Fixed OpenGroupware etag discovery problem
[jgroupdav.git] / src / net / bionicmessage / groupdav /
1 /* Java GroupDAV library V1.0
2 *
4 * Created on February 26, 2006, 1:11 PM
6 Copyright (c) 2006 Mathew McBride / ""
7 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
8 software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
9 without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
10 publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
11 to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
14 substantial portions of the Software.
26 package net.bionicmessage.groupdav;
27 import*;
28 import*;
29 import net.bionicmessage.extutils.*;
30 import java.util.*;
31 import java.util.logging.*;
32 import javax.xml.parsers.*;
33 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
34 import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
35 import;
36 import;
37 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
38 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
39 /**
40 * A basic GroupDAV implementation, tested against Citadel.
41 * The HTTP and WebDAV stack here has been written from scratch
42 * since Citadel does not implement the full WebDAV spec (try connecting
43 * with a normal WebDAV client) and as such won't work with Slide etc.
44 * ... and its small :)
45 * @author <a href="">Mathew McBride</a>.
47 public class groupDAV {
48 private String u = "";
49 private String p = "";
50 private String host = "";
51 private int po = 2000;
52 private String base64cache = "";
53 private String sdir = "";
54 private static Logger logger =
55 Logger.getLogger(("funambol"));
56 private static ConsoleHandler ch = new ConsoleHandler();
57 DocumentBuilderFactory fdb = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
58 /* At the moment we only support one set of folders each. */
59 private String vtodoloc = "";
60 private String vcalloc = "";
61 private ArrayList vcallocs = null;
62 private String vaddrloc = "";
63 private SocketFactory ssf = null;
64 private boolean ssl = false;
65 private Socket sock = null;
66 private int offset = 0;
67 private StringBuffer sbuf = null;
68 private Thread th = null;
69 private static final String USER_AGENT = " GroupDAV {0.9;Java}";
70 private String tok = "http://";
71 private String origurl = "";
72 private entityFinderHandler storeFinderHandler = null;
73 private entityFinderHandler dirFinderHandler = null;
74 /** For use in situations where something (i.e in the case of
75 * Funambol's authentication) has already given us a HTTP Basic Base64
76 * representation of user:pass
77 * @param url The host and port of the server to connect to, in the
78 * format of http://hostname:port/
79 * @param b64cache A String pre-encoded in Base 64 representing
80 * &quot;Autorization: Basic pass:user&quot;
81 * (Google HTTP Basic authentication for more information)
83 public groupDAV(String url, String b64cache) {
84 origurl = url;
85 if (!origurl.substring(origurl.length()-1).equals("/")) {
86 origurl = url+"/";
88 if (url.indexOf("https://") != -1) {
89 ssl = true;
90 tok = "https://";
92 url = url.replaceAll(tok,""); // goodbye http://
93 String hostname = url.split(":")[0];
94 String ports = url.split(":")[1]; // port and url
95 ports = ports.replace("/","");
96 int port = Integer.valueOf(ports).intValue();
97 host = hostname;
98 po = port;
99 base64cache = "Authorization: Basic " + b64cache;
100 init();
102 /** Constructor using a http://// url, and plain text passwords.
