Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / Introjucer / Source / Project / jucer_ProjectExport_Android.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-10 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "jucer_ProjectExporter.h"
32 //==============================================================================
33 class AndroidProjectExporter : public ProjectExporter
35 public:
36 //==============================================================================
37 static const char* getNameAndroid() { return "Android Project"; }
38 static const char* getValueTreeTypeName() { return "ANDROID"; }
40 static AndroidProjectExporter* createForSettings (Project& project, const ValueTree& settings)
42 if (settings.hasType (getValueTreeTypeName()))
43 return new AndroidProjectExporter (project, settings);
45 return 0;
48 //==============================================================================
49 AndroidProjectExporter (Project& project_, const ValueTree& settings_)
50 : ProjectExporter (project_, settings_)
52 name = getNameAndroid();
54 if (getTargetLocation().toString().isEmpty())
55 getTargetLocation() = getDefaultBuildsRootFolder() + "Android";
57 if (getSDKPath().toString().isEmpty())
58 getSDKPath() = "${user.home}/SDKs/android-sdk-mac_x86";
60 if (getNDKPath().toString().isEmpty())
61 getNDKPath() = "${user.home}/SDKs/android-ndk-r5";
63 if (getInternetNeeded().toString().isEmpty())
64 getInternetNeeded() = true;
67 //==============================================================================
68 bool isDefaultFormatForCurrentOS()
71 return true;
72 #else
73 return false;
74 #endif
77 bool isPossibleForCurrentProject() { return project.isGUIApplication(); }
78 bool usesMMFiles() const { return false; }
80 void launchProject()
84 void createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& props)
86 ProjectExporter::createPropertyEditors (props);
88 props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getSDKPath(), "Android SDK Path", 1024, false));
89 props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The path to the Android SDK folder on the target build machine");
91 props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getNDKPath(), "Android NDK Path", 1024, false));
92 props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The path to the Android NDK folder on the target build machine");
94 props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getInternetNeeded(), "Internet Access", "Specify internet access permission in the manifest"));
95 props.getLast()->setTooltip ("If enabled, this will set the android.permission.INTERNET flag in the manifest.");
98 Value getSDKPath() const { return getSetting (Ids::androidSDKPath); }
99 Value getNDKPath() const { return getSetting (Ids::androidNDKPath); }
100 Value getInternetNeeded() const { return getSetting (Ids::androidInternetNeeded); }
102 //==============================================================================
103 void create()
105 const File target (getTargetFolder());
106 const File jniFolder (target.getChildFile ("jni"));
108 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("src/com"));
109 createDirectoryOrThrow (jniFolder);
110 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-hdpi"));
111 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-mdpi"));
112 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-ldpi"));
113 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("res/values"));
114 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("libs"));
115 createDirectoryOrThrow (target.getChildFile ("bin"));
118 ScopedPointer<XmlElement> manifest (createManifestXML());
119 writeXmlOrThrow (*manifest, target.getChildFile ("AndroidManifest.xml"), "utf-8", 100);
122 writeApplicationMk (jniFolder.getChildFile (""));
123 writeAndroidMk (jniFolder.getChildFile (""));
126 ScopedPointer<XmlElement> antBuildXml (createAntBuildXML());
127 writeXmlOrThrow (*antBuildXml, target.getChildFile ("build.xml"), "UTF-8", 100);
130 writeBuildPropertiesFile (target.getChildFile (""));
131 writeDefaultPropertiesFile (target.getChildFile (""));
132 writeLocalPropertiesFile (target.getChildFile (""));
134 writeIcon (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png"), 72);
135 writeIcon (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png"), 48);
136 writeIcon (target.getChildFile ("res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png"), 36);
138 writeStringsFile (target.getChildFile ("res/values/strings.xml"));
141 private:
142 //==============================================================================
143 XmlElement* createManifestXML()
145 XmlElement* manifest = new XmlElement ("manifest");
147 manifest->setAttribute ("xmlns:android", "");
148 manifest->setAttribute ("android:versionCode", "1");
