2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at www.gnu.org/licenses.
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 // (This file gets included by juce_mac_NativeCode.mm, rather than being
27 // compiled on its own).
32 || (JUCE_IOS && defined (__IPHONE_3_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= __IPHONE_3_2)
38 //==============================================================================
39 class MacTypeface : public Typeface
42 //==============================================================================
43 MacTypeface (const Font& font)
44 : Typeface (font.getTypefaceName()),
46 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor (1.0f),
47 renderingTransform (CGAffineTransformIdentity),
48 ctFontRef (nullptr),
49 attributedStringAtts (nullptr),
51 unitsToHeightScaleFactor (0.0f)
54 CFStringRef cfName = PlatformUtilities::juceStringToCFString (font.getTypefaceName());
55 ctFontRef = CTFontCreateWithName (cfName, 1024, nullptr);
58 if (ctFontRef != nullptr)
60 bool needsItalicTransform = false;
62 if (font.isItalic())
64 CTFontRef newFont = CTFontCreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits (ctFontRef, 0.0f, nullptr,
65 kCTFontItalicTrait, kCTFontItalicTrait);
67 if (newFont != nullptr)
69 CFRelease (ctFontRef);
70 ctFontRef = newFont;
74 needsItalicTransform = true; // couldn't find a proper italic version, so fake it with a transform..
80 CTFontRef newFont = CTFontCreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits (ctFontRef, 0.0f, nullptr,
81 kCTFontBoldTrait, kCTFontBoldTrait);
82 if (newFont != nullptr)
84 CFRelease (ctFontRef);
85 ctFontRef = newFont;
89 ascent = std::abs ((float) CTFontGetAscent (ctFontRef));
90 const float totalSize = ascent + std::abs ((float) CTFontGetDescent (ctFontRef));
91 ascent /= totalSize;
93 pathTransform = AffineTransform::identity.scale (1.0f / totalSize, 1.0f / totalSize);
95 if (needsItalicTransform)
97 pathTransform = pathTransform.sheared (-0.15f, 0.0f);
98 renderingTransform.c = 0.15f;
101 fontRef = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont (ctFontRef, nullptr);
103 const int totalHeight = abs (CGFontGetAscent (fontRef)) + abs (CGFontGetDescent (fontRef));
104 const float ctTotalHeight = abs (CTFontGetAscent (ctFontRef)) + abs (CTFontGetDescent (ctFontRef));
105 unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / ctTotalHeight;
106 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor = CGFontGetUnitsPerEm (fontRef) / (float) totalHeight;
108 const short zero = 0;
109 CFNumberRef numberRef = CFNumberCreate (0, kCFNumberShortType, &zero);
111 CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName, kCTLigatureAttributeName };
112 CFTypeRef values[] = { ctFontRef, numberRef };
113 attributedStringAtts = CFDictionaryCreate (nullptr, (const void**) &keys, (const void**) &values, numElementsInArray (keys),
114 &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
115 CFRelease (numberRef);
121 if (attributedStringAtts != nullptr)
122 CFRelease (attributedStringAtts);
124 if (fontRef != nullptr)
125 CGFontRelease (fontRef);
127 if (ctFontRef != nullptr)
128 CFRelease (ctFontRef);
131 float getAscent() const { return ascent; }
132 float getDescent() const { return 1.0f - ascent; }
134 float getStringWidth (const String& text)
138 if (ctFontRef != nullptr && text.isNotEmpty())
140 CFStringRef cfText = PlatformUtilities::juceStringToCFString (text);
141 CFAttributedStringRef attribString = CFAttributedStringCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cfText, attributedStringAtts);
142 CFRelease (cfText);
144 CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attribString);
145 CFArrayRef runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line);
147 for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (runArray); ++i)
