replaced PCG32 with BJPRNG
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / char.dat
1 /*
3 * Iter Vehemens ad Necem (IVAN)
4 * Copyright (C) Timo Kiviluoto
5 * Released under the GNU General
6 * Public License
8 * See LICENSING which should be included
9 * along with this file for more details
14 * NOTICE!!!
16 * This file contains SPOILERS, which might ruin your IVAN experience
17 * totally. Also, editing anything can DESTROY GAME BALANCE or CAUSE
18 * OBSCURE BUGS if you don't know what you're doing. So from here on,
19 * proceed at your own risk!
22 /* Numerical character data loaded during game startup */
24 /* Default values: */
25 character
27 /* Obligatory: DefaultArmStrength */
28 /* Obligatory for humanoids: DefaultLegStrength */
29 /* Obligatory for humanoids: DefaultDexterity */
30 DefaultAgility = 0;
31 DefaultEndurance = 0;
32 DefaultPerception = 0;
33 DefaultIntelligence = 0;
34 DefaultWisdom = 0;
35 DefaultCharisma = 0;
36 DefaultMana = 0;
37 DefaultMoney = 0;
38 /* Obligatory: TotalSize */
39 CanRead = false;
41 CanBeGenerated = false;
42 CriticalModifier = 20;
43 StandVerb = "standing";
44 ForceCustomStandVerb = false;
45 CanOpen = true;
46 Frequency = 10000;
47 EnergyResistance = 0;
48 FireResistance = 0;
49 PoisonResistance = 0;
50 ElectricityResistance = 0;
51 AcidResistance = 0;
52 SoundResistance = 0;
53 IsUnique = false;
55 /* Obligatory: TotalVolume */
56 IsNameable = true;
57 BaseEmitation = 0;
58 /* Obligatory: TorsoBitmapPos */
59 UsesLongArticle = false;
60 Adjective = "";
61 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = false;
62 /* Obligatory: NameSingular */
63 /* NameSingular + "s" by default: NamePlural */
64 ArticleMode = 0;
65 IsAbstract = true; /* This is false by default and does not inherit! */
66 IsPolymorphable = true;
67 /* At least one of the following three is obligatory: */
68 BaseUnarmedStrength = 0;
69 BaseBiteStrength = 0; /* Defaults to BaseUnarmedStrength / 2 */
70 BaseKickStrength = 0; /* Defaults to BaseUnarmedStrength * 2 */
71 AttackStyle = USE_ARMS;
72 CanUseEquipment = false;
73 CanKick = false;
74 CanTalk = false;
75 ClassStates = 0;
76 CanBeWished = true;
77 CreateDivineConfigurations = false;
78 CreateGolemMaterialConfigurations = false;
79 AttributeBonus = 0;
80 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 0;
81 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 0;
82 PanicLevel = 33;
83 CanBeCloned = true;
84 DangerModifier = 100;
85 DefaultName = "";
86 HostileReplies == "@Dd grunts angrily.";
87 FriendlyReplies == "@Dd grunts happily.";
88 CanZap = false;
89 HasALeg = true;
90 DeathMessage = "@Dd is slain.";
91 IgnoreDanger = false;
92 HPRequirementForGeneration = 0;
93 DayRequirementForGeneration = 0;
94 IsExtraCoward = false;
95 SpillsBlood = true;
96 HasEyes = true;
97 HasHead = true;
98 CanThrow = false;
99 UsesNutrition = true;
100 AttackWisdomLimit = NO_LIMIT;
101 /* Obligatory: AttachedGod */
102 BodyPartsDisappearWhenSevered = false;
103 CanBeConfused = true;
104 CanApply = false;
105 WieldedPosition = 0, 0;
106 NaturalSparkleFlags = 0;
107 BiteCapturesBodyPart = true;
108 IsPlant = false;
109 MoveType = WALK;
110 DestroysWalls = false;
111 IsRooted = false;
112 BloodMaterial = BLOOD;
113 VomitMaterial = VOMIT;
114 HasSecondaryMaterial = false;
115 IsImmuneToLeprosy = true;
116 PolymorphIntelligenceRequirement = DEPENDS_ON_ATTRIBUTES;
117 AutomaticallySeen = false;
118 CanHear = true;
120 ConstantCommandFlags = 0;
121 WillCarryItems = false;
122 ForceVomitMessage = "You vomit.";
123 SweatMaterial = SWEAT;
124 Sweats = true;
125 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = false;
126 AlwaysUseMaterialAttributes = false;
127 IsEnormous = false;
128 ScienceTalkAdjectiveAttribute :=
130 //142,
131 "", "applied", "recent", "dark", "linear",
132 "molecular", "theoretical", "classical", "the future of", "queer",
133 "multilinear", "fundamental", "mythical", "nuclear", "loop quantum",
