guard curses and sdl module by flags
[intricacy.git] / Physics.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 module Physics where
13 import qualified Data.Set as Set
14 import Data.Set (Set)
15 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
16 import Control.Monad.State
17 import Control.Monad.Writer
18 import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
19 import Data.List
20 import Data.Vector (Vector, (!), (//))
22 import Hex
23 import Util
24 import GameState
25 import GameStateTypes
27 -- | a list of forces to try in order:
28 newtype ForceChoice = ForceChoice {getForceChoice :: [Force]}
30 type ForceChoices = Vector.Vector ForceChoice
32 forceIdx :: Force -> PieceIdx
33 forceIdx force = case force of (Push idx _) -> idx
34 (Torque idx _) -> idx
36 isPush,isTorque,forceIsNull :: Force -> Bool
37 isPush (Push _ _) = True
38 isPush _ = False
39 isTorque = not . isPush
40 forceIsNull (Push _ dir) = dir == zero
41 forceIsNull (Torque _ dir) = dir == 0
43 getForcedpp :: GameState -> Force -> PlacedPiece
44 getForcedpp s f = getpp s (forceIdx f)
46 -- |PlayerMove: if not NullPM, the direction should be non-zero
47 data PlayerMove = NullPM | HookPush HexDir | HookTorque TorqueDir | WrenchPush HexDir
48 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
50 toolForces :: GameState -> PlayerMove -> ForceChoices
51 toolForces st pm = Vector.fromList $
52 [ ForceChoice (wmom++wmove)
53 | (widx, PlacedPiece _ (Wrench mom)) <- epps
54 , let wmom = if mom == zero then [] else [Push widx mom]
55 , let wmove = case pm of {WrenchPush v -> [Push widx v]; _ -> []}
56 , not $ null (wmom++wmove)
57 ] ++ case pm of
58 HookTorque ht -> [ ForceChoice [Torque hidx ht] | hidx <- hidxs ]
59 HookPush hp -> [ ForceChoice [Push hidx hp] | hidx <- hidxs ]
60 _ -> []
61 where
62 epps = enumVec $ placedPieces st
63 hidxs = [ hidx | (hidx, PlacedPiece _ (Hook _ _)) <- epps ]
65 -- |Dominance: a propagand of a source force F can not block any progagand of
66 -- a source force which dominates F.
67 -- F dominates F' iff F and F' are spring forces, and the end of F is an
68 -- ancestor of the root of F'.
69 -- Note that by acyclicity of the connection digraph, domination is
70 -- antisymmetric.
71 type Dominance = Int -> Int -> Bool
73 envForces :: GameState -> (ForceChoices, Dominance)
74 envForces st@(GameState _ conns) =
75 let rootedForces :: Vector (Maybe PieceIdx, Force)
76 rootedForces = Vector.fromList [ (Just rootIdx, Push endIdx dir)
77 | c@(Connection (rootIdx,_) (endIdx,_) (Spring outDir natLen)) <- conns
78 , let curLen = connectionLength st c
79 , natLen /= curLen
80 , let dir = if natLen > curLen then outDir else neg outDir ]
82 in ( (ForceChoice . replicate 1 . snd) rootedForces,
83 \f1 f2 -> Just True == do
84 rootIdx <- fst $ rootedForces!f2
85 return $ connGraphPathExists st (forceIdx.snd $ rootedForces!f1) rootIdx )
88 setTools :: PlayerMove -> GameState -> GameState
89 setTools pm st =
90 let hf = case pm of
91 HookTorque dir -> TorqueHF dir
92 HookPush v -> PushHF v
93 _ -> NullHF
94 in adjustPieces (\p -> case p of
95 Hook arm _ -> Hook arm hf
96 _ -> p) st
98 physicsTick :: PlayerMove -> GameState -> Writer [Alert] GameState
99 physicsTick pm st =
100 let tfs = toolForces st pm
101 (efs, dominates) = envForces st
102 in do
103 st' <- resolveForces tfs Vector.empty (\_ _->False) $ setTools pm st
104 tell $ [AlertIntermediateState st']
105 resolveForces Vector.empty efs dominates $ setTools NullPM st'
107 stepPhysics :: GameState -> GameState
108 stepPhysics = fst.runWriter.physicsTick NullPM
110 type Source = Int