149 CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runArray, i);
150 CFIndex length = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run);
151 HeapBlock <CGSize> advances (length);
152 CTRunGetAdvances (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), advances);
154 for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
155 x += (float) advances[j].width;
159 CFRelease (attribString);
161 x *= unitsToHeightScaleFactor;
167 void getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array <int>& resultGlyphs, Array <float>& xOffsets)
171 if (ctFontRef != nullptr && text.isNotEmpty())
175 CFStringRef cfText = PlatformUtilities::juceStringToCFString (text);
176 CFAttributedStringRef attribString = CFAttributedStringCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cfText, attributedStringAtts);
177 CFRelease (cfText);
179 CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attribString);
180 CFArrayRef runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line);
182 for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (runArray); ++i)
184 CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runArray, i);
185 CFIndex length = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run);
186 HeapBlock <CGSize> advances (length);
187 CTRunGetAdvances (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), advances);
188 HeapBlock <CGGlyph> glyphs (length);
189 CTRunGetGlyphs (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), glyphs);
191 for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
193 x += (float) advances[j].width;
194 xOffsets.add (x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
195 resultGlyphs.add (glyphs[j]);
200 CFRelease (attribString);
204 EdgeTable* getEdgeTableForGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& transform)
208 if (getOutlineForGlyph (glyphNumber, path) && ! path.isEmpty())
209 return new EdgeTable (path.getBoundsTransformed (transform).getSmallestIntegerContainer().expanded (1, 0),
215 bool getOutlineForGlyph (int glyphNumber, Path& path)
217 jassert (path.isEmpty()); // we might need to apply a transform to the path, so this must be empty
219 CGPathRef pathRef = CTFontCreatePathForGlyph (ctFontRef, (CGGlyph) glyphNumber, &renderingTransform);
223 CGPathApply (pathRef, &path, pathApplier);
224 CFRelease (pathRef);
226 if (! pathTransform.isIdentity())
227 path.applyTransform (pathTransform);
232 //==============================================================================
235 float fontHeightToCGSizeFactor;
236 CGAffineTransform renderingTransform;
239 CTFontRef ctFontRef;
240 CFDictionaryRef attributedStringAtts;
241 float ascent, unitsToHeightScaleFactor;
242 AffineTransform pathTransform;
244 static void pathApplier (void* info, const CGPathElement* const element)
246 Path& path = *static_cast<Path*> (info);
247 const CGPoint* const p = element->points;
249 switch (element->type)
251 case kCGPathElementMoveToPoint: path.startNewSubPath ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
252 case kCGPathElementAddLineToPoint: path.lineTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
253 case kCGPathElementAddQuadCurveToPoint: path.quadraticTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y,
254 (float) p[1].x, (float) -p[1].y); break;
255 case kCGPathElementAddCurveToPoint: path.cubicTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y,
256 (float) p[1].x, (float) -p[1].y,
257 (float) p[2].x, (float) -p[2].y); break;
258 case kCGPathElementCloseSubpath: path.closeSubPath(); break;
259 default: jassertfalse; break;
268 //==============================================================================
269 // The stuff that follows is a mash-up that supports pre-OSX 10.5 and pre-iOS 3.2 APIs.
270 // (Hopefully all of this can be ditched at some point in the future).
