2 // Copyright (c) 2013 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
4 // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 // arising from the use of this software.
7 // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8 // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
9 // freely, subject to the following restrictions:
10 // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
11 // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
12 // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
13 // appreciated but is not required.
14 // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
15 // misrepresented as being the original software.
16 // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
18 /* Invisible Vector Library
19 * ported by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <ketmar@ketmar.no-ip.org>
20 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
21 * yes, this D port is GPLed.
23 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
24 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
25 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
27 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30 * GNU General Public License for more details.
32 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
36 The NanoVega API is modeled loosely on HTML5 canvas API.
37 If you know canvas, you're up to speed with NanoVega in no time.
40 Creating drawing context
41 ========================
43 The drawing context is created using platform specific constructor function.
46 NVGContext vg = nvgCreateContext();
49 $(WARNING You must use created context ONLY in that thread where you created it.
50 There is no way to "transfer" context between threads. Trying to do so
53 $(WARNING Never issue any commands outside of [beginFrame]/[endFrame]. Trying to
54 do so will lead to UB.)
57 Drawing shapes with NanoVega
58 ============================
60 Drawing a simple shape using NanoVega consists of four steps:
63 * define the path to draw,
65 * and finally fill or stroke the path.
70 vg.rect(100, 100, 120, 30);
71 vg.fillColor(nvgRGBA(255, 192, 0, 255));
75 Calling [beginPath] will clear any existing paths and start drawing from blank slate.
76 There are number of number of functions to define the path to draw, such as rectangle,
77 rounded rectangle and ellipse, or you can use the common moveTo, lineTo, bezierTo and
78 arcTo API to compose the paths step by step.
81 Understanding Composite Paths
82 =============================
84 Because of the way the rendering backend is built in NanoVega, drawing a composite path,
85 that is path consisting from multiple paths defining holes and fills, is a bit more
86 involved. NanoVega uses non-zero filling rule and by default, and paths are wound in counter
87 clockwise order. Keep that in mind when drawing using the low level draw API. In order to
88 wind one of the predefined shapes as a hole, you should call `pathWinding(NVGSolidity.Hole)`,
89 or `pathWinding(NVGSolidity.Solid)` $(B after) defining the path.
93 vg.rect(100, 100, 120, 30);
94 vg.circle(120, 120, 5);
95 vg.pathWinding(NVGSolidity.Hole); // mark circle as a hole
96 vg.fillColor(nvgRGBA(255, 192, 0, 255));
101 Rendering is wrong, what to do?
102 ===============================
105 * make sure you have created NanoVega context using [nvgCreateContext] call
106 * make sure you have initialised OpenGL with $(B stencil buffer)
107 * make sure you have cleared stencil buffer
108 * make sure all rendering calls happen between [beginFrame] and [endFrame]
109 * to enable more checks for OpenGL errors, add `NVGContextFlag.Debug` flag to [nvgCreateContext]
113 OpenGL state touched by the backend
114 ===================================
116 The OpenGL back-end touches following states:
118 When textures are uploaded or updated, the following pixel store is set to defaults:
120 Texture binding is also affected. Texture updates can happen when the user loads images,
121 or when new font glyphs are added. Glyphs are added as needed between calls to [beginFrame]
124 The data for the whole frame is buffered and flushed in [endFrame].
125 The following code illustrates the OpenGL state touched by the rendering code:
130 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
134 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
135 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
136 glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);
137 glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE);
138 glStencilMask(0xffffffff);
139 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
140 glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, 0xffffffff);
141 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
142 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
143 glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, buf);
144 glBindVertexArray(arr);
145 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf);
146 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
147 glUniformBlockBinding(... , GLNVG_FRAG_BINDING);
153 ## Context Management
155 Functions to create and destory NanoVega context.
160 To start drawing with NanoVega context, you have to "begin frame", and then
161 "end frame" to flush your rendering commands to GPU.
163 composite_operation =
164 ## Composite Operation
166 The composite operations in NanoVega are modeled after HTML Canvas API, and
167 the blend func is based on OpenGL (see corresponding manuals for more info).
168 The colors in the blending state have premultiplied alpha.
173 Colors in NanoVega are stored as ARGB. Zero alpha means "transparent color".
176 ## Matrices and Transformations
178 The paths, gradients, patterns and scissor region are transformed by an transformation
179 matrix at the time when they are passed to the API.
180 The current transformation matrix is an affine matrix:
182 ----------------------
186 ----------------------
188 Where: (sx, sy) define scaling, (kx, ky) skewing, and (tx, ty) translation.
189 The last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 1) and is not stored.
191 Apart from [resetTransform], each transformation function first creates
192 specific transformation matrix and pre-multiplies the current transformation by it.
194 Current coordinate system (transformation) can be saved and restored using [save] and [restore].
196 The following functions can be used to make calculations on 2x3 transformation matrices.
197 A 2x3 matrix is represented as float[6].
202 NanoVega contains state which represents how paths will be rendered.
203 The state contains transform, fill and stroke styles, text and font styles,
204 and scissor clipping.
209 Fill and stroke render style can be either a solid color or a paint which is a gradient or a pattern.
210 Solid color is simply defined as a color value, different kinds of paints can be created
211 using [linearGradient], [boxGradient], [radialGradient] and [imagePattern].
213 Current render style can be saved and restored using [save] and [restore].
215 Note that if you want "almost perfect" pixel rendering, you should set aspect ratio to 1,
216 and use `integerCoord+0.5f` as pixel coordinates.
218 render_transformations =
219 ## Render Transformations
221 Transformation matrix management for the current rendering style. Transformations are applied in
222 backwards order. I.e. if you first translate, and then rotate, your path will be rotated around
223 it's origin, and then translated to the destination point.
228 Scissoring allows you to clip the rendering into a rectangle. This is useful for various
229 user interface cases like rendering a text edit or a timeline.
234 NanoVega allows you to load image files in various formats (if arsd loaders are in place) to be used for rendering.
235 In addition you can upload your own image.
236 The parameter imageFlagsList is a list of flags defined in [NVGImageFlag].
238 If you will use your image as fill pattern, it will be scaled by default. To make it repeat, pass
239 [NVGImageFlag.RepeatX] and [NVGImageFlag.RepeatY] flags to image creation function respectively.
244 NanoVega supports four types of paints: linear gradient, box gradient, radial gradient and image pattern.
245 These can be used as paints for strokes and fills.
248 ## Render-Time Affine Transformations
250 It is possible to set affine transformation matrix for GPU. That matrix will
251 be applied by the shader code. This can be used to quickly translate and rotate
252 saved paths. Call this $(B only) between [beginFrame] and [endFrame].
254 Note that [beginFrame] resets this matrix to identity one.
256 $(WARNING Don't use this for scaling or skewing, or your image will be heavily distorted!)
261 Drawing a new shape starts with [beginPath], it clears all the currently defined paths.
262 Then you define one or more paths and sub-paths which describe the shape. The are functions
263 to draw common shapes like rectangles and circles, and lower level step-by-step functions,
264 which allow to define a path curve by curve.
266 NanoVega uses even-odd fill rule to draw the shapes. Solid shapes should have counter clockwise
267 winding and holes should have counter clockwise order. To specify winding of a path you can
268 call [pathWinding]. This is useful especially for the common shapes, which are drawn CCW.
270 Finally you can fill the path using current fill style by calling [fill], and stroke it
271 with current stroke style by calling [stroke].
273 The curve segments and sub-paths are transformed by the current transform.
278 This is picking API that works directly on paths, without rasterizing them first.
280 [beginFrame] resets picking state. Then you can create paths as usual, but
281 there is a possibility to perform hit checks $(B before) rasterizing a path.
282 Call either id assigning functions ([currFillHitId]/[currStrokeHitId]), or
283 immediate hit test functions ([hitTestCurrFill]/[hitTestCurrStroke])
284 before rasterizing (i.e. calling [fill] or [stroke]) to perform hover
285 effects, for example.
287 Also note that picking API is ignoring GPU affine transformation matrix.
288 You can "untransform" picking coordinates before checking with [gpuUntransformPoint].
290 $(WARNING Picking API completely ignores clipping. If you want to check for
291 clip regions, you have to manually register them as fill/stroke paths,
292 and perform the necessary logic. See [hitTestForId] function.)
295 ## Clipping with paths
297 If scissoring is not enough for you, you can clip rendering with arbitrary path,
298 or with combination of paths. Clip region is saved by [save] and restored by
299 [restore] NanoVega functions. You can combine clip paths with various logic
300 operations, see [NVGClipMode].
302 Note that both [clip] and [clipStroke] are ignoring scissoring (i.e. clip mask
303 is created as if there was no scissor set). Actual rendering is affected by
309 NanoVega allows you to load .ttf files and use the font to render text.
310 You have to load some font, and set proper font size before doing anything
311 with text, as there is no "default" font provided by NanoVega. Also, don't
312 forget to check return value of `createFont()`, 'cause NanoVega won't fail
313 if it cannot load font, it will silently try to render nothing.
315 The appearance of the text can be defined by setting the current text style
316 and by specifying the fill color. Common text and font settings such as
317 font size, letter spacing and text align are supported. Font blur allows you
318 to create simple text effects such as drop shadows.
320 At render time the font face can be set based on the font handles or name.
322 Font measure functions return values in local space, the calculations are
323 carried in the same resolution as the final rendering. This is done because
324 the text glyph positions are snapped to the nearest pixels sharp rendering.
326 The local space means that values are not rotated or scale as per the current
327 transformation. For example if you set font size to 12, which would mean that
328 line height is 16, then regardless of the current scaling and rotation, the
329 returned line height is always 16. Some measures may vary because of the scaling
330 since aforementioned pixel snapping.
332 While this may sound a little odd, the setup allows you to always render the
333 same way regardless of scaling. I.e. following works regardless of scaling:
335 ----------------------
336 string txt = "Text me up.";
337 vg.textBounds(x, y, txt, bounds);
339 vg.roundedRect(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[1], 6);
341 ----------------------
343 Note: currently only solid color fill is supported for text.
346 ## Low-Level Font Engine (FontStash)
348 FontStash is used to load fonts, to manage font atlases, and to get various text metrics.
349 You don't need any graphics context to use FontStash, so you can do things like text
350 layouting outside of your rendering code. Loaded fonts are refcounted, so it is cheap
351 to create new FontStash, copy fonts from NanoVega context into it, and use that new
352 FontStash to do some UI layouting, for example. Also note that you can get text metrics
353 without creating glyph bitmaps (by using [FONSTextBoundsIterator], for example); this way
354 you don't need to waste CPU and memory resources to render unneeded images into font atlas,
355 and you can layout alot of text very fast.
357 Note that "FontStash" is abbrevated as "FONS". So when you see some API that contains
358 word "fons" in it, this is not a typo, and it should not read "font" intead.
360 TODO for Ketmar: write some nice example code here, and finish documenting FontStash API.
362 module iv
365 /* this will use "em to pixels" instead of font height to calculate font sizes.
366 it is more corrent (and consistent with that other software does), but font
367 sizes must be reduced, which may ruin your app.
369 //version = nanovg_use_em_font_sizes;
375 private alias usize
= size_t
377 private template Unqual(T
) {
378 static if (is(T U
== immutable U
)) alias Unqual
= U
379 else static if (is(T U
== shared inout const U
)) alias Unqual
= U
380 else static if (is(T U
== shared inout U
)) alias Unqual
= U
381 else static if (is(T U
== shared const U
)) alias Unqual
= U
382 else static if (is(T U
== shared U
)) alias Unqual
= U
383 else static if (is(T U
== inout const U
)) alias Unqual
= U
384 else static if (is(T U
== inout U
)) alias Unqual
= U
385 else static if (is(T U
== const U
)) alias Unqual
= U
386 else alias Unqual
= T
388 private template isAnyCharType(T
, bool unqual
=false) {
389 static if (unqual
) private alias UT
= Unqual
; else private alias UT
= T
390 enum isAnyCharType
= is(UT
== char) ||
== wchar) ||
== dchar);
392 private template isWideCharType(T
, bool unqual
=false) {
393 static if (unqual
) private alias UT
= Unqual
; else private alias UT
= T
394 enum isWideCharType
= is(UT
== wchar) ||
== dchar);
397 version(nanovg_disable_vfs
) {
398 enum NanoVegaHasIVVFS
= false;
400 static if (is(typeof((){import iv
;}))) {
401 enum NanoVegaHasIVVFS
= true;
404 enum NanoVegaHasIVVFS
= false;
408 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
410 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
411 import core
: malloc
, realloc
, free
412 import core
: memset
, memcpy
, strlen
413 import std
: PI
415 //version = nanovg_force_stb_ttf;
418 version = nanovg_use_freetype
420 version = nanovg_disable_fontconfig
423 version = nanovg_default_no_font_aa
424 version = nanovg_builtin_fontconfig_bindings
425 version = nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
426 version = nanovg_builtin_opengl_bindings
; // use `arsd.simpledisplay` to get basic bindings
428 version = nanovg_builtin_fontconfig_bindings
429 version = nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
430 version = nanovg_builtin_opengl_bindings
; // use `arsd.simpledisplay` to get basic bindings
433 version(nanovg_disable_fontconfig
) {
434 public enum NanoVegaHasFontConfig
= false;
436 public enum NanoVegaHasFontConfig
= true;
437 version(nanovg_builtin_fontconfig_bindings
) {} else import iv
440 //version = nanovg_bench_flatten;
443 Annotation to indicate it is compatible with [arsd.script]
445 package(iv
) enum scriptable
= "arsd_jsvar_compatible";
450 enum NanoVegaHasArsdColor
= (is(typeof((){ import arsd
; })));
451 enum NanoVegaHasArsdImage
= (is(typeof((){ import arsd
; import arsd
; })));
453 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) private import arsd
454 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdImage
) {
455 private import arsd
457 void stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load (int flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply
) {}
458 void stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb (int flag_true_if_should_convert
) {}
459 ubyte* stbi_load (const(char)* filename
, int* x
, int* y
, int* comp
, int req_comp
) { return null; }
460 ubyte* stbi_load_from_memory (const(void)* buffer
, int len
, int* x
, int* y
, int* comp
, int req_comp
) { return null; }
461 void stbi_image_free (void* retval_from_stbi_load
) {}
464 version(nanovg_default_no_font_aa
) {
465 __gshared
= false;
467 __gshared
= true;
471 /// this is branchless for ints on x86, and even for longs on x86_64
472 public ubyte nvgClampToByte(T
) (T n
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc if (__traits(isIntegral
, T
)) {
473 static if (__VERSION__
> 2067) pragma(inline
, true);
474 static if (T
== 2 || T
== 4) {
475 static if (__traits(isUnsigned
, T
)) {
476 return cast(ubyte)(n
< 256))>>24)));
478 n
&= -cast(int)(n
>= 0);
479 return cast(ubyte)(n|
481 } else static if (T
== 1) {
482 static assert(__traits(isUnsigned
, T
), "clampToByte: signed byte? no, really?");
484 } else static if (T
== 8) {
485 static if (__traits(isUnsigned
, T
)) {
486 return cast(ubyte)(n
< 256))>>56)));
488 n
&= -cast(long)(n
>= 0);
489 return cast(ubyte)(n|
492 static assert(false, "clampToByte: integer too big");
497 /// NanoVega RGBA color
498 /// Group: color_utils
499 public align(1) struct NVGColor
502 float[4] rgba
= 0; /// default color is transparent (a=1 is opaque)
505 @property string
toString () const @safe { import std
: format
; return "NVGColor(%s,%s,%s,%s)".format(r
, g
, b
, a
); }
508 enum transparent
= NVGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
509 enum k8orange
= NVGColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
511 enum aliceblue
= NVGColor(240, 248, 255);
512 enum antiquewhite
= NVGColor(250, 235, 215);
513 enum aqua
= NVGColor(0, 255, 255);
514 enum aquamarine
= NVGColor(127, 255, 212);
515 enum azure
= NVGColor(240, 255, 255);
516 enum beige
= NVGColor(245, 245, 220);
517 enum bisque
= NVGColor(255, 228, 196);
518 enum black
= NVGColor(0, 0, 0); // basic color
519 enum blanchedalmond
= NVGColor(255, 235, 205);
520 enum blue
= NVGColor(0, 0, 255); // basic color
521 enum blueviolet
= NVGColor(138, 43, 226);
522 enum brown
= NVGColor(165, 42, 42);
523 enum burlywood
= NVGColor(222, 184, 135);
524 enum cadetblue
= NVGColor(95, 158, 160);
525 enum chartreuse
= NVGColor(127, 255, 0);
526 enum chocolate
= NVGColor(210, 105, 30);
527 enum coral
= NVGColor(255, 127, 80);
528 enum cornflowerblue
= NVGColor(100, 149, 237);
529 enum cornsilk
= NVGColor(255, 248, 220);
530 enum crimson
= NVGColor(220, 20, 60);
531 enum cyan
= NVGColor(0, 255, 255); // basic color
532 enum darkblue
= NVGColor(0, 0, 139);
533 enum darkcyan
= NVGColor(0, 139, 139);
534 enum darkgoldenrod
= NVGColor(184, 134, 11);
535 enum darkgray
= NVGColor(169, 169, 169);
536 enum darkgreen
= NVGColor(0, 100, 0);
537 enum darkgrey
= NVGColor(169, 169, 169);
538 enum darkkhaki
= NVGColor(189, 183, 107);
539 enum darkmagenta
= NVGColor(139, 0, 139);
540 enum darkolivegreen
= NVGColor(85, 107, 47);
541 enum darkorange
= NVGColor(255, 140, 0);
542 enum darkorchid
= NVGColor(153, 50, 204);
543 enum darkred
= NVGColor(139, 0, 0);
544 enum darksalmon
= NVGColor(233, 150, 122);
545 enum darkseagreen
= NVGColor(143, 188, 143);
546 enum darkslateblue
= NVGColor(72, 61, 139);
547 enum darkslategray
= NVGColor(47, 79, 79);
548 enum darkslategrey
= NVGColor(47, 79, 79);
549 enum darkturquoise
= NVGColor(0, 206, 209);
550 enum darkviolet
= NVGColor(148, 0, 211);
551 enum deeppink
= NVGColor(255, 20, 147);
552 enum deepskyblue
= NVGColor(0, 191, 255);
553 enum dimgray
= NVGColor(105, 105, 105);
554 enum dimgrey
= NVGColor(105, 105, 105);
555 enum dodgerblue
= NVGColor(30, 144, 255);
556 enum firebrick
= NVGColor(178, 34, 34);
557 enum floralwhite
= NVGColor(255, 250, 240);
558 enum forestgreen
= NVGColor(34, 139, 34);
559 enum fuchsia
= NVGColor(255, 0, 255);
560 enum gainsboro
= NVGColor(220, 220, 220);
561 enum ghostwhite
= NVGColor(248, 248, 255);
562 enum gold
= NVGColor(255, 215, 0);
563 enum goldenrod
= NVGColor(218, 165, 32);
564 enum gray
= NVGColor(128, 128, 128); // basic color
565 enum green
= NVGColor(0, 128, 0); // basic color
566 enum greenyellow
= NVGColor(173, 255, 47);
567 enum grey
= NVGColor(128, 128, 128); // basic color
568 enum honeydew
= NVGColor(240, 255, 240);
569 enum hotpink
= NVGColor(255, 105, 180);
570 enum indianred
= NVGColor(205, 92, 92);
571 enum indigo
= NVGColor(75, 0, 130);
572 enum ivory
= NVGColor(255, 255, 240);
573 enum khaki
= NVGColor(240, 230, 140);
574 enum lavender
= NVGColor(230, 230, 250);
575 enum lavenderblush
= NVGColor(255, 240, 245);
576 enum lawngreen
= NVGColor(124, 252, 0);
577 enum lemonchiffon
= NVGColor(255, 250, 205);
578 enum lightblue
= NVGColor(173, 216, 230);
579 enum lightcoral
= NVGColor(240, 128, 128);
580 enum lightcyan
= NVGColor(224, 255, 255);
581 enum lightgoldenrodyellow
= NVGColor(250, 250, 210);
582 enum lightgray
= NVGColor(211, 211, 211);
583 enum lightgreen
= NVGColor(144, 238, 144);
584 enum lightgrey
= NVGColor(211, 211, 211);
585 enum lightpink
= NVGColor(255, 182, 193);
586 enum lightsalmon
= NVGColor(255, 160, 122);
587 enum lightseagreen
= NVGColor(32, 178, 170);
588 enum lightskyblue
= NVGColor(135, 206, 250);
589 enum lightslategray
= NVGColor(119, 136, 153);
590 enum lightslategrey
= NVGColor(119, 136, 153);
591 enum lightsteelblue
= NVGColor(176, 196, 222);
592 enum lightyellow
= NVGColor(255, 255, 224);
593 enum lime
= NVGColor(0, 255, 0);
594 enum limegreen
= NVGColor(50, 205, 50);
595 enum linen
= NVGColor(250, 240, 230);
596 enum magenta
= NVGColor(255, 0, 255); // basic color
597 enum maroon
= NVGColor(128, 0, 0);
598 enum mediumaquamarine
= NVGColor(102, 205, 170);
599 enum mediumblue
= NVGColor(0, 0, 205);
600 enum mediumorchid
= NVGColor(186, 85, 211);
601 enum mediumpurple
= NVGColor(147, 112, 219);
602 enum mediumseagreen
= NVGColor(60, 179, 113);
603 enum mediumslateblue
= NVGColor(123, 104, 238);
604 enum mediumspringgreen
= NVGColor(0, 250, 154);
605 enum mediumturquoise
= NVGColor(72, 209, 204);
606 enum mediumvioletred
= NVGColor(199, 21, 133);
607 enum midnightblue
= NVGColor(25, 25, 112);
608 enum mintcream
= NVGColor(245, 255, 250);
609 enum mistyrose
= NVGColor(255, 228, 225);
610 enum moccasin
= NVGColor(255, 228, 181);
611 enum navajowhite
= NVGColor(255, 222, 173);
612 enum navy
= NVGColor(0, 0, 128);
613 enum oldlace
= NVGColor(253, 245, 230);
614 enum olive
= NVGColor(128, 128, 0);
615 enum olivedrab
= NVGColor(107, 142, 35);
616 enum orange
= NVGColor(255, 165, 0);
617 enum orangered
= NVGColor(255, 69, 0);
618 enum orchid
= NVGColor(218, 112, 214);
619 enum palegoldenrod
= NVGColor(238, 232, 170);
620 enum palegreen
= NVGColor(152, 251, 152);
621 enum paleturquoise
= NVGColor(175, 238, 238);
622 enum palevioletred
= NVGColor(219, 112, 147);
623 enum papayawhip
= NVGColor(255, 239, 213);
624 enum peachpuff
= NVGColor(255, 218, 185);
625 enum peru
= NVGColor(205, 133, 63);
626 enum pink
= NVGColor(255, 192, 203);
627 enum plum
= NVGColor(221, 160, 221);
628 enum powderblue
= NVGColor(176, 224, 230);
629 enum purple
= NVGColor(128, 0, 128);
630 enum red
= NVGColor(255, 0, 0); // basic color
631 enum rosybrown
= NVGColor(188, 143, 143);
632 enum royalblue
= NVGColor(65, 105, 225);
633 enum saddlebrown
= NVGColor(139, 69, 19);
634 enum salmon
= NVGColor(250, 128, 114);
635 enum sandybrown
= NVGColor(244, 164, 96);
636 enum seagreen
= NVGColor(46, 139, 87);
637 enum seashell
= NVGColor(255, 245, 238);
638 enum sienna
= NVGColor(160, 82, 45);
639 enum silver
= NVGColor(192, 192, 192);
640 enum skyblue
= NVGColor(135, 206, 235);
641 enum slateblue
= NVGColor(106, 90, 205);
642 enum slategray
= NVGColor(112, 128, 144);
643 enum slategrey
= NVGColor(112, 128, 144);
644 enum snow
= NVGColor(255, 250, 250);
645 enum springgreen
= NVGColor(0, 255, 127);
646 enum steelblue
= NVGColor(70, 130, 180);
647 enum tan
= NVGColor(210, 180, 140);
648 enum teal
= NVGColor(0, 128, 128);
649 enum thistle
= NVGColor(216, 191, 216);
650 enum tomato
= NVGColor(255, 99, 71);
651 enum turquoise
= NVGColor(64, 224, 208);
652 enum violet
= NVGColor(238, 130, 238);
653 enum wheat
= NVGColor(245, 222, 179);
654 enum white
= NVGColor(255, 255, 255); // basic color
655 enum whitesmoke
= NVGColor(245, 245, 245);
656 enum yellow
= NVGColor(255, 255, 0); // basic color
657 enum yellowgreen
= NVGColor(154, 205, 50);
662 this (ubyte ar
, ubyte ag
, ubyte ab
, ubyte aa
=255) pure {
663 pragma(inline
, true);
671 this (float ar
, float ag
, float ab
, float aa
=1.0f) pure {
672 pragma(inline
, true);
679 /// AABBGGRR (same format as little-endian RGBA image, coincidentally, the same as arsd.color)
681 pragma(inline
, true);
683 g
= ((c
684 b
= ((c
685 a
= ((c
688 /// Supports: "#rgb", "#rrggbb", "#argb", "#aarrggbb"
689 this (const(char)[] srgb
) {
690 static int c2d (char ch
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
691 pragma(inline
, true);
693 ch
>= '0' && ch
<= '9' ? ch
-'0' :
694 ch
>= 'A' && ch
<= 'F' ? ch
-'A'+10 :
695 ch
>= 'a' && ch
<= 'f' ? ch
-'a'+10 :
700 foreach (immutable char ch
; srgb
) {
701 if (ch
<= ' ') continue;
703 if (dc
!= -1) { dc
= -1; break; }
706 if (dc
>= digs
) { dc
= -1; break; }
707 if ((digs
++] = c2d(ch
)) < 0) { dc
= -1; break; }
725 r
= (digs
726 g
= (digs
727 b
= (digs
730 a
= (digs
731 r
= (digs
732 g
= (digs
733 b
= (digs
740 /// Is this color completely opaque?
741 @property bool isOpaque () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (rgba
[3] >= 1.0f); }
742 /// Is this color completely transparent?
743 @property bool isTransparent () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (rgba
[3] <= 0.0f); }
745 /// AABBGGRR (same format as little-endian RGBA image, coincidentally, the same as arsd.color)
746 @property uint asUint () const pure {
747 pragma(inline
, true);
750 (cast(uint)(g
751 (cast(uint)(b
752 (cast(uint)(a
755 alias asUintABGR
= asUint
; /// Ditto.
757 /// AABBGGRR (same format as little-endian RGBA image, coincidentally, the same as arsd.color)
758 static NVGColor
fromUint (uint c
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(c
); }
760 alias fromUintABGR
= fromUint
; /// Ditto.
763 @property uint asUintARGB () const pure {
764 pragma(inline
, true);
767 (cast(uint)(g
768 (cast(uint)(r
769 (cast(uint)(a
773 static NVGColor
fromUintARGB (uint c
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor((c
>>16)&0xff, (c
>>8)&0xff, c
&0xff, (c
>>24)&0xff); }
775 @property ref inout(float) r () inout pure @trusted { pragma(inline
, true); return rgba
[0]; } ///
776 @property ref inout(float) g () inout pure @trusted { pragma(inline
, true); return rgba
[1]; } ///
777 @property ref inout(float) b () inout pure @trusted { pragma(inline
, true); return rgba
[2]; } ///
778 @property ref inout(float) a () inout pure @trusted { pragma(inline
, true); return rgba
[3]; } ///
780 ref NVGColor
applyTint() (in auto ref NVGColor tint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
781 if (tint
== 0) return this;
782 foreach (immutable idx
, ref float v
; rgba
[0..4]) {
783 v
= nvg__clamp(v
], 0.0f, 1.0f);
asHSL() (bool useWeightedLightness
=false) const { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGHSL
.fromColor(this, useWeightedLightness
); } ///
789 static fromHSL() (in auto ref NVGHSL hsl
) { pragma(inline
, true); return hsl
; } ///
791 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
792 Color
toArsd () const { pragma(inline
, true); return Color(cast(int)(r
*255), cast(int)(g
*255), cast(int)(b
*255), cast(int)(a
*255)); } ///
793 static NVGColor
fromArsd (in Color c
) { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(c
, c
, c
, c
); } ///
796 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
806 /// NanoVega A-HSL color
807 /// Group: color_utils
808 public align(1) struct NVGHSL
810 float h
=0, s
=0, l
=1, a
=1; ///
812 string
toString () const { import std
: format
; return (a
!= 1 ?
, s
, l
, a
) : "HSL(%s,%s,%s)".format(h
, s
, l
)); }
817 this (float ah
, float as
, float al
, float aa
=1) pure { pragma(inline
, true); h
= ah
; s
= as
; l
= al
; a
= aa
; }
819 NVGColor
asColor () const { pragma(inline
, true); return nvgHSLA(h
, s
, l
, a
); } ///
821 // taken from Adam's arsd.color
822 /** Converts an RGB color into an HSL triplet.
823 * [useWeightedLightness] will try to get a better value for luminosity for the human eye,
824 * which is more sensitive to green than red and more to red than blue.
825 * If it is false, it just does average of the rgb. */
826 static NVGHSL
fromColor() (in auto ref NVGColor c
, bool useWeightedLightness
=false) pure {
834 if (g1
> maxColor
) maxColor
= g1
835 if (b1
> maxColor
) maxColor
= b1
837 if (g1
< minColor
) minColor
= g1
838 if (b1
< minColor
) minColor
= b1
840 res
= (maxColor
841 if (useWeightedLightness
) {
842 // the colors don't affect the eye equally
843 // this is a little more accurate than plain HSL numbers
844 res
= 0.2126*r1
846 if (maxColor
!= minColor
) {
848 res
= (maxColor
850 res
= (maxColor
852 if (r1
== maxColor
) {
853 res
= (g1
854 } else if(g1
== maxColor
) {
855 res
= 2.0+(b1
857 res
= 4.0+(r1
862 if (res
< 0) res
+= 360;
870 //version = nanovega_debug_image_manager;
871 //version = nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc;
873 /** NanoVega image handle.
875 * This is refcounted struct, so you don't need to do anything special to free it once it is allocated.
882 int id
; // backend image id
886 this() (in auto ref NVGImage src
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
887 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; if (src
!= 0) printf("NVGImage %p created from %p (imgid=%d)\n", &this, src
, src
); }
888 if (src
> 0 && src
!is null) {
889 ctx
= cast(NVGContext
891 ctx
896 ~this () nothrow @trusted @nogc { version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true); clear(); }
899 this (this) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
900 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
901 if (id
> 0 && ctx
!is null) {
902 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("NVGImage %p postblit (imgid=%d)\n", &this, id
); }
903 ctx
908 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGImage src
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
909 if (src
<= 0 || src
is null) {
912 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("NVGImage %p (imgid=%d) assigned from %p (imgid=%d)\n", &this, id
, &src
, src
); }
913 if (src
> 0 && src
!is null) (cast(NVGContext
914 if (id
> 0 && ctx
!is null) ctx
915 ctx
= cast(NVGContext
921 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
922 if (id
> 0 && ctx
!is null) {
923 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("NVGImage %p cleared (imgid=%d)\n", &this, id
); }
924 ctx
930 /// Is this image valid?
931 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (id
> 0 && ctx
); }
933 /// Is the given image valid and comes from the same context?
934 @property bool isSameContext (const(NVGContext
) actx
) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (actx
!is null && ctx
is actx
); }
936 /// Returns image width, or zero for invalid image.
937 int width () const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
941 ctx
, id
, &w
, &h
946 /// Returns image height, or zero for invalid image.
947 int height () const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
951 ctx
, id
, &w
, &h
958 /// Paint parameters for various fills. Don't change anything here!
959 /// Group: render_styles
960 public struct NVGPaint
962 float[2] extent
= 0.0f;
964 float feather
= 0.0f;
965 NVGColor innerColor
; /// this can be used to modulate images (fill/font)
966 NVGColor middleColor
968 float midp
= -1; // middle stop for 3-color gradient
970 bool simpleColor
; /// if `true`, only innerColor is used, and this is solid-color paint
972 this() (in auto ref NVGPaint p
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
974 extent
[] = p
977 innerColor
= p
978 middleColor
= p
980 outerColor
= p
982 simpleColor
= p
985 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGPaint p
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
987 extent
[] = p
990 innerColor
= p
991 middleColor
= p
993 outerColor
= p
995 simpleColor
= p
998 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
999 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
1000 import core
: memset
1002 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
1009 public enum NVGWinding
1010 CCW
= 1, /// Winding for solid shapes
1011 CW
= 2, /// Winding for holes
1016 public enum NVGSolidity
1017 Solid
= 1, /// Solid shape (CCW winding).
1018 Hole
= 2, /// Hole (CW winding).
1022 /// Group: render_styles
1023 public enum NVGLineCap
1033 public align(1) struct NVGTextAlign
1035 /// Horizontal align.
1037 Left
= 0, /// Default, align text horizontally to left.
1038 Center
= 1, /// Align text horizontally to center.
1039 Right
= 2, /// Align text horizontally to right.
1044 Baseline
= 0, /// Default, align text vertically to baseline.
1045 Top
= 1, /// Align text vertically to top.
1046 Middle
= 2, /// Align text vertically to middle.
1047 Bottom
= 3, /// Align text vertically to bottom.
1050 pure nothrow @safe @nogc:
1052 this (H h
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= h
; } ///
1053 this (V v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)(v
<<4); } ///
1054 this (H h
, V v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)(h|
<<4)); } ///
1055 this (V v
, H h
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)(h|
<<4)); } ///
1056 void reset () { pragma(inline
, true); value
= 0; } ///
1057 void reset (H h
, V v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)(h|
<<4)); } ///
1058 void reset (V v
, H h
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)(h|
<<4)); } ///
1060 bool left () const { pragma(inline
, true); return ((value
&0x0f) == H
); } ///
1061 void left (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? H
: 0)); } ///
1062 bool center () const { pragma(inline
, true); return ((value
&0x0f) == H
); } ///
1063 void center (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? H
: 0)); } ///
1064 bool right () const { pragma(inline
, true); return ((value
&0x0f) == H
); } ///
1065 void right (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? H
: 0)); } ///
1067 bool baseline () const { pragma(inline
, true); return (((value
>>4)&0x0f) == V
); } ///
1068 void baseline (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? V
<<4 : 0)); } ///
1069 bool top () const { pragma(inline
, true); return (((value
>>4)&0x0f) == V
); } ///
1070 void top (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? V
<<4 : 0)); } ///
1071 bool middle () const { pragma(inline
, true); return (((value
>>4)&0x0f) == V
); } ///
1072 void middle (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? V
<<4 : 0)); } ///
1073 bool bottom () const { pragma(inline
, true); return (((value
>>4)&0x0f) == V
); } ///
1074 void bottom (bool v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= cast(ubyte)((value
(v ? V
<<4 : 0)); } ///
1076 H
horizontal () const { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(H
&0x0f); } ///
1077 void horizontal (H v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= (value
; } ///
1079 V
vertical () const { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(V
>>4)&0x0f); } ///
1080 void vertical (V v
) { pragma(inline
, true); value
= (value
<<4); } ///
1083 ubyte value
= 0; // low nibble: horizontal; high nibble: vertical
1087 /// Group: composite_operation
1088 public enum NVGBlendFactor
1091 SrcColor
= 1<<2, ///
1092 OneMinusSrcColor
= 1<<3, ///
1093 DstColor
= 1<<4, ///
1094 OneMinusDstColor
= 1<<5, ///
1095 SrcAlpha
= 1<<6, ///
1096 OneMinusSrcAlpha
= 1<<7, ///
1097 DstAlpha
= 1<<8, ///
1098 OneMinusDstAlpha
= 1<<9, ///
1099 SrcAlphaSaturate
= 1<<10, ///
1102 /// Composite operation (HTML5-alike).
1103 /// Group: composite_operation
1104 public enum NVGCompositeOperation
1109 DestinationOver
, ///
1112 DestinationAtop
, ///
1118 /// Composite operation state.
1119 /// Group: composite_operation
1120 public struct NVGCompositeOperationState
1121 bool simple
; /// `true`: use `glBlendFunc()` instead of `glBlendFuncSeparate()`
1122 NVGBlendFactor srcRGB
; ///
1123 NVGBlendFactor dstRGB
; ///
1124 NVGBlendFactor srcAlpha
; ///
1125 NVGBlendFactor dstAlpha
; ///
1128 /// Mask combining more
1130 public enum NVGClipMode
1131 None
, /// normal rendering (i.e. render path instead of modifying clip region)
1132 Union
, /// old mask will be masked with the current one; this is the default mode for [clip]
1133 Or
, /// new mask will be added to the current one (logical `OR` operation);
1134 Xor
, /// new mask will be logically `XOR`ed with the current one
1135 Sub
, /// "subtract" current path from mask
1136 Replace
, /// replace current mask
1137 Add
= Or
, /// Synonym
1140 /// Glyph position info.
1142 public struct NVGGlyphPosition
1143 usize strpos
; /// Position of the glyph in the input string.
1144 float x
; /// The x-coordinate of the logical glyph position.
1145 float minx
, maxx
; /// The bounds of the glyph shape.
1148 /// Text row storage.
1150 public struct NVGTextRow(CT
) if (isAnyCharType
) {
1151 alias CharType
= CT
1153 int start
; /// Index in the input text where the row starts.
1154 int end
; /// Index in the input text where the row ends (one past the last character).
1155 float width
; /// Logical width of the row.
1156 float minx
, maxx
; /// Actual bounds of the row. Logical with and bounds can differ because of kerning and some parts over extending.
1157 /// Get rest of the string.
1158 @property const(CT
)[] rest () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (end
<= s
.length ? s
..$] : null); }
1159 /// Get current row.
1160 @property const(CT
)[] row () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return s
]; }
1161 @property const(CT
)[] string () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return s
; }
1162 @property void string(CT
) (const(CT
)[] v
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); s
= v
; }
1165 /// Image creation flags.
1167 public enum NVGImageFlag
: uint {
1168 None
= 0, /// Nothing special.
1169 GenerateMipmaps
= 1<<0, /// Generate mipmaps during creation of the image.
1170 RepeatX
= 1<<1, /// Repeat image in X direction.
1171 RepeatY
= 1<<2, /// Repeat image in Y direction.
1172 FlipY
= 1<<3, /// Flips (inverses) image in Y direction when rendered.
1173 Premultiplied
= 1<<4, /// Image data has premultiplied alpha.
1174 NoFiltering
= 1<<8, /// use GL_NEAREST instead of GL_LINEAR
1175 Nearest
= NoFiltering
, /// compatibility with original NanoVG
1176 NoDelete
= 1<<16,/// Do not delete GL texture handle.
1179 alias NVGImageFlags
= NVGImageFlag
; /// Backwards compatibility for [NVGImageFlag].
1182 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1185 static T
* xdup(T
) (const(T
)* ptr
, int count
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1186 import core
: malloc
1187 import core
: memcpy
1188 if (count
== 0) return null;
1189 T
* res
= cast(T
1190 if (res
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
1191 memcpy(res
, ptr
, T
1195 // Internal Render API
1203 float[2] extent
= -1.0f;
1206 /// General NanoVega vertex struct. Contains geometry coordinates, and (sometimes unused) texture coordinates.
1207 public struct NVGVertex
1220 NVGWinding mWinding
1224 @disable this (this); // no copies
1225 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGpath a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
1227 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1228 import core
: free
1229 import core
: memset
1231 if (stroke
!is null && stroke
!is fill
) free(stroke
1232 if (fill
!is null) free(fill
1234 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
1237 // won't clear current path
1238 void copyFrom (const NVGpath
* src
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1239 import core
: memcpy
1240 assert(src
!is null);
1241 memcpy(&this, src
, NVGpath
1242 this.fill
= xdup(src
, src
1243 if (src
is src
) {
1244 this.stroke
= this.fill
1246 this.stroke
= xdup(src
, src
1251 public @property const(NVGVertex
)[] fillVertices () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1252 pragma(inline
, true);
1253 return (nfill
> 0 ? fill
] : null);
1256 public @property const(NVGVertex
)[] strokeVertices () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1257 pragma(inline
, true);
1258 return (nstroke
> 0 ? stroke
] : null);
1261 public @property NVGWinding
winding () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return mWinding
; }
1262 public @property bool complex () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return !convex
; }
1270 bool function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderCreate
1271 int function (void* uptr
, NVGtexture type
, int w
, int h
, int imageFlags
, const(ubyte)* data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderCreateTexture
1272 bool function (void* uptr
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderTextureIncRef
1273 bool function (void* uptr
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderDeleteTexture
; // this basically does decref; also, it should be thread-safe, and postpone real deletion to next `renderViewport()` call
1274 bool function (void* uptr
, int image
, int x
, int y
, int w
, int h
, const(ubyte)* data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderUpdateTexture
1275 bool function (void* uptr
, int image
, int* w
, int* h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderGetTextureSize
1276 void function (void* uptr
, int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderViewport
; // called in [beginFrame]
1277 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderCancel
1278 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderFlush
1279 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderPushClip
; // backend should support stack of at least [NVG_MAX_STATES] elements
1280 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderPopClip
; // backend should support stack of at least [NVG_MAX_STATES] elements
1281 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderResetClip
; // reset current clip region to `non-clipped`
1282 void function (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, float fringe
, const(float)* bounds
, const(NVGpath
)* paths
, int npaths
, bool evenOdd
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderFill
1283 void function (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, float fringe
, float strokeWidth
, const(NVGpath
)* paths
, int npaths
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderStroke
1284 void function (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, const(NVGVertex
)* verts
, int nverts
, float fringeWidth
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderTriangles
1285 void function (void* uptr
, in ref NVGMatrix mat
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderSetAffine
1286 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderDelete
1289 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
= 512;
= 2048;
= 4;
= 256;
= 128;
= 16;
= 256;
1300 enum NVG_MAX_STATES
= 32;
1302 public enum NVG_KAPPA90
= 0.5522847493f; /// Length proportional to radius of a cubic bezier handle for 90deg arcs.
= 0.001f; // it should be greater than zero, 'cause it is used in shader for divisions
1313 enum PointFlag
: int {
1317 InnerBevelPR
= 0x08,
1321 NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
1322 bool shapeAntiAlias
= true;
1325 float strokeWidth
= 1.0f;
1326 float miterLimit
= 10.0f;
1327 NVGLineCap lineJoin
= NVGLineCap
1328 NVGLineCap lineCap
= NVGLineCap
1332 float fontSize
= 16.0f;
1333 float letterSpacing
= 0.0f;
1334 float lineHeight
= 1.0f;
1335 float fontBlur
= 0.0f;
1336 NVGTextAlign textAlign
1338 bool evenOddMode
= false; // use even-odd filling rule (required for some svgs); otherwise use non-zero fill
1340 enum MaxDashes
= 32; // max 16 dashes
1341 float[MaxDashes
] dashes
1343 uint lastFlattenDashCount
= 0;
1344 float dashStart
= 0;
1346 bool firstDashIsGap
= false;
1347 // dasher state for flattener
1348 bool dasherActive
= false;
1350 void clearPaint () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1364 struct NVGpathCache
1375 // this is required for saved paths
1378 float strokeAlphaMul
1382 NVGClipMode clipmode
1383 // non-saved path will not have this
1387 @disable this (this); // no copies
1388 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGpathCache a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
1390 // won't clear current path
1391 void copyFrom (const NVGpathCache
* src
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1392 import core
: malloc
1393 import core
: memcpy
, memset
1394 assert(src
!is null);
1395 memcpy(&this, src
, NVGpathCache
1396 this.points
= xdup(src
, src
1397 this.cpoints
= src
1398 this.verts
= xdup(src
, src
1399 this.cverts
= src
1400 this.commands
= xdup(src
, src
1401 if (src
> 0) {
1402 this.paths
= cast(NVGpath
1403 memset(this.paths
, 0, npaths
1404 foreach (immutable pidx
; 0..npaths
) this.paths
1405 this.cpaths
= src
1407 this.npaths
= this.cpaths
= 0;
1411 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1412 import core
: free
1413 import core
: memset
1414 if (paths
!is null) {
1415 foreach (ref p
; paths
]) p
1418 if (points
!is null) free(points
1419 if (verts
!is null) free(verts
1420 if (commands
!is null) free(commands
1421 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
1425 /// Pointer to opaque NanoVega context structure.
1426 /// Group: context_management
1427 public alias NVGContext
= NVGcontextinternal
1429 /// FontStash context
1430 /// Group: font_stash
1431 public alias FONSContext
= FONScontextInternal
1433 /// Returns FontStash context of the given NanoVega context.
1434 /// Group: font_stash
1435 public FONSContext
fonsContext (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null && ctx
.contextAlive ? ctx
: null); }
1437 /// Returns scale that should be applied to FontStash parameters due to matrix transformations on the context (or 1)
1438 /// Group: font_stash
1439 public float fonsScale (NVGContext ctx
) /*pure*/ nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1440 pragma(inline
, true);
1441 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
&& ctx
> 0 ?
: 1);
1444 /// Setup FontStash from the given NanoVega context font parameters. Note that this will apply transformation scale too.
1445 /// Returns `false` if FontStash or NanoVega context is not active.
1446 /// Group: font_stash
1447 public bool setupFonsFrom (FONSContext stash
, NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1448 if (stash
is null || ctx
is null ||
.contextAlive || ctx
== 0) return false;
1449 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
1450 immutable float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
1451 stash
= state
1452 stash
= state
1453 stash
= state
1454 stash
= state
1455 stash
= state
1459 /// Setup NanoVega context font parameters from the given FontStash. Note that NanoVega can apply transformation scale later.
1460 /// Returns `false` if FontStash or NanoVega context is not active.
1461 /// Group: font_stash
1462 public bool setupCtxFrom (NVGContext ctx
, FONSContext stash
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1463 if (stash
is null || ctx
is null ||
.contextAlive || ctx
== 0) return false;
1464 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
1465 immutable float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
1466 state
= stash
1467 state
= stash
1468 state
= stash
1469 state
= stash
1470 state
= stash
1474 /** Bezier curve rasterizer.
1476 * De Casteljau Bezier rasterizer is faster, but currently rasterizing curves with cusps sligtly wrong.
1477 * It doesn't really matter in practice.
1479 * AFD tesselator is somewhat slower, but does cusps better.
1481 * McSeem rasterizer should have the best quality, bit it is the slowest method. Basically, you will
1482 * never notice any visial difference (and this code is not really debugged), so you probably should
1483 * not use it. It is there for further experiments.
1485 public enum NVGTesselation
1486 DeCasteljau
, /// default: standard well-known tesselation algorithm
1487 AFD
, /// adaptive forward differencing
1488 DeCasteljauMcSeem
, /// standard well-known tesselation algorithm, with improvements from Maxim Shemanarev; slowest one, but should give best results
1491 /// Default tesselator for Bezier curves.
1492 public __gshared NVGTesselation NVG_DEFAULT_TESSELATOR
= NVGTesselation
1497 /// valid only inside [beginFrame]/[endFrame]
1498 /// Group: context_management
1499 public int width (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: 0); }
1501 /// valid only inside [beginFrame]/[endFrame]
1502 /// Group: context_management
1503 public int height (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: 0); }
1505 /// valid only inside [beginFrame]/[endFrame]
1506 /// Group: context_management
1507 public float devicePixelRatio (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: float.nan
); }
1509 /// Returns `true` if [beginFrame] was called, and neither [endFrame], nor [cancelFrame] were.
1510 /// Group: context_management
1511 public bool inFrame (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null && ctx
.contextAlive ? ctx
> 0 : false); }
1513 // path autoregistration
1515 /// [pickid] to stop autoregistration.
1516 /// Group: context_management
1517 public enum NVGNoPick
= -1;
1519 /// >=0: this pickid will be assigned to all filled/stroked paths
1520 /// Group: context_management
1521 public int pickid (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: NVGNoPick
); }
1523 /// >=0: this pickid will be assigned to all filled/stroked paths
1524 /// Group: context_management
1525 public void pickid (NVGContext ctx
, int v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null) ctx
= v
; }
1527 /// pick autoregistration mode; see [NVGPickKind]
1528 /// Group: context_management
1529 public uint pickmode (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: 0); }
1531 /// pick autoregistration mode; see [NVGPickKind]
1532 /// Group: context_management
1533 public void pickmode (NVGContext ctx
, uint v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null) ctx
= (ctx
); }
1535 // tesselator options
1537 /// Get current Bezier tesselation mode. See [NVGTesselation].
1538 /// Group: context_management
1539 public NVGTesselation
tesselation (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? ctx
: NVGTesselation
); }
1541 /// Set current Bezier tesselation mode. See [NVGTesselation].
1542 /// Group: context_management
1543 public void tesselation (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTesselation v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null) ctx
= v
; }
1546 private struct NVGcontextinternal
1552 float commandx
, commandy
1553 NVGstate
] states
1555 NVGpathCache
* cache
1556 public float tessTol
1557 public float angleTol
; // 0.0f -- angle tolerance for McSeem Bezier rasterizer
1558 public float cuspLimit
; // 0 -- cusp limit for McSeem Bezier rasterizer (0: real cusps)
1560 public float fringeWidth
1561 float devicePxRatio
1563 NVGImage
] fontImages
1569 NVGTesselation tesselatortype
1571 NVGpickScene
* pickScene
1572 int pathPickId
; // >=0: register all paths for picking using this id
1573 uint pathPickRegistered
; // if [pathPickId] >= 0, this is used to avoid double-registration (see [NVGPickKind]); hi 16 bit is check flags, lo 16 bit is mode
1576 int recstart
; // used to cancel recording
1579 NVGMatrix gpuAffine
1580 int mWidth
, mHeight
1582 shared int imageCount
; // number of alive images in this context
1583 bool contextAlive
; // context can be dead, but still contain some images
1585 @disable this (this); // no copies
1586 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGcontextinternal a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
1589 public @property int getImageCount () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1591 return atomicLoad(imageCount
1596 /** Returns number of tesselated pathes in context.
1598 * Tesselated pathes are either triangle strips (for strokes), or
1599 * triangle fans (for fills). Note that NanoVega can generate some
1600 * surprising pathes (like fringe stroke for antialiasing, for example).
1602 * One render path can contain vertices both for fill, and for stroke triangles.
1604 public int renderPathCount (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1605 pragma(inline
, true);
1606 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
.contextAlive ? ctx
: 0);
1609 /** Get vertices of "fill" triangle fan for the given render path. Can return empty slice.
1611 * $(WARNING Returned slice can be invalidated by any other NanoVega API call
1612 * (except the calls to render path accessors), and using it in such
1613 * case is UB. So copy vertices to freshly allocated array if you want
1614 * to keep them for further processing.)
1616 public const(NVGVertex
)[] renderPathFillVertices (NVGContext ctx
, int pathidx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1617 pragma(inline
, true);
1618 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
&& pathidx
>= 0 && pathidx
< ctx
.npaths ? ctx
: null);
1621 /** Get vertices of "stroke" triangle strip for the given render path. Can return empty slice.
1623 * $(WARNING Returned slice can be invalidated by any other NanoVega API call
1624 * (except the calls to render path accessors), and using it in such
1625 * case is UB. So copy vertices to freshly allocated array if you want
1626 * to keep them for further processing.)
1628 public const(NVGVertex
)[] renderPathStrokeVertices (NVGContext ctx
, int pathidx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1629 pragma(inline
, true);
1630 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
&& pathidx
>= 0 && pathidx
< ctx
.npaths ? ctx
: null);
1634 /// Returns winding for the given render path.
1635 public NVGWinding
renderPathWinding (NVGContext ctx
, int pathidx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1636 pragma(inline
, true);
1637 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
&& pathidx
>= 0 && pathidx
< ctx
.npaths ? ctx
: NVGWinding
1641 /// Returns "complex path" flag for the given render path.
1642 public bool renderPathComplex (NVGContext ctx
, int pathidx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1643 pragma(inline
, true);
1644 return (ctx
!is null && ctx
&& pathidx
>= 0 && pathidx
< ctx
.npaths ? ctx
: false);
1648 void nvg__imageIncRef (NVGContext ctx
, int imgid
, bool increfInGL
=true) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1649 if (ctx
!is null && imgid
> 0) {
1650 import core
: atomicOp
1651 atomicOp
, 1);
1652 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("image[++]ref: context %p: %d image refs (%d)\n", ctx
, ctx
, imgid
); }
1653 if (ctx
&& increfInGL
) ctx
, imgid
1657 void nvg__imageDecRef (NVGContext ctx
, int imgid
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1658 if (ctx
!is null && imgid
> 0) {
1659 import core
: atomicOp
1660 int icnt
= atomicOp
, 1);
1661 if (icnt
< 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: internal image refcounting error");
1662 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("image[--]ref: context %p: %d image refs (%d)\n", ctx
, ctx
, imgid
); }
1663 if (ctx
) ctx
, imgid
1664 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager
) if (!ctx
) { import core
; printf("image[--]ref: zombie context %p: %d image refs (%d)\n", ctx
, ctx
, imgid
); }
1665 if (!ctx
&& icnt
== 0) {
1666 // it is finally safe to free context memory
1667 import core
: free
1668 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager
) { import core
; printf("killed zombie context %p\n", ctx
); }
1675 public import core
1681 nvg__atan2f
= atan2f
1684 nvg__floorf
= floorf
1687 public int nvg__lrintf (float f
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(int)(f
+0.5); }
1689 public import core
: nvg__lrintf
= lrintf
1692 public auto nvg__min(T
) (T a
, T b
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (a
< b ? a
: b
); }
1693 public auto nvg__max(T
) (T a
, T b
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (a
> b ? a
: b
); }
1694 public auto nvg__clamp(T
) (T a
, T mn
, T mx
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (a
< mn ? mn
: (a
> mx ? mx
: a
)); }
1695 //float nvg__absf() (float a) { pragma(inline, true); return (a >= 0.0f ? a : -a); }
1696 public auto nvg__sign(T
) (T a
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (a
>= cast(T
)0 ?
)1 : cast(T
)(-1)); }
1697 public float nvg__cross() (float dx0
, float dy0
, float dx1
, float dy1
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (dx1
); }
1699 //public import core.stdc.math : nvg__absf = fabsf;
1700 public import core
: nvg__absf
= fabs;
1703 float nvg__normalize (float* x
, float* y
) nothrow @safe @nogc {
1704 float d
= nvg__sqrtf((*x
1706 immutable float id
= 1.0f/d
1713 void nvg__deletePathCache (ref NVGpathCache
* c
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1720 NVGpathCache
* nvg__allocPathCache () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1721 NVGpathCache
* c
= cast(NVGpathCache
1722 if (c
is null) goto error
1723 memset(c
, 0, NVGpathCache
1725 c
= cast(NVGpoint
1726 if (c
is null) goto error
1727 assert(c
== 0);
1728 c
1730 c
= cast(NVGpath
1731 if (c
is null) goto error
1732 assert(c
== 0);
1733 c
1735 c
= cast(NVGVertex
1736 if (c
is null) goto error
1737 assert(c
== 0);
1738 c
1743 nvg__deletePathCache(c
1747 void nvg__setDevicePixelRatio (NVGContext ctx
, float ratio
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
1748 ctx
= 0.25f/ratio
1749 ctx
= 0.01f/ratio
1750 ctx
= 1.0f/ratio
1751 ctx
= ratio
1754 NVGCompositeOperationState
nvg__compositeOperationState (NVGCompositeOperation op
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
1755 NVGCompositeOperationState state
1756 NVGBlendFactor sfactor
, dfactor
1758 if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
1759 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1760 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1761 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1762 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1763 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1764 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1765 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1766 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1767 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; }
1768 else if (op
== NVGCompositeOperation
) {
1769 state
= false;
1770 state
= NVGBlendFactor
1771 state
= NVGBlendFactor
1772 state
= NVGBlendFactor
1773 state
= NVGBlendFactor
1776 else { sfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; dfactor
= NVGBlendFactor
; } // default value for invalid op: SourceOver
1778 state
= true;
1779 state
= sfactor
1780 state
= dfactor
1784 NVGstate
* nvg__getState (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1785 pragma(inline
, true);
1786 if (ctx
is null ||
.contextAlive || ctx
== 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot perform commands on inactive context");
1787 return &ctx
1790 // Constructor called by the render back-end.
1791 NVGContext
createInternal (NVGparams
* params
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1792 FONSParams fontParams
1793 NVGContext ctx
= cast(NVGContext
1794 if (ctx
is null) goto error
1795 memset(ctx
, 0, NVGcontextinternal
1797 ctx
= 0; // angle tolerance for McSeem Bezier rasterizer
1798 ctx
= 0; // cusp limit for McSeem Bezier rasterizer (0: real cusps)
1800 ctx
= true;
1802 ctx
= *params
1803 //ctx.fontImages[0..NVG_MAX_FONTIMAGES] = 0;
1805 ctx
= cast(float*)malloc(float.sizeof
1806 if (ctx
is null) goto error
1808 ctx
1810 ctx
= nvg__allocPathCache();
1811 if (ctx
is null) goto error
1816 nvg__setDevicePixelRatio(ctx
, 1.0f);
1817 ctx
= ctx
= 0;
1819 if (!ctx
)) goto error
1821 // init font rendering
1822 memset(&fontParams
, 0, fontParams
1823 fontParams
1824 fontParams
1825 fontParams
= FONSParams
1826 fontParams
= null;
1827 fontParams
= null;
1828 fontParams
= null;
1829 fontParams
= null;
1830 ctx
= FONSContext
1831 if (ctx
is null) goto error
1833 // create font texture
1834 ctx
= ctx
, NVGtexture
, fontParams
, fontParams
, (ctx
.fontAA ?
0 : NVGImageFlag
), null);
1835 if (ctx
== 0) goto error
1836 ctx
= ctx
1837 ctx
, false); // don't increment driver refcount
1838 ctx
= 0;
1840 ctx
= -1;
1841 ctx
1846 ctx
1850 // Called by render backend.
1851 NVGparams
* internalParams (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1855 // Destructor called by the render back-end.
1856 void deleteInternal (ref NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1857 if (ctx
is null) return;
1858 if (ctx
) {
1859 if (ctx
!is null) free(ctx
1860 nvg__deletePathCache(ctx
1862 if (ctx
) ctx
1864 foreach (uint i
) ctx
1866 if (ctx
!is null) ctx
1868 if (ctx
!is null) nvg__deletePickScene(ctx
1870 ctx
= false;
1872 import core
: atomicLoad
1873 if (atomicLoad(ctx
) == 0) {
1874 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager
) { import core
; printf("destroyed context %p\n", ctx
); }
1877 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager
) { import core
; printf("context %p is zombie now (%d image refs)\n", ctx
, ctx
); }
1882 /// Delete NanoVega context.
1883 /// Group: context_management
1884 public void kill (ref NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1886 ctx
1891 /// Returns `true` if the given context is not `null` and can be used for painting.
1892 /// Group: context_management
1893 public bool valid (in NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null && ctx
); }
1896 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1899 /** Begin drawing a new frame.
1901 * Calls to NanoVega drawing API should be wrapped in [beginFrame] and [endFrame]
1903 * [beginFrame] defines the size of the window to render to in relation currently
1904 * set viewport (i.e. glViewport on GL backends). Device pixel ration allows to
1905 * control the rendering on Hi-DPI devices.
1907 * For example, GLFW returns two dimension for an opened window: window size and
1908 * frame buffer size. In that case you would set windowWidth/windowHeight to the window size,
1909 * devicePixelRatio to: `windowWidth/windowHeight`.
1911 * Default ratio is `1`.
1913 * Note that fractional ratio can (and will) distort your fonts and images.
1915 * This call also resets pick marks (see picking API for non-rasterized paths),
1916 * path recording, and GPU affine transformatin matrix.
1918 * see also [glNVGClearFlags], which returns necessary flags for [glClear].
1920 * Group: frame_management
1922 public void beginFrame (NVGContext ctx
, int windowWidth
, int windowHeight
, float devicePixelRatio
=1.0f) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1923 import std
: isNaN
1925 printf("Tris: draws:%d fill:%d stroke:%d text:%d TOT:%d\n",
1926 ctx.drawCallCount, ctx.fillTriCount, ctx.strokeTriCount, ctx.textTriCount,
1927 ctx.fillTriCount+ctx.strokeTriCount+ctx.textTriCount);
1929 if (ctx
> 0) ctx
1931 if (windowWidth
< 1) windowWidth
= 1;
1932 if (windowHeight
< 1) windowHeight
= 1;
1934 if (isNaN(devicePixelRatio
)) devicePixelRatio
= (windowHeight
> 0 ?
: 1024.0/768.0);
1936 foreach (ref NVGstate st
; ctx
]) st
1941 nvg__setDevicePixelRatio(ctx
, devicePixelRatio
1943 ctx
, windowWidth
, windowHeight
1944 ctx
= windowWidth
1945 ctx
= windowHeight
1950 ctx
= NVGNoPick
1951 ctx
= 0;
1953 ctx
= 0;
1954 ctx
= 0;
1955 ctx
= 0;
1956 ctx
= 0;
1959 ctx
= 0;
1960 nvg__clearPathCache(ctx
1962 ctx
= NVGMatrix
1964 nvg__pickBeginFrame(ctx
, windowWidth
, windowHeight
1967 /// Cancels drawing the current frame. Cancels path recording.
1968 /// Group: frame_management
1969 public void cancelFrame (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1970 ctx
1973 // cancel render queue
1974 ctx
1975 // clear saved states (this may free some textures)
1976 foreach (ref NVGstate st
; ctx
]) st
1980 /// Ends drawing the current frame (flushing remaining render state). Commits recorded paths.
1981 /// Group: frame_management
1982 public void endFrame (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
1983 if (ctx
!is null) ctx
1984 ctx
1987 // flush render queue
1988 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
1989 ctx
1990 if (ctx
!= 0) {
1991 auto fontImage
= ctx
1993 // delete images that smaller than current one
1994 if (!fontImage
) return;
1995 ctx
, iw
, ih
1996 foreach (int i
; 0..ctx
) {
1997 if (ctx
) {
1999 ctx
], nw
, nh
2000 if (nw
< iw || nh
< ih
) {
2001 ctx
2003 ctx
++] = ctx
2007 // make current font image to first
2008 ctx
++] = ctx
2009 ctx
[0] = fontImage
2010 ctx
= 0;
2011 // clear all images after j
2012 ctx
] = NVGImage
2014 // clear saved states (this may free some textures)
2015 foreach (ref NVGstate st
; ctx
]) st
2020 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2021 // Recording and Replaying Pathes
2024 // Group: path_recording
2025 public alias NVGPathSet
= NVGPathSetS
2028 //TODO: save scissor info?
2029 struct NVGPathSetS
2031 // either path cache, or text item
2032 static struct Node
2040 NVGpickScene
* pickscene
2041 //int npickscenes, cpickscenes;
2042 NVGContext svctx
; // used to do some sanity checks, and to free resources
2045 Node
* allocNode () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2046 import core
: memset
2047 // grow buffer if necessary
2048 if (nnodes
+1 > cnodes
) {
2049 import core
: realloc
2050 int newsz
= (cnodes
== 0 ?
