2 See ChangeLog for more details
6 - Problem with the background changer system. This it changes the backgr
7 ound color and you still have a green background although you don't have anyone
8 Background instructions in the .ideskrc file. The solution let you can use the B
9 ackground.Delay option with 0 value to disable the background system (without de
10 lete nothing more from .ideskrc file). But if you don't have anyone Background i
11 nstructions, the default value will be 0 anyway. The bug is fixed.
12 - Problem with startup notification support (option --enable-libsn). The
13 idesk-0.7.4 chrashes after starting xmms. This bug was reported by Gentoo users
14 . If you don't have the support for statup notification the program works well.
18 - When you click with mouse either for reload Idesk or run a program, an
19 d you don't move the mouse of position then all icons stay with a glow effect ho
20 w they had obtained the focus (all in the same time), they back to the normal st
21 ate if you pass the mouse through the each icon. This bug is solved.
22 - Fixed a problem with the Idesk source (configure.in file) for avoid th
23 e xlibs-dev dependencies.