Revert "draw init locks yellow if partially solved"
[intricacy.git] / Command.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 module Command where
12 import GameStateTypes
13 import Hex
14 import Metagame
16 data Command
17 = CmdDir WrHoSel HexDir | CmdRotate WrHoSel TorqueDir | CmdWait
18 | CmdMoveTo HexPos | CmdManipulateToolAt HexPos
19 | CmdDrag HexPos HexDir
20 | CmdToggle
21 | CmdOpen
22 | CmdTile Tile | CmdPaint (Maybe Tile)
23 | CmdPaintFromTo (Maybe Tile) HexPos HexPos
24 | CmdSelect | CmdUnselect
25 | CmdDelete | CmdMerge
26 | CmdMark | CmdJumpMark | CmdReset
27 | CmdPlay | CmdTest
28 | CmdUndo | CmdRedo
29 | CmdReplayForward Int | CmdReplayBack Int
30 | CmdInputChar Char
31 | CmdInputSelLock LockIndex
32 | CmdInputCodename Codename
33 | CmdInputSelUndecl Undeclared
34 | CmdWriteState
35 | CmdInitiation
36 | CmdShowRetired | CmdPlayLockSpec (Maybe LockSpec)
37 | CmdSetServer | CmdToggleCacheOnly
38 | CmdSelCodename (Maybe Codename) | CmdBackCodename | CmdHome
39 | CmdSolveInit (Maybe HexVec)
40 | CmdSolve (Maybe LockIndex) | CmdDeclare (Maybe Undeclared)
41 | CmdViewSolution (Maybe NoteInfo)
42 | CmdSelectLock | CmdNextLock | CmdPrevLock
43 | CmdEdit | CmdPlaceLock (Maybe LockIndex)
44 | CmdRegister Bool | CmdAuth
45 | CmdNextPage | CmdPrevPage
46 | CmdToggleColourMode
47 | CmdRedraw | CmdRefresh | CmdSuspend | CmdClear
48 | CmdQuit | CmdForceQuit
49 | CmdHelp | CmdBind (Maybe Command)
50 | CmdNone
51 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
52 data WrHoSel = WHSWrench | WHSHook | WHSSelected
53 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
55 describeCommand :: Command -> String
56 describeCommand (CmdDir whs dir) = "move " ++ whsStr whs ++ " " ++ dirStr dir
57 describeCommand (CmdRotate whs dir) = "rotate " ++ whsStr whs
58 ++ " " ++ (if dir == 1 then "counter" else "") ++ "clockwise"
59 describeCommand CmdWait = "nothing"
60 describeCommand CmdToggle = "toggle tool"
61 describeCommand CmdOpen = "open lock"
62 describeCommand (CmdTile tile) = tileStr tile
63 describeCommand CmdMerge = "merge with adjacent piece"
64 describeCommand CmdMark = "mark state"
65 describeCommand CmdJumpMark = "jump to marked state"
66 describeCommand CmdReset = "jump to initial state"
67 describeCommand CmdSelect = "select piece"
68 describeCommand CmdUnselect = "unselect piece"
69 describeCommand CmdDelete = "delete piece"
70 describeCommand CmdPlay = "play lock"
71 describeCommand CmdTest = "test lock"
72 describeCommand CmdUndo = "undo"
73 describeCommand CmdRedo = "redo"
74 describeCommand (CmdReplayForward _) = "advance replay"
75 describeCommand (CmdReplayBack _) = "rewind replay"
76 describeCommand CmdWriteState = "write lock"
77 describeCommand CmdInitiation = "revisit initiation"
78 describeCommand CmdShowRetired = "toggle showing retired locks"
79 describeCommand CmdSetServer = "set server"
80 describeCommand CmdToggleCacheOnly = "toggle offline mode"
81 describeCommand (CmdSelCodename mname) = "select player"
82 ++ maybe "" (' ':) mname
83 describeCommand CmdBackCodename = "select last player"
84 describeCommand CmdHome = "select self"
85 describeCommand (CmdSolveInit _) = "solve lock"
86 describeCommand (CmdSolve mli) = "solve lock"
87 ++ maybe "" ((' ':).(:"").lockIndexChar) mli
88 describeCommand (CmdPlayLockSpec mls) = "find lock by number"
89 ++ maybe "" ((' ':).show) mls
90 describeCommand (CmdDeclare mundecl) = "declare solution"
91 ++ maybe "" (const " [specified solution]") mundecl
92 describeCommand (CmdViewSolution mnote) = "view lock solution"
93 ++ maybe "" (const " [specified solution]") mnote
94 describeCommand CmdSelectLock = "choose lock by name"
95 describeCommand CmdNextLock = "next lock"
96 describeCommand CmdPrevLock = "previous lock"
97 describeCommand CmdNextPage = "page forward through lists"
98 describeCommand CmdPrevPage = "page back through lists"
99 describeCommand CmdEdit = "edit lock"
100 describeCommand (CmdPlaceLock mli) = "place lock"
101 ++ maybe "" ((' ':).(:"").lockIndexChar) mli
102 describeCommand (CmdRegister False) = "register codename"
103 describeCommand (CmdRegister True) = "adjust registration details"
104 describeCommand CmdAuth = "authenticate"
105 describeCommand (CmdBind _) = "bind key"
106 describeCommand CmdToggleColourMode = "toggle lock colour mode"
107 describeCommand CmdQuit = "quit"
108 describeCommand CmdHelp = "help"
109 describeCommand _ = ""
111 tileStr HookTile = "hook"
112 tileStr (WrenchTile _) = "wrench"
113 tileStr (ArmTile _ _) = "arm"
114 tileStr (PivotTile _) = "pivot"
115 tileStr (SpringTile _ _) = "spring"
116 tileStr (BlockTile _) = "block"
117 tileStr BallTile = "ball"
118 whsStr WHSWrench = "wrench"
119 whsStr WHSHook = "hook"
120 whsStr WHSSelected = "tool"
121 dirStr v
122 | v == hu = "right"
123 | v == neg hu = "left"
124 | v == hv = "up-left"
125 | v == neg hv = "down-right"
126 | v == hw = "down-left"
127 | v == neg hw = "up-right"
128 dirStr _ = ""