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[inav.git] / lib / main / STM32F4 / Drivers / STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver / src / stm32f4xx_ltdc.c
1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32f4xx_ltdc.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @version V1.7.1
6 * @date 20-May-2016
7 * @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
8 * functionalities of the LTDC controller (LTDC) peripheral:
9 * + Initialization and configuration
10 * + Interrupts and flags management
12 * @verbatim
14 ===============================================================================
15 ##### How to use this driver #####
16 ===============================================================================
17 [..]
18 (#) Enable LTDC clock using
19 RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_LTDC, ENABLE) function.
20 (#) Configures LTDC
21 (++) Configure the required Pixel clock following the panel datasheet
22 (++) Configure the Synchronous timings: VSYNC, HSYNC, Vertical and
23 Horizontal back proch, active data area and the front proch
24 timings
25 (++) Configure the synchronous signals and clock polarity in the
26 LTDC_GCR register
27 (#) Configures Layer1/2 parameters
28 (++) The Layer window horizontal and vertical position in the LTDC_LxWHPCR and
29 LTDC_WVPCR registers. The layer window must be in the active data area.
30 (++) The pixel input format in the LTDC_LxPFCR register
31 (++) The color frame buffer start address in the LTDC_LxCFBAR register
32 (++) The line length and pitch of the color frame buffer in the
33 LTDC_LxCFBLR register
34 (++) The number of lines of the color frame buffer in
35 the LTDC_LxCFBLNR register
36 (++) if needed, load the CLUT with the RGB values and the address
37 in the LTDC_LxCLUTWR register
38 (++) If needed, configure the default color and the blending factors
39 respectively in the LTDC_LxDCCR and LTDC_LxBFCR registers
41 (++) If needed, Dithering and color keying can be enabled respectively
42 in the LTDC_GCR and LTDC_LxCKCR registers. It can be also enabled
43 on the fly.
44 (#) Enable Layer1/2 and if needed the CLUT in the LTDC_LxCR register
46 (#) Reload the shadow registers to active register through
47 the LTDC_SRCR register.
48 -@- All layer parameters can be modified on the fly except the CLUT.
49 The new configuration has to be either reloaded immediately
50 or during vertical blanking period by configuring the LTDC_SRCR register.
51 (#) Call the LTDC_Cmd() to enable the LTDC controller.
53 @endverbatim
55 ******************************************************************************
56 * @attention
58 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
60 * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
61 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
62 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
64 * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
66 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
67 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
68 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
69 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
70 * limitations under the License.
72 ******************************************************************************
75 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
76 #include "stm32f4xx_ltdc.h"
77 #include "stm32f4xx_rcc.h"
79 /** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver
80 * @{
83 /** @defgroup LTDC
84 * @brief LTDC driver modules
85 * @{
88 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
89 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
90 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
91 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
92 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
93 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
95 #define GCR_MASK ((uint32_t)0x0FFE888F) /* LTDC GCR Mask */
98 /** @defgroup LTDC_Private_Functions
99 * @{
102 /** @defgroup LTDC_Group1 Initialization and Configuration functions
103 * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
105 @verbatim
106 ===============================================================================
107 ##### Initialization and Configuration functions #####
108 ===============================================================================
109 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
110 (+) Initialize and configure the LTDC
111 (+) Enable or Disable Dither
112 (+) Define the position of the line interrupt
113 (+) reload layers registers with new parameters
114 (+) Initialize and configure layer1 and layer2
115 (+) Set and configure the color keying functionality
116 (+) Configure and Enables or disables CLUT
118 @endverbatim
119 * @{
123 * @brief Deinitializes the LTDC peripheral registers to their default reset
124 * values.
125 * @param None
126 * @retval None
129 void LTDC_DeInit(void)
131 /* Enable LTDC reset state */
132 RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_LTDC, ENABLE);
133 /* Release LTDC from reset state */
134 RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_LTDC, DISABLE);
138 * @brief Initializes the LTDC peripheral according to the specified parameters
139 * in the LTDC_InitStruct.
140 * @note This function can be used only when the LTDC is disabled.
141 * @param LTDC_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_InitTypeDef structure that contains
142 * the configuration information for the specified LTDC peripheral.
