1 # -----------------------------------------------------------
2 # This document describes how to generate the Eclipse ip log
3 # for the eclipse project technology.jgit using a local clone
4 # of the git repository
5 # git://egit.eclipse.org/jgit.git
6 # starting point is a manually written file
8 # located in the repository's work dir root path
9 # which is describing the project, see first section of this
10 # file in the jgit root directory:
11 # $JGIT_BASE/.eclipse_iplog
12 # -----------------------------------------------------------
14 # jgit work tree base dir
15 export JGIT_BASE="c:/data/ide/helios/jgit"
17 # repository work dir root path
18 export WORK_DIR="c:/data/ide/helios/jgit"
20 # cd to repository work dir root path (for jgit this is identical to $JGIT_BASE)
23 # -----------------------------------------------------------
25 # - this command updates file .eclipse_iplog
26 java -jar $JGIT_BASE/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/jgit-cli.jar eclipse-ipzilla
28 # - if there are any updates 'git commit' them
29 git add .eclipse_iplog
32 # - type in ipzilla user and password
34 # -----------------------------------------------------------
35 # Get the committer data from gerrit:
36 # - start gerrit gsql via ssh
38 # -p : ssh port gerrit is listening on
39 ssh -p 29418 username@egit.eclipse.org gerrit gsql --format PRETTY
41 # - type in ssh passphrase for your ssh key
42 # - run the SQL query (cut and paste content to interactive gerrit shell)
43 # org.eclipse.jgit.iplog/src/org/eclipse/jgit/iplog/gsql_query.txt
44 # - copy the query result into the file (no headers, no blank lines):
45 # $WORK_DIR/.git/gerrit_committers
47 # -----------------------------------------------------------
50 # -- version : the project version the iplog is to be generated for
51 # - o : the output file
52 java -jar $JGIT_BASE/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/jgit-cli.jar eclipse-iplog --version=0.8.0 -o jgit-0.8.0.xml