compilation fixes
[intricacy.git] / Interact.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
14 module Interact (interactUI) where
16 import Control.Applicative
17 import Control.Concurrent
18 import Control.Concurrent.STM
19 import Control.Monad
20 import Control.Monad.Catch
21 import Control.Monad.State
22 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
23 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
24 import Control.Monad.Writer
25 import Data.Array
26 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CS
27 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
28 import Data.Char
29 import Data.Function (on)
30 import Data.List
31 import Data.Map (Map)
32 import qualified Data.Map as Map
33 import Data.Maybe
34 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
35 import Safe (readMay)
36 import System.Directory
37 import System.FilePath
39 import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256 (..))
40 import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP (defaultOAEPParams, encrypt)
41 import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types (PublicKey)
43 import AsciiLock
44 import Cache
45 import Command
46 import Database
47 import EditGameState
48 import Frame
49 import GameState
50 import GameStateTypes
51 import Hex
52 import InputMode
53 import InteractUtil
54 import Lock
55 import MainState
56 import Maxlocksize
57 import Metagame
58 import Mundanities
59 import Physics
60 import Protocol
61 import ServerAddr
62 import Util
64 newtype InteractSuccess = InteractSuccess Bool
66 interactUI :: UIMonad uiM => MainStateT uiM InteractSuccess
67 interactUI = (fromMaybe (InteractSuccess False) <$>) . runMaybeT $ do
68 gets initiationRequired >>? lift doInitiation
69 gets initiationRequired >>? mzero
70 lift $ do
71 im <- gets ms2im
72 lift $ onNewMode im
73 when (im == IMEdit) setSelectedPosFromMouse
74 when (im == IMMeta) $ do
75 spawnUnblockerThread
77 -- draw before testing auth, lest a timeout mean a blank screen
78 drawMainState
80 testAuth
81 refreshUInfoUI
82 setMark False startMark
83 interactLoop
85 where
86 initiationRequired s = ms2im s == IMMeta && not (initiated s)
87 interactLoop = do
88 im <- gets ms2im
89 when (im == IMPlay) checkWon
90 when (im == IMMeta) $ (checkAsync >>) $ void.runMaybeT $
91 mourNameSelected >>? lift purgeInvalidUndecls
92 drawMainState
93 cmds <- lift $ getSomeInput im
94 runExceptT (mapM_ (processCommand im) cmds) >>=
95 either
96 ((lift clearMessage >>) . return)
97 (const interactLoop)
99 -- | unblock input whenever the newAsync TVar is set to True
100 spawnUnblockerThread = do
101 flag <- gets newAsync
102 unblock <- lift unblockInput
103 liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ do
104 atomically $ readTVar flag >>= check >> writeTVar flag False
105 unblock
107 runSubMainState :: UIMonad uiM => MainState -> MainStateT uiM (InteractSuccess,MainState)
108 runSubMainState mSt = lift (runStateT interactUI mSt) <* cleanOnPop
109 where cleanOnPop = do
110 im <- gets ms2im
111 lift $ onNewMode im
112 when (im == IMEdit) setSelectedPosFromMouse
114 execSubMainState :: UIMonad uiM => MainState -> MainStateT uiM MainState
115 execSubMainState = (snd <$>) . runSubMainState
117 doInitiation :: UIMonad uiM => MainStateT uiM ()
118 doInitiation = do
119 (InteractSuccess complete, s) <- runSubMainState =<< liftIO initInitState
120 liftIO $ writeInitState s
121 when complete $ do
122 modify $ \s -> s {initiated = True}
123 mauth <- gets curAuth
124 when (isNothing mauth) $ do
125 cbdg <- lift $ getUIBinding IMMeta $ CmdSelCodename Nothing
126 rbdg <- lift $ getUIBinding IMMeta (CmdRegister False)
127 let showPage p prompt = lift $ withNoBG $ showHelp IMMeta p >>? do
128 void $ textInput prompt 1 False True Nothing Nothing
129 showPage (HelpPageInitiated 1) "[Initiation complete. Press a key or RMB to continue]"
130 showPage (HelpPageInitiated 2) "[Press a key or RMB to continue]"
131 showPage (HelpPageInitiated 3) "[Press a key or RMB to continue]"
132 lift $ drawMessage $
133 "To join the game: pick a codename ('"++cbdg++
134 "') and register it ('"++rbdg++"')."
136 getSomeInput im = do
137 cmds <- getInput im
138 if null cmds then getSomeInput im else return cmds
140 processCommand :: UIMonad uiM => InputMode -> Command -> ExceptT InteractSuccess (MainStateT uiM) ()
141 processCommand im CmdQuit = do
142 case im of
143 IMPlay -> lift (or <$> sequence [gets psIsSub, gets psSaved, gets (null . psGameStateMoveStack)])
144 >>? throwE $ InteractSuccess False
145 IMEdit -> lift editStateUnsaved >>! throwE $ InteractSuccess True
146 _ -> throwE $ InteractSuccess False
147 title <- lift getTitle
148 (lift . lift . confirm) ("Really quit"
149 ++ (if im == IMEdit then " without saving" else "")
150 ++ maybe "" ((" from "++) . fst) title ++ "?")
