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[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / src / gui / components / keyboard / juce_KeyMappingEditorComponent.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 #include "../../../core/juce_StandardHeader.h"
30 // N.B. these two includes are put here deliberately to avoid problems with
31 // old GCCs failing on long include paths
32 #include "../../../containers/juce_Array.h"
33 #include "../../../containers/juce_OwnedArray.h"
35 #include "juce_KeyMappingEditorComponent.h"
36 #include "../menus/juce_PopupMenu.h"
37 #include "../windows/juce_AlertWindow.h"
38 #include "../lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel.h"
39 #include "../../../text/juce_LocalisedStrings.h"
42 //==============================================================================
43 class KeyMappingEditorComponent::ChangeKeyButton : public Button
45 public:
46 ChangeKeyButton (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_,
47 const CommandID commandID_,
48 const String& keyName,
49 const int keyNum_)
50 : Button (keyName),
51 owner (owner_),
52 commandID (commandID_),
53 keyNum (keyNum_)
55 setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
56 setTriggeredOnMouseDown (keyNum >= 0);
58 setTooltip (keyNum_ < 0 ? TRANS("adds a new key-mapping")
59 : TRANS("click to change this key-mapping"));
62 void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool /*isOver*/, bool /*isDown*/)
64 getLookAndFeel().drawKeymapChangeButton (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this,
65 keyNum >= 0 ? getName() : String::empty);
68 static void menuCallback (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button)
70 if (button != nullptr)
72 switch (result)
74 case 1: button->assignNewKey(); break;
75 case 2: button->owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (button->commandID, button->keyNum); break;
76 default: break;
81 void clicked()
83 if (keyNum >= 0)
85 // existing key clicked..
86 PopupMenu m;
87 m.addItem (1, TRANS("change this key-mapping"));
88 m.addSeparator();
89 m.addItem (2, TRANS("remove this key-mapping"));
91 m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(),
92 ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (menuCallback, this));
94 else
96 assignNewKey(); // + button pressed..
100 void fitToContent (const int h) noexcept
102 if (keyNum < 0)
104 setSize (h, h);
106 else
108 Font f (h * 0.6f);
109 setSize (jlimit (h * 4, h * 8, 6 + f.getStringWidth (getName())), h);
113 //==============================================================================
114 class KeyEntryWindow : public AlertWindow
116 public:
117 KeyEntryWindow (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_)
118 : AlertWindow (TRANS("New key-mapping"),
119 TRANS("Please press a key combination now..."),
120 AlertWindow::NoIcon),
121 owner (owner_)
123 addButton (TRANS("Ok"), 1);
124 addButton (TRANS("Cancel"), 0);
126 // (avoid return + escape keys getting processed by the buttons..)
127 for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
128 getChildComponent (i)->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
130 setWantsKeyboardFocus (true);
131 grabKeyboardFocus();
134 bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key)
136 lastPress = key;
137 String message (TRANS("Key: ") + owner.getDescriptionForKeyPress (key));
139 const CommandID previousCommand = owner.getMappings().findCommandForKeyPress (key);
141 if (previousCommand != 0)
142 message << "\n\n" << TRANS("(Currently assigned to \"")
143 << owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getNameOfCommand (previousCommand) << "\")";
145 setMessage (message);
146 return true;
149 bool keyStateChanged (bool)
151 return true;
154 KeyPress lastPress;
156 private:
157 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
162 static void assignNewKeyCallback (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button, KeyPress newKey)
164 if (result != 0 && button != nullptr)
165 button->setNewKey (newKey, true);
168 void setNewKey (const KeyPress& newKey, bool dontAskUser)
170 if (newKey.isValid())
172 const CommandID previousCommand = owner.getMappings().findCommandForKeyPress (newKey);
174 if (previousCommand == 0 || dontAskUser)
176 owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (newKey);
178 if (keyNum >= 0)
179 owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (commandID, keyNum);
181 owner.getMappings().addKeyPress (commandID, newKey, keyNum);
183 else
185 AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
186 TRANS("Change key-mapping"),
187 TRANS("This key is already assigned to the command \"")