143 * @retval None
146 void LTDC_Init(LTDC_InitTypeDef* LTDC_InitStruct)
148 uint32_t horizontalsync = 0;
149 uint32_t accumulatedHBP = 0;
150 uint32_t accumulatedactiveW = 0;
151 uint32_t totalwidth = 0;
152 uint32_t backgreen = 0;
153 uint32_t backred = 0;
155 /* Check function parameters */
156 assert_param(IS_LTDC_HSYNC(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalSync));
157 assert_param(IS_LTDC_VSYNC(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalSync));
158 assert_param(IS_LTDC_AHBP(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedHBP));
159 assert_param(IS_LTDC_AVBP(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedVBP));
160 assert_param(IS_LTDC_AAH(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH));
161 assert_param(IS_LTDC_AAW(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW));
162 assert_param(IS_LTDC_TOTALH(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalHeigh));
163 assert_param(IS_LTDC_TOTALW(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalWidth));
164 assert_param(IS_LTDC_HSPOL(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HSPolarity));
165 assert_param(IS_LTDC_VSPOL(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VSPolarity));
166 assert_param(IS_LTDC_DEPOL(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_DEPolarity));
167 assert_param(IS_LTDC_PCPOL(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_PCPolarity));
168 assert_param(IS_LTDC_BackBlueValue(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundBlueValue));
169 assert_param(IS_LTDC_BackGreenValue(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundGreenValue));
170 assert_param(IS_LTDC_BackRedValue(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundRedValue));
172 /* Sets Synchronization size */
174 horizontalsync = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalSync << 16);
175 LTDC->SSCR |= (horizontalsync | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalSync);
177 /* Sets Accumulated Back porch */
179 accumulatedHBP = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedHBP << 16);
180 LTDC->BPCR |= (accumulatedHBP | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedVBP);
182 /* Sets Accumulated Active Width */
184 accumulatedactiveW = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW << 16);
185 LTDC->AWCR |= (accumulatedactiveW | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH);
187 /* Sets Total Width */
189 totalwidth = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalWidth << 16);
190 LTDC->TWCR |= (totalwidth | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalHeigh);
192 LTDC->GCR &= (uint32_t)GCR_MASK;
193 LTDC->GCR |= (uint32_t)(LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HSPolarity | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VSPolarity | \
194 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_DEPolarity | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_PCPolarity);
196 /* sets the background color value */
197 backgreen = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundGreenValue << 8);
198 backred = (LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundRedValue << 16);
201 LTDC->BCCR |= (backred | backgreen | LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundBlueValue);
205 * @brief Fills each LTDC_InitStruct member with its default value.
206 * @param LTDC_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_InitTypeDef structure which will
207 * be initialized.
208 * @retval None
211 void LTDC_StructInit(LTDC_InitTypeDef* LTDC_InitStruct)
213 /*--------------- Reset LTDC init structure parameters values ----------------*/
214 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HSPolarity = LTDC_HSPolarity_AL; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_HSPolarity member */
215 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VSPolarity = LTDC_VSPolarity_AL; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_VSPolarity member */
216 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_DEPolarity = LTDC_DEPolarity_AL; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_DEPolarity member */
217 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_PCPolarity = LTDC_PCPolarity_IPC; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_PCPolarity member */
218 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalSync = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_HorizontalSync member */
219 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalSync = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_VerticalSync member */
220 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedHBP = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_AccumulatedHBP member */
221 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedVBP = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_AccumulatedVBP member */
222 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_AccumulatedActiveW member */
223 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_AccumulatedActiveH member */
224 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalWidth = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_TotalWidth member */
225 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_TotalHeigh = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_TotalHeigh member */
226 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundRedValue = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_BackgroundRedValue member */
227 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundGreenValue = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_BackgroundGreenValue member */
228 LTDC_InitStruct->LTDC_BackgroundBlueValue = 0x00; /*!< Initialize the LTDC_BackgroundBlueValue member */
232 * @brief Enables or disables the LTDC Controller.
233 * @param NewState: new state of the LTDC peripheral.
234 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
235 * @retval None
238 void LTDC_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
240 /* Check the parameters */
241 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
243 if (NewState != DISABLE)
245 /* Enable LTDC by setting LTDCEN bit */
246 LTDC->GCR |= (uint32_t)LTDC_GCR_LTDCEN;
248 else
250 /* Disable LTDC by clearing LTDCEN bit */
251 LTDC->GCR &= ~(uint32_t)LTDC_GCR_LTDCEN;
256 * @brief Enables or disables Dither.