149 manifest->setAttribute ("android:versionName", "1.0");
150 manifest->setAttribute ("package", "com.juce");
152 XmlElement* screens = manifest->createNewChildElement ("supports-screens");
153 screens->setAttribute ("android:smallScreens", "true");
154 screens->setAttribute ("android:normalScreens", "true");
155 screens->setAttribute ("android:largeScreens", "true");
156 screens->setAttribute ("android:xlargeScreens", "true");
157 screens->setAttribute ("android:anyDensity", "true");
159 if (getInternetNeeded().getValue())
161 XmlElement* permission = manifest->createNewChildElement ("uses-permission");
162 permission->setAttribute ("android:name", "android.permission.INTERNET");
165 XmlElement* app = manifest->createNewChildElement ("application");
166 app->setAttribute ("android:label", "@string/app_name");
167 app->setAttribute ("android:icon", "@drawable/icon");
169 XmlElement* act = app->createNewChildElement ("activity");
170 act->setAttribute ("android:name", "JuceAppActivity");
171 act->setAttribute ("android:label", "@string/app_name");
173 XmlElement* intent = act->createNewChildElement ("intent-filter");
174 intent->createNewChildElement ("action")->setAttribute ("android:name", "android.intent.action.MAIN");
175 intent->createNewChildElement ("category")->setAttribute ("android:name", "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER");
177 return manifest;
180 //==============================================================================
181 void findAllFilesToCompile (const Project::Item& projectItem, Array<RelativePath>& results)
183 if (projectItem.isGroup())
185 for (int i = 0; i < projectItem.getNumChildren(); ++i)
186 findAllFilesToCompile (projectItem.getChild(i), results);
188 else
190 if (projectItem.shouldBeCompiled())
191 results.add (RelativePath (projectItem.getFile(), getTargetFolder(), RelativePath::buildTargetFolder));
195 void writeApplicationMk (const File& file)
197 MemoryOutputStream mo;
199 mo << "# Automatically generated makefile, created by the Jucer" << newLine
200 << "# Don't edit this file! Your changes will be overwritten when you re-save the Jucer project!" << newLine
201 << newLine
202 << "APP_STL := gnustl_static" << newLine
203 << "APP_CPPFLAGS += -fsigned-char -fexceptions -frtti" << newLine;
205 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
208 void writeAndroidMk (const File& file)
210 Array<RelativePath> files;
211 findAllFilesToCompile (project.getMainGroup(), files);
213 for (int i = 0; i < juceWrapperFiles.size(); ++i)
214 if (shouldFileBeCompiledByDefault (juceWrapperFiles.getReference(i)))
215 files.add (juceWrapperFiles.getReference(i));
217 MemoryOutputStream mo;
218 writeAndroidMk (mo, files);
220 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
223 void writeAndroidMk (OutputStream& out, const Array<RelativePath>& files)
225 out << "# Automatically generated makefile, created by the Jucer" << newLine
226 << "# Don't edit this file! Your changes will be overwritten when you re-save the Jucer project!" << newLine
227 << newLine
228 << "LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)" << newLine
229 << newLine
230 << "include $(CLEAR_VARS)" << newLine
231 << newLine
232 << "LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := cpp" << newLine
233 << "LOCAL_MODULE := juce_jni" << newLine
234 << "LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \\" << newLine;
236 for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
237 out << " ../" << escapeSpaces (files.getReference(i).toUnixStyle()) << "\\" << newLine;
239 out << newLine
240 << "ifeq ($(CONFIG),Debug)" << newLine
241 << " LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += " << createCPPFlags (true) << newLine
242 << "else" << newLine
243 << " LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += " << createCPPFlags (false) << newLine
244 << "endif" << newLine
245 << newLine
246 << "include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)" << newLine;
249 const String createCPPFlags (bool forDebug)
251 String flags ("-fsigned-char -fexceptions -frtti");
253 if (forDebug)
254 flags << " -g";
256 StringPairArray defines;
257 defines.set ("JUCE_ANDROID", "1");
259 if (forDebug)
261 defines.set ("DEBUG", "1");
262 defines.set ("_DEBUG", "1");
264 else
266 defines.set ("NDEBUG", "1");
269 for (int i = 0; i < project.getNumConfigurations(); ++i)
271 Project::BuildConfiguration config (project.getConfiguration(i));
273 if (config.isDebug() == forDebug)
275 flags << " -O" << config.getGCCOptimisationFlag();
277 defines = mergePreprocessorDefs (defines, getAllPreprocessorDefs (config));
278 break;
282 return flags + createGCCPreprocessorFlags (defines);
285 //==============================================================================
286 XmlElement* createAntBuildXML()
288 XmlElement* proj = new XmlElement ("project");