272 //==============================================================================
274 #define SUPPORT_10_4_FONTS 1
275 #define NEW_CGFONT_FUNCTIONS_UNAVAILABLE (CGFontCreateWithFontName == 0)
278 #define SUPPORT_ONLY_10_4_FONTS 1
282 @interface NSFont (PrivateHack)
283 - (NSGlyph) _defaultGlyphForChar: (unichar) theChar;
288 //==============================================================================
289 class MacTypeface : public Typeface
292 //==============================================================================
293 MacTypeface (const Font& font)
294 : Typeface (font.getTypefaceName())
297 renderingTransform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
299 bool needsItalicTransform = false;
302 NSString* fontName = juceStringToNS (font.getTypefaceName());
304 if (font.isItalic() || font.isBold())
306 NSArray* familyFonts = [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName: juceStringToNS (font.getTypefaceName())];
308 for (NSString* i in familyFonts)
310 const String fn (nsStringToJuce (i));
311 const String afterDash (fn.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("-", false, false));
313 const bool probablyBold = afterDash.containsIgnoreCase ("bold") || fn.endsWithIgnoreCase ("bold");
314 const bool probablyItalic = afterDash.containsIgnoreCase ("oblique")
315 || afterDash.containsIgnoreCase ("italic")
316 || fn.endsWithIgnoreCase ("oblique")
317 || fn.endsWithIgnoreCase ("italic");
319 if (probablyBold == font.isBold()
320 && probablyItalic == font.isItalic())
323 needsItalicTransform = false;
326 else if (probablyBold && (! probablyItalic) && probablyBold == font.isBold())
329 needsItalicTransform = true; // not ideal, so carry on in case we find a better one
333 if (needsItalicTransform)
334 renderingTransform.c = 0.15f;
337 fontRef = CGFontCreateWithFontName ((CFStringRef) fontName);
339 const int ascender = abs (CGFontGetAscent (fontRef));
340 const float totalHeight = ascender + abs (CGFontGetDescent (fontRef));
341 ascent = ascender / totalHeight;
342 unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / totalHeight;
343 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor = CGFontGetUnitsPerEm (fontRef) / totalHeight;
345 nsFont = [NSFont fontWithName: juceStringToNS (font.getTypefaceName()) size: 1024];
347 if (font.isItalic())
349 NSFont* newFont = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont: nsFont
350 toHaveTrait: NSItalicFontMask];
352 if (newFont == nsFont)
353 needsItalicTransform = true; // couldn't find a proper italic version, so fake it with a transform..
359 nsFont = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont: nsFont toHaveTrait: NSBoldFontMask];
363 ascent = std::abs ((float) [nsFont ascender]);
364 float totalSize = ascent + std::abs ((float) [nsFont descender]);
365 ascent /= totalSize;
367 pathTransform = AffineTransform::identity.scale (1.0f / totalSize, 1.0f / totalSize);
369 if (needsItalicTransform)
371 pathTransform = pathTransform.sheared (-0.15f, 0.0f);
372 renderingTransform.c = 0.15f;
376 ATSFontRef atsFont = ATSFontFindFromName ((CFStringRef) [nsFont fontName], kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
379 atsFont = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName ((CFStringRef) [nsFont fontName], kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
381 fontRef = CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont (&atsFont);
383 const float totalHeight = std::abs ([nsFont ascender]) + std::abs ([nsFont descender]);
384 unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / totalHeight;
385 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor = 1024.0f / totalHeight;
387 #if SUPPORT_10_4_FONTS
390 ATSFontRef atsFont = ATSFontFindFromName ((CFStringRef) [nsFont fontName], kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
393 atsFont = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName ((CFStringRef) [nsFont fontName], kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
395 fontRef = CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont (&atsFont);
397 const float totalHeight = std::abs ([nsFont ascender]) + std::abs ([nsFont descender]);
398 unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / totalHeight;
399 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor = 1024.0f / totalHeight;
404 fontRef = CGFontCreateWithFontName ((CFStringRef) [nsFont fontName]);
406 const int totalHeight = abs (CGFontGetAscent (fontRef)) + abs (CGFontGetDescent (fontRef));
407 unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / totalHeight;
408 fontHeightToCGSizeFactor = CGFontGetUnitsPerEm (fontRef) / (float) totalHeight;
422 CGFontRelease (fontRef);
425 float getAscent() const
430 float getDescent() const
432 return 1.0f - ascent;
435 float getStringWidth (const String& text)
437 if (fontRef == 0 || text.isEmpty())
440 const int length = text.length();
441 HeapBlock <CGGlyph> glyphs;
442 createGlyphsForString (text.getCharPointer(), length, glyphs);
447 HeapBlock <NSSize> advances (length);
448 [nsFont getAdvancements: advances forGlyphs: reinterpret_cast <NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData()) count: length];
