Little fix.
[irreco.git] / lirc-0.8.4a / daemons /
1 ## $Id:,v 5.62 2008/09/21 18:33:19 lirc Exp $
3 ## Process this file with automake to produce 
5 ## these are used by programs in the tools directory, but not by
6 ## programs in this directory.  So we must make sure they get distributed
8 INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)
10 noinst_LIBRARIES = libhw_module.a
11 libhw_module_a_SOURCES = \
12                         hw-types.c hw-types.h hardware.h \
13                         ir_remote.c ir_remote.h ir_remote_types.h \
14                         release.c release.h
16 EXTRA_libhw_module_a_SOURCES = \
17                         hw_accent.c hw_accent.h \
18                         hw_alsa_usb.c \
19                         hw_atilibusb.c \
20                         hw_audio.c \
21                         hw_audio_alsa.c \
22                         hw_bte.c hw_bte.h \
23                         hw_caraca.c hw_caraca.h \
24                         hw_commandir.c hw_commandir.h \
25                         hw_creative.c hw_creative.h \
26                         hw_creative_infracd.c hw_creative_infracd.h \
27                         hw_default.c hw_default.h \
28                         hw_devinput.c \
29                         hw_dsp.c \
30                         hw_ea65.c hw_ea65.h \
31                         hw_hiddev.c \
32                         hw_i2cuser.c \
33                         hw_iguanaIR.c \
34                         hw_irlink.c hw_irlink.h \
35                         hw_irman.c hw_irman.h \
36                         hw_livedrive_common.c hw_livedrive_common.h \
37                         hw_livedrive_midi.c hw_livedrive_seq.c \
38                         hw_logitech.c hw_logitech.h \
39                         hw_mouseremote.c hw_mouseremote.h \
40                         hw_mp3anywhere.c hw_mp3anywhere.h \
41                         hw_mplay.c hw_mplay.h \
42                         hw_pcmak.c hw_pcmak.h \
43                         hw_pinsys.c hw_pinsys.h \
44                         hw_pixelview.c hw_pixelview.h \
45                         hw_silitek.c hw_silitek.h \
46                         hw_slinke.c hw_slinke.h \
47                         hw_tira.c hw_tira.h \
48                         hw_udp.c \
49                         hw_uirt2.c hw_uirt2_raw.c \
50                         hw_uirt2_common.c hw_uirt2_common.h \
51                         hw_usbx.c hw_usbx.h \
52                         receive.c receive.h \
53                         transmit.c transmit.h \
54                         serial.c serial.h
56 libhw_module_a_LIBADD = @hw_module@
57 libhw_module_a_DEPENDENCIES = @hw_module@
59 sbin_PROGRAMS = lircd lircmd
61 lircd_SOURCES = lircd.c lircd.h \
62                 config_file.c config_file.h
63 lircd_LDADD = @daemon@ libhw_module.a @hw_module_libs@
65 lircmd_SOURCES = lircmd.c
66 lircmd_LDADD = @daemon@
68 bin_PROGRAMS = irrecord
70 irrecord_SOURCES = irrecord.c \
71                 config_file.c config_file.h \
72                 dump_config.c dump_config.h
74 irrecord_LDADD = libhw_module.a @hw_module_libs@ @receive@
75 irrecord_DEPENDENCIES = @receive@
77 ## maintainer mode stuff
78 EXTRA_PROGRAMS = lircd.simsend lircd.simrec slinke
79 noinst_PROGRAMS = @maintmode_daemons_extra@
80 lircd_simsend_SOURCES = lircd.c ir_remote.c config_file.c \
81                 lircd.h ir_remote.h ir_remote_types.h config_file.h \
82                 hw-types.c hw-types.h hardware.h \
83                 hw_default.c hw_default.h \
84                 receive.c receive.h \
85                 release.c release.h \
86                 transmit.c transmit.h
87 lircd_simsend_CFLAGS = -DSIM_SEND
88 lircd_simrec_SOURCES = lircd.c ir_remote.c config_file.c \
89                 lircd.h ir_remote.h ir_remote_types.h config_file.h \
90                 hw-types.c hw-types.h hardware.h \
91                 hw_default.c hw_default.h \
92                 receive.c receive.h \
93                 release.c release.h \
94                 transmit.c transmit.h
95 lircd_simrec_CFLAGS = -DSIM_REC
97 slinke_SOURCES = slinke.c slinke.h config_file.c config_file.h ir_remote.h \
98                 dump_config.c dump_config.h
101 else
102 if USE_FIFOS
103 install-exec-local: mkfifo
104 uninstall-local: rmfifo
105 else
106 install-exec-local: mkdev
107 uninstall-local: rmdev
108 endif
109 endif
111 install-data-local:
112         test "$(lircd_conf)" = ""  || test -e $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/lircd.conf  || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_srcdir)/remotes/$(lircd_conf) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/lircd.conf)
113         test "$(lircmd_conf)" = "" || test -e $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/lircmd.conf || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_srcdir)/remotes/$(lircmd_conf) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/lircmd.conf)
115 mkdev:
116         test -e $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircd || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir) && @mknod@ $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircd p)
117         test -e $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircm || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir) && @mknod@ $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircm p)
119 mkfifo:
120         test -e $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircd || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir) && @mkfifo@ $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircd)
121         test -e $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircm || ($(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir) && @mkfifo@ $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircm)
123 rmdev:
124 rmfifo:
125         -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircd
126         -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(devdir)/lircm