Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / JuceDemo / Source / demos / AudioDemoRecordPage.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This is an automatically generated file created by the Jucer!
6 Creation date: 1 May 2011 12:08:25pm
8 Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
9 the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
10 and re-saved.
12 Jucer version: 1.12
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 The Jucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
17 Copyright 2004-6 by Raw Material Software ltd.
19 ==============================================================================
22 //[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
23 //[/Headers]
25 #include "AudioDemoRecordPage.h"
28 //[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
31 //==============================================================================
32 /** A simple class that acts as an AudioIODeviceCallback and writes the
33 incoming audio data to a WAV file.
35 class AudioRecorder : public AudioIODeviceCallback
37 public:
38 AudioRecorder()
39 : backgroundThread ("Audio Recorder Thread"),
40 sampleRate (0), activeWriter (0)
42 backgroundThread.startThread();
45 ~AudioRecorder()
47 stop();
50 //==============================================================================
51 void startRecording (const File& file)
53 stop();
55 if (sampleRate > 0)
57 // Create an OutputStream to write to our destination file...
58 file.deleteFile();
59 ScopedPointer<FileOutputStream> fileStream (file.createOutputStream());
61 if (fileStream != 0)
63 // Now create a WAV writer object that writes to our output stream...
64 WavAudioFormat wavFormat;
65 AudioFormatWriter* writer = wavFormat.createWriterFor (fileStream, sampleRate, 1, 16, StringPairArray(), 0);
67 if (writer != 0)
69 fileStream.release(); // (passes responsibility for deleting the stream to the writer object that is now using it)
71 // Now we'll create one of these helper objects which will act as a FIFO buffer, and will
72 // write the data to disk on our background thread.
73 threadedWriter = new AudioFormatWriter::ThreadedWriter (writer, backgroundThread, 32768);
75 // And now, swap over our active writer pointer so that the audio callback will start using it..
76 const ScopedLock sl (writerLock);
77 activeWriter = threadedWriter;
83 void stop()
85 // First, clear this pointer to stop the audio callback from using our writer object..
87 const ScopedLock sl (writerLock);
88 activeWriter = 0;
91 // Now we can delete the writer object. It's done in this order because the deletion could
92 // take a little time while remaining data gets flushed to disk, so it's best to avoid blocking
93 // the audio callback while this happens.
94 threadedWriter = 0;
97 bool isRecording() const
99 return activeWriter != 0;
102 //==============================================================================
103 void audioDeviceAboutToStart (AudioIODevice* device)
105 sampleRate = device->getCurrentSampleRate();
108 void audioDeviceStopped()
110 sampleRate = 0;
113 void audioDeviceIOCallback (const float** inputChannelData, int /*numInputChannels*/,
114 float** outputChannelData, int numOutputChannels,
115 int numSamples)
117 const ScopedLock sl (writerLock);
119 if (activeWriter != 0)
120 activeWriter->write (inputChannelData, numSamples);
122 // We need to clear the output buffers, in case they're full of junk..
123 for (int i = 0; i < numOutputChannels; ++i)
124 if (outputChannelData[i] != 0)
125 zeromem (outputChannelData[i], sizeof (float) * numSamples);
128 private:
129 TimeSliceThread backgroundThread; // the thread that will write our audio data to disk
130 ScopedPointer<AudioFormatWriter::ThreadedWriter> threadedWriter; // the FIFO used to buffer the incoming data
131 double sampleRate;
133 CriticalSection writerLock;
134 AudioFormatWriter::ThreadedWriter* volatile activeWriter;
137 //[/MiscUserDefs]
139 //==============================================================================
140 AudioDemoRecordPage::AudioDemoRecordPage (AudioDeviceManager& deviceManager_)
141 : deviceManager (deviceManager_),
142 liveAudioDisplayComp (0),
143 explanationLabel (0),
144 recordButton (0)
146 addAndMakeVisible (liveAudioDisplayComp = new LiveAudioInputDisplayComp());
148 addAndMakeVisible (explanationLabel = new Label (String::empty,
149 L"This page demonstrates how to record a wave file from the live audio input..\n\nPressing record will start recording a file in your \"Documents\" folder."));
150 explanationLabel->setFont (Font (15.0000f, Font::plain));
151 explanationLabel->setJustificationType (Justification::topLeft);