257 * @param NewState: new state of the Dither.
258 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
259 * @retval None
262 void LTDC_DitherCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
264 /* Check the parameters */
265 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
267 if (NewState != DISABLE)
269 /* Enable Dither by setting DTEN bit */
270 LTDC->GCR |= (uint32_t)LTDC_GCR_DTEN;
272 else
274 /* Disable Dither by clearing DTEN bit */
275 LTDC->GCR &= ~(uint32_t)LTDC_GCR_DTEN;
280 * @brief Get the dither RGB width.
281 * @param LTDC_RGB_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_RGBTypeDef structure that contains
282 * the Dither RGB width.
283 * @retval None
286 LTDC_RGBTypeDef LTDC_GetRGBWidth(void)
288 LTDC_RGBTypeDef LTDC_RGB_InitStruct;
290 LTDC->GCR &= (uint32_t)GCR_MASK;
292 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct.LTDC_BlueWidth = (uint32_t)((LTDC->GCR >> 4) & 0x7);
293 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct.LTDC_GreenWidth = (uint32_t)((LTDC->GCR >> 8) & 0x7);
294 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct.LTDC_RedWidth = (uint32_t)((LTDC->GCR >> 12) & 0x7);
296 return LTDC_RGB_InitStruct;
300 * @brief Fills each LTDC_RGBStruct member with its default value.
301 * @param LTDC_RGB_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_RGBTypeDef structure which will
302 * be initialized.
303 * @retval None
306 void LTDC_RGBStructInit(LTDC_RGBTypeDef* LTDC_RGB_InitStruct)
308 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct->LTDC_BlueWidth = 0x02;
309 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct->LTDC_GreenWidth = 0x02;
310 LTDC_RGB_InitStruct->LTDC_RedWidth = 0x02;
315 * @brief Define the position of the line interrupt .
316 * @param LTDC_LIPositionConfig: Line Interrupt Position.
317 * @retval None
320 void LTDC_LIPConfig(uint32_t LTDC_LIPositionConfig)
322 /* Check the parameters */
323 assert_param(IS_LTDC_LIPOS(LTDC_LIPositionConfig));
325 /* Sets the Line Interrupt position */
326 LTDC->LIPCR = (uint32_t)LTDC_LIPositionConfig;
330 * @brief reload layers registers with new parameters
331 * @param LTDC_Reload: specifies the type of reload.
332 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
333 * @arg LTDC_IMReload: Vertical blanking reload.
334 * @arg LTDC_VBReload: Immediate reload.
335 * @retval None
338 void LTDC_ReloadConfig(uint32_t LTDC_Reload)
340 /* Check the parameters */
341 assert_param(IS_LTDC_RELOAD(LTDC_Reload));
343 /* Sets the Reload type */
344 LTDC->SRCR = (uint32_t)LTDC_Reload;
349 * @brief Initializes the LTDC Layer according to the specified parameters
350 * in the LTDC_LayerStruct.
351 * @note This function can be used only when the LTDC is disabled.
352 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
353 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
354 * @param LTDC_LayerStruct: pointer to a LTDC_LayerTypeDef structure that contains
355 * the configuration information for the specified LTDC peripheral.
