Add remaining files
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / Introjucer / Source / Project / jucer_Project.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-10 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "../jucer_Headers.h"
30 class ProjectExporter;
32 //==============================================================================
33 class Project : public FileBasedDocument,
34 public ValueTree::Listener
36 public:
37 //==============================================================================
38 Project (const File& file);
39 ~Project();
41 //==============================================================================
42 // FileBasedDocument stuff..
43 const String getDocumentTitle();
44 const String loadDocument (const File& file);
45 const String saveDocument (const File& file);
46 const File getLastDocumentOpened();
47 void setLastDocumentOpened (const File& file);
49 void setTitle (const String& newTitle);
51 //==============================================================================
52 ValueTree getProjectRoot() const { return projectRoot; }
53 Value getProjectName() { return getMainGroup().getName(); }
54 const String getProjectFilenameRoot() { return File::createLegalFileName (getDocumentTitle()); }
55 const String getProjectUID() const { return projectRoot [Ids::id_]; }
57 //==============================================================================
58 bool shouldBeAddedToBinaryResourcesByDefault (const File& file);
59 const File resolveFilename (String filename) const;
60 const String getRelativePathForFile (const File& file) const;
62 //==============================================================================
63 // Creates editors for the project settings
64 void createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& properties);
66 //==============================================================================
67 // project types
68 static const char* const application;
69 static const char* const commandLineApp;
70 static const char* const audioPlugin;
71 static const char* const library;
72 static const char* const browserPlugin;
74 Value getProjectType() const { return getProjectValue ("projectType"); }
76 bool isLibrary() const;
77 bool isGUIApplication() const;
78 bool isCommandLineApp() const;
79 bool isAudioPlugin() const;
80 bool isBrowserPlugin() const;
82 Value getVersion() const { return getProjectValue ("version"); }
83 Value getBundleIdentifier() const { return getProjectValue ("bundleIdentifier"); }
84 void setBundleIdentifierToDefault() { getBundleIdentifier() = "com.yourcompany." + CodeHelpers::makeValidIdentifier (getProjectName().toString(), false, true, false); }
86 //==============================================================================
87 // linkage modes..
88 static const char* const notLinkedToJuce;
89 static const char* const useLinkedJuce;
90 static const char* const useAmalgamatedJuce;
91 static const char* const useAmalgamatedJuceViaSingleTemplate;
92 static const char* const useAmalgamatedJuceViaMultipleTemplates;
94 Value getJuceLinkageModeValue() const { return getProjectValue ("juceLinkage"); }
95 const String getJuceLinkageMode() const { return getJuceLinkageModeValue().toString(); }
97 bool isUsingWrapperFiles() const { return isUsingFullyAmalgamatedFile() || isUsingSingleTemplateFile() || isUsingMultipleTemplateFiles(); }
98 bool isUsingFullyAmalgamatedFile() const { return getJuceLinkageMode() == useAmalgamatedJuce; }
99 bool isUsingSingleTemplateFile() const { return getJuceLinkageMode() == useAmalgamatedJuceViaSingleTemplate; }
100 bool isUsingMultipleTemplateFiles() const { return getJuceLinkageMode() == useAmalgamatedJuceViaMultipleTemplates; }
102 //==============================================================================
103 Value getProjectValue (const Identifier& name) const { return projectRoot.getPropertyAsValue (name, getUndoManagerFor (projectRoot)); }
105 Value getProjectPreprocessorDefs() const { return getProjectValue (Ids::defines); }
106 const StringPairArray getPreprocessorDefs() const;
108 Value getBigIconImageItemID() const { return getProjectValue ("bigIcon"); }
109 Value getSmallIconImageItemID() const { return getProjectValue ("smallIcon"); }
110 const Image getBigIcon();
111 const Image getSmallIcon();
112 const Image getBestIconForSize (int size, bool returnNullIfNothingBigEnough);
114 Value shouldBuildVST() const { return getProjectValue ("buildVST"); }
115 Value shouldBuildRTAS() const { return getProjectValue ("buildRTAS"); }
116 Value shouldBuildAU() const { return getProjectValue ("buildAU"); }
117 bool shouldAddVSTFolderToPath() { return (isAudioPlugin() && (bool) shouldBuildVST().getValue()) || getJuceConfigFlag ("JUCE_PLUGINHOST_VST").toString() == configFlagEnabled; }
119 Value getPluginName() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginName"); }
120 Value getPluginDesc() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginDesc"); }
