[htalkat.git] / Config.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 module Config where
13 import Safe (readMay)
14 import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
15 import System.Exit (exitFailure)
16 import System.FilePath ((</>))
18 import Opts
19 import Util
21 #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
22 import Data.Semigroup
23 #endif
25 data Config = Config
26 { listen_host :: String
27 , listen_port :: Int
28 , accept_unnamed :: Bool
29 , curses_local_top :: Bool
30 , curses_log :: Bool
31 , use_dumb_client :: Bool
32 , interactive_client :: [String]
33 } deriving (Read)
35 confFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
36 confFilePath = (</> "htalkat.conf")
38 defaultConfigFile :: String
39 defaultConfigFile = unlines
40 [ "Config"
41 , " { listen_host = \"\" # Empty means bind all available hosts"
42 , " , listen_port = 5518"
43 , " , accept_unnamed = True # Accept connections even from unnamed users"
44 , ""
45 , " , curses_local_top = True # Display you above remote in curses client"
46 , " , curses_log = False # Log conversations to files in ~/.htalkat/logs/"
47 , ""
48 , " , use_dumb_client = False # Prefer dumb line-based client to curses client"
49 , ""
50 , " # interactive_client: if non-empty, run in place of built-in client."
51 , " # First string is the command to run, and subsequent strings are arguments."
52 , " # It will be executed with two further arguments:"
53 , " # the path to a unix domain socket to interact with,"
54 , " # and the name of the remote user."
55 , " # Minimal example:"
56 , " #, interactive_client = [\"sh\", \"-c\","
57 , " # \"socat unix-connect:\\\"$1\\\" stdio\", \"talkatc\"]"
58 , " , interactive_client = []"
59 , " }"
62 applyOptToConf :: Opt -> Config -> Config
63 applyOptToConf (Host h) conf = conf { listen_host = h }
64 applyOptToConf (Port pStr) conf | Just p <- readMay pStr = conf { listen_port = p }
65 applyOptToConf AcceptUnnamed conf = conf { accept_unnamed = True }
66 applyOptToConf BlockUnnamed conf = conf { accept_unnamed = False }
67 applyOptToConf DumbClient conf = conf { use_dumb_client = True }
68 applyOptToConf CursesClient conf = conf { use_dumb_client = False }
69 applyOptToConf LocalTop conf = conf { curses_local_top = True }
70 applyOptToConf LocalBottom conf = conf { curses_local_top = False }
71 applyOptToConf Log conf = conf { curses_log = True }
72 applyOptToConf NoLog conf = conf { curses_log = False }
73 applyOptToConf _ conf = conf
75 createConfigFileIfNecessary :: FilePath -> IO ()
76 createConfigFileIfNecessary ddir =
77 let cpath = confFilePath ddir
78 in doesFileExist cpath >>! writeFile cpath defaultConfigFile
80 loadConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config
81 loadConfig ddir = do
82 createConfigFileIfNecessary ddir
83 s <- readFile (confFilePath ddir)
84 case readReadConfig (confFilePath ddir) s of
85 Left err -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure >> undefined
86 Right conf -> pure conf
88 readReadConfig :: FilePath -> String -> Either String Config
89 readReadConfig path s =
90 -- Based on https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tce-conf by Dino Morelli
91 case reads $ removeComments s of
92 [(c, _) ] -> Right c
93 ((_, x) : _) -> Left $ "ERROR parsing config file: " <> x <> hint
94 [ ] -> Left $ "ERROR parsing config file" <> hint
95 where
96 hint = "; to recreate, remove " <> path <> " and try again."
97 removeComments :: String -> String
98 removeComments = unlines . map removeComment . lines
99 removeComment = takeWhile (/= '#')