8 : cnodes
<= 1024 ? cnodes
*2 : cnodes
2051 nodes
= cast(Node
, newsz
2052 if (nodes
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
2053 //memset(svp.caches+svp.ccaches, 0, (newsz-svp.ccaches)*NVGpathCache.sizeof);
2056 assert(nnodes
< cnodes
2057 memset(nodes
, 0, Node
2058 return &nodes
2061 Node
* allocPathNode () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2062 import core
: malloc
2063 import core
: memset
2064 auto node
= allocNode();
2065 // allocate path cache
2066 auto pc
= cast(NVGpathCache
2067 if (pc
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
2072 void clearNode (int idx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2073 if (idx
< 0 || idx
>= nnodes
) return;
2074 Node
* node
= &nodes
2075 if (svctx
!is null && node
) node
2076 if (node
!is null) node
2080 void takeCurrentPickScene (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2081 NVGpickScene
* ps
= ctx
2082 if (ps
is null) return; // nothing to do
2083 if (ps
== 0) return; // pick scene is empty
2084 ctx
= null;
2088 void replay (NVGContext ctx
, in ref NVGColor fillTint
, in ref NVGColor strokeTint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2089 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2090 foreach (ref node
; nodes
]) {
2091 if (auto cc
= node
) {
2092 if (cc
<= 0) continue;
2095 NVGPaint fillPaint
= node
2097 // apply global alpha
2098 fillPaint
*= state
2099 fillPaint
*= state
2100 fillPaint
*= state
2102 fillPaint
2103 fillPaint
2104 fillPaint
2106 ctx
, state
, cc
, &fillPaint
, &state
, cc
, cc
, cc
, cc
, cc
2109 foreach (int i
; 0..cc
) {
2110 NVGpath
* path
= &cc
2111 ctx
+= path
2112 ctx
+= path
2113 ctx
+= 2;
2117 if (cc
) {
2118 NVGPaint strokePaint
= node
2120 strokePaint
*= cc
2121 strokePaint
*= cc
2122 strokePaint
*= cc
2124 // apply global alpha
2125 strokePaint
*= state
2126 strokePaint
*= state
2127 strokePaint
*= state
2129 strokePaint
2130 strokePaint
2131 strokePaint
2133 ctx
, state
, cc
, &strokePaint
, &state
, cc
, cc
, cc
, cc
2136 foreach (int i
; 0..cc
) {
2137 NVGpath
* path
= &cc
2138 ctx
+= path
2139 ++ctx
2147 @disable this (this); // no copies
2148 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGPathSetS a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
2151 // Call delegate [dg] for each path under the specified position (in no particular order).
2152 // Returns the id of the path for which delegate [dg] returned true or -1.
2153 // dg is: `bool delegate (int id, int order)` -- [order] is path ordering (ascending).
2154 int hitTestDG(bool bestOrder
=false, DG
) (in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
, scope DG dg
) if (IsGoodHitTestDG
!DG || IsGoodHitTestInternalDG
) {
2155 if (pickscene
is null) return -1;
2157 NVGpickScene
* ps
= pickscene
2158 int levelwidth
= 1<<(ps
2159 int cellx
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)(x
), 0, levelwidth
2160 int celly
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)(y
), 0, levelwidth
2163 for (int lvl
= ps
-1; lvl
>= 0; --lvl
) {
2164 NVGpickPath
* pp
= ps
2165 while (pp
!is null) {
2166 if (nvg__pickPathTestBounds(svctx
, ps
, pp
, x
, y
)) {
2168 if ((kind
) && (pp
)) hit
= nvg__pickPathStroke(ps
, pp
, x
, y
2169 if (!hit
&& (kind
) && (pp
)) hit
= nvg__pickPath(ps
, pp
, x
, y
2171 static if (IsGoodHitTestDG
) {
2172 static if (__traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; bool res
= dg(cast(int)42, cast(int)666); })) {
2173 if (dg(pp
, cast(int)pp
)) return pp
2175 dg(pp
, cast(int)pp
2178 static if (__traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; NVGpickPath
* pp
; bool res
= dg(pp
); })) {
2179 if (dg(pp
)) return pp
2196 // Fills ids with a list of the top most hit ids under the specified position.
2197 // Returns the slice of [ids].
2198 int[] hitTestAll (in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
, int[] ids
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2199 if (pickscene
is null || ids
== 0) return ids
2202 NVGpickScene
* ps
= pickscene
2204 hitTestDG
, y
, kind
, delegate (NVGpickPath
* pp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2205 if (npicked
== ps
) {
2206 int cpicked
= ps
2207 NVGpickPath
** picked
= cast(NVGpickPath
, (NVGpickPath
2208 if (picked
is null) return true; // abort
2209 ps
= cpicked
2212 ps
] = pp
2214 return false; // go on
2217 qsort(ps
, npicked
, (NVGpickPath
, &nvg__comparePaths
2219 assert(npicked
>= 0);
2220 if (npicked
> ids
) npicked
= cast(int)ids
2221 foreach (immutable nidx
, ref int did
; ids
]) did
= ps
2223 return ids
2226 // Returns the id of the pickable shape containing x,y or -1 if no shape was found.
2227 int hitTest (in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2228 if (pickscene
is null) return -1;
2233 hitTestDG
, y
, kind
, delegate (NVGpickPath
* pp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2234 if (pp
> bestOrder
) {
2235 bestOrder
= pp
2244 // Append current path to existing path set. Is is safe to call this with `null` [svp].
2245 void appendCurrentPathToCache (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
, in ref NVGPaint paint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2246 if (ctx
is null || svp
is null) return;
2247 if (ctx
!is svp
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot save paths from different contexts");
2248 if (ctx
== 0) {
2249 assert(ctx
== 0);
2252 if (!ctx
&& !ctx
) return;
2254 // tesselate current path
2255 //if (!ctx.cache.fillReady) nvg__prepareFill(ctx);
2256 //if (!ctx.cache.strokeReady) nvg__prepareStroke(ctx);
2258 auto node
= svp
2259 NVGpathCache
* cc
= node
2260 cc
2262 // copy path commands (we may need 'em for picking)
2264 cc
= ctx
2266 import core
: malloc
2267 import core
: memcpy
2268 cc
= cast(float*)malloc(ctx
2269 if (cc
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
2270 memcpy(cc
, ctx
, ctx
2277 // Create new empty path set.
2278 // Group: path_recording
2279 public NVGPathSet
newPathSet (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2280 import core
: malloc
2281 import core
: memset
2282 if (ctx
is null) return null;
2283 NVGPathSet res
= cast(NVGPathSet
2284 if (res
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
2285 memset(res
, 0, NVGPathSetS
2290 // Is the given path set empty? Empty path set can be `null`.
2291 // Group: path_recording
2292 public bool empty (NVGPathSet svp
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (svp
is null || svp
== 0); }
2294 // Clear path set contents. Will release $(B some) allocated memory (this function is meant to clear something that will be reused).
2295 // Group: path_recording
2296 public void clear (NVGPathSet svp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2298 import core
: free
2299 foreach (immutable idx
; 0.. svp
) svp
2304 // Destroy path set (frees all allocated memory).
2305 // Group: path_recording
2306 public void kill (ref NVGPathSet svp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2308 import core
: free
2310 if (svp
!is null) free(svp
2312 if (svp
!is null) nvg__deletePickScene(svp
2317 // Start path recording. [svp] should be alive until recording is cancelled or stopped.
2318 // Group: path_recording
2319 public void startRecording (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2320 if (svp
!is null && svp
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot share path set between contexts");
2321 ctx
2323 ctx
= (svp
!is null ? svp
: -1);
2324 ctx
= false;
2327 /* Start path recording. [svp] should be alive until recording is cancelled or stopped.
2329 * This will block all rendering, so you can call your rendering functions to record paths without actual drawing.
2330 * Commiting or cancelling will re-enable rendering.
2331 * You can call this with `null` svp to block rendering without recording any paths.
2333 * Group: path_recording
2335 public void startBlockingRecording (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2336 if (svp
!is null && svp
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot share path set between contexts");
2337 ctx
2339 ctx
= (svp
!is null ? svp
: -1);
2340 ctx
= true;
2343 // Commit recorded paths. It is safe to call this when recording is not started.
2344 // Group: path_recording
2345 public void stopRecording (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2346 if (ctx
!is null && ctx
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot share path set between contexts");
2347 if (ctx
!is null) ctx
2350 ctx
= false;
2353 // Cancel path recording.
2354 // Group: path_recording
2355 public void cancelRecording (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2356 if (ctx
!is null) {
2357 if (ctx
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot share path set between contexts");
2358 assert(ctx
>= 0 && ctx
<= ctx
2359 foreach (immutable idx
; ctx
) ctx
2360 ctx
= ctx
2364 ctx
= false;
2367 /* Replay saved path set.
2369 * Replaying record while you're recording another one is undefined behavior.
2371 * Group: path_recording
2373 public void replayRecording() (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
, in auto ref NVGColor fillTint
, in auto ref NVGColor strokeTint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2374 if (svp
!is null && svp
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot share path set between contexts");
2375 svp
, fillTint
, strokeTint
2379 public void replayRecording() (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
, in auto ref NVGColor fillTint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { ctx
, fillTint
, NVGColor
); }
2382 public void replayRecording (NVGContext ctx
, NVGPathSet svp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { ctx
, NVGColor
, NVGColor
); }
2385 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2386 // Composite operation
2388 /// Sets the composite operation.
2389 /// Group: composite_operation
2390 public void globalCompositeOperation (NVGContext ctx
, NVGCompositeOperation op
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2391 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2392 state
= nvg__compositeOperationState(op
2395 /// Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic.
2396 /// Group: composite_operation
2397 public void globalCompositeBlendFunc (NVGContext ctx
, NVGBlendFactor sfactor
, NVGBlendFactor dfactor
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2398 ctx
, dfactor
, sfactor
, dfactor
2401 /// Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
2402 /// Group: composite_operation
2403 public void globalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate (NVGContext ctx
, NVGBlendFactor srcRGB
, NVGBlendFactor dstRGB
, NVGBlendFactor srcAlpha
, NVGBlendFactor dstAlpha
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2404 NVGCompositeOperationState op
2408 op
= srcAlpha
2409 op
= dstAlpha
2410 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2411 state
= op
2415 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2418 /// Returns a color value from string form.
2419 /// Supports: "#rgb", "#rrggbb", "#argb", "#aarrggbb"
2420 /// Group: color_utils
2421 public NVGColor
nvgRGB (const(char)[] srgb
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(srgb
); }
2424 public NVGColor
nvgRGBA (const(char)[] srgb
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(srgb
); }
2426 /// Returns a color value from red, green, blue values. Alpha will be set to 255 (1.0f).
2427 /// Group: color_utils
2428 public NVGColor
nvgRGB (int r
, int g
, int b
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(nvgClampToByte(r
), nvgClampToByte(g
), nvgClampToByte(b
), 255); }
2430 /// Returns a color value from red, green, blue values. Alpha will be set to 1.0f.
2431 /// Group: color_utils
2432 public NVGColor
nvgRGBf (float r
, float g
, float b
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(r
, g
, b
, 1.0f); }
2434 /// Returns a color value from red, green, blue and alpha values.
2435 /// Group: color_utils
2436 public NVGColor
nvgRGBA (int r
, int g
, int b
, int a
=255) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(nvgClampToByte(r
), nvgClampToByte(g
), nvgClampToByte(b
), nvgClampToByte(a
)); }
2438 /// Returns a color value from red, green, blue and alpha values.
2439 /// Group: color_utils
2440 public NVGColor
nvgRGBAf (float r
, float g
, float b
, float a
=1.0f) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGColor(r
, g
, b
, a
); }
2442 /// Returns new color with transparency (alpha) set to [a].
2443 /// Group: color_utils
2444 public NVGColor
nvgTransRGBA (NVGColor c
, ubyte a
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2445 pragma(inline
, true);
2451 public NVGColor
nvgTransRGBAf (NVGColor c
, float a
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2452 pragma(inline
, true);
2457 /// Linearly interpolates from color c0 to c1, and returns resulting color value.
2458 /// Group: color_utils
2459 public NVGColor
nvgLerpRGBA() (in auto ref NVGColor c0
, in auto ref NVGColor c1
, float u
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2460 NVGColor cint
= void;
2461 u
= nvg__clamp(u
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2462 float oneminu
= 1.0f-u
2463 foreach (uint i
; 0..4) cint
] = c0
2468 public NVGColor nvgHSL() (float h, float s, float l) {
2469 //pragma(inline, true); // alas
2470 return nvgHSLA(h, s, l, 255);
2474 float nvg__hue (float h
, float m1
, float m2
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
2477 if (h
< 1.0f/6.0f) return m1
2478 if (h
< 3.0f/6.0f) return m2
2479 if (h
< 4.0f/6.0f) return m1
2483 /// Returns color value specified by hue, saturation and lightness.
2484 /// HSL values are all in range [0..1], alpha will be set to 255.
2485 /// Group: color_utils
2486 public alias nvgHSL
= nvgHSLA
; // trick to allow inlining
2488 /// Returns color value specified by hue, saturation and lightness and alpha.
2489 /// HSL values are all in range [0..1], alpha in range [0..255].
2490 /// Group: color_utils
2491 public NVGColor
nvgHSLA (float h
, float s
, float l
, ubyte a
=255) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2492 pragma(inline
, true);
2493 NVGColor col
= void;
2494 h
= nvg__modf(h
, 1.0f);
2495 if (h
< 0.0f) h
+= 1.0f;
2496 s
= nvg__clamp(s
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2497 l
= nvg__clamp(l
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2498 immutable float m2
= (l
<= 0.5f ? l
) : l
2499 immutable float m1
= 2*l
2500 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
+1.0f/3.0f, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2501 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2502 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
-1.0f/3.0f, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2507 /// Returns color value specified by hue, saturation and lightness and alpha.
2508 /// HSL values and alpha are all in range [0..1].
2509 /// Group: color_utils
2510 public NVGColor
nvgHSLA (float h
, float s
, float l
, float a
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2511 // sorry for copypasta, it is for inliner
2512 static if (__VERSION__
>= 2072) pragma(inline
, true);
2513 NVGColor col
= void;
2514 h
= nvg__modf(h
, 1.0f);
2515 if (h
< 0.0f) h
+= 1.0f;
2516 s
= nvg__clamp(s
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2517 l
= nvg__clamp(l
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2518 immutable m2
= (l
<= 0.5f ? l
) : l
2519 immutable m1
= 2*l
2520 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
+1.0f/3.0f, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2521 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2522 col
= nvg__clamp(nvg__hue(h
-1.0f/3.0f, m1
, m2
), 0.0f, 1.0f);
2528 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2529 // Matrices and Transformations
2535 public align(1) struct NVGMatrix
2538 static immutable float[6] IdentityMat
= [
2545 /// Matrix values. Initial value is identity matrix.
2552 public nothrow @trusted @nogc:
2553 /// Create Matrix with the given values.
2554 this (const(float)[] amat
...) {
2555 pragma(inline
, true);
2556 if (amat
>= 6) {
2557 mat
[0..6] = amat
2560 mat
] = amat
2564 /// Can be used to check validity of [inverted] result
2565 @property bool valid () const { import core
: isfinite
; return (isfinite(mat
[0]) != 0); }
2567 /// Returns `true` if this matrix is identity matrix.
2568 @property bool isIdentity () const { version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true); return (mat
[] == IdentityMat
[]); }
2570 /// Returns new inverse matrix.
2571 /// If inverted matrix cannot be calculated, `res.valid` fill be `false`.
2572 NVGMatrix
inverted () const {
2573 NVGMatrix res
= this;
2578 /// Inverts this matrix.
2579 /// If inverted matrix cannot be calculated, `this.valid` fill be `false`.
2580 ref NVGMatrix
invert () {
2581 float[6] inv
= void;
2582 immutable double det
= cast(double)mat
2583 if (det
> -1e-6 && det
< 1e-6) {
2586 immutable double invdet
= 1.0/det
2587 inv
[0] = cast(float)(mat
2588 inv
[2] = cast(float)(-mat
2589 inv
[4] = cast(float)((cast(double)mat
2590 inv
[1] = cast(float)(-mat
2591 inv
[3] = cast(float)(mat
2592 inv
[5] = cast(float)((cast(double)mat
2594 mat
[0..6] = inv
2598 /// Sets this matrix to identity matrix.
2599 ref NVGMatrix
identity () { version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true); mat
[] = IdentityMat
[]; return this; }
2601 /// Translate this matrix.
2602 ref NVGMatrix
translate (in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2603 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2604 return this.mul(Translated(tx
, ty
2607 /// Scale this matrix.
2608 ref NVGMatrix
scale (in float sx
, in float sy
) {
2609 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2610 return this.mul(Scaled(sx
, sy
2613 /// Rotate this matrix.
2614 ref NVGMatrix
rotate (in float a
) {
2615 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2616 return this.mul(Rotated(a
2619 /// Skew this matrix by X axis.
2620 ref NVGMatrix
skewX (in float a
) {
2621 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2622 return this.mul(SkewedX(a
2625 /// Skew this matrix by Y axis.
2626 ref NVGMatrix
skewY (in float a
) {
2627 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2628 return this.mul(SkewedY(a
2631 /// Skew this matrix by both axes.
2632 ref NVGMatrix
skewY (in float ax
, in float ay
) {
2633 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2634 return this.mul(SkewedXY(ax
, ay
2637 /// Transform point with this matrix. `null` destinations are allowed.
2638 /// [sx] and [sy] is the source point. [dx] and [dy] may point to the same variables.
2639 void point (float* dx
, float* dy
, float sx
, float sy
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2640 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2641 if (dx
!is null) *dx
= sx
2642 if (dy
!is null) *dy
= sx
2645 /// Transform point with this matrix.
2646 void point (ref float x
, ref float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2647 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2648 immutable float nx
= x
2649 immutable float ny
= x
2654 /// Sets this matrix to the result of multiplication of `this` and [s] (this * S).
2655 ref NVGMatrix
mul() (in auto ref NVGMatrix s
) {
2656 immutable float t0
= mat
2657 immutable float t2
= mat
2658 immutable float t4
= mat
2659 mat
[1] = mat
2660 mat
[3] = mat
2661 mat
[5] = mat
2668 /// Sets this matrix to the result of multiplication of [s] and `this` (S * this).
2669 /// Sets the transform to the result of multiplication of two transforms, of A = B*A.
2671 ref NVGMatrix
premul() (in auto ref NVGMatrix s
) {
2678 /// Multiply this matrix by [s], return result as new matrix.
2679 /// Performs operations in this left-to-right order.
2680 NVGMatrix
opBinary(string op
="*") (in auto ref NVGMatrix s
) const {
2681 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2682 NVGMatrix res
= this;
2687 /// Multiply this matrix by [s].
2688 /// Performs operations in this left-to-right order.
2689 ref NVGMatrix
opOpAssign(string op
="*") (in auto ref NVGMatrix s
) {
2690 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2694 float scaleX () const { pragma(inline
, true); return nvg__sqrtf(mat
[2]); } /// Returns x scaling of this matrix.
2695 float scaleY () const { pragma(inline
, true); return nvg__sqrtf(mat
[3]); } /// Returns y scaling of this matrix.
2696 float rotation () const { pragma(inline
, true); return nvg__atan2f(mat
[1], mat
[0]); } /// Returns rotation of this matrix.
2697 float tx () const { pragma(inline
, true); return mat
[4]; } /// Returns x translation of this matrix.
2698 float ty () const { pragma(inline
, true); return mat
[5]; } /// Returns y translation of this matrix.
2700 ref NVGMatrix
scaleX (in float v
) { pragma(inline
, true); return scaleRotateTransform(v
, scaleY
, rotation
, tx
, ty
); } /// Sets x scaling of this matrix.
2701 ref NVGMatrix
scaleY (in float v
) { pragma(inline
, true); return scaleRotateTransform(scaleX
, v
, rotation
, tx
, ty
); } /// Sets y scaling of this matrix.
2702 ref NVGMatrix
rotation (in float v
) { pragma(inline
, true); return scaleRotateTransform(scaleX
, scaleY
, v
, tx
, ty
); } /// Sets rotation of this matrix.
2703 ref NVGMatrix
tx (in float v
) { pragma(inline
, true); mat
[4] = v
; return this; } /// Sets x translation of this matrix.
2704 ref NVGMatrix
ty (in float v
) { pragma(inline
, true); mat
[5] = v
; return this; } /// Sets y translation of this matrix.
2706 /// Utility function to be used in `setXXX()`.
2707 /// This is the same as doing: `mat.identity.rotate(a).scale(xs, ys).translate(tx, ty)`, only faster
2708 ref NVGMatrix
scaleRotateTransform (in float xscale
, in float yscale
, in float a
, in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2709 immutable float cs
= nvg__cosf(a
), sn
= nvg__sinf(a
2710 mat
[0] = xscale
; mat
[1] = yscale
2711 mat
[2] = xscale
; mat
[3] = yscale
2712 mat
[4] = tx
; mat
[5] = ty
2716 /// This is the same as doing: `mat.identity.rotate(a).translate(tx, ty)`, only faster
2717 ref NVGMatrix
rotateTransform (in float a
, in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2718 immutable float cs
= nvg__cosf(a
), sn
= nvg__sinf(a
2719 mat
[0] = cs
; mat
[1] = sn
2720 mat
[2] = -sn
; mat
[3] = cs
2721 mat
[4] = tx
; mat
[5] = ty
2725 /// Returns new identity matrix.
2726 static NVGMatrix
Identity () { pragma(inline
, true); return NVGMatrix
; }
2728 /// Returns new translation matrix.
2729 static NVGMatrix
Translated (in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2730 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2731 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2732 res
[0] = 1.0f; res
[1] = 0.0f;
2733 res
[2] = 0.0f; res
[3] = 1.0f;
2734 res
[4] = tx
; res
[5] = ty
2738 /// Returns new scaling matrix.
2739 static NVGMatrix
Scaled (in float sx
, in float sy
) {
2740 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2741 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2742 res
[0] = sx
; res
[1] = 0.0f;
2743 res
[2] = 0.0f; res
[3] = sy
2744 res
[4] = 0.0f; res
[5] = 0.0f;
2748 /// Returns new rotation matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
2749 static NVGMatrix
Rotated (in float a
) {
2750 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2751 immutable float cs
= nvg__cosf(a
), sn
= nvg__sinf(a
2752 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2753 res
[0] = cs
; res
[1] = sn
2754 res
[2] = -sn
; res
[3] = cs
2755 res
[4] = 0.0f; res
[5] = 0.0f;
2759 /// Returns new x-skewing matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
2760 static NVGMatrix
SkewedX (in float a
) {
2761 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2762 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2763 res
[0] = 1.0f; res
[1] = 0.0f;
2764 res
[2] = nvg__tanf(a
); res
[3] = 1.0f;
2765 res
[4] = 0.0f; res
[5] = 0.0f;
2769 /// Returns new y-skewing matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
2770 static NVGMatrix
SkewedY (in float a
) {
2771 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2772 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2773 res
[0] = 1.0f; res
[1] = nvg__tanf(a
2774 res
[2] = 0.0f; res
[3] = 1.0f;
2775 res
[4] = 0.0f; res
[5] = 0.0f;
2779 /// Returns new xy-skewing matrix. Angles are specified in radians.
2780 static NVGMatrix
SkewedXY (in float ax
, in float ay
) {
2781 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
2782 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2783 res
[0] = 1.0f; res
[1] = nvg__tanf(ay
2784 res
[2] = nvg__tanf(ax
); res
[3] = 1.0f;
2785 res
[4] = 0.0f; res
[5] = 0.0f;
2789 /// Utility function to be used in `setXXX()`.
2790 /// This is the same as doing: `NVGMatrix.Identity.rotate(a).scale(xs, ys).translate(tx, ty)`, only faster
2791 static NVGMatrix
ScaledRotatedTransformed (in float xscale
, in float yscale
, in float a
, in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2792 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2793 res
, yscale
, a
, tx
, ty
2797 /// This is the same as doing: `NVGMatrix.Identity.rotate(a).translate(tx, ty)`, only faster
2798 static NVGMatrix
RotatedTransformed (in float a
, in float tx
, in float ty
) {
2799 NVGMatrix res
= void;
2800 res
, tx
, ty
2806 /// Converts degrees to radians.
2808 public float nvgDegToRad() (in float deg
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return deg
; }
2810 /// Converts radians to degrees.
2812 public float nvgRadToDeg() (in float rad
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return rad
*180.0f; }
2814 public alias nvgDegrees
= nvgDegToRad
; /// Use this like `42.nvgDegrees`
2815 public float nvgRadians() (in float rad
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return rad
; } /// Use this like `0.1.nvgRadians`
2818 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2819 void nvg__setPaintColor() (ref NVGPaint p
, in auto ref NVGColor color
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2824 p
= p
= p
= color
2826 p
= true;
2830 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2833 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) {
2834 public void nvgClipDumpOn (NVGContext ctx
) { glnvg__clipDebugDump(ctx
, true); }
2835 public void nvgClipDumpOff (NVGContext ctx
) { glnvg__clipDebugDump(ctx
, false); }
2838 /** Pushes and saves the current render state into a state stack.
2839 * A matching [restore] must be used to restore the state.
2840 * Returns `false` if state stack overflowed.
2842 * Group: state_handling
2844 public bool save (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2845 if (ctx
) return false;
2846 if (ctx
> 0) {
2847 //memcpy(&ctx.states[ctx.nstates], &ctx.states[ctx.nstates-1], NVGstate.sizeof);
2848 ctx
] = ctx
2849 ctx
2855 /// Pops and restores current render state.
2856 /// Group: state_handling
2857 public bool restore (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2858 if (ctx
<= 1) return false;
2859 ctx
2860 ctx
2865 /// Resets current render state to default values. Does not affect the render state stack.
2866 /// Group: state_handling
2867 public void reset (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2868 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2871 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, nvgRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255));
2872 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, nvgRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255));
2873 state
= nvg__compositeOperationState(NVGCompositeOperation
2874 state
= true;
2875 state
= 1.0f;
2876 state
= 10.0f;
2877 state
= NVGLineCap
2878 state
= NVGLineCap
2880 state
2882 state
[] = -1.0f;
2884 state
= 16.0f;
2885 state
= 0.0f;
2886 state
= 1.0f;
2887 state
= 0.0f;
2888 state
2890 state
= false;
2891 state
= 0;
2892 state
= 0;
2893 state
= 0;
2894 state
= false;
2895 state
= false;
2897 ctx
2900 /** Returns `true` if we have any room in state stack.
2901 * It is guaranteed to have at least 32 stack slots.
2903 * Group: state_handling
2905 public bool canSave (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
); }
2907 /** Returns `true` if we have any saved state.
2909 * Group: state_handling
2911 public bool canRestore (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
> 1); }
2913 /// Returns `true` if rendering is currently blocked.
2914 /// Group: state_handling
2915 public bool renderBlocked (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null && ctx
.contextAlive ? ctx
: false); }
2917 /// Blocks/unblocks rendering
2918 /// Group: state_handling
2919 public void renderBlocked (NVGContext ctx
, bool v
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null && ctx
) ctx
= v
; }
2921 /// Blocks/unblocks rendering; returns previous state.
2922 /// Group: state_handling
2923 public bool setRenderBlocked (NVGContext ctx
, bool v
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null && ctx
) { bool res
= ctx
; ctx
= v
; return res
; } else return false; }
2926 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2929 /// Sets filling mode to "even-odd".
2930 /// Group: render_styles
2931 public void evenOddFill (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2932 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2933 state
= true;
2936 /// Sets filling mode to "non-zero" (this is default mode).
2937 /// Group: render_styles
2938 public void nonZeroFill (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2939 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2940 state
= false;
2943 /// Sets whether to draw antialias for [stroke] and [fill]. It's enabled by default.
2944 /// Group: render_styles
2945 public void shapeAntiAlias (NVGContext ctx
, bool enabled
) {
2946 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2947 state
= enabled
2950 /// Sets the stroke width of the stroke style.
2951 /// Group: render_styles
2953 public void strokeWidth (NVGContext ctx
, float width
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2954 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2955 state
= width
2958 /// Sets the miter limit of the stroke style. Miter limit controls when a sharp corner is beveled.
2959 /// Group: render_styles
2960 public void miterLimit (NVGContext ctx
, float limit
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2961 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2962 state
= limit
2965 /// Sets how the end of the line (cap) is drawn,
2966 /// Can be one of: NVGLineCap.Butt (default), NVGLineCap.Round, NVGLineCap.Square.
2967 /// Group: render_styles
2968 public void lineCap (NVGContext ctx
, NVGLineCap cap
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2969 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2970 state
= cap
2973 /// Sets how sharp path corners are drawn.
2974 /// Can be one of NVGLineCap.Miter (default), NVGLineCap.Round, NVGLineCap.Bevel.
2975 /// Group: render_styles
2976 public void lineJoin (NVGContext ctx
, NVGLineCap join
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2977 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2978 state
= join
2981 /// Sets stroke dashing, using (dash_length, gap_length) pairs.
2982 /// Current limit is 16 pairs.
2983 /// Resets dash start to zero.
2984 /// Group: render_styles
2985 public void setLineDash (NVGContext ctx
, const(float)[] dashdata
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
2986 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
2987 state
= 0;
2988 state
= 0;
2989 state
= false;
2990 if (dashdata
>= 2) {
2991 bool curFIsGap
= true; // trick
2992 foreach (immutable idx
, float f
; dashdata
) {
2993 curFIsGap
= !curFIsGap
2994 if (f
< 0.01f) continue; // skip it
2996 // register first dash
2997 state
= curFIsGap
2998 state
++] = f
3000 if ((idx
&1) != ((state
)) {
3001 // oops, continuation
3002 state
-1] += f
3004 if (state
== state
) break;
3005 state
++] = f
3009 if (state
&1) {
3010 if (state
== 1) {
3011 state
= 0;
3013 assert(state
< state
3014 state
++] = 0;
3017 // calculate total dash path length
3018 state
= 0;
3019 foreach (float f
; state
]) state
+= f
3020 if (state
< 0.01f) {
3021 state
= 0; // nothing to do
3023 if (state
!= 0) state
= uint.max
; // force re-flattening
3028 public alias lineDash
= setLineDash
; /// Ditto.
3030 /// Sets stroke dashing, using (dash_length, gap_length) pairs.
3031 /// Current limit is 16 pairs.
3032 /// Group: render_styles
3033 public void setLineDashStart (NVGContext ctx
, in float dashStart
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3034 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3035 if (state
!= 0 && state
!= dashStart
) {
3036 state
= uint.max
; // force re-flattening
3038 state
= dashStart
3041 public alias lineDashStart
= setLineDashStart
; /// Ditto.
3043 /// Sets the transparency applied to all rendered shapes.
3044 /// Already transparent paths will get proportionally more transparent as well.
3045 /// Group: render_styles
3046 public void globalAlpha (NVGContext ctx
, float alpha
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3047 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3048 state
= alpha
3051 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3052 /// Sets current stroke style to a solid color.
3053 /// Group: render_styles
3054 public void strokeColor (NVGContext ctx
, Color color
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3055 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3056 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, NVGColor(color
3060 /// Sets current stroke style to a solid color.
3061 /// Group: render_styles
3062 public void strokeColor() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGColor color
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3063 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3064 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, color
3067 /// Sets current stroke style to a paint, which can be a one of the gradients or a pattern.
3068 /// Group: render_styles
3069 public void strokePaint() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGPaint paint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3070 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3071 state
= paint
3072 //nvgTransformMultiply(state.stroke.xform[], state.xform[]);
3073 state
3076 // this is a hack to work around https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16206
3077 // for scriptable reflection. it just needs to be declared first among the overloads
3078 private void fillColor (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { }
3080 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3081 /// Sets current fill style to a solid color.
3082 /// Group: render_styles
3084 public void fillColor (NVGContext ctx
, Color color
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3085 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3086 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, NVGColor(color
3090 /// Sets current fill style to a solid color.
3091 /// Group: render_styles
3092 public void fillColor() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGColor color
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3093 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3094 nvg__setPaintColor(state
, color
3097 /// Sets current fill style to a paint, which can be a one of the gradients or a pattern.
3098 /// Group: render_styles
3099 public void fillPaint() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGPaint paint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3100 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3102 //nvgTransformMultiply(state.fill.xform[], state.xform[]);
3103 state
3106 /// Sets current fill style to a multistop linear gradient.
3107 /// Group: render_styles
3108 public void fillPaint() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGLGS
lgs) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3111 memset(&p
, 0, p
3112 nvg__setPaintColor(p
, NVGColor
3114 } else if (lgs.midp
>= -1) {
3115 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("SIMPLE! midp=%f\n", cast(double)lgs.midp); }
3116 ctx
= ctx
, lgs.cy
, lgs.dimx
, lgs.dimy
, lgs.ic
, lgs.midp
, lgs.mc
, lgs.oc
3118 ctx
= ctx
, lgs.cy
, lgs.dimx
, lgs.dimy
, lgs.angle
, lgs.imgid
3122 /// Returns current transformation matrix.
3123 /// Group: render_transformations
3124 public NVGMatrix
currTransform (NVGContext ctx
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3125 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3129 /// Sets current transformation matrix.
3130 /// Group: render_transformations
3131 public void currTransform() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGMatrix m
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3132 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3136 /// Resets current transform to an identity matrix.
3137 /// Group: render_transformations
3139 public void resetTransform (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3140 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3141 state
3144 /// Premultiplies current coordinate system by specified matrix.
3145 /// Group: render_transformations
3146 public void transform() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGMatrix mt
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3147 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3148 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3152 /// Translates current coordinate system.
3153 /// Group: render_transformations
3155 public void translate (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3156 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3157 //NVGMatrix t = void;
3158 //nvgTransformTranslate(t[], x, y);
3159 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3160 state
, y
3163 /// Rotates current coordinate system. Angle is specified in radians.
3164 /// Group: render_transformations
3166 public void rotate (NVGContext ctx
, in float angle
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3167 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3168 //NVGMatrix t = void;
3169 //nvgTransformRotate(t[], angle);
3170 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3171 state
3174 /// Skews the current coordinate system along X axis. Angle is specified in radians.
3175 /// Group: render_transformations
3177 public void skewX (NVGContext ctx
, in float angle
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3178 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3179 //NVGMatrix t = void;
3180 //nvgTransformSkewX(t[], angle);
3181 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3182 state
3185 /// Skews the current coordinate system along Y axis. Angle is specified in radians.
3186 /// Group: render_transformations
3188 public void skewY (NVGContext ctx
, in float angle
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3189 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3190 //NVGMatrix t = void;
3191 //nvgTransformSkewY(t[], angle);
3192 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3193 state
3196 /// Scales the current coordinate system.
3197 /// Group: render_transformations
3199 public void scale (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3200 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3201 //NVGMatrix t = void;
3202 //nvgTransformScale(t[], x, y);
3203 //nvgTransformPremultiply(state.xform[], t[]);
3204 state
, y
3208 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3211 /// Creates image by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
3212 /// Returns handle to the image or 0 on error.
3214 public NVGImage
createImage() (NVGContext ctx
, const(char)[] filename
, const(NVGImageFlag
)[] imageFlagsList
...) {
3215 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdImage
) {
3217 // do we have new arsd API to load images?
3218 static if (!is(typeof(MemoryImage
)) ||
))) {
3219 static assert(0, "Sorry, your ARSD is too old. Please, update it.");
3222 auto oimg
= MemoryImage
3223 if (auto img
= cast(TrueColorImage
) {
3224 scope(exit
) oimg
3225 return ctx
, img
, img
[], imageFlagsList
3227 TrueColorImage img
= oimg
3228 scope(exit
) img
3229 oimg
.clearInternal(); // drop original image, as `getAsTrueColorImage()` MUST create a new one here
3231 return ctx
, img
, img
[], imageFlagsList
3233 } catch (Exception
) {}
3234 return NVGImage
3236 import std
3239 stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(1);
3240 stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(1);
3241 img
= stbi_load(filename
, &w
, &h
, &n
, 4);
3243 //printf("Failed to load %s - %s\n", filename, stbi_failure_reason());
3244 return NVGImage
3246 auto image
= ctx
, h
, img
*4], imageFlagsList
3247 stbi_image_free(img
3252 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdImage
) {
3253 /// Creates image by loading it from the specified memory image.
3254 /// Returns handle to the image or 0 on error.
3256 public NVGImage
createImageFromMemoryImage() (NVGContext ctx
, MemoryImage img
, const(NVGImageFlag
)[] imageFlagsList
...) {
3257 if (img
is null) return NVGImage
3258 if (auto tc
= cast(TrueColorImage
) {
3259 return ctx
, tc
, tc
[], imageFlagsList
3261 auto tc
= img
3262 scope(exit
) tc
.clearInternal(); // here, it is guaranteed that `tc` is newly allocated image, so it is safe to kill it
3263 return ctx
, tc
, tc
[], imageFlagsList
3267 /// Creates image by loading it from the specified chunk of memory.
3268 /// Returns handle to the image or 0 on error.
3270 public NVGImage
createImageMem() (NVGContext ctx
, const(ubyte)* data
, int ndata
, const(NVGImageFlag
)[] imageFlagsList
...) {
3272 ubyte* img
= stbi_load_from_memory(data
, ndata
, &w
, &h
, &n
, 4);
3274 //printf("Failed to load %s - %s\n", filename, stbi_failure_reason());
3275 return NVGImage
3277 image
= ctx
, h
, img
*4], imageFlagsList
3278 stbi_image_free(img
3283 /// Creates image from specified image data.
3284 /// Returns handle to the image or 0 on error.
3286 public NVGImage
createImageRGBA (NVGContext ctx
, int w
, int h
, const(void)[] data
, const(NVGImageFlag
)[] imageFlagsList
...) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3287 if (w
< 1 || h
< 1 || data
< w
*4) return NVGImage
3288 uint imageFlags
= 0;
3289 foreach (immutable uint flag
; imageFlagsList
) imageFlags |
= flag
3291 res
= ctx
, NVGtexture
, w
, h
, imageFlags
, cast(const(ubyte)*)data
3293 version(nanovega_debug_image_manager_rc
) { import core
; printf("createImageRGBA: img=%p; imgid=%d\n", &res
, res
); }
3295 ctx
, false); // don't increment driver refcount
3300 /// Updates image data specified by image handle.
3302 public void updateImage() (NVGContext ctx
, auto ref NVGImage image
, const(void)[] data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3305 if (image
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: you cannot use image from one context in another context");
3306 ctx
, image
, &w
, &h
3307 ctx
, image
, 0, 0, w
, h
, cast(const(ubyte)*)data
3311 /// Returns the dimensions of a created image.
3313 public void imageSize() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGImage image
, out int w
, out int h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3315 if (image
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: you cannot use image from one context in another context");
3316 ctx
, image
, &w
, &h
3320 /// Deletes created image.
3322 public void deleteImage() (NVGContext ctx
, ref NVGImage image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3323 if (ctx
is null ||
) return;
3324 if (image
!is ctx
) assert(0, "NanoVega: you cannot use image from one context in another context");
3329 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3332 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3333 /** Creates and returns a linear gradient. Parameters `(sx, sy) (ex, ey)` specify the start and end coordinates
3334 * of the linear gradient, icol specifies the start color and ocol the end color.
3335 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3339 public NVGPaint
linearGradient (NVGContext ctx
, in float sx
, in float sy
, in float ex
, in float ey
, in Color icol
, in Color ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3340 return ctx
, sy
, ex
, ey
, NVGColor(icol
), NVGColor(ocol
3342 /** Creates and returns a linear gradient with middle stop. Parameters `(sx, sy) (ex, ey)` specify the start
3343 * and end coordinates of the linear gradient, icol specifies the start color, midp specifies stop point in
3344 * range `(0..1)`, and ocol the end color.
3345 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3349 public NVGPaint
linearGradient (NVGContext ctx
, in float sx
, in float sy
, in float ex
, in float ey
, in Color icol
, in float midp
, in Color mcol
, in Color ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3350 return ctx
, sy
, ex
, ey
, NVGColor(icol
), midp
, NVGColor(mcol
), NVGColor(ocol
3354 /** Creates and returns a linear gradient. Parameters `(sx, sy) (ex, ey)` specify the start and end coordinates
3355 * of the linear gradient, icol specifies the start color and ocol the end color.
3356 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3360 public NVGPaint
linearGradient() (NVGContext ctx
, float sx
, float sy
, float ex
, float ey
, in auto ref NVGColor icol
, in auto ref NVGColor ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3364 memset(&p
, 0, p
3365 p
= false;
3367 // Calculate transform aligned to the line
3370 immutable float d
= nvg__sqrtf(dx
3379 p
[0] = dy
; p
[1] = -dx
3380 p
[2] = dx
; p
[3] = dy
3381 p
[4] = sx
; p
[5] = sy
3383 p
[0] = large
3384 p
[1] = large
3388 p
= nvg__max(NVG_MIN_FEATHER
, d
3390 p
= p
= icol
3391 p
= ocol
3397 /** Creates and returns a linear gradient with middle stop. Parameters `(sx, sy) (ex, ey)` specify the start
3398 * and end coordinates of the linear gradient, icol specifies the start color, midp specifies stop point in
3399 * range `(0..1)`, and ocol the end color.
3400 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3404 public NVGPaint
linearGradient() (NVGContext ctx
, float sx
, float sy
, float ex
, float ey
, in auto ref NVGColor icol
, in float midp
, in auto ref NVGColor mcol
, in auto ref NVGColor ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3408 memset(&p
, 0, p
3409 p
= false;
3411 // Calculate transform aligned to the line
3414 immutable float d
= nvg__sqrtf(dx
3423 p
[0] = dy
; p
[1] = -dx
3424 p
[2] = dx
; p
[3] = dy
3425 p
[4] = sx
; p
[5] = sy
3427 p
[0] = large
3428 p
[1] = large
3432 p
= nvg__max(NVG_MIN_FEATHER
, d
3435 p
= p
= mcol
3437 } else if (midp
> 1) {
3438 p
= p
= icol
3441 p
= icol
3442 p
= mcol
3445 p
= ocol
3450 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3451 /** Creates and returns a radial gradient. Parameters (cx, cy) specify the center, inr and outr specify
3452 * the inner and outer radius of the gradient, icol specifies the start color and ocol the end color.
3453 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3457 public NVGPaint
radialGradient (NVGContext ctx
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float inr
, in float outr
, in Color icol
, in Color ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3458 return ctx
, cy
, inr
, outr
, NVGColor(icol
), NVGColor(ocol
3462 /** Creates and returns a radial gradient. Parameters (cx, cy) specify the center, inr and outr specify
3463 * the inner and outer radius of the gradient, icol specifies the start color and ocol the end color.
3464 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3468 public NVGPaint
radialGradient() (NVGContext ctx
, float cx
, float cy
, float inr
, float outr
, in auto ref NVGColor icol
, in auto ref NVGColor ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3469 immutable float r
= (inr
3470 immutable float f
= (outr
3473 memset(&p
, 0, p
3474 p
= false;
3477 p
[4] = cx
3478 p
[5] = cy
3480 p
[0] = r
3481 p
[1] = r
3485 p
= nvg__max(NVG_MIN_FEATHER
, f
3487 p
= p
= icol
3488 p
= ocol
3494 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3495 /** Creates and returns a box gradient. Box gradient is a feathered rounded rectangle, it is useful for rendering
3496 * drop shadows or highlights for boxes. Parameters (x, y) define the top-left corner of the rectangle,
3497 * (w, h) define the size of the rectangle, r defines the corner radius, and f feather. Feather defines how blurry
3498 * the border of the rectangle is. Parameter icol specifies the inner color and ocol the outer color of the gradient.
3499 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3503 public NVGPaint
boxGradient (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
, in float r
, in float f
, in Color icol
, in Color ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3504 return ctx
, y
, w
, h
, r
, f
, NVGColor(icol
), NVGColor(ocol
3508 /** Creates and returns a box gradient. Box gradient is a feathered rounded rectangle, it is useful for rendering
3509 * drop shadows or highlights for boxes. Parameters (x, y) define the top-left corner of the rectangle,
3510 * (w, h) define the size of the rectangle, r defines the corner radius, and f feather. Feather defines how blurry
3511 * the border of the rectangle is. Parameter icol specifies the inner color and ocol the outer color of the gradient.
3512 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3516 public NVGPaint
boxGradient() (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, float w
, float h
, float r
, float f
, in auto ref NVGColor icol
, in auto ref NVGColor ocol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3518 memset(&p
, 0, p
3519 p
= false;
3522 p
[4] = x
3523 p
[5] = y
3525 p
[0] = w
3526 p
[1] = h
3530 p
= nvg__max(NVG_MIN_FEATHER
, f
3532 p
= p
= icol
3533 p
= ocol
3539 /** Creates and returns an image pattern. Parameters `(cx, cy)` specify the left-top location of the image pattern,
3540 * `(w, h)` the size of one image, [angle] rotation around the top-left corner, [image] is handle to the image to render.
3541 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3545 public NVGPaint
imagePattern() (NVGContext ctx
, float cx
, float cy
, float w
, float h
, float angle
, in auto ref NVGImage image
, float alpha
=1) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3547 memset(&p
, 0, p
3548 p
= false;
3550 p
3551 p
[4] = cx
3552 p
[5] = cy
3554 p
[0] = w
3555 p
[1] = h
3559 p
= p
= p
= nvgRGBAf(1, 1, 1, alpha
3565 /// Linear gradient with multiple stops.
3568 public struct NVGLGS
3570 NVGColor ic
, mc
, oc
; // inner, middle, out
3573 // [imagePattern] arguments
3574 float cx
, cy
, dimx
, dimy
; // dimx and dimy are ex and ey for simple gradients
3575 public float angle
; ///
3578 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (imgid
.valid || midp
>= -1); } ///
3579 void clear () nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); imgid
.clear(); midp
= float.nan
; } ///
3582 /** Returns [NVGPaint] for linear gradient with stops, created with [createLinearGradientWithStops].
3583 * The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to [fillPaint] or [strokePaint].
3588 public NVGPaint
asPaint() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGLGS
lgs) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3591 memset(&p
, 0, p
3592 nvg__setPaintColor(p
, NVGColor
3594 } else if (lgs.midp
>= -1) {
3595 return ctx
, lgs.cy
, lgs.dimx
, lgs.dimy
, lgs.ic
, lgs.midp
, lgs.mc
, lgs.oc
3597 return ctx
, lgs.cy
, lgs.dimx
, lgs.dimy
, lgs.angle
, lgs.imgid
3601 /// Gradient Stop Point.
3604 public struct NVGGradientStop
3605 float offset
= 0; /// [0..1]
3608 this() (in float aofs
, in auto ref NVGColor aclr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); offset
= aofs
; color
= aclr
; } ///
3609 static if (NanoVegaHasArsdColor
) {
3610 this() (in float aofs
, in Color aclr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); offset
= aofs
; color
= NVGColor(aclr
); } ///
3614 /// Create linear gradient data suitable to use with `linearGradient(res)`.
3615 /// Don't forget to destroy the result when you don't need it anymore with `ctx.kill(res);`.
3618 public NVGLGS
createLinearGradientWithStops (NVGContext ctx
, in float sx
, in float sy
, in float ex
, in float ey
, const(NVGGradientStop
)[] stops
...) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3619 // based on the code by Jorge Acereda <jacereda@gmail.com>
= 1024;
3621 static void gradientSpan (uint* dst
, const(NVGGradientStop
)* s0
, const(NVGGradientStop
)* s1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3622 immutable float s0o
= nvg__clamp(s0
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
3623 immutable float s1o
= nvg__clamp(s1
, 0.0f, 1.0f);
3624 uint s
= cast(uint)(s0o
3625 uint e
= cast(uint)(s1o
3626 uint sc
= 0xffffffffU
3628 uint r
= cast(uint)(s0
3629 uint g
= cast(uint)(s0
3630 uint b
= cast(uint)(s0
3631 uint a
= cast(uint)(s0
3632 uint dr
= cast(uint)((s1
3633 uint dg
= cast(uint)((s1
3634 uint db = cast(uint)((s1
3635 uint da = cast(uint)((s1
3637 foreach (immutable _
; s
) {
3638 version(BigEndian
) {
3639 *dst
++ = ((r
3641 *dst
++ = ((a
3654 if (stops
== 2 && stops
<= 0 && stops
>= 1) {
3655 // create simple linear gradient
3656 res
= res
= stops
3657 res
= stops
3661 } else if (stops
== 3 && stops
<= 0 && stops
>= 1) {
3662 // create simple linear gradient with middle stop
3663 res
= stops
3664 res
= stops
3665 res
= stops
3666 res
= stops
3670 // create image gradient
] data
= void;
3672 immutable float w
= ex
3673 immutable float h
= ey
3674 res
= nvg__sqrtf(w
3678 (/*nvg__absf(h) < 0.0001 ? 0 :
3679 nvg__absf(w) < 0.0001 ? 90.nvgDegrees :*/
3680 nvg__atan2f(h
/*ey-sy*/, w
3682 if (stops
> 0) {
3683 auto s0
= NVGGradientStop(0, nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 1));
3684 auto s1
= NVGGradientStop(1, nvgRGBAf(1, 1, 1, 1));
3685 if (stops
> 64) stops
= stops
3687 s0
= stops
3688 s1
= stops
3690 gradientSpan(data
, &s0
, (stops
.length ? stops
: &s1
3691 foreach (immutable i
; 0..stops
-1) gradientSpan(data
, stops
, stops
3692 gradientSpan(data
, (stops
.length ? stops
-1 : &s0
), &s1
3693 res
= ctx
, 1, data
[]/*, NVGImageFlag.RepeatX, NVGImageFlag.RepeatY*/);
3700 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3703 /// Sets the current scissor rectangle. The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.
3704 /// Group: scissoring
3705 public void scissor (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, float w
, float h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3706 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3708 w
= nvg__max(0.0f, w
3709 h
= nvg__max(0.0f, h
3711 state
3712 state
[4] = x
3713 state
[5] = y
3714 //nvgTransformMultiply(state.scissor.xform[], state.xform[]);
3715 state
3717 state
[0] = w
3718 state
[1] = h
3721 /// Sets the current scissor rectangle. The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.
3722 /// Arguments: [x, y, w, h]*
3723 /// Group: scissoring
3724 public void scissor (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3726 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [scissor] call");
3727 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
3728 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3729 const(float)* aptr
= args
3730 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
3731 immutable x
= *aptr
3732 immutable y
= *aptr
3733 immutable w
= nvg__max(0.0f, *aptr
3734 immutable h
= nvg__max(0.0f, *aptr
3736 state
3737 state
[4] = x
3738 state
[5] = y
3739 //nvgTransformMultiply(state.scissor.xform[], state.xform[]);
3740 state
3742 state
[0] = w
3743 state
[1] = h
3747 void nvg__isectRects (float* dst
, float ax
, float ay
, float aw
, float ah
, float bx
, float by
, float bw
, float bh
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3748 immutable float minx
= nvg__max(ax
, bx
3749 immutable float miny
= nvg__max(ay
, by
3750 immutable float maxx
= nvg__min(ax
, bx
3751 immutable float maxy
= nvg__min(ay
, by
3754 dst
[2] = nvg__max(0.0f, maxx
3755 dst
[3] = nvg__max(0.0f, maxy
3758 /** Intersects current scissor rectangle with the specified rectangle.
3759 * The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.
3760 * Note: in case the rotation of previous scissor rect differs from
3761 * the current one, the intersection will be done between the specified
3762 * rectangle and the previous scissor rectangle transformed in the current
3763 * transform space. The resulting shape is always rectangle.
3767 public void intersectScissor (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3768 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3770 // If no previous scissor has been set, set the scissor as current scissor.
3771 if (state
[0] < 0) {
3772 ctx
, y
, w
, h
3776 NVGMatrix pxform
= void;
3777 NVGMatrix invxorm
= void;
3778 float[4] rect
= void;
3780 // Transform the current scissor rect into current transform space.
3781 // If there is difference in rotation, this will be approximation.
3782 //memcpy(pxform.mat.ptr, state.scissor.xform.ptr, float.sizeof*6);
3783 pxform
= state
3784 immutable float ex
= state
3785 immutable float ey
= state
3786 //nvgTransformInverse(invxorm[], state.xform[]);
3787 invxorm
= state
3788 //nvgTransformMultiply(pxform[], invxorm[]);
3789 pxform
3790 immutable float tex
= ex
3791 immutable float tey
= ex
3794 nvg__isectRects(rect
, pxform
, pxform
, tex
*2, tey
*2, x
, y
, w
, h
3796 //ctx.scissor(rect.ptr[0], rect.ptr[1], rect.ptr[2], rect.ptr[3]);
3797 ctx
3800 /** Intersects current scissor rectangle with the specified rectangle.
3801 * The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.
3802 * Note: in case the rotation of previous scissor rect differs from
3803 * the current one, the intersection will be done between the specified
3804 * rectangle and the previous scissor rectangle transformed in the current
3805 * transform space. The resulting shape is always rectangle.
3807 * Arguments: [x, y, w, h]*
3811 public void intersectScissor (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3813 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [intersectScissor] call");
3814 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
3815 const(float)* aptr
= args
3816 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
3817 immutable x
= *aptr
3818 immutable y
= *aptr
3819 immutable w
= *aptr
3820 immutable h
= *aptr
3821 ctx
, y
, w
, h
3825 /// Reset and disables scissoring.
3826 /// Group: scissoring
3827 public void resetScissor (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3828 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3829 state
[] = 0.0f;
3830 state
[] = -1.0f;
3834 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3835 // Render-Time Affine Transformations
3837 /// Sets GPU affine transformatin matrix. Don't do scaling or skewing here.
3838 /// This matrix won't be saved/restored with context state save/restore operations, as it is not a part of that state.
3839 /// Group: gpu_affine
3840 public void affineGPU() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGMatrix mat
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3841 ctx
= mat
3842 ctx
, ctx
3845 /// Get current GPU affine transformatin matrix.
3846 /// Group: gpu_affine
3847 public NVGMatrix
affineGPU (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @safe @nogc {
3848 pragma(inline
, true);
3849 return ctx
3852 /// "Untransform" point using current GPU affine matrix.
3853 /// Group: gpu_affine
3854 public void gpuUntransformPoint (NVGContext ctx
, float *dx
, float *dy
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @safe @nogc {
3855 if (ctx
) {
3856 if (dx
!is null) *dx
= x
3857 if (dy
!is null) *dy
= y
3859 // inverse GPU transformation
3860 NVGMatrix igpu
= ctx
3861 igpu
, dy
, x
, y
3866 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3867 // rasterization (tesselation) code
3869 int nvg__ptEquals (float x1
, float y1
, float x2
, float y2
, float tol
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
3870 //pragma(inline, true);
3871 immutable float dx
= x2
3872 immutable float dy
= y2
3873 return dx
< tol
3876 float nvg__distPtSeg (float x
, float y
, float px
, float py
, float qx
, float qy
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
3877 immutable float pqx
= qx
3878 immutable float pqy
= qy
3881 immutable float d
= pqx
3882 float t
= pqx
3884 if (t
< 0) t
= 0; else if (t
> 1) t
= 1;
3890 void nvg__appendCommands(bool useCommand
=true) (NVGContext ctx
, Command acmd
, const(float)[] vals
...) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3891 int nvals
= cast(int)vals
3892 static if (useCommand
) {
3896 if (nvals
== 0) return; // nothing to do
3899 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
3901 if (ctx
> ctx
) {
3902 //int ccommands = ctx.ncommands+nvals+ctx.ccommands/2;
3903 int ccommands
= ((ctx
3904 float* commands
= cast(float*)realloc(ctx
, float.sizeof
3905 if (commands
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
3906 ctx
= commands
3907 ctx
= ccommands
3908 assert(ctx
) <= ctx
3911 static if (!useCommand
) acmd
= cast(Command
3913 if (acmd
!= Command
&& acmd
!= Command
) {
3914 //assert(nvals+addon >= 3);
3915 ctx
= vals
3916 ctx
= vals
3920 float* vp
= ctx
3921 static if (useCommand
) {
3922 vp
[0] = cast(float)acmd
3923 if (nvals
> 0) memcpy(vp
+1, vals
, nvals
3925 memcpy(vp
, vals
, nvals
3927 ctx
+= nvals
3929 // transform commands
3930 int i
= nvals
3933 final switch (cast(Command
)) {
3934 case Command
3935 case Command
3937 state
+1, vp
+2, vp
[1], vp
3940 case Command
3942 state
+1, vp
+2, vp
[1], vp
3943 state
+3, vp
+4, vp
[3], vp
3944 state
+5, vp
+6, vp
[5], vp
3950 case Command
3954 assert(nlen
> 0 && nlen
<= i
3960 void nvg__clearPathCache (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3961 // no need to clear paths, as data is not copied there
3962 //foreach (ref p; ctx.cache.paths[0..ctx.cache.npaths]) p.clear();
3963 ctx
= 0;
3964 ctx
= 0;
3965 ctx
= ctx
= false;
3966 ctx
= NVGClipMode
3969 NVGpath
* nvg__lastPath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3970 return (ctx
> 0 ?
-1] : null);
3973 void nvg__addPath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3974 import core
: realloc
3975 import core
: memset
3977 if (ctx
+1 > ctx
) {
3978 int cpaths
= ctx
3979 NVGpath
* paths
= cast(NVGpath
, NVGpath
3980 if (paths
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
3981 ctx
= paths
3982 ctx
= cpaths
3985 NVGpath
* path
= &ctx
3986 memset(path
, 0, NVGpath
3987 path
= ctx
3988 path
= NVGWinding
3991 NVGpoint
* nvg__lastPoint (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3992 return (ctx
> 0 ?
-1] : null);
3995 void nvg__addPoint (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, int flags
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
3996 NVGpath
* path
= nvg__lastPath(ctx
3997 if (path
is null) return;
3999 if (path
> 0 && ctx
> 0) {
4000 NVGpoint
* pt
= nvg__lastPoint(ctx
4001 if (nvg__ptEquals(pt
, pt
, x
, y
, ctx
)) {
4007 if (ctx
+1 > ctx
) {
4008 int cpoints
= ctx
4009 NVGpoint
* points
= cast(NVGpoint
, NVGpoint
4010 if (points
is null) return;
4011 ctx
= points
4012 ctx
= cpoints
4015 NVGpoint
* pt
= &ctx
4016 memset(pt
, 0, (*pt
4019 pt
= cast(ubyte)flags
4021 ++ctx
4025 void nvg__closePath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4026 NVGpath
* path
= nvg__lastPath(ctx
4027 if (path
is null) return;
4031 void nvg__pathWinding (NVGContext ctx
, NVGWinding winding
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4032 NVGpath
* path
= nvg__lastPath(ctx
4033 if (path
is null) return;
4034 path
= winding
4037 float nvg__getAverageScale() (in auto ref NVGMatrix t
) /*pure*/ nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4038 immutable float sx
= nvg__sqrtf(t
4039 immutable float sy
= nvg__sqrtf(t
4040 return (sx
4043 NVGVertex
* nvg__allocTempVerts (NVGContext ctx
, int nverts
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4044 if (nverts
> ctx
) {
4045 int cverts
= (nverts
+0xff)&~0xff; // Round up to prevent allocations when things change just slightly.
4046 NVGVertex
* verts
= cast(NVGVertex
, NVGVertex
4047 if (verts
is null) return null;
4048 ctx
= verts
4049 ctx
= cverts
4052 return ctx
4055 float nvg__triarea2 (float ax
, float ay
, float bx
, float by
, float cx
, float cy
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
4056 immutable float abx
= bx
4057 immutable float aby
= by
4058 immutable float acx
= cx
4059 immutable float acy
= cy
4060 return acx
4063 float nvg__polyArea (NVGpoint
* pts
, int npts
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4065 foreach (int i
; 2..npts
) {
4066 NVGpoint
* a
= &pts
4067 NVGpoint
* b
= &pts
4068 NVGpoint
* c
= &pts
4069 area
+= nvg__triarea2(a
, a
, b
, b
, c
, c
4074 void nvg__polyReverse (NVGpoint
* pts
, int npts
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4075 NVGpoint tmp
= void;
4076 int i
= 0, j
= npts
4086 void nvg__vset (NVGVertex
* vtx
, float x
, float y
, float u
, float v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4093 void nvg__tesselateBezier (NVGContext ctx
, in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float x3
, in float y3
, in float x4
, in float y4
, in int level
, in int type
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4094 if (level
> 10) return;
4096 // check for collinear points, and use AFD tesselator on such curves (it is WAY faster for this case)
4098 if (level == 0 && ctx.tesselatortype == NVGTesselation.Combined) {
4099 static bool collinear (in float v0x, in float v0y, in float v1x, in float v1y, in float v2x, in float v2y) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4100 immutable float cz = (v1x-v0x)*(v2y-v0y)-(v2x-v0x)*(v1y-v0y);
4101 return (nvg__absf(cz*cz) <= 0.01f); // arbitrary number, seems to work ok with NanoSVG output
4103 if (collinear(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) && collinear(x2, y2, x3, y3, x3, y4)) {
4104 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("AFD fallback!\n"); }
4105 ctx.nvg__tesselateBezierAFD(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, type);
4111 immutable float x12
= (x1
4112 immutable float y12
= (y1
4113 immutable float x23
= (x2
4114 immutable float y23
= (y2
4115 immutable float x34
= (x3
4116 immutable float y34
= (y3
4117 immutable float x123
= (x12
4118 immutable float y123
= (y12
4120 immutable float dx
= x4
4121 immutable float dy
= y4
4122 immutable float d2
= nvg__absf(((x2
4123 immutable float d3
= nvg__absf(((x3
4125 if ((d2
) < ctx
)) {
4126 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x4
, y4
, type
4130 immutable float x234
= (x23
4131 immutable float y234
= (y23
4132 immutable float x1234
= (x123
4133 immutable float y1234
= (y123
4135 // "taxicab" / "manhattan" check for flat curves
4136 if (nvg__absf(x1
) < ctx
/4) {
4137 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x1234
, y1234
, type
4141 nvg__tesselateBezier(ctx
, x1
, y1
, x12
, y12
, x123
, y123
, x1234
, y1234
, level
+1, 0);
4142 nvg__tesselateBezier(ctx
, x1234
, y1234
, x234
, y234
, x34
, y34
, x4
, y4
, level
+1, type
4145 // based on the ideas and code of Maxim Shemanarev. Rest in Peace, bro!
4146 // see http://www.antigrain.com/research/adaptive_bezier/index.html
4147 void nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem (NVGContext ctx
, in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float x3
, in float y3
, in float x4
, in float y4
, in int level
, in int type
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4148 enum CollinearEPS
= 0.00000001f; // 0.00001f;
4149 enum AngleTolEPS
= 0.01f;
4151 static float distSquared (in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
4152 pragma(inline
, true);
4153 immutable float dx
= x2
4154 immutable float dy
= y2
4159 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x1
, y1
, 0);
4160 nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem(ctx
, x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
, x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
, 1, type
4161 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x4
, y4
, type
4165 if (level
>= 32) return; // recurse limit; practically, it should be never reached, but...
4167 // calculate all the mid-points of the line segments
4168 immutable float x12
= (x1
4169 immutable float y12
= (y1
4170 immutable float x23
= (x2
4171 immutable float y23
= (y2
4172 immutable float x34
= (x3
4173 immutable float y34
= (y3
4174 immutable float x123
= (x12
4175 immutable float y123
= (y12
4176 immutable float x234
= (x23
4177 immutable float y234
= (y23
4178 immutable float x1234
= (x123
4179 immutable float y1234
= (y123
4181 // try to approximate the full cubic curve by a single straight line
4182 immutable float dx
= x4
4183 immutable float dy
= y4
4185 float d2
= nvg__absf(((x2
4186 float d3
= nvg__absf(((x3
4187 //immutable float da1, da2, k;
4189 final switch ((cast(int)(d2
> CollinearEPS
> CollinearEPS
)) {
4191 // all collinear or p1 == p4
4192 float k
= dx
4194 d2
= distSquared(x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
4195 d3
= distSquared(x4
, y4
, x3
, y3
4200 d2
= k
4203 d3
= k
4204 if (d2
> 0 && d2
< 1 && d3
> 0 && d3
< 1) {
4205 // Simple collinear case, 1---2---3---4
4206 // We can leave just two endpoints
4209 if (d2
<= 0) d2
= distSquared(x2
, y2
, x1
, y1
4210 else if (d2
>= 1) d2
= distSquared(x2
, y2
, x4
, y4
4211 else d2
= distSquared(x2
, y2
, x1
, y1
4213 if (d3
<= 0) d3
= distSquared(x3
, y3
, x1
, y1
4214 else if (d3
>= 1) d3
= distSquared(x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
4215 else d3
= distSquared(x3
, y3
, x1
, y1
4218 if (d2
< ctx
) {
4219 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x2
, y2
, type
4222 } if (d3
< ctx
) {
4223 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x3
, y3
, type
4228 // p1,p2,p4 are collinear, p3 is significant
4229 if (d3
<= ctx
)) {
4230 if (ctx
< AngleTolEPS
) {
4231 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x23
, y23
, type
4235 float da1
= nvg__absf(nvg__atan2f(y4
, x4
, x3
4236 if (da1
) da1
= 2*NVG_PI
4237 if (da1
< ctx
) {
4238 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x2
, y2
, type
4239 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x3
, y3
, type
4242 if (ctx
!= 0.0) {
4243 if (da1
> ctx
) {
4244 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x3
, y3
, type
4252 // p1,p3,p4 are collinear, p2 is significant
4253 if (d2
<= ctx
)) {
4254 if (ctx
< AngleTolEPS
) {
4255 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x23
, y23
, type
4259 float da1
= nvg__absf(nvg__atan2f(y3
, x3
, x2
4260 if (da1
) da1
= 2*NVG_PI
4261 if (da1
< ctx
) {
4262 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x2
, y2
, type
4263 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x3
, y3
, type
4266 if (ctx
!= 0.0) {
4267 if (da1
> ctx
) {
4268 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x2
, y2
, type
4277 if ((d2
) <= ctx
)) {
4278 // if the curvature doesn't exceed the distance tolerance value, we tend to finish subdivisions
4279 if (ctx
< AngleTolEPS
) {
4280 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x23
, y23
, type
4283 // angle and cusp condition
4284 immutable float k
= nvg__atan2f(y3
, x3
4285 float da1
= nvg__absf(k
, x2
4286 float da2
= nvg__absf(nvg__atan2f(y4
, x4
4287 if (da1
) da1
= 2*NVG_PI
4288 if (da2
) da2
= 2*NVG_PI
4289 if (da1
< ctx
) {
4290 // finally we can stop the recursion
4291 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x23
, y23
, type
4294 if (ctx
!= 0.0) {
4295 if (da1
> ctx
) {
4296 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x2
, y2
, type
4299 if (da2
> ctx
) {
4300 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, x3
, y3
, type
4309 // continue subdivision
4310 nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem(ctx
, x1
, y1
, x12
, y12
, x123
, y123
, x1234
, y1234
, level
+1, 0);
4311 nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem(ctx
, x1234
, y1234
, x234
, y234
, x34
, y34
, x4
, y4
, level
+1, type
4315 // Adaptive forward differencing for bezier tesselation.