289 proj->setAttribute ("name", project.getProjectName().toString());
290 proj->setAttribute ("default", "debug");
292 proj->createNewChildElement ("property")->setAttribute ("file", "");
293 proj->createNewChildElement ("property")->setAttribute ("file", "");
294 proj->createNewChildElement ("property")->setAttribute ("file", "");
296 XmlElement* path = proj->createNewChildElement ("path");
297 path->setAttribute ("id", "android.antlibs");
298 path->createNewChildElement ("pathelement")->setAttribute ("path", "${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/anttasks.jar");
299 path->createNewChildElement ("pathelement")->setAttribute ("path", "${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/sdklib.jar");
300 path->createNewChildElement ("pathelement")->setAttribute ("path", "${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/androidprefs.jar");
302 XmlElement* taskdef = proj->createNewChildElement ("taskdef");
303 taskdef->setAttribute ("name", "setup");
304 taskdef->setAttribute ("classname", "");
305 taskdef->setAttribute ("classpathref", "android.antlibs");
307 addNDKBuildStep (proj, "clean", "clean");
309 //addLinkStep (proj, "${basedir}/" + rebaseFromProjectFolderToBuildTarget (RelativePath()).toUnixStyle() + "/", "jni/app");
310 addLinkStep (proj, "${basedir}/" + getJucePathFromTargetFolder().toUnixStyle() + "/src/native/android/java/", "src/com/juce");
312 addNDKBuildStep (proj, "debug", "CONFIG=Debug");
313 addNDKBuildStep (proj, "release", "CONFIG=Release");
315 proj->createNewChildElement ("setup");
317 return proj;
320 static void addNDKBuildStep (XmlElement* project, const String& type, const String& arg)
322 XmlElement* target = project->createNewChildElement ("target");
323 target->setAttribute ("name", type);
325 XmlElement* executable = target->createNewChildElement ("exec");
326 executable->setAttribute ("executable", "${ndk.dir}/ndk-build");
327 executable->setAttribute ("dir", "${basedir}");
328 executable->setAttribute ("failonerror", "true");
330 executable->createNewChildElement ("arg")->setAttribute ("value", "--jobs=2");
331 executable->createNewChildElement ("arg")->setAttribute ("value", arg);
334 static void addLinkStep (XmlElement* project, const String& from, const String& to)
336 XmlElement* executable = project->createNewChildElement ("exec");
337 executable->setAttribute ("executable", "ln");
338 executable->setAttribute ("dir", "${basedir}");
339 executable->setAttribute ("failonerror", "false");
341 executable->createNewChildElement ("arg")->setAttribute ("value", "-s");
342 executable->createNewChildElement ("arg")->setAttribute ("value", from);
343 executable->createNewChildElement ("arg")->setAttribute ("value", to);
346 void writeBuildPropertiesFile (const File& file)
348 MemoryOutputStream mo;
349 mo << "# This file is used to override default values used by the Ant build system." << newLine;
350 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
353 void writeDefaultPropertiesFile (const File& file)
355 MemoryOutputStream mo;
356 mo << "# This file is used to override default values used by the Ant build system." << newLine
357 << "# It is automatically generated - DO NOT EDIT IT or your changes will be lost!." << newLine
358 << newLine
359 << "target=android-9"
360 << newLine;
362 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
365 void writeLocalPropertiesFile (const File& file)
367 MemoryOutputStream mo;
368 mo << "# This file is used to override default values used by the Ant build system." << newLine
369 << "# It is automatically generated by the Jucer - DO NOT EDIT IT or your changes will be lost!." << newLine
370 << newLine
371 << "sdk.dir=" << escapeSpaces (replacePreprocessorDefs (getAllPreprocessorDefs(), getSDKPath().toString())) << newLine
372 << "ndk.dir=" << escapeSpaces (replacePreprocessorDefs (getAllPreprocessorDefs(), getNDKPath().toString())) << newLine
373 << newLine;
375 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
378 void writeIcon (const File& file, int size)
380 Image im (project.getBestIconForSize (size, false));
382 if (im.isValid())
384 PNGImageFormat png;
385 MemoryOutputStream mo;
387 if (! png.writeImageToStream (im, mo))
388 throw SaveError ("Can't generate Android icon file");
390 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (file, mo);
394 void writeStringsFile (const File& file)
396 XmlElement strings ("resources");
397 XmlElement* name = strings.createNewChildElement ("string");
398 name->setAttribute ("name", "app_name");
399 name->addTextElement (project.getProjectName().toString());
401 writeXmlOrThrow (strings, file, "utf-8", 100);
404 //==============================================================================
405 JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (AndroidProjectExporter);