Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / Introjucer / Source / Project / jucer_ProjectExport_Make.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-10 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "jucer_ProjectExporter.h"
32 //==============================================================================
33 class MakefileProjectExporter : public ProjectExporter
35 public:
36 //==============================================================================
37 static const char* getNameLinux() { return "Linux Makefile"; }
38 static const char* getValueTreeTypeName() { return "LINUX_MAKE"; }
40 static MakefileProjectExporter* createForSettings (Project& project, const ValueTree& settings)
42 if (settings.hasType (getValueTreeTypeName()))
43 return new MakefileProjectExporter (project, settings);
45 return 0;
49 //==============================================================================
50 MakefileProjectExporter (Project& project_, const ValueTree& settings_)
51 : ProjectExporter (project_, settings_)
53 name = getNameLinux();
55 if (getTargetLocation().toString().isEmpty())
56 getTargetLocation() = getDefaultBuildsRootFolder() + "Linux";
58 if (getVSTFolder().toString().isEmpty())
59 getVSTFolder() = "~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4";
62 //==============================================================================
63 bool isDefaultFormatForCurrentOS()
66 return true;
67 #else
68 return false;
69 #endif
72 bool isPossibleForCurrentProject() { return true; }
73 bool usesMMFiles() const { return false; }
75 void launchProject()
77 // what to do on linux?
80 void createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& props)
82 ProjectExporter::createPropertyEditors (props);
85 //==============================================================================
86 void create()
88 Array<RelativePath> files;
89 findAllFilesToCompile (project.getMainGroup(), files);
91 for (int i = 0; i < juceWrapperFiles.size(); ++i)
92 if (shouldFileBeCompiledByDefault (juceWrapperFiles.getReference(i)))
93 files.add (juceWrapperFiles.getReference(i));
95 const Array<RelativePath> vstFiles (getVSTFilesRequired());
96 for (int i = 0; i < vstFiles.size(); i++)
97 files.add (vstFiles.getReference(i));
99 MemoryOutputStream mo;
100 writeMakefile (mo, files);
102 overwriteFileIfDifferentOrThrow (getTargetFolder().getChildFile ("Makefile"), mo);
105 private:
106 //==============================================================================
107 void findAllFilesToCompile (const Project::Item& projectItem, Array<RelativePath>& results)
109 if (projectItem.isGroup())
111 for (int i = 0; i < projectItem.getNumChildren(); ++i)
112 findAllFilesToCompile (projectItem.getChild(i), results);
114 else
116 if (projectItem.shouldBeCompiled())
117 results.add (RelativePath (projectItem.getFile(), getTargetFolder(), RelativePath::buildTargetFolder));
121 void writeDefineFlags (OutputStream& out, const Project::BuildConfiguration& config)
123 StringPairArray defines;
124 defines.set ("LINUX", "1");
126 if (config.isDebug().getValue())
128 defines.set ("DEBUG", "1");
129 defines.set ("_DEBUG", "1");
131 else
133 defines.set ("NDEBUG", "1");
136 out << createGCCPreprocessorFlags (mergePreprocessorDefs (defines, getAllPreprocessorDefs (config)));
139 void writeHeaderPathFlags (OutputStream& out, const Project::BuildConfiguration& config)
141 StringArray headerPaths (config.getHeaderSearchPaths());
142 headerPaths.insert (0, "/usr/include/freetype2");
143 headerPaths.insert (0, "/usr/include");
145 if (project.shouldAddVSTFolderToPath() && getVSTFolder().toString().isNotEmpty())
146 headerPaths.insert (0, rebaseFromProjectFolderToBuildTarget (RelativePath (getVSTFolder().toString(), RelativePath::projectFolder)).toUnixStyle());
148 if (isVST())
149 headerPaths.insert (0, juceWrapperFolder.toUnixStyle());
151 for (int i = 0; i < headerPaths.size(); ++i)
152 out << " -I " << FileHelpers::unixStylePath (replacePreprocessorTokens (config, headerPaths[i])).quoted();
155 void writeCppFlags (OutputStream& out, const Project::BuildConfiguration& config)
157 out << " CPPFLAGS := $(DEPFLAGS)";
158 writeDefineFlags (out, config);
159 writeHeaderPathFlags (out, config);
160 out << newLine;
163 void writeLinkerFlags (OutputStream& out, const Project::BuildConfiguration& config)
165 out << " LDFLAGS += -L$(BINDIR) -L$(LIBDIR)";
167 if (project.isAudioPlugin())
168 out << " -shared";
171 Array<RelativePath> libraryPaths;
172 libraryPaths.add (RelativePath ("/usr/X11R6/lib/", RelativePath::unknown));
173 libraryPaths.add (getJucePathFromTargetFolder().getChildFile ("bin"));
175 for (int i = 0; i < libraryPaths.size(); ++i)
176 out << " -L" << libraryPaths.getReference(i).toUnixStyle().quoted();
179 const char* defaultLibs[] = { "freetype", "pthread", "rt", "X11", "GL", "GLU", "Xinerama", "asound", 0 };
180 StringArray libs (defaultLibs);
182 if (project.getJuceLinkageMode() == Project::useLinkedJuce)
183 libs.add ("juce");
185 for (int i = 0; i < libs.size(); ++i)
186 out << " -l" << libs[i];
188 out << " " << replacePreprocessorTokens (config, getExtraLinkerFlags().toString()).trim()
189 << newLine;
192 void writeConfig (OutputStream& out, const Project::BuildConfiguration& config)
194 const String buildDirName ("build");
