Merge pull request #9556 from iNavFlight/mosca-target-converter
[inav.git] / src / utils /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 '''
3 generate field tables from IGRF13. Note that this requires python3
5 To run the generator you need the igrf module. Install like this:
7 python3 -m pip install --user igrf
9 And run:
11 python3 src/utils/
13 It will updates the navigation_declination_gen.c code
14 '''
16 import igrf
17 import numpy as np
18 import datetime
19 import pathlib
20 from math import sin, cos, sqrt
21 import math
23 class Vector3(object):
24 '''a vector'''
25 def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None):
26 if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None:
27 self.x = float(x)
28 self.y = float(y)
29 self.z = float(z)
30 elif x is not None and len(x) == 3:
31 self.x = float(x[0])
32 self.y = float(x[1])
33 self.z = float(x[2])
34 elif x is not None:
35 raise ValueError('bad initializer')
36 else:
37 self.x = float(0)
38 self.y = float(0)
39 self.z = float(0)
41 def length(self):
42 return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
44 def __sub__(self, other):
45 return Vector3(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z)
47 def __mul__(self, other):
48 if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
49 return Vector3(self.x * other, self.y * other, self.z * other)
50 elif isinstance(other, Vector3):
51 return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
52 else:
53 raise ValueError('Multiplication with unsupported type')
55 class Matrix3(object):
56 '''a 3x3 matrix, intended as a rotation matrix'''
57 def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None):
58 if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None:
59 self.a = a.copy()
60 self.b = b.copy()
61 self.c = c.copy()
62 else:
63 self.identity()
65 def identity(self):
66 self.a = Vector3(1,0,0)
67 self.b = Vector3(0,1,0)
68 self.c = Vector3(0,0,1)
70 def from_euler(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
71 '''fill the matrix from Euler angles in radians'''
72 cp = cos(pitch)
73 sp = sin(pitch)
74 sr = sin(roll)
75 cr = cos(roll)
76 sy = sin(yaw)
77 cy = cos(yaw)
79 self.a.x = cp * cy
80 self.a.y = (sr * sp * cy) - (cr * sy)
81 self.a.z = (cr * sp * cy) + (sr * sy)
82 self.b.x = cp * sy
83 self.b.y = (sr * sp * sy) + (cr * cy)
84 self.b.z = (cr * sp * sy) - (sr * cy)
85 self.c.x = -sp
86 self.c.y = sr * cp
87 self.c.z = cr * cp
89 def __mul__(self, vector):
90 if isinstance(vector, Vector3):
91 x = self.a.x * vector.x + self.a.y * vector.y + self.a.z * vector.z
92 y = self.b.x * vector.x + self.b.y * vector.y + self.b.z * vector.z
93 z = self.c.x * vector.x + self.c.y * vector.y + self.c.z * vector.z
94 return Vector3(x, y, z)
95 else:
96 raise ValueError('Multiplication with unsupported type')
98 def write_table(f, name, table):
99 '''write one table'''
100 f.write("const float %s[%u][%u] = {\n" %
101 (name, NUM_LAT, NUM_LON))
102 for i in range(NUM_LAT):
103 f.write(" {")
104 for j in range(NUM_LON):
105 f.write("%.5ff" % table[i][j])
106 if j != NUM_LON-1:
107 f.write(",")
108 f.write("}")
109 if i != NUM_LAT-1:
110 f.write(",")
111 f.write("\n")
112 f.write("};\n\n")
114 date =
125 NUM_LAT = lats.size
126 NUM_LON = lons.size
128 intensity_table = np.empty((NUM_LAT, NUM_LON))
129 inclination_table = np.empty((NUM_LAT, NUM_LON))
130 declination_table = np.empty((NUM_LAT, NUM_LON))
132 max_error = 0
133 max_error_pos = None
134 max_error_field = None
136 def get_igrf(lat, lon):
137 '''return field as [declination_deg, inclination_deg, intensity_gauss]'''
138 mag = igrf.igrf(date, glat=lat, glon=lon, alt_km=0., isv=0, itype=1)
139 intensity = float(
140 inclination = float(mag.incl)
141 declination = float(mag.decl)
142 return [declination, inclination, intensity]
144 def interpolate_table(table, latitude_deg, longitude_deg):
145 '''interpolate inside a table for a given lat/lon in degrees'''
146 # round down to nearest sampling resolution
147 min_lat = int(math.floor(latitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES)