151 >>? throwE $ InteractSuccess False
152 processCommand im CmdForceQuit = throwE $ InteractSuccess False
153 processCommand IMPlay CmdOpen = do
154 st <- gets psCurrentState
155 frame <- gets psFrame
156 if checkSolved (frame,st)
157 then throwE $ InteractSuccess True
158 else lift.lift $ drawError "Locked!"
160 processCommand IMInit (CmdSolveInit Nothing) = void.runMaybeT $ do
161 tutSolved <- lift . gets $ tutSolved . tutProgress
162 accessible <- lift . gets $ accessibleInitLocks tutSolved . initLocks
163 v <- if Map.null accessible then return zero else do
164 let nameMap = Map.fromList $ ("TUT",zero) :
165 [(initLockName l, v) | (v,l) <- Map.toList accessible]
166 names = Map.keys nameMap
167 name <- (map toUpper <$>) . MaybeT . lift . lift $
168 textInput ("Solve which? ["
169 ++ intercalate "," (take 3 names)
170 ++ if length names > 3 then ",...]" else "]")
171 3 False True (Just names) Nothing
172 MaybeT . return $ Map.lookup name nameMap
173 lift . processCommand IMInit . CmdSolveInit $ Just v
174 processCommand IMInit (CmdSolveInit (Just v)) | v == zero = lift.void.runMaybeT $ do
175 tutdir <- liftIO $ getDataPath "tutorial"
176 tuts <- liftIO . ignoreIOErr $
177 sort . map (takeWhile (/='.')) . filter (isSuffixOf ".lock") <$>
178 getDirectoryContents tutdir
179 when (null tuts) $ do
180 lift.lift $ drawError "No tutorial levels found"
181 mzero
182 let dotut i msps = do
183 let name = tuts !! (i-1)
184 let pref = tutdir ++ [pathSeparator] ++ name
185 (lock,_) <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ readLock (pref ++ ".lock")
186 text <- liftIO $ fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe <$> readStrings (pref ++ ".text")
187 solveLockSaving i msps (Just i) lock $ Just $ "Tutorial " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ text
188 if i+1 <= length tuts
189 then dotut (i+1) Nothing
190 else lift $ do
191 modify $ \is -> is {tutProgress = TutProgress True 1 Nothing}
192 lift $ drawMessage "Tutorial complete!"
193 TutProgress _ onLevel msps <- lift $ gets tutProgress
194 dotut onLevel msps
195 processCommand IMInit (CmdSolveInit (Just v)) = void.runMaybeT $ do
196 l@InitLock { initLockDesc=desc, initLockLock=lock, initLockPartial=partial } <-
197 MaybeT . lift $ gets (Map.lookup v . initLocks)
198 lift $ do
199 (InteractSuccess solved, ps) <- lift . runSubMainState $
200 maybe newPlayState restorePlayState partial (reframe lock) [] (Just desc) Nothing False True
201 let updateLock initLock = initLock { initLockSolved = initLockSolved initLock || solved
202 , initLockPartial = Just $ savePlayState ps }
203 lift . modify $ \is -> is { initLocks = Map.adjust updateLock v $ initLocks is }
204 when (solved && isLastInitLock l) . throwE $ InteractSuccess True
206 processCommand im cmd = lift $ processCommand' im cmd
208 processCommand' :: UIMonad uiM => InputMode -> Command -> MainStateT uiM ()
209 processCommand' im CmdHelp = lift $ do
210 helpPages <- case im of
211 IMInit -> return [HelpPageGame]
212 IMMeta -> return [HelpPageInput, HelpPageGame]
213 IMEdit -> do
214 first <- not <$> liftIO hasLocks
215 return $ HelpPageInput : [HelpPageFirstEdit | first]
216 _ -> return [HelpPageInput]
217 let showPage p = withNoBG $ showHelp im p >>? do
218 void $ textInput "[press a key or RMB]" 1 False True Nothing Nothing
219 mapM_ showPage helpPages
220 processCommand' im (CmdBind mcmd)= lift $ (>> endPrompt) $ runMaybeT $ do
221 cmd <- liftMaybe mcmd `mplus` do
222 lift $ drawPrompt False "Command to bind: "
223 msum $ repeat $ do
224 cmd <- MaybeT $ listToMaybe <$> getInput im
225 guard $ not.null $ describeCommand cmd
226 return cmd
227 lift $ drawPrompt False ("key to bind to \"" ++ describeCommand cmd ++ "\" (repeat existing user binding to delete): ")
228 ch <- MaybeT getChRaw
229 guard $ ch /= '\ESC'
230 lift $ setUIBinding im cmd ch
231 processCommand' _ CmdToggleColourMode = lift toggleColourMode
232 processCommand' _ CmdSuspend = lift suspend
233 processCommand' _ CmdRedraw = lift redraw
234 processCommand' im CmdClear = do
235 lift clearMessage