4316 // See Lien, Sheue-Ling, Michael Shantz, and Vaughan Pratt.
4317 // "Adaptive forward differencing for rendering curves and surfaces."
4318 // ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics. Vol. 21. No. 4. ACM, 1987.
4319 // original code by Taylor Holliday <taylor@audulus.com>
4320 void nvg__tesselateBezierAFD (NVGContext ctx
, in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float x3
, in float y3
, in float x4
, in float y4
, in int type
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4321 enum AFD_ONE
= (1<<10);
4324 immutable float ax
= -x1
4325 immutable float ay
= -y1
4326 immutable float bx
= 3*x1
4327 immutable float by
= 3*y1
4328 immutable float cx
= -3*x1
4329 immutable float cy
= -3*y1
4331 // Transform to forward difference basis (stepsize 1)
4334 float dx
= ax
4335 float dy
= ay
4336 float ddx
= 6*ax
4337 float ddy
= 6*ay
4341 //printf("dx: %f, dy: %f\n", dx, dy);
4342 //printf("ddx: %f, ddy: %f\n", ddx, ddy);
4343 //printf("dddx: %f, dddy: %f\n", dddx, dddy);
4348 immutable float tol
= ctx
4350 while (t
) {
4351 // Flatness measure.
4352 float d
= ddx
4354 // printf("d: %f, th: %f\n", d, th);
4356 // Go to higher resolution if we're moving a lot or overshooting the end.
4357 while ((d
> tol
&& dt > 1) ||
+dt > AFD_ONE
)) {
4360 // Apply L to the curve. Increase curve resolution.
4361 dx
= 0.5f*dx
4362 dy
= 0.5f*dy
4363 ddx
= (1.0f/4.0f)*ddx
4364 ddy
= (1.0f/4.0f)*ddy
4365 dddx
= (1.0f/8.0f)*dddx
4366 dddy
= (1.0f/8.0f)*dddy
4368 // Half the stepsize.
4372 d
= ddx
4375 // Go to lower resolution if we're really flat
4376 // and we aren't going to overshoot the end.
4377 // XXX: tol/32 is just a guess for when we are too flat.
4378 while ((d
> 0 && d
< tol
/32.0f && dt < AFD_ONE
) && (t
+2*dt <= AFD_ONE
)) {
4379 // printf("down\n");
4381 // Apply L^(-1) to the curve. Decrease curve resolution.
4389 // Double the stepsize.
4393 d
= ddx
4396 // Forward differencing.
4405 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, px
, py
, (t
> 0 ? type
: 0));
4407 // Advance along the curve.
4410 // Ensure we don't overshoot.
4411 assert(t
4416 void nvg__dashLastPath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4417 import core
: realloc
4418 import core
: memcpy
4420 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
4421 if (cache
== 0) return;
4423 NVGpath
* path
= nvg__lastPath(ctx
4424 if (path
is null) return;
4426 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
4427 if (!state
) return;
4429 static NVGpoint
* pts
= null;
4430 static uint ptsCount
= 0;
4431 static uint ptsSize
= 0;
4433 if (path
< 2) return; // just in case
4435 // copy path points (reserve one point for closed pathes)
4436 if (ptsSize
< path
+1) {
4437 ptsSize
= cast(uint)(path
4438 pts
= cast(NVGpoint
, ptsSize
4439 if (pts
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
4441 ptsCount
= cast(uint)path
4442 memcpy(pts
, &cache
], ptsCount
4443 // add closing point for closed pathes
4444 if (path
&& !nvg__ptEquals(pts
, pts
, pts
, pts
, ctx
)) {
4445 pts
++] = pts
4448 // remove last path (with its points)
4450 cache
-= path
4452 // add stroked pathes
4453 const(float)* dashes
= state
4454 immutable uint dashCount
= state
4455 float currDashStart
= 0;
4456 uint currDashIdx
= 0;
4457 immutable bool firstIsGap
= state
4459 // calculate lengthes
4461 NVGpoint
* v1
= &pts
4462 NVGpoint
* v2
= &pts
4463 foreach (immutable _
; 0..ptsCount
) {
4464 float dx
= v2
4465 float dy
= v2
4466 v1
= nvg__normalize(&dx
, &dy
4471 void calcDashStart (float ds) {
4473 ds = ds%state
4474 while (ds < 0) ds += state
4479 if (ds > dashes
]) {
4480 ds -= dashes
4483 if (currDashIdx
>= dashCount
) currDashIdx
= 0;
4491 calcDashStart(state
4493 uint srcPointIdx
= 1;
4494 const(NVGpoint
)* v1
= &pts
4495 const(NVGpoint
)* v2
= &pts
4496 float currRest
= v1
4498 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, v1
, v1
, PointFlag
4500 void fixLastPoint () {
4501 auto lpt
= nvg__lastPath(ctx
4502 if (lpt
!is null && lpt
> 0) {
4504 if (auto lps
= nvg__lastPoint(ctx
)) lps
= PointFlag
4506 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
4507 cache
= PointFlag
4512 immutable float dlen
= dashes
4515 if (currDashIdx
>= dashCount
) currDashIdx
= 0;
4518 immutable float dashRest
= dlen
4519 if ((currDashIdx
&1) != firstIsGap
) {
4520 // this is "moveto" command, so create new path
4524 if (currRest
> dashRest
) {
4525 currRest
-= dashRest
4527 if (currDashIdx
>= dashCount
) currDashIdx
= 0;
4530 v2
4531 v2
4535 currDashStart
+= currRest
4536 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, v2
, v2
, v1
); //k8:fix flags here?
4540 if (srcPointIdx
>= ptsCount
) break;
4541 v2
= &pts
4548 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) import iv
: Timer
4550 void nvg__flattenPaths(bool asStroke
) (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4551 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) {
4556 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
4557 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
4559 // check if we already did flattening
4560 static if (asStroke
) {
4561 if (state
>= 2) {
4562 if (cache
> 0 && state
== state
) return; // already flattened
4563 state
= true;
4564 state
= state
4566 if (cache
> 0 && state
== 0) return; // already flattened
4567 state
= false;
4568 state
= 0;
4571 if (cache
> 0 && state
== 0) return; // already flattened
4572 state
= 0; // so next stroke flattening will redo it
4573 state
= false;
4581 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) timer
4583 while (i
< ctx
) {
4584 final switch (cast(Command
]) {
4585 case Command
4586 //assert(i+3 <= ctx.ncommands);
4587 static if (asStroke
) {
4588 if (cache
> 0 && state
) nvg__dashLastPath(ctx
4591 const p
= &ctx
4592 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, p
[0], p
[1], PointFlag
4595 case Command
4596 //assert(i+3 <= ctx.ncommands);
4597 const p
= &ctx
4598 nvg__addPoint(ctx
, p
[0], p
[1], PointFlag
4601 case Command
4602 //assert(i+7 <= ctx.ncommands);
4603 const last
= nvg__lastPoint(ctx
4604 if (last
!is null) {
4605 const cp1
= &ctx
4606 const cp2
= &ctx
4607 const p
= &ctx
4608 if (ctx
== NVGTesselation
) {
4609 nvg__tesselateBezier(ctx
, last
, last
, cp1
[0], cp1
[1], cp2
[0], cp2
[1], p
[0], p
[1], 0, PointFlag
4610 } else if (ctx
== NVGTesselation
) {
4611 nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem(ctx
, last
, last
, cp1
[0], cp1
[1], cp2
[0], cp2
[1], p
[0], p
[1], 0, PointFlag
4613 nvg__tesselateBezierAFD(ctx
, last
, last
, cp1
[0], cp1
[1], cp2
[0], cp2
[1], p
[0], p
[1], PointFlag
4615 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) ++bzcount
4620 //assert(i+1 <= ctx.ncommands);
4621 nvg__closePath(ctx
4624 case Command
4625 //assert(i+2 <= ctx.ncommands);
4626 nvg__pathWinding(ctx
, cast(NVGWinding
4631 static if (asStroke
) {
4632 if (cache
> 0 && state
) nvg__dashLastPath(ctx
4634 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) {{
4636 auto xb
= timer
4637 import core
: printf
4638 printf("flattening time: [%.*s] (%d beziers)\n", cast(uint)xb
, xb
, bzcount
4641 cache
[0] = cache
[1] = float.max
4642 cache
[2] = cache
[3] = -float.max
4644 // calculate the direction and length of line segments
4645 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) timer
4646 foreach (int j
; 0..cache
) {
4647 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
4648 NVGpoint
* pts
= &cache
4650 // if the first and last points are the same, remove the last, mark as closed path
4651 NVGpoint
* p0
= &pts
4652 NVGpoint
* p1
= &pts
4653 if (nvg__ptEquals(p0
, p0
, p1
, p1
, ctx
)) {
4655 p0
= &pts
4660 if (path
> 2) {
4661 immutable float area
= nvg__polyArea(pts
, path
4662 if (path
== NVGWinding
&& area
< 0.0f) nvg__polyReverse(pts
, path
4663 if (path
== NVGWinding
&& area
> 0.0f) nvg__polyReverse(pts
, path
4666 foreach (immutable _
; 0..path
) {
4667 // calculate segment direction and length
4670 p0
= nvg__normalize(&p0
, &p0
4672 cache
[0] = nvg__min(cache
[0], p0
4673 cache
[1] = nvg__min(cache
[1], p0
4674 cache
[2] = nvg__max(cache
[2], p0
4675 cache
[3] = nvg__max(cache
[3], p0
4680 version(nanovg_bench_flatten
) {{
4682 auto xb
= timer
4683 import core
: printf
4684 printf("segment calculation time: [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)xb
, xb
4688 int nvg__curveDivs (float r
, float arc
, float tol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4689 immutable float da = nvg__acosf(r
4690 return nvg__max(2, cast(int)nvg__ceilf(arc
4693 void nvg__chooseBevel (int bevel
, NVGpoint
* p0
, NVGpoint
* p1
, float w
, float* x0
, float* y0
, float* x1
, float* y1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4700 *x0
= p1
4701 *y0
= p1
4702 *x1
= p1
4703 *y1
= p1
4707 NVGVertex
* nvg__roundJoin (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p0
, NVGpoint
* p1
, float lw
, float rw
, float lu
, float ru
, int ncap
, float fringe
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4709 float dly0
= -p0
4711 float dly1
= -p1
4712 //NVG_NOTUSED(fringe);
4714 if (p1
) {
4715 float lx0
= void, ly0
= void, lx1
= void, ly1
= void;
4716 nvg__chooseBevel(p1
, p0
, p1
, lw
, &lx0
, &ly0
, &lx1
, &ly1
4717 immutable float a0
= nvg__atan2f(-dly0
, -dlx0
4718 float a1
= nvg__atan2f(-dly1
, -dlx1
4719 if (a1
> a0
) a1
4721 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4722 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4724 int n
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)nvg__ceilf(((a0
), 2, ncap
4725 for (int i
= 0; i
< n
; ++i
) {
4726 float u
= i
4727 float a
= a0
4728 float rx
= p1
4729 float ry
= p1
4730 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4731 nvg__vset(dst
, rx
, ry
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4734 nvg__vset(dst
, lx1
, ly1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4735 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4738 float rx0
= void, ry0
= void, rx1
= void, ry1
= void;
4739 nvg__chooseBevel(p1
, p0
, p1
, -rw
, &rx0
, &ry0
, &rx1
, &ry1
4740 immutable float a0
= nvg__atan2f(dly0
, dlx0
4741 float a1
= nvg__atan2f(dly1
, dlx1
4742 if (a1
< a0
) a1
4744 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4745 nvg__vset(dst
, rx0
, ry0
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4747 int n
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)nvg__ceilf(((a1
), 2, ncap
4748 for (int i
= 0; i
< n
; i
++) {
4749 float u
= i
4750 float a
= a0
4751 float lx
= p1
4752 float ly
= p1
4753 nvg__vset(dst
, lx
, ly
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4754 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4757 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4758 nvg__vset(dst
, rx1
, ry1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4764 NVGVertex
* nvg__bevelJoin (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p0
, NVGpoint
* p1
, float lw
, float rw
, float lu
, float ru
, float fringe
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4765 float rx0
, ry0
, rx1
, ry1
4766 float lx0
, ly0
, lx1
, ly1
4768 float dly0
= -p0
4770 float dly1
= -p1
4771 //NVG_NOTUSED(fringe);
4773 if (p1
) {
4774 nvg__chooseBevel(p1
, p0
, p1
, lw
, &lx0
, &ly0
, &lx1
, &ly1
4776 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4777 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4779 if (p1
) {
4780 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4781 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4783 nvg__vset(dst
, lx1
, ly1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4784 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4786 rx0
= p1
4787 ry0
= p1
4789 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4790 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4792 nvg__vset(dst
, rx0
, ry0
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4793 nvg__vset(dst
, rx0
, ry0
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4795 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4796 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4799 nvg__vset(dst
, lx1
, ly1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4800 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4803 nvg__chooseBevel(p1
, p0
, p1
, -rw
, &rx0
, &ry0
, &rx1
, &ry1
4805 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4806 nvg__vset(dst
, rx0
, ry0
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4808 if (p1
) {
4809 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4810 nvg__vset(dst
, rx0
, ry0
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4812 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4813 nvg__vset(dst
, rx1
, ry1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4815 lx0
= p1
4816 ly0
= p1
4818 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4819 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4821 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4822 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4824 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4825 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4828 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
, p1
, lu
, 1); ++dst
4829 nvg__vset(dst
, rx1
, ry1
, ru
, 1); ++dst
4835 NVGVertex
* nvg__buttCapStart (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p
, float dx
, float dy
, float w
, float d
, float aa
, float u0
, float u1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4836 immutable float px
= p
4837 immutable float py
= p
4838 immutable float dlx
= dy
4839 immutable float dly
= -dx
4840 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
,0); ++dst
4841 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
,0); ++dst
4842 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 1); ++dst
4843 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
, 1); ++dst
4847 NVGVertex
* nvg__buttCapEnd (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p
, float dx
, float dy
, float w
, float d
, float aa
, float u0
, float u1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4848 immutable float px
= p
4849 immutable float py
= p
4850 immutable float dlx
= dy
4851 immutable float dly
= -dx
4852 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 1); ++dst
4853 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
, 1); ++dst
4854 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 0); ++dst
4855 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
, 0); ++dst
4859 NVGVertex
* nvg__roundCapStart (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p
, float dx
, float dy
, float w
, int ncap
, float aa
, float u0
, float u1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4860 immutable float px
= p
4861 immutable float py
= p
4862 immutable float dlx
= dy
4863 immutable float dly
= -dx
4865 immutable float ncpf
= cast(float)(ncap
4866 foreach (int i
; 0..ncap
) {
4867 float a
= i
4868 float ax
= nvg__cosf(a
, ay
= nvg__sinf(a
4869 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, 0, 1); ++dst
4870 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4872 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 1); ++dst
4873 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
, 1); ++dst
4877 NVGVertex
* nvg__roundCapEnd (NVGVertex
* dst
, NVGpoint
* p
, float dx
, float dy
, float w
, int ncap
, float aa
, float u0
, float u1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4878 immutable float px
= p
4879 immutable float py
= p
4880 immutable float dlx
= dy
4881 immutable float dly
= -dx
4883 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 1); ++dst
4884 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u1
, 1); ++dst
4885 immutable float ncpf
= cast(float)(ncap
4886 foreach (int i
; 0..ncap
) {
4887 float a
= i
4888 float ax
= nvg__cosf(a
, ay
= nvg__sinf(a
4889 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
4890 nvg__vset(dst
, px
, py
, u0
, 1); ++dst
4895 void nvg__calculateJoins (NVGContext ctx
, float w
, int lineJoin
, float miterLimit
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4896 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
4899 if (w
> 0.0f) iw
= 1.0f/w
4901 // Calculate which joins needs extra vertices to append, and gather vertex count.
4902 foreach (int i
; 0..cache
) {
4903 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
4904 NVGpoint
* pts
= &cache
4905 NVGpoint
* p0
= &pts
4906 NVGpoint
* p1
= &pts
4911 foreach (int j
; 0..path
) {
4912 //float dlx0, dly0, dlx1, dly1, dmr2, cross, limit;
4913 immutable float dlx0
= p0
4914 immutable float dly0
= -p0
4915 immutable float dlx1
= p1
4916 immutable float dly1
= -p1
4917 // Calculate extrusions
4918 p1
= (dlx0
4919 p1
= (dly0
4920 immutable float dmr2
= p1
4921 if (dmr2
> 0.000001f) {
4922 float scale
= 1.0f/dmr2
4923 if (scale
> 600.0f) scale
= 600.0f;
4928 // Clear flags, but keep the corner.
4929 p1
= (p1
) ? PointFlag
: 0;
4931 // Keep track of left turns.
4932 immutable float cross
= p1
4935 p1
.flags |
= PointFlag
4938 // Calculate if we should use bevel or miter for inner join.
4939 immutable float limit
= nvg__max(1.01f, nvg__min(p0
, p1
4940 if ((dmr2
) < 1.0f) p1
.flags |
= PointFlag
4942 // Check to see if the corner needs to be beveled.
4943 if (p1
) {
4944 if ((dmr2
) < 1.0f || lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
.Bevel || lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
) {
4945 p1
.flags |
= PointFlag
4949 if ((p1
)) != 0) path
4954 path
= (nleft
== path
4958 void nvg__expandStroke (NVGContext ctx
, float w
, float fringe
, int lineCap
, int lineJoin
, float miterLimit
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
4959 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
4960 immutable float aa
= fringe
; //ctx.fringeWidth;
4961 float u0
= 0.0f, u1
= 1.0f;
4962 int ncap
= nvg__curveDivs(w
, ctx
); // Calculate divisions per half circle.
4966 // Disable the gradient used for antialiasing when antialiasing is not used.
4972 nvg__calculateJoins(ctx
, w
, lineJoin
, miterLimit
4974 // Calculate max vertex usage.
4976 foreach (int i
; 0..cache
) {
4977 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
4978 immutable bool loop = path
4979 if (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
) {
4980 cverts
+= (path
+2)+1)*2; // plus one for loop
4982 cverts
+= (path
*5+1)*2; // plus one for loop
4986 if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) {
4987 cverts
+= (ncap
4994 NVGVertex
* verts
= nvg__allocTempVerts(ctx
, cverts
4995 if (verts
is null) return;
4997 foreach (int i
; 0..cache
) {
4998 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
4999 NVGpoint
* pts
= &cache
5007 // Calculate fringe or stroke
5008 immutable bool loop = path
5009 NVGVertex
* dst
= verts
5014 p0
= &pts
5028 float dx
= p1
5029 float dy
= p1
5030 nvg__normalize(&dx
, &dy
5031 if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__buttCapStart(dst
, p0
, dx
, dy
, w
, -aa
*0.5f, aa
, u0
, u1
5032 else if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
.Butt || lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__buttCapStart(dst
, p0
, dx
, dy
, w
, w
, aa
, u0
, u1
5033 else if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__roundCapStart(dst
, p0
, dx
, dy
, w
, ncap
, aa
, u0
, u1
5036 foreach (int j
; s
) {
5037 if ((p1
)) != 0) {
5038 if (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
) {
5039 dst
= nvg__roundJoin(dst
, p0
, p1
, w
, w
, u0
, u1
, ncap
, aa
5041 dst
= nvg__bevelJoin(dst
, p0
, p1
, w
, w
, u0
, u1
, aa
5044 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
), p1
), u0
, 1); ++dst
5045 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
), p1
), u1
, 1); ++dst
5052 nvg__vset(dst
, verts
, verts
, u0
, 1); ++dst
5053 nvg__vset(dst
, verts
, verts
, u1
, 1); ++dst
5056 float dx
= p1
5057 float dy
= p1
5058 nvg__normalize(&dx
, &dy
5059 if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__buttCapEnd(dst
, p1
, dx
, dy
, w
, -aa
*0.5f, aa
, u0
, u1
5060 else if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
.Butt || lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__buttCapEnd(dst
, p1
, dx
, dy
, w
, w
, aa
, u0
, u1
5061 else if (lineCap
== NVGLineCap
) dst
= nvg__roundCapEnd(dst
, p1
, dx
, dy
, w
, ncap
, aa
, u0
, u1
5064 path
= cast(int)(dst
5070 void nvg__expandFill (NVGContext ctx
, float w
, int lineJoin
, float miterLimit
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5071 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
5072 immutable float aa
= nvg_getFringe(ctx
5073 bool fringe
= (w
> 0.0f);
5075 nvg__calculateJoins(ctx
, w
, lineJoin
, miterLimit
5077 // Calculate max vertex usage.
5079 foreach (int i
; 0..cache
) {
5080 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
5081 cverts
+= path
5082 if (fringe
) cverts
+= (path
*5+1)*2; // plus one for loop
5085 NVGVertex
* verts
= nvg__allocTempVerts(ctx
, cverts
5086 if (verts
is null) return;
5088 bool convex
= (cache
== 1 && cache
5090 foreach (int i
; 0..cache
) {
5091 NVGpath
* path
= &cache
5092 NVGpoint
* pts
= &cache
5094 // Calculate shape vertices.
5095 immutable float woff
= 0.5f*aa
5096 NVGVertex
* dst
= verts
5101 NVGpoint
* p0
= &pts
5102 NVGpoint
* p1
= &pts
5103 foreach (int j
; 0..path
) {
5104 if (p1
) {
5105 immutable float dlx0
= p0
5106 immutable float dly0
= -p0
5107 immutable float dlx1
= p1
5108 immutable float dly1
= -p1
5109 if (p1
) {
5110 immutable float lx
= p1
5111 immutable float ly
= p1
5112 nvg__vset(dst
, lx
, ly
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
5114 immutable float lx0
= p1
5115 immutable float ly0
= p1
5116 immutable float lx1
= p1
5117 immutable float ly1
= p1
5118 nvg__vset(dst
, lx0
, ly0
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
5119 nvg__vset(dst
, lx1
, ly1
, 0.5f, 1); ++dst
5122 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
), p1
), 0.5f, 1); ++dst
5127 foreach (int j
; 0..path
) {
5128 nvg__vset(dst
, pts
, pts
, 0.5f, 1);
5133 path
= cast(int)(dst
5139 immutable float rw
= w
5141 immutable float ru
= 1;
5145 // Create only half a fringe for convex shapes so that
5146 // the shape can be rendered without stenciling.
5148 lw
= woff
; // This should generate the same vertex as fill inset above.
5149 lu
= 0.5f; // Set outline fade at middle.
5153 NVGpoint
* p0
= &pts
5154 NVGpoint
* p1
= &pts
5156 foreach (int j
; 0..path
) {
5157 if ((p1
)) != 0) {
5158 dst
= nvg__bevelJoin(dst
, p0
, p1
, lw
, rw
, lu
, ru
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
5160 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
), p1
), lu
, 1); ++dst
5161 nvg__vset(dst
, p1
), p1
), ru
, 1); ++dst
5167 nvg__vset(dst
, verts
, verts
, lu
, 1); ++dst
5168 nvg__vset(dst
, verts
, verts
, ru
, 1); ++dst
5170 path
= cast(int)(dst
5180 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
5183 /// Clears the current path and sub-paths.
5186 public void beginPath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5188 ctx
&= NVGPickKind
; // reset "registered" flags
5189 nvg__clearPathCache(ctx
5192 public alias newPath
= beginPath
; /// Ditto.
5194 /// Starts new sub-path with specified point as first point.
5197 public void moveTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5198 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, x
, y
5201 /// Starts new sub-path with specified point as first point.
5202 /// Arguments: [x, y]*
5204 public void moveTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5206 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [moveTo] call");
5207 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5208 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, args
5211 /// Adds line segment from the last point in the path to the specified point.
5214 public void lineTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5215 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, x
, y
5218 /// Adds line segment from the last point in the path to the specified point.
5219 /// Arguments: [x, y]*
5221 public void lineTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5223 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [lineTo] call");
5224 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5225 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5226 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, args
5230 /// Adds cubic bezier segment from last point in the path via two control points to the specified point.
5232 public void bezierTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float c1x
, in float c1y
, in float c2x
, in float c2y
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5233 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, c1x
, c1y
, c2x
, c2y
, x
, y
5236 /// Adds cubic bezier segment from last point in the path via two control points to the specified point.
5237 /// Arguments: [c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y]*
5239 public void bezierTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5241 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [bezierTo] call");
5242 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5243 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5244 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, args
5248 /// Adds quadratic bezier segment from last point in the path via a control point to the specified point.
5250 public void quadTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5251 immutable float x0
= ctx
5252 immutable float y0
= ctx
5253 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
5255 x0
), y0
5256 x
), y
5261 /// Adds quadratic bezier segment from last point in the path via a control point to the specified point.
5262 /// Arguments: [cx, cy, x, y]*
5264 public void quadTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5266 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [quadTo] call");
5267 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5268 const(float)* aptr
= args
5269 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5270 immutable float x0
= ctx
5271 immutable float y0
= ctx
5272 immutable float cx
= *aptr
5273 immutable float cy
= *aptr
5274 immutable float x
= *aptr
5275 immutable float y
= *aptr
5276 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
5278 x0
), y0
5279 x
), y
5285 /// Adds an arc segment at the corner defined by the last path point, and two specified points.
5287 public void arcTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float radius
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5288 if (ctx
== 0) return;
5290 immutable float x0
= ctx
5291 immutable float y0
= ctx
5293 // handle degenerate cases
5294 if (nvg__ptEquals(x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
, ctx
) ||
5295 nvg__ptEquals(x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
, ctx
) ||
5296 nvg__distPtSeg(x1
, y1
, x0
, y0
, x2
, y2
) < ctx
.distTol ||
5297 radius
< ctx
5303 // calculate tangential circle to lines (x0, y0)-(x1, y1) and (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
5308 nvg__normalize(&dx0
, &dy0
5309 nvg__normalize(&dx1
, &dy1
5310 immutable float a
= nvg__acosf(dx0
5311 immutable float d
= radius
5313 //printf("a=%f° d=%f\n", a/NVG_PI*180.0f, d);
5320 float cx
= void, cy
= void, a0
= void, a1
= void;
5322 if (nvg__cross(dx0
, dy0
, dx1
, dy1
) > 0.0f) {
5323 cx
= x1
5324 cy
= y1
5325 a0
= nvg__atan2f(dx0
, -dy0
5326 a1
= nvg__atan2f(-dx1
, dy1
5327 dir
= NVGWinding
5328 //printf("CW c=(%f, %f) a0=%f° a1=%f°\n", cx, cy, a0/NVG_PI*180.0f, a1/NVG_PI*180.0f);
5330 cx
= x1
5331 cy
= y1
5332 a0
= nvg__atan2f(-dx0
, dy0
5333 a1
= nvg__atan2f(dx1
, -dy1
5334 dir
= NVGWinding
5335 //printf("CCW c=(%f, %f) a0=%f° a1=%f°\n", cx, cy, a0/NVG_PI*180.0f, a1/NVG_PI*180.0f);
5338 ctx
, cx
, cy
, radius
, a0
, a1
); // first is line
5342 /// Adds an arc segment at the corner defined by the last path point, and two specified points.
5343 /// Arguments: [x1, y1, x2, y2, radius]*
5345 public void arcTo (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5347 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [arcTo] call");
5348 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5349 if (ctx
== 0) return;
5350 const(float)* aptr
= args
5351 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5352 immutable float x0
= ctx
5353 immutable float y0
= ctx
5354 immutable float x1
= *aptr
5355 immutable float y1
= *aptr
5356 immutable float x2
= *aptr
5357 immutable float y2
= *aptr
5358 immutable float radius
= *aptr
5359 ctx
, y1
, x2
, y2
, radius
5363 /// Closes current sub-path with a line segment.
5366 public void closePath (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5367 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
5370 /// Sets the current sub-path winding, see NVGWinding and NVGSolidity.
5372 public void pathWinding (NVGContext ctx
, NVGWinding dir
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5373 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, cast(float)dir
5377 public void pathWinding (NVGContext ctx
, NVGSolidity dir
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5378 nvg__appendCommands(ctx
, Command
, cast(float)dir
5381 /** Creates new circle arc shaped sub-path. The arc center is at (cx, cy), the arc radius is r,
5382 * and the arc is drawn from angle a0 to a1, and swept in direction dir (NVGWinding.CCW, or NVGWinding.CW).
5383 * Angles are specified in radians.
5385 * [mode] is: "original", "move", "line" -- first command will be like original NanoVega, MoveTo, or LineTo
5389 public void arc(string mode
="original") (NVGContext ctx
, NVGWinding dir
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float r
, in float a0
, in float a1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5390 static assert(mode
== "original" || mode
== "move" || mode
== "line");
5392 float[3+5*7+100] vals
= void;
5393 //int move = (ctx.ncommands > 0 ? Command.LineTo : Command.MoveTo);
5394 static if (mode
== "original") {
5395 immutable int move
= (ctx
> 0 ? Command
: Command
5396 } else static if (mode
== "move") {
5397 enum move
= Command
5398 } else static if (mode
== "line") {
5399 enum move
= Command
5401 static assert(0, "wtf?!");
5406 if (dir
== NVGWinding
) {
5407 if (nvg__absf(da) >= NVG_PI
*2) {
5410 while (da < 0.0f) da += NVG_PI
5413 if (nvg__absf(da) >= NVG_PI
*2) {
5416 while (da > 0.0f) da -= NVG_PI
5420 // Split arc into max 90 degree segments.
5421 immutable int ndivs
= nvg__max(1, nvg__min(cast(int)(nvg__absf(da)/(NVG_PI
*0.5f)+0.5f), 5));
5422 immutable float hda
= (da/cast(float)ndivs
5423 float kappa
= nvg__absf(4.0f/3.0f*(1.0f-nvg__cosf(hda
5425 if (dir
== NVGWinding
) kappa
= -kappa
5428 float px
= 0, py
= 0, ptanx
= 0, ptany
= 0;
5429 foreach (int i
; 0..ndivs
+1) {
5430 immutable float a
= a0
5431 immutable float dx
= nvg__cosf(a
5432 immutable float dy
= nvg__sinf(a
5433 immutable float x
= cx
5434 immutable float y
= cy
5435 immutable float tanx
= -dy
5436 immutable float tany
= dx
5439 if (vals
< 3) {
5441 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, vals
]); // ignore command
5444 vals
++] = cast(float)move
5445 vals
++] = x
5446 vals
++] = y
5448 if (vals
< 7) {
5450 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, vals
]); // ignore command
5453 vals
++] = Command
5454 vals
++] = px
5455 vals
++] = py
5456 vals
++] = x
5457 vals
++] = y
5458 vals
++] = x
5459 vals
++] = y
5467 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, vals
]); // ignore command
5471 /** Creates new circle arc shaped sub-path. The arc center is at (cx, cy), the arc radius is r,
5472 * and the arc is drawn from angle a0 to a1, and swept in direction dir (NVGWinding.CCW, or NVGWinding.CW).
5473 * Angles are specified in radians.
5475 * Arguments: [cx, cy, r, a0, a1]*
5477 * [mode] is: "original", "move", "line" -- first command will be like original NanoVega, MoveTo, or LineTo
5481 public void arc(string mode
="original") (NVGContext ctx
, NVGWinding dir
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5482 static assert(mode
== "original" || mode
== "move" || mode
== "line");
5484 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [arc] call");
5485 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5486 const(float)* aptr
= args
5487 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5488 immutable cx
= *aptr
5489 immutable cy
= *aptr
5490 immutable r
= *aptr
5491 immutable a0
= *aptr
5492 immutable a1
= *aptr
5493 ctx
, cx
, cy
, r
, a0
, a1
5497 /// Creates new rectangle shaped sub-path.
5500 public void rect (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5501 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5502 Command
, x
, y
5503 Command
, x
, y
5504 Command
, x
, y
5505 Command
, x
, y
5510 /// Creates new rectangle shaped sub-path.
5511 /// Arguments: [x, y, w, h]*
5513 public void rect (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5515 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [rect] call");
5516 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5517 const(float)* aptr
= args
5518 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5519 immutable x
= *aptr
5520 immutable y
= *aptr
5521 immutable w
= *aptr
5522 immutable h
= *aptr
5523 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5524 Command
, x
, y
5525 Command
, x
, y
5526 Command
, x
, y
5527 Command
, x
, y
5533 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path.
5536 public void roundedRect (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
, in float radius
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5537 ctx
, y
, w
, h
, radius
, radius
, radius
, radius
5540 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path.
5541 /// Arguments: [x, y, w, h, radius]*
5543 public void roundedRect (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5545 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [roundedRect] call");
5546 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5547 const(float)* aptr
= args
5548 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5549 immutable x
= *aptr
5550 immutable y
= *aptr
5551 immutable w
= *aptr
5552 immutable h
= *aptr
5553 immutable r
= *aptr
5554 ctx
, y
, w
, h
, r
, r
, r
, r
5558 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path. Specify ellipse width and height to round corners according to it.
5561 public void roundedRectEllipse (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
, in float rw
, in float rh
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5562 if (rw
< 0.1f || rh
< 0.1f) {
5563 rect(ctx
, x
, y
, w
, h
5565 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5566 Command
, x
, y
5567 Command
, x
, y
5568 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5569 Command
, x
, y
5570 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5571 Command
, x
, y
5572 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5573 Command
, x
, y
5574 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5580 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path. Specify ellipse width and height to round corners according to it.
5581 /// Arguments: [x, y, w, h, rw, rh]*
5583 public void roundedRectEllipse (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5585 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [roundedRectEllipse] call");
5586 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5587 const(float)* aptr
= args
5588 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5589 immutable x
= *aptr
5590 immutable y
= *aptr
5591 immutable w
= *aptr
5592 immutable h
= *aptr
5593 immutable rw
= *aptr
5594 immutable rh
= *aptr
5595 if (rw
< 0.1f || rh
< 0.1f) {
5596 rect(ctx
, x
, y
, w
, h
5598 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5599 Command
, x
, y
5600 Command
, x
, y
5601 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5602 Command
, x
, y
5603 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5604 Command
, x
, y
5605 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5606 Command
, x
, y
5607 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5614 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path. This one allows you to specify different rounding radii for each corner.
5616 public void roundedRectVarying (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, in float w
, in float h
, in float radTopLeft
, in float radTopRight
, in float radBottomRight
, in float radBottomLeft
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5617 if (radTopLeft
< 0.1f && radTopRight
< 0.1f && radBottomRight
< 0.1f && radBottomLeft
< 0.1f) {
5618 ctx
, y
, w
, h
5620 immutable float halfw
= nvg__absf(w
5621 immutable float halfh
= nvg__absf(h
5622 immutable float rxBL
= nvg__min(radBottomLeft
, halfw
), ryBL
= nvg__min(radBottomLeft
, halfh
5623 immutable float rxBR
= nvg__min(radBottomRight
, halfw
), ryBR
= nvg__min(radBottomRight
, halfh
5624 immutable float rxTR
= nvg__min(radTopRight
, halfw
), ryTR
= nvg__min(radTopRight
, halfh
5625 immutable float rxTL
= nvg__min(radTopLeft
, halfw
), ryTL
= nvg__min(radTopLeft
, halfh
5626 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5627 Command
, x
, y
5628 Command
, x
, y
5629 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5630 Command
, x
, y
5631 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5632 Command
, x
, y
5633 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5634 Command
, x
, y
5635 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5641 /// Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path. This one allows you to specify different rounding radii for each corner.
5642 /// Arguments: [x, y, w, h, radTopLeft, radTopRight, radBottomRight, radBottomLeft]*
5644 public void roundedRectVarying (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5646 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [roundedRectVarying] call");
5647 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5648 const(float)* aptr
= args
5649 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5650 immutable x
= *aptr
5651 immutable y
= *aptr
5652 immutable w
= *aptr
5653 immutable h
= *aptr
5654 immutable radTopLeft
= *aptr
5655 immutable radTopRight
= *aptr
5656 immutable radBottomRight
= *aptr
5657 immutable radBottomLeft
= *aptr
5658 if (radTopLeft
< 0.1f && radTopRight
< 0.1f && radBottomRight
< 0.1f && radBottomLeft
< 0.1f) {
5659 ctx
, y
, w
, h
5661 immutable float halfw
= nvg__absf(w
5662 immutable float halfh
= nvg__absf(h
5663 immutable float rxBL
= nvg__min(radBottomLeft
, halfw
), ryBL
= nvg__min(radBottomLeft
, halfh
5664 immutable float rxBR
= nvg__min(radBottomRight
, halfw
), ryBR
= nvg__min(radBottomRight
, halfh
5665 immutable float rxTR
= nvg__min(radTopRight
, halfw
), ryTR
= nvg__min(radTopRight
, halfh
5666 immutable float rxTL
= nvg__min(radTopLeft
, halfw
), ryTL
= nvg__min(radTopLeft
, halfh
5667 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5668 Command
, x
, y
5669 Command
, x
, y
5670 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5671 Command
, x
, y
5672 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5673 Command
, x
, y
5674 Command
, x
, y
), x
), y
, x
, y
5675 Command
, x
, y
5676 Command
, x
), y
, x
, y
), x
, y
5683 /// Creates new ellipse shaped sub-path.
5685 public void ellipse (NVGContext ctx
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float rx
, in float ry
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5686 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5687 Command
, cx
, cy
5688 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5689 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5690 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5691 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5696 /// Creates new ellipse shaped sub-path.
5697 /// Arguments: [cx, cy, rx, ry]*
5699 public void ellipse (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5701 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [ellipse] call");
5702 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5703 const(float)* aptr
= args
5704 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5705 immutable cx
= *aptr
5706 immutable cy
= *aptr
5707 immutable rx
= *aptr
5708 immutable ry
= *aptr
5709 nvg__appendCommands
, Command
, // ignore command
5710 Command
, cx
, cy
5711 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5712 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5713 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5714 Command
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
, cx
, cy
5720 /// Creates new circle shaped sub-path.
5722 public void circle (NVGContext ctx
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float r
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5723 ctx
, cy
, r
, r
5726 /// Creates new circle shaped sub-path.
5727 /// Arguments: [cx, cy, r]*
5729 public void circle (NVGContext ctx
, in float[] args
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5731 if (args
!= 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid [circle] call");
5732 if (args
< ArgC
) return;
5733 const(float)* aptr
= args
5734 foreach (immutable idx
; 0..args
) {
5735 immutable cx
= *aptr
5736 immutable cy
= *aptr
5737 immutable r
= *aptr
5738 ctx
, cy
, r
, r
5742 // Debug function to dump cached path data.
5743 debug public void debugDumpPathCache (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5744 import core
: printf
5745 const(NVGpath
)* path
5746 printf("Dumping %d cached paths\n", ctx
5747 for (int i
= 0; i
< ctx
; ++i
) {
5748 path
= &ctx
5749 printf("-Path %d\n", i
5751 printf("-fill: %d\n", path
5752 for (int j
= 0; j
< path
; ++j
) printf("%f\t%f\n", path
, path
5755 printf("-stroke: %d\n", path
5756 for (int j
= 0; j
< path
; ++j
) printf("%f\t%f\n", path
, path
5761 private bool ngv_isAA (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5762 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5763 return (ctx
&& state
5766 private float nvg_getFringe (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5767 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5768 return (ctx
&& state
.shapeAntiAlias ?
nvg__max(0.0f, ctx
) : 0.0f);
5771 private float nvg_getFringePixel (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5772 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5773 if (ctx
&& state
) {
5774 immutable float fringe
= nvg__max(0.0f, ctx
5775 return (fringe
> 0.0f ? fringe
: 1.0f); //HACK!
5781 // Flatten path, prepare it for fill operation.
5782 void nvg__prepareFill (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5783 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
5784 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5786 nvg__flattenPaths
5788 immutable float fringe
= nvg_getFringe(ctx
5789 nvg__expandFill(ctx
, fringe
, NVGLineCap
, 2.4f);
5791 cache
= state
5792 cache
= fringe
5793 cache
= true;
5794 cache
= false;
5795 cache
= NVGClipMode
5798 // Flatten path, prepare it for stroke operation.
5799 void nvg__prepareStroke (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5800 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5801 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
5803 nvg__flattenPaths
5805 immutable float fringe
= nvg_getFringe(ctx
5806 // this is used to check stroke width
5807 immutable float pixelFringe
= nvg_getFringePixel(ctx
5809 immutable float scale
= nvg__getAverageScale(state
5810 float strokeWidth
= nvg__clamp(state
, 0.0f, 200.0f);
5812 if (strokeWidth
< /*ctx.fringeWidth*/pixelFringe
) {
5813 // If the stroke width is less than pixel size, use alpha to emulate coverage.
5814 // Since coverage is area, scale by alpha*alpha.
5815 immutable float alpha
= nvg__clamp(strokeWidth
/*ctx.fringeWidth*/, 0.0f, 1.0f);
5816 cache
= alpha
5817 strokeWidth
= /*ctx.fringeWidth*/pixelFringe
5819 cache
= 1.0f;
5821 cache
= strokeWidth
5823 nvg__expandStroke(ctx
, strokeWidth
*0.5f, fringe
, state
, state
, state
5825 cache
= fringe
5826 cache
= false;
5827 cache
= true;
5828 cache
= NVGClipMode
5831 /// Fills the current path with current fill style.
5834 public void fill (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5835 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5837 if (ctx
>= 0 && (ctx
<<16))) == NVGPickKind
) {
5838 ctx
.pathPickRegistered |
= NVGPickKind
5839 ctx
= ctx
5842 nvg__prepareFill(ctx
5844 // apply global alpha
5845 NVGPaint fillPaint
= state
5846 fillPaint
*= state
5847 fillPaint
*= state
5848 fillPaint
*= state
5850 ctx
, state
5852 if (ctx
) return;
5854 ctx
, state
, NVGClipMode
, &fillPaint
, &state
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
)/*ctx.fringeWidth*/, ctx
, ctx
, ctx
, state
5857 foreach (int i
; 0..ctx
) {
5858 NVGpath
* path
= &ctx
5859 ctx
+= path
5860 ctx
+= path
5861 ctx
+= 2;
5865 /// Fills the current path with current stroke style.
5868 public void stroke (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5869 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5871 if (ctx
>= 0 && (ctx
<<16))) == NVGPickKind
) {
5872 ctx
.pathPickRegistered |
= NVGPickKind
5873 ctx
= ctx
5876 nvg__prepareStroke(ctx
5878 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
5880 NVGPaint strokePaint
= state
5881 strokePaint
*= cache
5882 strokePaint
*= cache
5883 strokePaint
*= cache
5885 // apply global alpha
5886 strokePaint
*= state
5887 strokePaint
*= state
5888 strokePaint
*= state
5890 ctx
, state
5892 if (ctx
) return;
5894 ctx
, state
, NVGClipMode
, &strokePaint
, &state
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
)/*ctx.fringeWidth*/, cache
, ctx
, ctx
5897 foreach (int i
; 0..ctx
) {
5898 NVGpath
* path
= &ctx
5899 ctx
+= path
5900 ++ctx
5904 /// Sets current path as clipping region.
5906 public void clip (NVGContext ctx
, NVGClipMode aclipmode
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5907 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5909 if (aclipmode
== NVGClipMode
) return;
5910 if (ctx
) return; //???
5912 if (aclipmode
== NVGClipMode
) ctx
5915 if (ctx.pathPickId >= 0 && (ctx.pathPickRegistered&(NVGPickKind.Fill|(NVGPickKind.Fill<<16))) == NVGPickKind.Fill) {
5916 ctx.pathPickRegistered |= NVGPickKind.Fill<<16;
5917 ctx.currFillHitId = ctx.pathPickId;
5921 nvg__prepareFill(ctx
5923 // apply global alpha
5924 NVGPaint fillPaint
= state
5925 fillPaint
*= state
5926 fillPaint
*= state
5927 fillPaint
*= state
5929 //ctx.appendCurrentPathToCache(ctx.recset, state.fill);
5931 ctx
, state
, aclipmode
, &fillPaint
, &state
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
)/*ctx.fringeWidth*/, ctx
, ctx
, ctx
, state
5934 foreach (int i
; 0..ctx
) {
5935 NVGpath
* path
= &ctx
5936 ctx
+= path
5937 ctx
+= path
5938 ctx
+= 2;
5942 /// Sets current path as clipping region.
5944 public alias clipFill
= clip
5946 /// Sets current path' stroke as clipping region.
5948 public void clipStroke (NVGContext ctx
, NVGClipMode aclipmode
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
5949 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
5951 if (aclipmode
== NVGClipMode
) return;
5952 if (ctx
) return; //???
5954 if (aclipmode
== NVGClipMode
) ctx
5957 if (ctx.pathPickId >= 0 && (ctx.pathPickRegistered&(NVGPickKind.Stroke|(NVGPickKind.Stroke<<16))) == NVGPickKind.Stroke) {
5958 ctx.pathPickRegistered |= NVGPickKind.Stroke<<16;
5959 ctx.currStrokeHitId = ctx.pathPickId;
5963 nvg__prepareStroke(ctx
5965 NVGpathCache
* cache
= ctx
5967 NVGPaint strokePaint
= state
5968 strokePaint
*= cache
5969 strokePaint
*= cache
5970 strokePaint
*= cache
5972 // apply global alpha
5973 strokePaint
*= state
5974 strokePaint
*= state
5975 strokePaint
*= state
5977 //ctx.appendCurrentPathToCache(ctx.recset, state.stroke);
5979 ctx
, state
, aclipmode
, &strokePaint
, &state
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
)/*ctx.fringeWidth*/, cache
, ctx
, ctx
5982 foreach (int i
; 0..ctx
) {
5983 NVGpath
* path
= &ctx
5984 ctx
+= path
5985 ++ctx
5990 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
5993 // most of the code is by Michael Wynne <mike@mikesspace.net>
5994 // https://github.com/memononen/nanovg/pull/230
5995 // https://github.com/MikeWW/nanovg
5997 /// Pick type query. Used in [hitTest] and [hitTestAll].
5998 /// Group: picking_api
5999 public enum NVGPickKind
: ubyte {
6005 /// Marks the fill of the current path as pickable with the specified id.
6006 /// Note that you can create and mark path without rasterizing it.
6007 /// Group: picking_api
6008 public void currFillHitId (NVGContext ctx
, int id
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6009 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx
6010 NVGpickPath
* pp
= nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx
, ctx
], id
, /*forStroke:*/false);
6011 nvg__pickSceneInsert(ps
, pp
6014 public alias currFillPickId
= currFillHitId
; /// Ditto.
6016 /// Marks the stroke of the current path as pickable with the specified id.
6017 /// Note that you can create and mark path without rasterizing it.
6018 /// Group: picking_api
6019 public void currStrokeHitId (NVGContext ctx
, int id
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6020 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx
6021 NVGpickPath
* pp
= nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx
, ctx
], id
, /*forStroke:*/true);
6022 nvg__pickSceneInsert(ps
, pp
6025 public alias currStrokePickId
= currStrokeHitId
; /// Ditto.
6027 // Marks the saved path set (fill) as pickable with the specified id.
6028 // $(WARNING this doesn't work right yet (it is using current context transformation and other settings instead of record settings)!)
6029 // Group: picking_api
6031 public void pathSetFillHitId (NVGContext ctx, NVGPathSet svp, int id) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6032 if (svp is null) return;
6033 if (svp.svctx !is ctx) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot register path set from different context");
6034 foreach (ref cp; svp.caches[0..svp.ncaches]) {
6035 NVGpickScene* ps = nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx);
6036 NVGpickPath* pp = nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx, cp.commands[0..cp.ncommands], id, /*forStroke:*/false);
6037 nvg__pickSceneInsert(ps, pp);
6042 // Marks the saved path set (stroke) as pickable with the specified id.
6043 // $(WARNING this doesn't work right yet (it is using current context transformation and other settings instead of record settings)!)
6044 // Group: picking_api
6046 public void pathSetStrokeHitId (NVGContext ctx, NVGPathSet svp, int id) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6047 if (svp is null) return;
6048 if (svp.svctx !is ctx) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot register path set from different context");
6049 foreach (ref cp; svp.caches[0..svp.ncaches]) {
6050 NVGpickScene* ps = nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx);
6051 NVGpickPath* pp = nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx, cp.commands[0..cp.ncommands], id, /*forStroke:*/true);
6052 nvg__pickSceneInsert(ps, pp);
6057 private template IsGoodHitTestDG(DG
) {
6058 enum IsGoodHitTestDG
6059 __traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; bool res
= dg(cast(int)42, cast(int)666); }) ||
6060 __traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; dg(cast(int)42, cast(int)666); });
6063 private template IsGoodHitTestInternalDG(DG
) {
6064 enum IsGoodHitTestInternalDG
6065 __traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; NVGpickPath
* pp
; bool res
= dg(pp
); }) ||
6066 __traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; NVGpickPath
* pp
; dg(pp
); });
6069 /// Call delegate [dg] for each path under the specified position (in no particular order).
6070 /// Returns the id of the path for which delegate [dg] returned true or [NVGNoPick].
6071 /// dg is: `bool delegate (int id, int order)` -- [order] is path ordering (ascending).
6072 /// Group: picking_api
6073 public int hitTestDG(bool bestOrder
=false, DG
) (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
, scope DG dg
) if (IsGoodHitTestDG
!DG || IsGoodHitTestInternalDG
) {
6074 if (ctx
is null || ctx
== 0 ||
) == 0) return -1;
6076 NVGpickScene
* ps
= ctx
6077 int levelwidth
= 1<<(ps
6078 int cellx
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)(x
), 0, levelwidth
6079 int celly
= nvg__clamp(cast(int)(y
), 0, levelwidth
6082 // if we are interested only in most-toplevel path, there is no reason to check paths with worser order.
6083 // but we cannot just get out on the first path found, 'cause we are using quad tree to speed up bounds
6084 // checking, so path walking order is not guaranteed.
6085 static if (bestOrder
) {
6086 int lastBestOrder
= int.min
6089 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("npaths=%d\n", ps.npaths); }
6090 for (int lvl
= ps
-1; lvl
>= 0; --lvl
) {
6091 for (NVGpickPath
* pp
= ps
]; pp
!is null; pp
= pp
) {
6092 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("... pos=(%g,%g); bounds=(%g,%g)-(%g,%g); flags=0x%02x; kind=0x%02x; kpx=0x%02x\n", x, y, pp.bounds[0], pp.bounds[1], pp.bounds[2], pp.bounds[3], pp.flags, kind, kind&pp.flags&3); }
6093 static if (bestOrder
) {
6094 // reject earlier paths
6095 if (pp
<= lastBestOrder
) continue; // not interesting
6097 immutable uint kpx
= kind
6098 if (kpx
== 0) continue; // not interesting
6099 if (!nvg__pickPathTestBounds(ctx
, ps
, pp
, x
, y
)) continue; // not interesting
6100 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("in bounds!\n"); }
6102 if (kpx
) hit
= nvg__pickPathStroke(ps
, pp
, x
, y
6103 if (!hit
&& (kpx
)) hit
= nvg__pickPath(ps
, pp
, x
, y
6105 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" HIT!\n"); }
6106 static if (bestOrder
) lastBestOrder
= pp
6107 static if (IsGoodHitTestDG
) {
6108 static if (__traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; bool res
= dg(cast(int)42, cast(int)666); })) {
6109 if (dg(pp
, cast(int)pp
)) return pp
6111 dg(pp
, cast(int)pp
6114 static if (__traits(compiles
, (){ DG dg
; NVGpickPath
* pp
; bool res
= dg(pp
); })) {
6115 if (dg(pp
)) return pp
6129 /// Fills ids with a list of the top most hit ids (from bottom to top) under the specified position.
6130 /// Returns the slice of [ids].
6131 /// Group: picking_api
6132 public int[] hitTestAll (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
, int[] ids
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6133 if (ctx
is null || ids
== 0) return ids
6136 NVGpickScene
* ps
= ctx
6138 ctx
, y
, kind
, delegate (NVGpickPath
* pp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6139 if (npicked
== ps
) {
6140 int cpicked
= ps
6141 NVGpickPath
** picked
= cast(NVGpickPath
, (NVGpickPath
6142 if (picked
is null) return true; // abort
6143 ps
= cpicked
6146 ps
] = pp
6148 return false; // go on
6151 qsort(ps
, npicked
, (NVGpickPath
, &nvg__comparePaths
6153 assert(npicked
>= 0);
6154 if (npicked
> ids
) npicked
= cast(int)ids
6155 foreach (immutable nidx
, ref int did
; ids
]) did
= ps
6157 return ids
6160 /// Returns the id of the pickable shape containing x,y or [NVGNoPick] if no shape was found.
6161 /// Group: picking_api
6162 public int hitTest (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6163 if (ctx
is null) return -1;
6165 int bestOrder
= int.min
6168 ctx
, y
, kind
, delegate (NVGpickPath
* pp
) {
6169 if (pp
> bestOrder
) {
6170 bestOrder
= pp
6178 /// Returns `true` if the path with the given id contains x,y.
6179 /// Group: picking_api
6180 public bool hitTestForId (NVGContext ctx
, in int id
, in float x
, in float y
, NVGPickKind kind
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6181 if (ctx
is null || id
== NVGNoPick
) return false;
6185 ctx
, y
, kind
, delegate (NVGpickPath
* pp
) {
6188 return true; // stop
6190 return false; // continue
6196 /// Returns `true` if the given point is within the fill of the currently defined path.
6197 /// This operation can be done before rasterizing the current path.
6198 /// Group: picking_api
6199 public bool hitTestCurrFill (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6200 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx
6201 int oldnpoints
= ps
6202 int oldnsegments
= ps
6203 NVGpickPath
* pp
= nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx
, ctx
], 1, /*forStroke:*/false);
6204 if (pp
is null) return false; // oops
6206 nvg__freePickPath(ps
, pp
6207 ps
= oldnpoints
6208 ps
= oldnsegments
6210 return (nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, pp
) ?
, pp
, x
, y
) : false);
6213 public alias isPointInPath
= hitTestCurrFill
; /// Ditto.
6215 /// Returns `true` if the given point is within the stroke of the currently defined path.
6216 /// This operation can be done before rasterizing the current path.
6217 /// Group: picking_api
6218 public bool hitTestCurrStroke (NVGContext ctx
, in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6219 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx
6220 int oldnpoints
= ps
6221 int oldnsegments
= ps
6222 NVGpickPath
* pp
= nvg__pickPathCreate(ctx
, ctx
], 1, /*forStroke:*/true);
6223 if (pp
is null) return false; // oops
6225 nvg__freePickPath(ps
, pp
6226 ps
= oldnpoints
6227 ps
= oldnsegments
6229 return (nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, pp
) ?
, pp
, x
, y
) : false);
6233 nothrow @trusted @nogc {
6235 private alias _compare_fp_t
= int function (const void*, const void*) nothrow @nogc;
6236 private extern(C
) void qsort (scope void* base
, size_t nmemb
, size_t size
, _compare_fp_t compar
) nothrow @nogc;
6238 extern(C
) int nvg__comparePaths (const void* a
, const void* b
) {
6239 return (*cast(const(NVGpickPath
6243 enum NVGPickEPS
= 0.0001f;
6246 enum NVGSegmentFlags
6255 enum NVGPathFlags
: ushort {
6256 Fill
= NVGPickKind
6257 Stroke
= NVGPickKind
6262 int firstPoint
; // Index into NVGpickScene.points
6263 short type
6264 short flags
; // Flags relate to the corner between the prev segment and this one.
6266 float[2] startDir
; // Direction at t == 0
6267 float[2] endDir
; // Direction at t == 1
6268 float[2] miterDir
; // Direction of miter of corner between the prev segment and this one.
6271 struct NVGpickSubPath
6272 short winding
; // TODO: Merge to flag field
6273 bool closed
; // TODO: Merge to flag field
6275 int firstSegment
; // Index into NVGpickScene.segments
6280 NVGpickSubPath
* next
6283 struct NVGpickPath
6294 int scissor
; // Indexes into ps->points and defines scissor rect as XVec, YVec and Center
6296 NVGpickSubPath
* subPaths
6298 NVGpickPath
* cellnext
6301 struct NVGpickScene
6304 NVGpickPath
* paths
; // Linked list of paths
6305 NVGpickPath
* lastPath
; // The last path in the paths linked list (the first path added)
6306 NVGpickPath
* freePaths
; // Linked list of free paths
6308 NVGpickSubPath
* freeSubPaths
; // Linked list of free sub paths
6313 // Points for all path sub paths.
6318 // Segments for all path sub paths
6319 NVGsegment
* segments
6323 // Implicit quadtree
6324 float xdim
; // Width / (1 << nlevels)
6325 float ydim
; // Height / (1 << nlevels)
6326 int ncells
; // Total number of cells in all levels
6328 NVGpickPath
*** levels
; // Index: [Level][LevelY * LevelW + LevelX] Value: Linked list of paths
6330 // Temp storage for picking
6332 NVGpickPath
** picked
6337 void nvg__initBounds (ref float[4] bounds
) {
6338 bounds
[0] = bounds
[1] = float.max
6339 bounds
[2] = bounds
[3] = -float.max
6342 void nvg__expandBounds (ref float[4] bounds
, const(float)* points
, int npoints
) {
6344 for (int i
= 0; i
< npoints
; i
+= 2) {
6345 bounds
[0] = nvg__min(bounds
[0], points
6346 bounds
[1] = nvg__min(bounds
[1], points
6347 bounds
[2] = nvg__max(bounds
[2], points
6348 bounds
[3] = nvg__max(bounds
[3], points
6352 void nvg__unionBounds (ref float[4] bounds
, in ref float[4] boundsB
) {
6353 bounds
[0] = nvg__min(bounds
[0], boundsB
6354 bounds
[1] = nvg__min(bounds
[1], boundsB
6355 bounds
[2] = nvg__max(bounds
[2], boundsB
6356 bounds
[3] = nvg__max(bounds
[3], boundsB
6359 void nvg__intersectBounds (ref float[4] bounds
, in ref float[4] boundsB
) {
6360 bounds
[0] = nvg__max(boundsB
[0], bounds
6361 bounds
[1] = nvg__max(boundsB
[1], bounds
6362 bounds
[2] = nvg__min(boundsB
[2], bounds
6363 bounds
[3] = nvg__min(boundsB
[3], bounds
6365 bounds
[2] = nvg__max(bounds
[0], bounds
6366 bounds
[3] = nvg__max(bounds
[1], bounds
6369 bool nvg__pointInBounds (in float x
, in float y
, in ref float[4] bounds
) {
6370 pragma(inline
, true);
6371 return (x
>= bounds
[0] && x
<= bounds
[2] && y
>= bounds
[1] && y
<= bounds
6374 // building paths & sub paths
6375 int nvg__pickSceneAddPoints (NVGpickScene
* ps
, const(float)* xy
, int n
) {
6376 import core
: memcpy
6377 if (ps
> ps
) {
6378 import core
: realloc
6379 int cpoints
= ps
6380 float* points
= cast(float*)realloc(ps
, float.sizeof
6381 if (points
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
6383 ps
= cpoints
6386 if (xy
!is null) memcpy(&ps
*2], xy
, float.sizeof
6391 void nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickSubPath
* psp
, int firstPoint
, int type
, short flags
) {
6392 NVGsegment
* seg
= null;
6393 if (ps
== ps
) {
6394 int csegments
= 1+ps
6395 NVGsegment
* segments
= cast(NVGsegment
, NVGsegment
6396 if (segments
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
6397 ps
= segments
6398 ps
= csegments
6401 if (psp
== -1) psp
= ps
6403 seg
= &ps
6405 seg
= firstPoint
6406 seg
= cast(short)type
6410 nvg__segmentDir(ps
, psp
, seg
, 0, seg
6411 nvg__segmentDir(ps
, psp
, seg
, 1, seg
6414 void nvg__segmentDir (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickSubPath
* psp
, NVGsegment
* seg
, float t
, ref float[2] d
) {
6415 const(float)* points
= &ps
6416 immutable float x0
= points
[0*2+0], x1
= points
6417 immutable float y0
= points
[0*2+1], y1
= points
6419 case Command
6422 nvg__normalize(&d
[0], &d
6424 case Command
6425 immutable float x2
= points
6426 immutable float y2
= points
6427 immutable float x3
= points
6428 immutable float y3
= points
6430 immutable float omt
= 1.0f-t
6431 immutable float omt2
= omt
6432 immutable float t2
= t
6444 nvg__normalize(&d
[0], &d
6451 void nvg__pickSubPathAddFillSupports (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickSubPath
* psp
) {
6452 if (psp
== -1) return;
6453 NVGsegment
* segments
= &ps
6454 for (int s
= 0; s
< psp
; ++s
) {
6455 NVGsegment
* seg
= &segments
6456 const(float)* points
= &ps
6457 if (seg
== Command
) {
6458 nvg__initBounds(seg
6459 nvg__expandBounds(seg
, points
, 2);
6461 nvg__bezierBounds(points
, seg
6466 void nvg__pickSubPathAddStrokeSupports (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickSubPath
* psp
, float strokeWidth
, int lineCap
, int lineJoin
, float miterLimit
) {
6467 if (psp
== -1) return;
6468 immutable bool closed
= psp
6469 const(float)* points
= ps
6470 NVGsegment
* seg
= null;
6471 NVGsegment
* segments
= &ps
6472 int nsegments
= psp
6473 NVGsegment
* prevseg
= (closed ?
-1] : null);
6475 int ns
= 0; // nsupports
6476 float[32] supportingPoints
= void;
6477 int firstPoint
, lastPoint
6480 segments
[0].flags |
= NVGSegmentFlags
6481 segments
-1].flags |
= NVGSegmentFlags
6484 for (int s
= 0; s
< nsegments
; ++s
) {
6486 nvg__initBounds(seg
6488 firstPoint
= seg
6489 lastPoint
= firstPoint
== Command
.LineTo ?
2 : 6);
6493 // First two supporting points are either side of the start point
6494 supportingPoints
++] = points
6495 supportingPoints
++] = points
6497 supportingPoints
++] = points
6498 supportingPoints
++] = points
6500 // Second two supporting points are either side of the end point
6501 supportingPoints
++] = points
6502 supportingPoints
++] = points
6504 supportingPoints
++] = points
6505 supportingPoints
++] = points
6507 if ((seg
) && prevseg
!is null) {
6508 seg
[0] = 0.5f*(-prevseg
6509 seg
[1] = 0.5f*(prevseg
6511 immutable float M2
= seg
6513 if (M2
> 0.000001f) {
6514 float scale
= 1.0f/M2
6515 if (scale
> 600.0f) scale
= 600.0f;
6516 seg
[0] *= scale
6517 seg
[1] *= scale
6520 //NVG_PICK_DEBUG_VECTOR_SCALE(&points[firstPoint], seg.miterDir, 10);
6522 // Add an additional support at the corner on the other line
6523 supportingPoints
++] = points
6524 supportingPoints
++] = points
6526 if (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
.Miter || lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
) {
6527 // Set a corner as beveled if the join type is bevel or mitered and
6528 // miterLimit is hit.
