1 This file explains the upgrade procedure between versions:
6 0. You are adviced to upgrade your PHP and PostgreSQL (if you use that) versions before the upgrade,
7 because some new features may need that.
9 The new poller is still experimental, and its not enabled by default.
11 Replace the <patch tar.gz path> with the actual path to the patch files,
12 '../jffnms-upgrade-0.8.2-to-0.8.3' if you are using jffnms-upgrade-0.8.2-to-0.8.3.tar.gz or
13 '/opt/jffnms-0.8.3/docs/upgrade' if you are using jffnms-0.8.3.tar.gz
15 1. Apply the code patch:
17 # patch -p1 < <patch tar.gz path>/jffnms-0.8.2-to-0.8.3.patch
19 If you have not changed the code, there should not be any errors.
20 Replace apache.apache with your HTTPd username and group (nobody, httpd, etc)
24 Backup in case of failure:
25 # mysqldump --opt -ujffnms -pjffnms jffnms > /tmp/jffnms.backup.mysql
27 Upgrade the MySQL Tables:
28 # cat docs/upgrade/mysql/jffnms-0.8.2-to-0.8.3.mysql.diff* | mysql -u jffnms -pjffnms jffnms
31 Backup in case of failure:
32 # pg_dump -U jffnms jffnms -dROc > /tmp/jffnms.backup.pgsql
34 Upgrade the PgSQL Tables:
35 # cat docs/upgrade/pgsql/jffnms-0.8.2-to-0.8.3.pgsql.diff* | psql jffnms jffnms
37 3. Copy the new binary files:
39 # cp -Rv <patch tar.gz path>/files/* /opt/jffnms/
43 # chown -R apache:apache *
45 OR if you used the new Instalation method:
46 # chown -R jffnms:jffnms *
49 And then re apply the permissions to the /opt/jffnms folder:
54 5. Verify Everything is ok:
55 Go to the Setup page at
56 http://youserver/jffnms/admin/setup.php (or the path you set)
58 Check everything, make the corrections and SAVE the Configuration anyway.