1 6.x-2.3, released 2010-06-09
2 - Fixed #819914; version never updates
4 6.x-2.2, released 2010-06-04
5 - More comprehensive cache clearing.
6 - Fixed #659666; clearing caches missed HTML Purifier
7 - Fixed #708266; decouple location of HTML Purifier library with
9 - Fixed #783066; new HTML Purifier version message too obnoxious.
11 6.x-2.1, released 2009-12-12
12 - Ukranian translation by podarok
13 - Renamed dashboard to HTML Purifier Dashboard, fixes bug #368468
14 - Make installation process nicer by checking if library folder is setup, fixes bug #261874
15 - Remove unnecessary version checks
17 6.x-2.0, released 2008-05-18
18 # Drupal 6.x and HTML Purifier 3.1.0 are required
19 ! HTML Purifier now uses its native form function, so advanced configuration
20 options are available. You can also define your own custom functions
21 for configuration in the config/ directory.
22 ! Modified and better defaults selected for HTML Purifier.
23 - HTML Purifier now maintains its own cache with a longer expiration time;
24 this helps performance greatly.
25 - DefinitionCache uses Drupal's caching system
26 - HTML Purifier will check for new versions of the core library and display
27 obnoxious warnings if it is out-of-date!
28 - Uninstall function now obliterates HTML Purifier variables too.
30 1.0, released 2007-07-15 (not via Drupal.org)
31 - Initial release, basic functionality implemented.