356 * @retval None
359 void LTDC_LayerInit(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, LTDC_Layer_InitTypeDef* LTDC_Layer_InitStruct)
362 uint32_t whsppos = 0;
363 uint32_t wvsppos = 0;
364 uint32_t dcgreen = 0;
365 uint32_t dcred = 0;
366 uint32_t dcalpha = 0;
367 uint32_t cfbp = 0;
369 /* Check the parameters */
370 assert_param(IS_LTDC_Pixelformat(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_PixelFormat));
371 assert_param(IS_LTDC_BlendingFactor1(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_1));
372 assert_param(IS_LTDC_BlendingFactor2(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_2));
373 assert_param(IS_LTDC_HCONFIGST(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStart));
374 assert_param(IS_LTDC_HCONFIGSP(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStop));
375 assert_param(IS_LTDC_VCONFIGST(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStart));
376 assert_param(IS_LTDC_VCONFIGSP(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStop));
377 assert_param(IS_LTDC_DEFAULTCOLOR(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorBlue));
378 assert_param(IS_LTDC_DEFAULTCOLOR(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorGreen));
379 assert_param(IS_LTDC_DEFAULTCOLOR(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorRed));
380 assert_param(IS_LTDC_DEFAULTCOLOR(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorAlpha));
381 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CFBP(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBPitch));
382 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CFBLL(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineLength));
383 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CFBLNBR(LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineNumber));
385 /* Configures the horizontal start and stop position */
386 whsppos = LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStop << 16;
388 LTDC_Layerx->WHPCR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStart | whsppos);
390 /* Configures the vertical start and stop position */
391 wvsppos = LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStop << 16;
393 LTDC_Layerx->WVPCR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStart | wvsppos);
395 /* Specifies the pixel format */
396 LTDC_Layerx->PFCR &= ~(LTDC_LxPFCR_PF);
397 LTDC_Layerx->PFCR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_PixelFormat);
399 /* Configures the default color values */
400 dcgreen = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorGreen << 8);
401 dcred = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorRed << 16);
402 dcalpha = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorAlpha << 24);
404 LTDC_Layerx->DCCR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorBlue | dcgreen | \
405 dcred | dcalpha);
407 /* Specifies the constant alpha value */
409 LTDC_Layerx->CACR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_ConstantAlpha);
411 /* Specifies the blending factors */
412 LTDC_Layerx->BFCR &= ~(LTDC_LxBFCR_BF2 | LTDC_LxBFCR_BF1);
413 LTDC_Layerx->BFCR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_1 | LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_2);
415 /* Configures the color frame buffer start address */
417 LTDC_Layerx->CFBAR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBStartAdress);
419 /* Configures the color frame buffer pitch in byte */
420 cfbp = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBPitch << 16);
422 LTDC_Layerx->CFBLR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineLength | cfbp);
424 /* Configures the frame buffer line number */
426 LTDC_Layerx->CFBLNR = (LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineNumber);
431 * @brief Fills each LTDC_Layer_InitStruct member with its default value.
432 * @param LTDC_Layer_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_LayerTypeDef structure which will
433 * be initialized.
434 * @retval None
437 void LTDC_LayerStructInit(LTDC_Layer_InitTypeDef * LTDC_Layer_InitStruct)
439 /*--------------- Reset Layer structure parameters values -------------------*/
441 /*!< Initialize the horizontal limit member */
442 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStart = 0x00;
443 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_HorizontalStop = 0x00;
445 /*!< Initialize the vertical limit member */
446 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStart = 0x00;
447 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_VerticalStop = 0x00;
449 /*!< Initialize the pixel format member */
450 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_PixelFormat = LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB8888;
452 /*!< Initialize the constant alpha value */
453 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_ConstantAlpha = 0xFF;
455 /*!< Initialize the default color values */
456 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorBlue = 0x00;
457 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorGreen = 0x00;
458 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorRed = 0x00;
459 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_DefaultColorAlpha = 0x00;
461 /*!< Initialize the blending factors */
462 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_1 = LTDC_BlendingFactor1_PAxCA;
463 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_BlendingFactor_2 = LTDC_BlendingFactor2_PAxCA;
465 /*!< Initialize the frame buffer start address */
466 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBStartAdress = 0x00;
468 /*!< Initialize the frame buffer pitch and line length */
469 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineLength = 0x00;
470 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBPitch = 0x00;
472 /*!< Initialize the frame buffer line number */
473 LTDC_Layer_InitStruct->LTDC_CFBLineNumber = 0x00;
478 * @brief Enables or disables the LTDC_Layer Controller.
479 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
480 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
481 * @param NewState: new state of the LTDC_Layer peripheral.
482 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
483 * @retval None
486 void LTDC_LayerCmd(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, FunctionalState NewState)
488 /* Check the parameters */
489 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
491 if (NewState != DISABLE)
493 /* Enable LTDC_Layer by setting LEN bit */
494 LTDC_Layerx->CR |= (uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_LEN;
496 else
498 /* Disable LTDC_Layer by clearing LEN bit */
499 LTDC_Layerx->CR &= ~(uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_LEN;
505 * @brief Get the current position.
506 * @param LTDC_Pos_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_PosTypeDef structure that contains
507 * the current position.
