textlayouter: added method to get marked text
[iv.d.git] / vfs / samples / xzippack.d
1 #!/usr/bin/env rdmdopt
2 module xzippack is aliced;
4 import iv.cmdcon;
5 import iv.glob;
6 import iv.strex;
7 import iv.unarray;
8 import iv.vfs;
9 import iv.vfs.util;
10 import iv.vfs.writers.zip;
13 bool ignoreKnownExts = false;
16 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
17 struct FileInfo {
18 enum Type { Normal, Dir }
20 string name;
21 ulong size;
22 Type type;
23 uint modtime;
24 uint stmode;
25 ulong inode;
27 this (const(char)[] aname) {
28 import core.sys.posix.sys.stat;
29 import std.internal.cstring : tempCString;
30 stat_t st;
31 if (stat(aname.tempCString, &st) != 0) throw new Exception("cannot stat '"~aname.idup~"'");
32 if (st.st_mode.S_ISDIR) {
33 type = Type.Dir;
34 } else if (st.st_mode.S_ISREG) {
35 type = Type.Normal;
36 size = st.st_size;
37 } else if (st.st_mode.S_ISLNK) {
38 throw new Exception("don't know what to do with symlink '"~aname.idup~"'");
39 } else {
40 throw new Exception("don't know what to do with special file '"~aname.idup~"'");
42 name = aname.idup;
43 if (type == Type.Dir && name[$-1] != '/') name ~= '/';
44 modtime = st.st_mtime;
45 inode = st.st_ino;
46 stmode = st.st_mode;
49 @property ushort unixmode () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (stmode&ushort.max); }
51 @property string baseName () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
52 if (name.length == 0) return null;
53 string res = name;
54 if (type == Type.Dir) {
55 if (res[$-1] != '/') assert(0, "internal error");
56 if (res == "/") return res;
57 res = res[0..$-1];
59 if (res.length == 0) assert(0, "internal error");
60 foreach (immutable pos, char ch; res; reverse) {
61 if (ch == '/') {
62 if (pos+1 == res.length) assert(0, "internal error");
63 return res[pos+1..$];
66 return res;
69 @property string dirName () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
70 if (name.length == 0) return null;
71 string res = name;
72 if (type == Type.Dir) {
73 if (res[$-1] != '/') assert(0, "internal error");
74 if (res == "/") return res;
75 res = res[0..$-1];
77 if (res.length == 0) assert(0, "internal error");
78 foreach (immutable pos, char ch; res; reverse) {
79 if (ch == '/') {
80 if (pos == 0) return "/";
81 return res[0..pos];
84 return ".";
87 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (name.length != 0); }
88 @property bool isDir () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (type == Type.Dir); }
89 @property bool isFile () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (type == Type.Normal); }
91 bool opEquals() (in auto ref FileInfo fi) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
92 pragma(inline, true);
93 return (name == fi.name);
96 int opCmp() (in auto ref FileInfo fi) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
97 pragma(inline, true);
98 if (name == fi.name) {
99 if (type != fi.type) return (type == Type.Dir ? -1 : 1); // dirs are always first
100 return 0;
101 } else {
102 return (name < fi.name ? -1 : name > fi.name ? 1 : 0);
108 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
109 __gshared FileInfo[] diskFileList;
110 __gshared bool[ulong] diskFilesSeen; // by inode
111 __gshared ulong totalDiskSize;
114 void scanDisk (string nameorpath) {
115 if (nameorpath.length == 0) return;
117 auto cfi = FileInfo(nameorpath);
118 //conwriteln("nameorpath: [", nameorpath, "] : [", cfi.name, "]; inode=", cfi.inode, "; mode=", cfi.stmode);
120 if (cfi.inode in diskFilesSeen) return;
121 diskFilesSeen[cfi.inode] = true;
122 if (!cfi.isDir) {
123 totalDiskSize += cfi.size;
124 diskFileList.unsafeArrayAppend(cfi);
125 //conwriteln(" FILE!");
126 return;
129 string[] dirs;
130 scope(exit) delete dirs;
132 assert(cfi.name[$-1] == '/');
133 foreach (Glob.Item it; Glob(cfi.name~"*", GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_PERIOD|GLOB_TILDE_CHECK|GLOB_MARK)) {
134 auto fi = FileInfo(it.name);
135 //conwriteln(it.index, ": [", it.name, "] : basename=[", fi.baseName, "]; dirname=[", fi.dirName, "]");
136 if (fi.inode in diskFilesSeen) continue;
137 if (fi.isDir) {
138 auto bname = fi.baseName;
139 if (bname == "." || bname == "..") continue;
140 dirs.unsafeArrayAppend(fi.name);
141 // dir will be marked as visited later
142 } else {
143 diskFilesSeen[fi.inode] = true;
144 totalDiskSize += fi.size;
146 if (fi.name.length == 2 && fi.name == "./") assert(0, "internal error");
147 if (fi.name.length > 2 && fi.name[0..2] == "./") fi.name = fi.name[2..$];
148 diskFileList.unsafeArrayAppend(fi);
151 // recurse dirs
152 foreach (string dname; dirs) {
153 if (dname == "/") continue;
154 if (dname[$-1] == '/') dname = dname[0..$-1];