152 explanationLabel->setEditable (false, false, false);
153 explanationLabel->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::black);
154 explanationLabel->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colour (0x0));
156 addAndMakeVisible (recordButton = new TextButton (String::empty));
157 recordButton->setButtonText (L"Record");
158 recordButton->addListener (this);
159 recordButton->setColour (TextButton::buttonColourId, Colour (0xffff5c5c));
160 recordButton->setColour (TextButton::textColourOnId, Colours::black);
163 //[UserPreSize]
164 //[/UserPreSize]
166 setSize (600, 400);
169 //[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
170 recorder = new AudioRecorder();
171 deviceManager.addAudioCallback (recorder);
172 deviceManager.addAudioCallback (liveAudioDisplayComp);
173 //[/Constructor]
176 AudioDemoRecordPage::~AudioDemoRecordPage()
178 //[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
179 deviceManager.removeAudioCallback (recorder);
180 deviceManager.removeAudioCallback (liveAudioDisplayComp);
181 recorder = 0;
182 //[/Destructor_pre]
184 deleteAndZero (liveAudioDisplayComp);
185 deleteAndZero (explanationLabel);
186 deleteAndZero (recordButton);
189 //[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
190 //[/Destructor]
193 //==============================================================================
194 void AudioDemoRecordPage::paint (Graphics& g)
196 //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
197 //[/UserPrePaint]
199 g.fillAll (Colours::lightgrey);
201 //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
202 //[/UserPaint]
205 void AudioDemoRecordPage::resized()
207 liveAudioDisplayComp->setBounds (8, 8, getWidth() - 16, 64);
208 explanationLabel->setBounds (160, 88, getWidth() - 169, 216);
209 recordButton->setBounds (8, 88, 136, 40);
210 //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
211 //[/UserResized]
214 void AudioDemoRecordPage::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)
216 //[UserbuttonClicked_Pre]
217 //[/UserbuttonClicked_Pre]
219 if (buttonThatWasClicked == recordButton)
221 //[UserButtonCode_recordButton] -- add your button handler code here..
222 if (recorder->isRecording())
224 recorder->stop();
226 else
228 File file (File::getSpecialLocation (File::userDocumentsDirectory)
229 .getNonexistentChildFile ("Juce Demo Audio Recording", ".wav"));
231 recorder->startRecording (file);
234 if (recorder->isRecording())
235 recordButton->setButtonText ("Stop");
236 else
237 recordButton->setButtonText ("Record");
239 //[/UserButtonCode_recordButton]
242 //[UserbuttonClicked_Post]
243 //[/UserbuttonClicked_Post]
246 void AudioDemoRecordPage::visibilityChanged()
248 //[UserCode_visibilityChanged] -- Add your code here...
249 recorder->stop();
250 recordButton->setButtonText ("Record");
251 //[/UserCode_visibilityChanged]
256 //[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
257 //[/MiscUserCode]
260 //==============================================================================
261 #if 0
262 /* -- Jucer information section --
264 This is where the Jucer puts all of its metadata, so don't change anything in here!
268 <JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="AudioDemoRecordPage" componentName=""
269 parentClasses="public Component" constructorParams="AudioDeviceManager&amp; deviceManager_"
270 variableInitialisers="deviceManager (deviceManager_)" snapPixels="8"
271 snapActive="1" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330000013" fixedSize="0"
272 initialWidth="600" initialHeight="400">
274 <METHOD name="visibilityChanged()"/>
275 </METHODS>
276 <BACKGROUND backgroundColour="ffd3d3d3"/>
277 <GENERICCOMPONENT name="" id="7d70eb2617f56220" memberName="liveAudioDisplayComp"
278 virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="8 8 16M 64" class="LiveAudioInputDisplayComp"
279 params=""/>
280 <LABEL name="" id="1162fb2599a768b4" memberName="explanationLabel" virtualName=""
281 explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="160 88 169M 216" edTextCol="ff000000"
282 edBkgCol="0" labelText="This page demonstrates how to record a wave file from the live audio input..&#10;&#10;Pressing record will start recording a file in your &quot;Documents&quot; folder."
283 editableSingleClick="0" editableDoubleClick="0" focusDiscardsChanges="0"
284 fontname="Default font" fontsize="15" bold="0" italic="0" justification="9"/>
285 <TEXTBUTTON name="" id="2c10a0ba9fad39da" memberName="recordButton" virtualName=""
286 explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="8 88 136 40" bgColOff="ffff5c5c"
287 textCol="ff000000" buttonText="Record" connectedEdges="0" needsCallback="1"
288 radioGroupId="0"/>
293 #endif