5 Original JMdict XML format (summarized)
6 =======================================
38 * xref* # not sure why it's (#PCDATA)*...
39 * ant* # not sure why it's (#PCDATA)*...
49 Description of JMdict SQLite database design
50 ============================================
52 Basically, the table structure of the SQLite 3 database follows this
53 very closely. Here's generally how it's designed:
55 1. All tables (except entry) have two integer keys, always named id
56 and fk. id is an auto-increment value, while fk is used for
57 joining tables. (fk is of course indexed.)
59 2. Any data with a one-to-one relationship with a parent XML node was
60 moved into a column for the parent node's table. (Example: <keb>
61 is now k_ele.value.)
63 3. Attributes have similar but usually different names than in JMdict.
64 Generally speaking, if an attribute had a prefix (like xml:lang or
65 ls_wasei), it is stored without it (as lang or wasei).
67 4. Info nodes have a one-to-one relationship with entries, so there's
68 no table for them. XML children of the <info> element are linked
69 directly to the entry table rather than to a meaningless
75 Example 1: 魚 (entry 1578010)
80 LEFT JOIN k_ele ON entry.id = k_ele.fk
81 LEFT JOIN ke_inf ON k_ele.id = ke_inf.fk
82 LEFT JOIN ke_pri ON k_ele.id = ke_pri.fk
83 WHERE entry.ent_seq = 1578010
87 ======== ============= ======== ======== =========== ========= ========= ============= ========= ========= ============
88 entry.id entry.ent_seq k_ele.id k_ele.fk k_ele.value ke_inf.id ke_inf.fk ke_inf.entity ke_pri.id ke_pri.fk ke_pri.value
89 ======== ============= ======== ======== =========== ========= ========= ============= ========= ========= ============
90 55777 1578010 48939 55777 魚 None None None 42889 48939 ichi1
91 55777 1578010 48939 55777 魚 None None None 42890 48939 ichi2
92 55777 1578010 48939 55777 魚 None None None 42891 48939 news1
93 55777 1578010 48939 55777 魚 None None None 42892 48939 nf03
94 ======== ============= ======== ======== =========== ========= ========= ============= ========= ========= ============