vtx: fix VTX_SETTINGS_POWER_COUNT and add dummy entries to saPowerNames
[inav.git] / .vscode / c_cpp_properties.json
2     "configurations": [
3         {
4             "name": "Linux",
5             "includePath": [
6                 "${workspaceRoot}",
7                 "${workspaceRoot}/src/main/**"
8             ],
9             "browse": {
10                 "limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders": false,
11                 "path": [
12                     "${workspaceRoot}/**"
13                 ]
14             },
15             "intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64",
16             "cStandard": "c11",
17             "cppStandard": "c++17",
18             "defines": [
19                 "USE_OSD",
20                 "USE_GYRO_NOTCH_1",
21                 "USE_GYRO_NOTCH_2",
22                 "USE_DTERM_NOTCH",
23                 "USE_ACC_NOTCH",
24                 "USE_GYRO_BIQUAD_RC_FIR2",
25                 "USE_D_BOOST",
26                 "USE_SERIALSHOT",
27                 "USE_ANTIGRAVITY",
28                 "USE_ASYNC_GYRO_PROCESSING",
29                 "USE_RPM_FILTER",
30                 "USE_GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS",
31                 "USE_DYNAMIC_FILTERS",
32                 "USE_DSHOT",
33                 "FLASH_SIZE 480",
34                 "USE_I2C_IO_EXPANDER",
35                 "USE_PCF8574",
36                 "USE_ESC_SENSOR",
37                 "USE_ADAPTIVE_FILTER",
38                 "MCU_FLASH_SIZE 1024",
39             ],
40             "configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.cmake-tools"
41         }
42     ],
43     "version": 4