Update list-maintainers to output redmine syntax
[hoomd-blue.git] / packaging / deb_build_tag.sh
1 #move up two directories and check out tag.
2 cd ../..
3 git clone https://codeblue.umich.edu/git/hoomd-blue hoomd-blue-tagbuild
4 cd hoomd-blue-tagbuild
5 git checkout v$1
7 echo "commence building"
8 rm -r debian/*
9 cp -r packaging/debian ./
10 #get what architecture we're building on.
11 if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]
12 then
13 #patch debian folder for 64 bit
14 echo "patching 64bit"
15 export lib_suffix="64"
16 sed -i s/i386/amd64/ debian/control
17 sed -i s/i386/amd64/ debian/files
18 else
19 #patch debian folder for building on i386
20 echo "patching 32bit"
21 export lib_suffix=""
22 sed -i s/amd64/i386/ debian/control
23 sed -i s/amd64/i386/ debian/files
26 export HVERSION=$1
27 #set our package version in changelog
28 sed s/HVERSION/${HVERSION}/ debian/changelog -i
29 #call package builder
30 dpkg-buildpackage
31 #move files to be uploaded
32 cd ..
33 scp hoomd-blue_${HVERSION}_$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH).deb joaander@foxx.engin.umich.edu:devel/incoming/ubuntu