236 when (im == IMMeta) $ modify $ \ms -> ms { retiredLocks = Nothing }
237 processCommand' im CmdMark = void.runMaybeT $ do
238 guard $ im `elem` [IMEdit, IMPlay, IMReplay]
239 str <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Type character for mark: "
240 1 False True Nothing Nothing
241 ch <- liftMaybe $ listToMaybe str
242 guard $ ch `notElem` [startMark, '\'']
243 lift $ setMark True ch
244 processCommand' im CmdJumpMark = void.runMaybeT $ do
245 guard $ im `elem` [IMEdit, IMPlay, IMReplay]
246 marks <- lift marksSet
247 str <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput
248 ("Jump to mark [" ++ intersperse ',' marks ++ "]: ")
249 1 False True (Just $ (:[]) <$> marks) Nothing
250 ch <- liftMaybe $ listToMaybe str
251 lift $ jumpMark ch
252 processCommand' im CmdReset = jumpMark startMark
254 processCommand' IMMeta CmdInitiation = doInitiation
255 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdSelCodename mname) = void.runMaybeT $ do
256 mauth <- gets curAuth
257 name <- msum [ liftMaybe mname
258 , do
259 newCodename <- (map toUpper <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $
260 textInput "Select codename:"
261 3 False False Nothing Nothing
262 guard $ length newCodename == 3
263 return newCodename
265 guard $ validCodeName name
266 lift $ do
267 modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = name:codenameStack ms }
268 invalidateUInfo name
269 refreshUInfoUI
270 processCommand' IMMeta CmdHome = void.runMaybeT $ do
271 ourName <- mgetOurName
272 lift $ do
273 modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = ourName:codenameStack ms }
274 refreshUInfoUI
275 processCommand' IMMeta CmdBackCodename = do
276 stack <- gets codenameStack
277 when (length stack > 1) $ do
278 modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = tail stack }
279 refreshUInfoUI
280 processCommand' IMMeta CmdSetServer = void.runMaybeT $ do
281 saddr <- gets curServer
282 saddrs <- liftIO knownServers
283 newSaddr' <- MaybeT $ ((>>= strToSaddr) <$>) $
284 lift $ textInput "Set server:" 256 False False
285 (Just $ saddrStr <$> saddrs) (Just $ saddrStr saddr)
286 let newSaddr = if nullSaddr newSaddr' then defaultServerAddr else newSaddr'
287 modify $ \ms -> ms { curServer = newSaddr }
288 msum [ void.MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking RecServerInfo
289 , modify (\ms -> ms { curServer = saddr }) >> mzero ]
290 lift $ do
291 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing}
292 get >>= liftIO . writeServerSolns saddr
293 (undecls,partials) <- liftIO (readServerSolns newSaddr)
294 modify $ \ms -> ms { undeclareds=undecls, partialSolutions=partials }
295 rnamestvar <- gets randomCodenames
296 liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar rnamestvar []
297 invalidateAllUInfo
298 refreshUInfoUI
299 processCommand' IMMeta CmdToggleCacheOnly = do
300 newCOnly <- gets $ not . cacheOnly
301 modify $ \ms -> ms {cacheOnly = newCOnly}
302 unless newCOnly $
303 invalidateAllUInfo >> invalidateAllIndexedLocks
305 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdRegister _) = void.runMaybeT $ do
306 regName <- mgetCurName
307 mauth <- gets curAuth
308 let isUs = maybe False ((==regName).authUser) mauth
309 if isUs
310 then msum [ do
311 confirmOrBail "Log out?"
312 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing}
313 , do
314 confirmOrBail "Reset password?"
315 void.lift.runMaybeT $ do
316 passwd <- inputPassword regName True "Enter new password:"
317 lift $ do
318 resp <- curServerAction $ ResetPassword passwd
319 case resp of
320 ServerAck -> do
321 lift $ drawMessage "New password set."
322 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth regName passwd}
323 ServerError err -> lift $ drawError err
324 _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp
325 , do
326 confirmOrBail "Configure email notifications?"
327 setNotifications
329 else msum [ do
330 mgetUInfo regName
331 lift.lift $ drawError "Sorry, this codename is already taken."
332 , do
333 confirmOrBail $ "Register codename " ++ regName ++ "?"