111 data SourcedForce = SForce Source Force Bool Bool
112 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
113 resolveForces :: ForceChoices -> ForceChoices -> Dominance -> GameState -> Writer [Alert] GameState
114 resolveForces plForces eForces eDominates st =
115 let pln = Vector.length plForces
116 dominates i j = case map (< pln) [i,j] of
117 [True,False] -> True
118 [False,False] -> eDominates (i-pln) (j-pln)
119 _ -> False
120 initGrps = fmap (propagate st True) plForces Vector.++
121 fmap (propagate st False) eForces
122 blockInconsistent :: Int -> Int -> StateT (Vector (Writer Any [Force])) (Writer [Alert]) ()
123 blockInconsistent i j = do
124 grps <- mapM gets [(!i),(!j)]
125 blocks <- lift $ checkInconsistent i j $ map (fst.runWriter) grps
126 modify $ Vector.imap (\k -> if k `elem` blocks then (tell (Any True) >>) else id)
127 checkInconsistent :: Int -> Int -> [[Force]] -> Writer [Alert] [Int]
128 checkInconsistent i j fss =
129 let st' = foldr applyForce st $ nub $ concat fss
130 (inconsistencies,cols) = runWriter $ sequence
131 [ tell cols >> return [f,f']
132 | [f,f'] <- sequence fss
133 , (True,cols) <- [
134 if forceIdx f == forceIdx f'
135 then (f /= f',[])
136 else let cols = collisions st' (forceIdx f) (forceIdx f')
137 in (not $ null cols, cols) ]]
138 in do
139 tell $ map AlertBlockingForce $ concat inconsistencies
140 tell $ map AlertCollision cols
141 return $ if null inconsistencies then []
142 else if i==j then [i]
143 else if dominates i j then [j]
144 else if dominates j i then [i]
145 else [i,j]
147 stopWrench idx = setPiece idx (Wrench zero)
148 stopBlockedWrenches blocked unblocked st' = foldr stopWrench st' $
149 forcedWrenches blocked \\ forcedWrenches unblocked
150 where forcedWrenches fs = [ forceIdx f
151 | f <- fs, isWrench.placedPiece $ getForcedpp st' f ]
152 divertedWrenches fs = [ idx
153 | Push idx dir <- fs
154 , Wrench mom <- [placedPiece $ getpp st idx]
155 , mom `notElem` [zero,dir] ]
156 in do
157 let unresisted = [ s | (s, (_, Any False)) <- enumVec $ fmap runWriter initGrps ]
159 -- check for inconsistencies within, and between pairs of, forcegroups
160 grps <- sequence [ blockInconsistent i j
161 | [i,j] <- sequence [unresisted,unresisted]
162 , i <= j ]
163 `execStateT` initGrps
165 let [blocked, unblocked] = map (nub.concat.(map (fst.runWriter)).Vector.toList) $
166 (\(x,y) -> [x,y]) $ Vector.partition (getAny.snd.runWriter) grps
167 tell $ map AlertBlockedForce blocked
168 tell $ map AlertAppliedForce unblocked
169 tell $ map AlertDivertedWrench $ divertedWrenches unblocked
170 return $ stopBlockedWrenches blocked unblocked $ foldr applyForce st unblocked
172 resolveSinglePlForce :: Force -> GameState -> Writer [Alert] GameState
173 resolveSinglePlForce force st = resolveForces
174 (Vector.singleton (ForceChoice [force])) Vector.empty
175 (\_ _->False) st
177 applyForce :: Force -> GameState -> GameState
178 applyForce f s =
179 let idx = forceIdx f
180 pp' = applyForceTo (getpp s idx) f
181 pp'' = case (placedPiece pp',f) of
182 ( Wrench _ , Push _ dir ) -> pp' {placedPiece = Wrench dir}
183 _ -> pp'
185 s { placedPieces = (placedPieces s) // [(idx, pp'')] }
187 collisionsWithForce :: GameState -> Force -> PieceIdx -> [HexPos]
188 collisionsWithForce st (Push idx dir) idx' =
189 intersect (map (dir+^) $ footprintAtIgnoring st idx idx') (footprintAtIgnoring st idx' idx)
190 collisionsWithForce st force idx' =
191 collisions (applyForce force st) (forceIdx force) idx'
193 applyForceTo :: PlacedPiece -> Force -> PlacedPiece
194 applyForceTo (PlacedPiece pos piece) (Push _ dir) =
195 PlacedPiece (dir +^ pos) piece
