4 modeler.cancel = Cancel
7 modeler.plugin.notation = Notation
8 modeler.plugin.module = Module
9 modeler.plugin.extension = Extension
11 modeler.exit.save.all = Save all
12 modeler.exit.skip.all = Skip all
13 modeler.exit = ProMod exit
14 modeler.exit.diagram.unsaved.change = diagram has some unsaved change(s). Do you want to save this diagram now?
16 modeler.settings = Settings
18 modeler.plugins.overview = Plugin Overview
19 modeler.plugins.overview.notations.title = Notations and Modules
20 modeler.plugins.overview.extension.title = Extensions
22 modeler.plugins.overview.identifier = Identifier
23 modeler.plugins.overview.name = Name
24 modeler.plugins.overview.description = Description
25 modeler.plugins.overview.abbreviation = Abbreviation
26 modeler.plugins.overview.full.name = Full Name
27 modeler.plugins.overview.tool.tip = Tool Tip
28 modeler.plugins.overview.file.ext = File Extension
30 modeler.dockable.frame.move = move to
31 modeler.dockable.frame.move.left = left
32 modeler.dockable.frame.move.right = right
33 modeler.dockable.frame.move.top = top
34 modeler.dockable.frame.move.bottom = bottom
36 modeler.configuration.title = ProMod configuration differences
37 modeler.configuration.message = There are some configuration differences between actual and the loaded one.
38 modeler.configuration.message.detail = Some features could be not available or not usable.
39 modeler.configuration.hideButton = Hide
40 modeler.configuration.missing.notation = There is not such a notation with loaded notation identifier in actual ProMod configuration.
41 modeler.configuration.loaded.value = Loaded value:
42 modeler.configuration.actual.value = Actual value:
43 modeler.configuration.missing.module = There is not such a module with loaded notation identifier in actual ProMod configuration. Some features could be unavailable.
44 modeler.configuration.missing.extension = There is not such a extension with loaded notation identifier in actual ProMod configuration. Some features could be unavailable.
45 modeler.configuration.related.notation = Related notation:
46 modeler.configuration.different.extension = Loaded notation file extension is NOT equal to the extension of the the same plugin in actual ProMod configuration. Your diagram won't be loaded.
47 modeler.configuration.different.abbreviation = Loaded notation abbreviation is NOT equal to the abbreviation of the the same plugin in actual ProMod configuration. It could be confusing for the user.
48 modeler.configuration.different.name = Loaded notation name is NOT equal to the name of the the same plugin in actual ProMod configuration. It could be confusing for the user.
50 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.message = Some error(s) have occurred during plugins loading.
51 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.log = For detail information about the error(s), please check the log file.
52 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.title = Plugin loading error report
53 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.hideButton = Hide
54 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.propertyName = Property Name:
55 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.fullClassName = Full Class Name:
56 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.error = Error:
57 modeler.loadErrorsDialog.error.message = Message:
59 modeler.menu.file = File
60 modeler.menu.edit = Edit
62 modeler.action.exit = Exit
63 modeler.action.new.project = New Project
64 modeler.action.new.project.dialog = New Project dialog
65 modeler.action.navigation = Project Navigation
67 modeler.action.project.load = Open Project
68 modeler.action.project.load.description = ProMod project file
69 modeler.action.project.load.error.loadfile.title = Load project file error
70 modeler.action.project.load.error.loadfile = Selected project file is NOT possible to load.\n\nTry to fix this file and try i again.
71 modeler.action.project.load.error.sync.title = Load project data error
72 modeler.action.project.load.error.sync.message = Synchronization of project data has failed during project loading.\n\nCheck log file for detail information.
74 modeler.action.project.save = Save Project
76 modeler.menu.project = Project
78 modeler.menu.window = Window
80 modeler.project.navigation.expand.all = Expand all
81 modeler.project.navigation.rename = Rename
82 modeler.project.rename.description = New name
83 modeler.project.rename.duplicity = There is already the same name in the same level.
84 modeler.project.rename.error = An error has occurred during renaming. Check the file system data consistency.
85 modeler.project.rename.error.title = Rename error
86 modeler.project.navigation.collapse.all = Collapse all
87 modeler.project.navigation.new.diagram = New Diagram
88 modeler.project.navigation.new.subfolder = New Subfolder
89 modeler.project.navigation.add = Add
91 modeler.project.navigation.close.project = Close Project
92 modeler.project.navigation.refresh = Refresh
93 modeler.project.navigation.delete = Delete
95 modeler.project.navigation.delete.diagram.title = Delete project diagram
96 modeler.project.navigation.delete.diagram.message = Are you sure you want to delete selected diagram?\n\nThis is a kind of action you cannot undone.