6529 if (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
.Bevel ||
) < 1.0f) {
6530 seg
.flags |
= NVGSegmentFlags
6532 // Corner is mitered - add miter point as a support
6533 supportingPoints
++] = points
6534 supportingPoints
++] = points
6536 } else if (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
) {
6537 // ... and at the midpoint of the corner arc
6538 float[2] vertexN
= [ -seg
[0], -seg
[1] ];
6539 nvg__normalize(&vertexN
[0], &vertexN
6541 supportingPoints
++] = points
6542 supportingPoints
++] = points
6546 if (seg
) {
6548 case NVGLineCap
6549 // supports for butt already added
6551 case NVGLineCap
6552 // square cap supports are just the original two supports moved out along the direction
6553 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6554 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6555 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6556 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6558 case NVGLineCap
6559 // add one additional support for the round cap along the dir
6560 supportingPoints
++] = points
6561 supportingPoints
++] = points
6568 if (seg
) {
6569 // end supporting points, either side of line
6572 case NVGLineCap
6573 // supports for butt already added
6575 case NVGLineCap
6576 // square cap supports are just the original two supports moved out along the direction
6577 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6578 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6579 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6580 supportingPoints
++] = supportingPoints
6582 case NVGLineCap
6583 // add one additional support for the round cap along the dir
6584 supportingPoints
++] = points
6585 supportingPoints
++] = points
6592 nvg__expandBounds(seg
, supportingPoints
, ns
6598 NVGpickPath
* nvg__pickPathCreate (NVGContext context
, const(float)[] acommands
, int id
, bool forStroke
) {
6599 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(context
6600 if (ps
is null) return null;
6604 int ncommands
= cast(int)acommands
6605 const(float)* commands
= acommands
6607 NVGpickPath
* pp
= null;
6608 NVGpickSubPath
* psp
= null;
6609 float[2] start
= void;
6612 //bool hasHoles = false;
6613 NVGpickSubPath
* prev
= null;
6615 float[8] points
= void;
6616 float[2] inflections
= void;
6617 int ninflections
= 0;
6619 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(context
6620 float[4] totalBounds
= void;
6621 NVGsegment
* segments
= null;
6622 const(NVGsegment
)* seg
= null;
6623 NVGpickSubPath
6625 pp
= nvg__allocPickPath(ps
6626 if (pp
is null) return null;
6630 bool hasPoints
= false;
6633 if (psp
is null ||
) return;
6634 if (ps
-1)*2] != start
[0] || ps
-1)*2+1] != start
[1]) {
6635 firstPoint
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, start
, 1);
6636 nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment(ps
, psp
, firstPoint
-1, Command
, NVGSegmentFlags
6641 while (i
< ncommands
) {
6642 int cmd
= cast(int)commands
6644 case Command
: // one coordinate pair
6645 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
6648 // new starting point
6649 start
[0..2] = tfxy
6651 // start a new path for each sub path to handle sub paths that intersect other sub paths
6653 psp
= nvg__allocPickSubPath(ps
6654 if (psp
is null) { psp
= prev
; break; }
6655 psp
= -1;
6656 psp
= NVGSolidity
6659 nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, tfxy
, 1);
6662 case Command
: // one coordinate pair
6663 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
6665 firstPoint
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, tfxy
, 1);
6666 nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment(ps
, psp
, firstPoint
-1, cmd
, NVGSegmentFlags
6669 case Command
: // three coordinate pairs
6670 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
6673 // Split the curve at it's dx==0 or dy==0 inflection points.
6675 // A horizontal line only ever interects the curves once.
6677 // Finding the closest point on any curve converges more reliably.
6679 // NOTE: We could just split on dy==0 here.
6681 memcpy(&points
[0], &ps
-1)*2], float.sizeof
6682 memcpy(&points
[2], tfxy
, float.sizeof
6685 nvg__bezierInflections(points
, 1, &ninflections
, inflections
6686 nvg__bezierInflections(points
, 0, &ninflections
, inflections
6690 float[8] pointsA
= void, pointsB
= void;
6692 nvg__smallsort(inflections
, ninflections
6694 for (int infl
= 0; infl
< ninflections
; ++infl
) {
6695 if (nvg__absf(inflections
) < NVGPickEPS
) continue;
6697 immutable float t
= (inflections
6699 previnfl
= inflections
6701 nvg__splitBezier(points
, t
, pointsA
, pointsB
6703 firstPoint
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, &pointsA
[2], 3);
6704 nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment(ps
, psp
, firstPoint
-1, cmd
, (infl
== 0) ? NVGSegmentFlags
: 0);
6706 memcpy(points
, pointsB
, float.sizeof
6709 firstPoint
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, &pointsB
[2], 3);
6710 nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment(ps
, psp
, firstPoint
-1, cmd
, 0);
6712 firstPoint
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, tfxy
, 3);
6713 nvg__pickSubPathAddSegment(ps
, psp
, firstPoint
-1, cmd
, NVGSegmentFlags
6720 case Command
6721 psp
= cast(short)cast(int)commands
6722 //if (psp.winding == NVGSolidity.Hole) hasHoles = true;
6730 // force-close filled paths
6731 if (psp
!is null && !forStroke
&& hasPoints
&& !psp
) closeIt();
6733 pp
= (forStroke ? NVGPathFlags
: NVGPathFlags
6735 pp
= state
6736 pp
= state
6737 pp
= cast(short)state
6738 pp
= cast(short)state
6739 pp
= nvg__getState(context
6741 nvg__initBounds(totalBounds
6743 for (curpsp
= psp
; curpsp
; curpsp
= curpsp
) {
6745 nvg__pickSubPathAddStrokeSupports(ps
, curpsp
, pp
, pp
, pp
, pp
6747 nvg__pickSubPathAddFillSupports(ps
, curpsp
6750 if (curpsp
== -1) continue;
6751 segments
= &ps
6752 nvg__initBounds(curpsp
6753 for (int s
= 0; s
< curpsp
; ++s
) {
6755 //NVG_PICK_DEBUG_BOUNDS(seg.bounds);
6756 nvg__unionBounds(curpsp
, seg
6759 nvg__unionBounds(totalBounds
, curpsp
6762 // Store the scissor rect if present.
6763 if (state
[0] != -1.0f) {
6764 // Use points storage to store the scissor data
6765 pp
= nvg__pickSceneAddPoints(ps
, null, 4);
6766 float* scissor
= &ps
6768 //memcpy(scissor, state.scissor.xform.ptr, 6*float.sizeof);
6769 scissor
[0..6] = state
6770 memcpy(scissor
+6, state
, 2*float.sizeof
6772 pp
.flags |
= NVGPathFlags
6775 memcpy(pp
, totalBounds
, float.sizeof
6781 // Struct management
6782 NVGpickPath
* nvg__allocPickPath (NVGpickScene
* ps
) {
6783 NVGpickPath
* pp
= ps
6785 ps
= pp
6787 pp
= cast(NVGpickPath
6789 memset(pp
, 0, NVGpickPath
6793 // Put a pick path and any sub paths (back) to the free lists.
6794 void nvg__freePickPath (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickPath
* pp
) {
6795 // Add all sub paths to the sub path free list.
6796 // Finds the end of the path sub paths, links that to the current
6797 // sub path free list head and replaces the head ptr with the
6798 // head path sub path entry.
6799 NVGpickSubPath
* psp
= null;
6800 for (psp
= pp
; psp
!is null && psp
!is null; psp
= psp
) {}
6803 psp
= ps
6804 ps
= pp
6808 // Add the path to the path freelist
6809 pp
= ps
6811 if (pp
is null) ps
= pp
6814 NVGpickSubPath
* nvg__allocPickSubPath (NVGpickScene
* ps
) {
6815 NVGpickSubPath
* psp
= ps
6817 ps
= psp
6819 psp
= cast(NVGpickSubPath
6820 if (psp
is null) return null;
6822 memset(psp
, 0, NVGpickSubPath
6826 void nvg__returnPickSubPath (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickSubPath
* psp
) {
6827 psp
= ps
6828 ps
= psp
6831 NVGpickScene
* nvg__allocPickScene () {
6832 NVGpickScene
* ps
= cast(NVGpickScene
6833 if (ps
is null) return null;
6834 memset(ps
, 0, NVGpickScene
6839 void nvg__deletePickScene (NVGpickScene
* ps
) {
6841 NVGpickSubPath
* psp
6843 // Add all paths (and thus sub paths) to the free list(s).
6844 while (ps
!is null) {
6846 nvg__freePickPath(ps
, ps
6851 while (ps
!is null) {
6853 ps
= pp
6854 while (pp
!is null) {
6856 pp
= psp
6862 // Delete all sub paths
6863 while (ps
!is null) {
6864 psp
= ps
6865 free(ps
6866 ps
= psp
6872 if (ps
!is null) {
6877 if (ps
!is null) free(ps
6878 if (ps
!is null) free(ps
6879 if (ps
!is null) free(ps
6884 NVGpickScene
* nvg__pickSceneGet (NVGContext ctx
) {
6885 if (ctx
is null) ctx
= nvg__allocPickScene();
6886 return ctx
6890 // Applies Casteljau's algorithm to a cubic bezier for a given parameter t
6891 // points is 4 points (8 floats)
6892 // lvl1 is 3 points (6 floats)
6893 // lvl2 is 2 points (4 floats)
6894 // lvl3 is 1 point (2 floats)
6895 void nvg__casteljau (const(float)* points
, float t
, float* lvl1
, float* lvl2
, float* lvl3
) {
6896 enum x0
= 0*2+0; enum x1
= 1*2+0; enum x2
= 2*2+0; enum x3
= 3*2+0;
6897 enum y0
= 0*2+1; enum y1
= 1*2+1; enum y2
= 2*2+1; enum y3
= 3*2+1;
6900 lvl1
] = (points
6901 lvl1
] = (points
6903 lvl1
] = (points
6904 lvl1
] = (points
6906 lvl1
] = (points
6907 lvl1
] = (points
6910 lvl2
] = (lvl1
6911 lvl2
] = (lvl1
6913 lvl2
] = (lvl1
6914 lvl2
] = (lvl1
6917 lvl3
] = (lvl2
6918 lvl3
] = (lvl2
6921 // Calculates a point on a bezier at point t.
6922 void nvg__bezierEval (const(float)* points
, float t
, ref float[2] tpoint
) {
6923 immutable float omt
= 1-t
6924 immutable float omt3
= omt
6925 immutable float omt2
= omt
6926 immutable float t3
= t
6927 immutable float t2
= t
6931 points
6932 points
6937 points
6938 points
6942 // Splits a cubic bezier curve into two parts at point t.
6943 void nvg__splitBezier (const(float)* points
, float t
, float* pointsA
, float* pointsB
) {
6944 enum x0
= 0*2+0; enum x1
= 1*2+0; enum x2
= 2*2+0; enum x3
= 3*2+0;
6945 enum y0
= 0*2+1; enum y1
= 1*2+1; enum y2
= 2*2+1; enum y3
= 3*2+1;
6947 float[6] lvl1
= void;
6948 float[4] lvl2
= void;
6949 float[2] lvl3
= void;
6951 nvg__casteljau(points
, t
, lvl1
, lvl2
, lvl3
6954 pointsA
] = points
6955 pointsA
] = points
6957 pointsA
] = lvl1
6958 pointsA
] = lvl1
6960 pointsA
] = lvl2
6961 pointsA
] = lvl2
6963 pointsA
] = lvl3
6964 pointsA
] = lvl3
6967 pointsB
] = lvl3
6968 pointsB
] = lvl3
6970 pointsB
] = lvl2
6971 pointsB
] = lvl2
6973 pointsB
] = lvl1
6974 pointsB
] = lvl1
6976 pointsB
] = points
6977 pointsB
] = points
6980 // Calculates the inflection points in coordinate coord (X = 0, Y = 1) of a cubic bezier.
6981 // Appends any found inflection points to the array inflections and increments *ninflections.
6982 // So finds the parameters where dx/dt or dy/dt is 0
6983 void nvg__bezierInflections (const(float)* points
, int coord
, int* ninflections
, float* inflections
) {
6984 immutable float v0
= points
], v1
= points
], v2
= points
], v3
= points
6986 int nvalid
= *ninflections
6988 immutable float a
= 3.0f*( -v0
6989 immutable float b
= 6.0f*( v0
6990 immutable float c
= 3.0f*( v1
6992 float d
= b
6993 if (nvg__absf(d
-0.0f) < NVGPickEPS
) {
6995 t
[0] = -b
6996 if (t
[0] > NVGPickEPS
&& t
[0] < (1.0f-NVGPickEPS
)) {
6997 inflections
] = t
7000 } else if (d
) {
7001 // zero, one or two roots
7004 t
[0] = (-b
7005 t
[1] = (-b
7007 for (int i
= 0; i
< 2; ++i
) {
7008 if (t
] > NVGPickEPS
&& t
] < (1.0f-NVGPickEPS
)) {
7009 inflections
] = t
7017 *ninflections
= nvalid
7020 // Sort a small number of floats in ascending order (0 < n < 6)
7021 void nvg__smallsort (float* values
, int n
) {
7022 bool bSwapped
= true;
7023 for (int j
= 0; j
< n
-1 && bSwapped
; ++j
) {
7025 for (int i
= 0; i
< n
-1; ++i
) {
7026 if (values
] > values
+1]) {
7027 auto tmp
= values
7028 values
] = values
7035 // Calculates the bounding rect of a given cubic bezier curve.
7036 void nvg__bezierBounds (const(float)* points
, ref float[4] bounds
) {
7037 float[4] inflections
= void;
7038 int ninflections
= 0;
7039 float[2] tpoint
= void;
7041 nvg__initBounds(bounds
7043 // Include start and end points in bounds
7044 nvg__expandBounds(bounds
, &points
[0], 1);
7045 nvg__expandBounds(bounds
, &points
[6], 1);
7047 // Calculate dx==0 and dy==0 inflection points and add them to the bounds
7049 nvg__bezierInflections(points
, 0, &ninflections
, inflections
7050 nvg__bezierInflections(points
, 1, &ninflections
, inflections
7052 foreach (immutable int i
; 0..ninflections
) {
7053 nvg__bezierEval(points
, inflections
], tpoint
7054 nvg__expandBounds(bounds
, tpoint
, 1);
7058 // Checks to see if a line originating from x,y along the +ve x axis
7059 // intersects the given line (points[0],points[1]) -> (points[2], points[3]).
7060 // Returns `true` on intersection.
7061 // Horizontal lines are never hit.
7062 bool nvg__intersectLine (const(float)* points
, float x
, float y
) {
7063 immutable float x1
= points
7064 immutable float y1
= points
7065 immutable float x2
= points
7066 immutable float y2
= points
7067 immutable float d
= y2
7068 if (d
> NVGPickEPS || d
) {
7069 immutable float s
= (x2
7070 immutable float lineX
= x1
7077 // Checks to see if a line originating from x,y along the +ve x axis intersects the given bezier.
7078 // It is assumed that the line originates from within the bounding box of
7079 // the bezier and that the curve has no dy=0 inflection points.
7080 // Returns the number of intersections found (which is either 1 or 0).
7081 int nvg__intersectBezier (const(float)* points
, float x
, float y
) {
7082 immutable float x0
= points
[0*2+0], x1
= points
[1*2+0], x2
= points
[2*2+0], x3
= points
7083 immutable float y0
= points
[0*2+1], y1
= points
[1*2+1], y2
= points
[2*2+1], y3
= points
7085 if (y0
== y1
&& y1
== y2
&& y2
== y3
) return 0;
7089 if (y3
!= y0
) t
= (y
7090 else if (x3
!= x0
) t
= (x
7093 // A few Newton iterations
7094 for (int iter
= 0; iter
< 6; ++iter
) {
7095 immutable float omt
= 1-t
7096 immutable float omt2
= omt
7097 immutable float t2
= t
7098 immutable float omt3
= omt2
7099 immutable float t3
= t2
7101 immutable float ty
= y0
7107 immutable float dty
= 3.0f*omt2
) +
7108 6.0f*omt
) +
7111 // dty will never == 0 since:
7112 // Either omt, omt2 are zero OR t2 is zero
7113 // y0 != y1 != y2 != y3 (checked above)
7118 immutable float omt
= 1-t
7119 immutable float omt2
= omt
7120 immutable float t2
= t
7121 immutable float omt3
= omt2
7122 immutable float t3
= t2
7124 immutable float tx
7130 return (tx
> x ?
1 : 0);
7134 // Finds the closest point on a line to a given point
7135 void nvg__closestLine (const(float)* points
, float x
, float y
, float* closest
, float* ot
) {
7136 immutable float x1
= points
7137 immutable float y1
= points
7138 immutable float x2
= points
7139 immutable float y2
= points
7140 immutable float pqx
= x2
7141 immutable float pqz
= y2
7142 immutable float dx
= x
7143 immutable float dz
= y
7144 immutable float d
= pqx
7145 float t
= pqx
7147 if (t
< 0) t
= 0; else if (t
> 1) t
= 1;
7148 closest
[0] = x1
7149 closest
[1] = y1
7153 // Finds the closest point on a curve for a given point (x,y).
7154 // Assumes that the curve has no dx==0 or dy==0 inflection points.
7155 void nvg__closestBezier (const(float)* points
, float x
, float y
, float* closest
, float *ot
) {
7156 immutable float x0
= points
[0*2+0], x1
= points
[1*2+0], x2
= points
[2*2+0], x3
= points
7157 immutable float y0
= points
[0*2+1], y1
= points
[1*2+1], y2
= points
[2*2+1], y3
= points
7159 // This assumes that the curve has no dy=0 inflection points.
7164 // A few Newton iterations
7165 for (int iter
= 0; iter
< 6; ++iter
) {
7166 immutable float omt
= 1-t
7167 immutable float omt2
= omt
7168 immutable float t2
= t
7169 immutable float omt3
= omt2
7170 immutable float t3
= t2
7172 immutable float ty
7178 immutable float tx
7185 immutable float dty
7190 immutable float ddty
7191 6.0f*omt
7192 6.0f*t
7194 immutable float dtx
7199 immutable float ddtx
7200 6.0f*omt
7201 6.0f*t
7203 immutable float errorx
= tx
7204 immutable float errory
= ty
7206 immutable float n
= errorx
7209 immutable float d
= dtx
7210 if (d
!= 0) t
= t
; else break;
7213 t
= nvg__max(0, nvg__min(1.0, t
7216 immutable float omt
= 1-t
7217 immutable float omt2
= omt
7218 immutable float t2
= t
7219 immutable float omt3
= omt2
7220 immutable float t3
= t2
7222 immutable float ty
7228 immutable float tx
7240 // 1 If (x,y) is contained by the stroke of the path
7241 // 0 If (x,y) is not contained by the path.
7242 int nvg__pickSubPathStroke (const NVGpickScene
* ps
, const NVGpickSubPath
* psp
, float x
, float y
, float strokeWidth
, int lineCap
, int lineJoin
) {
7243 if (!nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, psp
)) return 0;
7244 if (psp
== -1) return 0;
7246 float[2] closest
= void;
7250 // trace a line from x,y out along the positive x axis and count the number of intersections
7251 int nsegments
= psp
7252 const(NVGsegment
)* seg
= ps
7253 const(NVGsegment
)* prevseg
= (psp
.closed ?
-1] : null);
7254 immutable float strokeWidthSqd
= strokeWidth
7256 for (int s
= 0; s
< nsegments
; ++s
, prevseg
= seg
, ++seg
) {
7257 if (nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, seg
)) {
7258 // Line potentially hits stroke.
7260 case Command
7261 nvg__closestLine(&ps
*2], x
, y
, closest
, &t
7263 case Command
7264 nvg__closestBezier(&ps
*2], x
, y
, closest
, &t
7270 d
[0] = x
7271 d
[1] = y
7273 if ((t
&& t
<= 1.0f-NVGPickEPS
) ||
7274 (seg
)) == 0 ||
7275 (lineJoin
== NVGLineCap
7277 // Closest point is in the middle of the line/curve, at a rounded join/cap
7278 // or at a smooth join
7279 immutable float distSqd
= d
7280 if (distSqd
< strokeWidthSqd
) return 1;
7281 } else if ((t
> 1.0f-NVGPickEPS
&& (seg
)) ||
7282 (t
&& (seg
))) {
7284 case NVGLineCap
7285 immutable float distSqd
= d
7286 immutable float dirD
= (t
< NVGPickEPS ?
7287 -(d
[1]) :
7288 d
7289 if (dirD
&& distSqd
< strokeWidthSqd
) return 1;
7291 case NVGLineCap
7292 if (nvg__absf(d
[0]) < strokeWidth
&& nvg__absf(d
[1]) < strokeWidth
) return 1;
7294 case NVGLineCap
7295 immutable float distSqd
= d
7296 if (distSqd
< strokeWidthSqd
) return 1;
7301 } else if (seg
) {
7302 // Closest point is at a corner
7303 const(NVGsegment
)* seg0
, seg1
7305 if (t
) {
7310 seg1
= (s
== nsegments
-1 ?
] : seg
7313 if (!(seg1
)) {
7314 immutable float prevNDist
= -seg0
7315 immutable float curNDist
= seg1
7316 if (nvg__absf(prevNDist
) < strokeWidth
&& nvg__absf(curNDist
) < strokeWidth
) return 1;
7318 d
[0] -= -seg1
7319 d
[1] -= +seg1
7320 if (seg1
[1] < 0) return 1;
7330 // 1 If (x,y) is contained by the path and the path is solid.
7331 // -1 If (x,y) is contained by the path and the path is a hole.
7332 // 0 If (x,y) is not contained by the path.
7333 int nvg__pickSubPath (const NVGpickScene
* ps
, const NVGpickSubPath
* psp
, float x
, float y
, bool evenOddMode
) {
7334 if (!nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, psp
)) return 0;
7335 if (psp
== -1) return 0;
7337 const(NVGsegment
)* seg
= &ps
7338 int nsegments
= psp
7339 int nintersections
= 0;
7341 // trace a line from x,y out along the positive x axis and count the number of intersections
7342 for (int s
= 0; s
< nsegments
; ++s
, ++seg
) {
7343 if ((seg
) < y
7344 (seg
) > y
7345 seg
[2] > x
7347 // Line hits the box.
7349 case Command
7350 if (seg
[0] > x
) {
7351 // line originates outside the box
7354 // line originates inside the box
7355 nintersections
+= nvg__intersectLine(&ps
*2], x
, y
7358 case Command
7359 if (seg
[0] > x
) {
7360 // line originates outside the box
7363 // line originates inside the box
7364 nintersections
+= nvg__intersectBezier(&ps
*2], x
, y
7374 return nintersections
7376 return (nintersections
&1 ?
== NVGSolidity
.Solid ?
1 : -1) : 0);
7380 bool nvg__pickPath (const(NVGpickScene
)* ps
, const(NVGpickPath
)* pp
, float x
, float y
) {
7382 const(NVGpickSubPath
)* psp
= pp
7383 while (psp
!is null) {
7384 pickCount
+= nvg__pickSubPath(ps
, psp
, x
, y
, pp
7387 return ((pp
.evenOddMode ? pickCount
&1 : pickCount
) != 0);
7390 bool nvg__pickPathStroke (const(NVGpickScene
)* ps
, const(NVGpickPath
)* pp
, float x
, float y
) {
7391 const(NVGpickSubPath
)* psp
= pp
7392 while (psp
!is null) {
7393 if (nvg__pickSubPathStroke(ps
, psp
, x
, y
, pp
, pp
, pp
)) return true;
7399 bool nvg__pickPathTestBounds (NVGContext ctx
, const NVGpickScene
* ps
, const NVGpickPath
* pp
, float x
, float y
) {
7400 if (nvg__pointInBounds(x
, y
, pp
)) {
7401 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" (0): in bounds!\n"); }
7402 if (pp
) {
7403 const(float)* scissor
= &ps
7404 // untransform scissor translation
7405 float stx
= void, sty
= void;
7406 ctx
, &sty
, scissor
[4], scissor
7407 immutable float rx
= x
7408 immutable float ry
= y
7409 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" (1): rxy=(%g,%g); scissor=[%g,%g,%g,%g,%g] [%g,%g]!\n", rx, ry, scissor[0], scissor[1], scissor[2], scissor[3], scissor[4], scissor[5], scissor[6], scissor[7]); }
7410 if (nvg__absf((scissor
)) > scissor
[6] ||
7411 nvg__absf((scissor
)) > scissor
7413 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" (1): scissor reject!\n"); }
7422 int nvg__countBitsUsed (uint v
) pure {
7423 pragma(inline
, true);
7424 import core
: bsr;
7425 return (v
!= 0 ?
)+1 : 0);
7428 void nvg__pickSceneInsert (NVGpickScene
* ps
, NVGpickPath
* pp
) {
7429 if (ps
is null || pp
is null) return;
7432 int base
= ps
7438 NVGpickPath
** cell
= null;
7440 // Bit tricks for inserting into an implicit quadtree.
7442 // Calc bounds of path in cells at the lowest level
7443 cellbounds
[0] = cast(int)(pp
7444 cellbounds
[1] = cast(int)(pp
7445 cellbounds
[2] = cast(int)(pp
7446 cellbounds
[3] = cast(int)(pp
7448 // Find which bits differ between the min/max x/y coords
7449 cellbounds
[0] ^
= cellbounds
7450 cellbounds
[1] ^
= cellbounds
7452 // Use the number of bits used (countBitsUsed(x) == sizeof(int) * 8 - clz(x);
7453 // to calculate the level to insert at (the level at which the bounds fit in a single cell)
7454 level
= nvg__min(base
[0]), base
7455 if (level
< 0) level
= 0;
7456 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("LEVEL: %d; bounds=(%g,%g)-(%g,%g)\n", level, pp.bounds[0], pp.bounds[1], pp.bounds[2], pp.bounds[3]); }
7459 // Find the correct cell in the chosen level, clamping to the edges.
7460 levelwidth
= 1<<level
7461 levelshift
= (ps
7462 levelx
= nvg__clamp(cellbounds
, 0, levelwidth
7463 levely
= nvg__clamp(cellbounds
, 0, levelwidth
7465 // Insert the path into the linked list at that cell.
7466 cell
= &ps
7468 pp
= *cell
7471 if (ps
is null) ps
= pp
7475 // Store the order (depth) of the path for picking ops.
7476 pp
= cast(short)ps
7480 void nvg__pickBeginFrame (NVGContext ctx
, int width
, int height
) {
7481 NVGpickScene
* ps
= nvg__pickSceneGet(ctx
7485 // Return all paths & sub paths from last frame to the free list
7486 while (ps
!is null) {
7487 NVGpickPath
* pp
= ps
7488 nvg__freePickPath(ps
, ps
7495 // Store the screen metrics for the quadtree
7499 immutable float lowestSubDiv
= cast(float)(1<<(ps
7500 ps
= cast(float)width
7501 ps
= cast(float)height
7503 // Allocate the quadtree if required.
7504 if (ps
is null) {
7507 ps
= cast(NVGpickPath
7508 for (int l
= 0; l
< ps
; ++l
) {
7509 int leveldim
= 1<<l
7510 ncells
+= leveldim
7513 ps
[0] = cast(NVGpickPath
7516 for (int l
= 1; l
< ps
; ++l
) {
7517 ps
] = &ps
7518 int leveldim
= 1<<l
7519 cell
+= leveldim
7524 memset(ps
[0], 0, ps
7526 // Allocate temporary storage for nvgHitTestAll results if required.
7527 if (ps
is null) {
7529 ps
= cast(NVGpickPath
7535 } // nothrow @trusted @nogc
7538 /// Return outline of the current path. Returned outline is not flattened.
7540 public NVGPathOutline
getCurrPathOutline (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7541 if (ctx
is null ||
.contextAlive || ctx
== 0) return NVGPathOutline
7543 auto res
= NVGPathOutline
7545 const(float)[] acommands
= ctx
7546 int ncommands
= cast(int)acommands
7547 const(float)* commands
= acommands
7549 float cx
= 0, cy
= 0;
7550 float[2] start
= void;
7551 float[4] totalBounds
= [float.max
, float.max
, -float.max
, -float.max
7552 float[8] bcp
= void; // bezier curve points; used to calculate bounds
7554 void addToBounds (in float x
, in float y
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7555 totalBounds
[0] = nvg__min(totalBounds
[0], x
7556 totalBounds
[1] = nvg__min(totalBounds
[1], y
7557 totalBounds
[2] = nvg__max(totalBounds
[2], x
7558 totalBounds
[3] = nvg__max(totalBounds
[3], y
7561 bool hasPoints
= false;
7563 void closeIt () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7564 if (!hasPoints
) return;
7565 if (cx
!= start
[0] || cy
!= start
[1]) {
7566 res
7567 res
7570 addToBounds(cx
, cy
7575 while (i
< ncommands
) {
7576 int cmd
= cast(int)commands
7578 case Command
: // one coordinate pair
7579 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
7582 res
7583 res
7584 // new starting point
7585 start
[0..2] = tfxy
7588 addToBounds(cx
, cy
7591 case Command
: // one coordinate pair
7592 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
7595 res
7596 res
7599 addToBounds(cx
, cy
7602 case Command
: // three coordinate pairs
7603 const(float)* tfxy
= commands
7606 res
7607 res
7611 bcp
[2..8] = tfxy
7612 nvg__bezierBounds(bcp
, totalBounds
7621 case Command
7622 //psp.winding = cast(short)cast(int)commands[i];
7630 res
[] = totalBounds
7635 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
7638 /** Creates font by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
7639 * Returns handle to the font or FONS_INVALID (aka -1) on error.
7640 * Use "fontname:noaa" as [name] to turn off antialiasing (if font driver supports that).
7642 * On POSIX systems it is possible to use fontconfig font names too.
7643 * `:noaa` in font path is still allowed, but it must be the last option.
7647 public int createFont (NVGContext ctx
, const(char)[] name
, const(char)[] path
) nothrow @trusted {
7648 return ctx
, path
, ctx
7651 /** Creates font by loading it from the specified memory chunk.
7652 * Returns handle to the font or FONS_INVALID (aka -1) on error.
7653 * Won't free data on error.
7657 public int createFontMem (NVGContext ctx
, const(char)[] name
, ubyte* data
, int ndata
, bool freeData
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7658 return ctx
, data
, ndata
, freeData
, ctx
7661 /// Add fonts from another context.
7662 /// This is more effective than reloading fonts, 'cause font data will be shared.
7664 public void addFontsFrom (NVGContext ctx
, NVGContext source
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7665 if (ctx
is null || source
is null) return;
7666 ctx
7669 /// Finds a loaded font of specified name, and returns handle to it, or FONS_INVALID (aka -1) if the font is not found.
7671 public int findFont (NVGContext ctx
, const(char)[] name
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7672 pragma(inline
, true);
7673 return (name
: ctx
7676 /// Sets the font size of current text style.
7678 public void fontSize (NVGContext ctx
, float size
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7679 pragma(inline
, true);
7680 nvg__getState(ctx
= size
7683 /// Gets the font size of current text style.
7685 public float fontSize (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7686 pragma(inline
, true);
7687 return nvg__getState(ctx
7690 /// Sets the blur of current text style.
7692 public void fontBlur (NVGContext ctx
, float blur
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7693 pragma(inline
, true);
7694 nvg__getState(ctx
= blur
7697 /// Gets the blur of current text style.
7699 public float fontBlur (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7700 pragma(inline
, true);
7701 return nvg__getState(ctx
7704 /// Sets the letter spacing of current text style.
7706 public void textLetterSpacing (NVGContext ctx
, float spacing
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7707 pragma(inline
, true);
7708 nvg__getState(ctx
= spacing
7711 /// Gets the letter spacing of current text style.
7713 public float textLetterSpacing (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7714 pragma(inline
, true);
7715 return nvg__getState(ctx
7718 /// Sets the proportional line height of current text style. The line height is specified as multiple of font size.
7720 public void textLineHeight (NVGContext ctx
, float lineHeight
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7721 pragma(inline
, true);
7722 nvg__getState(ctx
= lineHeight
7725 /// Gets the proportional line height of current text style. The line height is specified as multiple of font size.
7727 public float textLineHeight (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7728 pragma(inline
, true);
7729 return nvg__getState(ctx
7732 /// Sets the text align of current text style, see [NVGTextAlign] for options.
7734 public void textAlign (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTextAlign talign
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7735 pragma(inline
, true);
7736 nvg__getState(ctx
= talign
7740 public void textAlign (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTextAlign
.H h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7741 pragma(inline
, true);
7742 nvg__getState(ctx
= h
7746 public void textAlign (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTextAlign
.V v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7747 pragma(inline
, true);
7748 nvg__getState(ctx
= v
7752 public void textAlign (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTextAlign
.H h
, NVGTextAlign
.V v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7753 pragma(inline
, true);
7754 nvg__getState(ctx
, v
7758 public void textAlign (NVGContext ctx
, NVGTextAlign
.V v
, NVGTextAlign
.H h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7759 pragma(inline
, true);
7760 nvg__getState(ctx
, v
7763 /// Gets the text align of current text style, see [NVGTextAlign] for options.
7765 public NVGTextAlign
textAlign (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7766 pragma(inline
, true);
7767 return nvg__getState(ctx
7770 /// Sets the font face based on specified id of current text style.
7772 public void fontFaceId (NVGContext ctx
, int font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7773 pragma(inline
, true);
7774 nvg__getState(ctx
= font
7777 /// Gets the font face based on specified id of current text style.
7779 public int fontFaceId (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7780 pragma(inline
, true);
7781 return nvg__getState(ctx
7784 /** Sets the font face based on specified name of current text style.
7786 * The underlying implementation is using O(1) data structure to lookup
7787 * font names, so you probably should use this function instead of [fontFaceId]
7788 * to make your code more robust and less error-prone.
7792 public void fontFace (NVGContext ctx
, const(char)[] font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7793 pragma(inline
, true);
7794 nvg__getState(ctx
= ctx
7797 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__toPath
))) {
7798 public enum NanoVegaHasCharToPath
= true; ///
7800 public enum NanoVegaHasCharToPath
= false; ///
7803 /// Adds glyph outlines to the current path. Vertical 0 is baseline.
7804 /// The glyph is not scaled in any way, so you have to use NanoVega transformations instead.
7805 /// Returns `false` if there is no such glyph, or current font is not scalable.
7807 public bool charToPath (NVGContext ctx
, dchar dch
, float[] bounds
=null) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7808 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
7809 ctx
= state
7810 return ctx
, dch
, bounds
7813 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__bounds
))) {
7814 public enum NanoVegaHasCharPathBounds
= true; ///
7816 public enum NanoVegaHasCharPathBounds
= false; ///
7819 /// Returns bounds of the glyph outlines. Vertical 0 is baseline.
7820 /// The glyph is not scaled in any way.
7821 /// Returns `false` if there is no such glyph, or current font is not scalable.
7823 public bool charPathBounds (NVGContext ctx
, dchar dch
, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7824 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
7825 ctx
= state
7826 return ctx
, bounds
7829 /** [charOutline] will return [NVGPathOutline].
7834 float[4] bounds = void;
7836 nvg.scale(0.5, 0.5);
7837 nvg.translate(500, 800);
7841 nvg.charToPath('&', bounds[]);
7842 conwriteln(bounds[]);
7843 nvg.fillPaint(nvg.linearGradient(0, 0, 600, 600, NVGColor("#f70"), NVGColor("#ff0")));
7844 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#0f0"));
7845 nvg.strokeWidth = 3;
7850 nvg.rect(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[1]);
7851 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#00f"));
7855 nvg.charToPath('g', bounds[]);
7856 conwriteln(bounds[]);
7858 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#0f0"));
7862 nvg.rect(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[1]);
7863 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#00f"));
7869 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#0ff"));
7872 if (auto ol = nvg.charOutline('Q')) {
7873 scope(exit) ol.kill();
7875 conwriteln("==== length: ", ol.length, " ====");
7876 foreach (const ref cmd; ol.commands) {
7877 //conwriteln(" ", cmd.code, ": ", cmd.args[]);
7879 final switch (cmd.code) {
7880 case cmd.Kind.MoveTo: nvg.moveTo(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1]); break;
7881 case cmd.Kind.LineTo: nvg.lineTo(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1]); break;
7882 case cmd.Kind.QuadTo: nvg.quadTo(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3]); break;
7883 case cmd.Kind.BezierTo: nvg.bezierTo(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3], cmd.args[4], cmd.args[5]); break;
7886 nvg.strokeColor(NVGColor("#f00"));
7893 public struct NVGPathOutline
7894 private nothrow @trusted @nogc:
7896 uint rc
; // refcount
7900 uint ccount
; // number of commands
7901 float[4] bounds
= 0; /// outline bounds
7902 nothrow @trusted @nogc:
7903 void putBytes (const(void)[] b
) {
7904 if (b
== 0) return;
7905 if (b
>= int.max
/8) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
7906 if (int.max
< b
) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
7907 if (used
> size
) {
7908 import core
: realloc
7910 while (newsz
< used
) newsz
= (newsz
== 0 ?
1024 : newsz
< 32768 ? newsz
*2 : newsz
7911 assert(used
<= newsz
7912 data
= cast(ubyte*)realloc(data
, newsz
7913 if (data
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
7916 import core
: memcpy
7917 memcpy(data
, b
, b
7918 used
+= cast(uint)b
7920 void putCommand (ubyte cmd
) { pragma(inline
, true); ++ccount
; putBytes((&cmd
)[0..1]); }
7921 void putArgs (const(float)[] f
...) { pragma(inline
, true); putBytes(f
[]); }
7924 static void incRef (DataStore
* ds) {
7925 pragma(inline
, true);
7928 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("ods(%p): incref: newrc=%u\n", ds, ds.rc); }
7932 static void decRef (DataStore
* ds) {
7933 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
7935 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("ods(%p): decref: newrc=%u\n", ds, ds.rc-1); }
7937 import core
: free
7938 import core
: memset
7939 if (ds.data
!is null) free(ds.data
7940 memset(ds, 0, DataStore
); // just in case
7942 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" ods(%p): killed.\n"); }
7948 static NVGPathOutline
createNew () {
7949 import core
: malloc
7950 import core
: memset
7951 auto ds = cast(DataStore
7952 if (ds is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory");
7953 memset(ds, 0, DataStore
7956 res
= cast(usize
7961 usize dsaddr
; // fool GC
7963 @property inout(DataStore
)* ds () inout pure { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(DataStore
; }
7967 static struct Command
7974 End
, /// no more commands (this command is not `valid`!)
7978 const(float)[] args
; ///
7979 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (code
>= Kind
&& code
< Kind
&& args
>= 2); } ///
7981 static uint arglen (Kind code
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
7982 pragma(inline
, true);
7984 code
== Kind
.MoveTo || code
== Kind
.LineTo ?
2 :
7985 code
== Kind
.QuadTo ?
4 :
7986 code
== Kind
.BezierTo ?
6 :
7990 /// perform NanoVega command with stored data.
7991 void perform (NVGContext ctx
) const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
7992 if (ctx
is null) return;
7993 final switch (code
) {
7994 case Kind
: if (args
> 1) ctx
[0..2]); break;
7995 case Kind
: if (args
> 1) ctx
[0..2]); break;
7996 case Kind
: if (args
> 3) ctx
[0..4]); break;
7997 case Kind
: if (args
> 5) ctx
[0..6]); break;
7998 case Kind
: break;
8002 /// perform NanoVega command with stored data, transforming points with [xform] transformation matrix.
8003 void perform() (NVGContext ctx
, in auto ref NVGMatrix xform
) const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8004 if (ctx
is null ||
) return;
8005 float[6] pts
= void;
8006 pts
] = args
8007 foreach (immutable pidx
; 0..args
/2) xform
*2+0], pts
8008 final switch (code
) {
8009 case Kind
: if (args
> 1) ctx
[0..2]); break;
8010 case Kind
: if (args
> 1) ctx
[0..2]); break;
8011 case Kind
: if (args
> 3) ctx
[0..4]); break;
8012 case Kind
: if (args
> 5) ctx
[0..6]); break;
8013 case Kind
: break;
8019 /// Create new path with quadratic bezier (first command is MoveTo, second command is QuadTo).
8020 static NVGPathOutline
createNewQuad (in float x0
, in float y0
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float x
, in float y
) {
8021 auto res
= createNew();
8022 res
8023 res
, y0
8024 res
8025 res
, cy
, x
, y
8029 /// Create new path with cubic bezier (first command is MoveTo, second command is BezierTo).
8030 static NVGPathOutline
createNewBezier (in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float x3
, in float y3
, in float x4
, in float y4
) {
8031 auto res
= createNew();
8032 res
8033 res
, y1
8034 res
8035 res
, y2
, x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
8040 this (this) { pragma(inline
, true); incRef(cast(DataStore
); }
8041 ~this () { pragma(inline
, true); decRef(cast(DataStore
); }
8043 void opAssign() (in auto ref NVGPathOutline a
) {
8044 incRef(cast(DataStore
8045 decRef(cast(DataStore
8051 pragma(inline
, true);
8056 /// Is this outline empty?
8057 @property empty () const pure { pragma(inline
, true); return (dsaddr
== 0 ||
== 0); }
8059 /// Returns number of commands in outline.
8060 @property int length () const pure { pragma(inline
, true); return (dsaddr ?
: 0); }
8062 /// Returns "flattened" path. Flattened path consists of only two commands kinds: MoveTo and LineTo.
8063 NVGPathOutline
flatten () const { pragma(inline
, true); return flattenInternal(null); }
8065 /// Returns "flattened" path, transformed by the given matrix. Flattened path consists of only two commands kinds: MoveTo and LineTo.
8066 NVGPathOutline
flatten() (in auto ref NVGMatrix mt
) const { pragma(inline
, true); return flattenInternal(&mt
); }
8068 // Returns "flattened" path, transformed by the given matrix. Flattened path consists of only two commands kinds: MoveTo and LineTo.
8069 private NVGPathOutline
flattenInternal (scope NVGMatrix
* tfm
) const {
8070 import core
: memset
8073 if (dsaddr
== 0 ||
== 0) { res
= this; return res
; } // nothing to do
8075 // check if we need to flatten the path
8077 bool dowork
= false;
8078 foreach (const ref cs
; commands
) {
8079 if (cs
!= Command
&& cs
!= Command
) {
8084 if (!dowork
) { res
= this; return res
; } // nothing to do
8087 NVGcontextinternal ctx
8088 memset(&ctx
, 0, ctx
8089 ctx
= nvg__allocPathCache();
8091 import core
: free
8092 nvg__deletePathCache(ctx
8095 ctx
= 0.25f;
8096 ctx
= 0; // 0 -- angle tolerance for McSeem Bezier rasterizer
8097 ctx
= 0; // 0 -- cusp limit for McSeem Bezier rasterizer (0: real cusps)
8098 ctx
= 0.01f;
8099 ctx
= NVGTesselation
8101 nvg__addPath(&ctx
); // we need this for `nvg__addPoint()`
8103 // has some curves or transformations, convert path
8105 float[8] args
= void;
8107 res
= [float.max
, float.max
, -float.max
, -float.max
8109 float lastX
= float.max
, lastY
= float.max
8110 bool lastWasMove
= false;
8112 void addPoint (float x
, float y
, Command
.Kind cmd
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8113 if (tfm
!is null) tfm
, y
8114 bool isMove
= (cmd
== Command
8117 if (lastWasMove
&& nvg__ptEquals(lastX
, lastY
, x
, y
, ctx
)) return;
8120 if (nvg__ptEquals(lastX
, lastY
, x
, y
, ctx
)) return;
8122 lastWasMove
= isMove
8125 res
8126 res
, y
8127 res
[0] = nvg__min(res
[0], x
8128 res
[1] = nvg__min(res
[1], y
8129 res
[2] = nvg__max(res
[2], x
8130 res
[3] = nvg__max(res
[3], y
8133 // sorry for this pasta
8134 void flattenBezier (in float x1
, in float y1
, in float x2
, in float y2
, in float x3
, in float y3
, in float x4
, in float y4
, in int level
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8135 ctx
= 0;
8136 if (ctx
== NVGTesselation
) {
8137 nvg__tesselateBezier(&ctx
, x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
, x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
, 0, PointFlag
8138 } else if (ctx
== NVGTesselation
) {
8139 nvg__tesselateBezierMcSeem(&ctx
, x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
, x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
, 0, PointFlag
8141 nvg__tesselateBezierAFD(&ctx
, x1
, y1
, x2
, y2
, x3
, y3
, x4
, y4
, PointFlag
8143 // add generated points
8144 foreach (const ref pt
; ctx
]) addPoint(pt
, pt
8147 void flattenQuad (in float x0
, in float y0
, in float cx
, in float cy
, in float x
, in float y
) {
8150 x0
), y0
8151 x
), y
8157 float cx
= 0, cy
= 0;
8158 foreach (const ref cs
; commands
) {
8160 case Command
8161 case Command
8162 addPoint(cs
[0], cs
[1], cs
8166 case Command
8167 flattenQuad(cx
, cy
, cs
[0], cs
[1], cs
[2], cs
8171 case Command
8172 flattenBezier(cx
, cy
, cs
[0], cs
[1], cs
[2], cs
[3], cs
[4], cs
[5], 0);
8184 /// Returns forward range with all glyph commands.
8185 auto commands () const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8186 static struct Range
8187 private nothrow @trusted @nogc:
8189 uint cpos
; // current position in data
8190 uint cleft
; // number of commands left
8191 @property const(ubyte)* data () inout pure { pragma(inline
, true); return (dsaddr ?
: null); }
8193 this (this) { pragma(inline
, true); incRef(cast(DataStore
); }
8194 ~this () { pragma(inline
, true); decRef(cast(DataStore
); }
8195 void opAssign() (in auto ref Range a
) {
8196 incRef(cast(DataStore
8197 decRef(cast(DataStore
8202 float[4] bounds () const pure { float[4] res
= 0; pragma(inline
, true); if (dsaddr
) res
[] = (cast(DataStore
[]; return res
; } /// outline bounds
8203 @property bool empty () const pure { pragma(inline
, true); return (cleft
== 0); }
8204 @property int length () const pure { pragma(inline
, true); return cleft
; }
8205 @property Range
save () const { pragma(inline
, true); Range res
= this; return res
; }
8206 @property Command
front () const {
8209 res
= cast(Command
8211 case Command
8212 case Command
8213 res
= (cast(const(float*))(data
8215 case Command
8216 res
= (cast(const(float*))(data
8218 case Command
8219 res
= (cast(const(float*))(data
8222 res
= Command
8227 res
= Command
8233 if (cleft
<= 1) { cleft
= 0; return; } // don't waste time skipping last command
8235 switch (data
]) {
8236 case Command
8237 case Command
8238 cpos
+= 1+1*2*cast(uint)float.sizeof
8240 case Command
8241 cpos
+= 1+2*2*cast(uint)float.sizeof
8243 case Command
8244 cpos
+= 1+3*2*cast(uint)float.sizeof
8253 incRef(cast(DataStore
); // range anchors it
8254 return Range(dsaddr
, 0, ds.ccount
8261 public alias NVGGlyphOutline
= NVGPathOutline
; /// For backwards compatibility.
8263 /// Destroy glyph outiline and free allocated memory.
8265 public void kill (ref NVGPathOutline ol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8266 pragma(inline
, true);
8270 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__toOutline
))) {
8271 public enum NanoVegaHasCharOutline
= true; ///
8273 public enum NanoVegaHasCharOutline
= false; ///
8276 /// Returns glyph outlines as array of commands. Vertical 0 is baseline.
8277 /// The glyph is not scaled in any way, so you have to use NanoVega transformations instead.
8278 /// Returns `null` if there is no such glyph, or current font is not scalable.
8280 public NVGPathOutline
charOutline (NVGContext ctx
, dchar dch
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8281 import core
: malloc
8282 import core
: memcpy
8283 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8284 ctx
= state
8285 auto oline
= NVGPathOutline
8286 if (!ctx
, oline
.ds)) oline
8291 float nvg__quantize (float a
, float d
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
8292 pragma(inline
, true);
8293 return (cast(int)(a
8296 float nvg__getFontScale (NVGstate
* state
) /*pure*/ nothrow @safe @nogc {
8297 pragma(inline
, true);
8298 return nvg__min(nvg__quantize(nvg__getAverageScale(state
), 0.01f), 4.0f);
8301 void nvg__flushTextTexture (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8302 int[4] dirty
= void;
8303 if (ctx
)) {
8304 auto fontImage
= &ctx
8306 if (fontImage
) {
8308 const(ubyte)* data
= ctx
, &ih
8311 int w
= dirty
8312 int h
= dirty
8313 ctx
, fontImage
, x
, y
, w
, h
, data
8318 bool nvg__allocTextAtlas (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8320 nvg__flushTextTexture(ctx
8321 if (ctx
-1) return false;
8322 // if next fontImage already have a texture
8323 if (ctx
) {
8324 ctx
+1], iw
, ih
8326 // calculate the new font image size and create it
8327 ctx
], iw
, ih
8328 if (iw
> ih
) ih
*= 2; else iw
*= 2;
8329 if (iw
) iw
= ih
8330 ctx
= ctx
, NVGtexture
, iw
, ih
, (ctx
.fontAA ?
0 : NVGImageFlag
), null);
8331 if (ctx
> 0) {
8332 ctx
= ctx
8333 ctx
, false); // don't increment driver refcount
8337 ctx
, ih
8341 void nvg__renderText (NVGContext ctx
, NVGVertex
* verts
, int nverts
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8342 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8343 NVGPaint paint
= state
8345 // Render triangles.
8346 paint
= ctx
8348 // Apply global alpha
8349 paint
*= state
8350 paint
*= state
8351 paint
*= state
8353 ctx
, state
, NVGClipMode
, &paint
, &state
, verts
, nverts
, nvg_getFringe(ctx
8355 ++ctx
8356 ctx
+= nverts
8359 /// Draws text string at specified location. Returns next x position.
8361 public float text(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, const(T
)[] str) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
8362 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8363 FONSTextIter
!T iter
, prevIter
8366 float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8367 float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8371 if (state
) return x
8372 if (str.length
== 0) return x
8374 ctx
= state
8375 ctx
= state
8376 ctx
= state
8377 ctx
= state
8378 ctx
= state
8380 cverts
= nvg__max(2, cast(int)(str.length
))*6; // conservative estimate
8381 verts
= nvg__allocTempVerts(ctx
, cverts
8382 if (verts
is null) return x
8384 if (!iter
, x
, y
, str, FONSBitmapFlag
)) return x
8386 while (iter
)) {
8387 float[4*2] c
= void;
8388 if (iter
< 0) { // can not retrieve glyph?
8390 // TODO: add back-end bit to do this just once per frame
8391 nvg__flushTextTexture(ctx
8392 nvg__renderText(ctx
, verts
, nverts
8395 if (!nvg__allocTextAtlas(ctx
)) break; // no memory :(
8397 iter
); // try again
8398 if (iter
< 0) {
8399 // still can not find glyph, try replacement
8401 if (!iter
)) break;
8405 // transform corners
8406 state
[0], &c
[1], q
, q
8407 state
[2], &c
[3], q
, q
8408 state
[4], &c
[5], q
, q
8409 state
[6], &c
[7], q
, q
8411 if (nverts
+6 <= cverts
) {
8412 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[0], c
[1], q
, q
); ++nverts
8413 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[4], c
[5], q
, q
); ++nverts
8414 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[2], c
[3], q
, q
); ++nverts
8415 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[0], c
[1], q
, q
); ++nverts
8416 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[6], c
[7], q
, q
); ++nverts
8417 nvg__vset(&verts
], c
[4], c
[5], q
, q
); ++nverts
8421 // TODO: add back-end bit to do this just once per frame
8423 nvg__flushTextTexture(ctx
8424 nvg__renderText(ctx
, verts
, nverts
8427 return iter
8430 /** Draws multi-line text string at specified location wrapped at the specified width.
8431 * White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered.
8432 * Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).
8436 public void textBox(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, float breakRowWidth
, const(T
)[] str) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
8437 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8438 if (state
) return;
8440 NVGTextRow
[2] rows
8441 auto oldAlign
= state
8442 scope(exit
) state
= oldAlign
8443 auto halign
= state
8446 ctx
.textMetrics(null, null, &lineh
8447 state
= NVGTextAlign
8449 auto rres
= ctx
.textBreakLines(str, breakRowWidth
, rows
8450 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("slen=%u; rlen=%u; bw=%f\n", cast(uint)str.length, cast(uint)rres.length, cast(double)breakRowWidth); }
8451 if (rres
== 0) break;
8452 foreach (ref row
; rres
) {
8453 final switch (halign
) {
8454 case NVGTextAlign
: ctx
, y
, row
); break;
8455 case NVGTextAlign
: ctx
*0.5f, y
, row
); break;
8456 case NVGTextAlign
: ctx
, y
, row
); break;
8458 y
+= lineh
8460 str = rres
8464 private template isGoodPositionDelegate(DG
) {
8466 static if (is(typeof({ NVGGlyphPosition pos
; bool res
= dg(pos
); })) ||
8467 is(typeof({ NVGGlyphPosition pos
; dg(pos
); })))
8468 enum isGoodPositionDelegate
= true;
8470 enum isGoodPositionDelegate
= false;
8473 /** Calculates the glyph x positions of the specified text.
8474 * Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.
8478 public NVGGlyphPosition
[] textGlyphPositions(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, const(T
)[] str, NVGGlyphPosition
[] positions
) nothrow @trusted @nogc
8479 if (isAnyCharType
8481 if (str.length
== 0 || positions
== 0) return positions
8483 auto len
= ctx
, y
, str, (in ref NVGGlyphPosition pos
) {
8484 positions
++] = pos
8485 return (posnum
< positions
8487 return positions
8491 public int textGlyphPositions(T
, DG
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, const(T
)[] str, scope DG dg
8492 if (isAnyCharType
&& isGoodPositionDelegate
8494 import std
: ReturnType
8495 static if (is(ReturnType
== void)) enum RetBool
= false; else enum RetBool
= true;
8497 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8498 float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8499 float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8500 FONSTextIter
!T iter
, prevIter
8504 if (str.length
== 0) return 0;
8506 ctx
= state
8507 ctx
= state
8508 ctx
= state
8509 ctx
= state
8510 ctx
= state
8512 if (!iter
, x
, y
, str, FONSBitmapFlag
)) return npos
8514 while (iter
)) {
8515 if (iter
< 0) { // can not retrieve glyph?
8516 if (!nvg__allocTextAtlas(ctx
)) break; // no memory
8518 iter
); // try again
8519 if (iter
< 0) {
8520 // still can not find glyph, try replacement
8522 if (!iter
)) break;
8526 NVGGlyphPosition position
= void; //WARNING!
8527 position
= cast(usize
8528 position
= iter
8529 position
= nvg__min(iter
, q
8530 position
= nvg__max(iter
, q
8532 static if (RetBool
) { if (!dg(position
)) return npos
; } else dg(position
8538 private template isGoodRowDelegate(CT
, DG
) {
8540 static if (is(typeof({ NVGTextRow
!CT row
; bool res
= dg(row
); })) ||
8541 is(typeof({ NVGTextRow
!CT row
; dg(row
); })))
8542 enum isGoodRowDelegate
= true;
8544 enum isGoodRowDelegate
= false;
8547 /** Breaks the specified text into lines.
8548 * White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered.
8549 * Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).
8553 public NVGTextRow
[] textBreakLines(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, const(T
)[] str, float breakRowWidth
, NVGTextRow
[] rows
) nothrow @trusted @nogc
8554 if (isAnyCharType
8556 if (rows
== 0) return rows
8557 if (rows
> int.max
-1) rows
= rows
8559 auto count
= ctx
.textBreakLines(str, breakRowWidth
, (in ref NVGTextRow
!T row
) {
8561 return (nrow
< rows
8563 return rows
8566 /** Breaks the specified text into lines.
8567 * White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered.
8568 * Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).
8569 * Returns number of rows.
8573 public int textBreakLines(T
, DG
) (NVGContext ctx
, const(T
)[] str, float breakRowWidth
, scope DG dg
8574 if (isAnyCharType
&& isGoodRowDelegate
, DG
8576 import std
: ReturnType
8577 static if (is(ReturnType
== void)) enum RetBool
= false; else enum RetBool
= true;
8579 enum NVGcodepointType
: int {
8585 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8586 float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8587 float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8588 FONSTextIter
!T iter
, prevIter
8591 float rowStartX
= 0;
8598 float wordStartX
= 0;
8601 float breakWidth
= 0;
8602 float breakMaxX
= 0;
8603 int type
= NVGcodepointType
, ptype
= NVGcodepointType
8604 uint pcodepoint
= 0;
8606 if (state
) return 0;
8607 if (str.length
== 0 || dg
is null) return 0;
8609 ctx
= state
8610 ctx
= state
8611 ctx
= state
8612 ctx
= state
8613 ctx
= state
8615 breakRowWidth
*= scale
8618 Normal
, // searching for breaking point
8619 SkipBlanks
, // skip leading blanks
8621 Phase phase
= Phase
; // don't skip blanks on first line
8623 if (!iter
, 0, 0, str, FONSBitmapFlag
)) return 0;
8625 while (iter
)) {
8626 if (iter
< 0) { // can not retrieve glyph?
8627 if (!nvg__allocTextAtlas(ctx
)) break; // no memory
8629 iter
); // try again
8630 if (iter
< 0) {
8631 // still can not find glyph, try replacement
8633 if (!iter
)) break;
8637 switch (iter
) {
8642 case 0x00a0: // NBSP
8643 type
= NVGcodepointType
8646 type
= (pcodepoint
== 13 ? NVGcodepointType
: NVGcodepointType
8649 type
= (pcodepoint
== 10 ? NVGcodepointType
: NVGcodepointType
8652 case 0x2028: // Line Separator
8653 case 0x2029: // Paragraph Separator
8654 type
= NVGcodepointType
8657 type
= NVGcodepointType
8660 if (phase
== Phase
) {
8662 rowStart
= cast(int)(iter
8665 rowWidth
= iter
; // q.x1-rowStartX;
8666 rowMinX
= q
8667 rowMaxX
= q
8668 wordStart
= rowStart
8669 wordStartX
= iter
8670 wordMinX
= q
8671 breakEnd
= rowStart
8674 if (type
== NVGcodepointType
) continue;
8675 phase
= Phase
8678 if (type
== NVGcodepointType
) {
8679 // always handle new lines
8682 row
= rowStart
8684 row
= rowWidth
8685 row
= rowMinX
8686 row
= rowMaxX
8688 static if (RetBool
) { if (!dg(row
)) return nrows
; } else dg(row
8689 phase
= Phase
8691 float nextWidth
= iter
8692 // track last non-white space character
8693 if (type
== NVGcodepointType
) {
8694 rowEnd
= cast(int)(iter
8695 rowWidth
= iter
8696 rowMaxX
= q
8698 // track last end of a word
8699 if (ptype
== NVGcodepointType
&& type
== NVGcodepointType
) {
8700 breakEnd
= cast(int)(iter
8701 breakWidth
= rowWidth
8702 breakMaxX
= rowMaxX
8704 // track last beginning of a word
8705 if (ptype
== NVGcodepointType
&& type
== NVGcodepointType
) {
8706 wordStart
= cast(int)(iter
8707 wordStartX
= iter
8708 wordMinX
= q
8710 // break to new line when a character is beyond break width
8711 if (type
== NVGcodepointType
&& nextWidth
> breakRowWidth
) {
8712 // the run length is too long, need to break to new line
8715 if (breakEnd
== rowStart
) {
8716 // the current word is longer than the row length, just break it from here
8717 row
= rowStart
8718 row
= cast(int)(iter
8719 row
= rowWidth
8720 row
= rowMinX
8721 row
= rowMaxX
8723 static if (RetBool
) { if (!dg(row
)) return nrows
; } else dg(row
8725 rowStart
= cast(int)(iter
8726 rowEnd
= cast(int)(iter
8727 rowWidth
= iter
8728 rowMinX
= q
8729 rowMaxX
= q
8730 wordStart
= rowStart
8731 wordStartX
= iter
8732 wordMinX
= q
8734 // break the line from the end of the last word, and start new line from the beginning of the new
8735 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("rowStart=%u; rowEnd=%u; breakEnd=%u; len=%u\n", rowStart, rowEnd, breakEnd, cast(uint)str.length); }
8736 row
= rowStart
8738 row
= breakWidth
8739 row
= rowMinX
8740 row
= breakMaxX
8742 static if (RetBool
) { if (!dg(row
)) return nrows
; } else dg(row
8743 rowStartX
= wordStartX
8744 rowStart
= wordStart
8745 rowEnd
= cast(int)(iter
8746 rowWidth
= iter
8748 rowMaxX
= q
8749 // no change to the word start
8751 // set null break point
8752 breakEnd
= rowStart
8758 pcodepoint
= iter
8762 // break the line from the end of the last word, and start new line from the beginning of the new
8763 if (phase
!= Phase
&& rowStart
< str.length
) {
8764 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf(" rowStart=%u; len=%u\n", rowStart, cast(uint)str.length); }
8767 row
= rowStart
8768 row
= cast(int)str.length
8769 row
= rowWidth
8770 row
= rowMinX
8771 row
= rowMaxX
8773 static if (RetBool
) { if (!dg(row
)) return nrows
; } else dg(row
8779 /** Returns iterator which you can use to calculate text bounds and advancement.
8780 * This is usable when you need to do some text layouting with wrapping, to avoid
8781 * guesswork ("will advancement for this space stay the same?"), and Schlemiel's
8782 * algorithm. Note that you can copy the returned struct to save iterator state.
8784 * You can check if iterator is valid with [valid] property, put new chars with
8785 * [put] method, get current advance with [advance] property, and current
8786 * bounds with `getBounds(ref float[4] bounds)` method.
8788 * $(WARNING Don't change font parameters while iterating! Or use [restoreFont] method.)
8792 public struct TextBoundsIterator
8795 FONSTextBoundsIterator fsiter
; // fontstash iterator
8796 float scale
, invscale
, xscaled
, yscaled
8798 float fsSize
, fsSpacing
, fsBlur
8800 NVGTextAlign fsAlign
8803 /// Setups iteration. Takes current font parameters from the given NanoVega context.
8804 this (NVGContext actx
, float ax
=0, float ay
=0) nothrow @trusted @nogc { reset(actx
, ax
, ay
); }
8806 /// Resets iteration. Takes current font parameters from the given NanoVega context.
8807 void reset (NVGContext actx
, float ax
=0, float ay
=0) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8808 fsiter
= fsiter
8810 if (actx
is null) return;
8811 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(actx
8812 if (state
is null) return;
8813 if (state
) { ctx
= null; return; }
8816 scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8817 invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8819 fsSize
= state
8820 fsSpacing
= state
8821 fsBlur
= state
8822 fsAlign
= state
8823 fsFontId
= state
8828 fsiter
, xscaled
, yscaled
8831 /// Restart iteration. Will not restore font.
8832 void restart () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8833 if (ctx
!is null) fsiter
, xscaled
, yscaled
8836 /// Restore font settings for the context.
8837 void restoreFont () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8839 ctx
= fsSize
8840 ctx
= fsSpacing
8841 ctx
= fsBlur
8842 ctx
= fsAlign
8843 ctx
= fsFontId
8847 /// Is this iterator valid?
8848 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null); }
8851 void put(T
) (const(T
)[] str...) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) { pragma(inline
, true); if (ctx
!is null) fsiter
.put(str[]); }
8853 /// Returns current advance
8854 @property float advance () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ctx
!is null ? fsiter
: 0); }
8856 /// Returns current text bounds.
8857 void getBounds (ref float[4] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8859 fsiter
8860 ctx
, &bounds
[1], &bounds
8861 bounds
[0] *= invscale
8862 bounds
[1] *= invscale
8863 bounds
[2] *= invscale
8864 bounds
[3] *= invscale
8870 /// Returns current horizontal text bounds.
8871 void getHBounds (out float xmin
, out float xmax
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8873 fsiter
, xmax
8879 /// Returns current vertical text bounds.
