2 * This file is part of Cleanflight.
4 * Cleanflight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * Cleanflight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with Cleanflight. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 #include "build_config.h"
27 #include "common/axis.h"
28 #include "common/color.h"
29 #include "common/maths.h"
31 #include "drivers/system.h"
32 #include "drivers/sensor.h"
33 #include "drivers/accgyro.h"
34 #include "drivers/compass.h"
35 #include "drivers/serial.h"
36 #include "drivers/bus_i2c.h"
37 #include "drivers/timer.h"
38 #include "drivers/pwm_rx.h"
39 #include "drivers/buf_writer.h"
43 #include "io/rc_controls.h"
45 #include "io/ledstrip.h"
46 #include "io/serial_msp.h"
47 #include "io/escservo.h"
49 #include "telemetry/telemetry.h"
51 #include "sensors/sensors.h"
52 #include "sensors/boardalignment.h"
53 #include "sensors/sensors.h"
54 #include "sensors/battery.h"
55 #include "sensors/sonar.h"
56 #include "sensors/acceleration.h"
57 #include "sensors/barometer.h"
58 #include "sensors/compass.h"
59 #include "sensors/gyro.h"
61 #include "flight/mixer.h"
62 #include "flight/pid.h"
63 #include "flight/navigation.h"
64 #include "flight/imu.h"
65 #include "flight/failsafe.h"
67 #include "config/runtime_config.h"
68 #include "config/config.h"
69 #include "config/config_profile.h"
70 #include "config/config_master.h"
73 #include "unittest_macros.h"
74 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
78 void setCurrentPort(mspPort_t *port);
79 void mspProcessReceivedCommand();
80 extern mspPort_t *currentPort;
81 extern bufWriter_t *writer;
82 extern mspPort_t mspPorts[];
83 profile_t *currentProfile;
88 typedef struct mspHeader_s {
96 typedef struct mspResonse_s {
101 #define SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE 256
102 typedef union mspBuffer_u {
103 mspResponse_t mspResponse;
104 uint8_t buf[SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
107 static mspBuffer_t serialBuffer;
109 static int serialWritePos = 0;
110 static int serialReadPos = 0;
112 uint8_t buf[sizeof(bufWriter_t) + SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
114 void serialWrite(serialPort_t *instance, uint8_t ch)
117 serialBuffer.buf[serialWritePos] = ch;
121 void serialWriteBufShim(void *instance, uint8_t *data, int count)
123 for (uint8_t *p = data; count > 0; count--, p++) {
124 serialWrite((serialPort_t *)instance, *p);
128 void serialBeginWrite(serialPort_t *instance)
133 void serialEndWrite(serialPort_t *instance)
138 uint8_t serialRxBytesWaiting(serialPort_t *instance)
141 if (serialWritePos > serialReadPos) {
142 return serialWritePos - serialReadPos;
148 uint8_t serialRead(serialPort_t *instance)
151 const uint8_t ch = serialBuffer.buf[serialReadPos];
153 if (currentPort->indRX == MSP_PORT_INBUF_SIZE) {
154 currentPort->indRX = 0;
156 currentPort->inBuf[currentPort->indRX] = ch;
157 ++currentPort->indRX;
161 bool isSerialTransmitBufferEmpty(serialPort_t *instance)
167 class SerialMspUnitTest : public ::testing::Test {
169 virtual void SetUp() {
170 memset(serialBuffer.buf, 0, sizeof(serialBuffer));
171 setCurrentPort(&mspPorts[0]);
172 writer = bufWriterInit(buf, sizeof(buf), (bufWrite_t)serialWriteBufShim, &mspPorts[0]);
177 TEST_F(SerialMspUnitTest, TestMspProcessReceivedCommand)
179 // check the MSP_API_VERSION is written out correctly
182 currentPort->cmdMSP = MSP_API_VERSION;
183 mspProcessReceivedCommand();
185 EXPECT_EQ('$', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.dollar);
186 EXPECT_EQ('M', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.m);
187 EXPECT_EQ('>', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.direction);
188 EXPECT_EQ(3, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.size);
189 EXPECT_EQ(MSP_API_VERSION, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.type);
190 EXPECT_EQ(MSP_PROTOCOL_VERSION, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[0]);
191 EXPECT_EQ(API_VERSION_MAJOR, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[1]);
192 EXPECT_EQ(API_VERSION_MINOR, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[2]);
193 int checksum = 3 ^ MSP_API_VERSION;
195 EXPECT_EQ(checksum, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[3]);// checksum
197 // check the MSP_FC_VARIANT is written out correctly
200 currentPort->cmdMSP = MSP_FC_VARIANT;
201 mspProcessReceivedCommand();
203 EXPECT_EQ('$', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.dollar);
204 EXPECT_EQ('M', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.m);
205 EXPECT_EQ('>', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.direction);
206 EXPECT_EQ(FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.size);
207 EXPECT_EQ(MSP_FC_VARIANT, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.type);
208 EXPECT_EQ('C', serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[0]);
209 EXPECT_EQ('L', serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[1]);
210 EXPECT_EQ('F', serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[2]);
211 EXPECT_EQ('L', serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[3]);
213 checksum ^= 'C'^ 'L' ^ 'F' ^ 'L';
214 EXPECT_EQ(checksum, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[4]);
216 // check the MSP_FC_VERSION is written out correctly
219 currentPort->cmdMSP = MSP_FC_VERSION;
220 mspProcessReceivedCommand();
221 EXPECT_EQ('$', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.dollar);
222 EXPECT_EQ('M', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.m);
223 EXPECT_EQ('>', serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.direction);
224 EXPECT_EQ(FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_VERSION_LENGTH, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.size);
225 EXPECT_EQ(MSP_FC_VERSION, serialBuffer.mspResponse.header.type);
226 EXPECT_EQ(FC_VERSION_MAJOR, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[0]);
227 EXPECT_EQ(FC_VERSION_MINOR, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[1]);
228 EXPECT_EQ(FC_VERSION_PATCH_LEVEL, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[2]);
231 EXPECT_EQ(checksum, serialBuffer.mspResponse.payload[3]);
237 // from acceleration.c
238 uint16_t acc_1G = 256; // this is the 1G measured acceleration.