97 modeler.project.navigation.delete.diagram.error.message = Selected diagram was not possible to delete.\n\nCheck you file system whether the diagram file exists and try synchronization then.
99 modeler.project.navigation.delete.subfolder.title = Delete project subfolder
100 modeler.project.navigation.delete.subfolder.message = Are you sure you want to delete selected subfolder?\n\nAll project diagrams and subfolders under the selected subfolder will be deleted too.\n\nThis is a kind of action you cannot undone.
101 modeler.project.navigation.delete.subfolder.error.message= Selected subfolder was not possible to delete.\n\nCheck you file system whether the subfolder file exists and try synchronization then.
103 modeler.project.navigation.delete.project.title = Close project
104 modeler.project.navigation.delete.project.message = ProMod doesn't provide user with rights to delete entire project.\n\nDo you want to close project instead?
106 modeler.project.navigation.add.subfolder = Subfolder
107 modeler.project.navigation.add.diagram = Diagram
108 modeler.project.navigation.expand = Expand
110 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.title = Add Project Subfolder
111 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.label = New Subfolder Name
112 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.confirm = Add Subfolder
113 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.error.disallowed = The subfolder name cannot be empty or contain symbols:
114 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.error.nameduplicity = There is already the same name in the given level.
115 modeler.add.new.subfolder.dialog.error = An unexpected error has occurred.
117 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.general = An error has occurred.
118 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.relative = Not an absolute project path has been inserted.
119 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.existing.file = There is already an file with project file extension in your folder.
120 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.duplicity = There is already the same name of the project in one level.
121 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.shortName = Too short name for a new project.
122 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.io = An IO error has occurred. Check file name and path of the folder.
123 modeler.add.new.project.dialog.error.disallowed = The project name cannot contain symbols:
125 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.title = New Diagram
126 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.confirm = Add Diagram
127 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.tableTitle = Available notations
128 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.nameTitle = New diagram name
129 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.noImage = No image provided
130 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.error.duplicity = There is already the same name of the project item in one level.
131 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.error.illegalParent = Illegal parent for the diagram.
132 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.error.illegalNotation = Illegal selected notation for new diagram.
133 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.error.disallowed = The dialog name cannot be empty and/or cannot contain symbols:
134 modeler.add.new.diagram.dialog.error = An unexpected error.
136 modeler.add.dialog.error.noSelectedProject = You have to select project into that you want to add a new project item.
137 modeler.add.dialog.error.noSelProjectTitle = No selected project
139 modeler.default.workspace.title = No workspace provided by the notation.
140 modeler.default.workspace.notation.identifier = Notation identifier:
141 modeler.default.workspace.diagram.name = Diagram name:
142 modeler.default.workspace.diagram.identifier = Diagram identifier:
144 # synchronization dialog strings
145 project.service.sync.dialog.fromFS.title = Synchronization from file system
147 project.service.sync.dialog.fromPN.title = Synchronization from project navigation tree
149 project.service.sync.dialog.errorlist = Sync errors ...
150 project.service.sync.dialog.searching = Searching ...
151 project.service.sync.dialog.cancel = Cancel
152 project.service.sync.dialog.canceled = Canceled by user.
153 project.service.sync.dialog.searching.done = Done.
154 project.service.sync.dialog.treepatherror = Fatal error in tree path ...
156 project.service.sync.dialog.default.error.message = Unknown error during synchronization.
157 project.service.sync.dialog.invalidname.error.message = Invalid name error. Name cannot contains this symbols:
158 project.service.sync.dialog.default.error.from = From:
159 project.service.sync.dialog.default.error.to = To:
161 project.service.sync.dialog.exception = Exception:
162 project.service.sync.dialog.directory.error = ProMod is not able to open this directory. One of possible reasons is, that current user has not sufficient rights for this directory.
163 project.service.sync.dialog.offset.error = ProMod is not able to perform synchronization due to errors in the offset.
164 project.service.sync.dialog.invalid.treepath = Invalid tree path of the project navigation tree. Synchronization couldn't begin.
165 project.service.sync.dialog.invalid.parent = Invalid synchronization parent. Synchronization has failed.