195 const String intermediatesDirName (buildDirName + "/intermediate/" + config.getName().toString());
196 String outputDir (buildDirName);
198 if (config.getTargetBinaryRelativePath().toString().isNotEmpty())
200 RelativePath binaryPath (config.getTargetBinaryRelativePath().toString(), RelativePath::projectFolder);
201 outputDir = binaryPath.rebased (project.getFile().getParentDirectory(), getTargetFolder(), RelativePath::buildTargetFolder).toUnixStyle();
204 out << "ifeq ($(CONFIG)," << escapeSpaces (config.getName().toString()) << ")" << newLine;
205 out << " BINDIR := " << escapeSpaces (buildDirName) << newLine
206 << " LIBDIR := " << escapeSpaces (buildDirName) << newLine
207 << " OBJDIR := " << escapeSpaces (intermediatesDirName) << newLine
208 << " OUTDIR := " << escapeSpaces (outputDir) << newLine;
210 writeCppFlags (out, config);
212 out << " CFLAGS += $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH)";
214 if (config.isDebug().getValue())
215 out << " -g -ggdb";
217 if (project.isAudioPlugin())
218 out << " -fPIC";
220 out << " -O" << config.getGCCOptimisationFlag() << newLine;
222 out << " CXXFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) " << replacePreprocessorTokens (config, getExtraCompilerFlags().toString()).trim() << newLine;
224 writeLinkerFlags (out, config);
226 out << " LDDEPS :=" << newLine
227 << " RESFLAGS := ";
228 writeDefineFlags (out, config);
229 writeHeaderPathFlags (out, config);
230 out << newLine;
232 String targetName (config.getTargetBinaryName().getValue().toString());
234 if (project.isLibrary())
235 targetName = getLibbedFilename (targetName);
236 else if (isVST())
237 targetName = targetName.upToLastOccurrenceOf (".", false, false) + ".so";
239 out << " TARGET := " << escapeSpaces (targetName) << newLine;
241 if (project.isLibrary())
242 out << " BLDCMD = ar -rcs $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET_ARCH)" << newLine;
243 else
244 out << " BLDCMD = $(CXX) -o $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(RESOURCES) $(TARGET_ARCH)" << newLine;
246 out << "endif" << newLine << newLine;
249 void writeObjects (OutputStream& out, const Array<RelativePath>& files)
251 out << "OBJECTS := \\" << newLine;
253 for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
254 if (shouldFileBeCompiledByDefault (files.getReference(i)))
255 out << " $(OBJDIR)/" << escapeSpaces (getObjectFileFor (files.getReference(i))) << " \\" << newLine;
257 out << newLine;
260 void writeMakefile (OutputStream& out, const Array<RelativePath>& files)
262 out << "# Automatically generated makefile, created by the Jucer" << newLine
263 << "# Don't edit this file! Your changes will be overwritten when you re-save the Jucer project!" << newLine
264 << newLine;
266 out << "ifndef CONFIG" << newLine
267 << " CONFIG=" << escapeSpaces (project.getConfiguration(0).getName().toString()) << newLine
268 << "endif" << newLine
269 << newLine;
271 if (! project.isLibrary())
272 out << "ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),)" << newLine
273 << " TARGET_ARCH := -march=native" << newLine
274 << "endif" << newLine << newLine;
276 out << "# (this disables dependency generation if multiple architectures are set)" << newLine
277 << "DEPFLAGS := $(if $(word 2, $(TARGET_ARCH)), , -MMD)" << newLine
278 << newLine;
280 int i;
281 for (i = 0; i < project.getNumConfigurations(); ++i)
282 writeConfig (out, project.getConfiguration(i));
284 writeObjects (out, files);
286 out << ".PHONY: clean" << newLine
287 << newLine;
289 out << "$(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) $(LDDEPS) $(RESOURCES)" << newLine
290 << "\t@echo Linking " << project.getProjectName() << newLine
291 << "\t-@mkdir -p $(BINDIR)" << newLine
292 << "\t-@mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)" << newLine
293 << "\t-@mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)" << newLine
294 << "\t@$(BLDCMD)" << newLine
295 << newLine;
297 out << "clean:" << newLine
298 << "\t@echo Cleaning " << project.getProjectName() << newLine
299 << "\t-@rm -f $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET)" << newLine
300 << "\t-@rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/*" << newLine
301 << "\t-@rm -rf $(OBJDIR)" << newLine
302 << newLine;
304 for (i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
306 if (shouldFileBeCompiledByDefault (files.getReference(i)))
308 jassert (files.getReference(i).getRoot() == RelativePath::buildTargetFolder);
310 out << "$(OBJDIR)/" << escapeSpaces (getObjectFileFor (files.getReference(i)))
311 << ": " << escapeSpaces (files.getReference(i).toUnixStyle()) << newLine
312 << "\t-@mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)" << newLine
313 << "\t@echo \"Compiling " << files.getReference(i).getFileName() << "\"" << newLine
314 << (files.getReference(i).hasFileExtension (".c") ? "\t@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o \"$@\" -c \"$<\""
315 : "\t@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o \"$@\" -c \"$<\"")
316 << newLine << newLine;
320 out << "-include $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.d)" << newLine;
323 const String getObjectFileFor (const RelativePath& file) const
325 return file.getFileNameWithoutExtension()
326 + "_" + String::toHexString (file.toUnixStyle().hashCode()) + ".o";
329 JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (MakefileProjectExporter);