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[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / JuceDemo / Source / demos / RenderingTestComponent.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This is an automatically generated file created by the Jucer!
6 Creation date: 1 May 2011 12:07:57pm
8 Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
9 the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
10 and re-saved.
12 Jucer version: 1.12
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 The Jucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
17 Copyright 2004-6 by Raw Material Software ltd.
19 ==============================================================================
25 //[Headers] -- You can add your own extra header files here --
26 #include "../jucedemo_headers.h"
27 class RenderingTestCanvas;
28 //[/Headers]
32 //==============================================================================
33 /**
34 //[Comments]
35 An auto-generated component, created by the Jucer.
37 Describe your class and how it works here!
38 //[/Comments]
40 class RenderingTestComponent : public Component,
41 public ComboBoxListener,
42 public SliderListener
44 public:
45 //==============================================================================
46 RenderingTestComponent ();
47 ~RenderingTestComponent();
49 //==============================================================================
50 //[UserMethods] -- You can add your own custom methods in this section.
51 //[/UserMethods]
53 void paint (Graphics& g);
54 void resized();
55 void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged);
56 void sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved);
58 // Binary resources:
59 static const char* demoJpeg_jpg;
60 static const int demoJpeg_jpgSize;
61 static const char* demoPng_png;
62 static const int demoPng_pngSize;
65 //==============================================================================
66 juce_UseDebuggingNewOperator
68 private:
69 //[UserVariables] -- You can add your own custom variables in this section.
70 friend class RenderingTestCanvas;
71 //[/UserVariables]
73 //==============================================================================
74 ComboBox* testTypeComboBox;
75 Label* testTypeLabel;
76 Label* speedLabel;
77 RenderingTestCanvas* testCanvas;
78 Slider* opacitySlider;
79 ToggleButton* highQualityToggle;
80 ToggleButton* animateSizeToggle;
81 ToggleButton* animateRotationToggle;
82 ToggleButton* animatePositionToggle;
83 ToggleButton* animateFillToggle;
84 Label* opacityLabel;
85 Slider* xSlider;
86 Slider* ySlider;
87 Slider* sizeSlider;
88 Slider* angleSlider;
89 Label* xSliderLabel;
90 Label* ySliderLabel;
91 Label* sizeSliderLabel;
92 Label* angleSliderLabel;
93 ToggleButton* clipToRectangleToggle;
94 ToggleButton* clipToPathToggle;
95 ToggleButton* clipToImageToggle;
98 //==============================================================================
99 // (prevent copy constructor and operator= being generated..)
100 RenderingTestComponent (const RenderingTestComponent&);
101 const RenderingTestComponent& operator= (const RenderingTestComponent&);