New Class to handle UI
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / src / audio / processors / juce_AudioProcessor.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 #include "../../core/juce_StandardHeader.h"
30 #include "juce_AudioProcessor.h"
31 #include "../../text/juce_XmlDocument.h"
34 //==============================================================================
35 AudioProcessor::AudioProcessor()
36 : playHead (nullptr),
37 sampleRate (0),
38 blockSize (0),
39 numInputChannels (0),
40 numOutputChannels (0),
41 latencySamples (0),
42 suspended (false),
43 nonRealtime (false)
47 AudioProcessor::~AudioProcessor()
49 // ooh, nasty - the editor should have been deleted before the filter
50 // that it refers to is deleted..
51 jassert (activeEditor == nullptr);
54 // This will fail if you've called beginParameterChangeGesture() for one
55 // or more parameters without having made a corresponding call to endParameterChangeGesture...
56 jassert (changingParams.countNumberOfSetBits() == 0);
57 #endif
60 void AudioProcessor::setPlayHead (AudioPlayHead* const newPlayHead) noexcept
62 playHead = newPlayHead;
65 void AudioProcessor::addListener (AudioProcessorListener* const newListener)
67 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
68 listeners.addIfNotAlreadyThere (newListener);
71 void AudioProcessor::removeListener (AudioProcessorListener* const listenerToRemove)
73 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
74 listeners.removeValue (listenerToRemove);
77 void AudioProcessor::setPlayConfigDetails (const int numIns,
78 const int numOuts,
79 const double sampleRate_,
80 const int blockSize_) noexcept
82 numInputChannels = numIns;
83 numOutputChannels = numOuts;
84 sampleRate = sampleRate_;
85 blockSize = blockSize_;
88 void AudioProcessor::setNonRealtime (const bool nonRealtime_) noexcept
90 nonRealtime = nonRealtime_;
93 void AudioProcessor::setLatencySamples (const int newLatency)
95 if (latencySamples != newLatency)
97 latencySamples = newLatency;
98 updateHostDisplay();
102 void AudioProcessor::setParameterNotifyingHost (const int parameterIndex,
103 const float newValue)
105 setParameter (parameterIndex, newValue);
106 sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (parameterIndex, newValue);
109 void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
111 jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));
113 for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
115 AudioProcessorListener* l;
118 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
119 l = listeners [i];
122 if (l != nullptr)
123 l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
127 void AudioProcessor::beginParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
129 jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));
131 #if JUCE_DEBUG
132 // This means you've called beginParameterChangeGesture twice in succession without a matching
133 // call to endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to avoid doing it.
134 jassert (! changingParams [parameterIndex]);
135 changingParams.setBit (parameterIndex);
136 #endif
138 for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
140 AudioProcessorListener* l;
143 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
144 l = listeners [i];
147 if (l != nullptr)
148 l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (this, parameterIndex);
152 void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
154 jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));
156 #if JUCE_DEBUG
157 // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
158 // endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
159 // calls matched correctly.
160 jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
161 changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);
162 #endif
164 for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
166 AudioProcessorListener* l;
169 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
170 l = listeners [i];
173 if (l != nullptr)
174 l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
178 void AudioProcessor::updateHostDisplay()
180 for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
182 AudioProcessorListener* l;
185 const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
186 l = listeners [i];
189 if (l != nullptr)
190 l->audioProcessorChanged (this);
194 bool AudioProcessor::isParameterAutomatable (int /*parameterIndex*/) const
196 return true;
199 bool AudioProcessor::isMetaParameter (int /*parameterIndex*/) const
201 return false;
204 void AudioProcessor::suspendProcessing (const bool shouldBeSuspended)
206 const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
207 suspended = shouldBeSuspended;
210 void AudioProcessor::reset()
214 //==============================================================================
215 void AudioProcessor::editorBeingDeleted (AudioProcessorEditor* const editor) noexcept
217 const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
219 if (activeEditor == editor)
220 activeEditor = nullptr;
223 AudioProcessorEditor* AudioProcessor::createEditorIfNeeded()
225 if (activeEditor != nullptr)
226 return activeEditor;
228 AudioProcessorEditor* const ed = createEditor();
230 // You must make your hasEditor() method return a consistent result!
231 jassert (hasEditor() == (ed != nullptr));
233 if (ed != nullptr)
235 // you must give your editor comp a size before returning it..
236 jassert (ed->getWidth() > 0 && ed->getHeight() > 0);
238 const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
239 activeEditor = ed;
242 return ed;
245 //==============================================================================
246 void AudioProcessor::getCurrentProgramStateInformation (JUCE_NAMESPACE::MemoryBlock& destData)
248 getStateInformation (destData);
251 void AudioProcessor::setCurrentProgramStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
253 setStateInformation (data, sizeInBytes);
256 //==============================================================================
257 // magic number to identify memory blocks that we've stored as XML
258 const uint32 magicXmlNumber = 0x21324356;
260 void AudioProcessor::copyXmlToBinary (const XmlElement& xml,
261 JUCE_NAMESPACE::MemoryBlock& destData)
263 const String xmlString (xml.createDocument (String::empty, true, false));
264 const int stringLength = xmlString.getNumBytesAsUTF8();
266 destData.setSize (stringLength + 10);
268 char* const d = static_cast<char*> (destData.getData());
269 *(uint32*) d = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((const uint32) magicXmlNumber);
270 *(uint32*) (d + 4) = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((const uint32) stringLength);
272 xmlString.copyToUTF8 (d + 8, stringLength + 1);
275 XmlElement* AudioProcessor::getXmlFromBinary (const void* data,
276 const int sizeInBytes)
278 if (sizeInBytes > 8
279 && ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (data) == magicXmlNumber)
281 const int stringLength = (int) ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (addBytesToPointer (data, 4));
283 if (stringLength > 0)
284 return XmlDocument::parse (String::fromUTF8 (static_cast<const char*> (data) + 8,
285 jmin ((sizeInBytes - 8), stringLength)));
288 return nullptr;
291 //==============================================================================
292 void AudioProcessorListener::audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (AudioProcessor*, int) {}
293 void AudioProcessorListener::audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (AudioProcessor*, int) {}
295 //==============================================================================
296 bool AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo::operator== (const CurrentPositionInfo& other) const noexcept
298 return timeInSeconds == other.timeInSeconds
299 && ppqPosition == other.ppqPosition
300 && editOriginTime == other.editOriginTime
301 && ppqPositionOfLastBarStart == other.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart
302 && frameRate == other.frameRate
303 && isPlaying == other.isPlaying
304 && isRecording == other.isRecording
305 && bpm == other.bpm
306 && timeSigNumerator == other.timeSigNumerator
307 && timeSigDenominator == other.timeSigDenominator;
310 bool AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo::operator!= (const CurrentPositionInfo& other) const noexcept
312 return ! operator== (other);
315 void AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo::resetToDefault()
317 zerostruct (*this);
318 timeSigNumerator = 4;
319 timeSigDenominator = 4;
320 bpm = 120;