103 * @param url The host and port of the server to connect to, in the
104 * format of http://hostname:port/
105 * @param user The username of the user connecting to the server
106 * @param pass The password of the user connecting to the server
108 public groupDAV(String url,String user, String pass) {
109 origurl = url;
110 if (url.indexOf("https://") != -1) {
111 ssl = true;
112 tok = "https://";
114 url = url.replaceAll(tok,""); // goodbye http://
115 String hostname = url.split(":")[0];
116 String ports = url.split(":")[1]; // port and url
117 ports = ports.replace("/","");
118 int port = Integer.valueOf(ports).intValue();
119 host = hostname;
120 po = port;
121 u = user;
122 p = pass;
123 base64cache = "Authorization: Basic " + Base64.encodeBytes(new String(u+":"+p).getBytes());
124 init();
126 /** Set the logger to output to
127 * @param log The logger instance to use
129 public void setLogger(Logger log) {
130 logger = log;
132 /** Initiate client */
133 public void init() {
134 logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
135 logger.addHandler(ch);
136 ch.setLevel(Level.ALL);
137"GroupDAV client init()");
138 storeFinderHandler = new entityFinderHandler(logger);
139 dirFinderHandler = new entityFinderHandler(logger);
141 ssf = SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
142 try {
143 sbuf = new StringBuffer();
144 // sock = createSocket();
145 //sock.setKeepAlive(true);
146 // setupReadThread();
147 // th.setDaemon(true);
148 // th.start();
150 } catch (Exception ex) {
151 ex.printStackTrace();
154 /** Send after client initation to discover object stores on the server
155 * @throws Exception When the server fails to supply discovery data */
156 public boolean findStores() throws Exception {
157 byte[] pfind = buildPROPFIND("");
158 String output = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(pfind);
159 int clength = findContentLength(output);
160 if (clength == -1) {
161 logger.warning("No Content-Length in findStores");
163 String xmldata = output.substring(output.length()-clength-1,output.length());
164 xmldata = xmldata.trim();
165 if (!xmldata.contains("<?xml")) {
166 throw new Exception("No <?xml field in xmldata, dying");
168 logger.finer("Split="+xmldata);
169 generateEntityList(xmldata,storeFinderHandler);
170 return false;
172 public entityFinderHandler getDirFinderHandler() {
173 return dirFinderHandler;
175 public entityFinderHandler getStoreFinderHandler() {
176 return storeFinderHandler;
178 /** Get a list of store URL's from the server */
179 public Hashtable getURLLocs() {
180 Hashtable locations = new Hashtable();
181 ArrayList list = storeFinderHandler.getObjectList();
182 Hashtable dtypes = storeFinderHandler.getObjectDtypes();
183 Hashtable gtypes = storeFinderHandler.getObjectGtypes();
184 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
185 String url = (String)list.get(0);
186 String davtype = (String)dtypes.get(url);
187 if (davtype.equals("collection")) {
188 String gtype = (String)gtypes.get(url);
189 if (gtype != null) {
190 locations.put(url,gtype);
194 return locations;
196 /** List objects in a store
198 public List listObjects(String url) throws Exception {
199 byte[] pfind = buildPROPFIND(url);
200 String output = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(pfind);
201 int clength = findContentLength(output);
202 if (clength == -1) {
203 logger.warning("We don't have a Content Length field in listObjects");
205 String xmldata = output.toString().split("\r\n\r\n")[1];
206 generateEntityList(xmldata,dirFinderHandler);
207 ArrayList objectList = dirFinderHandler.getObjectList();
208 Hashtable types = dirFinderHandler.getObjectDtypes();
209 ArrayList cleaned = new ArrayList();
210 for (int i = 0; i < objectList.size(); i++) {
211 String lurl = (String)objectList.get(i);
212 String type = (String)types.get(lurl);
213 if (type != null && type.contains("collection")) {
214 /* Don't add this location to the list; it is a collection */
215 } else {
216 cleaned.add(lurl);
219 return cleaned;
221 /** Posts an object */
222 public GroupDAVObject postObject(String subdir, String uid, String contents) throws Exception {
223 uid = uid.trim();
224 String type = "text/calendar";
225 if (contents.indexOf("begin:vcard") != -1 ||
226 contents.indexOf("BEGIN:VCARD") != -1) {
227 type = "text/x-vcard";
229 String[] headers = new String[] {
230 "Content-Type: " + type +"; charset=utf-8",
231 "If-None-Match: *",
232 base64cache
234 byte[] query = buildGroupDAVQuery("PUT",subdir+"new.ics",contents,headers);
235 String q = new String(query);
236 String t = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(query);
237 logger.fine("We got" + t);
238 if (t.indexOf("405") != -1) {
239 throw new Exception("Post error: " + t);
241 GroupDAVObject gobjP = new GroupDAVObject(t,GroupDAVObject.OBJECT_PUT);
242 /* Did the server give us a location? If not, assume the location is exactly
243 * what we gave it */
244 if (gobjP.getLocation() == null) {
245 gobjP.setLocation(origurl+subdir+uid);
246 } else if (gobjP.getLocation() != null) {
247 // String strippedurl = gobjP.getLocation().replace(tok+host+":"+po,"");
248 // gobjP.setLocation(strippedurl);
250 // Did the server give us an eTag with the PUT request or will we have
251 // to fetch the object?
