remove N button, move Y down
[intricacy.git] / SDLGlyph.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 module SDLGlyph where
13 import Control.Applicative
14 import Control.Monad
15 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
16 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
17 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
18 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
19 import Control.Monad.Trans.State
20 import qualified Data.List as List
21 import Data.Map (Map)
22 import qualified Data.Map as Map
23 import Graphics.UI.SDL
24 import System.Random (randomRIO)
26 import BoardColouring
27 import Command
28 import GameState
29 import GameStateTypes
30 import Hex
31 import Physics
32 import SDLRender
33 import Util
36 data ShowBlocks = ShowBlocksBlocking | ShowBlocksAll | ShowBlocksNone
37 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
39 data Glyph
40 = TileGlyph Tile Pixel
41 | SpringGlyph HexDir HexDir SpringExtension HexDir Pixel
42 | PivotGlyph TorqueDir HexDir Pixel
43 | ArmGlyph TorqueDir HexDir Pixel
44 | BlockedArm HexDir TorqueDir Pixel
45 | TurnedArm HexDir TorqueDir Pixel
46 | BlockedBlock Tile HexDir Pixel
47 | BlockedPush HexDir Pixel
48 | CollisionMarker
49 | HollowGlyph Pixel
50 | HollowInnerGlyph Pixel
51 | FilledHexGlyph Pixel
52 | ButtonGlyph Pixel
53 | LineGlyph HexDir Pixel
54 | UseFiveColourButton Bool
55 | ShowBlocksButton ShowBlocks
56 | ShowButtonTextButton Bool
57 | UseSoundsButton Bool
58 | WhsButtonsButton (Maybe WrHoSel)
59 | FullscreenButton Bool
60 | DisplacedGlyph HexDir Glyph
61 | UnfreshGlyph
62 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
64 type SizedGlyph = (Glyph,Int)
65 data CachedGlyphs = CachedGlyphs (Map SizedGlyph Surface) [SizedGlyph]
66 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
67 emptyCachedGlyphs = CachedGlyphs Map.empty []
68 maxCachedGlyphs = 100
70 type RenderM = RenderT (StateT CachedGlyphs IO)
71 runRenderM :: RenderM a -> CachedGlyphs -> RenderContext -> IO (a,CachedGlyphs)
72 runRenderM m cgs rc = runStateT (runReaderT m rc) cgs
74 drawAt :: Glyph -> HexPos -> RenderM ()
75 drawAt gl pos = do
76 centre <- asks renderHCentre
77 drawAtRel gl (pos -^ centre)
79 drawAtRel :: Glyph -> HexVec -> RenderM ()
80 drawAtRel gl v = recentreAt v $ renderGlyphCaching gl
82 renderGlyphCaching :: Glyph -> RenderM ()
83 -- Glyph caching:
84 -- We aim to cache glyphs which are "currently" being regularly drawn, so
85 -- they can be blitted from RAM rather than being drawn afresh each time.
86 -- Rather than track statistics, we adopt the following probabilistic scheme.
87 renderGlyphCaching gl = do
88 CachedGlyphs cmap clist <- lift get
89 size <- asks renderSize
90 let sgl = (gl,size)
91 w = size*2 + 1
92 h = ysize size*4 + 1
93 newGlyphSurf = do
94 -- csurf <- liftIO $ createRGBSurface [] w h 32 0xff000000 0x00ff0000 0x0000ff00 0x000000ff
95 csurf <- liftIO $ createRGBSurface [] w h 16 0 0 0 0
96 liftIO $ setColorKey csurf [SrcColorKey,RLEAccel] $ Pixel 0
97 return csurf
98 renderOnCache csurf =
99 let ccxt rc = rc { renderSurf = csurf, renderSCentre = SVec (w`div`2) (h`div`2), renderOffset = zero }
100 in local ccxt $ renderGlyph gl
101 addToCache cacheFull csurf = do
102 CachedGlyphs cmap clist <- lift get
103 let cmap' = Map.insert sgl csurf cmap
104 lift $ put $ if cacheFull
105 then CachedGlyphs (Map.delete (last clist) cmap') (sgl:List.init clist)
106 else CachedGlyphs cmap' (sgl:clist)
107 promote = do
108 CachedGlyphs cmap clist <- lift get
109 lift $ put $ CachedGlyphs cmap (sgl:List.delete sgl clist)
110 blitGlyph csurf = do
111 surf <- asks renderSurf
112 (x,y) <- renderPos zero
113 void $ liftIO $ blitSurface csurf Nothing surf $ Just $
114 Rect (x-w`div`2) (y-h`div`2) (w+1) (h+1)
115 let cacheFull = Map.size cmap >= maxCachedGlyphs
116 let mcsurf = Map.lookup sgl cmap
117 -- with probability 1 in (maxCachedGlyphs`div`2), we put this glyph at the
118 -- head of the cached list, throwing away the tail to make room if needed.