334 passwd <- inputPassword regName True "Enter new password:"
335 lift $ do
336 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth regName passwd}
337 resp <- curServerAction Register
338 case resp of
339 ServerAck -> do
340 invalidateUInfo regName
341 refreshUInfoUI
342 conf <- lift $ confirm "Registered! Would you like to be notified by email when someone solves your lock?"
343 if conf then void $ runMaybeT setNotifications else lift $ drawMessage "Notifications disabled."
344 ServerError err -> do
345 lift $ drawError err
346 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing}
347 _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp
350 where setNotifications = do
351 address <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Enter address, or leave blank to disable notifications:" 128 False False Nothing Nothing
352 lift $ do
353 resp <- curServerAction $ SetEmail address
354 case resp of
355 ServerAck -> lift $ drawMessage $ if null address then "Notifications disabled." else "Address set."
356 ServerError err -> lift $ drawError err
357 _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp
360 processCommand' IMMeta CmdAuth = void.runMaybeT $ do
361 auth <- lift $ gets curAuth
362 if isJust auth then do
363 confirmOrBail "Log out?"
364 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing}
365 else do
366 name <- mgetCurName
367 passwd <- inputPassword name False $ "Enter password for "++name++":"
368 lift $ do
369 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth name passwd}
370 resp <- curServerAction Authenticate
371 case resp of
372 ServerAck -> lift $ drawMessage "Authenticated."
373 ServerMessage msg -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Server: " ++ msg
374 ServerError err -> do
375 lift $ drawError err
376 modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = auth}
377 _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp
378 refreshUInfoUI
379 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdSolve midx) = void.runMaybeT $ do
380 name <- mgetCurName
381 uinfo <- mgetUInfo name
382 idx <- msum [ liftMaybe midx
383 , askLockIndex "Solve which lock?" "No lock to solve!" (\i -> isJust $ userLocks uinfo ! i) ]
384 ls <- liftMaybe $ lockSpec <$> userLocks uinfo ! idx
385 undecls <- lift (gets undeclareds)
386 msum [ do
387 undecl <- liftMaybe $ find (\(Undeclared _ ls' _) -> ls == ls') undecls
388 MaybeT $ gets curAuth
389 confirmOrBail "Declare existing solution?"
390 void.lift.runMaybeT $ -- ignores MaybeT failures
391 declare undecl
392 , do
393 RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls
394 mpartial <- gets (Map.lookup ls . partialSolutions)
395 soln <- solveLockSaving ls mpartial Nothing lock $ Just $
396 "solving " ++ name ++ ":" ++ [lockIndexChar idx] ++ " (#" ++ show ls ++")"
397 mourName <- lift $ gets ((authUser <$>) . curAuth)
398 guard $ mourName /= Just name
399 let undecl = Undeclared soln ls (ActiveLock name idx)
400 msum [ do
401 MaybeT $ gets curAuth
402 confirmOrBail "Declare solution?"
403 declare undecl
404 , unless (any (\(Undeclared _ ls' _) -> ls == ls') undecls) $
405 modify $ \ms -> ms { undeclareds = undecl : undeclareds ms }
408 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdPlayLockSpec mls) = void.runMaybeT $ do
409 ls <- msum [ liftMaybe mls
410 , do
411 tls <- MaybeT . lift $ textInput "Lock number:" 16 False False Nothing Nothing
412 liftMaybe $ readMay tls
414 RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls
415 solveLock lock Nothing $ Just $ "solving " ++ show ls
417 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdDeclare mundecl) = void.runMaybeT $ do
418 guard =<< mourNameSelected
419 name <- mgetCurName
420 undecls <- lift $ gets undeclareds
421 guard $ not $ null undecls
422 declare =<< msum [ liftMaybe mundecl
423 , if length undecls == 1
424 then return $ head undecls
425 else do
426 which <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput
427 "Declare which solution?"
428 5 False True Nothing Nothing
429 liftMaybe $ msum
430 [ do
431 i <- readMay which
432 guard $ 0 < i && i <= length undecls
433 return $ undecls !! (i-1)
434 , listToMaybe $
435 [ undecl
436 | undecl@(Undeclared _ _ (ActiveLock name' i)) <- undecls
437 , (take (length which) (name' ++ ":" ++ [lockIndexChar i]) ==
438 map toUpper which) || (name'==name && [lockIndexChar i] == which)
442 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdViewSolution mnote) = void.runMaybeT $ do
443 note <- liftMaybe mnote `mplus` do
444 ourName <- mgetOurName
445 name <- mgetCurName
446 uinfo <- mgetUInfo name
447 noteses <- lift $ sequence
448 [ case mlockinfo of
449 Nothing -> return []
450 Just lockinfo -> (++lockSolutions lockinfo) <$> do
451 ns <- getNotesReadOn lockinfo
452 return $ if length ns < 3 then [] else ns
453 | mlockinfo <- elems $ userLocks uinfo ]
454 idx <- askLockIndex "View solution to which lock?" "No solutions to view" $ not.null.(noteses!!)
