1 iomenu - Filter lines from stdin with an interactive menu
6 ________________________________________________________________________________
8 iomenu is a terminal tool to interactively select lines from stdin, and
9 print them out to the standard output.
11 You can use scripts made for dmenu [1], as iomenu mostly the same way.
13 Thanks to the authors of dmenu [1], sandy [2], vis-menu[3], pep[4], ...
14 that taught me C by writing some.
18 ________________________________________________________________________________
20 You can install iomenu by running:
26 You can optionnaly set a "PREFIX" variable to set the path to
30 make PREFIX="$HOME/bin" install
33 All you need to build it is a C compiler: It is plain C89 source
34 code without external dependencies.
36 All usage details are written in the man page, "iomenu.1".
40 ________________________________________________________________________________
43 Open a bookmark from a list in a text file
46 iomenu < bookmarks-urls.txt | xargs firefox
53 cd "$(find . -type d | iomenu)"
57 Edit a file located in ~
60 $EDITOR "$(find -type f | iomenu)"
67 mplayer "$(find ~/Music | iomenu)"
71 Select a background job to attach to
74 fg "%$(jobs | iomenu | cut -c 2)"
78 Filter "ps" output and print a process ID
81 { printf '#'; ps ax; } | iomenu -s '#' | sed -r 's/ *([0-9]*).*/\1/'
85 ________________________________________________________________________________
87 1 http://git.suckless.org/dmenu/tree/dmenu.c
88 2 http://git.suckless.org/sandy/tree/sandy.c
89 3 http://github.com/martanne/vis/blob/master/vis-menu.c
90 4 http://github.com/charles-l/pep/blob/master/pep.c