119 cacheIt <- (((cacheable &&) . (not cacheFull ||)) <$>) $
120 liftIO $ (==0) <$> randomRIO (0::Int,maxCachedGlyphs`div`2)
121 case mcsurf of
122 Nothing -> if cacheIt
123 then do
124 csurf <- newGlyphSurf
125 renderOnCache csurf
126 addToCache cacheFull csurf
127 blitGlyph csurf
128 else
129 renderGlyph gl
130 Just csurf -> do
131 when cacheIt promote
132 blitGlyph csurf
133 where
134 cacheable = case gl of
135 -- some glyphs need to be drawn with blending - those involving
136 -- anti-aliasing which bleed over the edge of the hex or which
137 -- may be drawn on top of an existing glyph.
138 -- TODO: we should find a way to deal with at least some of these;
139 -- springs in particular are common and expensive to draw.
140 -- Maybe we could truncate the spring glyphs to a hex?
141 TileGlyph (BlockTile adjs) _ -> null adjs
142 TileGlyph (SpringTile extn dir) _ -> False
143 SpringGlyph {} -> False
144 FilledHexGlyph _ -> False
145 HollowGlyph _ -> False
146 BlockedBlock {} -> False
147 BlockedPush _ _ -> False
148 CollisionMarker -> False
149 DisplacedGlyph _ _ -> False
150 _ -> True
152 renderGlyph :: Glyph -> RenderM ()
153 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (BlockTile adjs) col) =
154 rimmedPolygonR corners col $ bright col
155 where
156 corners = concat [
157 if any adjAt [0,1]
158 then [corner $ hextant dir]
159 else [innerCorner dir | not (adjAt $ -1)]
160 | dir <- hexDirs
161 , let adjAt r = rotate r dir `elem` adjs
164 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (SpringTile extn dir) col) =
165 renderGlyph $ SpringGlyph zero zero extn dir col
167 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (PivotTile dir) col) = do
168 renderGlyph $ PivotGlyph 0 dir col
170 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (ArmTile dir _) col) =
171 renderGlyph $ ArmGlyph 0 dir col
173 renderGlyph (TileGlyph HookTile col) =
174 rimmedCircleR zero (7/8) col $ bright col
176 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (WrenchTile mom) col) = do
177 rimmedCircleR zero (1/3) col $ bright col
178 when (mom /= zero) $
180 from = innerCorner $ neg mom
181 to = edge $ neg mom
182 shifts = [(1 / 2) **^ (b -^ a) |
183 let a = innerCorner $ neg mom,
184 rot <- [- 1, 0, 1],
185 let b = innerCorner $ rotate rot $ neg mom]
186 in sequence_
187 [ aaLineR (from+^shift) (to+^shift) col
188 | shift <- shifts ]
190 renderGlyph (TileGlyph BallTile col) =
191 rimmedCircleR zero (7/8) (faint col) (obscure col)
193 renderGlyph (SpringGlyph rootDisp endDisp extn dir col) =
194 thickLinesR points 1 $ brightness col
195 where
196 n :: Int
197 n = 3*case extn of
198 Stretched -> 1
199 Relaxed -> 2
200 Compressed -> 4
201 brightness = dim
202 dir' = if dir == zero then hu else dir
203 s = corner (hextant dir' - 1) +^ innerCorner endDisp
204 off = corner (hextant dir') +^ innerCorner endDisp
205 e = corner (hextant dir' - 3) +^ innerCorner rootDisp
206 points = [ b +^ (fi i / fi n) **^ (e -^ s)
207 | i <- [0..n]
208 , i`mod`3 /= 1
209 , let b = if i`mod`3==0 then s else off ]
211 renderGlyph (PivotGlyph rot dir col) = do
212 rimmedCircleR zero (7/8) col $ bright col
213 when (dir /= zero)
214 $ aaLineR from to $ bright col
215 where
