2 docDescription("To start debugging a coroutine, call
4 Coroutine currentCoroutine setMessageDebugging(true)
6 Then each message sent within that coroutine will cause the Debugger vmWillSendMessage slot to be activated and the Debugger slots: messageCoroutine, messageSelf, messageLocals, and message will be set with the values related to the current message send. You can override vmWillSendMessage to implement your own debugging mechanisms.")
8 docSlot("start", "Starts the debugger.")
11 self vmWillSendMessage(self message name
12 messageCoroutine
16 docSlot("vmWillSendMessage", "Override this method to implement your own debugging mechanisms. Default behavior is to print every message sent.")
17 vmWillSendMessage
:= method(
18 writeln("Debugger vmWillSendMessage(", self message name
, ")")
21 docSlot("debuggerCoroutine", "Returns the coroutine used for the debugger.")
22 debuggerCoroutine
:= coroFor(start