f2.iso"
4434 "devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64-desktop.bb8a4074ccfedb0492f52ff41f768d54.iso"
4435 "devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.82de95b967c7b51b2fab9ba7e2dfabd3.iso"
4436 "star-3.0.0-spock_2020.06-jwm_amd64.c502ce83e9abb92b03454c23dab60545.iso"
4437 "star-2.1.1-kirk_2019.12-jwm_amd64.d6dad13c28122b3b409b72927333d891.iso"
4438 "obarun-JWM-2020.03.01-x86_64.1710aaedcd888aed8a27c1679c8d4b10.iso"
4439 "artix-community-gtk-s6-20200211-x86_64.22a090b19471f11c6b6fd88b43482716.iso"
4440 "artix-community-qt-s6-20200211-x86_64.19742e9c87f80d6ca4c9e8cf59ad9546.iso"
4441 "http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/mx-isos/ANTIX/Final/antiX-19/antiX-19.3_x64-full.iso"