216 from = rotFVec th c $ (7/8) **^ edge (neg dir)
217 to = rotFVec th c $ (7/8) **^ edge dir
218 c = FVec 0 0
219 th = - fi rot * pi / 12
221 renderGlyph (ArmGlyph rot dir col) =
222 thickLineR from to 1 col
223 where
224 dir' = if dir == zero then hu else dir
225 from = rotFVec th c $ edge $ neg dir'
226 to = rotFVec th c $ innerCorner dir'
227 c = 2 **^ edge (neg dir')
228 th = - fi rot * pi / 12
230 renderGlyph (BlockedArm armdir tdir col) =
231 aaLineR from to col
232 where
233 from = innerCorner $ rotate (2*tdir) armdir
234 to = edge $ rotate tdir armdir
236 renderGlyph (TurnedArm armdir tdir col) =
237 sequence_ [ arcR c r a1 a2 col | r <- [8/4,9/4] ]
238 where
239 c = hexVec2FVec $ neg armdir
240 a0 = fi $ -60*hextant armdir
241 a1' = a0 + fi tdir * 10
242 a2' = a0 + fi tdir * 30
243 a1 = min a1' a2'
244 a2 = max a1' a2'
246 renderGlyph (BlockedBlock tile dir col) =
247 displaceRender shift $ renderGlyph (TileGlyph tile col)
248 where shift = innerCorner dir -^ edge dir
250 renderGlyph (BlockedPush dir col) = do
251 thickLineR zero tip 1 col
252 thickLineR tip (head arms) 1 col
253 thickLineR tip (arms!!1) 1 col
254 where
255 tip@(FVec tx ty) = edge dir
256 arms = [ FVec ((tx/2) + d*ty/4) (ty/2 - d*tx/4) | d <- [-1,1] ]
258 renderGlyph CollisionMarker = do
259 -- rimmedCircle surf centre (size`div`3) (bright purple) $ bright purple
260 aaLineR start end col
261 aaCircleR zero rad col
262 where
263 [start,end] = map (((1/2)**^) . corner) [0,3]
264 rad = ylen
265 col = dim purple
267 renderGlyph (HollowGlyph col) =
268 aaPolygonR corners $ opaquify col
269 where corners = map corner [0..5]
270 renderGlyph (HollowInnerGlyph col) =
271 aaPolygonR corners $ opaquify col
272 where corners = map innerCorner hexDirs
274 renderGlyph (FilledHexGlyph col) =
275 rimmedPolygonR corners col $ brightish col
276 where corners = map corner [0..5]
278 renderGlyph (ButtonGlyph col) =
279 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (BlockTile []) col)
281 renderGlyph (LineGlyph dir col) = do
282 thickLineR from to 1 col
283 where
284 dir' = if dir == zero then hu else dir
285 from = edge $ neg dir'
286 to = innerCorner dir'
288 renderGlyph (UseFiveColourButton using) =
289 rescaleRender (1/2) $ sequence_ [
290 displaceRender (corner h) $ renderGlyph
291 (TileGlyph (BlockTile [])
292 (dim $ colourWheel (if using then h`div`2 else 1)))
293 | h <- [0,2,4] ]
295 renderGlyph (ShowBlocksButton showing) = do
296 renderGlyph (TileGlyph (BlockTile []) (dim red))
297 when (showing == ShowBlocksAll) $
298 renderGlyph (BlockedPush hu (bright orange))
299 when (showing /= ShowBlocksNone) $
300 renderGlyph (BlockedPush hw (bright purple))
302 renderGlyph (ShowButtonTextButton showing) = do
303 rescaleRender (1/2) $ displaceRender (edge (neg hu)) $
304 renderGlyph (ButtonGlyph (dim yellow))
305 when showing $
306 sequence_ [ pixelR (FVec (1/3 + i/4) (-1/4)) (bright white) | i <- [-1..1] ]
308 renderGlyph (UseSoundsButton use) = do
309 sequence_ [ arcR (FVec (-2/3) 0) r (-20) 20
310 (if use then bright green else dim red)
311 | r <- [1/3,2/3,1] ]
312 unless use $
313 aaLineR (innerCorner hw) (innerCorner $ neg hw) $ dim red
315 renderGlyph (WhsButtonsButton Nothing) = rescaleRender (1/3) $ do