450 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
451 x += advances[i].width;
453 #if SUPPORT_10_4_FONTS
456 HeapBlock <NSSize> advances (length);
457 [nsFont getAdvancements: advances forGlyphs: reinterpret_cast<NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData()) count: length];
459 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
460 x += advances[i].width;
465 HeapBlock <int> advances (length);
467 if (CGFontGetGlyphAdvances (fontRef, glyphs, length, advances))
468 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
473 return x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor;
476 void getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array <int>& resultGlyphs, Array <float>& xOffsets)
480 if (fontRef == 0 || text.isEmpty())
483 const int length = text.length();
484 HeapBlock <CGGlyph> glyphs;
485 createGlyphsForString (text.getCharPointer(), length, glyphs);
488 HeapBlock <NSSize> advances (length);
489 [nsFont getAdvancements: advances forGlyphs: reinterpret_cast <NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData()) count: length];
492 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
494 x += advances[i].width;
495 xOffsets.add (x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
496 resultGlyphs.add (reinterpret_cast <NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData())[i]);
500 #if SUPPORT_10_4_FONTS
503 HeapBlock <NSSize> advances (length);
504 NSGlyph* const nsGlyphs = reinterpret_cast<NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData());
505 [nsFont getAdvancements: advances forGlyphs: nsGlyphs count: length];
508 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
510 x += advances[i].width;
511 xOffsets.add (x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
512 resultGlyphs.add (nsGlyphs[i]);
518 HeapBlock <int> advances (length);
520 if (CGFontGetGlyphAdvances (fontRef, glyphs, length, advances))
523 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
526 xOffsets.add (x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
527 resultGlyphs.add (glyphs[i]);
534 EdgeTable* getEdgeTableForGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& transform)
538 if (getOutlineForGlyph (glyphNumber, path) && ! path.isEmpty())
539 return new EdgeTable (path.getBoundsTransformed (transform).getSmallestIntegerContainer().expanded (1, 0),
545 bool getOutlineForGlyph (int glyphNumber, Path& path)
553 // we might need to apply a transform to the path, so it mustn't have anything else in it
554 jassert (path.isEmpty());
558 NSBezierPath* bez = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
559 [bez moveToPoint: NSMakePoint (0, 0)];
560 [bez appendBezierPathWithGlyph: (NSGlyph) glyphNumber
563 for (int i = 0; i < [bez elementCount]; ++i)
566 switch ([bez elementAtIndex: i associatedPoints: p])
568 case NSMoveToBezierPathElement: path.startNewSubPath ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
569 case NSLineToBezierPathElement: path.lineTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
570 case NSCurveToBezierPathElement: path.cubicTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y,
571 (float) p[1].x, (float) -p[1].y,
572 (float) p[2].x, (float) -p[2].y); break;
573 case NSClosePathBezierPathElement: path.closeSubPath(); break;
574 default: jassertfalse; break;
578 path.applyTransform (pathTransform);
583 //==============================================================================
585 float fontHeightToCGSizeFactor;
586 CGAffineTransform renderingTransform;
589 float ascent, unitsToHeightScaleFactor;
593 AffineTransform pathTransform;
596 void createGlyphsForString (String::CharPointerType text, const int length, HeapBlock <CGGlyph>& glyphs)
598 #if SUPPORT_10_4_FONTS
599 #if ! SUPPORT_ONLY_10_4_FONTS
603 glyphs.malloc (sizeof (NSGlyph) * length, 1);
604 NSGlyph* const nsGlyphs = reinterpret_cast<NSGlyph*> (glyphs.getData());
606 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
607 nsGlyphs[i] = (NSGlyph) [nsFont _defaultGlyphForChar: text.getAndAdvance()];
613 #if ! SUPPORT_ONLY_10_4_FONTS
614 if (charToGlyphMapper == nullptr)
615 charToGlyphMapper = new CharToGlyphMapper (fontRef);
617 glyphs.malloc (length);
619 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
620 glyphs[i] = (CGGlyph) charToGlyphMapper->getGlyphForCharacter (text.getAndAdvance());
624 #if ! SUPPORT_ONLY_10_4_FONTS
625 // Reads a CGFontRef's character map table to convert unicode into glyph numbers
626 class CharToGlyphMapper
629 CharToGlyphMapper (CGFontRef fontRef)
630 : segCount (0), endCode (0), startCode (0), idDelta (0),
631 idRangeOffset (0), glyphIndexes (0)
633 CFDataRef cmapTable = CGFontCopyTableForTag (fontRef, 'cmap');
635 if (cmapTable != 0)
637 const int numSubtables = getValue16 (cmapTable, 2);
639 for (int i = 0; i < numSubtables; ++i)
641 if (getValue16 (cmapTable, i * 8 + 4) == 0) // check for platform ID of 0
643 const int offset = getValue32 (cmapTable, i * 8 + 8);
645 if (getValue16 (cmapTable, offset) == 4) // check that it's format 4..
