Enhance save as template and new from template dialogs
[inkscape.git] / testfiles / fuzzer.dict
1 # Dictionary for the fuzzer to "guess" faster important words.
2 # Contains xml keywords and svg element names and attributes.
3 # It might be useful to remove some of them, maybe.
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6 "100"
7 "200"
8 "300"
9 "400"
10 "500"
11 "600"
12 "700"
13 "800"
14 "900"
15 "a"
16 "accent-height"
17 "accumulate"
18 "additive"
19 "after-edge"
20 "alignment-baseline"
21 "all"
22 "alphabetic"
23 "altGlyph"
24 "altGlyphDef"
25 "altGlyphItem"
26 "amplitude"
27 "animate"
28 "animateColor"
29 "animateMotion"
30 "animateTransform"
31 "arabic-form"
32 "ascent"
33 attr_encoding=" encoding=\"1\""
34 attr_generic=" a=\"1\""
35 attr_href=" href=\"1\""
36 "attributeName"
37 "attributeType"
38 attr_standalone=" standalone=\"no\""
39 attr_version=" version=\"1\""
40 attr_xml_base=" xml:base=\"1\""
41 attr_xml_id=" xml:id=\"1\""
42 attr_xml_lang=" xml:lang=\"1\""
43 attr_xmlns=" xmlns=\"1\""
44 attr_xml_space=" xml:space=\"1\""
45 "auto"
46 "azimuth"
47 "baseFrequency"
48 "baseline"
49 "baseline-shift"
50 "baseProfile"
51 "bbox"
52 "before-edge"
53 "begin"
54 "bevel"
55 "bias"
56 "bidi-override"
57 "blink"
58 "block"
59 "bold"
60 "bolder"
61 "butt"
62 "by"
63 "calcMode"
64 "cap-height"
65 "caption"
66 "central"
67 "circle"
68 "class"
69 "clip"
70 "clip-path"
71 "clipPath"
72 "clipPathUnits"
73 "clip-rule"
74 "collapse"
75 "color"
76 "color-interpolation"
77 "color-interpolation-filters"
78 "color-profile"
79 "color-rendering"
80 "compact"
81 "condensed"
82 "contentScriptType"
83 "contentStyleType"
84 "crispEdges"
85 "crosshair"
86 "currentColor"
87 "cursor"
88 "cx"
89 "cy"
90 "d"
91 "default"
92 "defs"
93 "desc"
94 "descent"
95 "diffuseConstant"
96 "direction"
97 "display"
98 "divisor"
99 "dominant-baseline"
100 "dur"
101 "dx"
102 "dy"
103 "edgeMode"
104 "elevation"
105 "ellipse"
106 "embed"
107 "enable-background"
108 "end"
109 entity_builtin="<"
110 entity_decimal=""
111 entity_external="&a;"
112 entity_hex=""
113 "e-resize"
114 "evenodd"
115 "expanded"
116 "exponent"
117 "externalResourcesRequired"
118 "extra-condensed"
119 "extra-expanded"
120 "feBlend"
121 "feColorMatrix"
122 "feComponentTransfer"
123 "feComposite"
124 "feConvolveMatrix"
125 "feDiffuseLighting"
126 "feDisplacementMap"
127 "feDistantLight"
128 "feFlood"
129 "feFuncA"
130 "feFuncB"
131 "feFuncG"
132 "feFuncR"
133 "feGaussianBlur"
134 "feImage"
135 "feMerge"
136 "feMergeNode"
137 "feMorphology"
138 "feOffset"
139 "fePointLight"
140 "feSpecularLighting"
141 "feSpotLight"
142 "feTile"
143 "feTurbulence"
144 "fill"
145 "fill-opacity"
146 "fill-rule"
147 "filter"
148 "filterRes"
149 "filterUnits"
150 "flood-color"
151 "flood-opacity"
152 "font"
153 "font-face"
154 "font-face-format"
155 "font-face-name"
156 "font-face-src"
157 "font-face-uri"
158 "font-family"
159 "font-size"
160 "font-size-adjust"
161 "font-stretch"
162 "font-style"
163 "font-variant"
164 "font-weight"
165 "foreignObject"
166 "format"
167 "from"
168 "fx"