121 Value getPluginManufacturer() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginManufacturer"); }
122 Value getPluginManufacturerCode() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginManufacturerCode"); }
123 Value getPluginCode() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginCode"); }
124 Value getPluginChannelConfigs() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginChannelConfigs"); }
125 Value getPluginIsSynth() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginIsSynth"); }
126 Value getPluginWantsMidiInput() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginWantsMidiIn"); }
127 Value getPluginProducesMidiOut() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginProducesMidiOut"); }
128 Value getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginSilenceInIsSilenceOut"); }
129 Value getPluginTailLengthSeconds() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginTailLength"); }
130 Value getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginEditorRequiresKeys"); }
131 Value getPluginAUExportPrefix() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginAUExportPrefix"); }
132 Value getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginAUViewClass"); }
133 Value getPluginRTASCategory() const { return getProjectValue ("pluginRTASCategory"); }
135 //==============================================================================
136 const File getAppIncludeFile() const { return getWrapperFolder().getChildFile (getJuceSourceHFilename()); }
137 const File getWrapperFolder() const { return getFile().getSiblingFile ("JuceLibraryCode"); }
138 const File getPluginCharacteristicsFile() const { return getWrapperFolder().getChildFile (getPluginCharacteristicsFilename()); }
140 //==============================================================================
141 const String getAmalgamatedHeaderFileName() const { return "juce_amalgamated.h"; }
142 const String getAmalgamatedMMFileName() const { return ""; }
143 const String getAmalgamatedCppFileName() const { return "juce_amalgamated.cpp"; }
145 const String getAppConfigFilename() const { return "AppConfig.h"; }
146 const String getJuceSourceFilenameRoot() const { return "JuceLibraryCode"; }
147 int getNumSeparateAmalgamatedFiles() const { return 4; }
148 const String getJuceSourceHFilename() const { return "JuceHeader.h"; }
149 const String getJuceCodeGroupName() const { return "Juce Library Code"; }
150 const String getPluginCharacteristicsFilename() const { return "JucePluginCharacteristics.h"; }
152 //==============================================================================
153 class Item
155 public:
156 //==============================================================================
157 Item (Project& project, const ValueTree& itemNode);
158 Item (const Item& other);
159 Item& operator= (const Item& other);
160 ~Item();
162 void initialiseNodeValues();
164 //==============================================================================
165 bool isValid() const { return node.isValid(); }
166 const ValueTree& getNode() const noexcept { return node; }
167 ValueTree& getNode() noexcept { return node; }
168 Project& getProject() const noexcept { return *project; }
169 bool operator== (const Item& other) const { return node == other.node && project == other.project; }
170 bool operator!= (const Item& other) const { return ! operator== (other); }
172 //==============================================================================
173 bool isFile() const;
174 bool isGroup() const;
175 bool isMainGroup() const;
176 bool isImageFile() const;
178 const String getID() const;
179 Item findItemWithID (const String& targetId) const; // (recursive search)
180 const String getImageFileID() const;
182 //==============================================================================
183 Value getName() const;
184 const File getFile() const;
185 void setFile (const File& file);
186 const File determineGroupFolder() const;
187 bool renameFile (const File& newFile);
189 bool shouldBeAddedToTargetProject() const;
190 bool shouldBeCompiled() const;
191 Value getShouldCompileValue() const;
192 bool shouldBeAddedToBinaryResources() const;
193 Value getShouldAddToResourceValue() const;
195 //==============================================================================
196 bool canContain (const Item& child) const;
197 int getNumChildren() const { return node.getNumChildren(); }
198 Item getChild (int index) const { return Item (*project, node.getChild (index)); }
199 void addChild (const Item& newChild, int insertIndex);
200 bool addFile (const File& file, int insertIndex);
201 void removeItemFromProject();
202 void sortAlphabetically();
203 Item findItemForFile (const File& file) const;
205 Item getParent() const;
207 const Drawable* getIcon() const;
209 private:
210 //==============================================================================
211 Project* project;
212 ValueTree node;
214 UndoManager* getUndoManager() const { return project->getUndoManagerFor (node); }
217 Item getMainGroup();