508 * @retval None
511 LTDC_PosTypeDef LTDC_GetPosStatus(void)
513 LTDC_PosTypeDef LTDC_Pos_InitStruct;
517 LTDC_Pos_InitStruct.LTDC_POSX = (uint32_t)(LTDC->CPSR >> 16);
518 LTDC_Pos_InitStruct.LTDC_POSY = (uint32_t)(LTDC->CPSR & 0xFFFF);
520 return LTDC_Pos_InitStruct;
524 * @brief Fills each LTDC_Pos_InitStruct member with its default value.
525 * @param LTDC_Pos_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_PosTypeDef structure which will
526 * be initialized.
527 * @retval None
530 void LTDC_PosStructInit(LTDC_PosTypeDef* LTDC_Pos_InitStruct)
532 LTDC_Pos_InitStruct->LTDC_POSX = 0x00;
533 LTDC_Pos_InitStruct->LTDC_POSY = 0x00;
537 * @brief Checks whether the specified LTDC's flag is set or not.
538 * @param LTDC_CD: specifies the flag to check.
539 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
540 * @arg LTDC_CD_VDES: vertical data enable current status.
541 * @arg LTDC_CD_HDES: horizontal data enable current status.
542 * @arg LTDC_CD_VSYNC: Vertical Synchronization current status.
543 * @arg LTDC_CD_HSYNC: Horizontal Synchronization current status.
544 * @retval The new state of LTDC_CD (SET or RESET).
547 FlagStatus LTDC_GetCDStatus(uint32_t LTDC_CD)
549 FlagStatus bitstatus;
551 /* Check the parameters */
552 assert_param(IS_LTDC_GET_CD(LTDC_CD));
554 if ((LTDC->CDSR & LTDC_CD) != (uint32_t)RESET)
556 bitstatus = SET;
558 else
560 bitstatus = RESET;
562 return bitstatus;
566 * @brief Set and configure the color keying.
567 * @param LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_ColorKeying_InitTypeDef
568 * structure that contains the color keying configuration.
569 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
570 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
571 * @retval None
574 void LTDC_ColorKeyingConfig(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, LTDC_ColorKeying_InitTypeDef* LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct, FunctionalState NewState)
576 uint32_t ckgreen = 0;
577 uint32_t ckred = 0;
579 /* Check the parameters */
580 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
581 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CKEYING(LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyBlue));
582 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CKEYING(LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyGreen));
583 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CKEYING(LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyRed));
585 if (NewState != DISABLE)
587 /* Enable LTDC color keying by setting COLKEN bit */
588 LTDC_Layerx->CR |= (uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_COLKEN;
590 /* Sets the color keying values */
591 ckgreen = (LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyGreen << 8);
592 ckred = (LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyRed << 16);
594 LTDC_Layerx->CKCR |= (LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyBlue | ckgreen | ckred);
596 else
598 /* Disable LTDC color keying by clearing COLKEN bit */
599 LTDC_Layerx->CR &= ~(uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_COLKEN;
602 /* Reload shadow register */
603 LTDC->SRCR = LTDC_IMReload;
607 * @brief Fills each LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct member with its default value.
608 * @param LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_ColorKeying_InitTypeDef structure which will
609 * be initialized.
610 * @retval None
613 void LTDC_ColorKeyingStructInit(LTDC_ColorKeying_InitTypeDef* LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct)
615 /*!< Initialize the color keying values */
616 LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyBlue = 0x00;
617 LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyGreen = 0x00;
618 LTDC_colorkeying_InitStruct->LTDC_ColorKeyRed = 0x00;
623 * @brief Enables or disables CLUT.
624 * @param NewState: new state of CLUT.
625 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
626 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
627 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
628 * @retval None
631 void LTDC_CLUTCmd(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, FunctionalState NewState)
633 /* Check the parameters */
634 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
636 if (NewState != DISABLE)
638 /* Enable CLUT by setting CLUTEN bit */
639 LTDC_Layerx->CR |= (uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_CLUTEN;
641 else
643 /* Disable CLUT by clearing CLUTEN bit */
644 LTDC_Layerx->CR &= ~(uint32_t)LTDC_LxCR_CLUTEN;
647 /* Reload shadow register */
648 LTDC->SRCR = LTDC_IMReload;
652 * @brief configure the CLUT.
653 * @param LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_CLUT_InitTypeDef structure that contains
654 * the CLUT configuration.
