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[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / src / gui / components / controls / juce_Toolbar.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "../mouse/juce_DragAndDropContainer.h"
30 #include "../layout/juce_ComponentAnimator.h"
31 #include "../buttons/juce_Button.h"
32 class ToolbarItemComponent;
33 class ToolbarItemFactory;
36 //==============================================================================
37 /**
38 A toolbar component.
40 A toolbar contains a horizontal or vertical strip of ToolbarItemComponents,
41 and looks after their order and layout.
43 Items (icon buttons or other custom components) are added to a toolbar using a
44 ToolbarItemFactory - each type of item is given a unique ID number, and a
45 toolbar might contain more than one instance of a particular item type.
47 Toolbars can be interactively customised, allowing the user to drag the items
48 around, and to drag items onto or off the toolbar, using the ToolbarItemPalette
49 component as a source of new items.
51 @see ToolbarItemFactory, ToolbarItemComponent, ToolbarItemPalette
53 class JUCE_API Toolbar : public Component,
54 public DragAndDropContainer,
55 public DragAndDropTarget,
56 private ButtonListener // (can't use Button::Listener due to idiotic VC2005 bug)
58 public:
59 //==============================================================================
60 /** Creates an empty toolbar component.
62 To add some icons or other components to your toolbar, you'll need to
63 create a ToolbarItemFactory class that can create a suitable set of
64 ToolbarItemComponents.
66 @see ToolbarItemFactory, ToolbarItemComponents
68 Toolbar();
70 /** Destructor.
72 Any items on the bar will be deleted when the toolbar is deleted.
74 ~Toolbar();
76 //==============================================================================
77 /** Changes the bar's orientation.
78 @see isVertical
80 void setVertical (bool shouldBeVertical);
82 /** Returns true if the bar is set to be vertical, or false if it's horizontal.
84 You can change the bar's orientation with setVertical().
86 bool isVertical() const noexcept { return vertical; }
88 /** Returns the depth of the bar.
90 If the bar is horizontal, this will return its height; if it's vertical, it
91 will return its width.
93 @see getLength
95 int getThickness() const noexcept;
97 /** Returns the length of the bar.
99 If the bar is horizontal, this will return its width; if it's vertical, it
100 will return its height.
102 @see getThickness
104 int getLength() const noexcept;
106 //==============================================================================
107 /** Deletes all items from the bar.
109 void clear();
111 /** Adds an item to the toolbar.
113 The factory's ToolbarItemFactory::createItem() will be called by this method
114 to create the component that will actually be added to the bar.
116 The new item will be inserted at the specified index (if the index is -1, it
117 will be added to the right-hand or bottom end of the bar).
119 Once added, the component will be automatically deleted by this object when it
120 is no longer needed.
122 @see ToolbarItemFactory
124 void addItem (ToolbarItemFactory& factory,
125 int itemId,
126 int insertIndex = -1);
128 /** Deletes one of the items from the bar.
130 void removeToolbarItem (int itemIndex);
132 /** Returns the number of items currently on the toolbar.
134 @see getItemId, getItemComponent
136 int getNumItems() const noexcept;
138 /** Returns the ID of the item with the given index.
140 If the index is less than zero or greater than the number of items,
141 this will return 0.
143 @see getNumItems
145 int getItemId (int itemIndex) const noexcept;
147 /** Returns the component being used for the item with the given index.
149 If the index is less than zero or greater than the number of items,
150 this will return 0.
152 @see getNumItems
154 ToolbarItemComponent* getItemComponent (int itemIndex) const noexcept;
156 /** Clears this toolbar and adds to it the default set of items that the specified
157 factory creates.
159 @see ToolbarItemFactory::getDefaultItemSet
161 void addDefaultItems (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse);
163 //==============================================================================
164 /** Options for the way items should be displayed.
165 @see setStyle, getStyle
167 enum ToolbarItemStyle
169 iconsOnly, /**< Means that the toolbar should just contain icons. */
170 iconsWithText, /**< Means that the toolbar should have text labels under each icon. */
171 textOnly /**< Means that the toolbar only display text labels for each item. */
174 /** Returns the toolbar's current style.
175 @see ToolbarItemStyle, setStyle
177 ToolbarItemStyle getStyle() const noexcept { return toolbarStyle; }
179 /** Changes the toolbar's current style.
