3 `miconf` - lightweight configuration utility
6 miconf [options] -r directory
7 miconf [options] template_file output_file
9 `miconf` is a lightweight configuration utility based on simple template substitution technique and [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) expressions. It executes a configuration file (a Lua program), and then uses the results of the execution (its global state) in template substitution. It reads `template_file` and substitutes `<<<`*lua expression*`>>>` placeholders with evaluated *lua expression*. It also executes lines that start with `===`.
15 <<<x>>> ^ 3 = <<< x^3 >>>
19 will result in the following output:
28 When `miconf` is run in recoursive `-r` mode, it traverses `directory` recoursively and processes files based on the pattern (`-p` option) and the output of callback functions.
30 `miconf` executable is a self sufficient executable that requires only a C runtime.
34 | Option | Default value | Description | Example |
35 | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
36 | -c file | 'config.lua' | config file | -c system.config |
37 | -e block | '' | config block | -e 'host="foo"; ip=""'|
38 | -p pattern | '[.]template$' | template file name pattern | -p '^boo[.]' |
39 | -t | | preserve temp files | |
40 | -m | | disable chmod | |
45 The following "hooks" are used if you do not redefine them in your configuration files.
46 These functions get called when `miconf` is run in recoursive mode using `-r` option. `miconf_dname_hook` is invoked for each subdirectory, and `miconf_fname_hook` is called for each regular file. `miconf_dname_hook` has to return a full path to the subdirectory to traverse, or `nil` to ignore the whole subdirectory. `miconf_fname_hook` has to return input and output file paths, or `(nil,nil)` in order to ignore the file. These functions allow you customize `miconf` behavior, i.e. what parts of your tree and what files to process, and how to come up with output file names. For example, you may keep your templates at a separate directory and output files into your output tree, etc.
48 function miconf_dname_hook(level,path,file)
49 return path..(file and ("/"..file) or "")
52 function miconf_fname_hook(level,pattern,path,file,type)
53 ofile,cnt = file:gsub(pattern,"")
54 if ofile and cnt==1 and ofile:len()>0 then
55 return path..(file and ("/"..file) or ""), path.."/"..ofile
63 **`$ cat sample.config`**
77 **`$ cat file.template`**
86 text5,<<<square(i)>>>,text6,<<<d[1]>>>,text7
90 **`$ miconf -v -e 'a=5' -c sample.config sample.template sample`**
95 text1,Hello, world!,text2
98 text5,1,text6,boo,text7
99 text5,4,text6,boo,text7
100 text5,9,text6,boo,text7
101 text5,16,text6,boo,text7
102 text5,25,text6,boo,text7