455 let notes = noteses!!idx
456 authors = noteAuthor <$> notes
457 author <- if length notes == 1
458 then return $ noteAuthor $ head notes
459 else (map toUpper <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $
460 textInput ("View solution by which player? ["
461 ++ intercalate "," (take 3 authors)
462 ++ if length authors > 3 then ",...]" else "]")
463 3 False True (Just authors) Nothing
464 liftMaybe $ find ((==author).noteAuthor) notes
465 let ActiveLock name idx = noteOn note
466 uinfo <- mgetUInfo name
467 ls <- lockSpec <$> MaybeT (return $ userLocks uinfo ! idx)
468 RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls
469 RCSolution soln <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecNote note
470 lift $ execSubMainState $ newReplayState (snd.reframe$lock) soln $ Just $
471 "viewing solution by " ++ noteAuthor note ++ " to " ++ name ++ [':',lockIndexChar idx]
473 processCommand' IMMeta (CmdPlaceLock midx) = void.runMaybeT $ do
474 guard =<< mourNameSelected
475 ourName <- mgetOurName
476 (lock,msoln) <- MaybeT (gets curLock) `mplus` do
477 ebdg <- lift.lift $ getUIBinding IMMeta CmdEdit
478 lift.lift $ drawError $ "No lock selected; '"++ebdg++"' to edit one."
479 mzero
480 lockpath <- lift $ gets curLockPath
481 ourUInfo <- mgetUInfo ourName
482 idx <- (liftMaybe midx `mplus`) $
483 askLockIndex ("Place " ++ show lockpath ++ " in which slot?") "bug" $ const True
484 when (isJust $ userLocks ourUInfo ! idx) $
485 confirmOrBail "Really retire existing lock?"
486 soln <- (liftMaybe msoln `mplus`) $ solveLock lock Nothing $ Just "testing lock"
487 lift $ curServerActionAsyncThenInvalidate
488 (SetLock lock idx soln)
489 (Just (SomeCodenames [ourName]))
491 processCommand' IMMeta CmdSelectLock = void.runMaybeT $ do
492 lockdir <- liftIO $ confFilePath "locks"
493 paths <- liftIO $ map (drop (length lockdir + 1)) <$> getDirContentsRec lockdir
494 path <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Lock name:" 1024 False False (Just paths) Nothing
495 lift $ setLockPath path
496 processCommand' IMMeta CmdNextLock =
497 gets curLockPath >>= liftIO . nextLock True >>= setLockPath
498 processCommand' IMMeta CmdPrevLock =
499 gets curLockPath >>= liftIO . nextLock False >>= setLockPath
500 processCommand' IMMeta CmdNextPage =
501 gets listOffsetMax >>!
502 modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffset = listOffset ms + 1 }
503 processCommand' IMMeta CmdPrevPage =
504 modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffset = max 0 $ listOffset ms - 1 }
505 processCommand' IMMeta CmdEdit = void.runMaybeT $ do
506 (lock, msoln) <- MaybeT (gets curLock) `mplus` do
507 size <- msum
508 [ do
509 gets curServer
510 RCServerInfo (ServerInfo size _) <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking RecServerInfo
511 return size
512 , do
513 sizet <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput
514 ("Lock size: [3-" ++ show maxlocksize ++ "]") 2 False False Nothing Nothing
515 size <- liftMaybe $ readMay sizet
516 guard $ 3 <= size && size <= maxlocksize
517 return size
519 return (baseLock size, Nothing)
520 not <$> liftIO hasLocks >>? do
521 lift.lift $ withNoBG $ showHelp IMEdit HelpPageFirstEdit >>? do
522 void $ textInput
523 "[Press a key or RMB to continue; you can review this help later with '?']"
524 1 False True Nothing Nothing
525 path <- lift $ gets curLockPath
526 newPath <- MaybeT $ (esPath <$>) $ execSubMainState $
527 newEditState (reframe lock) msoln (if null path then Nothing else Just path)
528 lift $ setLockPath newPath
529 processCommand' IMMeta CmdShowRetired = void.runMaybeT $ do
530 name <- mgetCurName
531 newRL <- lift (gets retiredLocks) >>= \case
532 Nothing -> do
533 RCLockSpecs lss <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecRetiredLocks name
534 if null lss
535 then do
536 lift.lift $ drawError "Player has no retired locks."