8880 void getVBounds (out float ymin
, out float ymax
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8882 //fsiter.getVBounds(ymin, ymax);
8883 ctx
, &ymin
, &ymax
8890 /// Returns font line height (without line spacing), measured in local coordinate space.
8892 public float textFontHeight (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8894 ctx
.textMetrics(null, null, &res
8898 /// Returns font ascender (positive), measured in local coordinate space.
8900 public float textFontAscender (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8902 ctx
, null, null);
8906 /// Returns font descender (negative), measured in local coordinate space.
8908 public float textFontDescender (NVGContext ctx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
8910 ctx
.textMetrics(null, &res
, null);
8914 /** Measures the specified text string. Returns horizontal and vertical sizes of the measured text.
8915 * Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.
8919 public void textExtents(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, const(T
)[] str, float *w
, float *h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
8920 float[4] bnd
= void;
8921 ctx
.textBounds(0, 0, str, bnd
8922 if (!ctx
)) {
8923 if (w
!is null) *w
= nvg__lrintf(bnd
8924 if (h
!is null) *h
= nvg__lrintf(bnd
8926 if (w
!is null) *w
= bnd
8927 if (h
!is null) *h
= bnd
8931 /** Measures the specified text string. Returns horizontal size of the measured text.
8932 * Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.
8936 public float textWidth(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, const(T
)[] str) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
8938 ctx
.textExtents(str, &w
, null);
8942 /** Measures the specified text string. Parameter bounds should be a float[4],
8943 * if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
8944 * Returns the horizontal advance of the measured text (i.e. where the next character should drawn).
8945 * Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.
8949 public float textBounds(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, const(T
)[] str, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc
8950 if (isAnyCharType
8952 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8954 if (state
) {
8959 immutable float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8960 ctx
= state
8961 ctx
= state
8962 ctx
= state
8963 ctx
= state
8964 ctx
= state
8967 immutable float width
= ctx
, y
, str, b
8968 immutable float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8969 if (bounds
) {
8970 // use line bounds for height
8971 ctx
, b
+1, b
8972 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = b
8973 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = b
8974 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = b
8975 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = b
8977 return width
8981 public void textBoxBounds(T
) (NVGContext ctx
, float x
, float y
, float breakRowWidth
, const(T
)[] str, float[] bounds
) if (isAnyCharType
) {
8982 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
8983 NVGTextRow
[2] rows
8984 float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
8985 float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
8986 float lineh
= 0, rminy
= 0, rmaxy
= 0;
8987 float minx
, miny
, maxx
, maxy
8989 if (state
) {
8994 auto oldAlign
= state
8995 scope(exit
) state
= oldAlign
8996 auto halign
= state
8998 ctx
.textMetrics(null, null, &lineh
8999 state
= NVGTextAlign
9004 ctx
= state
9005 ctx
= state
9006 ctx
= state
9007 ctx
= state
9008 ctx
= state
9009 ctx
.getLineBounds(0, &rminy
, &rmaxy
9014 auto rres
= ctx
.textBreakLines(str, breakRowWidth
, rows
9015 if (rres
== 0) break;
9016 foreach (ref row
; rres
) {
9017 float rminx
, rmaxx
, dx
= 0;
9018 // horizontal bounds
9019 final switch (halign
) {
9020 case NVGTextAlign
: dx
= 0; break;
9021 case NVGTextAlign
: dx
= breakRowWidth
*0.5f; break;
9022 case NVGTextAlign
: dx
= breakRowWidth
; break;
9024 rminx
= x
9025 rmaxx
= x
9026 minx
= nvg__min(minx
, rminx
9027 maxx
= nvg__max(maxx
, rmaxx
9029 miny
= nvg__min(miny
, y
9030 maxy
= nvg__max(maxy
, y
9031 y
+= lineh
9033 str = rres
9036 if (bounds
) {
9037 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = minx
9038 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = miny
9039 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = maxx
9040 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = maxy
9044 /// Returns the vertical metrics based on the current text style. Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.
9046 public void textMetrics (NVGContext ctx
, float* ascender
, float* descender
, float* lineh
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9047 NVGstate
* state
= nvg__getState(ctx
9049 if (state
) {
9050 if (ascender
!is null) *ascender
*= 0;
9051 if (descender
!is null) *descender
*= 0;
9052 if (lineh
!is null) *lineh
*= 0;
9056 immutable float scale
= nvg__getFontScale(state
9057 immutable float invscale
= 1.0f/scale
9059 ctx
= state
9060 ctx
= state
9061 ctx
= state
9062 ctx
= state
9063 ctx
= state
9065 ctx
, descender
, lineh
9066 if (ascender
!is null) *ascender
*= invscale
9067 if (descender
!is null) *descender
*= invscale
9068 if (lineh
!is null) *lineh
*= invscale
9072 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
9074 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
9075 import core
: malloc
, realloc
, free
9076 import core
: memset
, memcpy
, strncpy
, strcmp
, strlen
9077 import core
, fopen
, fclose
, fseek
, ftell
, fread
9080 // welcome to version hell!
9081 version(nanovg_force_stb_ttf
) {
9083 version(nanovg_force_detect
) {} else version(nanovg_use_freetype
) { version = nanovg_use_freetype_ii
; }
9085 version(nanovg_ignore_iv_stb_ttf
) enum nanovg_ignore_iv_stb_ttf
= true; else enum nanovg_ignore_iv_stb_ttf
= false;
9086 //version(nanovg_ignore_mono);
9088 version(nanovg_force_stb_ttf
) {
9089 private enum NanoVegaForceFreeType
= false;
9091 version (nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
) {
9093 private enum NanoVegaForceFreeType
= true;
9095 private enum NanoVegaForceFreeType
= false;
9099 private enum NanoVegaForceFreeType
= true;
9101 private enum NanoVegaForceFreeType
= false;
9106 version(nanovg_use_freetype_ii
) {
9107 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= false;
9108 //pragma(msg, "iv.freetype: forced");
9110 static if (NanoVegaForceFreeType
) {
9111 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= false;
9113 static if (!nanovg_ignore_iv_stb_ttf
&& __traits(compiles
, { import iv
; })) {
9115 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= true;
9116 version(nanovg_report_stb_ttf
) pragma(msg
, "iv.stb.ttf");
9117 } else static if (__traits(compiles
, { import arsd
; })) {
9119 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= true;
9120 version(nanovg_report_stb_ttf
) pragma(msg
, "arsd.ttf");
9121 } else static if (__traits(compiles
, { import stb_truetype
; })) {
9122 import stb_truetype
9123 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= true;
9124 version(nanovg_report_stb_ttf
) pragma(msg
, "stb_truetype");
9125 } else static if (__traits(compiles
, { import iv
; })) {
9126 version (nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
) {
9127 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= false;
9128 version = nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
9131 enum NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
= false;
9133 version(nanovg_report_stb_ttf
) pragma(msg
, "freetype");
9135 static assert(0, "no stb_ttf/iv.freetype found!");
9141 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
9142 //version = nanovg_ft_mono;
9145 /// Group: font_stash
9146 public enum FONS_INVALID
= -1;
9148 public enum FONSBitmapFlag
: uint {
9153 public enum FONSError
: int {
9155 AtlasFull
= 1, // Font atlas is full.
9156 StatesOverflow
= 2, // Calls to fonsPushState has created too large stack, if you need deep state stack bump up FONS_MAX_STATES.
9157 StatesUnderflow
= 3, // Trying to pop too many states fonsPopState().
9160 /// Initial parameters for new FontStash.
9161 /// Group: font_stash
9162 public struct FONSParams
9164 ZeroTopLeft
= 0U, // default
9165 ZeroBottomLeft
= 1U,
9168 Flag flags
= Flag
9170 bool function (void* uptr
, int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderCreate
9171 int function (void* uptr
, int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderResize
9172 void function (void* uptr
, int* rect
, const(ubyte)* data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderUpdate
9173 void function (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc renderDelete
9174 @property bool isZeroTopLeft () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return ((flags
) == 0); }
9177 //TODO: document this
9178 public struct FONSQuad
9179 float x0
=0, y0
=0, s0
=0, t0
9180 float x1
=0, y1
=0, s1
=0, t1
9183 //TODO: document this
9184 public struct FONSTextIter(CT
) if (isAnyCharType
) {
9185 alias CharType
= CT
9186 float x
=0, y
=0, nextx
=0, nexty
=0, scale
=0, spacing
9192 const(CT
)* s
; // string
9193 const(CT
)* n
; // next
9194 const(CT
)* e
; // end
9195 FONSBitmapFlag bitmapOption
9196 static if (is(CT
== char)) {
9200 this (FONSContext astash
, float ax
, float ay
, const(CharType
)[] astr
, FONSBitmapFlag abitmapOption
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { setup(astash
, ax
, ay
, astr
, abitmapOption
); }
9201 ~this () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); static if (is(CT
== char)) utf8state
= 0; s
= n
= e
= null; }
9203 @property const(CT
)* stringp () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return s
; }
9204 @property const(CT
)* nextp () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return n
; }
9205 @property const(CT
)* endp () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return e
; }
9207 bool setup (FONSContext astash
, float ax
, float ay
, const(CharType
)[] astr
, FONSBitmapFlag abitmapOption
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9208 import core
: memset
9210 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
9211 if (astash
is null) return false;
9213 FONSstate
* state
= astash
9215 if (state
< 0 || state
>= astash
) return false;
9216 font
= astash
9217 if (font
is null || font
is null) return false;
9219 isize
= cast(short)(state
9220 iblur
= cast(short)state
9221 scale
= fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale(&font
, cast(float)isize
9223 // align horizontally
9224 if (state
) {
9226 } else if (state
) {
9227 immutable float width
= astash
, ay
, astr
, null);
9229 } else if (state
) {
9230 immutable float width
= astash
, ay
, astr
, null);
9235 ay
+= astash
, state
, isize
9239 spacing
= state
9241 if (astr
is null) {
9242 static if (is(CharType
== char)) astr
= "";
9243 else static if (is(CharType
== wchar)) astr
= ""w
9244 else static if (is(CharType
== dchar)) astr
= ""d
9245 else static assert(0, "wtf?!");
9249 e
= astr
9252 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
9253 bitmapOption
= abitmapOption
9259 bool getDummyChar (ref FONSQuad quad
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9260 if (stash
is null || font
is null) return false;
9261 // get glyph and quad
9264 FONSglyph
* glyph
= stash
, 0xFFFD, isize
, iblur
, bitmapOption
9265 if (glyph
!is null) {
9266 stash
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
, isize
/10.0f, scale
, spacing
, &nextx
, &nexty
, &quad
9267 prevGlyphIndex
= glyph
9270 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
9275 bool next (ref FONSQuad quad
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9276 if (stash
is null || font
is null) return false;
9277 FONSglyph
* glyph
= null;
9278 static if (is(CharType
== char)) {
9279 const(char)* str = this.n
9281 if (str is this.e
) return false;
9282 const(char)* e
= this.e
9283 for (; str !is e
; ++str) {
9284 /*if (fons__decutf8(&utf8state, &codepoint, *cast(const(ubyte)*)str)) continue;*/
9285 mixin(DecUtfMixin
!("this.utf8state", "this.codepoint", "*cast(const(ubyte)*)str"));
9286 if (utf8state
) continue;
9287 ++str; // 'cause we'll break anyway
9288 // get glyph and quad
9291 glyph
= stash
, codepoint
, isize
, iblur
, bitmapOption
9292 if (glyph
!is null) {
9293 stash
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
, isize
/10.0f, scale
, spacing
, &nextx
, &nexty
, &quad
9294 prevGlyphIndex
= glyph
9296 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
9302 const(CharType
)* str = this.n
9304 if (str is this.e
) return false;
9305 codepoint
= cast(uint)(*str++);
9306 if (codepoint
> dchar.max
) codepoint
= 0xFFFD;
9307 // get glyph and quad
9310 glyph
= stash
, codepoint
, isize
, iblur
, bitmapOption
9311 if (glyph
!is null) {
9312 stash
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
, isize
/10.0f, scale
, spacing
, &nextx
, &nexty
, &quad
9313 prevGlyphIndex
= glyph
9315 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
9324 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
9325 //static if (!HasAST) version = nanovg_use_freetype_ii_x;
9327 /*version(nanovg_use_freetype_ii_x)*/ static if (!NanoVegaIsUsingSTBTTF
) {
9328 version(nanovg_builtin_freetype_bindings
) {
9329 pragma(lib
, "freetype");
9330 private extern(C
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9331 private import core
: c_long
, c_ulong
9332 alias FT_Pos
= c_long
9333 // config/ftconfig.h
9334 alias FT_Int16
= short;
9335 alias FT_UInt16
= ushort;
9336 alias FT_Int32
= int;
9337 alias FT_UInt32
= uint;
9338 alias FT_Fast
= int;
9339 alias FT_UFast
= uint;
9340 alias FT_Int64
= long;
9341 alias FT_Uint64
= ulong;
9343 alias FT_Bool
= ubyte;
9344 alias FT_FWord
= short;
9345 alias FT_UFWord
= ushort;
9346 alias FT_Char
= char;
9347 alias FT_Byte
= ubyte;
9348 alias FT_Bytes
= FT_Byte
9349 alias FT_Tag
= FT_UInt32
9350 alias FT_String
= char;
9351 alias FT_Short
= short;
9352 alias FT_UShort
= ushort;
9354 alias FT_UInt
= uint;
9355 alias FT_Long
= c_long
9356 alias FT_ULong
= c_ulong
9357 alias FT_F2Dot14
= short;
9358 alias FT_F26Dot6
= c_long
9359 alias FT_Fixed
= c_long
9360 alias FT_Error
= int;
9361 alias FT_Pointer
= void*;
9362 alias FT_Offset
= usize
9363 alias FT_PtrDist
= ptrdiff_t
9365 struct FT_UnitVector
9376 const(FT_Byte
)* pointer
9379 alias FT_Face
= FT_FaceRec
9384 FT_Long style_flags
9386 FT_String
* family_name
9387 FT_String
* style_name
9388 FT_Int num_fixed_sizes
9389 FT_Bitmap_Size
* available_sizes
9390 FT_Int num_charmaps
9391 FT_CharMap
* charmaps
9394 FT_UShort units_per_EM
9398 FT_Short max_advance_width
9399 FT_Short max_advance_height
9400 FT_Short underline_position
9401 FT_Short underline_thickness
9408 FT_ListRec sizes_list
9409 FT_Generic autohint
9411 FT_Face_Internal internal
9413 struct FT_Bitmap_Size
9420 alias FT_CharMap
= FT_CharMapRec
9421 struct FT_CharMapRec
9423 FT_Encoding encoding
9424 FT_UShort platform_id
9425 FT_UShort encoding_id
9427 extern(C
) nothrow @nogc { alias FT_Generic_Finalizer
= void function (void* object
); }
9430 FT_Generic_Finalizer finalizer
9440 alias FT_Pixel_Mode
= int;
= 0,
9469 alias FT_GlyphSlot
= FT_GlyphSlotRec
9470 struct FT_GlyphSlotRec
9476 FT_Glyph_Metrics metrics
9477 FT_Fixed linearHoriAdvance
9478 FT_Fixed linearVertAdvance
9480 FT_Glyph_Format format
9485 FT_UInt num_subglyphs
9486 FT_SubGlyph subglyphs
9492 FT_Slot_Internal internal
9494 alias FT_Size
= FT_SizeRec
9498 FT_Size_Metrics metrics
9499 FT_Size_Internal internal
9501 alias FT_Encoding
= FT_Tag
9502 alias FT_Face_Internal
= void*;
9503 alias FT_Driver
= void*;
9504 alias FT_Memory
= void*;
9505 alias FT_Stream
= void*;
9506 alias FT_Library
= void*;
9507 alias FT_SubGlyph
= void*;
9508 alias FT_Slot_Internal
= void*;
9509 alias FT_Size_Internal
= void*;
9510 alias FT_ListNode
= FT_ListNodeRec
9511 alias FT_List
= FT_ListRec
9512 struct FT_ListNodeRec
9521 struct FT_Glyph_Metrics
9524 FT_Pos horiBearingX
9525 FT_Pos horiBearingY
9527 FT_Pos vertBearingX
9528 FT_Pos vertBearingY
9531 alias FT_Glyph_Format
= FT_Tag
9532 FT_Tag
FT_MAKE_TAG (char x1
, char x2
, char x3
, char x4
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
9533 pragma(inline
, true);
9534 return cast(FT_UInt32
= 0,
= FT_MAKE_TAG('c','o','m','p'),
= FT_MAKE_TAG('b','i','t','s'),
= FT_MAKE_TAG('o','u','t','l'),
= FT_MAKE_TAG('p','l','o','t'),
9543 struct FT_Size_Metrics
= 0x0U
9556 enum FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE
= 1U<<0;
= 1U<<1;
9558 enum FT_LOAD_RENDER
= 1U<<2;
= 1U<<3;
= 1U<<4;
= 1U<<5;
= 1U<<6;
= 1U<<7;
= 1U<<9;
= 1U<<10;
= 1U<<11;
= 1U<<12;
= 1U<<13;
= 1U<<15;
9570 enum FT_LOAD_COLOR
= 1U<<20;
= 1U<<21;
= 1U<<6;
9573 alias FT_Kerning_Mode
= int;
9574 enum /*FT_Kerning_Mode*/ {
= 0,
9579 extern(C
) nothrow @nogc {
9580 alias FT_Outline_MoveToFunc
= int function (const(FT_Vector
)*, void*);
9581 alias FT_Outline_LineToFunc
= int function (const(FT_Vector
)*, void*);
9582 alias FT_Outline_ConicToFunc
= int function (const(FT_Vector
)*, const(FT_Vector
)*, void*);
9583 alias FT_Outline_CubicToFunc
= int function (const(FT_Vector
)*, const(FT_Vector
)*, const(FT_Vector
)*, void*);
9585 struct FT_Outline_Funcs
9586 FT_Outline_MoveToFunc move_to
9587 FT_Outline_LineToFunc line_to
9588 FT_Outline_ConicToFunc conic_to
9589 FT_Outline_CubicToFunc cubic_to
9594 FT_Error
FT_Init_FreeType (FT_Library
9595 FT_Error
FT_New_Memory_Face (FT_Library
, const(FT_Byte
)*, FT_Long
, FT_Long
, FT_Face
9596 FT_UInt
FT_Get_Char_Index (FT_Face
, FT_ULong
9597 FT_Error
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes (FT_Face
, FT_UInt
, FT_UInt
9598 FT_Error
FT_Load_Glyph (FT_Face
, FT_UInt
, FT_Int32
9599 FT_Error
FT_Get_Advance (FT_Face
, FT_UInt
, FT_Int32
, FT_Fixed
9600 FT_Error
FT_Get_Kerning (FT_Face
, FT_UInt
, FT_UInt
, FT_UInt
, FT_Vector
9601 void FT_Outline_Get_CBox (const(FT_Outline
)*, FT_BBox
9602 FT_Error
FT_Outline_Decompose (FT_Outline
*, const(FT_Outline_Funcs
)*, void*);
9608 struct FONSttFontImpl
9610 bool mono
; // no aa?
9613 __gshared FT_Library ftLibrary
= null;
9614 __gshared
int ftLibraryInited
= -1;
9616 int fons__tt_init (FONSContext context
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9617 //FONS_NOTUSED(context);
9618 if (ftLibraryInited
< 0) {
9620 ftError
= FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLibrary
9621 ftLibraryInited
= (ftError
== 0);
9623 return ftLibraryInited
9626 void fons__tt_setMono (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, bool v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9630 bool fons__tt_getMono (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9634 int fons__tt_loadFont (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, ubyte* data
, int dataSize
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9636 //font.font.userdata = stash;
9637 ftError
= FT_New_Memory_Face(ftLibrary
, cast(const(FT_Byte
, dataSize
, 0, &font
9638 return ftError
== 0;
9641 void fons__tt_getFontVMetrics (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int* ascent
, int* descent
, int* lineGap
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9642 *ascent
= font
9643 *descent
= font
9644 *lineGap
= font
- *descent
9647 float fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, float size
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9648 version(nanovg_use_em_font_sizes
) {
9649 return size
9651 return size
9655 int fons__tt_getGlyphIndex (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int codepoint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9656 return FT_Get_Char_Index(font
, codepoint
9659 int fons__tt_buildGlyphBitmap (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int glyph
, float size
, float scale
, int* advance
, int* lsb
, int* x0
, int* y0
, int* x1
, int* y1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9661 FT_GlyphSlot ftGlyph
9662 //version(nanovg_ignore_mono) enum exflags = 0;
9663 //else version(nanovg_ft_mono) enum exflags = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; else enum exflags = 0;
9664 uint exflags
= (font
: 0);
9665 version(nanovg_use_em_font_sizes
) {
9666 ftError
= FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(font
, 0, cast(FT_UInt
9668 ftError
= FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(font
, 0, cast(FT_UInt
9670 if (ftError
) return 0;
9671 ftError
= FT_Load_Glyph(font
, glyph
9672 if (ftError
) return 0;
9673 ftError
= FT_Get_Advance(font
, glyph
, cast(FT_Fixed
9674 if (ftError
) return 0;
9675 ftGlyph
= font
9676 *lsb
= cast(int)ftGlyph
9677 *x0
= ftGlyph
9678 *x1
= *x0
9679 *y0
= -ftGlyph
9680 *y1
= *y0
9684 void fons__tt_renderGlyphBitmap (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, ubyte* output
, int outWidth
, int outHeight
, int outStride
, float scaleX
, float scaleY
, int glyph
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9685 FT_GlyphSlot ftGlyph
= font
9686 //FONS_NOTUSED(glyph); // glyph has already been loaded by fons__tt_buildGlyphBitmap
9687 //version(nanovg_ignore_mono) enum RenderAA = true;
9688 //else version(nanovg_ft_mono) enum RenderAA = false;
9689 //else enum RenderAA = true;
9691 auto src
= ftGlyph
9693 auto spt
= ftGlyph
9694 if (spt
< 0) spt
= -spt
9695 foreach (int y
; 0..ftGlyph
) {
9696 ubyte count
= 0, b
= 0;
9699 foreach (int x
; 0..ftGlyph
) {
9700 if (count
-- == 0) { count
= 7; b
= *s
++; } else b
<<= 1;
9701 *d
++ = (b
&0x80 ?
255 : 0);
9707 auto src
= ftGlyph
9709 auto spt
= ftGlyph
9710 if (spt
< 0) spt
= -spt
9711 foreach (int y
; 0..ftGlyph
) {
9712 import core
: memcpy
9713 //dst[0..ftGlyph.bitmap.width] = src[0..ftGlyph.bitmap.width];
9714 memcpy(dst
, src
, ftGlyph
9721 float fons__tt_getGlyphKernAdvance (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, float size
, int glyph1
, int glyph2
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9722 FT_Vector ftKerning
9725 FT_Get_Kerning(font
, glyph1
, glyph2
, &ftKerning
9726 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("kern for %u:%u: %d %d\n", glyph1, glyph2, ftKerning.x, ftKerning.y); }
9727 return cast(int)ftKerning
; // round up and convert to integer
9730 //FT_Get_Kerning(font.font, glyph1, glyph2, FT_KERNING_UNFITTED, &ftKerning);
9731 if (glyph1
<= 0 || glyph2
<= 0 ||
) == 0) return 0;
9732 if (FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(font
, 0, cast(FT_UInt
)))) return 0;
9733 if (FT_Get_Kerning(font
, glyph1
, glyph2
, &ftKerning
)) return 0;
9736 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("has kerning: %u\n", cast(uint)(font.font.face_flags&FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING)); }
9737 { import core
: printf
; printf("kern for %u:%u: %d %d (size=%g)\n", glyph1
, glyph2
, ftKerning
, ftKerning
, cast(double)size
); }
9742 if (FT_Get_Kerning(font
, glyph1
, glyph2
, &kk
)) assert(0, "wtf?!");
9743 auto kadvfrac
= FT_MulFix(kk
, font
); // 1/64 of pixel
9744 //return cast(int)((kadvfrac/*+(kadvfrac < 0 ? -32 : 32)*/)>>6);
9745 //assert(ftKerning.x == kadvfrac);
9746 if (ftKerning
.x || kadvfrac
) {
9747 { import core
: printf
; printf("kern for %u:%u: %d %d (%d) (size=%g)\n", glyph1
, glyph2
, ftKerning
, cast(int)kadvfrac
, cast(int)(kadvfrac
< 0 ?
-31 : 32)>>6), cast(double)size
); }
9749 //return cast(int)(kadvfrac+(kadvfrac < 0 ? -31 : 32)>>6); // round up and convert to integer
9750 return kadvfrac
9752 //return cast(int)(ftKerning.x+(ftKerning.x < 0 ? -31 : 32)>>6); // round up and convert to integer
9753 return ftKerning
9757 extern(C
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9758 static struct OutlinerData
9759 @disable this (this);
9760 void opAssign() (in auto ref OutlinerData a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
9762 NVGPathOutline
* ol
9763 FT_BBox outlineBBox
9764 nothrow @trusted @nogc:
9765 static float transx(T
) (T v
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(float)v
; }
9766 static float transy(T
) (T v
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return -cast(float)v
; }
9769 int fons__nvg__moveto_cb (const(FT_Vector
)* to
, void* user
) {
9770 auto odata
= cast(OutlinerData
9771 if (odata
!is null) odata
), odata
9772 if (odata
!is null) {
9773 odata
9774 odata
9775 odata
9780 int fons__nvg__lineto_cb (const(FT_Vector
)* to
, void* user
) {
9781 auto odata
= cast(OutlinerData
9782 if (odata
!is null) odata
), odata
9783 if (odata
!is null) {
9784 odata
9785 odata
9786 odata
9791 int fons__nvg__quadto_cb (const(FT_Vector
)* c1
, const(FT_Vector
)* to
, void* user
) {
9792 auto odata
= cast(OutlinerData
9793 if (odata
!is null) odata
), odata
), odata
), odata
9794 if (odata
!is null) {
9795 odata
9796 odata
9797 odata
9798 odata
9799 odata
9804 int fons__nvg__cubicto_cb (const(FT_Vector
)* c1
, const(FT_Vector
)* c2
, const(FT_Vector
)* to
, void* user
) {
9805 auto odata
= cast(OutlinerData
9806 if (odata
!is null) odata
), odata
), odata
), odata
), odata
), odata
9807 if (odata
!is null) {
9808 odata
9809 odata
9810 odata
9811 odata
9812 odata
9813 odata
9814 odata
9820 bool fons__nvg__toPath (NVGContext vg
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, float[] bounds
=null) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9821 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
9823 FT_Outline_Funcs funcs
9824 funcs
= &fons__nvg__moveto_cb
9825 funcs
= &fons__nvg__lineto_cb
9826 funcs
= &fons__nvg__quadto_cb
9827 funcs
= &fons__nvg__cubicto_cb
9829 auto err
= FT_Load_Glyph(font
, glyphidx
9830 if (err
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
9831 if (font
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
9833 FT_Outline outline
= font
9837 FT_Outline_Get_CBox(&outline
, &odata
9839 err
= FT_Outline_Decompose(&outline
, &funcs
, &odata
9840 if (err
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
9841 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = odata
9842 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = -odata
9843 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = odata
9844 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = -odata
9848 bool fons__nvg__toOutline (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, NVGPathOutline
* ol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9849 FT_Outline_Funcs funcs
9850 funcs
= &fons__nvg__moveto_cb
9851 funcs
= &fons__nvg__lineto_cb
9852 funcs
= &fons__nvg__quadto_cb
9853 funcs
= &fons__nvg__cubicto_cb
9855 auto err
= FT_Load_Glyph(font
, glyphidx
9856 if (err
) return false;
9857 if (font
) return false;
9859 FT_Outline outline
= font
9863 FT_Outline_Get_CBox(&outline
, &odata
9865 err
= FT_Outline_Decompose(&outline
, &funcs
, &odata
9866 if (err
) return false;
9867 ol
[0] = odata
9868 ol
[1] = -odata
9869 ol
[2] = odata
9870 ol
[3] = -odata
9874 bool fons__nvg__bounds (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9875 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
9877 auto err
= FT_Load_Glyph(font
, glyphidx
9878 if (err
) return false;
9879 if (font
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
9881 FT_Outline outline
= font
9882 FT_BBox outlineBBox
9883 FT_Outline_Get_CBox(&outline
, &outlineBBox
9884 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = outlineBBox
9885 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = -outlineBBox
9886 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = outlineBBox
9887 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = -outlineBBox
9893 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
9895 import std
: isFunctionPointer
, isDelegate
9896 private auto assumeNoThrowNoGC(T
) (scope T t
) if (isFunctionPointer
!T || isDelegate
) {
9898 enum attrs
= functionAttributes
9899 return cast(SetFunctionAttributes
, functionLinkage
, attrs
)) t
9902 private auto forceNoThrowNoGC(T
) (scope T t
) if (isFunctionPointer
!T || isDelegate
) {
9904 return assumeNoThrowNoGC(t
9905 } catch (Exception e
) {
9910 struct FONSttFontImpl
9911 stbtt_fontinfo font
9912 bool mono
; // no aa?
9915 int fons__tt_init (FONSContext context
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9919 void fons__tt_setMono (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, bool v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9923 bool fons__tt_getMono (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9927 int fons__tt_loadFont (FONSContext context
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, ubyte* data
, int dataSize
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9929 font
= context
9930 forceNoThrowNoGC({ stbError
= stbtt_InitFont(&font
, data
, 0); });
9934 void fons__tt_getFontVMetrics (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int* ascent
, int* descent
, int* lineGap
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9935 forceNoThrowNoGC({ stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font
, ascent
, descent
, lineGap
); });
9938 float fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, float size
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9940 version(nanovg_use_em_font_sizes
) {
9941 forceNoThrowNoGC({ res
= stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(&font
, size
); });
9943 forceNoThrowNoGC({ res
= stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font
, size
); });
9948 int fons__tt_getGlyphIndex (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int codepoint
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9950 forceNoThrowNoGC({ res
= stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&font
, codepoint
); });
9954 int fons__tt_buildGlyphBitmap (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, int glyph
, float size
, float scale
, int* advance
, int* lsb
, int* x0
, int* y0
, int* x1
, int* y1
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9955 forceNoThrowNoGC({ stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&font
, glyph
, advance
, lsb
); });
9956 forceNoThrowNoGC({ stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(&font
, glyph
, scale
, scale
, x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
); });
9960 void fons__tt_renderGlyphBitmap (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, ubyte* output
, int outWidth
, int outHeight
, int outStride
, float scaleX
, float scaleY
, int glyph
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9961 forceNoThrowNoGC({ stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(&font
, output
, outWidth
, outHeight
, outStride
, scaleX
, scaleY
, glyph
); });
9964 float fons__tt_getGlyphKernAdvance (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, float size
, int glyph1
, int glyph2
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9965 // FUnits -> pixels: pointSize * resolution / (72 points per inch * units_per_em)
9966 // https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM02/Chap2.html#converting
9969 res
= stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance(&font
, glyph1
, glyph2
9970 res
*= stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font
, size
9974 { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("fres=%g; size=%g; %g (%g); rv=%g\n", res, size, res*stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(&font.font, size), stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font.font, size*100), res*stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font.font, size*100)); }
9977 //k8: dunno if this is right; i guess it isn't but...
9981 // old arsd.ttf sux! ;-)
9982 static if (is(typeof(STBTT_vcubic
))) {
9984 static struct OutlinerData
9985 @disable this (this);
9986 void opAssign() (in auto ref OutlinerData a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
9987 NVGPathOutline
* ol
9988 nothrow @trusted @nogc:
9989 static float transx(T
) (T v
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return cast(float)v
; }
9990 static float transy(T
) (T v
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return -cast(float)v
; }
9994 bool fons__nvg__toPath (NVGContext vg
, FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, float[] bounds
=null) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
9995 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
9997 bool okflag
= false;
10000 int x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
10001 if (!stbtt_GetGlyphBox(&font
, glyphidx
, &x0
, &y0
, &x1
, &y1
)) {
10006 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = x0
10007 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = -y1
10008 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = x1
10009 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = -y0
10011 static float transy(T
) (T v
) pure { pragma(inline
, true); return -cast(float)v
; }
10013 stbtt_vertex
* verts
= null;
10014 scope(exit
) { import core
: free
; if (verts
!is null) free(verts
); }
10015 int vcount
= stbtt_GetGlyphShape(&font
, glyphidx
, &verts
10016 if (vcount
< 1) return;
10018 foreach (const ref vt
; verts
]) {
10020 case STBTT_vmove
: vg
, transy(vt
)); break;
10021 case STBTT_vline
: vg
, transy(vt
)); break;
10022 case STBTT_vcurve
: vg
, transy(vt
), vt
, transy(vt
)); break;
10023 case STBTT_vcubic
: vg
, transy(vt
), vt
, transy(vt
), vt
, transy(vt
)); break;
10034 bool fons__nvg__toOutline (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, NVGPathOutline
* ol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10035 bool okflag
= false;
10038 int x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
10040 if (!stbtt_GetGlyphBox(&font
, glyphidx
, &x0
, &y0
, &x1
, &y1
)) {
10045 ol
[0] = x0
10046 ol
[1] = -y1
10047 ol
[2] = x1
10048 ol
[3] = -y0
10050 stbtt_vertex
* verts
= null;
10051 scope(exit
) { import core
: free
; if (verts
!is null) free(verts
); }
10052 int vcount
= stbtt_GetGlyphShape(&font
, glyphidx
, &verts
10053 if (vcount
< 1) return;
10055 OutlinerData odata
10058 foreach (const ref vt
; verts
]) {
10061 odata
10062 odata
10063 odata
10066 odata
10067 odata
10068 odata
10071 odata
10072 odata
10073 odata
10074 odata
10075 odata
10078 odata
10079 odata
10080 odata
10081 odata
10082 odata
10083 odata
10084 odata
10096 bool fons__nvg__bounds (FONSttFontImpl
* font
, uint glyphidx
, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10097 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
10099 bool okflag
= false;
10102 int x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
10103 if (stbtt_GetGlyphBox(&font
, glyphidx
, &x0
, &y0
, &x1
, &y1
)) {
10104 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = x0
10105 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = -y1
10106 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = x1
10107 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = -y0
10117 } // check for old stb_ttf
10123 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
= 256;
10126 enum FONS_INIT_FONTS
= 4;
= 256;
= 256;
= 1024;
10130 enum FONS_MAX_STATES
= 20;
= 20;
10139 short x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
10140 short xadv
, xoff
, yoff
10144 struct FONSfontData
10150 @disable this (this); // no copies
10151 void opAssign() (in auto ref FONSfontData a
) { static assert(0, "no copies!"); }
10154 // won't set rc to 1
10155 FONSfontData
* fons__createFontData (ubyte* adata
, int asize
, bool afree
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10156 import core
: malloc
10157 assert(adata
!is null);
10159 auto res
= cast(FONSfontData
10160 if (res
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10162 res
= asize
10163 res
= afree
10168 void incref (FONSfontData
* fd
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10169 pragma(inline
, true);
10170 if (fd
!is null) ++fd
10173 void decref (ref FONSfontData
* fd
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10175 if (--fd
== 0) {
10176 import core
: free
10177 if (fd
&& fd
!is null) {
10187 // as creating and destroying fonts is a rare operation, malloc some data
10189 FONSttFontImpl font
10190 char* name
; // malloced, strz, always lowercase
10193 char* path
; // malloced, strz
10194 FONSfontData
* fdata
] lut
] fallbacks
10205 @disable this (this);
10206 void opAssign() (in auto ref FONSfont a
) { static assert(0, "no copies"); }
10208 static uint djbhash (const(void)[] s
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
10210 foreach (ubyte b
; cast(const(ubyte)[])s
) {
10211 if (b
>= 'A' && b
<= 'Z') b
+= 32; // poor man's tolower
10212 hash
= ((hash
10218 void freeMemory () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10219 import core
: free
10220 if (name
!is null) { free(name
); name
= null; }
10221 namelen
= namehash
= 0;
10222 if (path
!is null) { free(path
); path
= null; }
10226 // this also calcs name hash
10227 void setName (const(char)[] aname
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10228 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("setname: [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)aname.length, aname.ptr); }
10229 import core
: realloc
10230 if (aname
> int.max
/32) assert(0, "FONS: invalid font name");
10231 namelen
= cast(uint)aname
10232 name
= cast(char*)realloc(name
, namelen
10233 if (name
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10234 if (aname
) name
] = aname
10237 foreach (ref char ch
; name
]) if (ch
>= 'A' && ch
<= 'Z') ch
+= 32; // poor man's tolower
10238 namehash
= djbhash(name
10239 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf(" [%s] [%.*s] [0x%08x]\n", name, namelen, name, namehash); }
10242 void setPath (const(char)[] apath
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10243 import core
: realloc
10244 if (apath
> int.max
/32) assert(0, "FONS: invalid font path");
10245 path
= cast(char*)realloc(path
, apath
10246 if (path
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10247 if (apath
) path
] = apath
10248 path
] = 0;
10251 // this won't check hash
10252 bool nameEqu (const(char)[] aname
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10253 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("nameEqu: aname=[%.*s]; namelen=%u; aslen=%u\n", cast(uint)aname.length, aname.ptr, namelen, cast(uint)aname.length); }
10254 if (namelen
!= aname
) return false;
10255 const(char)* ns
= name
10257 foreach (char ch
; aname
) {
10258 if (ch
>= 'A' && ch
<= 'Z') ch
+= 32; // poor man's tolower
10259 if (ch
!= *ns
++) return false;
10261 // done (length was checked earlier)
10265 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10266 import core
: free
10267 import core
: memset
10268 if (glyphs
!is null) free(glyphs
10270 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
10273 FONSglyph
* allocGlyph () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10274 if (nglyphs
+1 > cglyphs
) {
10275 import core
: realloc
10276 cglyphs
= (cglyphs
== 0 ?
8 : cglyphs
10277 glyphs
= cast(FONSglyph
, FONSglyph
10278 if (glyphs
is null) assert(0, "FontStash: out of memory");
10281 return &glyphs
10285 void kill (ref FONSfont
* font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10286 if (font
!is null) {
10287 import core
: free
10295 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
10298 NVGTextAlign talign
10305 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
10306 // atlas based on Skyline Bin Packer by Jukka Jylänki
10307 alias FONSAtlas
= FONSatlasInternal
10309 struct FONSatlasInternal
10310 static struct Node
10319 @disable this (this);
10320 void opAssign() (in auto ref FONSatlasInternal a
) { static assert(0, "no copies"); }
10322 nothrow @trusted @nogc:
10323 static FONSAtlas
create (int w
, int h
, int nnodes
) {
10324 import core
: malloc
10325 import core
: memset
10327 FONSAtlas atlas
= cast(FONSAtlas
10328 if (atlas
is null) assert(0, "FontStash: out of memory");
10329 memset(atlas
, 0, FONSatlasInternal
10334 // allocate space for skyline nodes
10335 atlas
= cast(Node
10336 if (atlas
is null) assert(0, "FontStash: out of memory");
10337 memset(atlas
, 0, Node
10339 atlas
= nnodes
10342 atlas
= 0;
10343 atlas
= 0;
10344 atlas
= cast(short)w
10351 import core
: free
10352 import core
: memset
10354 if (nodes
!is null) free(nodes
10355 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
10358 void insertNode (int idx
, int x
, int y
, int w
) {
10359 if (nnodes
+1 > cnodes
) {
10360 import core
: realloc
10361 cnodes
= (cnodes
== 0 ?
8 : cnodes
10362 nodes
= cast(Node
, Node
10363 if (nodes
is null) assert(0, "FontStash: out of memory");
10365 for (int i
= nnodes
; i
> idx
; --i
) nodes
] = nodes
10366 nodes
= cast(short)x
10367 nodes
= cast(short)y
10368 nodes
= cast(short)w
10372 void removeNode (int idx
) {
10373 if (nnodes
== 0) return;
10374 foreach (immutable int i
; idx
) nodes
-1] = nodes
10378 // insert node for empty space
10379 void expand (int w
, int h
) {
10380 if (w
> width
) insertNode(nnodes
, width
, 0, w
10385 void reset (int w
, int h
) {
10392 nodes
= cast(short)w
10396 void addSkylineLevel (int idx
, int x
, int y
, int w
, int h
) {
10397 insertNode(idx
, x
, y
, w
10399 // delete skyline segments that fall under the shadow of the new segment
10400 for (int i
= idx
+1; i
< nnodes
; ++i
) {
10401 if (nodes
< nodes
) {
10402 int shrink
= nodes
10403 nodes
+= cast(short)shrink
10404 nodes
-= cast(short)shrink
10405 if (nodes
<= 0) {
10416 // Merge same height skyline segments that are next to each other
10417 for (int i
= 0; i
< nnodes
-1; ++i
) {
10418 if (nodes
== nodes
) {
10419 nodes
+= nodes
10426 // checks if there is enough space at the location of skyline span 'i',
10427 // and return the max height of all skyline spans under that at that location,
10428 // (think tetris block being dropped at that position); or -1 if no space found
10429 int rectFits (int i
, int w
, int h
) {
10430 int x
= nodes
10431 int y
= nodes
10432 if (x
> width
) return -1;
10434 while (spaceLeft
> 0) {
10435 if (i
== nnodes
) return -1;
10436 y
= nvg__max(y
, nodes
10437 if (y
> height
) return -1;
10438 spaceLeft
-= nodes
10444 bool addRect (int rw
, int rh
, int* rx
, int* ry
) {
10445 int besth
= height
, bestw
= width
, besti
= -1;
10446 int bestx
= -1, besty
= -1;
10448 // Bottom left fit heuristic.
10449 for (int i
= 0; i
< nnodes
; ++i
) {
10450 int y
= rectFits(i
, rw
, rh
10452 if (y
< besth ||
== besth
&& nodes
< bestw
)) {
10454 bestw
= nodes
10456 bestx
= nodes
10462 if (besti
== -1) return false;
10464 // perform the actual packing
10465 addSkylineLevel(besti
, bestx
, besty
, rw
, rh
10474 void kill (ref FONSAtlas atlas
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10475 if (atlas
!is null) {
10476 import core
: free
10484 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
10485 /// FontStash context (internal definition). Don't use it derectly, it was made public only to generate documentation.
10486 /// Group: font_stash
10487 public struct FONScontextInternal
10493 FONSfont
** fonts
; // actually, a simple hash table; can't grow yet
10494 int cfonts
; // allocated
10495 int nfonts
; // used (so we can track hash table stats)
10496 int* hashidx
; // [hsize] items; holds indicies in [fonts] array
10497 int hused
, hsize
;// used items and total items in [hashidx]
10499 FONSstate
] states
10502 void delegate (FONSError error
, int val
) nothrow @trusted @nogc handleError
10504 @disable this (this);
10505 void opAssign() (in auto ref FONScontextInternal ctx
) { static assert(0, "FONS copying is not allowed"); }
10508 static bool strequci (const(char)[] s0
, const(char)[] s1
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10509 if (s0
!= s1
) return false;
10510 const(char)* sp0
= s0
10511 const(char)* sp1
= s1
10512 foreach (immutable _
; 0..s0
) {
10516 if (c0
>= 'A' && c0
<= 'Z') c0
+= 32; // poor man tolower
10517 if (c1
>= 'A' && c1
<= 'Z') c1
+= 32; // poor man tolower
10518 if (c0
!= c1
) return false;
10524 inout(FONSstate
)* getState () inout pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10525 pragma(inline
, true);
10526 return cast(inout)(&states
> 0 ? nstates
-1 : 0)]);
10529 // simple linear probing; returns [FONS_INVALID] if not found
10530 int findNameInHash (const(char)[] name
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10531 if (nfonts
== 0) return FONS_INVALID
10532 auto nhash
= FONSfont
10533 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("findinhash: name=[%.*s]; nhash=0x%08x\n", cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr, nhash); }
10534 auto res
= nhash
10535 // hash will never be 100% full, so this loop is safe
10537 int idx
= hashidx
10538 if (idx
== -1) break;
10539 auto font
= fonts
10540 if (font
is null) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10541 if (font
== nhash
&& font
)) return idx
10542 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("findinhash chained: name=[%.*s]; nhash=0x%08x\n", cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr, nhash); }
10543 res
= (res
10545 return FONS_INVALID
10548 // should be called $(B before) freeing `fonts[fidx]`
10549 void removeIndexFromHash (int fidx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10550 if (fidx
< 0 || fidx
>= nfonts
) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10551 if (fonts
] is null) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10552 if (hused
!= nfonts
) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10553 auto nhash
= fonts
10554 auto res
= nhash
10555 // hash will never be 100% full, so this loop is safe
10557 int idx
= hashidx
10558 if (idx
== -1) assert(0, "FONS INTERNAL ERROR");
10560 // i found her! copy rest here
10561 int nidx
= (res
10563 if ((hashidx
] = hashidx
]) == -1) break; // so it will copy `-1` too
10565 nidx
= (nidx
10569 res
= (res
10573 // add font with the given index to hash
10574 // prerequisite: font should not exists in hash
10575 void addIndexToHash (int idx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10576 if (idx
< 0 || idx
>= nfonts
) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10577 if (fonts
] is null) assert(0, "FONS internal error");
10578 import core
: realloc
10579 auto nhash
= fonts
10580 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("addtohash: name=[%.*s]; nhash=0x%08x\n", cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr, nhash); }
10581 // allocate new hash table if there was none
10583 enum InitSize
= 256;
10584 auto newlist
= cast(int*)realloc(null, InitSize
10585 if (newlist
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10586 newlist
] = -1;
10591 int res
= cast(int)(nhash
10592 // need to rehash? we want our hash table 50% full at max
10593 if (hashidx
] != -1 && hused
>= hsize
/2) {
10594 uint nsz
= hsize
10595 if (nsz
> 1024*1024) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory for fonts");
10596 auto newlist
= cast(int*)realloc(fonts
, nsz
10597 if (newlist
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10598 newlist
] = -1;
10601 foreach (immutable fidx
, FONSfont
* ff
; fonts
]) {
10602 if (ff
is null) continue;
10603 // find slot for this font (guaranteed to have one)
10604 uint newslot
= ff
10605 while (newlist
] != -1) newslot
= (newslot
10606 newlist
] = cast(int)fidx
10611 // we added everything, including [idx], so nothing more to do here
10613 // find slot (guaranteed to have one)
10614 while (hashidx
] != -1) res
= (res
10616 hashidx
] = idx
10621 void addWhiteRect (int w
, int h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10625 if (!atlas
, h
, &gx
, &gy
)) return;
10628 dst
= &texData
10629 foreach (int y
; 0..h
) {
10630 foreach (int x
; 0..w
) {
10633 dst
+= params
10636 dirtyRect
[0] = nvg__min(dirtyRect
[0], gx
10637 dirtyRect
[1] = nvg__min(dirtyRect
[1], gy
10638 dirtyRect
[2] = nvg__max(dirtyRect
[2], gx
10639 dirtyRect
[3] = nvg__max(dirtyRect
[3], gy
10642 // returns fid, not hash slot
10643 int allocFontAt (int atidx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10644 if (atidx
>= 0 && atidx
>= nfonts
) assert(0, "internal NanoVega fontstash error");
10647 if (nfonts
>= cfonts
) {
10648 import core
: realloc
10649 import core
: memset
10650 assert(nfonts
== cfonts
10651 int newsz
= cfonts
10652 if (newsz
> 65535) assert(0, "FONS: too many fonts");
10653 auto newlist
= cast(FONSfont
, newsz
10654 if (newlist
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10655 memset(newlist
, 0, (newsz
10659 assert(nfonts
< cfonts
10662 FONSfont
* font
= cast(FONSfont
10663 if (font
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10664 memset(font
, 0, FONSfont
10666 font
= cast(FONSglyph
10667 if (font
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
10668 font
10672 fonts
] = font
10675 fonts
] = font
10681 int findGlyphForCP (FONSfont
, dchar dch
, FONSfont
** renderfont
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10682 if (renderfont
!is null) *renderfont
= font
10683 if (font
is null || font
is null) return 0;
10684 auto g
= fons__tt_getGlyphIndex(&font
, cast(uint)dch
10685 // try to find the glyph in fallback fonts
10687 foreach (immutable i
; 0..font
) {
10688 FONSfont
* fallbackFont
= fonts
10689 if (fallbackFont
!is null) {
10690 int fallbackIndex
= fons__tt_getGlyphIndex(&fallbackFont
, cast(uint)dch
10691 if (fallbackIndex
!= 0) {
10692 if (renderfont
!is null) *renderfont
= fallbackFont
10697 // no char, try to find replacement one
10698 if (dch
!= 0xFFFD) {
10699 g
= fons__tt_getGlyphIndex(&font
, 0xFFFD);
10701 foreach (immutable i
; 0..font
) {
10702 FONSfont
* fallbackFont
= fonts
10703 if (fallbackFont
!is null) {
10704 int fallbackIndex
= fons__tt_getGlyphIndex(&fallbackFont
, 0xFFFD);
10705 if (fallbackIndex
!= 0) {
10706 if (renderfont
!is null) *renderfont
= fallbackFont
10717 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10718 import core
: free
10720 if (params
!is null) params
10721 foreach (immutable int i
; 0..nfonts
) fonts
10723 if (atlas
!is null) atlas
10724 if (fonts
!is null) free(fonts
10725 if (texData
!is null) free(texData
10726 if (hashidx
!is null) free(hashidx
10729 // add font from another fontstash
10730 int addCookedFont (FONSfont
* font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10731 if (font
is null || font
is null) return FONS_INVALID
10732 font
10733 auto res
= addFontWithData(font
], font
, !font
10734 if (res
) font
.decref(); // oops
10738 // fdata refcount must be already increased; it won't be changed
10739 int addFontWithData (const(char)[] name
, FONSfontData
* fdata
, bool defAA
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10740 int i
, ascent
, descent
, fh
, lineGap
10742 if (name
== 0 ||
, NoAlias
)) return FONS_INVALID
10743 if (name
> 32767) return FONS_INVALID
10744 if (fdata
is null) return FONS_INVALID
10746 // find a font with the given name
10748 FONSfont
* oldfont
= null;
10749 int oldidx
= findNameInHash(name
10750 if (oldidx
) {
10751 // replacement font
10752 oldfont
= fonts
10755 // new font, allocate new bucket
10759 newidx
= allocFontAt(newidx
10760 FONSfont
* font
= fonts
10761 font
10762 font
] = -1; // init hash lookup
10763 font
= fdata
; // set the font data (don't change reference count)
10764 fons__tt_setMono(&this, &font
, !defAA
10767 if (!fons__tt_loadFont(&this, &font
, fdata
, fdata
)) {
10768 // we promised to not free data on error, so just clear the data store (it will be freed by the caller)
10771 if (oldidx
) {
10772 assert(oldidx
== newidx
10773 fonts
] = oldfont
10775 assert(newidx
== nfonts
10776 fonts
] = null;
10779 return FONS_INVALID
10781 // free old font data, if any
10782 if (oldfont
!is null) oldfont
10785 // add font to name hash
10786 if (oldidx
) addIndexToHash(newidx
10788 // store normalized line height
10789 // the real line height is got by multiplying the lineh by font size
10790 fons__tt_getFontVMetrics(&font
, &ascent
, &descent
, &lineGap
10791 fh
= ascent
10792 font
= cast(float)ascent
10793 font
= cast(float)descent
10794 font
= cast(float)(fh
10796 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("created font [%.*s] (idx=%d)...\n", cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr, idx); }
10801 float getVertAlign (FONSfont
* font
, NVGTextAlign talign
, short isize
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10802 if (params
) {
10803 final switch (talign
) {
10804 case NVGTextAlign
: return font
10805 case NVGTextAlign
: return (font
10806 case NVGTextAlign
: return 0.0f;
10807 case NVGTextAlign
: return font
10810 final switch (talign
) {
10811 case NVGTextAlign
: return -font
10812 case NVGTextAlign
: return -(font
10813 case NVGTextAlign
: return 0.0f;
10814 case NVGTextAlign
: return -font
10821 /** Create new FontStash context. It can be destroyed with `fs.kill()` later.
10823 * Note that if you don't plan to rasterize glyphs (i.e. you will use created
10824 * FontStash only to measure text), you can simply pass `FONSParams.init`).
10826 static FONSContext
create() (in auto ref FONSParams params
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10827 import core
: memcpy
10829 FONSContext stash
= null;
10831 // allocate memory for the font stash
10832 stash
= cast(FONSContext
10833 if (stash
is null) goto error
10834 memset(stash
, 0, FONScontextInternal
10836 memcpy(&stash
, ¶ms
, params
10837 if (stash
< 1) stash
= 32;
10838 if (stash
< 1) stash
= 32;
10840 // initialize implementation library
10841 if (!fons__tt_init(stash
)) goto error
10843 if (stash
!is null) {
10844 if (!stash
, stash
, stash
)) goto error
10847 stash
= FONSAtlas
, stash
10848 if (stash
is null) goto error
10850 // don't allocate space for fonts: hash manager will do that for us later
10851 //stash.cfonts = 0;
10852 //stash.nfonts = 0;
10854 // create texture for the cache
10855 stash
= 1.0f/stash
10856 stash
= 1.0f/stash
10857 stash
= cast(ubyte*)malloc(stash
10858 if (stash
is null) goto error
10859 memset(stash
, 0, stash
10861 stash
[0] = stash
10862 stash
[1] = stash
10863 stash
[2] = 0;
10864 stash
[3] = 0;
10866 // add white rect at 0, 0 for debug drawing
10867 stash
.addWhiteRect(2, 2);
10870 stash
10880 /// Add fallback font (FontStash will try to find missing glyph in all fallback fonts before giving up).
10881 bool addFallbackFont (int base
, int fallback
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10882 FONSfont
* baseFont
= fonts
10883 if (baseFont
!is null && baseFont
) {
10884 baseFont
++] = fallback
10890 @property void size (float size
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= size
; } /// Set current font size.
10891 @property float size () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return getState
; } /// Get current font size.
10893 @property void spacing (float spacing
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= spacing
; } /// Set current letter spacing.
10894 @property float spacing () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return getState
; } /// Get current letter spacing.
10896 @property void blur (float blur
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= blur
; } /// Set current letter blur.
10897 @property float blur () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return getState
; } /// Get current letter blur.
10899 @property void textAlign (NVGTextAlign talign
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= talign
; } /// Set current text align.
10900 @property NVGTextAlign
textAlign () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return getState
; } /// Get current text align.
10902 @property void fontId (int font
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= font
; } /// Set current font id.
10903 @property int fontId () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return getState
; } /// Get current font id.
10905 @property void fontId (const(char)[] name
) nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); getState
= getFontByName(name
); } /// Set current font using its name.
10907 /// Check if FontStash has a font with the given name loaded.
10908 bool hasFont (const(char)[] name
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (getFontByName(name
) >= 0); }
10910 /// Get AA for the current font, or for the specified font.
10911 bool getFontAA (int font
=-1) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10912 FONSstate
* state
= getState
10913 if (font
< 0) font
= state
10914 if (font
< 0 || font
>= nfonts
) return false;
10915 FONSfont
* f
= fonts
10916 return (f
!is null ?
: false);
10919 /// Push current state. Returns `false` if state stack overflowed.
10920 bool pushState () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10921 if (nstates
) {
10922 if (handleError
!is null) handleError(FONSError
, 0);
10926 import core
: memcpy
10927 memcpy(&states
], &states
-1], FONSstate
10933 /// Pop current state. Returns `false` if state stack underflowed.
10934 bool popState () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10935 if (nstates
<= 1) {
10936 if (handleError
!is null) handleError(FONSError
, 0);
10943 /// Clear current state (i.e. set it to some sane defaults).
10944 void clearState () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
10945 FONSstate
* state
= getState
10946 state
= 12.0f;
10950 state
10953 private enum NoAlias
= ":noaa";
10955 /** Add font to FontStash.
10957 * Load scalable font from disk, and add it to FontStash. If you will try to load a font
10958 * with same name and path several times, FontStash will load it only once. Also, you can
10959 * load new disk font for any existing logical font.
10962 * name = logical font name, that will be used to select this font later.
10963 * path = path to disk file with your font.
10964 * defAA = should FontStash use antialiased font rasterizer?
10967 * font id or [FONS_INVALID].
10969 int addFont (const(char)[] name
, const(char)[] path
, bool defAA
=false) nothrow @trusted {
10970 if (path
== 0 || name
== 0 ||
, NoAlias
)) return FONS_INVALID
10971 if (path
> 32768) return FONS_INVALID
; // arbitrary limit
10973 // if font path ends with ":noaa", turn off antialiasing
10974 if (path
>= NoAlias
&& strequci(path
..$], NoAlias
)) {
10975 path
= path
10976 if (path
== 0) return FONS_INVALID
10980 // if font name ends with ":noaa", turn off antialiasing
10981 if (name
> NoAlias
&& strequci(name
..$], NoAlias
)) {
10982 name
= name
10986 // find a font with the given name
10987 int fidx
= findNameInHash(name
10988 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("loading font '%.*s' [%s] (fidx=%d)...\n", cast(uint)path.length, path.ptr, fontnamebuf.ptr, fidx); }
10990 int loadFontFile (const(char)[] path
) {
10991 // check if existing font (if any) has the same path
10993 import core
: strlen
10994 auto plen
= (fonts
!is null ?
) : 0);
10996 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("+++ font [%.*s] was loaded from [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)blen, fontnamebuf.ptr, cast(uint)fonts[fidx].path.length, fonts[fidx].path.ptr); }
10997 if (plen
== path
&& fonts
] == path
) {
10998 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("*** font [%.*s] already loaded from [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)blen, fontnamebuf.ptr, cast(uint)plen, path.ptr); }
11003 if (plen
== path
&& strequci(fonts
], path
)) {
11010 // special shitdows check: this will reject fontconfig font names (but still allow things like "c:myfont")
11011 foreach (immutable char ch
; path
>= 2 && path
[1] == ':' ?
2 : 0)..$]) if (ch
== ':') return FONS_INVALID
11013 // either no such font, or different path
11014 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("trying font [%.*s] from file [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)blen, fontnamebuf.ptr, cast(uint)path.length, path.ptr); }
11015 int xres
11017 import core
: free
, malloc
11018 static if (NanoVegaHasIVVFS
) {
11019 auto fl
= VFile(path
11020 auto dataSize
= fl
11021 if (dataSize
< 16 || dataSize
> int.max
/32) return FONS_INVALID
11022 ubyte* data
= cast(ubyte*)malloc(cast(uint)dataSize
11023 if (data
is null) assert(0, "out of memory in NanoVega fontstash");
11024 scope(failure
) free(data
); // oops
11025 fl
11028 import core
, fopen
, fclose
, fread
, ftell
, fseek
11029 import std
: tempCString
11030 auto fl
= fopen(path
, "rb");
11031 if (fl
is null) return FONS_INVALID
11032 scope(exit
) fclose(fl
11033 if (fseek(fl
, 0, 2/*SEEK_END*/) != 0) return FONS_INVALID
11034 auto dataSize
= ftell(fl
11035 if (fseek(fl
, 0, 0/*SEEK_SET*/) != 0) return FONS_INVALID
11036 if (dataSize
< 16 || dataSize
> int.max
/32) return FONS_INVALID
11037 ubyte* data
= cast(ubyte*)malloc(cast(uint)dataSize
11038 if (data
is null) assert(0, "out of memory in NanoVega fontstash");
11039 scope(failure
) free(data
); // oops
11040 ubyte* dptr
= data
11041 auto left
= cast(uint)dataSize
11043 auto rd
= fread(dptr
, 1, left
, fl
11044 if (rd
== 0) { free(data
); return FONS_INVALID
; } // unexpected EOF or reading error, it doesn't matter
11049 scope(failure
) free(data
); // oops
11050 // create font data
11051 FONSfontData
* fdata
= fons__createFontData(data
, cast(int)dataSize
, true); // free data
11053 xres
= addFontWithData(name
, fdata
, defAA
11054 if (xres
) {
11055 fdata
.decref(); // this will free [data] and [fdata]
11058 fonts
11060 } catch (Exception e
) {
11066 // first try direct path
11067 auto res
= loadFontFile(path
11068 // if loading failed, try fontconfig (if fontconfig is available)
11069 static if (NanoVegaHasFontConfig
) {
11070 if (res
&& fontconfigAvailable
) {
11071 // idiotic fontconfig NEVER fails; let's skip it if `path` looks like a path
11073 if (path
> 4 && (path
[$-4..$] == ".ttf" || path
[$-4..$] == ".ttc")) ok
= false;
11074 if (ok
) { foreach (immutable char ch
; path
) if (ch
== '/') { ok
= false; break; } }
11076 import std
: tempCString
11077 FcPattern
* pat
= FcNameParse(path
11078 if (pat
!is null) {
11079 scope(exit
) FcPatternDestroy(pat
11080 if (FcConfigSubstitute(null, pat
, FcMatchPattern
)) {
11081 FcDefaultSubstitute(pat
11084 FcPattern
* font
= FcFontMatch(null, pat
, &result
11085 if (font
!is null) {
11086 scope(exit
) FcPatternDestroy(font
11088 if (FcPatternGetString(font
, 0, &file
) == FcResultMatch
) {
11089 if (file
!is null && file
[0]) {
11090 import core
: strlen
11091 res
= loadFontFile(file
11103 /** Add font to FontStash, using data from memory.
11105 * And already loaded font to FontStash. You can replace existing logical fonts.
11106 * But note that you can't remove logical font by passing "empty" data.
11108 * $(WARNING If [FONS_INVALID] returned, `data` won't be freed even if `freeData` is `true`.)
11111 * name = logical font name, that will be used to select this font later.
11112 * data = font data.
11113 * dataSize = font data size.
11114 * freeData = should FontStash take ownership of the font data?
11115 * defAA = should FontStash use antialiased font rasterizer?
11118 * font id or [FONS_INVALID].
11120 int addFontMem (const(char)[] name
, ubyte* data
, int dataSize
, bool freeData
, bool defAA
=false) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11121 if (data
is null || dataSize
< 16) return FONS_INVALID
11122 FONSfontData
* fdata
= fons__createFontData(data
, dataSize
, freeData
11124 auto res
= addFontWithData(name
, fdata
, defAA
11125 if (res
) {
11126 // we promised to not free data on error
11127 fdata
= false;
11128 fdata
.decref(); // this will free [fdata]
11133 /** Add fonts from another FontStash.
11135 * This is more effective (and faster) than reloading fonts, because internally font data
11136 * is reference counted.
11138 void addFontsFrom (FONSContext source
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11139 if (source
is null) return;
11140 foreach (FONSfont
* font
; source
]) {
11141 if (font
!is null) {
11142 auto newidx
= addCookedFont(font
11143 FONSfont
* newfont
= fonts
11144 assert(newfont
!is null);
11145 assert(newfont
is null);
11147 if (font
!is null && font
[0]) {
11148 import core
: malloc
11149 import core
: strcpy
, strlen
11150 newfont
= cast(char*)malloc(strlen(font
11151 if (newfont
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
11152 strcpy(newfont
, font
11158 /// Returns logical font name corresponding to the given font id, or `null`.
11159 /// $(WARNING Copy returned name, as name buffer can be invalidated by next FontStash API call!)
11160 const(char)[] getNameById (int idx
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11161 if (idx
< 0 || idx
>= nfonts || fonts
] is null) return null;
11162 return fonts
11165 /// Returns font id corresponding to the given logical font name, or [FONS_INVALID].
11166 int getFontByName (const(char)[] name
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11167 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("fonsGetFontByName: [%.*s]\n", cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr); }
11168 // remove ":noaa" suffix
11169 if (name
>= NoAlias
&& strequci(name
..$], NoAlias
)) {
11170 name
= name
11172 if (name
== 0) return FONS_INVALID
11173 return findNameInHash(name
11176 /** Measures the specified text string. Parameter bounds should be a float[4],
11177 * if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
11178 * Returns the horizontal advance of the measured text (i.e. where the next character should drawn).
11180 float getTextBounds(T
) (float x
, float y
, const(T
)[] str, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
11181 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11183 uint utf8state
= 0;
11185 FONSglyph
* glyph
= null;
11186 int prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
11187 short isize
= cast(short)(state
11188 short iblur
= cast(short)state
11191 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) return 0;
11192 font
= fonts
11193 if (font
is null || font
is null) return 0;
11195 float scale
= fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale(&font
, cast(float)isize
11197 // Align vertically.