196 applyForceTo (PlacedPiece pos (Pivot arms)) (Torque _ dir) =
197 PlacedPiece pos (Pivot $ map (rotate dir) arms)
198 applyForceTo (PlacedPiece pos (Hook arm hf)) (Torque _ dir) =
199 PlacedPiece pos (Hook (rotate dir arm) hf)
200 applyForceTo pp _ = pp
202 -- A force on a piece which resists it is immediately blocked
203 pieceResists :: GameState -> Force -> Bool
204 pieceResists st force =
205 let idx = forceIdx force
206 PlacedPiece _ piece = getpp st idx
207 springs = springsEndAtIdx st idx
208 fixed = case piece of
209 (Pivot _) -> isPush force
210 (Block _) -> null springs
211 (Wrench mom) -> case force of
212 Push _ v -> v /= mom
213 _ -> True
214 (Hook _ hf) -> case force of
215 Push _ v -> hf /= PushHF v
216 Torque _ dir -> hf /= TorqueHF dir
217 _ -> False
218 in fixed
220 -- |transmittedForce: convert pushes into torques as appropriate
221 transmittedForce :: GameState -> Source -> HexPos -> HexDir -> Force
222 transmittedForce st idx cpos dir =
223 let pp@(PlacedPiece _ piece) = getpp st idx
224 rpos = cpos -^ placedPos pp
225 armPush = case
226 (dir `hexDot` ((rotate 1 rpos) -^ rpos)) `compare`
227 (dir `hexDot` ((rotate (-1) rpos) -^ rpos)) of
228 GT -> Torque idx 1
229 LT -> Torque idx $ -1
230 EQ -> Push idx dir
231 in case piece of
232 Pivot _ -> armPush
233 Hook _ (TorqueHF _) -> armPush
234 _ -> (Push idx dir)
236 -- |propagateForce: return forces a force causes via bumps and fully
237 -- compressed/extended springs
238 propagateForce :: GameState -> Bool -> Force -> [ForceChoice]
239 propagateForce st@(GameState _ conns) isPlSource force =
240 bumps ++ springTransmissions
241 where
242 idx = forceIdx force
243 bumps = [ ForceChoice $ map (transmittedForce st idx' cpos) dirs |
244 idx' <- ppidxs st
245 , idx' /= idx
246 , cpos <- collisionsWithForce st force idx'
247 , let dirs = case force of
248 Push _ dir -> [dir]
249 Torque _ dir -> [push,claw]
250 where push = arm -^ rotate (-dir) arm
251 claw = rotate dir arm -^ arm
252 arm = cpos -^ placedPos (getpp st idx) ]
253 springTransmissions =
254 case force of
255 Push _ dir -> [ ForceChoice [Push idx' dir] |
256 c@(Connection (ridx,_) (eidx,_) (Spring sdir _)) <- conns
257 , let root = idx == ridx
258 , let end = idx == eidx
259 , root || end
260 , let idx' = if root then eidx else ridx
261 , let pull = (root && dir == neg sdir) || (end && dir == sdir)
262 , let push = (root && dir == sdir) || (end && dir == neg sdir)
263 , (push && if isPlSource then springFullyCompressed st c else not $ springExtended st c) ||
264 (pull && if isPlSource then springFullyExtended st c else not $ springCompressed st c) ||
265 (not push && not pull) ]
266 _ -> []
268 -- |propagate: find forcegroup generated by a forcechoice, and note if the
269 -- group is blocked due to resistance. If there are multiple forces in a
270 -- forcechoice and the first results in a block due to resistance, try the
271 -- next instead.
272 propagate :: GameState -> Bool -> ForceChoice -> Writer Any [Force]
273 propagate st isPlSource fch = Set.toList `liftM` propagate' isPlSource Set.empty fch where
274 propagate' isPlForce ps (ForceChoice (f:backups)) =
275 if f `Set.member` ps then return ps
276 else
277 let (ps', failed) = if pieceResists st f && (not isPlForce)
278 then (ps, Any True)
279 else runWriter $ foldrM
280 (flip $ propagate' False)
281 (f `Set.insert` ps)
282 $ propagateForce st isPlSource f
283 in if getAny failed
284 then if null backups
285 then tell (Any True) >> return ps'
286 else propagate' isPlForce ps $ ForceChoice backups
287 else return ps'
288 propagate' _ _ (ForceChoice []) = error "null ForceChoice"