252 if (gobjP.getEtag() == null) {
253 GroupDAVObject gobjG = getObject(gobjP.getLocation());
254 return gobjG;
255 } else {
256 return gobjP;
259 public GroupDAVObject modifyObject(String addr,
260 String contents,
261 String etag) throws Exception {
262 String type = "text/calendar";
263 if (contents.indexOf("begin:vcard") != -1 ||
264 contents.indexOf("BEGIN:VCARD") != -1) {
265 type = "text/x-vcard";
267 // Drop the hostname since we specify it in Host:
268 addr = addr.replace(origurl, "/");
270 String[] header = new String[] {base64cache,
271 "Content-Type: "+type+"; charset=utf-8","If-Match:" + etag};
272 byte[] query = buildGroupDAVQuery("PUT", addr, contents,header);
273 String q = new String(query);
274 String resp = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(query);
275 logger.finest("We got: " + resp);
276 if (resp.indexOf("405") != -1) {
277 throw new Exception("Modify error:" + resp);
279 GroupDAVObject gobjP = new GroupDAVObject(resp,GroupDAVObject.OBJECT_PUT);
280 /* Did the server give us a location? If not, assume the location is exactly
281 * what we gave it */
282 if (gobjP.getLocation() == null) {
283 gobjP.setLocation(addr);
284 } else if (gobjP.getLocation() != null) {
285 String strippedurl = gobjP.getLocation().replace(tok+host+":"+po,"");
286 gobjP.setLocation(strippedurl);
288 // Did the server give us an eTag with the PUT request or will we have
289 // to fetch the object?
290 if (gobjP.getEtag() == null) {
291 GroupDAVObject gobjG = getObject(gobjP.getLocation());
292 return gobjG;
293 } else {
294 return gobjP;
297 public GroupDAVObject deleteObject(String addr, String etag) throws Exception {
298 addr = addr.replace(origurl, "/");
299 String[] header = new String[] {base64cache,"If-Match:"+etag};
300 byte[] query = buildGroupDAVQuery("DELETE",addr,null,header);
301 String resp = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(query);
302 logger.finest("We got: " + resp);
303 GroupDAVObject gbo = new GroupDAVObject(resp,GroupDAVObject.OBJECT_KILLED);
304 return gbo;
306 /** Execute a GET command and return a GroupDAVObject */
307 public GroupDAVObject getObject(String url) throws Exception {
308 url = url.replace(tok + host + ":" + po,"");
309 String header[] = {base64cache};
310 byte[] send = buildGroupDAVQuery("GET",url,null,header);
311 String st = new String(send);
312 String t = sendNonKeepAliveRequest(send);
313 GroupDAVObject obj = new GroupDAVObject(t,GroupDAVObject.OBJECT_GET);
314 return obj;
316 /** TODO: Do a GroupDAV compliant PROPFIND */
317 public byte[] buildPROPFIND(String subdir) {
318 String gdir = sdir + "/";
319 if (subdir.indexOf(sdir) > -1) {
320 gdir = "";
322 String XMLSTRING = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
323 "<propfind xmlns=\"DAV:\"><allprop/><prop><getetag/></prop></propfind>";
324 // String XMLSTRING = "";
325 String PROPFIND = "PROPFIND " + gdir + subdir + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
326 "Cache-control: no-cache\nPragma: no-cache\nAccept-Language: en\n" +
327 base64cache + "\nContent-Length: " +
328 XMLSTRING.getBytes().length + "\nHost: " + host + ":" + po + "\n" +
329 "Depth: 1\nContent-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8\nAccept: text/*\n\n" +
331 return PROPFIND.getBytes();
334 /* public byte[] buildPROPFINDList(String subdir) {
335 String gdir = sdir + "/";
336 if (subdir.indexOf(sdir) > -1) {
337 gdir = "";
339 String XMLSTRING = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
340 "<propfind xmlns=\"DAV:\">" +
341 "<prop xmlns=\"DAV:\"><allprop xmlns=\"DAV:\"/><getetag xmlns=\"DAV:\"/>" +
342 "</prop></propfind>";
343 String PROPFIND = "PROPFIND " + gdir + subdir + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
344 "Cache-control: no-cache\nPragma: no-cache\nAccept-Language: en\n" +
345 base64cache + "\nContent-Length: " +
346 XMLSTRING.getBytes().length + "\nHost: " + host + ":" + po + "\n" +
347 "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8\nAccept: text/*\n\n" +