11198 y
+= getVertAlign(font
, state
, isize
11200 float minx
= x
, maxx
= x
11201 float miny
= y
, maxy
= y
11204 foreach (T ch
; str) {
11205 static if (T
== 1) {
11206 //if (fons__decutf8(&utf8state, &codepoint, *cast(const(ubyte)*)str)) continue;
11207 mixin(DecUtfMixin
!("utf8state", "codepoint", "(cast(ubyte)ch)"));
11208 if (utf8state
) continue;
11210 static if (T
== 4) {
11211 if (ch
> dchar.max
) ch
= 0xFFFD;
11213 codepoint
= cast(uint)ch
11215 glyph
= getGlyph(font
, codepoint
, isize
, iblur
, FONSBitmapFlag
11216 if (glyph
!is null) {
11217 getQuad(font
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
, isize
/10.0f, scale
, state
, &x
, &y
, &q
11218 if (q
< minx
) minx
= q
11219 if (q
> maxx
) maxx
= q
11220 if (params
) {
11221 if (q
< miny
) miny
= q
11222 if (q
> maxy
) maxy
= q
11224 if (q
< miny
) miny
= q
11225 if (q
> maxy
) maxy
= q
11227 prevGlyphIndex
= glyph
11229 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("NO GLYPH FOR 0x%04x\n", cast(uint)codepoint); }
11230 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
11234 float advance
= x
11235 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("***: x=%g; startx=%g; advance=%g\n", cast(double)x, cast(double)startx, cast(double)advance); }
11237 // Align horizontally
11238 if (state
) {
11240 } else if (state
) {
11243 } else if (state
) {
11244 minx
-= advance
11245 maxx
-= advance
11248 if (bounds
) {
11249 if (bounds
> 0) bounds
[0] = minx
11250 if (bounds
> 1) bounds
[1] = miny
11251 if (bounds
> 2) bounds
[2] = maxx
11252 if (bounds
> 3) bounds
[3] = maxy
11258 /// Returns various font metrics. Any argument can be `null` if you aren't interested in its value.
11259 void getVertMetrics (float* ascender
, float* descender
, float* lineh
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11260 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11261 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) {
11262 if (ascender
!is null) *ascender
= 0;
11263 if (descender
!is null) *descender
= 0;
11264 if (lineh
!is null) *lineh
= 0;
11266 FONSfont
* font
= fonts
11267 if (font
is null || font
is null) {
11268 if (ascender
!is null) *ascender
= 0;
11269 if (descender
!is null) *descender
= 0;
11270 if (lineh
!is null) *lineh
= 0;
11272 short isize
= cast(short)(state
11273 if (ascender
!is null) *ascender
= font
11274 if (descender
!is null) *descender
= font
11275 if (lineh
!is null) *lineh
= font
11280 /// Returns line bounds. Any argument can be `null` if you aren't interested in its value.
11281 void getLineBounds (float y
, float* minyp
, float* maxyp
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11283 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11286 if (minyp
!is null) *minyp
= 0;
11287 if (maxyp
!is null) *maxyp
= 0;
11289 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) return;
11290 font
= fonts
11291 isize
= cast(short)(state
11292 if (font
is null || font
is null) return;
11294 y
+= getVertAlign(font
, state
, isize
11296 if (params
) {
11297 immutable float miny
= y
11298 immutable float maxy
= miny
11299 if (minyp
!is null) *minyp
= miny
11300 if (maxyp
!is null) *maxyp
= maxy
11302 immutable float maxy
= y
11303 immutable float miny
= maxy
11304 if (minyp
!is null) *minyp
= miny
11305 if (maxyp
!is null) *maxyp
= maxy
11309 /// Returns font line height.
11310 float fontHeight () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11312 getVertMetrics(null, null, &res
11316 /// Returns font ascender (positive).
11317 float fontAscender () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11319 getVertMetrics(&res
, null, null);
11323 /// Returns font descender (negative).
11324 float fontDescender () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11326 getVertMetrics(null, &res
, null);
11330 //TODO: document this
11331 const(ubyte)* getTextureData (int* width
, int* height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11332 if (width
!is null) *width
= params
11333 if (height
!is null) *height
= params
11337 //TODO: document this
11338 bool validateTexture (int* dirty
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11339 if (dirtyRect
[0] < dirtyRect
[2] && dirtyRect
[1] < dirtyRect
[3]) {
11340 dirty
[0] = dirtyRect
11341 dirty
[1] = dirtyRect
11342 dirty
[2] = dirtyRect
11343 dirty
[3] = dirtyRect
11344 // reset dirty rect
11345 dirtyRect
[0] = params
11346 dirtyRect
[1] = params
11347 dirtyRect
[2] = 0;
11348 dirtyRect
[3] = 0;
11354 //TODO: document this
11355 void errorCallback (void delegate (FONSError error
, int val
) nothrow @trusted @nogc callback
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11356 handleError
= callback
11359 //TODO: document this
11360 void getAtlasSize (int* width
, int* height
) const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11361 if (width
!is null) *width
= params
11362 if (height
!is null) *height
= params
11365 //TODO: document this
11366 bool expandAtlas (int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11367 import core
: free
11368 import core
: memcpy
, memset
11371 ubyte* data
= null;
11373 width
= nvg__max(width
, params
11374 height
= nvg__max(height
, params
11376 if (width
== params
&& height
== params
) return true;
11378 // Flush pending glyphs.
11381 // Create new texture
11382 if (params
!is null) {
11383 if (params
, width
, height
) == 0) return false;
11385 // Copy old texture data over.
11386 data
= cast(ubyte*)malloc(width
11387 if (data
is null) return 0;
11388 foreach (immutable int i
; 0..params
) {
11389 ubyte* dst
= &data
11390 ubyte* src
= &texData
11391 memcpy(dst
, src
, params
11392 if (width
> params
) memset(dst
, 0, width
11394 if (height
> params
) memset(&data
], 0, (height
11399 // Increase atlas size
11400 atlas
, height
11402 // Add existing data as dirty.
11403 foreach (immutable int i
; 0..atlas
) maxy
= nvg__max(maxy
, atlas
11404 dirtyRect
[0] = 0;
11405 dirtyRect
[1] = 0;
11406 dirtyRect
[2] = params
11407 dirtyRect
[3] = maxy
11409 params
= width
11410 params
= height
11411 itw
= 1.0f/params
11412 ith
= 1.0f/params
11417 //TODO: document this
11418 bool resetAtlas (int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11419 import core
: realloc
11420 import core
: memcpy
, memset
11422 // flush pending glyphs
11425 // create new texture
11426 if (params
!is null) {
11427 if (params
, width
, height
) == 0) return false;
11431 atlas
, height
11433 // clear texture data
11434 texData
= cast(ubyte*)realloc(texData
, width
11435 if (texData
is null) assert(0, "FONS: out of memory");
11436 memset(texData
, 0, width
11438 // reset dirty rect
11439 dirtyRect
[0] = width
11440 dirtyRect
[1] = height
11441 dirtyRect
[2] = 0;
11442 dirtyRect
[3] = 0;
11444 // Reset cached glyphs
11445 foreach (FONSfont
* font
; fonts
]) {
11446 if (font
!is null) {
11448 font
] = -1;
11452 params
= width
11453 params
= height
11454 itw
= 1.0f/params
11455 ith
= 1.0f/params
11457 // Add white rect at 0, 0 for debug drawing.
11458 addWhiteRect(2, 2);
11463 //TODO: document this
11464 bool getPathBounds (dchar dch
, float[] bounds
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11465 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
11466 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__bounds
))) {
11467 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11468 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
11470 auto g
= findGlyphForCP(fonts
], dch
, &font
11471 if (g
== 0) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
11472 assert(font
!is null);
11473 return fons__nvg__bounds(&font
, g
, bounds
11480 //TODO: document this
11481 bool toPath() (NVGContext vg
, dchar dch
, float[] bounds
=null) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11482 if (bounds
> 4) bounds
= bounds
11483 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__toPath
))) {
11484 if (vg
is null) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
11485 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11486 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
11488 auto g
= findGlyphForCP(fonts
], dch
, &font
11489 if (g
== 0) { bounds
[] = 0; return false; }
11490 assert(font
!is null);
11491 return fons__nvg__toPath(vg
, &font
, g
, bounds
11498 //TODO: document this
11499 bool toOutline (dchar dch
, NVGPathOutline
* ol
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11500 if (ol
is null) return false;
11501 static if (is(typeof(&fons__nvg__toOutline
))) {
11502 FONSstate
* state
= getState
11503 if (state
< 0 || state
>= nfonts
) return false;
11505 auto g
= findGlyphForCP(fonts
], dch
, &font
11506 if (g
== 0) return false;
11507 assert(font
!is null);
11508 return fons__nvg__toOutline(&font
, g
, ol
11514 //TODO: document this
11515 FONSglyph
* getGlyph (FONSfont
* font
, uint codepoint
, short isize
, short iblur
, FONSBitmapFlag bitmapOption
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11516 static uint fons__hashint() (uint a
) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
11517 pragma(inline
, true);
11527 // based on Exponential blur, Jani Huhtanen, 2006
11531 static void fons__blurCols (ubyte* dst
, int w
, int h
, int dstStride
, int alpha
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11532 foreach (immutable int y
; 0..h
) {
11533 int z
= 0; // force zero border
11534 foreach (int x
; 1..w
) {
11535 z
+= (alpha
11536 dst
] = cast(ubyte)(z
11538 dst
-1] = 0; // force zero border
11540 for (int x
= w
-2; x
>= 0; --x
) {
11541 z
+= (alpha
11542 dst
] = cast(ubyte)(z
11544 dst
[0] = 0; // force zero border
11549 static void fons__blurRows (ubyte* dst
, int w
, int h
, int dstStride
, int alpha
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11550 foreach (immutable int x
; 0..w
) {
11551 int z
= 0; // force zero border
11552 for (int y
= dstStride
; y
< h
; y
+= dstStride
) {
11553 z
+= (alpha
11554 dst
] = cast(ubyte)(z
11556 dst
] = 0; // force zero border
11558 for (int y
= (h
; y
>= 0; y
-= dstStride
) {
11559 z
+= (alpha
11560 dst
] = cast(ubyte)(z
11562 dst
[0] = 0; // force zero border
11567 static void fons__blur (ubyte* dst
, int w
, int h
, int dstStride
, int blur
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11568 import std
: expf
= exp
11569 if (blur
< 1) return;
11570 // Calculate the alpha such that 90% of the kernel is within the radius. (Kernel extends to infinity)
11571 immutable float sigma
= cast(float)blur
*0.57735f; // 1/sqrt(3)
11572 int alpha
= cast(int)((1<<APREC
11573 fons__blurRows(dst
, w
, h
, dstStride
, alpha
11574 fons__blurCols(dst
, w
, h
, dstStride
, alpha
11575 fons__blurRows(dst
, w
, h
, dstStride
, alpha
11576 fons__blurCols(dst
, w
, h
, dstStride
, alpha
11577 //fons__blurrows(dst, w, h, dstStride, alpha);
11578 //fons__blurcols(dst, w, h, dstStride, alpha);
11581 int advance
, lsb
, x0
, y0
, x1
, y1
, gx
, gy
11582 FONSglyph
* glyph
= null;
11583 float size
= isize
11584 FONSfont
* renderFont
= font
11586 if (isize
< 2) return null;
11587 if (iblur
> 20) iblur
= 20;
11590 // Find code point and size.
11591 uint h
= fons__hashint(codepoint
11592 int i
= font
11594 //if (font.glyphs[i].codepoint == codepoint && font.glyphs[i].size == isize && font.glyphs[i].blur == iblur) return &font.glyphs[i];
11595 if (font
== codepoint
&& font
== isize
&& font
== iblur
) {
11596 glyph
= &font
11597 // Negative coordinate indicates there is no bitmap data created.
11598 if (bitmapOption
== FONSBitmapFlag
.Optional ||
>= 0 && glyph
>= 0)) return glyph
11599 // At this point, glyph exists but the bitmap data is not yet created.
11602 i
= font
11605 // Create a new glyph or rasterize bitmap data for a cached glyph.
11606 //scale = fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale(&font.font, size);
11607 int g
= findGlyphForCP(font
, cast(dchar)codepoint
, &renderFont
11608 // It is possible that we did not find a fallback glyph.
11609 // In that case the glyph index 'g' is 0, and we'll proceed below and cache empty glyph.
11611 float scale
= fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale(&renderFont
, size
11612 fons__tt_buildGlyphBitmap(&renderFont
, g
, size
, scale
, &advance
, &lsb
, &x0
, &y0
, &x1
, &y1
11613 int gw
= x1
11614 int gh
= y1
11616 // Determines the spot to draw glyph in the atlas.
11617 if (bitmapOption
== FONSBitmapFlag
) {
11618 // Find free spot for the rect in the atlas.
11619 bool added
= atlas
, gh
, &gx
, &gy
11620 if (!added
&& handleError
!is null) {
11621 // Atlas is full, let the user to resize the atlas (or not), and try again.
11622 handleError(FONSError
, 0);
11623 added
= atlas
, gh
, &gx
, &gy
11625 if (!added
) return null;
11627 // Negative coordinate indicates there is no bitmap data created.
11633 if (glyph
is null) {
11634 glyph
= font
11635 glyph
= codepoint
11636 glyph
= isize
11637 glyph
= iblur
11640 // Insert char to hash lookup.
11641 glyph
= font
11642 font
] = font
11645 glyph
= cast(short)gx
11646 glyph
= cast(short)gy
11647 glyph
= cast(short)(glyph
11648 glyph
= cast(short)(glyph
11649 glyph
= cast(short)(scale
11650 glyph
= cast(short)(x0
11651 glyph
= cast(short)(y0
11653 if (bitmapOption
== FONSBitmapFlag
) return glyph
11656 ubyte* dst
= &texData
11657 fons__tt_renderGlyphBitmap(&font
, dst
, gw
*2, gh
*2, params
, scale
, scale
, g
11659 // Make sure there is one pixel empty border.
11660 dst
= &texData
11661 foreach (immutable int y
; 0..gh
) {
11662 dst
] = 0;
11663 dst
] = 0;
11665 foreach (immutable int x
; 0..gw
) {
11667 dst
] = 0;
11670 // Debug code to color the glyph background
11672 foreach (immutable yy
; 0..gh
) {
11673 foreach (immutable xx
; 0..gw
) {
11674 int a
= cast(int)dst
11675 if (a
> 255) a
= 255;
11676 dst
] = cast(ubyte)a
11683 ubyte* bdst
= &texData
11684 fons__blur(bdst
, gw
, gh
, params
, iblur
11687 dirtyRect
[0] = nvg__min(dirtyRect
[0], glyph
11688 dirtyRect
[1] = nvg__min(dirtyRect
[1], glyph
11689 dirtyRect
[2] = nvg__max(dirtyRect
[2], glyph
11690 dirtyRect
[3] = nvg__max(dirtyRect
[3], glyph
11695 //TODO: document this
11696 void getQuad (FONSfont
* font
, int prevGlyphIndex
, FONSglyph
* glyph
, float size
, float scale
, float spacing
, float* x
, float* y
, FONSQuad
* q
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11697 if (prevGlyphIndex
>= 0) {
11698 immutable float adv
= fons__tt_getGlyphKernAdvance(&font
, size
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
)/**scale*/; //k8: do we really need scale here?
11699 //if (adv != 0) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("adv=%g (scale=%g; spacing=%g)\n", cast(double)adv, cast(double)scale, cast(double)spacing); }
11700 *x
+= cast(int)(adv
/*+0.5f*/); //k8: for me, it looks better this way (with non-aa fonts)
11703 // Each glyph has 2px border to allow good interpolation,
11704 // one pixel to prevent leaking, and one to allow good interpolation for rendering.
11705 // Inset the texture region by one pixel for correct interpolation.
11706 immutable float xoff
= cast(short)(glyph
11707 immutable float yoff
= cast(short)(glyph
11708 immutable float x0
= cast(float)(glyph
11709 immutable float y0
= cast(float)(glyph
11710 immutable float x1
= cast(float)(glyph
11711 immutable float y1
= cast(float)(glyph
11713 if (params
) {
11714 //immutable float rx = cast(float)cast(int)(*x+xoff);
11715 //immutable float ry = cast(float)cast(int)(*y+yoff);
11716 immutable float rx
= nvg__floorf(*x
11717 immutable float ry
= nvg__floorf(*y
11729 //immutable float rx = cast(float)cast(int)(*x+xoff);
11730 //immutable float ry = cast(float)cast(int)(*y-yoff);
11731 immutable float rx
= nvg__floorf(*x
11732 immutable float ry
= nvg__floorf(*y
11745 *x
+= cast(int)(glyph
11748 void flush () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11750 if (dirtyRect
[0] < dirtyRect
[2] && dirtyRect
[1] < dirtyRect
[3]) {
11751 if (params
!is null) params
, dirtyRect
, texData
11752 // reset dirty rect
11753 dirtyRect
[0] = params
11754 dirtyRect
[1] = params
11755 dirtyRect
[2] = 0;
11756 dirtyRect
[3] = 0;
11761 /// Free all resources used by the `stash`, and `stash` itself.
11762 /// Group: font_stash
11763 public void kill (ref FONSContext stash
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11764 import core
: free
11765 if (stash
is null) return;
11772 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
11773 // Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Bjoern Hoehrmann <bjoern@hoehrmann.de>
11774 // See http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de/utf-8/decoder/dfa/ for details.
11776 enum FONS_UTF8_ACCEPT
= 0;
11777 enum FONS_UTF8_REJECT
= 12;
11779 static immutable ubyte[364] utf8d
= [
11780 // The first part of the table maps bytes to character classes that
11781 // to reduce the size of the transition table and create bitmasks.
11782 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
11783 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
11784 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
11785 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
11786 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
11787 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
11788 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
11789 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 11, 6, 6, 6, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
11791 // The second part is a transition table that maps a combination
11792 // of a state of the automaton and a character class to a state.
11793 0, 12, 24, 36, 60, 96, 84, 12, 12, 12, 48, 72, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
11794 12, 0, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 0, 12, 0, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 24, 12, 12,
11795 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 12,
11796 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 36, 12, 36, 12, 12, 12, 36, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 36, 12, 36, 12, 12,
11797 12, 36, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
11800 private enum DecUtfMixin(string state
, string codep
, string byte_
) =
11802 uint type_ = utf8d.ptr[`~byte_
11803 `~codep
~` = (`~state
~` != FONS_UTF8_ACCEPT ? (`~byte_
~`<<6) : (0xff>>type_)&`~byte_
11804 if ((`~state
~` = utf8d.ptr[256+`~state
~`+type_]) == FONS_UTF8_REJECT) {
11805 `~state
11806 `~codep
~` = 0xFFFD;
11811 uint fons__decutf8 (uint* state, uint* codep, uint byte_) {
11812 pragma(inline, true);
11813 uint type = utf8d.ptr[byte_];
11814 *codep = (*state != FONS_UTF8_ACCEPT ? (byte_&0x3fu)|(*codep<<6) : (0xff>>type)&byte_);
11815 *state = utf8d.ptr[256 + *state+type];
11821 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
11822 /// This iterator can be used to do text measurement.
11823 /// $(WARNING Don't add new fonts to stash while you are iterating, or you WILL get segfault!)
11824 /// Group: font_stash
11825 public struct FONSTextBoundsIterator
11829 uint codepoint
= 0xFFFD;
11830 uint utf8state
= 0;
11831 int prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
11832 short isize
, iblur
11835 float startx
= 0, x
= 0, y
= 0;
11836 float minx
= 0, miny
= 0, maxx
= 0, maxy
= 0;
11839 void clear () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11840 import core
: memset
11841 memset(&this, 0, this.sizeof
11842 this.prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
11843 this.codepoint
= 0xFFFD;
11847 /// Initialize iterator with the current FontStash state. FontStash state can be changed after initialization without affecting the iterator.
11848 this (FONSContext astash
, float ax
=0, float ay
=0) nothrow @trusted @nogc { reset(astash
, ax
, ay
); }
11850 /// (Re)initialize iterator with the current FontStash state. FontStash state can be changed after initialization without affecting the iterator.
11851 void reset (FONSContext astash
, float ax
=0, float ay
=0) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11854 if (astash
is null || astash
== 0) return;
11857 state
= *stash
11859 if (state
< 0 || state
>= stash
) { clear(); return; }
11860 font
= stash
11861 if (font
is null || font
is null) { clear(); return; }
11865 isize
= cast(short)(state
11866 iblur
= cast(short)state
11867 scale
= fons__tt_getPixelHeightScale(&font
, cast(float)isize
11869 // align vertically
11870 y
+= astash
, state
, isize
11877 /// Can this iterator be used?
11878 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (stash
!is null); }
11880 /// Put some text into iterator, calculate new values.
11881 void put(T
) (const(T
)[] str...) nothrow @trusted @nogc if (isAnyCharType
) {
11882 enum DoCodePointMixin
= q
11883 glyph
= stash
, codepoint
, isize
, iblur
, FONSBitmapFlag
11884 if (glyph
!is null) {
11885 stash
, prevGlyphIndex
, glyph
, isize
/10.0f, scale
, state
, &x
, &y
, &q
11886 if (q
< minx
) minx
= q
11887 if (q
> maxx
) maxx
= q
11888 if (stash
) {
11889 if (q
< miny
) miny
= q
11890 if (q
> maxy
) maxy
= q
11892 if (q
< miny
) miny
= q
11893 if (q
> maxy
) maxy
= q
11895 prevGlyphIndex
= glyph
11897 prevGlyphIndex
= -1;
11901 if (stash
is null ||
== 0) return; // alas
11906 static if (is(T
== char)) {
11907 foreach (char ch
; str) {
11908 mixin(DecUtfMixin
!("utf8state", "codepoint", "cast(ubyte)ch"));
11909 if (utf8state
) continue; // full char is not collected yet
11910 mixin(DoCodePointMixin
11915 codepoint
= 0xFFFD;
11916 mixin(DoCodePointMixin
11918 foreach (T dch
; str) {
11919 static if (is(T
== dchar)) {
11920 if (dch
> dchar.max
) dch
= 0xFFFD;
11922 codepoint
= cast(uint)dch
11923 mixin(DoCodePointMixin
11928 /// Returns current advance.
11929 @property float advance () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (stash
!is null ? x
: 0); }
11931 /// Returns current text bounds.
11932 void getBounds (ref float[4] bounds
) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
11933 if (stash
is null) { bounds
[] = 0; return; }
11934 float lminx
= minx
, lmaxx
= maxx
11935 // align horizontally
11936 if (state
) {
11938 } else if (state
) {
11939 float ca
= advance
11942 } else if (state
) {
11943 float ca
= advance
11953 /// Returns current horizontal text bounds.
11954 void getHBounds (out float xmin
, out float xmax
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11955 if (stash
!is null) {
11956 float lminx
= minx
, lmaxx
= maxx
11957 // align horizontally
11958 if (state
) {
11960 } else if (state
) {
11961 float ca
= advance
11964 } else if (state
) {
11965 float ca
= advance
11976 /// Returns current vertical text bounds.
11977 void getVBounds (out float ymin
, out float ymax
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11978 pragma(inline
, true);
11979 if (stash
!is null) {
11987 /// Returns font line height.
11988 float lineHeight () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11989 pragma(inline
, true);
11990 return (stash
!is null ? stash
*10.0f)/10.0f : 0);
11993 /// Returns font ascender (positive).
11994 float ascender () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
11995 pragma(inline
, true);
11996 return (stash
!is null ? stash
*10.0f)/10.0f : 0);
11999 /// Returns font descender (negative).
12000 float descender () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12001 pragma(inline
, true);
12002 return (stash
!is null ? stash
*10.0f)/10.0f : 0);
12007 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
12009 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
12010 import core
: malloc
, realloc
, free
12011 import core
: memcpy
, memset
12013 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
12014 private auto DGNoThrowNoGC(T
) (scope T t
) /*if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T)*/ {
12016 enum attrs
= functionAttributes
12017 return cast(SetFunctionAttributes
, functionLinkage
, attrs
)) t
12022 //import arsd.simpledisplay;
12023 version(nanovg_builtin_opengl_bindings
) { import arsd
; } else { import iv
; }
12026 // sdpy is missing that yet
12027 static if (!is(typeof(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT
= 0x00000400;
12030 // OpenGL API missing from simpledisplay
12031 private extern(System
) nothrow @nogc {
12032 alias GLvoid
= void;
12033 alias GLboolean
= ubyte;
12034 alias GLuint
= uint;
12035 alias GLenum
= uint;
12036 alias GLchar
= char;
12037 alias GLsizei
= int;
12038 alias GLfloat
= float;
12039 alias GLsizeiptr
= ptrdiff_t
12041 enum uint GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT
= 0x00000400;
12043 enum uint GL_INVALID_ENUM
= 0x0500;
12045 enum uint GL_ZERO
= 0;
12046 enum uint GL_ONE
= 1;
12048 enum uint GL_FLOAT
= 0x1406;
12050 enum uint GL_STREAM_DRAW
= 0x88E0;
12052 enum uint GL_CCW
= 0x0901;
12054 enum uint GL_STENCIL_TEST
= 0x0B90;
12055 enum uint GL_SCISSOR_TEST
= 0x0C11;
12057 enum uint GL_EQUAL
= 0x0202;
12058 enum uint GL_NOTEQUAL
= 0x0205;
12060 enum uint GL_ALWAYS
= 0x0207;
12061 enum uint GL_KEEP
= 0x1E00;
12063 enum uint GL_INCR
= 0x1E02;
12065 enum uint GL_INCR_WRAP
= 0x8507;
12066 enum uint GL_DECR_WRAP
= 0x8508;
12068 enum uint GL_CULL_FACE
= 0x0B44;
12069 enum uint GL_BACK
= 0x0405;
12071 enum uint GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
= 0x8B30;
12072 enum uint GL_VERTEX_SHADER
= 0x8B31;
12074 enum uint GL_COMPILE_STATUS
= 0x8B81;
12075 enum uint GL_LINK_STATUS
= 0x8B82;
12077 enum uint GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
= 0x0CF5;
12078 enum uint GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
= 0x0CF2;
12079 enum uint GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS
= 0x0CF4;
12080 enum uint GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
= 0x0CF3;
12082 enum uint GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP
= 0x8191;
= 0x2703;
12085 enum uint GL_RED
= 0x1903;
12087 enum uint GL_TEXTURE0
= 0x84C0U
12088 enum uint GL_TEXTURE1
= 0x84C1U
12090 enum uint GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
= 0x8892;
12092 enum uint GL_SRC_COLOR
= 0x0300;
12093 enum uint GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
= 0x0301;
12094 enum uint GL_SRC_ALPHA
= 0x0302;
12095 enum uint GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
= 0x0303;
12096 enum uint GL_DST_ALPHA
= 0x0304;
12097 enum uint GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA
= 0x0305;
12098 enum uint GL_DST_COLOR
= 0x0306;
12099 enum uint GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR
= 0x0307;
12100 enum uint GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE
= 0x0308;
12102 enum uint GL_INVERT
= 0x150AU
12104 enum uint GL_DEPTH_STENCIL
= 0x84F9U
12105 enum uint GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8
= 0x84FAU
12107 enum uint GL_FRAMEBUFFER
= 0x8D40U
12108 enum uint GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0
= 0x8CE0U
= 0x821AU
= 0x8CD5U
= 0x8CD6U
= 0x8CD7U
= 0x8CD9U
= 0x8CDDU
12117 enum uint GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
= 0x0BF2U
12118 enum uint GL_CLEAR
= 0x1500U
12119 enum uint GL_COPY
= 0x1503U
12120 enum uint GL_XOR
= 0x1506U
= 0x8CA6U
12126 private void* kglLoad (const(char)* name) {
12127 void* res = glGetProcAddress(name);
12129 import core.sys.windows.windef, core.sys.windows.winbase;
12130 static HINSTANCE dll = null;
12132 dll = LoadLibraryA("opengl32.dll");
12133 if (dll is null) return null; // <32, but idc
12134 return GetProcAddress(dll, name);
12139 alias kglLoad = glGetProcAddress;
12143 alias glbfn_glStencilMask
= void function(GLuint
12144 __gshared glbfn_glStencilMask glStencilMask_NVGLZ
; alias glStencilMask
= glStencilMask_NVGLZ
12145 alias glbfn_glStencilFunc
= void function(GLenum
, GLint
, GLuint
12146 __gshared glbfn_glStencilFunc glStencilFunc_NVGLZ
; alias glStencilFunc
= glStencilFunc_NVGLZ
12147 alias glbfn_glGetShaderInfoLog
= void function(GLuint
, GLsizei
, GLsizei
*, GLchar
12148 __gshared glbfn_glGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderInfoLog_NVGLZ
; alias glGetShaderInfoLog
= glGetShaderInfoLog_NVGLZ
12149 alias glbfn_glGetProgramInfoLog
= void function(GLuint
, GLsizei
, GLsizei
*, GLchar
12150 __gshared glbfn_glGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInfoLog_NVGLZ
; alias glGetProgramInfoLog
= glGetProgramInfoLog_NVGLZ
12151 alias glbfn_glCreateProgram
= GLuint
12152 __gshared glbfn_glCreateProgram glCreateProgram_NVGLZ
; alias glCreateProgram
= glCreateProgram_NVGLZ
12153 alias glbfn_glCreateShader
= GLuint
12154 __gshared glbfn_glCreateShader glCreateShader_NVGLZ
; alias glCreateShader
= glCreateShader_NVGLZ
12155 alias glbfn_glShaderSource
= void function(GLuint
, GLsizei
, const(GLchar
*)*, const(GLint
12156 __gshared glbfn_glShaderSource glShaderSource_NVGLZ
; alias glShaderSource
= glShaderSource_NVGLZ
12157 alias glbfn_glCompileShader
= void function(GLuint
12158 __gshared glbfn_glCompileShader glCompileShader_NVGLZ
; alias glCompileShader
= glCompileShader_NVGLZ
12159 alias glbfn_glGetShaderiv
= void function(GLuint
, GLenum
, GLint
12160 __gshared glbfn_glGetShaderiv glGetShaderiv_NVGLZ
; alias glGetShaderiv
= glGetShaderiv_NVGLZ
12161 alias glbfn_glAttachShader
= void function(GLuint
, GLuint
12162 __gshared glbfn_glAttachShader glAttachShader_NVGLZ
; alias glAttachShader
= glAttachShader_NVGLZ
12163 alias glbfn_glBindAttribLocation
= void function(GLuint
, GLuint
, const(GLchar
12164 __gshared glbfn_glBindAttribLocation glBindAttribLocation_NVGLZ
; alias glBindAttribLocation
= glBindAttribLocation_NVGLZ
12165 alias glbfn_glLinkProgram
= void function(GLuint
12166 __gshared glbfn_glLinkProgram glLinkProgram_NVGLZ
; alias glLinkProgram
= glLinkProgram_NVGLZ
12167 alias glbfn_glGetProgramiv
= void function(GLuint
, GLenum
, GLint
12168 __gshared glbfn_glGetProgramiv glGetProgramiv_NVGLZ
; alias glGetProgramiv
= glGetProgramiv_NVGLZ
12169 alias glbfn_glDeleteProgram
= void function(GLuint
12170 __gshared glbfn_glDeleteProgram glDeleteProgram_NVGLZ
; alias glDeleteProgram
= glDeleteProgram_NVGLZ
12171 alias glbfn_glDeleteShader
= void function(GLuint
12172 __gshared glbfn_glDeleteShader glDeleteShader_NVGLZ
; alias glDeleteShader
= glDeleteShader_NVGLZ
12173 alias glbfn_glGetUniformLocation
= GLint
, const(GLchar
12174 __gshared glbfn_glGetUniformLocation glGetUniformLocation_NVGLZ
; alias glGetUniformLocation
= glGetUniformLocation_NVGLZ
12175 alias glbfn_glGenBuffers
= void function(GLsizei
, GLuint
12176 __gshared glbfn_glGenBuffers glGenBuffers_NVGLZ
; alias glGenBuffers
= glGenBuffers_NVGLZ
12177 alias glbfn_glPixelStorei
= void function(GLenum
, GLint
12178 __gshared glbfn_glPixelStorei glPixelStorei_NVGLZ
; alias glPixelStorei
= glPixelStorei_NVGLZ
12179 alias glbfn_glUniform4fv
= void function(GLint
, GLsizei
, const(GLfloat
12180 __gshared glbfn_glUniform4fv glUniform4fv_NVGLZ
; alias glUniform4fv
= glUniform4fv_NVGLZ
12181 alias glbfn_glColorMask
= void function(GLboolean
, GLboolean
, GLboolean
, GLboolean
12182 __gshared glbfn_glColorMask glColorMask_NVGLZ
; alias glColorMask
= glColorMask_NVGLZ
12183 alias glbfn_glStencilOpSeparate
= void function(GLenum
, GLenum
, GLenum
, GLenum
12184 __gshared glbfn_glStencilOpSeparate glStencilOpSeparate_NVGLZ
; alias glStencilOpSeparate
= glStencilOpSeparate_NVGLZ
12185 alias glbfn_glDrawArrays
= void function(GLenum
, GLint
, GLsizei
12186 __gshared glbfn_glDrawArrays glDrawArrays_NVGLZ
; alias glDrawArrays
= glDrawArrays_NVGLZ
12187 alias glbfn_glStencilOp
= void function(GLenum
, GLenum
, GLenum
12188 __gshared glbfn_glStencilOp glStencilOp_NVGLZ
; alias glStencilOp
= glStencilOp_NVGLZ
12189 alias glbfn_glUseProgram
= void function(GLuint
12190 __gshared glbfn_glUseProgram glUseProgram_NVGLZ
; alias glUseProgram
= glUseProgram_NVGLZ
12191 alias glbfn_glCullFace
= void function(GLenum
12192 __gshared glbfn_glCullFace glCullFace_NVGLZ
; alias glCullFace
= glCullFace_NVGLZ
12193 alias glbfn_glFrontFace
= void function(GLenum
12194 __gshared glbfn_glFrontFace glFrontFace_NVGLZ
; alias glFrontFace
= glFrontFace_NVGLZ
12195 alias glbfn_glActiveTexture
= void function(GLenum
12196 __gshared glbfn_glActiveTexture glActiveTexture_NVGLZ
; alias glActiveTexture
= glActiveTexture_NVGLZ
12197 alias glbfn_glBindBuffer
= void function(GLenum
, GLuint
12198 __gshared glbfn_glBindBuffer glBindBuffer_NVGLZ
; alias glBindBuffer
= glBindBuffer_NVGLZ
12199 alias glbfn_glBufferData
= void function(GLenum
, GLsizeiptr
, const(void)*, GLenum
12200 __gshared glbfn_glBufferData glBufferData_NVGLZ
; alias glBufferData
= glBufferData_NVGLZ
12201 alias glbfn_glEnableVertexAttribArray
= void function(GLuint
12202 __gshared glbfn_glEnableVertexAttribArray glEnableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
; alias glEnableVertexAttribArray
= glEnableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
12203 alias glbfn_glVertexAttribPointer
= void function(GLuint
, GLint
, GLenum
, GLboolean
, GLsizei
, const(void)*);
12204 __gshared glbfn_glVertexAttribPointer glVertexAttribPointer_NVGLZ
; alias glVertexAttribPointer
= glVertexAttribPointer_NVGLZ
12205 alias glbfn_glUniform1i
= void function(GLint
, GLint
12206 __gshared glbfn_glUniform1i glUniform1i_NVGLZ
; alias glUniform1i
= glUniform1i_NVGLZ
12207 alias glbfn_glUniform2fv
= void function(GLint
, GLsizei
, const(GLfloat
12208 __gshared glbfn_glUniform2fv glUniform2fv_NVGLZ
; alias glUniform2fv
= glUniform2fv_NVGLZ
12209 alias glbfn_glDisableVertexAttribArray
= void function(GLuint
12210 __gshared glbfn_glDisableVertexAttribArray glDisableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
; alias glDisableVertexAttribArray
= glDisableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
12211 alias glbfn_glDeleteBuffers
= void function(GLsizei
, const(GLuint
12212 __gshared glbfn_glDeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers_NVGLZ
; alias glDeleteBuffers
= glDeleteBuffers_NVGLZ
12213 alias glbfn_glBlendFuncSeparate
= void function(GLenum
, GLenum
, GLenum
, GLenum
12214 __gshared glbfn_glBlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparate_NVGLZ
; alias glBlendFuncSeparate
= glBlendFuncSeparate_NVGLZ
12216 alias glbfn_glLogicOp
= void function (GLenum opcode
12217 __gshared glbfn_glLogicOp glLogicOp_NVGLZ
; alias glLogicOp
= glLogicOp_NVGLZ
12218 alias glbfn_glFramebufferTexture2D
= void function (GLenum target
, GLenum attachment
, GLenum textarget
, GLuint texture
, GLint level
12219 __gshared glbfn_glFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2D_NVGLZ
; alias glFramebufferTexture2D
= glFramebufferTexture2D_NVGLZ
12220 alias glbfn_glDeleteFramebuffers
= void function (GLsizei n
, const(GLuint
)* framebuffers
12221 __gshared glbfn_glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffers_NVGLZ
; alias glDeleteFramebuffers
= glDeleteFramebuffers_NVGLZ
12222 alias glbfn_glGenFramebuffers
= void function (GLsizei n
, GLuint
* framebuffers
12223 __gshared glbfn_glGenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffers_NVGLZ
; alias glGenFramebuffers
= glGenFramebuffers_NVGLZ
12224 alias glbfn_glCheckFramebufferStatus
= GLenum
function (GLenum target
12225 __gshared glbfn_glCheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatus_NVGLZ
; alias glCheckFramebufferStatus
= glCheckFramebufferStatus_NVGLZ
12226 alias glbfn_glBindFramebuffer
= void function (GLenum target
, GLuint framebuffer
12227 __gshared glbfn_glBindFramebuffer glBindFramebuffer_NVGLZ
; alias glBindFramebuffer
= glBindFramebuffer_NVGLZ
12229 alias glbfn_glGetIntegerv
= void function (GLenum pname
, GLint
* data
12230 __gshared glbfn_glGetIntegerv glGetIntegerv_NVGLZ
; alias glGetIntegerv
= glGetIntegerv_NVGLZ
12232 private void nanovgInitOpenGL () {
12233 __gshared
bool initialized
= false;
12234 if (initialized
) return;
12235 glStencilMask_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glStencilMask
12236 if (glStencilMask_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glStencilMask' not found!`);
12237 glStencilFunc_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glStencilFunc
12238 if (glStencilFunc_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glStencilFunc' not found!`);
12239 glGetShaderInfoLog_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetShaderInfoLog
12240 if (glGetShaderInfoLog_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetShaderInfoLog' not found!`);
12241 glGetProgramInfoLog_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetProgramInfoLog
12242 if (glGetProgramInfoLog_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetProgramInfoLog' not found!`);
12243 glCreateProgram_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glCreateProgram
12244 if (glCreateProgram_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glCreateProgram' not found!`);
12245 glCreateShader_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glCreateShader
12246 if (glCreateShader_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glCreateShader' not found!`);
12247 glShaderSource_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glShaderSource
12248 if (glShaderSource_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glShaderSource' not found!`);
12249 glCompileShader_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glCompileShader
12250 if (glCompileShader_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glCompileShader' not found!`);
12251 glGetShaderiv_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetShaderiv
12252 if (glGetShaderiv_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetShaderiv' not found!`);
12253 glAttachShader_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glAttachShader
12254 if (glAttachShader_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glAttachShader' not found!`);
12255 glBindAttribLocation_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glBindAttribLocation
12256 if (glBindAttribLocation_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glBindAttribLocation' not found!`);
12257 glLinkProgram_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glLinkProgram
12258 if (glLinkProgram_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glLinkProgram' not found!`);
12259 glGetProgramiv_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetProgramiv
12260 if (glGetProgramiv_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetProgramiv' not found!`);
12261 glDeleteProgram_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDeleteProgram
12262 if (glDeleteProgram_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDeleteProgram' not found!`);
12263 glDeleteShader_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDeleteShader
12264 if (glDeleteShader_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDeleteShader' not found!`);
12265 glGetUniformLocation_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetUniformLocation
12266 if (glGetUniformLocation_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetUniformLocation' not found!`);
12267 glGenBuffers_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGenBuffers
12268 if (glGenBuffers_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGenBuffers' not found!`);
12269 glPixelStorei_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glPixelStorei
12270 if (glPixelStorei_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glPixelStorei' not found!`);
12271 glUniform4fv_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glUniform4fv
12272 if (glUniform4fv_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glUniform4fv' not found!`);
12273 glColorMask_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glColorMask
12274 if (glColorMask_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glColorMask' not found!`);
12275 glStencilOpSeparate_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glStencilOpSeparate
12276 if (glStencilOpSeparate_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glStencilOpSeparate' not found!`);
12277 glDrawArrays_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDrawArrays
12278 if (glDrawArrays_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDrawArrays' not found!`);
12279 glStencilOp_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glStencilOp
12280 if (glStencilOp_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glStencilOp' not found!`);
12281 glUseProgram_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glUseProgram
12282 if (glUseProgram_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glUseProgram' not found!`);
12283 glCullFace_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glCullFace
12284 if (glCullFace_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glCullFace' not found!`);
12285 glFrontFace_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glFrontFace
12286 if (glFrontFace_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glFrontFace' not found!`);
12287 glActiveTexture_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glActiveTexture
12288 if (glActiveTexture_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glActiveTexture' not found!`);
12289 glBindBuffer_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glBindBuffer
12290 if (glBindBuffer_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glBindBuffer' not found!`);
12291 glBufferData_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glBufferData
12292 if (glBufferData_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glBufferData' not found!`);
12293 glEnableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glEnableVertexAttribArray
12294 if (glEnableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glEnableVertexAttribArray' not found!`);
12295 glVertexAttribPointer_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glVertexAttribPointer
12296 if (glVertexAttribPointer_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glVertexAttribPointer' not found!`);
12297 glUniform1i_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glUniform1i
12298 if (glUniform1i_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glUniform1i' not found!`);
12299 glUniform2fv_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glUniform2fv
12300 if (glUniform2fv_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glUniform2fv' not found!`);
12301 glDisableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDisableVertexAttribArray
12302 if (glDisableVertexAttribArray_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDisableVertexAttribArray' not found!`);
12303 glDeleteBuffers_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDeleteBuffers
12304 if (glDeleteBuffers_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDeleteBuffers' not found!`);
12305 glBlendFuncSeparate_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glBlendFuncSeparate
12306 if (glBlendFuncSeparate_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glBlendFuncSeparate' not found!`);
12308 glLogicOp_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glLogicOp
12309 if (glLogicOp_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glLogicOp' not found!`);
12310 glFramebufferTexture2D_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glFramebufferTexture2D
12311 if (glFramebufferTexture2D_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glFramebufferTexture2D' not found!`);
12312 glDeleteFramebuffers_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glDeleteFramebuffers
12313 if (glDeleteFramebuffers_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glDeleteFramebuffers' not found!`);
12314 glGenFramebuffers_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGenFramebuffers
12315 if (glGenFramebuffers_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGenFramebuffers' not found!`);
12316 glCheckFramebufferStatus_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glCheckFramebufferStatus
12317 if (glCheckFramebufferStatus_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glCheckFramebufferStatus' not found!`);
12318 glBindFramebuffer_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glBindFramebuffer
12319 if (glBindFramebuffer_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glBindFramebuffer' not found!`);
12321 glGetIntegerv_NVGLZ
= cast(glbfn_glGetIntegerv
12322 if (glGetIntegerv_NVGLZ
is null) assert(0, `OpenGL function 'glGetIntegerv' not found!`);
12324 initialized
= true;
12329 /// Context creation flags.
12330 /// Group: context_management
12331 public enum NVGContextFlag
: int {
12332 /// Nothing special, i.e. empty flag.
12334 /// Flag indicating if geometry based anti-aliasing is used (may not be needed when using MSAA).
12336 /** Flag indicating if strokes should be drawn using stencil buffer. The rendering will be a little
12337 * slower, but path overlaps (i.e. self-intersecting or sharp turns) will be drawn just once. */
12338 StencilStrokes
= 1U<<1,
12339 /// Flag indicating that additional debug checks are done.
12341 /// Filter (antialias) fonts
12343 /// Don't filter (antialias) fonts
12345 /// You can use this as a substitute for default flags, for cases like this: `nvgCreateContext(NVGContextFlag.Default, NVGContextFlag.Debug);`.
12349 public enum NANOVG_GL_USE_STATE_FILTER
= true;
12351 /// Returns flags for glClear().
12352 /// Group: context_management
12353 public uint glNVGClearFlags () pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
12354 pragma(inline
, true);
12355 return (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|
12359 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
12362 version = nanovega_shared_stencil
12363 //version = nanovega_debug_clipping;
12365 enum GLNVGuniformLoc
12374 alias GLNVGshaderType
= int;
12375 enum /*GLNVGshaderType*/ {
, // also used for clipfill
12383 struct GLNVGshader
12387 GLint
+1] loc
12390 struct GLNVGtexture
12396 shared int rc
; // this can be 0 with tex != 0 -- postponed deletion
12400 struct GLNVGblend
12408 alias GLNVGcallType
= int;
12409 enum /*GLNVGcallType*/ {
, // change affine transformation matrix
12425 int evenOdd
; // for fill
12429 int triangleOffset
12433 GLNVGblend blendFunc
12434 NVGClipMode clipmode
12444 align(1) struct GLNVGfragUniforms
= 13;
12447 // note: after modifying layout or size of uniform array,
12448 // don't forget to also update the fragment shader source!
12453 float[12] scissorMat
; // matrices are actually 3 vec4s
12454 float[12] paintMat
12456 NVGColor middleCol
12458 float[2] scissorExt
12459 float[2] scissorScale
12468 float midp
; // for gradients
12469 float unused2
, unused3
12471 float[4][UNIFORM_ARRAY_SIZE
] uniformArray
12482 final class GLNVGTextureLocker
12484 struct GLNVGcontext
12485 private import core
: ThreadID
12487 GLNVGshader shader
12488 GLNVGtexture
* textures
12490 int freetexid
; // -1: none
12497 GLuint
] fbo
12498 GLuint
] fboTex
; // FBO textures: [0] is color, [1] is stencil
12499 int fboWidth
, fboHeight
12500 GLMaskState
] maskStack
12501 int msp
; // mask stack pointer; starts from `0`; points to next free item; see below for logic description
12502 int lastClipFBO
; // -666: cache invalidated; -1: don't mask
12503 int lastClipUniOfs
12504 bool doClipUnion
; // specal mode
12505 GLNVGshader shaderFillFBO
12506 GLNVGshader shaderCopyFBO
12508 bool inFrame
; // will be `true` if we can perform OpenGL operations (used in texture deletion)
12509 shared bool mustCleanTextures
; // will be `true` if we should delete some textures
12513 // Per frame buffers
12526 NVGMatrix lastAffine
) {
12530 GLuint boundTexture
12531 GLuint stencilMask
12532 GLenum stencilFunc
12533 GLint stencilFuncRef
12534 GLuint stencilFuncMask
12535 GLNVGblend blendFunc
12539 int glnvg__maxi() (int a
, int b
) { pragma(inline
, true); return (a
> b ? a
: b
); }
12541 void glnvg__bindTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLuint tex
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
) {
12543 if (gl
!= tex
) {
12544 gl
= tex
12545 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, tex
12548 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, tex
12552 void glnvg__stencilMask (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLuint mask
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
) {
12554 if (gl
!= mask
) {
12555 gl
= mask
12556 glStencilMask(mask
12559 glStencilMask(mask
12563 void glnvg__stencilFunc (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLenum func
, GLint ref_
, GLuint mask
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
) {
12565 if (gl
!= func || gl
!= ref_ || gl
!= mask
) {
12566 gl
= func
12567 gl
= ref_
12568 gl
= mask
12569 glStencilFunc(func
, ref_
, mask
12572 glStencilFunc(func
, ref_
, mask
12576 // texture id is never zero
12577 // sets refcount to one
12578 GLNVGtexture
* glnvg__allocTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12579 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= null;
12581 int tid
= gl
12583 if (gl
>= gl
) {
12584 assert(gl
== gl
12585 //pragma(msg, GLNVGtexture.sizeof*32);
12586 int ctextures
= (gl
== 0 ?
32 : gl
/2); // 1.5x overallocate
12587 GLNVGtexture
* textures
= cast(GLNVGtexture
, GLNVGtexture
12588 if (textures
is null) assert(0, "NanoVega: out of memory for textures");
12589 memset(&textures
], 0, (ctextures
12590 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("allocated more textures (n=%d; c=%d; nc=%d)\n", gl
, gl
, ctextures
); }}
12591 gl
= textures
12592 gl
= ctextures
12594 assert(gl
+1 <= gl
12595 tid
= gl
12596 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf(" got next free texture id %d, ntextures=%d\n", tid
+1, gl
); }}
12598 gl
= gl
12600 assert(tid
<= gl
12602 assert(gl
== 0);
12603 tex
= &gl
12604 memset(tex
, 0, (*tex
12609 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("allocated texture with id %d (%d)\n", tex
, tid
+1); }}
12614 GLNVGtexture
* glnvg__findTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int id
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12615 if (id
<= 0 || id
> gl
) return null;
12616 if (gl
== 0) return null; // free one
12617 assert(gl
== id
12618 return &gl
12621 bool glnvg__deleteTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, ref int id
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12622 if (id
<= 0 || id
> gl
) return false;
12623 auto tx
= &gl
12624 if (tx
== 0) { id
= 0; return false; } // free one
12625 assert(tx
== id
12626 assert(tx
!= 0);
12627 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("decrefing texture with id %d (%d)\n", tx
, id
); }}
12628 import core
: atomicOp
12629 if (atomicOp
, 1) == 0) {
12630 import core
: ThreadID
12632 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
12634 import core
; mytid
= Thread
12637 try { import core
; mytid
= Thread
; } catch (Exception e
) {}
12639 if (gl
== mytid
&& gl
) {
12640 // can delete it right now
12641 if ((tx
) == 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &tx
12642 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("*** deleted texture with id %d (%d); glid=%u\n", tx
, id
, tx
); }}
12643 memset(tx
, 0, (*tx
12644 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("deleting texture with id %d\n", id); }
12645 tx
= gl
12646 gl
= id
12648 // alas, we aren't doing frame business, so we should postpone deletion
12649 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("*** POSTPONED texture deletion with id %d (%d); glid=%u\n", tx
, id
, tx
); }}
12651 synchronized(GLNVGTextureLocker
) {
12652 tx
= 0; // mark it as dead
12653 gl
= true; // set "need cleanup" flag
12657 synchronized(GLNVGTextureLocker
) {
12658 tx
= 0; // mark it as dead
12659 gl
= true; // set "need cleanup" flag
12661 } catch (Exception e
) {}
12669 void glnvg__dumpShaderError (GLuint shader
, const(char)* name
, const(char)* type
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12670 import core
: fprintf
, stderr
12671 GLchar
[512+1] str = 0;
12673 glGetShaderInfoLog(shader
, 512, &len
, str.ptr
12674 if (len
> 512) len
= 512;
12676 fprintf(stderr
, "Shader %s/%s error:\n%s\n", name
, type
, str.ptr
12679 void glnvg__dumpProgramError (GLuint prog
, const(char)* name
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12680 import core
: fprintf
, stderr
12681 GLchar
[512+1] str = 0;
12683 glGetProgramInfoLog(prog
, 512, &len
, str.ptr
12684 if (len
> 512) len
= 512;
12686 fprintf(stderr
, "Program %s error:\n%s\n", name
, str.ptr
12689 void glnvg__resetError(bool force
=false) (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12690 static if (!force
) {
12691 if ((gl
) == 0) return;
12696 void glnvg__checkError(bool force
=false) (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, const(char)* str) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12698 static if (!force
) {
12699 if ((gl
) == 0) return;
12701 err
= glGetError();
12702 if (err
) {
12703 import core
: fprintf
, stderr
12704 fprintf(stderr
, "Error %08x after %s\n", err
, str);
12709 bool glnvg__createShader (GLNVGshader
* shader
, const(char)* name
, const(char)* header
, const(char)* opts
, const(char)* vshader
, const(char)* fshader
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12711 GLuint prog
, vert
, frag
12712 const(char)*[3] str;
12714 memset(shader
, 0, (*shader
12716 prog
= glCreateProgram();
12717 vert
= glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER
12718 frag
12720 str[1] = (opts
!is null ? opts
: "");
12722 glShaderSource(vert
, 3, cast(const(char)**)str.ptr
, null);
12724 glCompileShader(vert
12725 glGetShaderiv(vert
, &status
12726 if (status
) {
12727 glnvg__dumpShaderError(vert
, name
, "vert");
12732 str[1] = (opts
!is null ? opts
: "");
12734 glShaderSource(frag
, 3, cast(const(char)**)str.ptr
, null);
12736 glCompileShader(frag
12737 glGetShaderiv(frag
, &status
12738 if (status
) {
12739 glnvg__dumpShaderError(frag
, name
, "frag");
12743 glAttachShader(prog
, vert
12744 glAttachShader(prog
, frag
12746 glBindAttribLocation(prog
, 0, "vertex");
12747 glBindAttribLocation(prog
, 1, "tcoord");
12749 glLinkProgram(prog
12750 glGetProgramiv(prog
, &status
12751 if (status
) {
12752 glnvg__dumpProgramError(prog
, name
12756 shader
= prog
12757 shader
= vert
12758 shader
= frag
12763 void glnvg__deleteShader (GLNVGshader
* shader
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12764 if (shader
!= 0) glDeleteProgram(shader
12765 if (shader
!= 0) glDeleteShader(shader
12766 if (shader
!= 0) glDeleteShader(shader
12769 void glnvg__getUniforms (GLNVGshader
* shader
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12770 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "viewSize");
12771 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "tex");
12772 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "frag");
12773 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "tmat");
12774 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "ttr");
12775 shader
] = glGetUniformLocation(shader
, "clipTex");
12778 void glnvg__killFBOs (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12779 foreach (immutable fidx
, ref GLuint fbo
; gl
[]) {
12781 glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, 0, 0);
12782 glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, 0, 0);
12783 foreach (ref GLuint tid
; gl
][]) if (tid
!= 0) { glDeleteTextures(1, &tid
); tid
= 0; }
12784 glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo
12788 gl
= gl
= 0;
12791 // returns `true` is new FBO was created
12792 // will not unbind buffer, if it was created
12793 bool glnvg__allocFBO (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int fidx
, bool doclear
=true) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12794 assert(fidx
>= 0 && fidx
< gl
12795 assert(gl
> 0);
12796 assert(gl
> 0);
12798 if (gl
] != 0) return false; // nothing to do, this FBO is already initialized
12800 glnvg__resetError(gl
12802 // allocate FBO object
12804 glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo
12805 if (fbo
== 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot create FBO");
12806 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glGenFramebuffers");
12807 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, fbo
12808 //scope(exit) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
12810 // attach 2D texture to this FBO
12811 GLuint tidColor
= 0;
12812 glGenTextures(1, &tidColor
12813 if (tidColor
== 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot create RGBA texture for FBO");
12814 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, tidColor
12815 //scope(exit) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
12816 glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D
12817 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexParameterf: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S");
12818 glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D
12819 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexParameterf: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T");
12820 //FIXME: linear or nearest?
12822 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
12823 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexParameterf: GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER");
12825 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
12826 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexParameterf: GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER");
12828 //glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, gl.fboWidth, gl.fboHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
12829 // create texture with only one color channel
12830 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, 0, GL_RED
, gl
, gl
, 0, GL_RED
, null);
12831 //glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, gl.fboWidth, gl.fboHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
12832 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexImage2D (color)");
12833 glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, tidColor
, 0);
12834 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glFramebufferTexture2D (color)");
12836 // attach stencil texture to this FBO
12837 GLuint tidStencil
= 0;
12838 version(nanovega_shared_stencil
) {
12839 if (gl
[0] == 0) {
12840 glGenTextures(1, &tidStencil
12841 if (tidStencil
== 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot create stencil texture for FBO");
12842 gl
[0] = tidStencil
12844 tidStencil
= gl
12846 if (fidx
!= 0) gl
[1] = 0; // stencil texture is shared among FBOs
12848 glGenTextures(1, &tidStencil
12849 if (tidStencil
== 0) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot create stencil texture for FBO");
12850 gl
[0] = tidStencil
12852 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, tidStencil
12853 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
, gl
, null);
12854 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glTexImage2D (stencil)");
12855 glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, tidStencil
, 0);
12856 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__allocFBO: glFramebufferTexture2D (stencil)");
12859 GLenum status
= glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
12860 if (status
) {
12862 import core
12863 if (status
) printf("fucked attachement\n");
12864 if (status
) printf("fucked dimensions\n");
12865 if (status
) printf("missing attachement\n");
12866 if (status
) printf("unsupported\n");
12868 assert(0, "NanoVega: framebuffer creation failed");
12874 glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
12878 // save texture ids
12879 gl
] = fbo
12880 gl
[0] = tidColor
12881 version(nanovega_shared_stencil
) {} else {
12882 gl
[1] = tidStencil
) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
12887 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): created with index %d\n", gl
-1, fidx
); }
12892 // will not unbind buffer
12893 void glnvg__clearFBO (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int fidx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12894 assert(fidx
>= 0 && fidx
< gl
12895 assert(gl
> 0);
12896 assert(gl
> 0);
12897 assert(gl
] != 0);
12898 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, gl
12899 glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
12901 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): cleared with index %d\n", gl
-1, fidx
); }
12904 // will not unbind buffer
12905 void glnvg__copyFBOToFrom (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int didx
, int sidx
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12906 import core
: memset
12907 assert(didx
>= 0 && didx
< gl
12908 assert(sidx
>= 0 && sidx
< gl
12909 assert(gl
> 0);
12910 assert(gl
> 0);
12911 assert(gl
] != 0);
12912 assert(gl
] != 0);
12913 if (didx
== sidx
) return;
12915 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): copy FBO: %d -> %d\n", gl
-1, sidx
, didx
); }
12917 glUseProgram(gl
12919 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, gl
12920 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
12921 glDisable(GL_BLEND
12922 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST
12923 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
12924 // copy texture by drawing full quad
12927 immutable int w
= gl
12928 immutable int h
= gl
12930 glVertex2i(x
, y
); // top-left
12931 glVertex2i(w
, y
); // top-right
12932 glVertex2i(w
, h
); // bottom-right
12933 glVertex2i(x
, h
); // bottom-left
12936 // restore state (but don't unbind FBO)
) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
12938 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
12939 glEnable(GL_BLEND
12940 glUseProgram(gl
12943 void glnvg__resetFBOClipTextureCache (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12944 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): texture cache invalidated (%d)\n", gl
-1, gl
); }
12946 if (gl.lastClipFBO >= 0) {
12947 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
12948 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
12949 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
12952 gl
= -666;
12955 void glnvg__setFBOClipTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12956 //assert(gl.msp > 0 && gl.msp <= gl.maskStack.length);
12957 if (gl
!= -666) {
12959 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): cached (%d)\n", gl
-1, gl
); }
12960 frag
= (gl
>= 0 ?
1 : 0);
12966 mainloop
: foreach_reverse (immutable sp
, GLMaskState mst
; gl
]/*; reverse*/) {
12967 final switch (mst
) {
12968 case GLMaskState
: fboidx
= -1; break mainloop
12969 case GLMaskState
: break;
12970 case GLMaskState
: fboidx
= cast(int)sp
; break mainloop
12971 case GLMaskState
: assert(0, "NanoVega: `glnvg__setFBOClipTexture()` internal error");
12977 gl
= -1;
12981 assert(gl
] != 0);
12982 gl
= fboidx
12986 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): new cache (new:%d)\n", gl
-1, gl
); }
12988 if (gl
>= 0) {
12989 assert(gl
12990 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1
12991 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
12992 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0
12996 // returns index in `gl.fbo`, or -1 for "don't mask"
12997 int glnvg__generateFBOClipTexture (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
12998 assert(gl
> 0 && gl
<= gl
12999 // we need initialized FBO, even for "don't mask" case
13000 // for this, look back in stack, and either copy initialized FBO,
13001 // or stop at first uninitialized one, and clear it
13002 if (gl
-1] == GLMaskState
) {
13004 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): generation of new texture is skipped (already initialized)\n", gl
-1); }
13005 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, gl
13008 foreach_reverse (immutable sp
; 0..gl
/*; reverse*/) {
13009 final switch (gl
]) {
13010 case GLMaskState
13012 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): generating new clean texture\n", gl
-1); }
13013 if (!glnvg__allocFBO(gl
, gl
-1)) glnvg__clearFBO(gl
, gl
13014 gl
-1] = GLMaskState
13016 case GLMaskState
: break; // do nothing
13017 case GLMaskState
13018 // i found her! copy to TOS
13019 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): copying texture from %d\n", gl
-1, cast(int)sp
); }
13020 glnvg__allocFBO(gl
, gl
-1, false);
13021 glnvg__copyFBOToFrom(gl
, gl
-1, sp
13022 gl
-1] = GLMaskState
13024 case GLMaskState
: assert(0, "NanoVega: `glnvg__generateFBOClipTexture()` internal error");
13027 // nothing was initialized, lol
13028 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): generating new clean texture (first one)\n", gl
-1); }
13029 if (!glnvg__allocFBO(gl
, gl
-1)) glnvg__clearFBO(gl
, gl
13030 gl
-1] = GLMaskState
13034 void glnvg__renderPushClip (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13035 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13036 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
13037 if (call is null) return;
13038 call.type
13041 void glnvg__renderPopClip (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13042 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13043 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
13044 if (call is null) return;
13045 call.type
13048 void glnvg__renderResetClip (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13049 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13050 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
13051 if (call is null) return;
13052 call.type
13055 void glnvg__clipDebugDump (void* uptr
, bool doit
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13056 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) {
13057 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13058 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
13059 call.type
13063 bool glnvg__renderCreate (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13064 import core
: snprintf
13066 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13069 char[64] shaderHeader
= void;
13070 //enum shaderHeader = "#define UNIFORM_ARRAY_SIZE 12\n";
13071 snprintf(shaderHeader
, shaderHeader
, "#define UNIFORM_ARRAY_SIZE %u\n", cast(uint)GLNVGfragUniforms
13073 enum fillVertShader
= q
13074 uniform vec2 viewSize
13075 attribute vec2 vertex
13076 attribute vec2 tcoord
13077 varying vec2 ftcoord
13079 uniform vec4 tmat
; /* abcd of affine matrix: xyzw */
13080 uniform vec2 ttr
; /* tx and ty of affine matrix */
13082 /* affine transformation */
13083 float nx
= vertex
13084 float ny
= vertex
13086 fpos
= vec2(nx
, ny
13087 gl_Position
= vec4(2.0*nx
-1.0, 1.0-2.0*ny
, 0, 1);
13091 enum fillFragShader
= q
13092 uniform vec4 frag
13093 uniform sampler2D tex
13094 uniform sampler2D clipTex
13095 uniform vec2 viewSize
13096 varying vec2 ftcoord
13098 #define scissorMat
, frag
, frag
13099 #define paintMat
, frag
, frag
13100 #define innerCol frag
13101 #define middleCol frag
13102 #define outerCol frag
13103 #define scissorExt frag
13104 #define scissorScale frag
13105 #define extent frag
13106 #define radius frag
13107 #define feather frag
13108 #define strokeMult frag
13109 #define strokeThr frag
13110 #define texType
13111 #define type
13112 #define doclip
13113 #define midp frag
13115 float sdroundrect (in vec2 pt
, in vec2 ext
, in float rad
) {
13116 vec2 ext2
= ext
, rad
13117 vec2 d
= abs(pt
13118 return min(max(d
, d
), 0.0)+length(max(d
, 0.0))-rad
13122 float scissorMask (in vec2 p
) {
13123 vec2 sc
= (abs((scissorMat
, 1.0)).xy
13124 sc
= vec2(0.5, 0.5)-sc
13125 return clamp(sc
, 0.0, 1.0)*clamp(sc
, 0.0, 1.0);
13129 // Stroke - from [0..1] to clipped pyramid, where the slope is 1px.