188 + owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getNameOfCommand (previousCommand)
189 + TRANS("\"\n\nDo you want to re-assign it to this new command instead?"),
190 TRANS("Re-assign"),
191 TRANS("Cancel"),
192 this,
193 ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (assignNewKeyCallback,
194 this, KeyPress (newKey)));
199 static void keyChosen (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button)
201 if (result != 0 && button != nullptr && button->currentKeyEntryWindow != nullptr)
203 button->currentKeyEntryWindow->setVisible (false);
204 button->setNewKey (button->currentKeyEntryWindow->lastPress, false);
207 button->currentKeyEntryWindow = nullptr;
210 void assignNewKey()
212 currentKeyEntryWindow = new KeyEntryWindow (owner);
213 currentKeyEntryWindow->enterModalState (true, ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (keyChosen, this));
216 private:
217 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
218 const CommandID commandID;
219 const int keyNum;
220 ScopedPointer<KeyEntryWindow> currentKeyEntryWindow;
225 //==============================================================================
226 class KeyMappingEditorComponent::ItemComponent : public Component
228 public:
229 ItemComponent (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_, const CommandID commandID_)
230 : owner (owner_), commandID (commandID_)
232 setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true);
234 const bool isReadOnly = owner.isCommandReadOnly (commandID);
236 const Array <KeyPress> keyPresses (owner.getMappings().getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (commandID));
238 for (int i = 0; i < jmin ((int) maxNumAssignments, keyPresses.size()); ++i)
239 addKeyPressButton (owner.getDescriptionForKeyPress (keyPresses.getReference (i)), i, isReadOnly);
241 addKeyPressButton (String::empty, -1, isReadOnly);
244 void addKeyPressButton (const String& desc, const int index, const bool isReadOnly)
246 ChangeKeyButton* const b = new ChangeKeyButton (owner, commandID, desc, index);
247 keyChangeButtons.add (b);
249 b->setEnabled (! isReadOnly);
250 b->setVisible (keyChangeButtons.size() <= (int) maxNumAssignments);
251 addChildComponent (b);
254 void paint (Graphics& g)
256 g.setFont (getHeight() * 0.7f);
257 g.setColour (findColour (KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId));
259 g.drawFittedText (owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getNameOfCommand (commandID),
260 4, 0, jmax (40, getChildComponent (0)->getX() - 5), getHeight(),
261 Justification::centredLeft, true);
264 void resized()
266 int x = getWidth() - 4;
268 for (int i = keyChangeButtons.size(); --i >= 0;)
270 ChangeKeyButton* const b = keyChangeButtons.getUnchecked(i);
272 b->fitToContent (getHeight() - 2);
273 b->setTopRightPosition (x, 1);
274 x = b->getX() - 5;
278 private:
279 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
280 OwnedArray<ChangeKeyButton> keyChangeButtons;
281 const CommandID commandID;
283 enum { maxNumAssignments = 3 };
288 //==============================================================================
289 class KeyMappingEditorComponent::MappingItem : public TreeViewItem
291 public:
292 MappingItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_, const CommandID commandID_)
293 : owner (owner_), commandID (commandID_)
297 const String getUniqueName() const { return String ((int) commandID) + "_id"; }
298 bool mightContainSubItems() { return false; }
299 int getItemHeight() const { return 20; }
301 Component* createItemComponent()
303 return new ItemComponent (owner, commandID);
306 private:
307 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
308 const CommandID commandID;
314 //==============================================================================
315 class KeyMappingEditorComponent::CategoryItem : public TreeViewItem
317 public:
318 CategoryItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_, const String& name)
319 : owner (owner_), categoryName (name)
323 const String getUniqueName() const { return categoryName + "_cat"; }
324 bool mightContainSubItems() { return true; }
325 int getItemHeight() const { return 28; }
327 void paintItem (Graphics& g, int width, int height)
329 g.setFont (height * 0.6f, Font::bold);
330 g.setColour (owner.findColour (KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId));
332 g.drawText (categoryName,
333 2, 0, width - 2, height,
334 Justification::centredLeft, true);
337 void itemOpennessChanged (bool isNowOpen)
339 if (isNowOpen)
341 if (getNumSubItems() == 0)