218 Item createNewGroup();
219 Item createNewItem (const File& file);
221 void findAllImageItems (OwnedArray<Item>& items);
223 //==============================================================================
224 class BuildConfiguration
226 public:
227 BuildConfiguration (const BuildConfiguration&);
228 const BuildConfiguration& operator= (const BuildConfiguration&);
229 ~BuildConfiguration();
231 //==============================================================================
232 Project& getProject() const { return *project; }
234 void createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& properties);
236 //==============================================================================
237 Value getName() const { return getValue (Ids::name); }
238 Value isDebug() const { return getValue (Ids::isDebug); }
239 Value getTargetBinaryName() const { return getValue (Ids::targetName); }
240 // the path relative to the build folder in which the binary should go
241 Value getTargetBinaryRelativePath() const { return getValue (Ids::binaryPath); }
242 Value getOptimisationLevel() const { return getValue (Ids::optimisation); }
243 const String getGCCOptimisationFlag() const;
244 Value getBuildConfigPreprocessorDefs() const { return getValue (Ids::defines); }
245 const StringPairArray getAllPreprocessorDefs() const; // includes inherited definitions
246 Value getHeaderSearchPath() const { return getValue (Ids::headerPath); }
247 const StringArray getHeaderSearchPaths() const;
249 static const char* const osxVersionDefault;
250 static const char* const osxVersion10_4;
251 static const char* const osxVersion10_5;
252 static const char* const osxVersion10_6;
253 Value getMacSDKVersion() const { return getValue (Ids::osxSDK); }
254 Value getMacCompatibilityVersion() const { return getValue (Ids::osxCompatibility); }
256 static const char* const osxArch_Default;
257 static const char* const osxArch_Native;
258 static const char* const osxArch_32BitUniversal;
259 static const char* const osxArch_64BitUniversal;
260 static const char* const osxArch_64Bit;
261 Value getMacArchitecture() const { return getValue (Ids::osxArchitecture); }
263 //==============================================================================
264 private:
265 friend class Project;
266 Project* project;
267 ValueTree config;
269 Value getValue (const Identifier& name) const { return config.getPropertyAsValue (name, getUndoManager()); }
270 UndoManager* getUndoManager() const { return project->getUndoManagerFor (config); }
272 BuildConfiguration (Project* project, const ValueTree& configNode);
275 int getNumConfigurations() const;
276 BuildConfiguration getConfiguration (int index);
277 void addNewConfiguration (BuildConfiguration* configToCopy);
278 void deleteConfiguration (int index);
279 bool hasConfigurationNamed (const String& name) const;
280 const String getUniqueConfigName (String name) const;
282 //==============================================================================
283 ValueTree getExporters();
284 int getNumExporters();
285 ProjectExporter* createExporter (int index);
286 void addNewExporter (int exporterIndex);
287 void deleteExporter (int index);
288 void createDefaultExporters();
290 //==============================================================================
291 struct JuceConfigFlag
293 String symbol, description;
294 Value value; // 1 = true, 2 = false, anything else = use default
297 void getJuceConfigFlags (OwnedArray <JuceConfigFlag>& flags);
299 static const char* const configFlagDefault;
300 static const char* const configFlagEnabled;
301 static const char* const configFlagDisabled;
302 Value getJuceConfigFlag (const String& name);
304 //==============================================================================
305 const String getFileTemplate (const String& templateName);
307 //==============================================================================
308 void valueTreePropertyChanged (ValueTree& tree, const Identifier& property);
309 void valueTreeChildAdded (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree& childWhichHasBeenAdded);
310 void valueTreeChildRemoved (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree& childWhichHasBeenRemoved);
311 void valueTreeChildOrderChanged (ValueTree& parentTree);
312 void valueTreeParentChanged (ValueTree& tree);
314 //==============================================================================
315 UndoManager* getUndoManagerFor (const ValueTree& node) const { return 0; }
317 //==============================================================================
318 static const char* projectFileExtension;
320 static void resaveJucerFile (const File& file);
322 private:
323 friend class Item;
324 ValueTree projectRoot;
325 static File lastDocumentOpened;
326 DrawableImage mainProjectIcon;
328 const File getLocalJuceFolder();
329 void updateProjectSettings();
330 void setMissingDefaultValues();
331 ValueTree getConfigurations() const;
332 void createDefaultConfigs();
333 ValueTree getJuceConfigNode();