13130 float strokeMask () {
13131 return min(1.0, (1.0-abs(ftcoord
)*min(1.0, ftcoord
13138 /*vec4 clr = texelFetch(clipTex, ivec2(int(gl_FragCoord.x), int(gl_FragCoord.y)), 0);*/
13139 vec4 clr
= texture2D(clipTex
, vec2(gl_FragCoord
, gl_FragCoord
13140 if (clr
== 0.0) discard
13142 float scissor
= scissorMask(fpos
13143 if (scissor
<= 0.0) discard
; //k8: is it really faster?
13145 float strokeAlpha
= strokeMask();
13146 if (strokeAlpha
< strokeThr
) discard
13148 float strokeAlpha
= 1.0;
13152 if (type
13155 color
*= strokeAlpha
13156 } else if (type
13158 // Calculate gradient color using box gradient
13159 vec2 pt
= (paintMat
, 1.0)).xy
13160 float d
= clamp((sdroundrect(pt
, extent
, radius
, 0.0, 1.0);
13162 color
= mix(innerCol
, outerCol
, d
13164 float gdst
= min(midp
, 1.0);
13166 color
= mix(innerCol
, middleCol
, d
13168 color
= mix(middleCol
, outerCol
, (d
13172 color
*= strokeAlpha
13173 } else if (type
13175 // Calculate color from texture
13176 vec2 pt
= (paintMat
, 1.0)).xy
13177 color
= texture2D(tex
, pt
13178 if (texType
== 1) color
= vec4(color
, color
13179 if (texType
== 2) color
= vec4(color
13180 // Apply color tint and alpha
13183 color
*= strokeAlpha
13184 } else if (type
== 3) { /* NSVG_SHADER_SIMPLE */
13186 color
= vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
13187 } else if (type
== 4) { /* NSVG_SHADER_IMG */
13189 color
= texture2D(tex
, ftcoord
13190 if (texType
== 1) color
= vec4(color
, color
13191 if (texType
== 2) color
= vec4(color
13193 color
*= innerCol
; // Apply color tint
13195 gl_FragColor
= color
13199 enum clipVertShaderFill
= q
13200 uniform vec2 viewSize
13201 attribute vec2 vertex
13202 uniform vec4 tmat
; /* abcd of affine matrix: xyzw */
13203 uniform vec2 ttr
; /* tx and ty of affine matrix */
13205 /* affine transformation */
13206 float nx
= vertex
13207 float ny
= vertex
13208 gl_Position
= vec4(2.0*nx
-1.0, 1.0-2.0*ny
, 0, 1);
13212 enum clipFragShaderFill
= q
13213 uniform vec2 viewSize
13215 gl_FragColor
= vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
13219 enum clipVertShaderCopy
= q
13220 uniform vec2 viewSize
13221 attribute vec2 vertex
13223 gl_Position
= vec4(2.0*vertex
-1.0, 1.0-2.0*vertex
, 0, 1);
13227 enum clipFragShaderCopy
= q
13228 uniform sampler2D tex
13229 uniform vec2 viewSize
13231 //gl_FragColor = texelFetch(tex, ivec2(int(gl_FragCoord.x), int(gl_FragCoord.y)), 0);
13232 gl_FragColor
= texture2D(tex
, vec2(gl_FragCoord
, gl_FragCoord
13236 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "init");
13238 string defines
= (gl
.Antialias ?
"#define EDGE_AA 1\n" : null);
13239 if (!glnvg__createShader(&gl
, "shader", shaderHeader
, defines
, fillVertShader
, fillFragShader
)) return false;
13240 if (!glnvg__createShader(&gl
, "shaderFillFBO", shaderHeader
, defines
, clipVertShaderFill
, clipFragShaderFill
)) return false;
13241 if (!glnvg__createShader(&gl
, "shaderCopyFBO", shaderHeader
, defines
, clipVertShaderCopy
, clipFragShaderCopy
)) return false;
13243 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "uniform locations");
13244 glnvg__getUniforms(&gl
13245 glnvg__getUniforms(&gl
13246 glnvg__getUniforms(&gl
13248 // Create dynamic vertex array
13249 glGenBuffers(1, &gl
13251 gl
= GLNVGfragUniforms
13253 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "create done");
13260 int glnvg__renderCreateTexture (void* uptr
, NVGtexture type
, int w
, int h
, int imageFlags
, const(ubyte)* data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13261 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13262 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__allocTexture(gl
13264 if (tex
is null) return 0;
13266 glGenTextures(1, &tex
13270 tex
= imageFlags
13271 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, tex
13273 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("created texture with id %d; glid=%u\n", tex
, tex
); }}
13275 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
, 1);
13276 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
, tex
13277 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS
, 0);
13278 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
, 0);
13280 // GL 1.4 and later has support for generating mipmaps using a tex parameter.
13281 if ((imageFlags
)) == NVGImageFlag
) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
13283 immutable ttype
= (type
== NVGtexture
13284 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, 0, ttype
, w
, h
, 0, ttype
, data
13287 (imageFlags
.NoFiltering ? GL_NEAREST
13288 imageFlags
13290 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, tfmin
13291 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, (imageFlags
.NoFiltering ? GL_NEAREST
13293 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, (imageFlags
.RepeatX ? GL_REPEAT
13294 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, (imageFlags
.RepeatY ? GL_REPEAT
13296 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
, 4);
13297 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
, 0);
13298 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS
, 0);
13299 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
, 0);
13301 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "create tex");
13302 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, 0);
13307 bool glnvg__renderDeleteTexture (void* uptr
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13308 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13309 return glnvg__deleteTexture(gl
, image
13312 bool glnvg__renderTextureIncRef (void* uptr
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13313 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13314 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, image
13316 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("CANNOT incref texture with id %d\n", image
); }}
13319 import core
: atomicOp
13320 atomicOp
, 1);
13321 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("texture #%d: incref; newref=%d\n", image
, tex
); }}
13325 bool glnvg__renderUpdateTexture (void* uptr
, int image
, int x
, int y
, int w
, int h
, const(ubyte)* data
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13326 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13327 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, image
13330 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("CANNOT update texture with id %d\n", image
); }}
13334 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("updated texture with id %d; glid=%u\n", tex
, image
, tex
); }}
13336 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, tex
13338 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
, 1);
13339 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
, tex
13340 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS
, x
13341 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
, y
13343 immutable ttype
= (tex
== NVGtexture
13344 glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, 0, x
, y
, w
, h
, ttype
, data
13346 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
, 4);
13347 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
, 0);
13348 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS
, 0);
13349 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
, 0);
13351 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, 0);
13356 bool glnvg__renderGetTextureSize (void* uptr
, int image
, int* w
, int* h
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13357 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13358 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, image
13360 if (w
!is null) *w
= 0;
13361 if (h
!is null) *h
= 0;
13364 if (w
!is null) *w
= tex
13365 if (h
!is null) *h
= tex
13370 void glnvg__xformToMat3x4 (float[] m3
, const(float)[] t
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13371 assert(t
>= 6);
13372 assert(m3
>= 12);
13373 m3
[0] = t
13374 m3
[1] = t
13377 m3
[4] = t
13378 m3
[5] = t
13381 m3
[8] = t
13382 m3
[9] = t
13387 NVGColor
glnvg__premulColor() (in auto ref NVGColor c
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13388 //pragma(inline, true);
13389 NVGColor res
= void;
13397 bool glnvg__convertPaint (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, float width
, float fringe
, float strokeThr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13398 import core
: sqrtf
13399 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= null;
13400 NVGMatrix invxform
= void;
13402 memset(frag
, 0, (*frag
13404 if (fringe
<= 0.0f) fringe
= 1.0f;
13406 frag
= glnvg__premulColor(paint
13407 frag
= glnvg__premulColor(paint
13408 frag
= glnvg__premulColor(paint
13409 frag
= paint
13411 if (scissor
[0] < -0.5f || scissor
[1] < -0.5f) {
13412 memset(frag
, 0, frag
13413 frag
[0] = 1.0f;
13414 frag
[1] = 1.0f;
13415 frag
[0] = 1.0f;
13416 frag
[1] = 1.0f;
13418 //nvgTransformInverse(invxform[], scissor.xform[]);
13419 invxform
= scissor
13420 glnvg__xformToMat3x4(frag
[], invxform
13421 frag
[0] = scissor
13422 frag
[1] = scissor
13423 frag
[0] = sqrtf(scissor
13424 frag
[1] = sqrtf(scissor
13427 memcpy(frag
, paint
, frag
13428 frag
= (width
13429 frag
= strokeThr
13431 if (paint
) {
13432 tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, paint
13433 if (tex
is null) return false;
13434 if ((tex
) != 0) {
13437 nvgTransformScale(flipped[], 1.0f, -1.0f);
13438 nvgTransformMultiply(flipped[], paint.xform[]);
13439 nvgTransformInverse(invxform[], flipped[]);
13442 NVGMatrix m1 = void, m2 = void;
13443 nvgTransformTranslate(m1[], 0.0f, frag.extent.ptr[1]*0.5f);
13444 nvgTransformMultiply(m1[], paint.xform[]);
13445 nvgTransformScale(m2[], 1.0f, -1.0f);
13446 nvgTransformMultiply(m2[], m1[]);
13447 nvgTransformTranslate(m1[], 0.0f, -frag.extent.ptr[1]*0.5f);
13448 nvgTransformMultiply(m1[], m2[]);
13449 nvgTransformInverse(invxform[], m1[]);
13451 NVGMatrix m1
= NVGMatrix
.Translated(0.0f, frag
13452 m1
13453 NVGMatrix m2
= NVGMatrix
.Scaled(1.0f, -1.0f);
13455 m1
= NVGMatrix
.Translated(0.0f, -frag
13457 invxform
= m1
13459 //nvgTransformInverse(invxform[], paint.xform[]);
13460 invxform
= paint
13462 frag
13464 if (tex
== NVGtexture
) {
13465 frag
= (tex
.Premultiplied ?
0 : 1);
13469 //printf("frag.texType = %d\n", frag.texType);
13471 frag
= (paint
13472 frag
= paint
13473 frag
= paint
13474 //nvgTransformInverse(invxform[], paint.xform[]);
13475 invxform
= paint
13478 glnvg__xformToMat3x4(frag
[], invxform
13483 void glnvg__setUniforms (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int uniformOffset
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13484 GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
= nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, uniformOffset
13485 glnvg__setFBOClipTexture(gl
, frag
13486 glUniform4fv(gl
], frag
, &(frag
13487 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "glnvg__setUniforms");
13489 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, image
13490 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, (tex
!is null ? tex
: 0));
13491 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "tex paint tex");
13493 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, 0);
13497 void glnvg__finishClip (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, NVGClipMode clipmode
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13498 assert(clipmode
!= NVGClipMode
13500 // fill FBO, clear stencil buffer
13501 //TODO: optimize with bounds?
13503 //glnvg__resetAffine(gl);
13504 //glUseProgram(gl.shaderFillFBO.prog);
13505 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
13506 glDisable(GL_BLEND
13507 glColorMask(GL_TRUE
13508 glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13509 if (gl
) {
13510 // for "and" we should clear everything that is NOT stencil-masked
13511 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xff);
13512 glStencilOp(GL_ZERO
13514 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xff);
13515 glStencilOp(GL_ZERO
13519 glVertex2i(0, gl
13520 glVertex2i(gl
, gl
13521 glVertex2i(gl
, 0);
13523 //glnvg__restoreAffine(gl);
13526 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, gl
13527 glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
13528 //glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); // done above
13529 glEnable(GL_BLEND
13530 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13531 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
13532 glUseProgram(gl
13534 // set current FBO as used one
13535 assert(gl
> 0 && gl
-1] > 0 && gl
[0] > 0);
13536 if (gl
!= gl
-1) {
13537 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): new cache from changed mask (old:%d; new:%d)\n", gl
-1, gl
, gl
-1); }
13538 gl
= gl
13539 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1
13540 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, gl
13541 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0
13545 void glnvg__setClipUniforms (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int uniformOffset
, NVGClipMode clipmode
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13546 assert(clipmode
!= NVGClipMode
13547 GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
= nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, uniformOffset
13548 // save uniform offset for `glnvg__finishClip()`
13549 gl
= uniformOffset
13550 // get FBO index, bind this FBO
13551 immutable int clipTexId
= glnvg__generateFBOClipTexture(gl
13552 assert(clipTexId
>= 0);
13553 glUseProgram(gl
13554 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "use");
13555 glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER
, gl
13556 // set logic op for clip
13557 gl
= false;
13558 if (gl
-1] == GLMaskState
) {
13559 // it is cleared to zero, we can just draw a path
13560 glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
13561 gl
-1] = GLMaskState
13563 glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
13564 final switch (clipmode
) {
13565 case NVGClipMode
: assert(0, "wtf?!");
13566 case NVGClipMode
: glLogicOp(GL_CLEAR
); gl
= true; break; // use `GL_CLEAR` to avoid adding another shader mode
13567 case NVGClipMode
: glLogicOp(GL_COPY
); break; // GL_OR
13568 case NVGClipMode
: glLogicOp(GL_XOR
); break;
13569 case NVGClipMode
: glLogicOp(GL_CLEAR
); break;
13570 case NVGClipMode
: glLogicOp(GL_COPY
); break;
13573 // set affine matrix
13574 glUniform4fv(gl
], 1, gl
13575 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "affine 0");
13576 glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, gl
13577 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "affine 1");
13578 // setup common OpenGL parameters
13579 glDisable(GL_BLEND
13580 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
13581 glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13582 glnvg__stencilMask(gl
, 0xff);
13583 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xff);
13584 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13585 glColorMask(GL_FALSE
13588 void glnvg__renderViewport (void* uptr
, int width
, int height
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13589 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13591 gl
[0] = cast(float)width
13592 gl
[1] = cast(float)height
13593 // kill FBOs if we need to create new ones (flushing will recreate 'em if necessary)
13594 if (width
!= gl
.fboWidth || height
!= gl
) {
13595 glnvg__killFBOs(gl
13596 gl
= width
13597 gl
= height
13600 gl
[0] = GLMaskState
13602 import core
: atomicLoad
13603 if (atomicLoad(gl
)) {
13605 import core
: Thread
13606 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
13608 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13611 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13613 synchronized(GLNVGTextureLocker
) {
13614 gl
= false;
13615 foreach (immutable tidx
, ref GLNVGtexture tex
; gl
]) {
13616 // no need to use atomic ops here, as we're locked
13617 if (tex
== 0 && tex
!= 0 && tex
== 0) {
13618 version(nanovega_debug_textures
) {{ import core
; printf("*** cleaned up texture with glid=%u\n", tex
); }}
13619 import core
: memset
13620 if ((tex
) == 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &tex
13621 memset(&tex
, 0, tex
13622 tex
= gl
13623 gl
= cast(int)tidx
13627 } catch (Exception e
) {}
13631 void glnvg__fill (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGcall
* call) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13632 GLNVGpath
* paths
= &gl
13633 int npaths
= call.pathCount
13635 if (call.clipmode
== NVGClipMode
) {
13637 glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13638 glnvg__stencilMask(gl
, 0xffU
13639 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0, 0xffU
13641 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, 0);
13642 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "fill simple");
13644 glColorMask(GL_FALSE
13645 if (call.evenOdd
) {
13646 //glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INVERT);
13647 //glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INVERT);
13648 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13650 glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT
13651 glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK
13653 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
13654 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
, paths
, paths
13655 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
13657 // Draw anti-aliased pixels
13658 glColorMask(GL_TRUE
13659 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13660 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "fill fill");
13662 if (gl
) {
13663 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xffU
13664 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13666 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13670 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x0, 0xffU
13671 glStencilOp(GL_ZERO
13672 if (call.evenOdd
) {
13673 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
13674 glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
, call.triangleOffset
, call.triangleCount
13675 //foreach (int i; 0..npaths) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, paths[i].fillOffset, paths[i].fillCount);
13676 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
13678 glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
, call.triangleOffset
, call.triangleCount
13681 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13683 glnvg__setClipUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
/*+gl.fragSize*/, call.clipmode
); // this activates our FBO
13684 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "fillclip simple");
13685 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xffU
13686 if (call.evenOdd
) {
13687 //glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INVERT);
13688 //glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INVERT);
13689 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13691 glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT
13692 glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK
13694 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
, paths
, paths
13695 glnvg__finishClip(gl
, call.clipmode
); // deactivate FBO, restore rendering state
13699 void glnvg__convexFill (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGcall
* call) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13700 GLNVGpath
* paths
= &gl
13701 immutable int npaths
= call.pathCount
13703 if (call.clipmode
== NVGClipMode
) {
13704 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13705 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "convex fill");
13707 glnvg__setClipUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.clipmode
); // this activates our FBO
13708 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip convex fill");
13710 if (call.evenOdd
) glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
13712 /* always draw fringes, because we can toggle AA on the fly */
13713 int firstStroke
= -1, lastStroke
= -1;
13714 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) {
13715 if (paths
) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
, paths
, paths
13716 if (paths
) {
13717 if (firstStroke
< 0) firstStroke
= i
13722 if (firstStroke
>= 0) {
13723 foreach (int i
; firstStroke
) if (paths
, paths
, paths
13726 if (gl.flags&NVGContextFlag.Antialias) {
13728 foreach (int i; 0..npaths) if (paths[i].strokeCount) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, paths[i].strokeOffset, paths[i].strokeCount);
13732 if (call.evenOdd
) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
13733 if (call.clipmode
== NVGClipMode
) {
13734 /* nothing to do here */
13736 glnvg__finishClip(gl
, call.clipmode
); // deactivate FBO, restore rendering state
13740 void glnvg__stroke (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGcall
* call) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13741 GLNVGpath
* paths
= &gl
13742 int npaths
= call.pathCount
13744 if (call.clipmode
== NVGClipMode
) {
13745 if (gl
) {
13746 glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13747 glnvg__stencilMask(gl
, 0xff);
13749 // Fill the stroke base without overlap
13750 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x0, 0xff);
13751 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13752 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13753 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "stroke fill 0");
13754 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13756 // Draw anti-aliased pixels.
13757 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13758 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x00, 0xff);
13759 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13760 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13762 // Clear stencil buffer.
13763 glColorMask(GL_FALSE
13764 glnvg__stencilFunc(gl
, 0x0, 0xff);
13765 glStencilOp(GL_ZERO
13766 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "stroke fill 1");
13767 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13768 glColorMask(GL_TRUE
13770 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST
13772 //glnvg__convertPaint(gl, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl, call.uniformOffset+gl.fragSize), paint, scissor, strokeWidth, fringe, 1.0f-0.5f/255.0f);
13774 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13775 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "stroke fill");
13777 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13780 glnvg__setClipUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
/*+gl.fragSize*/, call.clipmode
13781 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "stroke fill 0");
13782 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
, paths
, paths
13783 glnvg__finishClip(gl
, call.clipmode
); // deactivate FBO, restore rendering state
13787 void glnvg__triangles (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGcall
* call) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13788 if (call.clipmode
== NVGClipMode
) {
13789 glnvg__setUniforms(gl
, call.uniformOffset
, call.image
13790 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "triangles fill");
13791 glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES
, call.triangleOffset
, call.triangleCount
13793 //TODO(?): use texture as mask?
13797 void glnvg__affine (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, GLNVGcall
* call) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13798 glUniform4fv(gl
], 1, call.affine
13799 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "affine");
13800 glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, call.affine
13801 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "affine");
13802 //glnvg__setUniforms(gl, call.uniformOffset, call.image);
13805 void glnvg__renderCancelInternal (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, bool clearTextures
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13806 scope(exit
) gl
= false;
13807 if (clearTextures
&& gl
) {
13809 import core
: Thread
13810 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
13812 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13815 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13817 } catch (Exception e
) {}
13818 foreach (ref GLNVGcall c
; gl
]) if (c
> 0) glnvg__deleteTexture(gl
, c
13825 gl
[0] = GLMaskState
13828 void glnvg__renderCancel (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13829 glnvg__renderCancelInternal(cast(GLNVGcontext
, true);
13832 GLenum
glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor (NVGBlendFactor factor
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13833 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_ZERO
13834 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_ONE
13835 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_SRC_COLOR
13836 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
13837 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_DST_COLOR
13838 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
13839 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_SRC_ALPHA
13840 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
13841 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
) return GL_DST_ALPHA
13842 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
13843 if (factor
== NVGBlendFactor
13844 return GL_INVALID_ENUM
13847 GLNVGblend
glnvg__buildBlendFunc (NVGCompositeOperationState op
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13849 res
= op
13850 res
= glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op
13851 res
= glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op
13852 res
= glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op
13853 res
= glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op
13855 if (res
) {
13856 res
= res
= res
= res
13859 if (res
) {
13861 res
= res
= res
= res
13867 void glnvg__blendCompositeOperation() (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, in auto ref GLNVGblend op
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13868 //glBlendFuncSeparate(glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op.srcRGB), glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op.dstRGB), glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op.srcAlpha), glnvg_convertBlendFuncFactor(op.dstAlpha));
) {
13870 if (gl
== op
) {
13872 if (gl
== op
&& gl
== op
) return;
13874 if (gl
== op
&& gl
== op
&& gl
== op
&& gl
== op
) return;
13880 if (op
) {
13881 glBlendFunc(GL_ONE
13883 glBlendFunc(op
, op
13886 if (op
) {
13887 glBlendFunc(GL_ONE
13889 glBlendFuncSeparate(op
, op
, op
, op
13894 void glnvg__renderSetAffine (void* uptr
, in ref NVGMatrix mat
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13895 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13897 // if last operation was GLNVG_AFFINE, simply replace the matrix
13898 if (gl
> 0 && gl
) {
13899 call = &gl
13901 call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
13902 if (call is null) return;
13903 call.type
13905 call.affine
[0..6] = mat
13908 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) public __gshared
bool nanovegaClipDebugDump
= false;
13910 void glnvg__renderFlush (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
13911 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
13912 if (!gl
) assert(0, "NanoVega: internal driver error");
13914 import core
: Thread
13915 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
13917 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13920 if (gl
!= Thread
) assert(0, "NanoVega: cannot use context in alien thread");
13922 } catch (Exception e
) {}
13923 scope(exit
) gl
= false;
13925 glnvg__resetError
, &vv
13929 if (glGetError() || vv
< 0) vv
= 0;
13930 gl
= cast(uint)vv
13933 enum ShaderType
{ None
, Fill
, Clip
13934 auto lastShader
= ShaderType
13935 if (gl
> 0) {
13937 gl
[0] = GLMaskState
13939 // Setup require GL state.
13940 glUseProgram(gl
13942 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1
13943 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, 0);
13944 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0
13945 glnvg__resetFBOClipTextureCache(gl
13947 //glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
) {
13949 gl
= true;
13950 gl
= gl
= gl
= gl
13952 glBlendFunc(GL_ONE
); // just in case
13953 glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE
13954 glCullFace(GL_BACK
13955 glFrontFace(GL_CCW
13956 glEnable(GL_BLEND
13957 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST
13958 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST
13959 glColorMask(GL_TRUE
13960 glStencilMask(0xffffffff);
13961 glStencilOp(GL_KEEP
13962 glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS
, 0, 0xffffffff);
13963 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0
13964 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D
, 0);
) {
13966 gl
= 0;
13967 gl
= 0xffffffff;
13968 gl
13969 gl
= 0;
13970 gl
= 0xffffffff;
13972 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "OpenGL setup");
13974 // Upload vertex data
13975 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
, gl
13976 glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
, gl
, gl
13977 glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
13978 glEnableVertexAttribArray(1);
13979 glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT
, NVGVertex
, cast(const(GLvoid
13980 glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT
, NVGVertex
, cast(const(GLvoid
13981 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "vertex data uploading");
13983 // Set view and texture just once per frame.
13984 glUniform1i(gl
], 0);
13985 if (gl
] != -1) {
13986 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("%d\n", gl.shader.loc[GLNVGuniformLoc.ClipTex]); }
13987 glUniform1i(gl
], 1);
13989 if (gl
] != -1) glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, gl
13990 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "render shader setup");
13992 // Reset affine transformations.
13993 glUniform4fv(gl
], 1, NVGMatrix
13994 glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, NVGMatrix
13995 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "affine setup");
13997 // set clip shaders params
13999 glUseProgram(gl
14000 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip shaders setup (fill 0)");
14001 if (gl
] != -1) glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, gl
14002 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip shaders setup (fill 1)");
14004 glUseProgram(gl
14005 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip shaders setup (copy 0)");
14006 if (gl
] != -1) glUniform2fv(gl
], 1, gl
14007 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip shaders setup (copy 1)");
14008 //glUniform1i(gl.shaderFillFBO.loc[GLNVGuniformLoc.Tex], 0);
14009 glUniform1i(gl
], 0);
14010 glnvg__checkError(gl
, "clip shaders setup (copy 2)");
14011 // restore render shader
14012 glUseProgram(gl
14014 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("ViewSize=%u %u %u\n", gl.shader.loc[GLNVGuniformLoc.ViewSize], gl.shaderFillFBO.loc[GLNVGuniformLoc.ViewSize], gl.shaderCopyFBO.loc[GLNVGuniformLoc.ViewSize]); }
14016 gl
14018 foreach (int i
; 0..gl
) {
14019 GLNVGcall
* call = &gl
14020 switch (call.type
) {
14021 case GLNVG_FILL
: glnvg__blendCompositeOperation(gl
, call.blendFunc
); glnvg__fill(gl
, call); break;
: glnvg__blendCompositeOperation(gl
, call.blendFunc
); glnvg__convexFill(gl
, call); break;
14023 case GLNVG_STROKE
: glnvg__blendCompositeOperation(gl
, call.blendFunc
); glnvg__stroke(gl
, call); break;
: glnvg__blendCompositeOperation(gl
, call.blendFunc
); glnvg__triangles(gl
, call); break;
14025 case GLNVG_AFFINE
: gl
= call.affine
; glnvg__affine(gl
, call); break;
14026 // clip region management
14028 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): push clip (cache:%d); current state is %d\n", gl
-1, gl
, gl
-1]); }
14029 if (gl
>= gl
) assert(0, "NanoVega: mask stack overflow in OpenGL backend");
14030 if (gl
-1] == GLMaskState
) {
14031 gl
++] = GLMaskState
14033 gl
++] = GLMaskState
14035 // no need to reset FBO cache here, as nothing was changed
14037 case GLNVG_POPCLIP
14038 if (gl
<= 1) assert(0, "NanoVega: mask stack underflow in OpenGL backend");
14039 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): pop clip (cache:%d); current state is %d; previous state is %d\n", gl
-1, gl
, gl
-1], gl
-2]); }
14041 assert(gl
> 0);
14042 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("popped; new msp is %d; state is %d\n", gl.msp, gl.maskStack.ptr[gl.msp]); }
14043 // check popped item
14044 final switch (gl
]) {
14045 case GLMaskState
14046 // if last FBO was "don't mask", reset cache if current is not "don't mask"
14047 if (gl
-1] != GLMaskState
) {
14048 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf(" +++ need to reset FBO cache\n"); }
14049 glnvg__resetFBOClipTextureCache(gl
14052 case GLMaskState
14053 // if last FBO texture was uninitialized, it means that nothing was changed,
14054 // so we can keep using cached FBO
14056 case GLMaskState
14057 // if last FBO was initialized, it means that something was definitely changed
14058 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf(" +++ need to reset FBO cache\n"); }
14059 glnvg__resetFBOClipTextureCache(gl
14061 case GLMaskState
: assert(0, "NanoVega: internal FBO stack error");
14065 // mark current mask as "don't mask"
14066 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf("FBO(%d): reset clip (cache:%d); current state is %d\n", gl
-1, gl
, gl
-1]); }
14068 if (gl
-1] != GLMaskState
) {
14069 gl
-1] = GLMaskState
14070 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) if (nanovegaClipDebugDump
) { import core
; printf(" +++ need to reset FBO cache\n"); }
14071 glnvg__resetFBOClipTextureCache(gl
14076 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) nanovegaClipDebugDump
= true;
14079 version(nanovega_debug_clipping
) nanovegaClipDebugDump
= false;
14081 case GLNVG_NONE
: break;
14084 import core
; stderr
.fprintf("NanoVega FATAL: invalid command in OpenGL backend: %d\n", call.type
14086 assert(0, "NanoVega: invalid command in OpenGL backend (fatal internal error)");
14088 // and free texture, why not
14089 glnvg__deleteTexture(gl
, call.image
14092 glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
14093 glDisableVertexAttribArray(1);
14094 glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE
14095 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
, 0);
14097 glnvg__bindTexture(gl
, 0);
14100 // this will do all necessary cleanup
14101 glnvg__renderCancelInternal(gl
, false); // no need to clear textures
14104 int glnvg__maxVertCount (const(NVGpath
)* paths
, int npaths
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14106 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) {
14107 count
+= paths
14108 count
+= paths
14113 GLNVGcall
* glnvg__allocCall (GLNVGcontext
* gl
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14114 GLNVGcall
* ret = null;
14115 if (gl
+1 > gl
) {
14117 int ccalls
= glnvg__maxi(gl
+1, 128)+gl
/2; // 1.5x Overallocate
14118 calls
= cast(GLNVGcall
, GLNVGcall
14119 if (calls
is null) return null;
14121 gl
= ccalls
14123 ret = &gl
14124 memset(ret, 0, GLNVGcall
14128 int glnvg__allocPaths (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int n
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14130 if (gl
> gl
) {
14132 int cpaths
= glnvg__maxi(gl
, 128)+gl
/2; // 1.5x Overallocate
14133 paths
= cast(GLNVGpath
, GLNVGpath
14134 if (paths
is null) return -1;
14136 gl
= cpaths
14143 int glnvg__allocVerts (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int n
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14145 if (gl
> gl
) {
14147 int cverts
= glnvg__maxi(gl
, 4096)+gl
/2; // 1.5x Overallocate
14148 verts
= cast(NVGVertex
, NVGVertex
14149 if (verts
is null) return -1;
14151 gl
= cverts
14158 int glnvg__allocFragUniforms (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int n
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14159 int ret = 0, structSize
= gl
14160 if (gl
> gl
) {
14162 int cuniforms
= glnvg__maxi(gl
, 128)+gl
/2; // 1.5x Overallocate
14163 uniforms
= cast(ubyte*)realloc(gl
, structSize
14164 if (uniforms
is null) return -1;
14165 gl
= uniforms
14166 gl
= cuniforms
14168 ret = gl
14173 GLNVGfragUniforms
* nvg__fragUniformPtr (GLNVGcontext
* gl
, int i
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14174 return cast(GLNVGfragUniforms
14177 void glnvg__vset (NVGVertex
* vtx
, float x
, float y
, float u
, float v
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14184 void glnvg__renderFill (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, float fringe
, const(float)* bounds
, const(NVGpath
)* paths
, int npaths
, bool evenOdd
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14185 if (npaths
< 1) return;
14187 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14188 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
14190 GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
14191 int maxverts
, offset
14193 if (call is null) return;
14195 call.type
14196 call.evenOdd
= evenOdd
14197 call.clipmode
= clipmode
14198 //if (clipmode != NVGClipMode.None) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("CLIP!\n"); }
14199 call.blendFunc
= glnvg__buildBlendFunc(compositeOperation
14200 call.triangleCount
= 4;
14201 call.pathOffset
= glnvg__allocPaths(gl
, npaths
14202 if (call.pathOffset
== -1) goto error
14203 call.pathCount
= npaths
14204 call.image
= paint
14205 if (call.image
> 0) glnvg__renderTextureIncRef(uptr
, call.image
14207 if (npaths
== 1 && paths
) {
14208 call.type
14209 call.triangleCount
= 0; // Bounding box fill quad not needed for convex fill
14212 // Allocate vertices for all the paths.
14213 maxverts
= glnvg__maxVertCount(paths
, npaths
14214 offset
= glnvg__allocVerts(gl
, maxverts
14215 if (offset
== -1) goto error
14217 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) {
14218 GLNVGpath
* copy
= &gl
14219 const(NVGpath
)* path
= &paths
14220 memset(copy
, 0, GLNVGpath
14221 if (path
> 0) {
14222 copy
= offset
14223 copy
= path
14224 memcpy(&gl
], path
, NVGVertex
14225 offset
+= path
14227 if (path
> 0) {
14228 copy
= offset
14229 copy
= path
14230 memcpy(&gl
], path
, NVGVertex
14231 offset
+= path
14235 // Setup uniforms for draw calls
14236 if (call.type
) {
14237 import core
: memcpy
14239 call.triangleOffset
= offset
14240 quad
= &gl
14241 glnvg__vset(&quad
[0], bounds
[2], bounds
[3], 0.5f, 1.0f);
14242 glnvg__vset(&quad
[1], bounds
[2], bounds
[1], 0.5f, 1.0f);
14243 glnvg__vset(&quad
[2], bounds
[0], bounds
[3], 0.5f, 1.0f);
14244 glnvg__vset(&quad
[3], bounds
[0], bounds
[1], 0.5f, 1.0f);
14246 call.uniformOffset
= glnvg__allocFragUniforms(gl
, 2);
14247 if (call.uniformOffset
== -1) goto error
14248 // Simple shader for stencil
14249 frag
= nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
14250 memset(frag
, 0, (*frag
14251 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), paint
, scissor
, fringe
, fringe
, -1.0f);
14252 memcpy(nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), frag
, (*frag
14253 frag
= -1.0f;
14254 frag
14256 //glnvg__convertPaint(gl, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl, call.uniformOffset+gl.fragSize), paint, scissor, fringe, fringe, -1.0f);
14258 call.uniformOffset
= glnvg__allocFragUniforms(gl
, 1);
14259 if (call.uniformOffset
== -1) goto error
14261 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), paint
, scissor
, fringe
, fringe
, -1.0f);
14267 // We get here if call alloc was ok, but something else is not.
14268 // Roll back the last call to prevent drawing it.
14269 if (gl
> 0) --gl
14272 void glnvg__renderStroke (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, float fringe
, float strokeWidth
, const(NVGpath
)* paths
, int npaths
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14273 if (npaths
< 1) return;
14275 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14276 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
14277 int maxverts
, offset
14279 if (call is null) return;
14281 call.type
14282 call.clipmode
= clipmode
14283 call.blendFunc
= glnvg__buildBlendFunc(compositeOperation
14284 call.pathOffset
= glnvg__allocPaths(gl
, npaths
14285 if (call.pathOffset
== -1) goto error
14286 call.pathCount
= npaths
14287 call.image
= paint
14288 if (call.image
> 0) glnvg__renderTextureIncRef(uptr
, call.image
14290 // Allocate vertices for all the paths.
14291 maxverts
= glnvg__maxVertCount(paths
, npaths
14292 offset
= glnvg__allocVerts(gl
, maxverts
14293 if (offset
== -1) goto error
14295 foreach (int i
; 0..npaths
) {
14296 GLNVGpath
* copy
= &gl
14297 const(NVGpath
)* path
= &paths
14298 memset(copy
, 0, GLNVGpath
14299 if (path
) {
14300 copy
= offset
14301 copy
= path
14302 memcpy(&gl
], path
, NVGVertex
14303 offset
+= path
14307 if (gl
) {
14309 call.uniformOffset
= glnvg__allocFragUniforms(gl
, 2);
14310 if (call.uniformOffset
== -1) goto error
14311 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), paint
, scissor
, strokeWidth
, fringe
, -1.0f);
14312 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), paint
, scissor
, strokeWidth
, fringe
, 1.0f-0.5f/255.0f);
14315 call.uniformOffset
= glnvg__allocFragUniforms(gl
, 1);
14316 if (call.uniformOffset
== -1) goto error
14317 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
), paint
, scissor
, strokeWidth
, fringe
, -1.0f);
14323 // We get here if call alloc was ok, but something else is not.
14324 // Roll back the last call to prevent drawing it.
14325 if (gl
> 0) --gl
14328 void glnvg__renderTriangles (void* uptr
, NVGCompositeOperationState compositeOperation
, NVGClipMode clipmode
, NVGPaint
* paint
, NVGscissor
* scissor
, const(NVGVertex
)* verts
, int nverts
, float fringeWidth
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14329 if (nverts
< 1) return;
14331 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14332 GLNVGcall
* call = glnvg__allocCall(gl
14333 GLNVGfragUniforms
* frag
14335 if (call is null) return;
14337 call.type
14338 call.clipmode
= clipmode
14339 call.blendFunc
= glnvg__buildBlendFunc(compositeOperation
14340 call.image
= paint
14341 if (call.image
> 0) glnvg__renderTextureIncRef(uptr
, call.image
14343 // Allocate vertices for all the paths.
14344 call.triangleOffset
= glnvg__allocVerts(gl
, nverts
14345 if (call.triangleOffset
== -1) goto error
14346 call.triangleCount
= nverts
14348 memcpy(&gl
], verts
, NVGVertex
14351 call.uniformOffset
= glnvg__allocFragUniforms(gl
, 1);
14352 if (call.uniformOffset
== -1) goto error
14353 frag
= nvg__fragUniformPtr(gl
, call.uniformOffset
14354 glnvg__convertPaint(gl
, frag
, paint
, scissor
, 1.0f, fringeWidth
, -1.0f);
14355 frag
14360 // We get here if call alloc was ok, but something else is not.
14361 // Roll back the last call to prevent drawing it.
14362 if (gl
> 0) --gl
14365 void glnvg__renderDelete (void* uptr
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14366 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14367 if (gl
is null) return;
14369 glnvg__killFBOs(gl
14370 glnvg__deleteShader(&gl
14371 glnvg__deleteShader(&gl
14372 glnvg__deleteShader(&gl
14374 if (gl
!= 0) glDeleteBuffers(1, &gl
14376 foreach (ref GLNVGtexture tex
; gl
]) {
14377 if (tex
!= 0 && (tex
) == 0) {
14378 assert(tex
!= 0);
14379 glDeleteTextures(1, &tex
14393 /** Creates NanoVega contexts for OpenGL2+.
14395 * Specify creation flags as additional arguments, like this:
14396 * `nvgCreateContext(NVGContextFlag.Antialias, NVGContextFlag.StencilStrokes);`
14398 * If you won't specify any flags, defaults will be used:
14399 * `[NVGContextFlag.Antialias, NVGContextFlag.StencilStrokes]`.
14401 * Group: context_management
14403 public NVGContext
nvgCreateContext (const(NVGContextFlag
)[] flagList
...) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14405 enum DefaultFlags
= NVGContextFlag
14407 enum DefaultFlags
= NVGContextFlag
14410 if (flagList
!= 0) {
14411 foreach (immutable flg
; flagList
) flags |
= (flg
!= NVGContextFlag
.Default ? flg
: DefaultFlags
14413 flags
= DefaultFlags
14415 NVGparams params
= void;
14416 NVGContext ctx
= null;
14417 version(nanovg_builtin_opengl_bindings
) nanovgInitOpenGL(); // why not?
14418 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14419 if (gl
is null) goto error
14420 memset(gl
, 0, GLNVGcontext
14422 memset(¶ms
, 0, params
14423 params
= &glnvg__renderCreate
14424 params
= &glnvg__renderCreateTexture
14425 params
= &glnvg__renderTextureIncRef
14426 params
= &glnvg__renderDeleteTexture
14427 params
= &glnvg__renderUpdateTexture
14428 params
= &glnvg__renderGetTextureSize
14429 params
= &glnvg__renderViewport
14430 params
= &glnvg__renderCancel
14431 params
= &glnvg__renderFlush
14432 params
= &glnvg__renderPushClip
14433 params
= &glnvg__renderPopClip
14434 params
= &glnvg__renderResetClip
14435 params
= &glnvg__renderFill
14436 params
= &glnvg__renderStroke
14437 params
= &glnvg__renderTriangles
14438 params
= &glnvg__renderSetAffine
14439 params
= &glnvg__renderDelete
14440 params
= gl
14441 params
= (flags
.Antialias ?
true : false);
14442 if (flags
)) {
14443 params
= (flags
14445 params
14451 ctx
= createInternal(¶ms
14452 if (ctx
is null) goto error
14454 static if (__VERSION__
< 2076) {
14455 DGNoThrowNoGC(() { import core
; gl
= Thread
; })();
14457 try { import core
; gl
= Thread
; } catch (Exception e
) {}
14463 // 'gl' is freed by nvgDeleteInternal.
14464 if (ctx
!is null) ctx
14468 /// Create NanoVega OpenGL image from texture id.
14470 public int glCreateImageFromHandleGL2 (NVGContext ctx
, GLuint textureId
, int w
, int h
, int imageFlags
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14471 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14472 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__allocTexture(gl
14474 if (tex
is null) return 0;
14476 tex
= NVGtexture
14477 tex
= textureId
14478 tex
= imageFlags
14485 /// Returns OpenGL texture id for NanoVega image.
14487 public GLuint
glImageHandleGL2 (NVGContext ctx
, int image
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14488 GLNVGcontext
* gl
= cast(GLNVGcontext
14489 GLNVGtexture
* tex
= glnvg__findTexture(gl
, image
14494 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
14497 static if (NanoVegaHasFontConfig
) {
14498 version(nanovg_builtin_fontconfig_bindings
) {
14499 pragma(lib
, "fontconfig");
14501 private extern(C
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14502 enum FC_FILE
= "file"; /* String */
14503 alias FcBool
= int;
14504 alias FcChar8
= char;
14507 alias FcMatchKind
= int;
14508 enum : FcMatchKind
14513 alias FcResult
= int;
14517 FcResultTypeMismatch
14519 FcResultOutOfMemory
14522 FcBool
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat (FcConfig
* config
, FcPattern
* p
, FcPattern
* p_pat
, FcMatchKind kind
14523 void FcDefaultSubstitute (FcPattern
* pattern
14524 FcBool
FcConfigSubstitute (FcConfig
* config
, FcPattern
* p
, FcMatchKind kind
14525 FcPattern
* FcFontMatch (FcConfig
* config
, FcPattern
* p
, FcResult
* result
14526 FcPattern
* FcNameParse (const(FcChar8
)* name
14527 void FcPatternDestroy (FcPattern
* p
14528 FcResult
FcPatternGetString (const(FcPattern
)* p
, const(char)* object
, int n
, FcChar8
** s
14532 __gshared
bool fontconfigAvailable
= false;
14533 // initialize fontconfig
14534 shared static this () {
14536 fontconfigAvailable
= true;
14538 import core
: stderr
, fprintf
14539 stderr
.fprintf("***NanoVega WARNING: cannot init fontconfig!\n");
14545 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
14546 public enum BaphometDims
= 512.0f; // baphomet icon is 512x512 ([0..511])
14548 private static immutable ubyte[7641] baphometPath
= [
14549 0x01,0x04,0x06,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x00,0x80,0xff,0x43,0x08,0xa0,0x1d,0xc6,0x43,0x00,0x80,0xff,0x43,
14550 0x00,0x80,0xff,0x43,0xa2,0x1d,0xc6,0x43,0x00,0x80,0xff,0x43,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x08,0x00,0x80,0xff,
14551 0x43,0x7a,0x89,0xe5,0x42,0xa0,0x1d,0xc6,0x43,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x00,0x00,0x00,
14552 0x00,0x08,0x7a,0x89,0xe5,0x42,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x7a,0x89,0xe5,0x42,0x00,0x00,
14553 0x00,0x00,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xa2,0x1d,0xc6,0x43,0x7a,0x89,0xe5,0x42,0x00,
14554 0x80,0xff,0x43,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x00,0x80,0xff,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x72,0x87,0xdd,
14555 0x43,0x08,0x16,0x68,0xb3,0x43,0x72,0x87,0xdd,0x43,0x71,0x87,0xdd,0x43,0x17,0x68,0xb3,0x43,0x71,0x87,
14556 0xdd,0x43,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x08,0x71,0x87,0xdd,0x43,0xd2,0x2f,0x18,0x43,0x16,0x68,0xb3,0x43,0x35,
14557 0xe2,0x87,0x42,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,0x08,0xd1,0x2f,0x18,0x43,0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,
14558 0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,0xd2,0x2f,0x18,0x43,0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x08,0x35,0xe2,0x87,
14559 0x42,0x17,0x68,0xb3,0x43,0xd1,0x2f,0x18,0x43,0x72,0x87,0xdd,0x43,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x72,0x87,0xdd,
14560 0x43,0x09,0x06,0x79,0xcb,0x11,0x43,0x62,0xbf,0xd7,0x42,0x07,0xa4,0x3f,0x7f,0x43,0x0b,0x86,0xdc,0x43,
14561 0x07,0x6c,0xb9,0xb2,0x43,0xe8,0xd1,0xca,0x42,0x07,0x6e,0x4d,0xa0,0x42,0xa9,0x10,0x9c,0x43,0x07,0xb7,
14562 0x40,0xd7,0x43,0xa9,0x10,0x9c,0x43,0x07,0x79,0xcb,0x11,0x43,0x62,0xbf,0xd7,0x42,0x09,0x06,0x98,0x42,
14563 0x74,0x43,0xb1,0x8d,0x68,0x43,0x08,0xd7,0x24,0x79,0x43,0xba,0x83,0x6e,0x43,0xa9,0x16,0x7c,0x43,0x56,
14564 0xa1,0x76,0x43,0x74,0x2a,0x7d,0x43,0x44,0x73,0x80,0x43,0x08,0x55,0xd1,0x7e,0x43,0xe3,0xea,0x76,0x43,
