2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at www.gnu.org/licenses.
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 // (This file gets included by juce_mac_NativeCode.mm, rather than being
27 // compiled on its own).
32 //==============================================================================
33 #define NonInterceptingQTMovieView MakeObjCClassName(NonInterceptingQTMovieView)
35 @interface NonInterceptingQTMovieView : QTMovieView
39 - (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frame;
40 - (BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse: (NSEvent*) theEvent;
41 - (NSView*) hitTest: (NSPoint) p;
45 @implementation NonInterceptingQTMovieView
47 - (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frame
49 self = [super initWithFrame: frame];
50 [self setNextResponder: [self superview]];
59 - (NSView*) hitTest: (NSPoint) point
61 return [self isControllerVisible] ? [super hitTest: point] : nil;
64 - (BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse: (NSEvent*) theEvent
73 //==============================================================================
74 #define theMovie (static_cast <QTMovie*> (movie))
76 //==============================================================================
77 QuickTimeMovieComponent::QuickTimeMovieComponent()
83 QTMovieView* view = [[NonInterceptingQTMovieView alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect (0, 0, 100.0f, 100.0f)];
88 QuickTimeMovieComponent::~QuickTimeMovieComponent()
94 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::isQuickTimeAvailable() noexcept
99 static QTMovie* openMovieFromStream (InputStream* movieStream, File& movieFile)
101 // unfortunately, QTMovie objects can only be created on the main thread..
102 jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread());
104 QTMovie* movie = nil;
106 FileInputStream* const fin = dynamic_cast <FileInputStream*> (movieStream);
108 if (fin != nullptr)
110 movieFile = fin->getFile();
111 movie = [QTMovie movieWithFile: juceStringToNS (movieFile.getFullPathName())
117 movieStream->readIntoMemoryBlock (temp);
119 const char* const suffixesToTry[] = { ".mov", ".mp3", ".avi", ".m4a" };
121 for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (suffixesToTry); ++i)
123 movie = [QTMovie movieWithDataReference: [QTDataReference dataReferenceWithReferenceToData: [NSData dataWithBytes: temp.getData()
124 length: temp.getSize()]
125 name: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: suffixesToTry[i]]
137 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::loadMovie (const File& movieFile_,
138 const bool isControllerVisible_)
140 return loadMovie ((InputStream*) movieFile_.createInputStream(), isControllerVisible_);
143 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::loadMovie (InputStream* movieStream,
144 const bool controllerVisible_)
148 if (getPeer() == nullptr)
150 // To open a movie, this component must be visible inside a functioning window, so that
151 // the QT control can be assigned to the window.
156 movie = openMovieFromStream (movieStream, movieFile);
159 QTMovieView* view = (QTMovieView*) getView();
160 [view setMovie: theMovie];
161 [view setControllerVisible: controllerVisible_];
162 setLooping (looping);
164 return movie != nil;
167 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::loadMovie (const URL& movieURL,
168 const bool isControllerVisible_)
170 // unfortunately, QTMovie objects can only be created on the main thread..
171 jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread());
175 if (getPeer() == nullptr)
177 // To open a movie, this component must be visible inside a functioning window, so that
178 // the QT control can be assigned to the window.
183 NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString: juceStringToNS (movieURL.toString (true))];
185 if ([QTMovie canInitWithURL: url])
186 movie = [QTMovie movieWithURL: url error: &err];
189 QTMovieView* view = (QTMovieView*) getView();
190 [view setMovie: theMovie];
191 [view setControllerVisible: controllerVisible];
192 setLooping (looping);
194 return movie != nil;
197 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::closeMovie()
200 QTMovieView* view = (QTMovieView*) getView();
201 [view setMovie: nil];
202 [theMovie release];
204 movieFile = File::nonexistent;
207 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::isMovieOpen() const
209 return movie != nil;
212 File QuickTimeMovieComponent::getCurrentMovieFile() const
217 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::play()
222 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::stop()
227 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::isPlaying() const
229 return movie != 0 && [theMovie rate] != 0;
232 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::setPosition (const double seconds)
237 t.timeValue = (uint64) (100000.0 * seconds);
238 t.timeScale = 100000;
241 [theMovie setCurrentTime: t];
245 double QuickTimeMovieComponent::getPosition() const
250 QTTime t = [theMovie currentTime];
251 return t.timeValue / (double) t.timeScale;
254 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::setSpeed (const float newSpeed)
256 [theMovie setRate: newSpeed];
259 double QuickTimeMovieComponent::getMovieDuration() const
264 QTTime t = [theMovie duration];
265 return t.timeValue / (double) t.timeScale;
268 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::setLooping (const bool shouldLoop)
270 looping = shouldLoop;
272 [theMovie setAttribute: [NSNumber numberWithBool: shouldLoop]
273 forKey: QTMovieLoopsAttribute];
276 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::isLooping() const
281 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::setMovieVolume (const float newVolume)
283 [theMovie setVolume: newVolume];
286 float QuickTimeMovieComponent::getMovieVolume() const
288 return movie != 0 ? [theMovie volume] : 0.0f;
291 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::getMovieNormalSize (int& width, int& height) const
298 NSSize s = [[theMovie attributeForKey: QTMovieNaturalSizeAttribute] sizeValue];
299 width = (int) s.width;
300 height = (int) s.height;
304 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::paint (Graphics& g)
307 g.fillAll (Colours::black);
310 bool QuickTimeMovieComponent::isControllerVisible() const
312 return controllerVisible;
315 //==============================================================================
316 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::goToStart()
321 void QuickTimeMovieComponent::setBoundsWithCorrectAspectRatio (const Rectangle<int>& spaceToFitWithin,
322 const RectanglePlacement& placement)
324 int normalWidth, normalHeight;
325 getMovieNormalSize (normalWidth, normalHeight);
327 const Rectangle<int> normalSize (0, 0, normalWidth, normalHeight);
329 if (! (spaceToFitWithin.isEmpty() || normalSize.isEmpty()))
330 setBounds (placement.appliedTo (normalSize, spaceToFitWithin));
332 setBounds (spaceToFitWithin);
336 //==============================================================================
337 #if ! (JUCE_MAC && JUCE_64BIT)
339 bool juce_OpenQuickTimeMovieFromStream (InputStream* movieStream, Movie& result, Handle& dataHandle)
341 if (movieStream == nullptr)
345 QTMovie* movie = openMovieFromStream (movieStream, file);
348 result = [movie quickTimeMovie];
350 return movie != nil;