537 return Nothing
538 else return $ Just lss
539 Just _ -> return Nothing
540 lift $ modify $ \ms -> ms {retiredLocks = newRL}
542 processCommand' IMPlay CmdUndo = do
543 st <- gets psCurrentState
544 stack <- gets psGameStateMoveStack
545 ustms <- gets psUndoneStack
546 unless (null stack) $ do
547 let (st',pm) = head stack
548 modify $ \ps -> ps {psCurrentState=st', psGameStateMoveStack = tail stack,
549 psLastAlerts = [], psUndoneStack = pm:ustms}
550 processCommand' IMPlay CmdRedo = do
551 ustms <- gets psUndoneStack
552 case ustms of
553 [] -> return ()
554 pm:ustms' -> do
555 st <- gets psCurrentState
556 (st',alerts) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick pm st
557 pushPState (st',pm)
558 modify $ \ps -> ps {psLastAlerts = alerts, psUndoneStack = ustms'}
559 processCommand' IMPlay (CmdManipulateToolAt pos) = do
560 board <- gets (stateBoard . psCurrentState)
561 wsel <- gets wrenchSelected
562 void.runMaybeT $ msum $ (do
563 tile <- liftMaybe $ snd <$> Map.lookup pos board
564 guard $ case tile of {WrenchTile _ -> True; HookTile -> True; _ -> False}
565 lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdTile tile) : [ do
566 tile <- liftMaybe $ snd <$> Map.lookup (d+^pos) board
567 guard $ tileType tile == if wsel then WrenchTile zero else HookTile
568 lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdDir WHSSelected $ neg d
569 | d <- hexDirs ]
570 processCommand' IMPlay (CmdDrag pos dir) = do
571 board <- gets (stateBoard . psCurrentState)
572 wsel <- gets wrenchSelected
573 void.runMaybeT $ do
574 tp <- liftMaybe $ tileType . snd <$> Map.lookup pos board
575 msum [ guard $ tp == HookTile
576 , do
577 guard $ tp == WrenchTile zero
578 board' <- lift $ gets ((stateBoard . fst . runWriter . physicsTick (WrenchPush dir)) . psCurrentState)
579 msum $ [ do
580 tp' <- liftMaybe $ tileType . snd <$> Map.lookup pos' board'
581 guard $ tp' == WrenchTile zero
582 | d <- [0,1,2]
583 , let pos' = d *^ dir +^ pos ]
584 ++ [ (lift.lift $ warpPointer pos) >> mzero ]
586 lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdDir WHSSelected dir
587 board' <- gets (stateBoard . psCurrentState)
588 msum [ do
589 tp' <- liftMaybe $ tileType . snd <$> Map.lookup pos' board'
590 guard $ tp' == if wsel then WrenchTile zero else HookTile
591 lift.lift $ warpPointer pos'
592 | pos' <- (+^pos) <$> hexDisc 2 ]
594 processCommand' IMPlay cmd = do
595 wsel <- gets wrenchSelected
596 st <- gets psCurrentState
597 let push whs dir
598 | whs == WHSWrench || (whs == WHSSelected && wsel) =
599 Just $ WrenchPush dir
600 | otherwise = Just $ HookPush dir
601 torque whs dir
602 {- | whs == WHSHook || (whs == WHSSelected && not wsel)=
603 Just $ HookTorque dir
604 | otherwise = Nothing -}
605 = Just $ HookTorque dir
606 (wsel', pm) =
607 case cmd of
608 CmdTile (WrenchTile _) -> (True, Nothing)
609 CmdTile HookTile -> (False, Nothing)
610 CmdTile (ArmTile _ _) -> (False, Nothing)
611 CmdToggle -> (not wsel, Nothing)
612 CmdDir whs dir -> (wsel, push whs dir)
613 CmdRotate whs dir -> (wsel, torque whs dir)
614 CmdWait -> (wsel, Just NullPM)
615 CmdSelect -> (wsel, Just NullPM)
616 _ -> (wsel, Nothing)
617 modify $ \ps -> ps {wrenchSelected = wsel'}
618 case pm of
619 Nothing -> return ()
620 Just pm' -> do
621 (st',alerts) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick pm' st
622 modify $ \ps -> ps {psLastAlerts = alerts}
623 pushPState (st',pm')
625 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1) = void.runMaybeT $ do
626 (st',pm) <- MaybeT $ gets (listToMaybe . rsGameStateMoveStack)
627 lift $ modify $ \rs -> rs {rsCurrentState=st'
628 , rsLastAlerts = []
629 , rsGameStateMoveStack = tail $ rsGameStateMoveStack rs
630 , rsMoveStack = pm:rsMoveStack rs}
631 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack n) = replicateM_ n $
632 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1)
633 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1) = void.runMaybeT $ do
634 pm <- MaybeT $ gets (listToMaybe . rsMoveStack)
635 lift $ do
636 st <- gets rsCurrentState