655 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
656 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
657 * @retval None
660 void LTDC_CLUTInit(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, LTDC_CLUT_InitTypeDef* LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct)
662 uint32_t green = 0;
663 uint32_t red = 0;
664 uint32_t clutadd = 0;
666 /* Check the parameters */
667 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CLUTWR(LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_CLUTAdress));
668 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CLUTWR(LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_RedValue));
669 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CLUTWR(LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_GreenValue));
670 assert_param(IS_LTDC_CLUTWR(LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_BlueValue));
672 /* Specifies the CLUT address and RGB value */
673 green = (LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_GreenValue << 8);
674 red = (LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_RedValue << 16);
675 clutadd = (LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_CLUTAdress << 24);
676 LTDC_Layerx->CLUTWR = (clutadd | LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_BlueValue | \
677 green | red);
681 * @brief Fills each LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct member with its default value.
682 * @param LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct: pointer to a LTDC_CLUT_InitTypeDef structure which will
683 * be initialized.
684 * @retval None
687 void LTDC_CLUTStructInit(LTDC_CLUT_InitTypeDef* LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct)
689 /*!< Initialize the CLUT address and RGB values */
690 LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_CLUTAdress = 0x00;
691 LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_BlueValue = 0x00;
692 LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_GreenValue = 0x00;
693 LTDC_CLUT_InitStruct->LTDC_RedValue = 0x00;
698 * @brief reconfigure the layer position.
699 * @param OffsetX: horizontal offset from start active width .
700 * @param OffsetY: vertical offset from start active height.
701 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
702 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
703 * @retval Reload of the shadow registers values must be applied after layer
704 * position reconfiguration.
707 void LTDC_LayerPosition(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, uint16_t OffsetX, uint16_t OffsetY)
710 uint32_t tempreg, temp;
711 uint32_t horizontal_start;
712 uint32_t horizontal_stop;
713 uint32_t vertical_start;
714 uint32_t vertical_stop;
719 /* Reconfigures the horizontal and vertical start position */
720 tempreg = LTDC->BPCR;
721 horizontal_start = (tempreg >> 16) + 1 + OffsetX;
722 vertical_start = (tempreg & 0xFFFF) + 1 + OffsetY;
724 /* Reconfigures the horizontal and vertical stop position */
725 /* Get the number of byte per pixel */
727 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->PFCR;
729 if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB8888)
731 temp = 4;
733 else if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB888)
735 temp = 3;
737 else if ((tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB4444) ||
738 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB565) ||
739 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB1555) ||
740 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_AL88))
742 temp = 2;
744 else
746 temp = 1;
749 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->CFBLR;
750 horizontal_stop = (((tempreg & 0x1FFF) - 3)/temp) + horizontal_start - 1;
752 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->CFBLNR;
753 vertical_stop = (tempreg & 0x7FF) + vertical_start - 1;
755 LTDC_Layerx->WHPCR = horizontal_start | (horizontal_stop << 16);
756 LTDC_Layerx->WVPCR = vertical_start | (vertical_stop << 16);
760 * @brief reconfigure constant alpha.
761 * @param ConstantAlpha: constant alpha value.
762 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
763 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
764 * @retval Reload of the shadow registers values must be applied after constant
765 * alpha reconfiguration.
768 void LTDC_LayerAlpha(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, uint8_t ConstantAlpha)
770 /* reconfigure the constant alpha value */
771 LTDC_Layerx->CACR = ConstantAlpha;
775 * @brief reconfigure layer address.
776 * @param Address: The color frame buffer start address.
777 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
778 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
779 * @retval Reload of the shadow registers values must be applied after layer
780 * address reconfiguration.
783 void LTDC_LayerAddress(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, uint32_t Address)
785 /* Reconfigures the color frame buffer start address */
786 LTDC_Layerx->CFBAR = Address;
790 * @brief reconfigure layer size.
791 * @param Width: layer window width.
792 * @param Height: layer window height.
793 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
794 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
795 * @retval Reload of the shadow registers values must be applied after layer
796 * size reconfiguration.
