Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / Introjucer / Source / Project / jucer_ProjectTreeViewBase.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-10 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "../jucer_Headers.h"
30 #include "../Utility/jucer_JucerTreeViewBase.h"
31 #include "jucer_Project.h"
32 #include "jucer_ResourceFile.h"
33 #include "jucer_ProjectContentComponent.h"
36 //==============================================================================
37 class ProjectTreeViewBase : public JucerTreeViewBase,
38 public ValueTree::Listener
40 protected:
41 //==============================================================================
42 ProjectTreeViewBase (const Project::Item& item);
43 ~ProjectTreeViewBase();
45 public:
46 //==============================================================================
47 virtual bool isRoot() const { return false; }
48 virtual bool acceptsFileDrop (const StringArray& files) const = 0;
49 virtual bool acceptsDragItems (const OwnedArray <Project::Item>& selectedNodes) = 0;
51 //==============================================================================
52 virtual const String getDisplayName() const;
53 virtual const String getRenamingName() const { return getDisplayName(); }
54 virtual void setName (const String& newName);
55 virtual bool isMissing() { return isFileMissing; }
56 virtual const File getFile() const;
58 virtual void deleteItem();
59 virtual void deleteAllSelectedItems();
60 virtual void revealInFinder() const;
61 virtual void showDocument() = 0;
62 virtual void browseToAddExistingFiles();
63 virtual void checkFileStatus(); // (recursive)
65 virtual void addFiles (const StringArray& files, int insertIndex);
66 virtual void moveSelectedItemsTo (OwnedArray <Project::Item>& selectedNodes, int insertIndex);
67 virtual void showMultiSelectionPopupMenu();
68 void invokeShowDocument();
70 virtual ProjectTreeViewBase* findTreeViewItem (const Project::Item& itemToFind);
72 //==============================================================================
73 void valueTreePropertyChanged (ValueTree& tree, const Identifier& property);
74 void valueTreeChildAdded (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree& childWhichHasBeenAdded);
75 void valueTreeChildRemoved (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree& childWhichHasBeenRemoved);
76 void valueTreeChildOrderChanged (ValueTree& parentTree);
77 void valueTreeParentChanged (ValueTree& tree);
79 //==============================================================================
80 // TreeViewItem stuff..
81 bool mightContainSubItems();
82 const String getUniqueName() const;
83 void itemOpennessChanged (bool isNowOpen);
84 void refreshSubItems();
85 bool canBeSelected() const { return true; }
86 void itemDoubleClicked (const MouseEvent& e);
87 void itemSelectionChanged (bool isNowSelected);
88 const String getTooltip();
89 const var getDragSourceDescription();
91 //==============================================================================
92 // Drag-and-drop stuff..
93 bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files);
94 void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int insertIndex);
95 bool isInterestedInDragSource (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails);
96 void itemDropped (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails, int insertIndex);
98 static void getAllSelectedNodesInTree (Component* componentInTree, OwnedArray <Project::Item>& selectedNodes);
100 //==============================================================================
101 Project::Item item;
103 protected:
104 bool isFileMissing;
105 ScopedPointer<Timer> delayedSelectionTimer;
107 //==============================================================================
108 void treeChildrenChanged (const ValueTree& parentTree);
109 virtual void addSubItems();
110 virtual ProjectTreeViewBase* createSubItem (const Project::Item& node) = 0;
111 const Drawable* getIcon() const { return item.getIcon(); }
113 //==============================================================================
114 void triggerAsyncRename (const Project::Item& itemToRename);
115 static void moveItems (OwnedArray <Project::Item>& selectedNodes,
116 Project::Item destNode, int insertIndex);
118 ProjectContentComponent* getProjectContentComponent() const;
119 ProjectTreeViewBase* getParentProjectItem() const;