637 (st',alerts) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick pm st
638 modify $ \rs -> rs {rsCurrentState = st'
639 , rsLastAlerts = alerts
640 , rsGameStateMoveStack = (st,pm):rsGameStateMoveStack rs
641 , rsMoveStack = tail $ rsMoveStack rs}
642 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward n) = replicateM_ n $
643 processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1)
644 processCommand' IMReplay CmdUndo = processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1)
645 processCommand' IMReplay CmdRedo = processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1)
647 processCommand' IMEdit CmdPlay = do
648 st <- gets esGameState
649 frame <- gets esFrame
650 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
651 subPlay (frame,st)
652 processCommand' IMEdit CmdTest = do
653 frame <- gets esFrame
654 modifyEState (\st -> snd $ canonify (frame, st))
655 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
656 mpath <- gets esPath
657 st <- gets esGameState
658 curSoln <- runMaybeT $ do
659 (st', soln) <- MaybeT $ gets esTested
660 guard $ st' == st
661 return soln
662 void.runMaybeT $ do
663 soln <- solveLock (frame,st) curSoln $ Just $ "testing " ++ fromMaybe "[unnamed lock]" mpath
664 lift $ modify $ \es -> es { esTested = Just (st, soln) }
665 processCommand' IMEdit CmdUndo = do
666 st <- gets esGameState
667 sts <- gets esGameStateStack
668 usts <- gets esUndoneStack
669 unless (null sts) $ modify $ \es -> es {esGameState = head sts, esGameStateStack = tail sts, esUndoneStack = st:usts}
670 processCommand' IMEdit CmdRedo = do
671 usts <- gets esUndoneStack
672 case usts of
673 [] -> return ()
674 ust:usts' -> do
675 pushEState ust
676 modify $ \es -> es {esUndoneStack = usts'}
677 processCommand' IMEdit CmdUnselect =
678 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
679 processCommand' IMEdit CmdSelect = do
680 selPiece <- gets selectedPiece
681 selPos <- gets selectedPos
682 st <- gets esGameState
683 let selPiece' =
684 if isJust selPiece
685 then Nothing
686 else fmap fst . Map.lookup selPos $ stateBoard st
687 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = selPiece'}
688 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdDir _ dir) = do
689 selPos <- gets selectedPos
690 selPiece <- gets selectedPiece
691 frame <- gets esFrame
692 case selPiece of
693 Nothing -> modify $ \es -> es {selectedPos = checkEditable frame selPos $ dir +^ selPos}
694 Just p -> doForce $ Push p dir
695 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdMoveTo newPos) =
696 setSelectedPos newPos
697 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdDrag pos dir) = do
698 board <- gets (stateBoard . esGameState)
699 void.runMaybeT $ do
700 selIdx <- MaybeT $ gets selectedPiece
701 idx <- liftMaybe $ fst <$> Map.lookup pos board
702 guard $ idx == selIdx
703 lift $ processCommand' IMEdit $ CmdDir WHSSelected dir
704 board' <- gets (stateBoard . esGameState)
705 msum [ do
706 idx' <- liftMaybe $ fst <$> Map.lookup pos' board'
707 guard $ idx' == selIdx
708 lift.lift $ warpPointer pos'
709 | pos' <- [dir+^pos, pos] ]
710 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdRotate _ dir) = do
711 selPiece <- gets selectedPiece
712 st <- gets esGameState
713 case selPiece of
714 Nothing -> return ()
715 Just p ->
716 let PlacedPiece _ pc = getpp st p
717 torquable = case pc of
718 Hook _ _ -> True
719 Pivot _ -> True
720 _ -> False
721 in if torquable
722 then doForce $ Torque p dir
723 else adjustSpringTension p dir
724 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdTile tile) = do
725 selPos <- gets selectedPos
726 drawTile selPos (Just tile) False
727 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdPaint tile) = do
728 selPos <- gets selectedPos
729 drawTile selPos tile True
730 processCommand' IMEdit (CmdPaintFromTo tile from to) = do
731 frame <- gets esFrame
732 paintTilePath frame tile (truncateToEditable frame from) (truncateToEditable frame to)
733 processCommand' IMEdit CmdMerge = do
734 selPos <- gets selectedPos
735 st <- gets esGameState
736 lift $ drawMessage "Merge in which direction?"