169 "fy"
171 "g1"
172 "g2"
173 "geometricPrecision"
174 "glyph"
175 "glyph-name"
176 "glyph-orientation-horizontal"
177 "glyph-orientation-vertical"
178 "glyphRef"
179 "gradientTransform"
180 "gradientUnits"
181 "hanging"
182 "height"
183 "help"
184 "hidden"
185 "hkern"
186 "horiz-adv-x"
187 "horiz-origin-x"
188 "horiz-origin-y"
189 "icon"
190 "id"
191 "ideographic"
192 "image"
193 "image-rendering"
194 "in"
195 "in2"
196 "individual"
197 "inherit"
198 "inline"
199 "inline-table"
200 "intercept"
201 "italic"
203 "k1"
204 "k2"
205 "k3"
206 "k4"
207 "kernelMatrix"
208 "kernelUnitLength"
209 "kerning"
210 "keyPoints"
211 "keySplines"
212 "keyTimes"
213 "lang"
214 "lengthAdjust"
215 "letter-spacing"
216 "lighter"
217 "lighting-color"
218 "limitingConeAngle"
219 "line"
220 "linearGradient"
221 "linearRGB"
222 "'line-height'"
223 "line-through"
224 "list-item"
225 "local"
226 "lr"
227 "lr-tb"
228 "ltr"
229 "marker"
230 "marker-end"
231 "markerHeight"
232 "marker-mid"
233 "marker-start"
234 "markerUnits"
235 "markerWidth"
236 "mask"
237 "maskContentUnits"
238 "maskUnits"
239 "mathematical"
240 "max"
241 "media"
242 "menu"
243 "message-box"
244 "metadata"
245 "method"
246 "middle"
247 "min"
248 "missing-glyph"
249 "miter"
250 "mode"
251 "move"
252 "mpath"
253 "name"
254 "narrower"
255 "ne-resize"
256 "new"
257 "no-change"
258 "none"
259 "nonzero"
260 "normal"
261 "n-resize"
262 "numOctaves"
263 "nw-resize"
264 "oblique"
265 "offset"
266 "onabort"
267 "onactivate"
268 "onbegin"
269 "onclick"
270 "onend"
271 "onerror"
272 "onfocusin"
273 "onfocusout"
274 "onload"
275 "onmousedown"
276 "onmousemove"
277 "onmouseout"
278 "onmouseover"
279 "onmouseup"
280 "onrepeat"
281 "onresize"
282 "onscroll"
283 "onunload"
284 "onzoom"
285 "opacity"
286 "operator"
287 "optimizeLegibility"
288 "optimizeQuality"
289 "optimizeSpeed"
290 "order"
291 "orient"
292 "orientation"
293 "origin"
294 "overflow"
295 "overline"
296 "overline-position"
297 "overline-thickness"
298 "paint"
299 "painted"
300 "panose-1"
301 "path"
302 "pathLength"
303 "pattern"
304 "patternContentUnits"
305 "patternTransform"
306 "patternUnits"
307 "pointer"
308 "pointer-events"
309 "points"
310 "pointsAtX"
311 "pointsAtY"
312 "pointsAtZ"
313 "polygon"
314 "polyline"
315 "preserveAlpha"
316 "preserveAspectRatio"
317 "primitiveUnits"
318 "properties"
320 "radialGradient"
321 "radius"
322 "rect"
323 "refX"
324 "refY"
325 "rendering-intent"
326 "repeatCount"
327 "repeatDur"
328 "requiredExtensions"
329 "requiredFeatures"
330 "reset-size"
331 "restart"
332 "result"
333 "rl"
334 "rl-tb"
335 "rotate"
336 "round"
337 "rtl"
338 "run-in"
339 "rx"
340 "ry"
341 "scale"
342 "script"
343 "scroll"
344 "see"
345 "seed"
346 "semi-condensed"
347 "semi-expanded"
348 "se-resize"
349 "set"
350 "shape-rendering"
351 "slope"
352 "small-caps"
353 "small-caption"
354 "spacing"
355 "Specifying"
356 "specularConstant"
357 "specularExponent"
358 "spreadMethod"
359 "square"
360 "s-resize"
361 "sRGB"
362 "start"
363 "startOffset"
364 "status-bar"
365 "stdDeviation"
366 "stemh"
367 "stemv"
368 "stitchTiles"