343 Array <CommandID> commands (owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getCommandsInCategory (categoryName));
345 for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i)
347 if (owner.shouldCommandBeIncluded (commands[i]))
348 addSubItem (new MappingItem (owner, commands[i]));
352 else
354 clearSubItems();
358 private:
359 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
360 String categoryName;
365 //==============================================================================
366 class KeyMappingEditorComponent::TopLevelItem : public TreeViewItem,
367 public ChangeListener,
368 public ButtonListener
370 public:
371 TopLevelItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner_)
372 : owner (owner_)
374 setLinesDrawnForSubItems (false);
375 owner.getMappings().addChangeListener (this);
378 ~TopLevelItem()
380 owner.getMappings().removeChangeListener (this);
383 bool mightContainSubItems() { return true; }
384 const String getUniqueName() const { return "keys"; }
386 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*)
388 const OpennessRestorer opennessRestorer (*this);
389 clearSubItems();
391 const StringArray categories (owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getCommandCategories());
393 for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); ++i)
395 const Array <CommandID> commands (owner.getMappings().getCommandManager()->getCommandsInCategory (categories[i]));
396 int count = 0;
398 for (int j = 0; j < commands.size(); ++j)
399 if (owner.shouldCommandBeIncluded (commands[j]))
400 ++count;
402 if (count > 0)
403 addSubItem (new CategoryItem (owner, categories[i]));
407 static void resetToDefaultsCallback (int result, KeyMappingEditorComponent* owner)
409 if (result != 0 && owner != nullptr)
410 owner->getMappings().resetToDefaultMappings();
413 void buttonClicked (Button*)
415 AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::QuestionIcon,
416 TRANS("Reset to defaults"),
417 TRANS("Are you sure you want to reset all the key-mappings to their default state?"),
418 TRANS("Reset"),
419 String::empty,
420 &owner,
421 ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (resetToDefaultsCallback, &owner));
424 private:
425 KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
429 //==============================================================================
430 KeyMappingEditorComponent::KeyMappingEditorComponent (KeyPressMappingSet& mappingManager,
431 const bool showResetToDefaultButton)
432 : mappings (mappingManager),
433 resetButton (TRANS ("reset to defaults"))
435 treeItem = new TopLevelItem (*this);
437 if (showResetToDefaultButton)
439 addAndMakeVisible (&resetButton);
440 resetButton.addListener (treeItem);
443 addAndMakeVisible (&tree);
444 tree.setColour (TreeView::backgroundColourId, findColour (backgroundColourId));
445 tree.setRootItemVisible (false);
446 tree.setDefaultOpenness (true);
447 tree.setRootItem (treeItem);
450 KeyMappingEditorComponent::~KeyMappingEditorComponent()
452 tree.setRootItem (nullptr);
455 //==============================================================================
456 void KeyMappingEditorComponent::setColours (const Colour& mainBackground,
457 const Colour& textColour)
459 setColour (backgroundColourId, mainBackground);
460 setColour (textColourId, textColour);
461 tree.setColour (TreeView::backgroundColourId, mainBackground);
464 void KeyMappingEditorComponent::parentHierarchyChanged()
466 treeItem->changeListenerCallback (nullptr);
469 void KeyMappingEditorComponent::resized()
471 int h = getHeight();
473 if (resetButton.isVisible())
475 const int buttonHeight = 20;
476 h -= buttonHeight + 8;
477 int x = getWidth() - 8;
479 resetButton.changeWidthToFitText (buttonHeight);
480 resetButton.setTopRightPosition (x, h + 6);
483 tree.setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), h);
486 //==============================================================================
487 bool KeyMappingEditorComponent::shouldCommandBeIncluded (const CommandID commandID)
489 const ApplicationCommandInfo* const ci = mappings.getCommandManager()->getCommandForID (commandID);
491 return ci != nullptr && (ci->flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::hiddenFromKeyEditor) == 0;
494 bool KeyMappingEditorComponent::isCommandReadOnly (const CommandID commandID)
496 const ApplicationCommandInfo* const ci = mappings.getCommandManager()->getCommandForID (commandID);
498 return ci != nullptr && (ci->flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::readOnlyInKeyEditor) != 0;
501 const String KeyMappingEditorComponent::getDescriptionForKeyPress (const KeyPress& key)
503 return key.getTextDescription();