180 @see ToolbarItemStyle, getStyle, ToolbarItemComponent::setStyle
182 void setStyle (const ToolbarItemStyle& newStyle);
184 //==============================================================================
185 /** Flags used by the showCustomisationDialog() method. */
186 enum CustomisationFlags
188 allowIconsOnlyChoice = 1, /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
189 show the "icons only" option on its choice of toolbar styles. */
190 allowIconsWithTextChoice = 2, /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
191 show the "icons with text" option on its choice of toolbar styles. */
192 allowTextOnlyChoice = 4, /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
193 show the "text only" option on its choice of toolbar styles. */
194 showResetToDefaultsButton = 8, /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
195 show a button to reset the toolbar to its default set of items. */
197 allCustomisationOptionsEnabled = (allowIconsOnlyChoice | allowIconsWithTextChoice | allowTextOnlyChoice | showResetToDefaultsButton)
200 /** Pops up a modal dialog box that allows this toolbar to be customised by the user.
202 The dialog contains a ToolbarItemPalette and various controls for editing other
203 aspects of the toolbar. This method will block and run the dialog box modally,
204 returning when the user closes it.
206 The factory is used to determine the set of items that will be shown on the
207 palette.
209 The optionFlags parameter is a bitwise-or of values from the CustomisationFlags
210 enum.
212 @see ToolbarItemPalette
214 void showCustomisationDialog (ToolbarItemFactory& factory,
215 int optionFlags = allCustomisationOptionsEnabled);
217 /** Turns on or off the toolbar's editing mode, in which its items can be
218 rearranged by the user.
220 (In most cases it's easier just to use showCustomisationDialog() instead of
221 trying to enable editing directly).
223 @see ToolbarItemPalette
225 void setEditingActive (bool editingEnabled);
227 //==============================================================================
228 /** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the toolbar.
230 These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour()
231 methods.
233 @see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour
235 enum ColourIds
237 backgroundColourId = 0x1003200, /**< A colour to use to fill the toolbar's background. For
238 more control over this, override LookAndFeel::paintToolbarBackground(). */
239 separatorColourId = 0x1003210, /**< A colour to use to draw the separator lines. */
241 buttonMouseOverBackgroundColourId = 0x1003220, /**< A colour used to paint the background of buttons when the mouse is
242 over them. */
243 buttonMouseDownBackgroundColourId = 0x1003230, /**< A colour used to paint the background of buttons when the mouse is
244 held down on them. */
246 labelTextColourId = 0x1003240, /**< A colour to use for drawing the text under buttons
247 when the style is set to iconsWithText or textOnly. */
249 editingModeOutlineColourId = 0x1003250 /**< A colour to use for an outline around buttons when
250 the customisation dialog is active and the mouse moves over them. */
253 //==============================================================================
254 /** Returns a string that represents the toolbar's current set of items.
256 This lets you later restore the same item layout using restoreFromString().
258 @see restoreFromString
260 String toString() const;
262 /** Restores a set of items that was previously stored in a string by the toString()
263 method.
265 The factory object is used to create any item components that are needed.
267 @see toString
269 bool restoreFromString (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse,
270 const String& savedVersion);
272 //==============================================================================
273 /** @internal */
274 void paint (Graphics& g);
275 /** @internal */
276 void resized();
277 /** @internal */
278 void buttonClicked (Button*);
279 /** @internal */
280 void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&);
281 /** @internal */
282 bool isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails&);
283 /** @internal */
284 void itemDragMove (const SourceDetails&);
285 /** @internal */
286 void itemDragExit (const SourceDetails&);
287 /** @internal */
288 void itemDropped (const SourceDetails&);
289 /** @internal */
290 void updateAllItemPositions (bool animate);
291 /** @internal */
292 static ToolbarItemComponent* createItem (ToolbarItemFactory&, int itemId);
294 private:
295 //==============================================================================
296 ScopedPointer<Button> missingItemsButton;
297 bool vertical, isEditingActive;
298 ToolbarItemStyle toolbarStyle;
299 class MissingItemsComponent;
300 friend class MissingItemsComponent;
301 OwnedArray <ToolbarItemComponent> items;
303 friend class ItemDragAndDropOverlayComponent;
304 static const char* const toolbarDragDescriptor;
306 void addItemInternal (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, int itemId, int insertIndex);
308 ToolbarItemComponent* getNextActiveComponent (int index, int delta) const;