3 Rangefinders are devices used to measure Above Ground Altitude.
7 Current support of rangefinders in INAV is very limited. They are used only to:
9 * landing detection for multirotors
10 * automated landing support for fixed wings
11 * _Experimental_ terrain following (Surface) flight mode activated with _SURFACE_ and _ALTHOLD_ flight mode
15 Following rangefinders are supported:
17 * SRF10 - experimental
18 * INAV_I2C - is a simple [DIY rangefinder interface with Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V](https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav-rangefinder). Can be used to connect when flight controller has no Trigger-Echo ports.
19 * VL53L0X - simple laser rangefinder usable up to 75cm
22 * TOF10120 - small & lightweight laser range sensor, usable up to 200cm
26 I2C solutions like `VL53L0X` or `INAV_I2C` can be connected to I2C port and used as any other I2C device.
30 iNav does not support `HC-SR04` and `US-100`. No constrains for I2C like `VL53L0X` or `INAV_I2C`.