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[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / src / gui / components / filebrowser / juce_FileChooserDialogBox.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 #include "../../../core/juce_StandardHeader.h"
30 #include "juce_FileChooserDialogBox.h"
31 #include "../lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel.h"
32 #include "../../../text/juce_LocalisedStrings.h"
35 //==============================================================================
36 class FileChooserDialogBox::ContentComponent : public Component
38 public:
39 //==============================================================================
40 ContentComponent (const String& name, const String& instructions_, FileBrowserComponent& chooserComponent_)
41 : Component (name),
42 chooserComponent (chooserComponent_),
43 okButton (chooserComponent_.getActionVerb()),
44 cancelButton (TRANS ("Cancel")),
45 newFolderButton (TRANS ("New Folder")),
46 instructions (instructions_)
48 addAndMakeVisible (&chooserComponent);
50 addAndMakeVisible (&okButton);
51 okButton.addShortcut (KeyPress::returnKey);
53 addAndMakeVisible (&cancelButton);
54 cancelButton.addShortcut (KeyPress::escapeKey);
56 addChildComponent (&newFolderButton);
58 setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true);
61 void paint (Graphics& g)
63 g.setColour (getLookAndFeel().findColour (FileChooserDialogBox::titleTextColourId));
64 text.draw (g);
67 void resized()
69 const int buttonHeight = 26;
71 Rectangle<int> area (getLocalBounds());
73 getLookAndFeel().createFileChooserHeaderText (getName(), instructions, text, getWidth());
74 const Rectangle<float> bb (text.getBoundingBox (0, text.getNumGlyphs(), false));
75 area.removeFromTop (roundToInt (bb.getBottom()) + 10);
77 chooserComponent.setBounds (area.removeFromTop (area.getHeight() - buttonHeight - 20));
78 Rectangle<int> buttonArea (area.reduced (16, 10));
80 okButton.changeWidthToFitText (buttonHeight);
81 okButton.setBounds (buttonArea.removeFromRight (okButton.getWidth() + 16));
83 buttonArea.removeFromRight (16);
85 cancelButton.changeWidthToFitText (buttonHeight);
86 cancelButton.setBounds (buttonArea.removeFromRight (cancelButton.getWidth()));
88 newFolderButton.changeWidthToFitText (buttonHeight);
89 newFolderButton.setBounds (buttonArea.removeFromLeft (newFolderButton.getWidth()));
92 FileBrowserComponent& chooserComponent;
93 TextButton okButton, cancelButton, newFolderButton;
95 private:
96 String instructions;
97 GlyphArrangement text;
100 //==============================================================================
101 FileChooserDialogBox::FileChooserDialogBox (const String& name,
102 const String& instructions,
103 FileBrowserComponent& chooserComponent,
104 const bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles_,
105 const Colour& backgroundColour)
106 : ResizableWindow (name, backgroundColour, true),
107 warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles_)
109 content = new ContentComponent (name, instructions, chooserComponent);
110 setContentOwned (content, false);
112 setResizable (true, true);
113 setResizeLimits (300, 300, 1200, 1000);
115 content->okButton.addListener (this);
116 content->cancelButton.addListener (this);
117 content->newFolderButton.addListener (this);
118 content->chooserComponent.addListener (this);
120 FileChooserDialogBox::selectionChanged();
123 FileChooserDialogBox::~FileChooserDialogBox()
125 content->chooserComponent.removeListener (this);
128 //==============================================================================
130 bool FileChooserDialogBox::show (int w, int h)
132 return showAt (-1, -1, w, h);
135 bool FileChooserDialogBox::showAt (int x, int y, int w, int h)
137 if (w <= 0)
139 Component* const previewComp = content->chooserComponent.getPreviewComponent();
141 if (previewComp != nullptr)
142 w = 400 + previewComp->getWidth();
143 else
144 w = 600;
147 if (h <= 0)
148 h = 500;
150 if (x < 0 || y < 0)
151 centreWithSize (w, h);
152 else
153 setBounds (x, y, w, h);
155 const bool ok = (runModalLoop() != 0);
156 setVisible (false);
157 return ok;
159 #endif
161 void FileChooserDialogBox::centreWithDefaultSize (Component* componentToCentreAround)
163 Component* const previewComp = content->chooserComponent.getPreviewComponent();
165 centreAroundComponent (componentToCentreAround,
166 previewComp != nullptr ? 400 + previewComp->getWidth() : 600,
167 500);
170 //==============================================================================
171 void FileChooserDialogBox::buttonClicked (Button* button)
173 if (button == &(content->okButton))
175 okButtonPressed();
177 else if (button == &(content->cancelButton))
179 closeButtonPressed();
181 else if (button == &(content->newFolderButton))
183 createNewFolder();
187 void FileChooserDialogBox::closeButtonPressed()
189 setVisible (false);
192 void FileChooserDialogBox::selectionChanged()
194 content->okButton.setEnabled (content->chooserComponent.currentFileIsValid());
196 content->newFolderButton.setVisible (content->chooserComponent.isSaveMode()
197 && content->chooserComponent.getRoot().isDirectory());
200 void FileChooserDialogBox::fileClicked (const File&, const MouseEvent&)
204 void FileChooserDialogBox::fileDoubleClicked (const File&)
206 selectionChanged();
207 content->okButton.triggerClick();
210 void FileChooserDialogBox::okToOverwriteFileCallback (int result, FileChooserDialogBox* box)
212 if (result != 0 && box != nullptr)
213 box->exitModalState (1);
216 void FileChooserDialogBox::okButtonPressed()
218 if (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles
219 && content->chooserComponent.isSaveMode()
220 && content->chooserComponent.getSelectedFile(0).exists())
222 AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
223 TRANS("File already exists"),
224 TRANS("There's already a file called:")
225 + "\n\n" + content->chooserComponent.getSelectedFile(0).getFullPathName()
226 + "\n\n" + TRANS("Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"),
227 TRANS("overwrite"),
228 TRANS("cancel"),
229 this,
230 ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (okToOverwriteFileCallback, this));
232 else
234 exitModalState (1);
238 void FileChooserDialogBox::createNewFolderCallback (int result, FileChooserDialogBox* box,
239 Component::SafePointer<AlertWindow> alert)
241 if (result != 0 && alert != nullptr && box != nullptr)
243 alert->setVisible (false);
244 box->createNewFolderConfirmed (alert->getTextEditorContents ("name"));
248 void FileChooserDialogBox::createNewFolder()
250 File parent (content->chooserComponent.getRoot());
252 if (parent.isDirectory())
254 AlertWindow* aw = new AlertWindow (TRANS("New Folder"),
255 TRANS("Please enter the name for the folder"),
256 AlertWindow::NoIcon, this);
258 aw->addTextEditor ("name", String::empty, String::empty, false);
259 aw->addButton (TRANS("ok"), 1, KeyPress::returnKey);
260 aw->addButton (TRANS("cancel"), KeyPress::escapeKey);
262 aw->enterModalState (true,
263 ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (createNewFolderCallback, this,
264 Component::SafePointer<AlertWindow> (aw)),
265 true);
269 void FileChooserDialogBox::createNewFolderConfirmed (const String& nameFromDialog)
271 const String name (File::createLegalFileName (nameFromDialog));
273 if (! name.isEmpty())
275 const File parent (content->chooserComponent.getRoot());
277 if (! parent.getChildFile (name).createDirectory())
279 AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
280 TRANS ("New Folder"),
281 TRANS ("Couldn't create the folder!"));
284 content->chooserComponent.refresh();