799 void LTDC_LayerSize(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
802 uint8_t temp;
803 uint32_t tempreg;
804 uint32_t horizontal_start;
805 uint32_t horizontal_stop;
806 uint32_t vertical_start;
807 uint32_t vertical_stop;
809 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->PFCR;
811 if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB8888)
813 temp = 4;
815 else if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB888)
817 temp = 3;
819 else if ((tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB4444) || \
820 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB565) || \
821 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB1555) || \
822 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_AL88))
824 temp = 2;
826 else
828 temp = 1;
831 /* update horizontal and vertical stop */
832 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->WHPCR;
833 horizontal_start = (tempreg & 0x1FFF);
834 horizontal_stop = Width + horizontal_start - 1;
836 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->WVPCR;
837 vertical_start = (tempreg & 0x1FFF);
838 vertical_stop = Height + vertical_start - 1;
840 LTDC_Layerx->WHPCR = horizontal_start | (horizontal_stop << 16);
841 LTDC_Layerx->WVPCR = vertical_start | (vertical_stop << 16);
843 /* Reconfigures the color frame buffer pitch in byte */
844 LTDC_Layerx->CFBLR = ((Width * temp) << 16) | ((Width * temp) + 3);
846 /* Reconfigures the frame buffer line number */
847 LTDC_Layerx->CFBLNR = Height;
852 * @brief reconfigure layer pixel format.
853 * @param PixelFormat: reconfigure the pixel format, this parameter can be
854 * one of the following values:@ref LTDC_Pixelformat.
855 * @param LTDC_layerx: Select the layer to be configured, this parameter can be
856 * one of the following values: LTDC_Layer1, LTDC_Layer2
857 * @retval Reload of the shadow registers values must be applied after layer
858 * pixel format reconfiguration.
861 void LTDC_LayerPixelFormat(LTDC_Layer_TypeDef* LTDC_Layerx, uint32_t PixelFormat)
864 uint8_t temp;
865 uint32_t tempreg;
867 tempreg = LTDC_Layerx->PFCR;
869 if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB8888)
871 temp = 4;
873 else if (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB888)
875 temp = 3;
877 else if ((tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB4444) || \
878 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB565) || \
879 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB1555) || \
880 (tempreg == LTDC_Pixelformat_AL88))
882 temp = 2;
884 else
886 temp = 1;
889 tempreg = (LTDC_Layerx->CFBLR >> 16);
890 tempreg = (tempreg / temp);
892 if (PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB8888)
894 temp = 4;
896 else if (PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB888)
898 temp = 3;
900 else if ((PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB4444) || \
901 (PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_RGB565) || \
902 (PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_ARGB1555) || \
903 (PixelFormat == LTDC_Pixelformat_AL88))
905 temp = 2;
907 else
909 temp = 1;
912 /* Reconfigures the color frame buffer pitch in byte */
913 LTDC_Layerx->CFBLR = ((tempreg * temp) << 16) | ((tempreg * temp) + 3);
915 /* Reconfigures the color frame buffer start address */
916 LTDC_Layerx->PFCR = PixelFormat;
921 * @}
924 /** @defgroup LTDC_Group2 Interrupts and flags management functions
925 * @brief Interrupts and flags management functions
927 @verbatim
928 ===============================================================================
929 ##### Interrupts and flags management functions #####
930 ===============================================================================
932 [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the LTDC Interrupts
933 and to get the status and clear flags and Interrupts pending bits.
935 [..] The LTDC provides 4 Interrupts sources and 4 Flags
937 *** Flags ***
938 =============
939 [..]
940 (+) LTDC_FLAG_LI: Line Interrupt flag.
941 (+) LTDC_FLAG_FU: FIFO Underrun Interrupt flag.
942 (+) LTDC_FLAG_TERR: Transfer Error Interrupt flag.
943 (+) LTDC_FLAG_RR: Register Reload interrupt flag.
945 *** Interrupts ***
946 ==================
947 [..]
948 (+) LTDC_IT_LI: Line Interrupt is generated when a programmed line
949 is reached. The line interrupt position is programmed in
950 the LTDC_LIPR register.
951 (+) LTDC_IT_FU: FIFO Underrun interrupt is generated when a pixel is requested
952 from an empty layer FIFO
953 (+) LTDC_IT_TERR: Transfer Error interrupt is generated when an AHB bus
954 error occurs during data transfer.
955 (+) LTDC_IT_RR: Register Reload interrupt is generated when the shadow
956 registers reload was performed during the vertical blanking
957 period.