316 renderGlyph (ButtonGlyph (dim red))
317 sequence_ [ displaceRender ((3/2) **^ edge dir) $
318 renderGlyph (ButtonGlyph (dim purple))
319 | dir <- hexDirs ]
320 renderGlyph (WhsButtonsButton (Just whs)) = rescaleRender (1/2) $ do
321 when (whs /= WHSHook) $
322 displaceRender (corner 0) $ renderGlyph (TileGlyph (WrenchTile zero) col)
323 when (whs /= WHSWrench) $ do
324 displaceRender (corner 4) $ renderGlyph (TileGlyph HookTile col)
325 displaceRender (corner 2) $ renderGlyph (TileGlyph (ArmTile hv False) col)
326 where
327 col = dim white
329 renderGlyph (FullscreenButton fs) = do
330 thickPolygonR corners 1 $ activeCol (not fs)
331 thickPolygonR corners' 1 $ activeCol fs
332 where
333 activeCol True = opaquify $ dim green
334 activeCol False = opaquify $ dim red
335 corners = [ (2/3) **^ (if dir `elem` [hu,neg hu] then edge else innerCorner) dir
336 | dir <- hexDirs ]
337 corners' = map (((2/3)**^) . corner) [0..5]
339 renderGlyph (DisplacedGlyph dir glyph) =
340 displaceRender (innerCorner dir) $ renderGlyph glyph
342 renderGlyph UnfreshGlyph = do
343 let col = bright red
344 renderGlyph (HollowInnerGlyph col)
345 sequence_ [pixelR (FVec (i/4) 0) col
346 | i <- [-1..1] ]
348 playerGlyph = FilledHexGlyph
350 cursorGlyph = HollowGlyph $ bright white
352 ownedTileGlyph colouring highlight (owner,t) =
353 let col = colourOf colouring owner
354 in TileGlyph t $ (if owner `elem` highlight then bright else dim) col
356 drawCursorAt :: Maybe HexPos -> RenderM ()
357 drawCursorAt (Just pos) = drawAt cursorGlyph pos
358 drawCursorAt _ = return ()
360 drawBasicBG :: Int -> RenderM ()
361 drawBasicBG maxR = sequence_ [ drawAtRel (HollowGlyph $ colAt v) v | v <- hexDisc maxR ]
362 where
363 colAt v@(HexVec hx hy hz) = let
364 [r,g,b] = map (\h -> fi $ 0xff * (5 + abs h)`div`maxR) [hx,hy,hz]
365 a = fi $ (0x70 * (maxR - abs (hexLen v)))`div`maxR
366 in rgbaToPixel (r,g,b,a)
368 drawBlocked :: GameState -> PieceColouring -> Bool -> Force -> RenderM ()
369 drawBlocked st colouring blocking (Torque idx dir) = do
370 let (pos,arms) = case getpp st idx of
371 PlacedPiece pos (Pivot arms) -> (pos,arms)
372 PlacedPiece pos (Hook arm _) -> (pos,[arm])
373 _ -> (pos,[])
374 col = if blocking then bright purple else dim $ colourOf colouring idx
375 sequence_ [ drawAt (BlockedArm arm dir col) (arm +^ pos) |
376 arm <- arms ]
377 drawBlocked st colouring blocking (Push idx dir) = do
378 let footprint = plPieceFootprint $ getpp st idx
379 fullfootprint = fullFootprint st idx
380 col = bright $ if blocking then purple else orange
381 sequence_ [ drawAt (BlockedPush dir col) pos
382 | pos <- footprint
383 , (dir+^pos) `notElem` fullfootprint ]
384 -- drawAt (blockedPush dir $ bright orange) $ placedPos $ getpp st idx
386 drawApplied :: GameState -> PieceColouring -> Force -> RenderM ()
387 drawApplied st colouring (Torque idx dir) = do
388 let (pos,arms) = case getpp st idx of
389 PlacedPiece pos (Pivot arms) -> (pos,arms)
390 PlacedPiece pos (Hook arm _) -> (pos,[arm])
391 _ -> (pos,[])
392 col = dim $ colourOf colouring idx
393 sequence_ [ drawAt (TurnedArm arm dir col) (arm +^ pos) |
394 arm <- arms ]
395 drawApplied _ _ _ = return ()