239 void accSetCalibrationCycles(uint16_t calibrationCyclesRequired) {UNUSED(calibrationCyclesRequired);}
240 // from altitudehold.c
242 int32_t vario = 0; // variometer in cm/s
243 int32_t altitudeHoldGetEstimatedAltitude(void) {return 0;}
245 uint16_t vbat = 0; // battery voltage in 0.1V steps (filtered)
246 int32_t amperage = 0; // amperage read by current sensor in centiampere (1/100th A)
247 int32_t mAhDrawn = 0; // milliampere hours drawn from the battery since start
249 int32_t magADC[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
251 master_t masterConfig;
252 controlRateConfig_t *currentControlRateProfile;
253 void resetPidProfile(pidProfile_t *pidProfile) {UNUSED(pidProfile);}
254 void handleOneshotFeatureChangeOnRestart(void) {}
255 void readEEPROM(void) {}
256 void resetEEPROM(void) {}
257 void writeEEPROM(void) {}
258 bool feature(uint32_t mask) {UNUSED(mask);return false;}
259 void featureSet(uint32_t mask) {UNUSED(mask);}
260 void featureClearAll() {}
261 uint32_t featureMask(void) {return 0;}
263 int32_t debug[DEBUG32_VALUE_COUNT];
265 #define GPS_SV_MAXSATS 16
266 int32_t GPS_coord[2]; // LAT/LON
268 uint8_t GPS_update = 0; // it's a binary toggle to distinct a GPS position update
269 uint16_t GPS_altitude; // altitude in 0.1m
270 uint16_t GPS_speed; // speed in 0.1m/s
271 uint16_t GPS_ground_course = 0; // degrees * 10
272 uint8_t GPS_numCh; // Number of channels
273 uint8_t GPS_svinfo_chn[GPS_SV_MAXSATS]; // Channel number
274 uint8_t GPS_svinfo_svid[GPS_SV_MAXSATS]; // Satellite ID
275 uint8_t GPS_svinfo_quality[GPS_SV_MAXSATS]; // Bitfield Qualtity
276 uint8_t GPS_svinfo_cno[GPS_SV_MAXSATS]; // Carrier to Noise Ratio (Signal Strength)
278 int32_t gyroADC[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
280 attitudeEulerAngles_t attitude = { { 0, 0, 0 } }; // absolute angle inclination in multiple of 0.1 degree 180 deg = 1800
281 int16_t accSmooth[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
283 void reevalulateLedConfig(void) {}
285 int16_t motor[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];
286 int16_t motor_disarmed[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];
287 int16_t servo[MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS];
288 void stopMotors(void) {}
289 void loadCustomServoMixer(void) {}
291 void rxMspFrameReceive(uint16_t *frame, int channelCount) {UNUSED(frame);UNUSED(channelCount);}
293 uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // this is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken into account in the PID loop
297 uint32_t GPS_distanceToHome; // distance to home point in meters
298 int16_t GPS_directionToHome; // direction to home or hol point in degrees
299 navigationMode_e nav_mode = NAV_MODE_NONE; // Navigation mode
300 void GPS_set_next_wp(int32_t *lat, int32_t *lon) {UNUSED(lat);UNUSED(lon);}
302 void pidSetController(pidControllerType_e type) {UNUSED(type);}
303 // from rc_controls.c
304 uint32_t rcModeActivationMask; // one bit per mode defined in boxId_e
305 void useRcControlsConfig(void *modeActivationConditions, void *escAndServoConfigToUse, void *pidProfileToUse) {
306 UNUSED(modeActivationConditions);UNUSED(escAndServoConfigToUse);UNUSED(pidProfileToUse);}
307 // from runtime_config.c
308 uint8_t armingFlags = 0;
309 uint8_t stateFlags = 0;
310 uint16_t flightModeFlags = 0;
311 uint16_t disableFlightMode(flightModeFlags_e mask) {UNUSED(mask);return 0;}
312 bool sensors(uint32_t mask) {UNUSED(mask);return 0;}
314 uint16_t rssi = 0; // range: [0;1023]
315 int16_t rcData[MAX_SUPPORTED_RC_CHANNEL_COUNT]; // interval [1000;2000]
316 rxRuntimeConfig_t rxRuntimeConfig;
318 void delay(uint32_t ms) {UNUSED(ms);}
319 // from system_stm32fN0x.c
320 void systemReset(void) {}
321 void systemResetToBootloader(void) {}
323 uint16_t averageSystemLoadPercent = 0;
324 // from transponder_ir.c
325 void transponderUpdateData(uint8_t*) {}