14565 0xbc,0x18,0x81,0x43,0x7f,0xa8,0x6e,0x43,0x8f,0x0a,0x84,0x43,0x02,0xfc,0x68,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x92,0x29,
14566 0x8d,0x43,0x73,0xc3,0x67,0x43,0x08,0xa4,0xd9,0x8e,0x43,0xf2,0xa6,0x7a,0x43,0x8f,0x22,0x88,0x43,0x75,
14567 0x2a,0x7d,0x43,0x42,0x7f,0x82,0x43,0x08,0xc8,0x88,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xc1,0x79,0x74,0x43,0x50,0x64,0x89,
14568 0x43,0x08,0x68,0x2d,0x72,0x43,0xee,0x21,0x81,0x43,0xcd,0x97,0x55,0x43,0xe6,0xf1,0x7b,0x43,0x91,0xec,
14569 0x5d,0x43,0xa8,0xc7,0x6a,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xfa,0xa5,0x52,0x43,0x60,0x97,0x7c,0x43,0x08,0x19,0xff,0x50,
14570 0x43,0xe9,0x6e,0x8a,0x43,0xb0,0xbd,0x70,0x43,0x4c,0x51,0x82,0x43,0x04,0xeb,0x69,0x43,0x66,0x0f,0x8e,
14571 0x43,0x09,0x06,0x17,0xbf,0x71,0x43,0x2c,0x58,0x94,0x43,0x08,0x1c,0x96,0x6e,0x43,0x61,0x68,0x99,0x43,
14572 0x2d,0x3a,0x6e,0x43,0xc8,0x81,0x9e,0x43,0xb7,0x9b,0x72,0x43,0x61,0xa4,0xa3,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x30,0xdb,
14573 0x82,0x43,0xdb,0xe9,0x93,0x43,0x08,0x11,0x82,0x84,0x43,0x61,0x68,0x99,0x43,0xe8,0x4a,0x84,0x43,0x8e,
14574 0xa6,0x9e,0x43,0x42,0x7f,0x82,0x43,0x61,0xa4,0xa3,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xc4,0x02,0x85,0x43,0xd1,0x0b,0x92,
14575 0x43,0x08,0xd6,0xb2,0x86,0x43,0x34,0x1e,0x92,0x43,0x4f,0x58,0x87,0x43,0xa4,0xf1,0x92,0x43,0x03,0xd9,
14576 0x87,0x43,0x7b,0xc6,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x87,0x3e,0x64,0x43,0x31,0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x08,0x3b,0xbf,0x64,
14577 0x43,0x6f,0xf9,0x91,0x43,0x96,0x0b,0x67,0x43,0xc5,0x4a,0x91,0x43,0xcf,0xfe,0x6a,0x43,0x31,0x2f,0x91,
14578 0x43,0x09,0x06,0x16,0x74,0xb5,0x43,0x08,0xec,0x8e,0x43,0x08,0x1b,0x4b,0xb2,0x43,0xee,0x5d,0x8b,0x43,
14579 0x48,0x4d,0xad,0x43,0x12,0xa6,0x8a,0x43,0xf3,0xd7,0xa7,0x43,0x74,0xb8,0x8a,0x43,0x08,0x8c,0xb2,0xa0,
14580 0x43,0xcd,0xf8,0x8a,0x43,0x68,0x46,0x9b,0x43,0x79,0x8f,0x87,0x43,0x49,0xc9,0x96,0x43,0xe9,0x3e,0x82,
14581 0x43,0x08,0x60,0x5c,0x97,0x43,0xa1,0xde,0x8b,0x43,0x4e,0xa0,0x93,0x43,0x31,0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x9f,0xea,
14582 0x8d,0x43,0x27,0x8d,0x99,0x43,0x08,0x07,0xe0,0x8c,0x43,0x06,0x34,0x9b,0x43,0x38,0xe9,0x8c,0x43,0x46,
14583 0x0a,0x9e,0x43,0x3d,0xcc,0x8b,0x43,0xb2,0x06,0xa2,0x43,0x08,0xf1,0x40,0x8a,0x43,0xb0,0x12,0xa4,0x43,
14584 0x39,0xd1,0x88,0x43,0x76,0x43,0xa6,0x43,0xfa,0x06,0x88,0x43,0xa4,0x75,0xa9,0x43,0x08,0x19,0x6c,0x88,
14585 0x43,0x9f,0x9e,0xac,0x43,0x66,0xeb,0x87,0x43,0x44,0x76,0xb0,0x43,0x6b,0xce,0x86,0x43,0x3b,0xbc,0xb4,
14586 0x43,0x08,0xa9,0x8c,0x85,0x43,0x06,0xd0,0xb5,0x43,0xfa,0xee,0x83,0x43,0x74,0xa3,0xb6,0x43,0x3d,0x90,
14587 0x81,0x43,0x31,0xf6,0xb6,0x43,0x08,0x9d,0x61,0x7d,0x43,0xee,0x48,0xb7,0x43,0x3b,0x1f,0x75,0x43,0xcf,
14588 0xe3,0xb6,0x43,0xee,0x6f,0x6d,0x43,0x68,0xe2,0xb5,0x43,0x08,0xd4,0xed,0x6b,0x43,0x87,0x2f,0xb2,0x43,
14589 0x0e,0xc9,0x6b,0x43,0xa7,0x7c,0xae,0x43,0x98,0xfa,0x67,0x43,0xab,0x53,0xab,0x43,0x08,0x25,0x2c,0x64,
14590 0x43,0x33,0xa2,0xa8,0x43,0x40,0x96,0x61,0x43,0xc3,0xc2,0xa5,0x43,0x64,0xde,0x60,0x43,0xfa,0xa2,0xa2,
14591 0x43,0x08,0xb0,0x5d,0x60,0x43,0x06,0x4c,0x9f,0x43,0x9a,0xca,0x5f,0x43,0x38,0x3d,0x9b,0x43,0x3b,0x8f,
14592 0x5c,0x43,0x85,0xb0,0x98,0x43,0x08,0x42,0x36,0x51,0x43,0x3d,0xf0,0x91,0x43,0xcd,0x4f,0x49,0x43,0xdb,
14593 0xb9,0x8b,0x43,0xe0,0xdb,0x44,0x43,0x42,0x8b,0x84,0x43,0x08,0x7e,0xc9,0x44,0x43,0x8a,0x57,0x8d,0x43,
14594 0xbc,0x6c,0x0f,0x43,0x23,0x62,0x8e,0x43,0xf5,0x17,0x07,0x43,0xc5,0x3e,0x8f,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xe0,0xea,
14595 0x76,0x43,0xab,0xef,0xc5,0x43,0x08,0x12,0x00,0x79,0x43,0xab,0xcb,0xbf,0x43,0x79,0xb9,0x6d,0x43,0x7e,
14596 0x8d,0xba,0x43,0xee,0x6f,0x6d,0x43,0x98,0xeb,0xb5,0x43,0x08,0xe0,0x02,0x7b,0x43,0x5f,0x1c,0xb8,0x43,
14597 0x85,0x2c,0x82,0x43,0xe9,0x65,0xb8,0x43,0xd6,0xb2,0x86,0x43,0xc6,0x05,0xb5,0x43,0x08,0x03,0xcd,0x85,
14598 0x43,0x5a,0x39,0xb9,0x43,0xe4,0x4f,0x81,0x43,0xdb,0xd4,0xbf,0x43,0xdf,0x6c,0x82,0x43,0xbc,0x93,0xc5,
14599 0x43,0x09,0x06,0xf0,0xd0,0x22,0x43,0x5d,0x19,0x08,0x43,0x08,0xbc,0xab,0x49,0x43,0x4a,0x35,0x29,0x43,
14600 0xcb,0xf7,0x65,0x43,0xce,0x37,0x45,0x43,0x0e,0x99,0x63,0x43,0x67,0xc6,0x5c,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x05,0x94,
14601 0xab,0x43,0xc2,0x13,0x04,0x43,0x08,0x9f,0x26,0x98,0x43,0x11,0x42,0x25,0x43,0x97,0x00,0x8a,0x43,0x32,
14602 0x32,0x41,0x43,0xf5,0x2f,0x8b,0x43,0xc7,0xc0,0x58,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x8f,0x85,0x48,0x43,0xe0,0xa8,0x8c,
14603 0x43,0x08,0x55,0xaa,0x48,0x43,0xe0,0xa8,0x8c,0x43,0x6b,0x3d,0x49,0x43,0xc1,0x43,0x8c,0x43,0x31,0x62,
14604 0x49,0x43,0xc1,0x43,0x8c,0x43,0x08,0x2f,0xe3,0x2f,0x43,0xad,0xe7,0x98,0x43,0xff,0x0d,0x0d,0x43,0xad,
14605 0xf3,0x9a,0x43,0xf0,0xaf,0xcc,0x42,0x74,0x00,0x97,0x43,0x08,0xbb,0xa2,0xf7,0x42,0x93,0x4d,0x93,0x43,
14606 0x5e,0x19,0x08,0x43,0x5a,0x2a,0x87,0x43,0x23,0x6e,0x10,0x43,0x42,0x97,0x86,0x43,0x08,0xca,0xe8,0x33,
14607 0x43,0x1b,0x3c,0x80,0x43,0x80,0xe8,0x4d,0x43,0xda,0xf4,0x70,0x43,0xae,0x0e,0x4f,0x43,0x2b,0x1b,0x65,
14608 0x43,0x08,0x66,0x96,0x54,0x43,0xa3,0xe1,0x3b,0x43,0x4e,0xc4,0x19,0x43,0xa0,0x1a,0x16,0x43,0x10,0xe2,
14609 0x14,0x43,0x26,0x14,0xe0,0x42,0x08,0x5c,0x91,0x1c,0x43,0xcb,0x27,0xee,0x42,0xa9,0x40,0x24,0x43,0x71,
14610 0x3b,0xfc,0x42,0xf3,0xef,0x2b,0x43,0x8b,0x27,0x05,0x43,0x08,0xe2,0x4b,0x2c,0x43,0x48,0x86,0x07,0x43,
14611 0x79,0x62,0x2f,0x43,0x05,0xe5,0x09,0x43,0x55,0x32,0x34,0x43,0xa0,0xd2,0x09,0x43,0x08,0x74,0xa3,0x36,
14612 0x43,0x3a,0xd1,0x08,0x43,0x7e,0x81,0x38,0x43,0x09,0xd4,0x0a,0x43,0x0d,0xba,0x39,0x43,0xa0,0xea,0x0d,
14613 0x43,0x08,0x6f,0xe4,0x3d,0x43,0x43,0xc7,0x0e,0x43,0xd6,0xe5,0x3e,0x43,0xc4,0x4a,0x11,0x43,0x55,0x7a,
14614 0x40,0x43,0x59,0x72,0x13,0x43,0x08,0x55,0x92,0x44,0x43,0xbf,0x73,0x14,0x43,0x23,0x95,0x46,0x43,0xa5,
14615 0x09,0x17,0x43,0xe0,0xf3,0x48,0x43,0xfe,0x55,0x19,0x43,0x08,0xcd,0x4f,0x49,0x43,0xaa,0x10,0x1c,0x43,
14616 0x61,0x77,0x4b,0x43,0xfe,0x6d,0x1d,0x43,0x80,0xe8,0x4d,0x43,0x2b,0x94,0x1e,0x43,0x08,0x58,0xc9,0x51,
14617 0x43,0x41,0x27,0x1f,0x43,0x9b,0x82,0x53,0x43,0x35,0x72,0x20,0x43,0x53,0xf2,0x54,0x43,0x88,0xcf,0x21,
14618 0x43,0x08,0x7b,0x29,0x55,0x43,0xe8,0x0a,0x25,0x43,0xb2,0x2d,0x58,0x43,0xef,0xe8,0x26,0x43,0x9b,0xb2,
14619 0x5b,0x43,0xd0,0x8f,0x28,0x43,0x08,0x5f,0xef,0x5f,0x43,0xeb,0x11,0x2a,0x43,0xfd,0xdc,0x5f,0x43,0x6e,
14620 0x95,0x2c,0x43,0x3b,0xa7,0x60,0x43,0x2b,0xf4,0x2e,0x43,0x08,0x06,0xbb,0x61,0x43,0xfd,0xe5,0x31,0x43,
14621 0xe7,0x61,0x63,0x43,0xef,0x30,0x33,0x43,0x53,0x52,0x65,0x43,0xa3,0xb1,0x33,0x43,0x08,0x12,0xa0,0x68,
14622 0x43,0x7f,0x69,0x34,0x43,0x40,0xc6,0x69,0x43,0x64,0xff,0x36,0x43,0x7e,0x90,0x6a,0x43,0x71,0xcc,0x39,
14623 0x43,0x08,0xbc,0x5a,0x6b,0x43,0x51,0x73,0x3b,0x43,0xc1,0x49,0x6c,0x43,0xa5,0xd0,0x3c,0x43,0xe0,0xba,
14624 0x6e,0x43,0xb8,0x74,0x3c,0x43,0x08,0x6b,0x1c,0x73,0x43,0x13,0xc1,0x3e,0x43,0x40,0xf6,0x71,0x43,0xce,
14625 0x1f,0x41,0x43,0x55,0x89,0x72,0x43,0x8d,0x7e,0x43,0x43,0x08,0x68,0x2d,0x72,0x43,0x89,0xae,0x4b,0x43,
14626 0xc1,0x79,0x74,0x43,0xcb,0x78,0x4c,0x43,0x55,0xa1,0x76,0x43,0x5b,0xb1,0x4d,0x43,0x08,0xa2,0x38,0x7a,
14627 0x43,0xd1,0x56,0x4e,0x43,0x85,0xb6,0x78,0x43,0xb1,0x15,0x54,0x43,0x83,0xc7,0x77,0x43,0x89,0x0e,0x5c,
14628 0x43,0x08,0xcf,0x46,0x77,0x43,0x0f,0x81,0x5f,0x43,0x1a,0xde,0x7a,0x43,0xce,0xc7,0x5d,0x43,0x42,0x73,
14629 0x80,0x43,0x99,0xc3,0x5a,0x43,0x08,0x85,0x2c,0x82,0x43,0xf6,0xe6,0x59,0x43,0x81,0x3d,0x81,0x43,0x16,
14630 0x10,0x50,0x43,0xd6,0x8e,0x80,0x43,0x5b,0x99,0x49,0x43,0x08,0xc4,0xea,0x80,0x43,0x22,0x95,0x46,0x43,
14631 0xfa,0xe2,0x81,0x43,0xda,0xec,0x43,0x43,0x78,0x77,0x83,0x43,0xe4,0xb2,0x41,0x43,0x08,0x8a,0x27,0x85,
14632 0x43,0x86,0x77,0x3e,0x43,0x0c,0x9f,0x85,0x43,0x07,0xf4,0x3b,0x43,0x8f,0x16,0x86,0x43,0xe6,0x82,0x39,
14633 0x43,0x08,0x85,0x44,0x86,0x43,0x37,0xd9,0x35,0x43,0x1e,0x4f,0x87,0x43,0xe1,0x7b,0x34,0x43,0xdf,0x90,
14634 0x88,0x43,0xb6,0x55,0x33,0x43,0x08,0xae,0x93,0x8a,0x43,0xfd,0xe5,0x31,0x43,0xfa,0x12,0x8a,0x43,0xbf,
14635 0x03,0x2d,0x43,0x19,0x78,0x8a,0x43,0x45,0x5e,0x2c,0x43,0x08,0x03,0xf1,0x8b,0x43,0xac,0x47,0x29,0x43,
14636 0x2f,0x17,0x8d,0x43,0x45,0x46,0x28,0x43,0xc8,0x21,0x8e,0x43,0x30,0xb3,0x27,0x43,0x08,0xa9,0xc8,0x8f,
14637 0x43,0xef,0xe8,0x26,0x43,0xbf,0x5b,0x90,0x43,0x5b,0xc1,0x24,0x43,0x10,0xca,0x90,0x43,0xa0,0x62,0x22,
14638 0x43,0x08,0x26,0x5d,0x91,0x43,0xbb,0xcc,0x1f,0x43,0xf0,0x70,0x92,0x43,0x78,0x13,0x1e,0x43,0x77,0xd7,
14639 0x93,0x43,0x73,0x24,0x1d,0x43,0x08,0x65,0x3f,0x96,0x43,0xce,0x58,0x1b,0x43,0xbe,0x7f,0x96,0x43,0xbf,
14640 0x8b,0x18,0x43,0x60,0x5c,0x97,0x43,0xb6,0xad,0x16,0x43,0x08,0xba,0xa8,0x99,0x43,0x78,0xcb,0x11,0x43,
14641 0x49,0xe1,0x9a,0x43,0x78,0xcb,0x11,0x43,0x01,0x51,0x9c,0x43,0x73,0xdc,0x10,0x43,0x08,0x72,0x24,0x9d,
14642 0x43,0xd2,0xff,0x0f,0x43,0x1c,0xd3,0x9d,0x43,0x07,0xec,0x0e,0x43,0xeb,0xc9,0x9d,0x43,0xe8,0x7a,0x0c,
14643 0x43,0x08,0x60,0x80,0x9d,0x43,0xd7,0xbe,0x08,0x43,0x4d,0xe8,0x9f,0x43,0x86,0x50,0x08,0x43,0x25,0xbd,
14644 0xa1,0x43,0x5b,0x2a,0x07,0x43,0x08,0x99,0x7f,0xa3,0x43,0xc9,0xf1,0x05,0x43,0x48,0x1d,0xa5,0x43,0x86,
14645 0x38,0x04,0x43,0x6c,0x71,0xa6,0x43,0x18,0x59,0x01,0x43,0x08,0x32,0x96,0xa6,0x43,0x6e,0x64,0xff,0x42,
14646 0x48,0x29,0xa7,0x43,0xed,0xcf,0xfd,0x42,0x5f,0xbc,0xa7,0x43,0x71,0x3b,0xfc,0x42,0x08,0xf3,0xe3,0xa9,
14647 0x43,0xf7,0x7d,0xf7,0x42,0xd8,0x6d,0xaa,0x43,0x45,0xe5,0xf2,0x42,0x48,0x41,0xab,0x43,0xcb,0x27,0xee,
14648 0x42,0x08,0x24,0xf9,0xab,0x43,0x52,0x6a,0xe9,0x42,0xee,0x0c,0xad,0x43,0x4c,0x8c,0xe7,0x42,0x1b,0x33,
14649 0xae,0x43,0xcc,0xf7,0xe5,0x42,0x08,0xaa,0x6b,0xaf,0x43,0xe8,0x61,0xe3,0x42,0x90,0xf5,0xaf,0x43,0xc9,
14650 0xf0,0xe0,0x42,0xe0,0x63,0xb0,0x43,0xe5,0x5a,0xde,0x42,0x08,0xaa,0x83,0xb3,0x43,0x29,0x2d,0x09,0x43,
14651 0x6a,0xfe,0x8e,0x43,0xb8,0x74,0x3c,0x43,0xd5,0x06,0x95,0x43,0xe6,0x79,0x67,0x43,0x08,0x2f,0x53,0x97,
14652 0x43,0xe9,0xb0,0x74,0x43,0xa8,0x28,0xa0,0x43,0x43,0xfd,0x76,0x43,0x83,0x28,0xad,0x43,0x17,0x59,0x81,
14653 0x43,0x08,0x3d,0xe7,0xbf,0x43,0x4b,0x8d,0x8c,0x43,0xae,0x96,0xba,0x43,0x66,0x27,0x92,0x43,0x15,0xe0,
14654 0xc7,0x43,0x6f,0x11,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x7e,0x5d,0xb2,0x43,0xdb,0x01,0x98,0x43,0x9e,0x56,0xa0,0x43,0x80,
14655 0xc1,0x97,0x43,0x69,0x2e,0x97,0x43,0x31,0x17,0x8d,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xab,0xa7,0x39,0x43,0x67,0x0f,0x0e,
14656 0x43,0x08,0xdb,0xbc,0x3b,0x43,0xe8,0x92,0x10,0x43,0xb5,0x85,0x3b,0x43,0x97,0x3c,0x14,0x43,0xab,0xa7,
14657 0x39,0x43,0x0c,0x0b,0x18,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xca,0x30,0x40,0x43,0x30,0x3b,0x13,0x43,0x08,0x17,0xc8,0x43,
14658 0x43,0xa5,0x09,0x17,0x43,0x7e,0xc9,0x44,0x43,0x1a,0xd8,0x1a,0x43,0x9d,0x22,0x43,0x43,0x8d,0xa6,0x1e,
14659 0x43,0x09,0x06,0xc8,0x78,0x4c,0x43,0xed,0xc9,0x1d,0x43,0x08,0x0b,0x32,0x4e,0x43,0x22,0xce,0x20,0x43,
14660 0x23,0xc5,0x4e,0x43,0x58,0xd2,0x23,0x43,0x0b,0x32,0x4e,0x43,0x2b,0xc4,0x26,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xec,0x08,
14661 0x58,0x43,0xc7,0xb1,0x26,0x43,0x08,0x02,0x9c,0x58,0x43,0xef,0x00,0x2b,0x43,0xd9,0x64,0x58,0x43,0x02,
14662 0xbd,0x2e,0x43,0x10,0x51,0x57,0x43,0x37,0xc1,0x31,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xcb,0xdf,0x61,0x43,0x4a,0x65,0x31,
14663 0x43,0x08,0xbe,0x2a,0x63,0x43,0xbd,0x33,0x35,0x43,0x32,0xe1,0x62,0x43,0x56,0x4a,0x38,0x43,0xde,0x83,
14664 0x61,0x43,0x3c,0xe0,0x3a,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x1c,0x7e,0x6a,0x43,0x5b,0x39,0x39,0x43,0x08,0x31,0x11,0x6b,
14665 0x43,0x0c,0xd2,0x3d,0x43,0x1c,0x7e,0x6a,0x43,0x13,0xd9,0x42,0x43,0xd9,0xc4,0x68,0x43,0xcb,0x60,0x48,
14666 0x43,0x09,0x06,0xe5,0xc1,0x73,0x43,0x16,0xf8,0x4b,0x43,0x08,0xa6,0xf7,0x72,0x43,0xb1,0xfd,0x4f,0x43,
14667 0x3b,0x07,0x71,0x43,0x4a,0x14,0x53,0x43,0xa2,0xf0,0x6d,0x43,0x7c,0x29,0x55,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x00,0x8d,
14668 0xa6,0x43,0xef,0x21,0x01,0x43,0x08,0x52,0xfb,0xa6,0x43,0xce,0xc8,0x02,0x43,0xe6,0x16,0xa7,0x43,0x51,
14669 0x4c,0x05,0x43,0x3b,0x68,0xa6,0x43,0x4c,0x75,0x08,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xde,0x20,0xa1,0x43,0x86,0x50,0x08,
14670 0x43,0x08,0xd4,0x4e,0xa1,0x43,0xd3,0xe7,0x0b,0x43,0xb5,0xe9,0xa0,0x43,0x59,0x5a,0x0f,0x43,0xba,0xcc,
14671 0x9f,0x43,0x54,0x83,0x12,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x77,0xfb,0x99,0x43,0x6c,0x16,0x13,0x43,0x08,0xde,0xfc,0x9a,
14672 0x43,0x4a,0xbd,0x14,0x43,0x06,0x34,0x9b,0x43,0xfe,0x55,0x19,0x43,0x13,0xe9,0x99,0x43,0x41,0x27,0x1f,
14673 0x43,0x09,0x06,0x46,0xce,0x93,0x43,0x26,0xa5,0x1d,0x43,0x08,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0xbb,0xcc,0x1f,0x43,
14674 0x18,0xb4,0x94,0x43,0xa8,0x40,0x24,0x43,0xe2,0xbb,0x93,0x43,0x21,0xfe,0x28,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xb1,0x8e,
14675 0x8d,0x43,0xa8,0x58,0x28,0x43,0x08,0x19,0x90,0x8e,0x43,0x54,0x13,0x2b,0x43,0xa4,0xd9,0x8e,0x43,0x84,
14676 0x40,0x31,0x43,0x46,0xaa,0x8d,0x43,0x29,0x24,0x37,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xd6,0xbe,0x88,0x43,0xef,0x30,0x33,
14677 0x43,0x08,0x0c,0xb7,0x89,0x43,0x0e,0xa2,0x35,0x43,0xc0,0x37,0x8a,0x43,0x7a,0xaa,0x3b,0x43,0xbb,0x48,
14678 0x89,0x43,0xbb,0x7b,0x41,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x3a,0xad,0x82,0x43,0xc4,0x59,0x43,0x43,0x08,0xd2,0xb7,0x83,
14679 0x43,0x2b,0x5b,0x44,0x43,0x35,0xd6,0x85,0x43,0x48,0xf5,0x49,0x43,0x42,0x97,0x86,0x43,0xc4,0xa1,0x4f,
14680 0x43,0x09,0x06,0x9c,0xb3,0x80,0x43,0x48,0x55,0x5a,0x43,0x08,0xff,0xc5,0x80,0x43,0x09,0x73,0x55,0x43,
14681 0x93,0xe1,0x80,0x43,0x0f,0x39,0x53,0x43,0xf1,0xbe,0x7e,0x43,0x18,0xe7,0x4c,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xe0,0x02,
14682 0x7b,0x43,0x92,0xec,0x5d,0x43,0x08,0x09,0x3a,0x7b,0x43,0xf0,0xf7,0x58,0x43,0x09,0x3a,0x7b,0x43,0xe6,
14683 0x31,0x5b,0x43,0xe0,0x02,0x7b,0x43,0xa8,0x4f,0x56,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x39,0x4f,0x7d,0x43,0x3e,0x8f,0x5c,
14684 0x43,0x08,0xe9,0xe0,0x7c,0x43,0x03,0x9c,0x58,0x43,0x1e,0x2b,0x81,0x43,0x7f,0x30,0x5a,0x43,0xff,0x73,
14685 0x7d,0x43,0xf6,0xb6,0x51,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x5c,0xb8,0x52,0x43,0x28,0x21,0x87,0x43,0x08,0xae,0x3e,0x57,
14686 0x43,0x12,0x9a,0x88,0x43,0x23,0xf5,0x56,0x43,0x04,0xf1,0x8b,0x43,0x25,0xfc,0x5b,0x43,0x85,0x74,0x8e,
14687 0x43,0x08,0x2f,0xf2,0x61,0x43,0x8e,0x52,0x90,0x43,0xd9,0xdc,0x6c,0x43,0x85,0x74,0x8e,0x43,0xc6,0x20,
14688 0x69,0x43,0x3d,0xd8,0x8d,0x43,0x08,0x6d,0x8c,0x5a,0x43,0xf5,0x3b,0x8d,0x43,0x3d,0x77,0x58,0x43,0xa1,
14689 0xc6,0x87,0x43,0xf8,0xed,0x5e,0x43,0x5e,0x0d,0x86,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xde,0xcc,0x92,0x43,0xf7,0x17,0x87,
14690 0x43,0x08,0xb6,0x89,0x90,0x43,0xae,0x87,0x88,0x43,0x4a,0xa5,0x90,0x43,0xa1,0xde,0x8b,0x43,0xf9,0x2a,
14691 0x8e,0x43,0x23,0x62,0x8e,0x43,0x08,0xf5,0x2f,0x8b,0x43,0x5c,0x49,0x90,0x43,0x35,0xd6,0x85,0x43,0x8e,
14692 0x46,0x8e,0x43,0x3d,0xb4,0x87,0x43,0x47,0xaa,0x8d,0x43,0x08,0x6a,0xfe,0x8e,0x43,0xff,0x0d,0x8d,0x43,
14693 0xbb,0x6c,0x8f,0x43,0xf7,0x17,0x87,0x43,0x5c,0x31,0x8c,0x43,0xb2,0x5e,0x85,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x60,0x38,
14694 0x91,0x43,0x69,0x5d,0x7a,0x43,0x08,0x34,0x1e,0x92,0x43,0x1e,0x5b,0x89,0x43,0x04,0x63,0x7e,0x43,0x5e,
14695 0x01,0x84,0x43,0x59,0x2a,0x87,0x43,0x0d,0xcf,0x8d,0x43,0x09,0x03,0x04,0x06,0x5a,0x18,0x63,0x43,0x82,
14696 0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x08,0x25,0x2c,0x64,0x43,0x82,0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x2a,0x1b,0x65,0x43,0x9d,0xef,0x8a,0x43,
14697 0x2a,0x1b,0x65,0x43,0xc1,0x37,0x8a,0x43,0x08,0x2a,0x1b,0x65,0x43,0x17,0x89,0x89,0x43,0x25,0x2c,0x64,
14698 0x43,0x31,0xff,0x88,0x43,0x5a,0x18,0x63,0x43,0x31,0xff,0x88,0x43,0x08,0xf3,0x16,0x62,0x43,0x31,0xff,
14699 0x88,0x43,0xee,0x27,0x61,0x43,0x17,0x89,0x89,0x43,0xee,0x27,0x61,0x43,0xc1,0x37,0x8a,0x43,0x08,0xee,
14700 0x27,0x61,0x43,0x9d,0xef,0x8a,0x43,0xf3,0x16,0x62,0x43,0x82,0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x5a,0x18,0x63,0x43,0x82,
14701 0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x4f,0x64,0x89,0x43,0x82,0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x08,0x34,0xee,0x89,0x43,0x82,0x79,
14702 0x8b,0x43,0x85,0x5c,0x8a,0x43,0x9d,0xef,0x8a,0x43,0x85,0x5c,0x8a,0x43,0xc1,0x37,0x8a,0x43,0x08,0x85,
14703 0x5c,0x8a,0x43,0x17,0x89,0x89,0x43,0x34,0xee,0x89,0x43,0x31,0xff,0x88,0x43,0x4f,0x64,0x89,0x43,0x31,
14704 0xff,0x88,0x43,0x08,0x9c,0xe3,0x88,0x43,0x31,0xff,0x88,0x43,0x19,0x6c,0x88,0x43,0x17,0x89,0x89,0x43,
14705 0x19,0x6c,0x88,0x43,0xc1,0x37,0x8a,0x43,0x08,0x19,0x6c,0x88,0x43,0x9d,0xef,0x8a,0x43,0x9c,0xe3,0x88,
14706 0x43,0x82,0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x4f,0x64,0x89,0x43,0x82,0x79,0x8b,0x43,0x09,0x02,0x04,0x06,0x19,0x60,0x86,
14707 0x43,0xec,0xed,0xa3,0x43,0x08,0x35,0xd6,0x85,0x43,0x76,0x43,0xa6,0x43,0x93,0xe1,0x80,0x43,0x57,0x02,
14708 0xac,0x43,0x61,0xd8,0x80,0x43,0x87,0x17,0xae,0x43,0x08,0xa5,0x85,0x80,0x43,0xc3,0xfe,0xaf,0x43,0xce,
14709 0xbc,0x80,0x43,0x83,0x40,0xb1,0x43,0xa5,0x91,0x82,0x43,0x79,0x6e,0xb1,0x43,0x08,0x23,0x26,0x84,0x43,
14710 0x40,0x93,0xb1,0x43,0x30,0xe7,0x84,0x43,0xbe,0x1b,0xb1,0x43,0x11,0x82,0x84,0x43,0xab,0x6b,0xaf,0x43,
14711 0x08,0xb7,0x41,0x84,0x43,0x3b,0x98,0xae,0x43,0xb7,0x41,0x84,0x43,0xc3,0xf2,0xad,0x43,0xa1,0xae,0x83,
14712 0x43,0x83,0x28,0xad,0x43,0x08,0xb2,0x52,0x83,0x43,0x80,0x39,0xac,0x43,0x81,0x49,0x83,0x43,0xf0,0x00,
14713 0xab,0x43,0xe4,0x67,0x85,0x43,0x76,0x4f,0xa8,0x43,0x08,0x9c,0xd7,0x86,0x43,0xd1,0x83,0xa6,0x43,0xec,
14714 0x45,0x87,0x43,0x01,0x75,0xa2,0x43,0x19,0x60,0x86,0x43,0xec,0xed,0xa3,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xd9,0xdc,0x6c,
14715 0x43,0x14,0x25,0xa4,0x43,0x08,0xa2,0xf0,0x6d,0x43,0x9f,0x7a,0xa6,0x43,0x47,0xec,0x77,0x43,0x80,0x39,
14716 0xac,0x43,0xa9,0xfe,0x77,0x43,0xb0,0x4e,0xae,0x43,0x08,0x23,0xa4,0x78,0x43,0xea,0x35,0xb0,0x43,0xd2,
14717 0x35,0x78,0x43,0xab,0x77,0xb1,0x43,0xc1,0x79,0x74,0x43,0xa2,0xa5,0xb1,0x43,0x08,0xc6,0x50,0x71,0x43,
14718 0x68,0xca,0xb1,0x43,0xab,0xce,0x6f,0x43,0xe7,0x52,0xb1,0x43,0xea,0x98,0x70,0x43,0xd4,0xa2,0xaf,0x43,
14719 0x08,0x9d,0x19,0x71,0x43,0x96,0xd8,0xae,0x43,0x9d,0x19,0x71,0x43,0xec,0x29,0xae,0x43,0xca,0x3f,0x72,
14720 0x43,0xab,0x5f,0xad,0x43,0x08,0xa6,0xf7,0x72,0x43,0xa7,0x70,0xac,0x43,0x09,0x0a,0x73,0x43,0x17,0x38,
14721 0xab,0x43,0x44,0xcd,0x6e,0x43,0x9f,0x86,0xa8,0x43,0x08,0xd4,0xed,0x6b,0x43,0xf8,0xba,0xa6,0x43,0x31,
14722 0x11,0x6b,0x43,0x2a,0xac,0xa2,0x43,0xd9,0xdc,0x6c,0x43,0x14,0x25,0xa4,0x43,0x09,0x01,0x05,0x06,0x66,
14723 0x5d,0x7a,0x43,0x74,0xeb,0xc2,0x43,0x08,0x09,0x22,0x77,0x43,0x50,0xbb,0xc7,0x43,0xe9,0xe0,0x7c,0x43,
14724 0xf5,0x86,0xc9,0x43,0x8f,0x94,0x7a,0x43,0xc5,0x95,0xcd,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x08,0x98,0x80,0x43,0x6b,0x19,
14725 0xc3,0x43,0x08,0xb7,0x35,0x82,0x43,0x79,0xf2,0xc7,0x43,0xf1,0xbe,0x7e,0x43,0x1e,0xbe,0xc9,0x43,0x73,
14726 0x7c,0x80,0x43,0xec,0xcc,0xcd,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x28,0xab,0x7d,0x43,0xae,0xde,0xc6,0x43,0x08,0x1e,0xcd,
14727 0x7b,0x43,0x8a,0xa2,0xc9,0x43,0x30,0x89,0x7f,0x43,0x5c,0x94,0xcc,0x43,0x28,0xab,0x7d,0x43,0x42,0x2a,
14728 0xcf,0x43,0x09,0x01,0x05,0x06,0x24,0x14,0xe0,0x42,0xf5,0x77,0x97,0x43,0x08,0xf7,0x1d,0xe7,0x42,0x74,
14729 0x00,0x97,0x43,0x4d,0x93,0xec,0x42,0xdb,0xf5,0x95,0x43,0x29,0x4b,0xed,0x42,0xcd,0x34,0x95,0x43,0x09,
14730 0x06,0x29,0x7b,0xf5,0x42,0x6f,0x1d,0x98,0x43,0x08,0xe4,0xf1,0xfb,0x42,0x61,0x5c,0x97,0x43,0xdb,0x7d,
14731 0x01,0x43,0xb2,0xbe,0x95,0x43,0x55,0x23,0x02,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x98,0xdc,0x03,0x43,
14732 0xbe,0x8b,0x98,0x43,0x08,0x66,0xdf,0x05,0x43,0x47,0xe6,0x97,0x43,0xae,0x87,0x08,0x43,0x98,0x48,0x96,
14733 0x43,0x61,0x08,0x09,0x43,0xd6,0x06,0x95,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x31,0x0b,0x0b,0x43,0x8e,0x82,0x98,0x43,0x08,
14734 0xdb,0xc5,0x0d,0x43,0x80,0xc1,0x97,0x43,0xd6,0xee,0x10,0x43,0xa9,0xec,0x95,0x43,0x79,0xcb,0x11,0x43,
14735 0x55,0x8f,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xd1,0x2f,0x18,0x43,0xdb,0x01,0x98,0x43,0x08,0xad,0xe7,0x18,0x43,0x38,
14736 0x25,0x97,0x43,0x8a,0x9f,0x19,0x43,0x80,0xb5,0x95,0x43,0xd6,0x1e,0x19,0x43,0xe0,0xd8,0x94,0x43,0x09,
14737 0x06,0x9a,0x5b,0x1d,0x43,0x58,0x8a,0x97,0x43,0x08,0x01,0x5d,0x1e,0x43,0xf1,0x88,0x96,0x43,0x2f,0x83,
14738 0x1f,0x43,0x19,0xb4,0x94,0x43,0x19,0xf0,0x1e,0x43,0x6f,0x05,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x0b,0x53,0x24,0x43,
14739 0xae,0xdb,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x25,0xd5,0x25,0x43,0x50,0xac,0x95,0x43,0x53,0xfb,0x26,0x43,0x8a,0x7b,0x93,
14740 0x43,0x76,0x43,0x26,0x43,0xb7,0x95,0x92,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x76,0x5b,0x2a,0x43,0x47,0xda,0x95,0x43,0x08,
14741 0xf3,0xef,0x2b,0x43,0x10,0xe2,0x94,0x43,0x6d,0x95,0x2c,0x43,0xae,0xc3,0x92,0x43,0x68,0xa6,0x2b,0x43,
14742 0x47,0xc2,0x91,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x36,0xc1,0x31,0x43,0x2c,0x58,0x94,0x43,0x08,0x8c,0x1e,0x33,0x43,0x31,
14743 0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x79,0x7a,0x33,0x43,0xff,0x25,0x91,0x43,0xd9,0x9d,0x32,0x43,0xc1,0x5b,0x90,0x43,0x09,
14744 0x06,0x25,0x35,0x36,0x43,0x31,0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x08,0x3f,0xb7,0x37,0x43,0xc1,0x67,0x92,0x43,0xe0,0x93,
14745 0x38,0x43,0xae,0xb7,0x90,0x43,0x7e,0x81,0x38,0x43,0x0d,0xdb,0x8f,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xb5,0x85,0x3b,0x43,
14746 0xe4,0xaf,0x91,0x43,0x08,0xcf,0x07,0x3d,0x43,0x9d,0x13,0x91,0x43,0xbc,0x63,0x3d,0x43,0x47,0xb6,0x8f,
14747 0x43,0xe5,0x9a,0x3d,0x43,0x74,0xd0,0x8e,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xae,0xc6,0x42,0x43,0xa4,0xd9,0x8e,0x43,0x08,
14748 0xca,0x48,0x44,0x43,0xfa,0x2a,0x8e,0x43,0xa2,0x11,0x44,0x43,0x9d,0xfb,0x8c,0x43,0x55,0x92,0x44,0x43,
14749 0x0d,0xc3,0x8b,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x39,0x10,0xc3,0x43,0x34,0x36,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x92,0x44,0xc1,0x43,0xe4,
14750 0xc7,0x95,0x43,0x6f,0xf0,0xbf,0x43,0x4b,0xbd,0x94,0x43,0x47,0xb9,0xbf,0x43,0x0b,0xf3,0x93,0x43,0x09,
14751 0x06,0x8f,0x49,0xbe,0x43,0xb7,0xad,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x11,0xb5,0xbc,0x43,0x77,0xe3,0x95,0x43,0x9c,0xf2,
14752 0xba,0x43,0xfa,0x4e,0x94,0x43,0xae,0x96,0xba,0x43,0x31,0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xdb,0xb0,0xb9,0x43,
14753 0x10,0xee,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x42,0xa6,0xb8,0x43,0xc8,0x51,0x96,0x43,0x50,0x5b,0xb7,0x43,0x19,0xb4,0x94,
14754 0x43,0xf7,0x1a,0xb7,0x43,0x58,0x72,0x93,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xf2,0x2b,0xb6,0x43,0x10,0xee,0x96,0x43,0x08,
14755 0x9d,0xce,0xb4,0x43,0x04,0x2d,0x96,0x43,0xed,0x30,0xb3,0x43,0x2c,0x58,0x94,0x43,0xce,0xcb,0xb2,0x43,
14756 0xd6,0xfa,0x92,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x5a,0x09,0xb1,0x43,0x19,0xc0,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x6c,0xad,0xb0,0x43,0x77,
14757 0xe3,0x95,0x43,0x7e,0x51,0xb0,0x43,0xc0,0x73,0x94,0x43,0xd8,0x91,0xb0,0x43,0x1e,0x97,0x93,0x43,0x09,
14758 0x06,0x48,0x4d,0xad,0x43,0xbe,0x7f,0x96,0x43,0x08,0x95,0xcc,0xac,0x43,0x58,0x7e,0x95,0x43,0x4d,0x30,
14759 0xac,0x43,0x80,0xa9,0x93,0x43,0xd8,0x79,0xac,0x43,0xd6,0xfa,0x92,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x90,0xd1,0xa9,0x43,
14760 0x14,0xd1,0x95,0x43,0x08,0x83,0x10,0xa9,0x43,0xb7,0xa1,0x94,0x43,0x3b,0x74,0xa8,0x43,0xf1,0x70,0x92,
14761 0x43,0x29,0xd0,0xa8,0x43,0x1e,0x8b,0x91,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x5a,0xcd,0xa6,0x43,0x8a,0x87,0x95,0x43,0x08,
14762 0x1c,0x03,0xa6,0x43,0x23,0x86,0x94,0x43,0x5f,0xb0,0xa5,0x43,0xc1,0x67,0x92,0x43,0xe1,0x27,0xa6,0x43,
14763 0x8a,0x6f,0x91,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xd4,0x5a,0xa3,0x43,0x2c,0x58,0x94,0x43,0x08,0x29,0xac,0xa2,0x43,0x31,
14764 0x3b,0x93,0x43,0x32,0x7e,0xa2,0x43,0xff,0x25,0x91,0x43,0x83,0xec,0xa2,0x43,0x8e,0x52,0x90,0x43,0x09,
14765 0x06,0xf8,0x96,0xa0,0x43,0x1e,0x97,0x93,0x43,0x08,0xeb,0xd5,0x9f,0x43,0x7b,0xba,0x92,0x43,0x99,0x67,
14766 0x9f,0x43,0x9d,0x13,0x91,0x43,0x99,0x67,0x9f,0x43,0xfa,0x36,0x90,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xeb,0xc9,0x9d,0x43,
14767 0xc8,0x39,0x92,0x43,0x08,0xde,0x08,0x9d,0x43,0xb2,0xa6,0x91,0x43,0xe6,0xda,0x9c,0x43,0x2c,0x40,0x90,
14768 0x43,0x52,0xbf,0x9c,0x43,0x5a,0x5a,0x8f,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x37,0x3d,0x9b,0x43,0x85,0x80,0x90,0x43,0x08,
14769 0x2a,0x7c,0x9a,0x43,0xdb,0xd1,0x8f,0x43,0xf0,0xa0,0x9a,0x43,0x7d,0xa2,0x8e,0x43,0x65,0x57,0x9a,0x43,
14770 0xee,0x69,0x8d,0x43,0x09,0x02,0x04,0x06,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x04,0x21,0x94,0x43,0x08,0x0d,0x8a,0x31,
14771 0x42,0x9f,0x0e,0x94,0x43,0xf3,0x1f,0x34,0x42,0x3d,0xfc,0x93,0x43,0x63,0xff,0x36,0x42,0xa9,0xe0,0x93,
14772 0x43,0x08,0xb5,0x34,0x5d,0x42,0x0b,0xf3,0x93,0x43,0x6d,0xa4,0x5e,0x42,0x03,0x39,0x98,0x43,0xe7,0x31,
14773 0x5b,0x42,0x93,0x89,0x9d,0x43,0x08,0x02,0x9c,0x58,0x42,0xd4,0x5a,0xa3,0x43,0x38,0x70,0x53,0x42,0x14,
14774 0x49,0xaa,0x43,0xf8,0xed,0x5e,0x42,0x83,0x28,0xad,0x43,0x08,0xea,0x68,0x68,0x42,0x20,0x22,0xaf,0x43,
14775 0x12,0xb8,0x6c,0x42,0xb5,0x49,0xb1,0x43,0x2a,0x4b,0x6d,0x42,0x0d,0x96,0xb3,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0x4b,0x6d,
14776 0x42,0xc6,0x05,0xb5,0x43,0x08,0x87,0x6e,0x6c,0x42,0x68,0xee,0xb7,0x43,0x1c,0x66,0x66,0x42,0x31,0x0e,
14777 0xbb,0x43,0x57,0x11,0x5e,0x42,0x8f,0x49,0xbe,0x43,0x08,0x66,0x96,0x54,0x42,0xb9,0x5c,0xb8,0x43,0x2c,
14778 0x2b,0x3c,0x42,0x68,0xd6,0xb3,0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x6d,0xad,0xb0,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,
14779 0x61,0xa4,0xa3,0x43,0x08,0x55,0x1a,0x30,0x42,0xf0,0xd0,0xa2,0x43,0xf8,0xf6,0x30,0x42,0xb2,0x06,0xa2,
14780 0x43,0x98,0xd3,0x31,0x42,0xd6,0x4e,0xa1,0x43,0x08,0x1c,0x6f,0x38,0x42,0x2a,0x94,0x9e,0x43,0xc1,0x22,
14781 0x36,0x42,0xf5,0x9b,0x9d,0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x6a,0x52,0x9d,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x57,
14782 0xa2,0x9b,0x43,0x08,0xab,0x8f,0x35,0x42,0x8a,0xab,0x9b,0x43,0xe9,0x71,0x3a,0x42,0xb2,0xe2,0x9b,0x43,
14783 0xb7,0x74,0x3c,0x42,0x34,0x5a,0x9c,0x43,0x08,0x23,0x7d,0x42,0x42,0x0b,0x2f,0x9e,0x43,0xe5,0x9a,0x3d,
14784 0x42,0x38,0x6d,0xa3,0x43,0x36,0xd9,0x35,0x42,0xf3,0xd7,0xa7,0x43,0x08,0x12,0x61,0x2e,0x42,0xb0,0x42,
14785 0xac,0x43,0x63,0xff,0x36,0x42,0xdd,0x74,0xaf,0x43,0x1e,0xa6,0x45,0x42,0x44,0x82,0xb2,0x43,0x08,0x74,
14786 0x1b,0x4b,0x42,0x79,0x7a,0xb3,0x43,0x10,0x21,0x4f,0x42,0x2a,0x18,0xb5,0x43,0xdb,0x4c,0x54,0x42,0x91,
14787 0x19,0xb6,0x43,0x08,0xee,0x3f,0x65,0x42,0x5f,0x28,0xba,0x43,0xa7,0xaf,0x66,0x42,0xb9,0x50,0xb6,0x43,
14788 0x14,0x58,0x5c,0x42,0xca,0xdc,0xb1,0x43,0x08,0x2c,0x8b,0x4c,0x42,0x4e,0x30,0xac,0x43,0x19,0xcf,0x48,
14789 0x42,0x2a,0xd0,0xa8,0x43,0xbc,0xab,0x49,0x42,0xa9,0x4c,0xa6,0x43,0x08,0x61,0x5f,0x47,0x42,0xfa,0xa2,
14790 0xa2,0x43,0xa7,0xaf,0x66,0x42,0x85,0x98,0x94,0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0xc3,0x62,0x95,0x43,0x07,0x2a,
14791 0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x04,0x21,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xd0,0xfe,0xea,0x41,0x9f,0x0e,0x94,0x43,0x08,0xdc,0xe3,
14792 0xf1,0x41,0xe9,0x9e,0x92,0x43,0xd2,0xe7,0x0b,0x42,0xd6,0x06,0x95,0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x04,0x21,
14793 0x94,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0xc3,0x62,0x95,0x43,0x08,0x87,0x17,0x2e,0x42,0xc3,0x62,0x95,0x43,
14794 0xe7,0x3a,0x2d,0x42,0xf5,0x6b,0x95,0x43,0x44,0x5e,0x2c,0x42,0xf5,0x6b,0x95,0x43,0x08,0xd1,0x47,0x1c,
14795 0x42,0x19,0xc0,0x96,0x43,0x66,0xdf,0x05,0x42,0x38,0x19,0x95,0x43,0x12,0x6a,0x00,0x42,0xb2,0xbe,0x95,
14796 0x43,0x08,0xbb,0x6b,0xea,0x41,0xd6,0x12,0x97,0x43,0x2d,0x82,0xfa,0x41,0x61,0x74,0x9b,0x43,0x7e,0x72,
14797 0x06,0x42,0x8a,0xab,0x9b,0x43,0x08,0xc8,0x39,0x12,0x42,0x4e,0xd0,0x9b,0x43,0x53,0xe3,0x22,0x42,0xc3,
14798 0x86,0x9b,0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x57,0xa2,0x9b,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x6a,0x52,0x9d,0x43,
14799 0x08,0x01,0xa5,0x2a,0x42,0xa4,0x2d,0x9d,0x43,0x96,0x9c,0x24,0x42,0x06,0x40,0x9d,0x43,0x8a,0xb7,0x1d,
14800 0x42,0x9a,0x5b,0x9d,0x43,0x08,0x6b,0x16,0x13,0x42,0xcd,0x64,0x9d,0x43,0x42,0xc7,0x0e,0x42,0x9a,0x5b,
14801 0x9d,0x43,0x23,0x26,0x04,0x42,0xcd,0x64,0x9d,0x43,0x08,0xe6,0x91,0xeb,0x41,0x38,0x49,0x9d,0x43,0x73,
14802 0x7b,0xdb,0x41,0xf5,0x83,0x99,0x43,0x7f,0x60,0xe2,0x41,0x0b,0x0b,0x98,0x43,0x08,0x7f,0x60,0xe2,0x41,
14803 0xec,0x99,0x95,0x43,0xe3,0x5a,0xde,0x41,0xbe,0x7f,0x96,0x43,0xd0,0xfe,0xea,0x41,0x9f,0x0e,0x94,0x43,
14804 0x07,0xd0,0xfe,0xea,0x41,0x9f,0x0e,0x94,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x6d,0xad,0xb0,0x43,0x08,
14805 0xd4,0x7e,0x29,0x42,0xab,0x6b,0xaf,0x43,0x4e,0x0c,0x26,0x42,0x44,0x6a,0xae,0x43,0x38,0x79,0x25,0x42,
14806 0xd4,0x96,0xad,0x43,0x08,0x25,0xbd,0x21,0x42,0xe2,0x4b,0xac,0x43,0x49,0x35,0x29,0x42,0x9a,0x97,0xa7,
14807 0x43,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x61,0xa4,0xa3,0x43,0x07,0x2a,0xf4,0x2e,0x42,0x6d,0xad,0xb0,0x43,0x09,0x06,
14808 0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x87,0x4a,0xe6,0x43,0x08,0x86,0x20,0x80,0x43,0x57,0x41,0xe6,0x43,0x7d,0x4e,0x80,
14809 0x43,0x25,0x38,0xe6,0x43,0xa5,0x85,0x80,0x43,0xf3,0x2e,0xe6,0x43,0x08,0x35,0xca,0x83,0x43,0xd4,0xc9,
14810 0xe5,0x43,0x9c,0xd7,0x86,0x43,0x44,0x91,0xe4,0x43,0xd5,0xca,0x8a,0x43,0x91,0x1c,0xe6,0x43,0x08,0x53,
14811 0x5f,0x8c,0x43,0xf8,0x1d,0xe7,0x43,0x2f,0x17,0x8d,0x43,0x4e,0x7b,0xe8,0x43,0x92,0x29,0x8d,0x43,0x2f,
14812 0x22,0xea,0x43,0x07,0x92,0x29,0x8d,0x43,0x44,0xb5,0xea,0x43,0x08,0xfe,0x0d,0x8d,0x43,0x2a,0x4b,0xed,
14813 0x43,0xe3,0x8b,0x8b,0x43,0x55,0x7d,0xf0,0x43,0xec,0x51,0x89,0x43,0x72,0x0b,0xf4,0x43,0x08,0xcd,0xd4,
14814 0x84,0x43,0x9d,0x55,0xfb,0x43,0xc9,0xe5,0x83,0x43,0x74,0x1e,0xfb,0x43,0x73,0x94,0x84,0x43,0x5a,0x90,
14815 0xf7,0x43,0x08,0xe8,0x62,0x88,0x43,0xfd,0x30,0xee,0x43,0x39,0xc5,0x86,0x43,0xdd,0xbf,0xeb,0x43,0x35,
14816 0xbe,0x81,0x43,0x40,0xde,0xed,0x43,0x08,0x4f,0x34,0x81,0x43,0x36,0x0c,0xee,0x43,0x08,0x98,0x80,0x43,
14817 0xfd,0x30,0xee,0x43,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x91,0x4c,0xee,0x43,0x07,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x91,0x40,0xec,
14818 0x43,0x08,0x35,0xbe,0x81,0x43,0x06,0xf7,0xeb,0x43,0x15,0x65,0x83,0x43,0x49,0xa4,0xeb,0x43,0x1e,0x43,
14819 0x85,0x43,0xbe,0x5a,0xeb,0x43,0x08,0xae,0x93,0x8a,0x43,0xfd,0x18,0xea,0x43,0x42,0x97,0x86,0x43,0x5f,
14820 0x67,0xf4,0x43,0xa9,0x98,0x87,0x43,0xd4,0x1d,0xf4,0x43,0x08,0x5c,0x25,0x8a,0x43,0xcf,0x16,0xef,0x43,
14821 0x46,0xaa,0x8d,0x43,0x5a,0x3c,0xe9,0x43,0x19,0x6c,0x88,0x43,0x53,0x5e,0xe7,0x43,0x08,0xc4,0x02,0x85,
14822 0x43,0x96,0x0b,0xe7,0x43,0x85,0x2c,0x82,0x43,0x83,0x67,0xe7,0x43,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x72,0xc3,0xe7,
14823 0x43,0x07,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x87,0x4a,0xe6,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xfd,0x24,0x6c,0x43,0xd9,0x94,0xe0,0x43,
14824 0x08,0xfa,0x6c,0x78,0x43,0xd1,0xc2,0xe0,0x43,0x25,0x5c,0x6c,0x43,0x25,0x44,0xe8,0x43,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,
14825 0x43,0x87,0x4a,0xe6,0x43,0x07,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x72,0xc3,0xe7,0x43,0x08,0xa6,0x27,0x7b,0x43,0x91,
14826 0x28,0xe8,0x43,0xbc,0xa2,0x77,0x43,0xb0,0x8d,0xe8,0x43,0xc6,0x68,0x75,0x43,0x57,0x4d,0xe8,0x43,0x08,
14827 0xe0,0xd2,0x72,0x43,0xab,0x9e,0xe7,0x43,0x50,0x9a,0x71,0x43,0x2a,0x27,0xe7,0x43,0xea,0x98,0x70,0x43,
14828 0x57,0x35,0xe4,0x43,0x08,0x94,0x3b,0x6f,0x43,0x14,0x7c,0xe2,0x43,0xff,0x13,0x6d,0x43,0x06,0xbb,0xe1,
14829 0x43,0xcf,0xfe,0x6a,0x43,0x06,0xbb,0xe1,0x43,0x08,0x44,0x9d,0x66,0x43,0x77,0x8e,0xe2,0x43,0x3b,0xef,
14830 0x6c,0x43,0x91,0x10,0xe4,0x43,0xfd,0x24,0x6c,0x43,0xb0,0x81,0xe6,0x43,0x08,0x96,0x23,0x6b,0x43,0xee,
14831 0x57,0xe9,0x43,0xca,0x0f,0x6a,0x43,0x5f,0x37,0xec,0x43,0x55,0x71,0x6e,0x43,0x9f,0x01,0xed,0x43,0x08,
14832 0xdb,0xfb,0x75,0x43,0x3b,0xef,0xec,0x43,0x09,0x3a,0x7b,0x43,0xb0,0xa5,0xec,0x43,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,
14833 0x91,0x40,0xec,0x43,0x07,0x1d,0xe5,0x7f,0x43,0x91,0x4c,0xee,0x43,0x08,0xa9,0x16,0x7c,0x43,0xb0,0xb1,
14834 0xee,0x43,0x47,0xec,0x77,0x43,0xd9,0xe8,0xee,0x43,0x1e,0x9d,0x73,0x43,0xcf,0x16,0xef,0x43,0x08,0x0e,
14835 0xc9,0x6b,0x43,0xee,0x7b,0xef,0x43,0x7e,0x90,0x6a,0x43,0xfd,0x30,0xee,0x43,0x01,0xfc,0x68,0x43,0x4e,
14836 0x93,0xec,0x43,0x08,0x31,0xf9,0x66,0x43,0x4e,0x87,0xea,0x43,0x31,0x11,0x6b,0x43,0xd4,0xd5,0xe7,0x43,
14837 0xd9,0xc4,0x68,0x43,0xd4,0xc9,0xe5,0x43,0x08,0xe5,0x79,0x67,0x43,0x77,0x9a,0xe4,0x43,0x44,0x9d,0x66,
14838 0x43,0xab,0x86,0xe3,0x43,0x7e,0x78,0x66,0x43,0x0b,0xaa,0xe2,0x43,0x07,0x7e,0x78,0x66,0x43,0x57,0x29,
14839 0xe2,0x43,0x08,0xa7,0xaf,0x66,0x43,0xbe,0x1e,0xe1,0x43,0x87,0x56,0x68,0x43,0x77,0x82,0xe0,0x43,0xfd,
14840 0x24,0x6c,0x43,0xd9,0x94,0xe0,0x43,0x09,0x06,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,0x85,0xc0,0x72,0x42,0x08,0x73,0xdf,
14841 0xc0,0x43,0xf4,0x76,0x72,0x42,0x97,0x33,0xc2,0x43,0x85,0xc0,0x72,0x42,0xb2,0xb5,0xc3,0x43,0x64,0x56,
14842 0x75,0x42,0x08,0x03,0x24,0xc4,0x43,0x5e,0x7f,0x78,0x42,0xfa,0x51,0xc4,0x43,0x01,0x85,0x7c,0x42,0x5c,
14843 0x64,0xc4,0x43,0xa0,0xb3,0x80,0x42,0x07,0x5c,0x64,0xc4,0x43,0x10,0x93,0x83,0x42,0x08,0xc8,0x48,0xc4,
14844 0x43,0x1c,0x78,0x8a,0x42,0x27,0x6c,0xc3,0x43,0xaf,0xcf,0x94,0x42,0x23,0x7d,0xc2,0x43,0x99,0x9c,0xa4,
14845 0x42,0x08,0x3d,0xe7,0xbf,0x43,0xfb,0xfd,0xb5,0x42,0xb3,0x9d,0xbf,0x43,0x88,0x17,0xae,0x42,0xc4,0x41,
14846 0xbf,0x43,0x69,0x76,0xa3,0x42,0x07,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,0xac,0xc8,0x8f,0x42,0x08,0x4f,0x8b,0xbf,0x43,
14847 0xed,0x81,0x91,0x42,0xe4,0xa6,0xbf,0x43,0x5d,0x61,0x94,0x42,0xfa,0x39,0xc0,0x43,0x3b,0x49,0x9d,0x42,
14848 0x08,0x2b,0x43,0xc0,0x43,0x28,0xed,0xa9,0x42,0x61,0x3b,0xc1,0x43,0x00,0x9e,0xa5,0x42,0xe4,0xb2,0xc1,
14849 0x43,0x5d,0x91,0x9c,0x42,0x08,0x78,0xce,0xc1,0x43,0xfd,0x36,0x90,0x42,0x22,0x89,0xc4,0x43,0x81,0x72,
14850 0x86,0x42,0xae,0xc6,0xc2,0x43,0xa0,0xb3,0x80,0x42,0x08,0x54,0x86,0xc2,0x43,0x58,0xd1,0x7e,0x42,0x30,
14851 0x32,0xc1,0x43,0xce,0x5e,0x7b,0x42,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,0xe8,0xf1,0x7b,0x42,0x07,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,
14852 0x85,0xc0,0x72,0x42,0x09,0x06,0xf6,0x32,0xbb,0x43,0x40,0xa7,0x60,0x42,0x08,0x35,0xfd,0xbb,0x43,0xa4,
14853 0xa1,0x5c,0x42,0x5e,0x34,0xbc,0x43,0x9d,0x2a,0x70,0x42,0x5e,0x40,0xbe,0x43,0x0e,0x0a,0x73,0x42,0x08,
14854 0x4c,0x9c,0xbe,0x43,0x0e,0x0a,0x73,0x42,0x08,0xef,0xbe,0x43,0x0e,0x0a,0x73,0x42,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,
14855 0x85,0xc0,0x72,0x42,0x07,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,0xe8,0xf1,0x7b,0x42,0x08,0xcd,0x13,0xbf,0x43,0xe8,0xf1,
14856 0x7b,0x42,0xd6,0xe5,0xbe,0x43,0x71,0x3b,0x7c,0x42,0xdf,0xb7,0xbe,0x43,0x71,0x3b,0x7c,0x42,0x08,0x08,
14857 0xe3,0xbc,0x43,0xa4,0x61,0x7d,0x42,0x28,0x3c,0xbb,0x43,0x91,0x45,0x69,0x42,0x28,0x3c,0xbb,0x43,0x58,
14858 0x71,0x6e,0x42,0x08,0xce,0xfb,0xba,0x43,0xd5,0x35,0x78,0x42,0x59,0x45,0xbb,0x43,0x58,0x23,0x82,0x42,
14859 0xa1,0xe1,0xbb,0x43,0xd7,0xbe,0x88,0x42,0x08,0xc9,0x18,0xbc,0x43,0xaf,0x9f,0x8c,0x42,0x1e,0x76,0xbd,
14860 0x43,0x51,0x7c,0x8d,0x42,0xd6,0xe5,0xbe,0x43,0xf4,0x58,0x8e,0x42,0x08,0x9c,0x0a,0xbf,0x43,0x45,0xc7,
14861 0x8e,0x42,0x30,0x26,0xbf,0x43,0x96,0x35,0x8f,0x42,0xc4,0x41,0xbf,0x43,0xac,0xc8,0x8f,0x42,0x07,0xc4,
14862 0x41,0xbf,0x43,0x69,0x76,0xa3,0x42,0x08,0x08,0xef,0xbe,0x43,0xb1,0xd6,0x99,0x42,0xe8,0x89,0xbe,0x43,
14863 0xde,0xc5,0x8d,0x42,0xc0,0x46,0xbc,0x43,0xc2,0x5b,0x90,0x42,0x08,0x9c,0xf2,0xba,0x43,0x86,0x80,0x90,
14864 0x42,0xf2,0x43,0xba,0x43,0xe8,0x73,0x87,0x42,0x8f,0x31,0xba,0x43,0xb6,0xf4,0x7d,0x42,0x07,0x8f,0x31,
14865 0xba,0x43,0x21,0xc6,0x76,0x42,0x08,0xc0,0x3a,0xba,0x43,0x5f,0x48,0x6b,0x42,0xae,0x96,0xba,0x43,0xe3,
14866 0x83,0x61,0x42,0xf6,0x32,0xbb,0x43,0x40,0xa7,0x60,0x42,0x09,0x06,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x61,0x44,0x93,
14867 0x43,0x08,0x24,0x5c,0xec,0x43,0x31,0x3b,0x93,0x43,0xfb,0x30,0xee,0x43,0x93,0x4d,0x93,0x43,0x0d,0xe1,
14868 0xef,0x43,0x80,0xa9,0x93,0x43,0x08,0x8f,0x58,0xf0,0x43,0xd1,0x17,0x94,0x43,0xb7,0x8f,0xf0,0x43,0x10,
14869 0xe2,0x94,0x43,0xea,0x98,0xf0,0x43,0xa9,0xec,0x95,0x43,0x07,0xea,0x98,0xf0,0x43,0x38,0x25,0x97,0x43,
14870 0x08,0x23,0x74,0xf0,0x43,0x9f,0x32,0x9a,0x43,0x5a,0x60,0xef,0x43,0x53,0xcb,0x9e,0x43,0x2d,0x3a,0xee,
14871 0x43,0xfd,0x91,0xa3,0x43,0x08,0xa2,0xf0,0xed,0x43,0xdd,0x38,0xa5,0x43,0x17,0xa7,0xed,0x43,0xbe,0xdf,
14872 0xa6,0x43,0x5a,0x54,0xed,0x43,0x9f,0x86,0xa8,0x43,0x08,0xfc,0x24,0xec,0x43,0xca,0xc4,0xad,0x43,0x48,
14873 0xa4,0xeb,0x43,0x40,0x6f,0xab,0x43,0x28,0x3f,0xeb,0x43,0x1c,0x0f,0xa8,0x43,0x08,0x1f,0x6d,0xeb,0x43,
14874 0x72,0x48,0xa3,0x43,0x67,0x09,0xec,0x43,0xd1,0x53,0x9e,0x43,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x1e,0xc7,0x9b,0x43,
14875 0x07,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x8a,0x9f,0x99,0x43,0x08,0x7e,0x90,0xea,0x43,0x8a,0x9f,0x99,0x43,0x12,0xac,
14876 0xea,0x43,0xbc,0xa8,0x99,0x43,0xa7,0xc7,0xea,0x43,0xbc,0xa8,0x99,0x43,0x08,0x51,0x76,0xeb,0x43,0x9f,
14877 0x32,0x9a,0x43,0x5e,0x37,0xec,0x43,0x49,0xed,0x9c,0x43,0xb0,0xa5,0xec,0x43,0x2a,0xa0,0xa0,0x43,0x08,
14878 0x09,0xe6,0xec,0x43,0xd1,0x77,0xa4,0x43,0x28,0x4b,0xed,0x43,0x61,0xa4,0xa3,0x43,0xab,0xc2,0xed,0x43,
14879 0x8e,0xb2,0xa0,0x43,0x08,0x70,0xe7,0xed,0x43,0xde,0x08,0x9d,0x43,0x87,0x86,0xf0,0x43,0x2f,0x53,0x97,
14880 0x43,0x87,0x7a,0xee,0x43,0xec,0x99,0x95,0x43,0x08,0xca,0x27,0xee,0x43,0xff,0x3d,0x95,0x43,0x74,0xca,
14881 0xec,0x43,0x55,0x8f,0x94,0x43,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0x07,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x61,
14882 0x44,0x93,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x05,0xd3,0xe5,0x43,0x19,0x9c,0x90,0x43,0x08,0x09,0xc2,0xe6,0x43,0xd1,0xff,
14883 0x8f,0x43,0x4d,0x6f,0xe6,0x43,0x74,0xe8,0x92,0x43,0x3b,0xd7,0xe8,0x43,0xc3,0x56,0x93,0x43,0x08,0x1f,
14884 0x61,0xe9,0x43,0x93,0x4d,0x93,0x43,0x05,0xeb,0xe9,0x43,0x93,0x4d,0x93,0x43,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x61,
14885 0x44,0x93,0x43,0x07,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0x08,0x24,0x50,0xea,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,
14886 0x43,0x2d,0x22,0xea,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0x36,0xf4,0xe9,0x43,0xe7,0xaa,0x94,0x43,0x08,0xa2,0xcc,
14887 0xe7,0x43,0xe0,0xd8,0x94,0x43,0xd4,0xc9,0xe5,0x43,0x19,0xa8,0x92,0x43,0xd4,0xc9,0xe5,0x43,0x27,0x69,
14888 0x93,0x43,0x08,0x17,0x77,0xe5,0x43,0xe0,0xd8,0x94,0x43,0x67,0xe5,0xe5,0x43,0x47,0xda,0x95,0x43,0x43,
14889 0x9d,0xe6,0x43,0xe2,0xd3,0x97,0x43,0x08,0x9d,0xdd,0xe6,0x43,0xad,0xe7,0x98,0x43,0x09,0xce,0xe8,0x43,
14890 0xff,0x55,0x99,0x43,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x8a,0x9f,0x99,0x43,0x07,0xea,0x74,0xea,0x43,0x1e,0xc7,0x9b,
14891 0x43,0x08,0x71,0xcf,0xe9,0x43,0x53,0xb3,0x9a,0x43,0xa7,0xbb,0xe8,0x43,0xdb,0x0d,0x9a,0x43,0xc6,0x14,
14892 0xe7,0x43,0xdb,0x0d,0x9a,0x43,0x08,0x48,0x80,0xe5,0x43,0xdb,0x0d,0x9a,0x43,0x0a,0xb6,0xe4,0x43,0xc3,
14893 0x6e,0x97,0x43,0x76,0x9a,0xe4,0x43,0x74,0xf4,0x94,0x43,0x07,0x76,0x9a,0xe4,0x43,0x79,0xd7,0x93,0x43,
14894 0x08,0xd8,0xac,0xe4,0x43,0x66,0x27,0x92,0x43,0x29,0x1b,0xe5,0x43,0xe0,0xc0,0x90,0x43,0x05,0xd3,0xe5,
14895 0x43,0x19,0x9c,0x90,0x43,0x09,0x06,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xe3,0xa3,0x8f,0x42,0x08,0x71,0x0b,0xf4,0x42,
14896 0x00,0x0e,0x8d,0x42,0x8c,0x0f,0x01,0x43,0x3e,0xc0,0x89,0x42,0xf3,0x28,0x06,0x43,0x48,0x9e,0x8b,0x42,
14897 0x08,0x15,0x89,0x09,0x43,0x00,0x0e,0x8d,0x42,0xe0,0x9c,0x0a,0x43,0xc1,0x8b,0x98,0x42,0xa6,0xc1,0x0a,
14898 0x43,0x02,0xa5,0xaa,0x42,0x07,0xa6,0xc1,0x0a,0x43,0xf9,0xf6,0xb0,0x42,0x08,0xa6,0xc1,0x0a,0x43,0x47,
14899 0x8e,0xb4,0x42,0x42,0xaf,0x0a,0x43,0x1f,0x6f,0xb8,0x42,0xe0,0x9c,0x0a,0x43,0xba,0x74,0xbc,0x42,0x08,
14900 0xa1,0xd2,0x09,0x43,0x40,0x47,0xd0,0x42,0x0d,0xab,0x07,0x43,0x91,0xb5,0xd0,0x42,0x3b,0xb9,0x04,0x43,
14901 0xec,0x71,0xba,0x42,0x08,0xe5,0x5b,0x03,0x43,0xe3,0x33,0xa8,0x42,0x63,0xd8,0x00,0x43,0xce,0x70,0x9f,
14902 0x42,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xae,0x2f,0xa5,0x42,0x07,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xa2,0x4a,0x9e,0x42,0x08,0xed,
14903 0x6f,0xed,0x42,0x73,0x24,0x9d,0x42,0xd8,0x0c,0xf5,0x42,0x99,0x6c,0x9c,0x42,0x27,0xab,0xfd,0x42,0xea,
14904 0xda,0x9c,0x42,0x08,0x36,0xca,0x03,0x43,0x2b,0x94,0x9e,0x42,0x68,0xc7,0x01,0x43,0x8f,0xbe,0xa2,0x42,
14905 0xfa,0x06,0x08,0x43,0x73,0xb4,0xb5,0x42,0x08,0x8e,0x2e,0x0a,0x43,0x1f,0x6f,0xb8,0x42,0x9d,0xe3,0x08,
14906 0x43,0xd7,0x1e,0x99,0x42,0x28,0x15,0x05,0x43,0x32,0x3b,0x93,0x42,0x08,0x63,0xf0,0x04,0x43,0x70,0xed,
14907 0x8f,0x42,0x71,0x0b,0xf4,0x42,0x32,0x3b,0x93,0x42,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0x73,0xf4,0x94,0x42,0x07,0x1b,
14908 0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xe3,0xa3,0x8f,0x42,0x09,0x06,0x5e,0x28,0xba,0x42,0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,0x08,0x8e,0x55,
14909 0xc0,0x42,0xb8,0x4d,0x86,0x42,0x60,0xbf,0xd7,0x42,0x3e,0xf0,0x91,0x42,0x63,0xf6,0xe4,0x42,0x70,0xed,
14910 0x8f,0x42,0x08,0x7a,0x89,0xe5,0x42,0xac,0xc8,0x8f,0x42,0xcc,0xf7,0xe5,0x42,0xac,0xc8,0x8f,0x42,0x1b,
14911 0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xe3,0xa3,0x8f,0x42,0x07,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0x73,0xf4,0x94,0x42,0x08,0x63,0xf6,0xe4,
14912 0x42,0x3b,0x19,0x95,0x42,0xe6,0x61,0xe3,0x42,0x00,0x3e,0x95,0x42,0xf4,0x16,0xe2,0x42,0xc4,0x62,0x95,
14913 0x42,0x08,0x6e,0x74,0xd6,0x42,0x15,0xd1,0x95,0x42,0x97,0x63,0xca,0x42,0xaf,0xcf,0x94,0x42,0xfb,0x2d,
14914 0xbe,0x42,0x86,0x80,0x90,0x42,0x08,0x97,0x03,0xba,0x42,0xce,0x10,0x8f,0x42,0x5e,0x28,0xba,0x42,0x3e,
14915 0xf0,0x91,0x42,0xf2,0x4f,0xbc,0x42,0x45,0xf7,0x96,0x42,0x08,0x27,0x54,0xbf,0x42,0x73,0x24,0x9d,0x42,
14916 0xa5,0xe8,0xc0,0x42,0x86,0xe0,0xa0,0x42,0xe4,0xca,0xc5,0x42,0xed,0x11,0xaa,0x42,0x08,0x54,0xaa,0xc8,
14917 0x42,0x86,0x40,0xb1,0x42,0x59,0x81,0xc5,0x42,0xa1,0x11,0xc4,0x42,0x3e,0xe7,0xbf,0x42,0xfb,0x8d,0xce,
14918 0x42,0x08,0xb4,0x6d,0xb7,0x42,0x30,0xc2,0xd9,0x42,0x46,0xf5,0xc9,0x42,0xdf,0x53,0xd9,0x42,0x38,0x40,
14919 0xcb,0x42,0x62,0x8f,0xcf,0x42,0x08,0x7d,0xf9,0xcc,0x42,0xec,0xa1,0xc2,0x42,0x07,0x43,0xcd,0x42,0x6c,
14920 0xdd,0xb8,0x42,0x2b,0x8b,0xcc,0x42,0x92,0xf5,0xaf,0x42,0x08,0xf9,0x8d,0xce,0x42,0x41,0x57,0xa7,0x42,
14921 0x5b,0xb8,0xd2,0x42,0xae,0x2f,0xa5,0x42,0x18,0x2f,0xd9,0x42,0x13,0x2a,0xa1,0x42,0x08,0x41,0x7e,0xdd,
14922 0x42,0xe3,0x03,0xa0,0x42,0x2e,0xf2,0xe1,0x42,0x7c,0x02,0x9f,0x42,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xa2,0x4a,0x9e,
14923 0x42,0x07,0x1b,0x66,0xe6,0x42,0xae,0x2f,0xa5,0x42,0x08,0x4d,0x63,0xe4,0x42,0x00,0x9e,0xa5,0x42,0xf4,
14924 0x16,0xe2,0x42,0x15,0x31,0xa6,0x42,0x99,0xca,0xdf,0x42,0x2b,0xc4,0xa6,0x42,0x08,0xc0,0x82,0xc6,0x42,
14925 0xc4,0xc2,0xa5,0x42,0x57,0xe1,0xd5,0x42,0x91,0xb5,0xd0,0x42,0x54,0xda,0xd0,0x42,0x97,0x93,0xd2,0x42,
14926 0x08,0x9c,0x3a,0xc7,0x42,0x17,0x58,0xdc,0x42,0x9c,0x0a,0xbf,0x42,0x6e,0xa4,0xde,0x42,0x90,0x25,0xb8,
14927 0x42,0xdf,0x53,0xd9,0x42,0x08,0x59,0x21,0xb5,0x42,0xf2,0xdf,0xd4,0x42,0x51,0x43,0xb3,0x42,0x91,0xb5,
14928 0xd0,0x42,0xc5,0x29,0xbb,0x42,0x0e,0x1a,0xca,0x42,0x08,0x65,0x36,0xc4,0x42,0xd0,0x07,0xbd,0x42,0x3e,
14929 0xe7,0xbf,0x42,0x37,0x09,0xbe,0x42,0x0c,0xea,0xc1,0x42,0xcd,0xd0,0xaf,0x42,0x08,0x2b,0x5b,0xc4,0x42,
14930 0x18,0x08,0xa3,0x42,0x67,0xa6,0xab,0x42,0x99,0x3c,0x94,0x42,0x5e,0x28,0xba,0x42,0x35,0xe2,0x87,0x42,
14933 private struct ThePath
14936 Bounds
, // always first, has 4 args (x0, y0, x1, y1)
14944 CubicTo
, // cubic bezier
14949 const(ubyte)[] path
14953 this (const(void)[] apath
) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14954 path
= cast(const(ubyte)[])apath
14957 @property bool empty () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ppos
>= path
); }
14959 Command
getCommand () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14960 pragma(inline
, true);
14961 if (ppos
>= cast(uint)path
) assert(0, "invalid path");
14962 return cast(Command
14965 // number of (x,y) pairs for this command
14966 static int argCount (in Command cmd
) nothrow @safe @nogc {
14967 version(aliced
) pragma(inline
, true);
14968 if (cmd
== Command
) return 2;
14969 else if (cmd
== Command
.MoveTo || cmd
== Command
) return 1;
14970 else if (cmd
== Command
) return 3;
14974 void skipArgs (int argc
) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14975 pragma(inline
, true);
14976 ppos
+= cast(uint)(float.sizeof
14979 float getFloat () nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14980 pragma(inline
, true);
14981 if (ppos
>= cast(uint)path
.length ||
< float.sizeof
) assert(0, "invalid path");
14982 version(LittleEndian
) {
14983 float res
= *cast(const(float)*)(&path
14984 ppos
+= cast(uint)float.sizeof
14987 static assert(float.sizeof
== 4);
14988 uint xp
= path
14989 ppos
+= cast(uint)float.sizeof
14990 return *cast(const(float)*)(&xp
14995 // this will add baphomet's background path to the current NanoVega path, so you can fill it.
14996 public void addBaphometBack (NVGContext nvg
, float ofsx
=0, float ofsy
=0, float scalex
=1, float scaley
=1) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
14997 if (nvg
is null) return;
14999 auto path
= ThePath(baphometPath
15001 float getScaledX () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsx
); }
15002 float getScaledY () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsy
); }
15004 bool inPath
= false;
15005 while (!path
) {
15006 auto cmd
= path
15008 case ThePath
15010 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15011 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15012 nvg
, ey
15014 case ThePath
15016 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15017 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15018 nvg
, ey
15020 case ThePath
: // cubic bezier
15022 immutable float x1
= getScaledX();
15023 immutable float y1
= getScaledY();
15024 immutable float x2
= getScaledX();
15025 immutable float y2
= getScaledY();
15026 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15027 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15028 nvg
, y1
, x2
, y2
, ex
, ey
15030 case ThePath
15031 if (inPath
) return;
15034 path
15040 // this will add baphomet's pupil paths to the current NanoVega path, so you can fill it.
15041 public void addBaphometPupils(bool left
=true, bool right
=true) (NVGContext nvg
, float ofsx
=0, float ofsy
=0, float scalex
=1, float scaley
=1) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
15042 // pupils starts with "fill-and-stroke" mode
15043 if (nvg
is null) return;
15045 auto path
= ThePath(baphometPath
15047 float getScaledX () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsx
); }
15048 float getScaledY () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsy
); }
15050 bool inPath
= false;
15051 bool pupLeft
= true;
15052 while (!path
) {
15053 auto cmd
= path
15055 case ThePath
: inPath
= true; break;
15056 case ThePath
15057 if (!inPath
) goto default;
15058 static if (!left
) { if (pupLeft
) goto default; }
15059 static if (!right
) { if (!pupLeft
) goto default; }
15060 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15061 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15062 nvg
, ey
15064 case ThePath
15065 if (!inPath
) goto default;
15066 static if (!left
) { if (pupLeft
) goto default; }
15067 static if (!right
) { if (!pupLeft
) goto default; }
15068 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15069 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15070 nvg
, ey
15072 case ThePath
: // cubic bezier
15073 if (!inPath
) goto default;
15074 static if (!left
) { if (pupLeft
) goto default; }
15075 static if (!right
) { if (!pupLeft
) goto default; }
15076 immutable float x1
= getScaledX();
15077 immutable float y1
= getScaledY();
15078 immutable float x2
= getScaledX();
15079 immutable float y2
= getScaledY();
15080 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15081 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15082 nvg
, y1
, x2
, y2
, ex
, ey
15084 case ThePath
15086 if (pupLeft
) pupLeft
= false; else return;
15090 path
15096 // mode: 'f' to allow fills; 's' to allow strokes; 'w' to allow stroke widths; 'c' to replace fills with strokes
15097 public void renderBaphomet(string mode
="fs") (NVGContext nvg
, float ofsx
=0, float ofsy
=0, float scalex
=1, float scaley
=1) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
15098 template hasChar(char ch
, string s
) {
15099 static if (s
== 0) enum hasChar
= false;
15100 else static if (s
[0] == ch
) enum hasChar
= true;
15101 else enum hasChar
= hasChar
, s
15103 enum AllowStroke
= hasChar
!('s', mode
15104 enum AllowFill
= hasChar
!('f', mode
15105 enum AllowWidth
= hasChar
!('w', mode
15106 enum Contour
= hasChar
!('c', mode
15107 //static assert(AllowWidth || AllowFill);
15109 if (nvg
is null) return;
15111 auto path
= ThePath(baphometPath
15113 float getScaledX () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsx
); }
15114 float getScaledY () nothrow @trusted @nogc { pragma(inline
, true); return (ofsy
); }
15117 int sw
= ThePath
15119 while (!path
) {
15120 auto cmd
= path
15122 case ThePath
: mode
= ThePath
; break;
15123 case ThePath
: mode
= ThePath
; break;
15124 case ThePath
: mode
= ThePath
; break;
15125 case ThePath
: sw
= ThePath
; break;
15126 case ThePath
: sw
= ThePath
; break;
15127 case ThePath
15128 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15129 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15130 nvg
, ey
15132 case ThePath
15133 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15134 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15135 nvg
, ey
15137 case ThePath
: // cubic bezier
15138 immutable float x1
= getScaledX();
15139 immutable float y1
= getScaledY();
15140 immutable float x2
= getScaledX();
15141 immutable float y2
= getScaledY();
15142 immutable float ex
= getScaledX();
15143 immutable float ey
= getScaledY();
15144 nvg
, y1
, x2
, y2
, ex
, ey
15146 case ThePath
15147 if (mode
== ThePath
.FillMode || mode
== ThePath
) {
15148 static if (AllowFill || Contour
) {
15149 static if (Contour
) {
15150 if (mode
== ThePath
) { nvg
= 1; nvg
.stroke(); }
15156 if (mode
== ThePath
.StrokeMode || mode
== ThePath
) {
15157 static if (AllowStroke || Contour
) {
15158 static if (AllowWidth
) {
15159 if (sw
== ThePath
) nvg
= 1;
15160 else if (sw
== ThePath
) nvg
= 0.5;
15161 else assert(0, "wtf?!");
15169 path