369 "stop"
370 "stop-color"
371 "stop-opacity"
372 "strikethrough-position"
373 "strikethrough-thickness"
374 "string"
375 string_any="ANY"
376 string_brackets="[]"
377 string_cdata="CDATA"
378 string_col_fallback=":fallback"
379 string_col_generic=":a"
380 string_col_include=":include"
381 string_dashes="--"
382 string_empty_dblquotes="\"\""
383 string_empty="EMPTY"
384 string_empty_quotes="''"
385 string_entities="ENTITIES"
386 string_entity="ENTITY"
387 string_fixed="#FIXED"
388 string_id="ID"
389 string_idref="IDREF"
390 string_idrefs="IDREFS"
391 string_implied="#IMPLIED"
392 string_nmtoken="NMTOKEN"
393 string_nmtokens="NMTOKENS"
394 string_notation="NOTATION"
395 string_parentheses="()"
396 string_pcdata="#PCDATA"
397 string_percent="%a"
398 string_public="PUBLIC"
399 string_required="#REQUIRED"
400 string_schema=":schema"
401 string_system="SYSTEM"
402 string_ucs4="UCS-4"
403 string_utf16="UTF-16"
404 string_utf8="UTF-8"
405 string_xmlns="xmlns:"
406 "stroke"
407 "stroke-dasharray"
408 "stroke-dashoffset"
409 "stroke-linecap"
410 "stroke-linejoin"
411 "stroke-miterlimit"
412 "stroke-opacity"
413 "stroke-width"
414 "style"
415 "sub"
416 "super"
417 "surfaceScale"
418 "svg"
419 "switch"
420 "sw-resize"
421 "symbol"
422 "systemLanguage"
423 "table"
424 "table-caption"
425 "table-cell"
426 "table-column"
427 "table-column-group"
428 "table-footer-group"
429 "table-header-group"
430 "table-row"
431 "table-row-group"
432 "tableValues"
433 tag_attlist="<!ATTLIST"
434 tag_cdata="<![CDATA["
435 tag_close="</a>"
436 tag_doctype="<!DOCTYPE"
437 tag_element="<!ELEMENT"
438 tag_entity="<!ENTITY"
439 tag_ignore="<![IGNORE["
440 tag_include="<![INCLUDE["
441 tag_notation="<!NOTATION"
442 tag_open="<a>"
443 tag_open_close="<a />"
444 tag_open_exclamation="<!"
445 tag_open_q="<?"
446 tag_sq2_close="]]>"
447 tag_xml_q="<?xml?>"
448 "target"
449 "targetX"
450 "targetY"
451 "tb"
452 "tb-rl"
453 "text"
454 "text-after-edge"
455 "text-anchor"
456 "text-before-edge"
457 "text-decoration"
458 "textLength"
459 "textPath"
460 "text-rendering"
461 "title"
462 "to"
463 "transform"
464 "tref"
465 "tspan"
466 "type"
467 "u1"
468 "u2"
469 "ultra-condensed"
470 "ultra-expanded"
471 "underline"
472 "underline-position"
473 "underline-thickness"
474 "unicode"
475 "unicode-bidi"
476 "unicode-range"
477 "units-per-em"
478 "use"
479 "use-script"
480 "v-alphabetic"
481 "values"
482 "version"
483 "vert-adv-y"
484 "vert-origin-x"
485 "vert-origin-y"
486 "v-hanging"
487 "v-ideographic"
488 "view"
489 "viewBox"
490 "viewTarget"
491 "visibility"
492 "visible"
493 "visibleFill"
494 "visiblePainted"
495 "visibleStroke"
496 "vkern"
497 "v-mathematical"
498 "wait"
499 "wider"
500 "width"
501 "widths"
502 "word-spacing"
503 "w-resize"
504 "writing-mode"
506 "x1"
507 "x2"
508 "xChannelSelector"
509 "x-height"
510 "xlink:actuate"
511 "xlink:arcrole"
512 "xlink:href"
513 "xlink:role"
514 "xlink:show"
515 "xlink:title"
516 "xlink:type"
517 #XML
518 "xml:base"
519 "xml:lang"
520 "xml:space"
522 "y1"
523 "y2"
524 "yChannelSelector"
526 "zoomAndPan"