349 return PROPFIND.getBytes();
351 } */
352 private void generateEntityList(String xmldata, entityFinderHandler efh) throws Exception {
353 org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser sparser = new org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser();
354 sparser.setFeature("",true);
355 sparser.setContentHandler(efh);
356 sparser.parse(new InputSource(
357 new StringReader(xmldata)));
359 /** Testing method. Edit source and replace with own
360 * server settings to test client. */
361 public static void main(String args[]) {
362 /* Todo: use GUI to ask for info */
363 String SERVER = "";
364 groupDAV client = new groupDAV(SERVER,
366 "");
367 try {
368 List calobjects = client.listObjects("/groupdav/Calendar/");
369 Map etags = client.getEtags();
370 for (int i=0; i<calobjects.size(); i++) {
371 String objectu = (String)calobjects.get(i);
372 String eTag = null;
373 if (etags.get(objectu) != null) {
374 eTag = (String)etags.get(objectu); } else {
375 eTag = "not found";
377 GroupDAVObject gobj = client.getObject(objectu);
378 System.err.println(gobj.getContent() + "\n|etag-server="+eTag);
379 System.err.println("|etag-object="+gobj.getEtag());
380 String object = gobj.getContent();
383 java.util.Random rd = new java.util.Random();
384 int uid = rd.nextInt(32);
385 String u = ""+uid;
386 String object ="BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" +
387 "PRODID:-//BM GroupDAV Client//Test Creation Object/EN\n" +
388 "VERSION:2.0\n" +
390 "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" +
391 "SUMMARY:Test object\n" +
392 "LOCATION:In dev slash null\n" +
393 "DESCRIPTION:Please don't fail me! I'm innocent!\n" +
394 "DTSTART:20060408T100059Z\n" +
395 "DTEND:20060408T110059Z\n" +
397 "UID:" + u + "\n" +
398 "SEQUENCE:1\n" +
399 "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:matt@comalies\n" +
400 "END:VEVENT\n" +
403 // GroupDAVObject gbo = client.postObject(calendarUrl,u,object);
404 //System.out.println("Etag for new object= " + gbo.getEtag());
405 // Test change operation
406 // object.replaceAll("don't","never");
407 // GroupDAVObject gboc = client.modifyObject(gbo.getLocation(),object,gbo.getEtag());
408 // GroupDAVObject gbod = client.deleteObject(gbo.getLocation(),gbo.getEtag());
409 } catch (Exception ex) {
411 ex.printStackTrace();
414 /** Parses the result of PROPFIND */
415 private class entityFinderHandler extends DefaultHandler {
416 Integer element_index;
417 Stack parents = null;
418 Hashtable charBuffers = null;
419 Hashtable element_names = null;
421 Logger lg;
422 String obj_href = ""; // DAV Object href
423 String obj_dtype = ""; // DAV resource type
424 String obj_gtype = ""; // GroupDAV resource type
425 String obj_status = ""; // DAV object status
426 String obj_etag = ""; // DAV Object etag
428 Hashtable object_dtypes = null;
429 Hashtable object_gtypes = null;
430 Hashtable object_etags = null;
431 Hashtable object_statuses = null;
432 ArrayList object_list = null;
433 /** Creates a new instance of entityFinderHandler */
434 public entityFinderHandler(Logger l ) {
435 lg = l;
437 public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
438 charBuffers = new Hashtable();
439 element_names = new Hashtable();
440 element_index = -1;
441 parents = new Stack();
442 parents.push( new Integer( element_index ) );
443 object_dtypes = new Hashtable();
444 object_gtypes = new Hashtable();
445 object_etags = new Hashtable();
446 object_statuses = new Hashtable();
447 object_list = new ArrayList();
450 public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
454 public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
455 ++ element_index;
456 int parentNodeIx = ( (Integer)parents.peek() ).intValue();
457 // this element in turn becomes the parent for subsequent routines
458 Integer key = new Integer(element_index);
459 element_names.put(key,qName);
460 parents.push( key );
461 charBuffers.put(key,new StringBuffer());
462 // etc ...
