3 Desc: It is a String to identify a dbus object. Like: "object_path@bus_name"
5 Bus Name: org.freedesktop.IM
7 Path: /org/freedesktop/IM/Directory
8 It is responeible for maintain all object in the virtual objects tree.
10 void register_object (String object_path)
11 void register_objects (String *object_path_array)
12 void deregister_object (String object_path)
13 void deregister_object (String object_path)
14 void deregisters_object (String *object_path_array)
15 ObjectID *list_objects (String dirname)
16 Return Object_ids in a folder specified by argument dirname
19 directory_changed (String dirname)
22 Path: /org/freedesktop/IM/Manager
23 Manager is responsible for managering all engines & im clients.
25 void register_client (String client_name)
26 register the client (the caller) to the Manager, the client_name is a readable name of client. It do not specify it, manager will use caller's bus_name.
27 void deregister_client ()
28 deregister the client (the caller) in the Manager. The manager should release resources hold by the client.
29 void set_client_name ()
30 Set a associated name for the client (the caller). Like: gedit-pid
31 String *get_hotkeys ()
32 Retrun a String array. Each string in the array is a hotkey. When user press the hotkeys, client should send the hotket's index in this array to the manager.
34 Tell the manager the client (the caller) request focus in. The current focused client will be focus out.
36 Tell the manager the client (the caller) request focus out.
37 String get_focused_client ()
40 focus_changed (String client_name, String engine_path)
46 boolean filter_keypress (unsigned int state, unsigned int keyval, boolean is_press)
50 ??void set_set_client_window
52 void set_cursor_position (int x, int y)
53 void set_use_preedit (boolean use_preedit)
54 void set_surrounding (String text, int cursor_index)
56 commit (String commit_string)
59 preedit_changed (String preedit_string, Attribute *attrs)
60 retrieve_surrounding ()
61 delete_surrounding (int offset, int n_chars)