959 @endverbatim
960 * @{
964 * @brief Enables or disables the specified LTDC's interrupts.
965 * @param LTDC_IT: specifies the LTDC interrupts sources to be enabled or disabled.
966 * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
967 * @arg LTDC_IT_LI: Line Interrupt Enable.
968 * @arg LTDC_IT_FU: FIFO Underrun Interrupt Enable.
969 * @arg LTDC_IT_TERR: Transfer Error Interrupt Enable.
970 * @arg LTDC_IT_RR: Register Reload interrupt enable.
971 * @param NewState: new state of the specified LTDC interrupts.
972 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
973 * @retval None
975 void LTDC_ITConfig(uint32_t LTDC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
977 /* Check the parameters */
978 assert_param(IS_LTDC_IT(LTDC_IT));
979 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
981 if (NewState != DISABLE)
985 else
987 LTDC->IER &= (uint32_t)~LTDC_IT;
992 * @brief Checks whether the specified LTDC's flag is set or not.
993 * @param LTDC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
994 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
995 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_LI: Line Interrupt flag.
996 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_FU: FIFO Underrun Interrupt flag.
997 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_TERR: Transfer Error Interrupt flag.
998 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_RR: Register Reload interrupt flag.
999 * @retval The new state of LTDC_FLAG (SET or RESET).
1001 FlagStatus LTDC_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t LTDC_FLAG)
1003 FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
1005 /* Check the parameters */
1006 assert_param(IS_LTDC_FLAG(LTDC_FLAG));
1008 if ((LTDC->ISR & LTDC_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
1010 bitstatus = SET;
1012 else
1014 bitstatus = RESET;
1016 return bitstatus;
1020 * @brief Clears the LTDC's pending flags.
1021 * @param LTDC_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
1022 * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
1023 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_LI: Line Interrupt flag.
1024 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_FU: FIFO Underrun Interrupt flag.
1025 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_TERR: Transfer Error Interrupt flag.
1026 * @arg LTDC_FLAG_RR: Register Reload interrupt flag.
1027 * @retval None
1029 void LTDC_ClearFlag(uint32_t LTDC_FLAG)
1031 /* Check the parameters */
1032 assert_param(IS_LTDC_FLAG(LTDC_FLAG));
1034 /* Clear the corresponding LTDC flag */
1035 LTDC->ICR = (uint32_t)LTDC_FLAG;
1039 * @brief Checks whether the specified LTDC's interrupt has occurred or not.
1040 * @param LTDC_IT: specifies the LTDC interrupts sources to check.
1041 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1042 * @arg LTDC_IT_LI: Line Interrupt Enable.
1043 * @arg LTDC_IT_FU: FIFO Underrun Interrupt Enable.
1044 * @arg LTDC_IT_TERR: Transfer Error Interrupt Enable.
1045 * @arg LTDC_IT_RR: Register Reload interrupt Enable.
1046 * @retval The new state of the LTDC_IT (SET or RESET).
1048 ITStatus LTDC_GetITStatus(uint32_t LTDC_IT)
1050 ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
1052 /* Check the parameters */
1053 assert_param(IS_LTDC_IT(LTDC_IT));
1055 if ((LTDC->ISR & LTDC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
1057 bitstatus = SET;
1059 else
1061 bitstatus = RESET;
1064 if (((LTDC->IER & LTDC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET) && (bitstatus != (uint32_t)RESET))
1066 bitstatus = SET;
1068 else
1070 bitstatus = RESET;
1072 return bitstatus;
1077 * @brief Clears the LTDC's interrupt pending bits.
1078 * @param LTDC_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
1079 * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
1080 * @arg LTDC_IT_LIE: Line Interrupt.
1081 * @arg LTDC_IT_FUIE: FIFO Underrun Interrupt.
1082 * @arg LTDC_IT_TERRIE: Transfer Error Interrupt.
1083 * @arg LTDC_IT_RRIE: Register Reload interrupt.
1084 * @retval None
1086 void LTDC_ClearITPendingBit(uint32_t LTDC_IT)
1088 /* Check the parameters */
1089 assert_param(IS_LTDC_IT(LTDC_IT));
1091 /* Clear the corresponding LTDC Interrupt */
1092 LTDC->ICR = (uint32_t)LTDC_IT;
1095 * @}
1099 * @}
1103 * @}
1107 * @}
1110 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/