465 public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
466 Integer key = (Integer)parents.pop();
467 StringBuffer charBuffer = (StringBuffer)charBuffers.get(key);
468 if (uri.contains("")) { // GroupDAV namespace
469 if (localName.contains("vevent-collection") ||
470 localName.contains("vtodo-collection") ||
471 localName.contains("vcard-collection")) {
472 obj_gtype = localName;
474 } else if (uri.contains("DAV:")) { // DAV namespace
475 if (localName.contains("collection")) {
476 obj_dtype = localName;
477 } else if (localName.contains("status")) {
478 obj_status = charBuffer.toString();
479 } else if (localName.contains("href")) {
480 obj_href = charBuffer.toString();
481 } else if (localName.contains("getetag")) {
482 obj_etag = charBuffer.toString();
485 if (uri.contains("DAV:") && localName.contains("response")) {
486 // Stuff all the known data about the object into the collections
487 object_list.add(obj_href);
488 object_etags.put(obj_href,obj_etag);
489 object_statuses.put(obj_href,obj_status);
490 object_dtypes.put(obj_href,obj_dtype);
491 object_gtypes.put(obj_href,obj_gtype);
493 /* Reset ready for the next one */
494 if (localName.contains("response")) {
495 obj_href = "";
496 obj_dtype = "";
497 obj_gtype = "";
498 obj_status = "";
499 obj_etag = "";
503 public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
504 String chars = new String(ch,start,length);
505 if (chars.trim().length() > 0) {
506 Integer parent = (Integer)parents.peek();
507 StringBuffer charBuffer = (StringBuffer)charBuffers.get(parent);
508 charBuffer.append(chars);
511 public ArrayList getObjectList() {
512 return object_list;
514 public Hashtable getObjectEtags() {
515 return object_etags;
517 public Hashtable getObjectStatuses() {
518 return object_statuses;
520 public Hashtable getObjectDtypes() {
521 return object_dtypes;
523 public Hashtable getObjectGtypes() {
524 return object_gtypes;
527 /** Create a socket to the host */
528 private Socket createSocket() throws Exception {
529 Socket st = null;
530 if (ssl) {
531 st = ssf.createSocket(host,po);
532 } else {
533 st = new Socket(host,po);
535 return st;
538 private String readChars() throws Exception {
539 th.sleep(sock.getSoTimeout());
540 String chars = sbuf.toString();
541 // clear buffer
542 sbuf = new StringBuffer();
543 return chars;
545 private int findContentLength(String data) {
546 String[] headers = data.split("\n");
547 for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
548 String curHeader = headers[i];
549 String[] line = curHeader.split(":");
550 if (line[0].equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) {
551 Integer it = new Integer(line[1].trim());
552 return it.intValue();
555 return -1;
557 private String sendNonKeepAliveRequest(byte[] by) throws Exception{
558 String dbugstring = new String(by);
559 logger.finer("We sent:\r\n"+dbugstring);
560 // Measure latency
561 long time = new java.util.Date().getTime();
562 Socket st = createSocket();
563 st.getOutputStream().write(by);
564 st.getOutputStream().flush();
565 InputStream sc = st.getInputStream();
566 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
567 BufferedReader rb = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sc));
568 int i = 0;
569 char[] cbuf = new char[300];
570 while((i = != -1) {
571 sb.append(cbuf,0,i);
573 st.close();
574 long closetime = new java.util.Date().getTime();
575 long rtt = closetime - time;
576 logger.finer("We got:\r\n"+sb.toString()+"\r\ " + rtt + "ms");
577 return sb.toString();
579 /** Returns a list of HTTP/DAV etags. Object URL's are the key in the Map.
580 * If the DAV PROPFIND did not return etag properties in its result
581 * an attempt to get() a etag will return null as per Map implemementation rules
583 public Map getEtags() {
584 return dirFinderHandler.getObjectEtags();
586 private byte[] buildGroupDAVQuery(String method, String addr, String contents,
587 String[] headers) {
588 String query = method + " " + addr + " HTTP/1.1";
589 for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
590 query += "\n" + headers[i];
592 if (contents != null) {
593 query += "\nContent-Length: " + contents.getBytes().length;
594 } else {
595 query += "\nContent-Length: 0";
597 query += "\nUser-Agent: " + USER_AGENT + "\nHost: " + host + ":" + po +
598 "\n\n";
599 // "Host: " + host + "\n\n\n";
600 if (contents != null) {
601 query += contents;
602 } else {
603 query += "\n\n";
605 return query.getBytes();