647 const int length = getValue16 (cmapTable, offset + 2);
648 const int segCountX2 = getValue16 (cmapTable, offset + 6);
649 segCount = segCountX2 / 2;
650 const int endCodeOffset = offset + 14;
651 const int startCodeOffset = endCodeOffset + 2 + segCountX2;
652 const int idDeltaOffset = startCodeOffset + segCountX2;
653 const int idRangeOffsetOffset = idDeltaOffset + segCountX2;
654 const int glyphIndexesOffset = idRangeOffsetOffset + segCountX2;
656 endCode = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr (cmapTable) + endCodeOffset, segCountX2);
657 startCode = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr (cmapTable) + startCodeOffset, segCountX2);
658 idDelta = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr (cmapTable) + idDeltaOffset, segCountX2);
659 idRangeOffset = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr (cmapTable) + idRangeOffsetOffset, segCountX2);
660 glyphIndexes = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr (cmapTable) + glyphIndexesOffset, offset + length - glyphIndexesOffset);
667 CFRelease (cmapTable);
671 ~CharToGlyphMapper()
675 CFRelease (endCode);
676 CFRelease (startCode);
677 CFRelease (idDelta);
678 CFRelease (idRangeOffset);
679 CFRelease (glyphIndexes);
683 int getGlyphForCharacter (const juce_wchar c) const
685 for (int i = 0; i < segCount; ++i)
687 if (getValue16 (endCode, i * 2) >= c)
689 const int start = getValue16 (startCode, i * 2);
693 const int delta = getValue16 (idDelta, i * 2);
694 const int rangeOffset = getValue16 (idRangeOffset, i * 2);
696 if (rangeOffset == 0)
699 return getValue16 (glyphIndexes, 2 * ((rangeOffset / 2) + (c - start) - (segCount - i)));
703 // If we failed to find it "properly", this dodgy fall-back seems to do the trick for most fonts!
704 return jmax (-1, (int) c - 29);
709 CFDataRef endCode, startCode, idDelta, idRangeOffset, glyphIndexes;
711 static uint16 getValue16 (CFDataRef data, const int index)
713 return CFSwapInt16BigToHost (*(UInt16*) (CFDataGetBytePtr (data) + index));
716 static uint32 getValue32 (CFDataRef data, const int index)
718 return CFSwapInt32BigToHost (*(UInt32*) (CFDataGetBytePtr (data) + index));
722 ScopedPointer <CharToGlyphMapper> charToGlyphMapper;
730 //==============================================================================
731 Typeface::Ptr Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (const Font& font)
733 return new MacTypeface (font);
736 StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceNames()
743 NSArray* fonts = [UIFont familyNames];
745 NSArray* fonts = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] availableFontFamilies];
748 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < [fonts count]; ++i)
749 names.add (nsStringToJuce ((NSString*) [fonts objectAtIndex: i]));
755 void Font::getPlatformDefaultFontNames (String& defaultSans, String& defaultSerif, String& defaultFixed, String& defaultFallback)
758 defaultSans = "Helvetica";
759 defaultSerif = "Times New Roman";
760 defaultFixed = "Courier New";
762 defaultSans = "Lucida Grande";
763 defaultSerif = "Times New Roman";
764 defaultFixed = "Monaco";
767 defaultFallback = "Arial Unicode MS";