737 let getDir = do
738 cmd <- lift $ head <$> getSomeInput IMEdit
739 case cmd of
740 CmdDir _ mergeDir -> return $ Just mergeDir
741 CmdDrag _ mergeDir -> return $ Just mergeDir
742 CmdMoveTo _ -> getDir
743 _ -> return Nothing
744 mergeDir <- getDir
745 case mergeDir of
746 Just mergeDir -> modifyEState $ mergeTiles selPos mergeDir True
747 _ -> return ()
748 -- XXX: merging might invalidate selectedPiece
749 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
750 lift clearMessage
751 processCommand' IMEdit CmdWait = do
752 st <- gets esGameState
753 (st',_) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick NullPM st
754 pushEState st'
756 processCommand' IMEdit CmdDelete = do
757 selPos <- gets selectedPos
758 selPiece <- gets selectedPiece
759 st <- gets esGameState
760 case selPiece of
761 Nothing -> drawTile selPos Nothing False
762 Just p -> do modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
763 modifyEState $ delPiece p
764 processCommand' IMEdit CmdWriteState = void.runMaybeT $ do
765 path <- lift $ gets esPath
766 newPath <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Save lock as:" 1024 False False Nothing path
767 guard $ not $ null newPath
768 fullPath <- liftIO $ fullLockPath newPath
769 liftIO (fileExists fullPath) >>?
770 confirmOrBail $ "Really overwrite '"++fullPath++"'?"
771 lift $ do
772 st <- gets esGameState
773 frame <- gets esFrame
774 msoln <- getCurTestSoln
775 merr <- liftIO $ (writeAsciiLockFile fullPath msoln (canonify (frame, st)) >> return Nothing)
776 `catchIO` (return . Just . show)
777 modify $ \es -> es {lastSavedState = Just (st,isJust msoln)}
778 case merr of
779 Nothing -> modify $ \es -> es {esPath = Just newPath}
780 Just err -> lift $ drawError $ "Write failed: "++err
781 processCommand' _ _ = return ()
783 inputPassword :: UIMonad uiM => Codename -> Bool -> String -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) String
784 inputPassword name confirm prompt = do
785 pw <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput prompt 64 True False Nothing Nothing
786 guard $ not $ null pw
787 when confirm $ do
788 pw' <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Confirm password:" 64 True False Nothing Nothing
789 when (pw /= pw') $ do
790 lift.lift $ drawError "Passwords don't match!"
791 mzero
792 RCPublicKey publicKey <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking RecPublicKey
793 encryptPassword publicKey name pw
795 -- | Salt and encrypt a password, to protect users' passwords from sniffing
796 -- and dictionary attack. We can hope that they wouldn't use valuable
797 -- passwords, but we shouldn't assume it.
798 -- Note that in all other respects, the protocol is entirely insecure -
799 -- nothing else is encrypted, and anyone sniffing an encrypted password can
800 -- replay it to authenticate as the user.
801 encryptPassword :: UIMonad uiM =>
802 PublicKey -> String -> String -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) String
803 encryptPassword publicKey name password = MaybeT . liftIO .
804 handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> return Nothing) $ do
805 Right c <- encrypt (defaultOAEPParams SHA256) publicKey . CS.pack $ hashed
806 return . Just . CS.unpack $ c
807 where hashed = hash $ "IY" ++ name ++ password
809 setSelectedPosFromMouse :: UIMonad uiM => MainStateT uiM ()
810 setSelectedPosFromMouse = lift getUIMousePos >>= maybe (return ()) setSelectedPos
812 setSelectedPos :: Monad m => HexPos -> MainStateT m ()
813 setSelectedPos pos = do
814 frame <- gets esFrame
815 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPos = truncateToEditable frame pos}
817 subPlay :: UIMonad uiM => Lock -> MainStateT uiM ()
818 subPlay lock =
819 pushEState . psCurrentState =<< execSubMainState (newPlayState lock [] Nothing Nothing True False)
821 solveLock :: UIMonad uiM => Lock -> Maybe Solution -> Maybe String -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) Solution
822 solveLock = solveLock' Nothing
823 solveLock' tutLevel lock mSoln title = do
824 (InteractSuccess solved, ps) <- lift $ runSubMainState $
825 newPlayState (reframe lock) (fromMaybe [] mSoln) title tutLevel False False
826 guard solved
827 return . reverse $ snd <$> psGameStateMoveStack ps
829 solveLockSaving :: UIMonad uiM => LockSpec -> Maybe SavedPlayState -> Maybe Int -> Lock -> Maybe String -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) Solution
830 solveLockSaving ls msps tutLevel lock title = do
831 let isTut = isJust tutLevel
832 (InteractSuccess solved, ps) <- lift $ runSubMainState $
833 maybe newPlayState restorePlayState msps (reframe lock) [] title tutLevel False True
834 if solved
835 then do
836 unless isTut . lift . modify $ \ms -> ms { partialSolutions = Map.delete ls $ partialSolutions ms }
837 return . reverse $ snd <$> psGameStateMoveStack ps
838 else do
839 lift $ modify $ \ms -> if isTut
840 then ms { tutProgress = (tutProgress ms)
841 { tutLevel = ls, tutPartial = Just $ savePlayState ps } }
842 else ms { partialSolutions = Map.insert ls (savePlayState ps) $ partialSolutions ms }
843 mzero