155 if (dname.length == 0 || dname == "." || dname == "..") continue;
156 scanDisk(dname);
161 void finalizeDiskScan () {
162 import std.algorithm : sort;
163 diskFileList.sort;
167 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
168 string n2s (ulong n) {
169 string res;
170 int left = 3;
171 do {
172 if (left == 0) { res = ","~res; left = 3; }
173 res = cast(char)('0'+n%10)~res;
174 --left;
175 } while ((n /= 10) != 0);
176 return res;
180 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
181 // returns zip file size
182 ulong packZip (ConString outfname, FileInfo[] flist, ZipWriter.Method pmt) {
183 import core.time;
184 import std.string : format;
185 import std.exception : collectException;
186 import std.file : chdir, getcwd, mkdirRecurse, remove, rmdirRecurse;
187 import std.path : absolutePath, expandTilde;
188 import std.process;
190 collectException(outfname.remove());
191 auto fo = VFile(outfname.idup.expandTilde.absolutePath, "w");
192 auto zw = new ZipWriter(fo);
193 scope(failure) {
194 if (zw.isOpen) zw.abort();
195 fo.close();
196 collectException(outfname.remove());
198 bool[string] fileseen;
199 foreach (immutable flistidx, const ref de; flist) {
200 if (de.name in fileseen) continue;
201 fileseen[de.name] = true;
202 conwrite(" [", n2s(flistidx+1), "/", n2s(flist.length), "] ", de.name, " ... ");
203 uint zipidx;
204 try {
205 if (de.isDir) {
206 zipidx = zw.appendDir(de.name, ZipFileTime(de.modtime));
207 conwriteln("OK");
208 } else {
209 ZipWriter.Method rmt = pmt;
210 if (!ignoreKnownExts && ZipWriter.IsKnownUncompressableByExt(de.name)) rmt = ZipWriter.Method.Store;
211 ulong origsz = de.size;
212 conwrite(" 0%");
213 int oldprc = 0;
214 MonoTime lastProgressTime = MonoTime.currTime;
215 // don't ignore case
216 zipidx = zw.pack(VFile(de.name, "IZ"), de.name, ZipFileTime(de.modtime), rmt, de.size, delegate (ulong curpos) {
217 int prc = (curpos > 0 ? cast(int)(cast(ulong)100*curpos/origsz) : 0);
218 if (prc != oldprc) {
219 auto stt = MonoTime.currTime;
220 if ((stt-lastProgressTime).total!"msecs" >= 1000) {
221 lastProgressTime = stt;
222 if (prc < 0) prc = 0; else if (prc > 100) prc = 100;
223 conwritef!"\x08\x08\x08\x08%3u%%"(cast(uint)prc);
224 oldprc = prc;
225 } else {
226 //conwriteln(curpos, " : ", origsz);
230 conwritefln!"\x08\x08\x08\x08[%s] %s -> %s (%s%%)"(zw.files[zipidx].methodName, n2s(de.size), n2s(zw.files[zipidx].pksize),
231 (de.size > 0 ? cast(uint)(100UL*zw.files[zipidx].pksize/de.size) : 0), // left from unpacked
233 //if (zw.files[zidx].crc != de.stat("crc32").get!uint) throw new Exception("crc error!");
235 zw.files[zipidx].unixmode = de.unixmode;
236 } catch (Exception e) {
237 conwriteln("ERROR: ", e.msg);
238 throw e;
241 zw.finish();
242 return fo.size;
246 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
247 void main (string[] args) {
248 auto method = ZipWriter.Method.Lzma;
250 for (usize idx = 1; idx < args.length;) {
251 string arg = args[idx];
252 if (arg == "--") {
253 import std.algorithm : remove;
254 args = args.remove(idx);
255 break;
257 if (arg.length == 0) {
258 import std.algorithm : remove;
259 args = args.remove(idx);
260 continue;
262 if (arg[0] == '-') {
263 switch (arg) {
264 case "--lzma": method = ZipWriter.Method.Lzma; break;
265 case "--store": method = ZipWriter.Method.Store; break;
266 case "--deflate": method = ZipWriter.Method.Deflate; break;
267 case "--force": ignoreKnownExts = true; break;
268 default: conwriteln("invalid argument: '", arg, "'"); throw new Exception("boom");
270 import std.algorithm : remove;
271 args = args.remove(idx);
272 continue;
274 ++idx;
277 conwriteln("using '", method, "' method...");
279 if (args.length < 3) assert(0, "arcname?");
281 string outfname = args[1];
282 if (!outfname.endsWithCI(".zip") && !outfname.endsWithCI(".pk3")) outfname ~= ".zip";
284 conwriteln("scanning...");
285 foreach (string dpath; args[2..$]) scanDisk(dpath);
286 finalizeDiskScan();
287 if (diskFileList.length == 0) assert(0, "no files!");
288 conwriteln(diskFileList.length, " file", (diskFileList.length != 1 ? "s" : ""), " found, ", n2s(totalDiskSize), " bytes.");
291 foreach (const ref fi; list) {
292 import core.stdc.time : localtime, strftime;
293 char[1024] buf = void;
294 auto tmx = localtime(cast(int*)&fi.modtime);
295 auto len = strftime(buf.ptr, buf.length, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tmx);
296 conwriteln(fi.name, " [", fi.type, "] ", fi.size, " ", buf[0..len]);
300 conwriteln("creating '", outfname, "'...");
301 ulong fsize = packZip(outfname, diskFileList, method);
302 conwritefln!"DONE, TOTALS: %s -> %s %3u%%"(n2s(totalDiskSize), n2s(fsize), (totalDiskSize ? cast(uint)(100*fsize/totalDiskSize) : 100));