3 # This script creates a list of **merged** PRs for a release
5 # gh --repo inavflight/inav pr list --state merged -S "milestone:8.0" -L 500 --json "number,title,author,url" > /tmp/gh.json
6 # Then process the output `/tmp/gh.json` with this script
7 # ./generate-prlist-rn.rb /tmp/gh.json > /tmp/rel8prs.md
9 # Then merge the contents of `/tmp/rel8prs.md` into the release notes
12 abort("Need the JSON file") unless ARGV[0]
13 text = File.read(ARGV[0])
14 jsa = JSON.parse(text)
16 puts "* #%d %s by @%s\n" % [js['number'],js['title'],js['author']['login']]