1 ## $Id: Makefile.am,v 5.11 2008/05/16 20:15:22 uzuul Exp $
3 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
4 ## Makefile.am, (c)1999 Tom Wheeley <tw104@york.ac.uk>
6 ## we need version 1.5 of automake for DIST_SUBDIRS to work and dist-bzip2.
7 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.5 check-news dist-bzip2
9 EXTRA_DIST = setup.sh setup-driver.sh setup.data data2setup.sh ANNOUNCE TODO
11 ## daemons/ and tools/ should appear before doc/ for help2man to work.
12 SUBDIRS = drivers daemons tools doc
14 ## From automake documentation:
15 ## Note that EXTRA_DIST can only handle files in the current
16 ## directory; files in other directories will cause make dist runtime
19 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 ## flags to pass to ./configure when calling "make distcheck" and "make
21 ## distcheck-light". Try to check as many features as possible! Also
22 ## need to give enable-sandboxed, so that staged install does not fail.
24 ## !!! BIG WARNING: this needs to be tweaked a bit more !!! ##
26 DISTCHECK_FLAGS = --with-driver=all --enable-sandboxed
28 DISTCHECK_LIGHT_FLAGS = --with-driver=none --enable-sandboxed
33 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
35 setup-driver.sh: data2setup.sh setup.data
36 ./data2setup.sh > setup-driver.sh
39 for f in contrib remotes; do \
40 cp -pr $(srcdir)/$$f $(distdir)/$$f; done
41 rm -r `find $(distdir) -name "CVS"`
42 -rcs2log >$(distdir)/ChangeLog
44 DISTCLEANFILES = configure.sh .setup.config
46 CLEANFILES = *~ remotes/*~ contrib/*~