Merge branch 'pu'
[jungerl.git] / lib / yfront / src / passwd_checker.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% Created : 1 Dec 2006 by Tobbe <>
3 %%% Desc. : A (pro-active) password checker.
4 %%%
5 %%% @author Torbjörn Törnkvist <>
6 %%%
7 %%% @doc <b>passwd_checker</b> is a pro-active password checker.
8 %%% It makes use of a tiny port program that uses cracklib.
9 %%%
10 %%% Download the dictionaries you want to use, e.g see:
11 %%%
12 %%%
13 %%%
14 %%% Then rebuild the dictionary, on Gentoo:
15 %%%
16 %%% create-cracklib-dict /usr/share/dict/*
17 %%%
18 %%% On RedHat:
19 %%%
20 %%% mkdict /usr/share/dict/* | packer /usr/lib/cracklib_dict
21 %%%
22 %%% On Ubuntu/Debian, see the man page for cracklib. You'll
23 %%% probably need to set the environment variable CRACKLIB_DICTPATH
24 %%% to: CRACKLIB_DICTPATH=/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
25 %%%
26 %%% See also:
27 %%%
28 %%%
29 %%%
30 %%%
31 %%% @end
32 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -module(passwd_checker).
35 -export([check/1, check/2, format/1]).
37 -include("../include/passwd_checker.hrl").
40 cracklib_dict_path() -> "/usr/lib/cracklib_dict".
42 %%%
43 %%% @doc Textual error messages.
44 %%%
45 format(?PWD_CHK_TOO_SHORT) -> "too short"; % Should be gettext'ified when needed...
46 format(?PWD_CHK_DICTIONARY) -> "too common";
47 format(_) -> "not secure enough".
49 %%%
50 %%% @doc Check if the password is good enough.
51 %%% By setting the environment variable CRACKLIB_DICTPATH to the
52 %%% full path name + filename prefix of the cracklib dictionary
53 %%% database, it will override the default in cracklib_dict_path/0.
54 %%%
55 check(Passwd) ->
56 case os:getenv("CRACKLIB_DICTPATH") of
57 Path when list(Path) ->
58 check(Passwd, Path);
59 _ ->
60 check(Passwd, cracklib_dict_path())
61 end.
63 %%%
64 %%% @doc Check if the password is good enough.
65 %%% Specify the path to the cracklib dictionaries.
66 %%%
67 check(Passwd, CrackDictPath) ->
68 PrivDir = code:priv_dir(yfront),
69 Cmd = PrivDir++"/passwd_checker "++Passwd++" "++CrackDictPath,
70 case os:cmd(Cmd) of
71 "ok"++_ -> ok;
72 Error -> {error, analyse_string(Error)}
73 end.
75 %%% lame attempt of returning some more (lang. independent) detailed info...
76 analyse_string(Str) ->
77 is_too_short(Str).
79 is_too_short(Str) ->
80 case substr(Str, "too short") of
81 true -> ?PWD_CHK_TOO_SHORT;
82 _ -> is_dictionary(Str)
83 end.
85 is_dictionary(Str) ->
86 case substr(Str, "dictionary") of
88 _ -> ?PWD_CHK_OTHER
89 end.
91 substr(Str, Sub) ->
92 case string:index(Str, Sub) of
93 I when I>0 -> true;
94 _ -> false
95 end.