148 min_lon = int(math.floor(longitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES)
150 # find index of nearest low sampling point
151 min_lat_index = int(math.floor((min_lat - SAMPLING_MIN_LAT) / SAMPLING_RES))
152 min_lon_index = int(math.floor((min_lon - SAMPLING_MIN_LON) / SAMPLING_RES))
154 # calculate intensity
155 data_sw = table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index]
156 data_se = table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index + 1]
157 data_ne = table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index + 1]
158 data_nw = table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index]
160 # perform bilinear interpolation on the four grid corners
161 data_min = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_se - data_sw) + data_sw
162 data_max = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_ne - data_nw) + data_nw
164 value = ((latitude_deg - min_lat) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_max - data_min) + data_min
165 return value
167 def interpolate_field(latitude_deg, longitude_deg):
168 '''calculate magnetic field intensity and orientation, interpolating in tables
170 returns array [declination_deg, inclination_deg, intensity] or None'''
171 # limit to table bounds
172 if latitude_deg < SAMPLING_MIN_LAT or latitude_deg >= SAMPLING_MAX_LAT:
173 return None
174 if longitude_deg < SAMPLING_MIN_LON or longitude_deg >= SAMPLING_MAX_LON:
175 return None
177 intensity_gauss = interpolate_table(intensity_table, latitude_deg, longitude_deg)
178 declination_deg = interpolate_table(declination_table, latitude_deg, longitude_deg)
179 inclination_deg = interpolate_table(inclination_table, latitude_deg, longitude_deg)
181 return [declination_deg, inclination_deg, intensity_gauss]
183 def field_to_Vector3(mag):
184 '''return mGauss field from dec, inc and intensity'''
185 R = Matrix3()
186 mag_ef = Vector3(mag[2]*1000.0, 0.0, 0.0)
187 R.from_euler(0.0, -math.radians(mag[1]), math.radians(mag[0]))
188 return R * mag_ef
190 def test_error(lat, lon):
191 '''check for error from lat, lon'''
192 global max_error, max_error_pos, max_error_field
193 mag1 = get_igrf(lat, lon)
194 mag2 = interpolate_field(lat, lon)
195 if mag2 is None:
196 return
197 ef1 = field_to_Vector3(mag1)
198 ef2 = field_to_Vector3(mag2)
199 err = (ef1 - ef2).length()
200 if err > max_error or err > 100:
201 print(lat, lon, err, ef1, ef2)
202 max_error = err
203 max_error_pos = (lat, lon)
204 max_error_field = ef1 - ef2
206 def test_max_error(lat, lon):
207 '''check for maximum error from lat, lon over SAMPLING_RES range'''
208 steps = 3
209 delta = SAMPLING_RES/steps
210 for i in range(steps):
211 for j in range(steps):
212 lat2 = lat + i * delta
213 lon2 = lon + j * delta
214 if lat2 > SAMPLING_MAX_LAT or lon2 > SAMPLING_MAX_LON:
215 continue
216 if lat2 < SAMPLING_MIN_LAT or lon2 < SAMPLING_MIN_LON:
217 continue
218 test_error(lat2, lon2)
220 for i, lat in enumerate(lats):
221 for j, lon in enumerate(lons):
222 mag = get_igrf(lat, lon)
223 declination_table[i][j] = mag[0]
224 inclination_table[i][j] = mag[1]
225 intensity_table[i][j] = mag[2]
227 with open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'main' / 'navigation' / 'navigation_declination_gen.c', 'w') as f:
228 f.write('/* this file is automatically generated by src/utils/ - DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n\n')
229 f.write('/* Updated on %s */\n\n\n' % date)
231 f.write('''const float SAMPLING_RES = %u;
232 const float SAMPLING_MIN_LAT = %u;
233 const float SAMPLING_MAX_LAT = %u;
234 const float SAMPLING_MIN_LON = %u;
235 const float SAMPLING_MAX_LON = %u;
237 ''' % (SAMPLING_RES,
243 write_table(f, 'declination_table', declination_table)
244 write_table(f, 'inclination_table', inclination_table)
245 write_table(f, 'intensity_table', intensity_table)
247 print("Checking for maximum error")
248 for lat in range(-60, 60, 1):
249 for lon in range(-180, 180, 1):
250 test_max_error(lat, lon)
251 print("Generated with max error %.2f %s at (%.2f,%.2f)" % (
252 max_error, max_error_field, max_error_pos[0], max_error_pos[1]))