166 project.service.sync.dialog.missing.project.file = Project file (.pmp) is missing and synchronization process cannot add items to the file system. Synchronization couldn't begin.
167 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.overwritten = ProMod couldn't overwrite this file.
168 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.write = ProMod couldn't write this file.
169 project.service.sync.dialog.mkdir.error = ProMod couldn't make a new directory.
170 project.service.sync.dialog.delete.error = ProMod couldn't delete this file or directory.
171 project.service.sync.dialog.project.file.error = ProMod couldn't write the project file. Synchronization couldn't begin.
172 project.service.sync.dialog.error.load.project.file = ProMod couldn't load the project file.
173 project.service.sync.dialog.error.invalid.project.root = Invalid project root.
174 project.service.sync.dialog.error.subtree = ProMod couldn't build the synchronization subtree root node file system path, or this path is invalid.
175 project.service.sync.dialog.error.subtree.not.exist = Synchronization subtree root does NOT exist on the file system.
176 project.service.sync.dialog.project.root.error = ProMod couldn't find the valid project root. Synchronization couldn't begin.
177 project.service.sync.dialog.subtree.build.error = ProMod was not able to builder file system structure to the synchronization subtree node.
178 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.load.error = Not possible to load the diagram. Possible reason could be notation mismatch.
179 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.error.identifier = Notation identifier:
180 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.error.extension = Notation extension:
181 project.service.sync.dialog.diagram.error.diagram = Diagram:
183 modeler.user.service = User Service
184 modeler.user.name = User Name
185 modeler.user.title = User:
186 modeler.user.switch = Switch User
187 modeler.user.invalid.name = Invalid user name.
189 pluginLoaderService.error.missing.xsd = Missing XSD file.
190 pluginLoaderService.error.noError = No error has occurred.
191 pluginLoaderService.error.xmlParsing = An error during plugin definition file parsing has occurred. Check the file a try it validation with xsd file.
192 pluginLoaderService.error.className = Invalid plugin's class name.
193 pluginLoaderService.error.findClass = ClassLoader cannot find the class. Check the full qualified class name and the class path.
194 pluginLoaderService.error.classHierarchy = The class does NOT implement necessary interface. Check ProMod documentation.
195 pluginLoaderService.error.instantiation = ProMod could NOT instantiate the plugin's object.
196 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryNotationName = The notations has nullary name.
197 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyNotationName = The notations has an empty string as it's name.
198 pluginLoaderService.error.noModelFactory = The notations does NOT provide Model Factory.
199 pluginLoaderService.error.invalidModelFactory = The notation has provided an invalid Model Factory.
200 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryAbbreviation = The notation has nullary abbreviation.
201 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyAbbreviation = The notation has an empty string as it's abbreviation.
202 pluginLoaderService.error.ioController = The notations does NOT provide IO Controller.
203 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryFileExtension = The notation has nullary file extension.
204 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyFileExtension = The notation has an empty string as it's file extension.
205 pluginLoaderService.error.notationIdentifierDuplicity = The notation identifier is not unique.
206 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryPluginIdentifier = The plugin has provided nullary identifier.
207 pluginLoaderService.error.likeModelerpluginIdentifier = The plugin has provided the MODELER'S identifier.
208 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyPluginIdentifier = The plugin has provided an empty string as it's identifier
209 pluginLoaderService.error.noRelatedNotationIdentifier = The module has provided not existing related notation identifier.
210 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryRelatedNotationIdentifier = The module has provided nullary related notation identifier.
211 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyRelatedNotationIdentifier = The module has provided an empty string as it's related notation identifier.
212 pluginLoaderService.error.moduleIdentifierDuplicity = The module identifier is not unique.
213 pluginLoaderService.error.extensionIdentifierDuplicity = The extension identifier is not unique.
214 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryExtensionDescription = The extension has provided nullary description.
215 pluginLoaderService.error.nullaryPluginName = The plugin has provided nullary name.
216 pluginLoaderService.error.emptyPluginName = The plugin has provided an empty string as it's name.
217 pluginLoaderService.error.projectFileLikeNotation = The notation has provided the file extension that is equal with ProMod project file extension.
218 pluginLoaderService.error.notationExtensionDuplicity = The notation has provided the same extension like another notation earlier.
219 pluginLoaderService.error.too.long.identifier = The identifier of the plugin has exceeded the maximum number of symbols.