134 "higher", "terrible", "mad", "tertiary", "the art of",
135 "elementary", "practical", "artificial", "existential", "quantum",
137 "modern", "ancient", "empirical", "statistical", "the axioms of",
138 "hypothetical", "organic", "dialectical", "black", "erotic",
139 "communal", "general", "special", "the theory of", "elliptical",
140 "heuristical", "urban", "spontaneous", "forbidden", "invisible",
141 "popular", "the current state of", "liberal", "nautical", "ceremonial",
143 "good", "bad", "environmental", "the code of", "compressed",
144 "explosive", "educational", "recreational", "democratic", "public",
145 "scientific", "social", "motorized", "genetic", "revolutionary",
146 "replaceable", "atomic", "advanced", "amphibious", "neolithic",
147 "jurassic", "synthetic", "integrated", "chaotic", "strategic",
149 "tropical", "corrupted", "diplomatic", "political", "experimental",
150 "happy", "the purpose of", "natural", "heroic", "hexagonal",
151 "wrong", "orthogonal", "paraller", "infinite", "the solvability of",
152 "mental", "orthodox", "the history of", "soft", "hard",
153 "illegitimate", "comical", "collective", "optical", "intellectual",
155 "the creative uses of", "global", "the origin of", "royal", "clinical",
156 "evolutionary", "alien", "the implementation of", "psychic", "plasma",
157 "commercial", "wicked", "hypnotic", "polymorphic", "controlled",
158 "doctrine:", "frictionless", "the conservation of", "ideal", "moral",
159 "retroviral", "orbital", "nonlinear", "the secrets of", "self-aware",
161 "sentient", "silksteel", "dead", "temporal", "transcendent",
162 "unified", "the threshold of", "finite", "postmodern", "selective",
163 "arctic", "the proofs of", "mortal", "teleological", "sick",
164 "the principle of", "kinetic";
166 ScienceTalkSubstantiveAttribute :=
168 //17,
169 "New Age", "military", "space", "neutronium", "punishment",
170 "last century", "mass", "horseback", "tachyon", "singularity",
171 "antimatter", "superstring", "nerd", "crystal", "free market",
172 "hybrid", "probability";
174 ScienceTalkPrefix :=
176 //51,
177 "", "", "", "", "",
178 "", "", "", "", "",
179 "macro", "nano", "neuro", "semi", "hemi",
180 "cryo", "eroto", "ethno", "hyper", "trans",
181 "bio", "beta", "gamma", "geo", "mega",
183 "radio", "cosmo", "post", "photo", "tele",
184 "meta", "neo", "para", "micro", "necro",
185 "super", "auto", "laser", "ego", "eco",
186 "gyro", "sub", "multi", "cyber", "xeno",
187 "aero", "pyro", "helio", "caco", "pseudo",
188 "thermo";
190 ScienceTalkName :=
192 //265,
193 "sanitation", "relativity", "physics", "mathematics", "philosophy",
194 "numerology", "slavery", "mechanics", "magicks", "architecture",
195 "archaeology", "logic", "fiction", "questions", "theology",
196 "alchemy", "valpurism", "analysis", "gastronomy", "oceanography",
197 "astronomy", "astrology", "anthropology", "ethics", "linguistics",
199 "psychology", "methods", "choreography", "music", "semiotics",
200 "culture", "forestry", "engineering", "journalism", "agriculture",
201 "ergonomics", "sagas", "pedagogy", "apiculture", "aquaculture",
202 "horticulture", "silviculture", "law", "dentistry", "surgery",
203 "rocketry", "fission", "pharmacy", "dogmatics", "cartography",
205 "gerontology", "formalism", "feminism", "communism", "flight",
206 "cricket", "rhetorics", "navigation", "sculpture", "literature",
207 "shamanism", "painting", "utilitarism", "grammar", "arithmetic",
208 "algebra", "marxism", "capitalism", "behaviorism", "causality",
209 "folklore", "legends", "animism", "spiritualism", "idolatry",
211 "constructions", "currency", "riding", "federalism", "monarchy",
212 "medicine", "tradition", "chivalry", "righteousness", "banking",
213 "gravity", "metallurgy", "magnetism", "nationalism", "industry",
214 "pollution", "espionage", "corporations", "particles", "transportation",
215 "refining", "combustion", "colonization", "steel", "materials",
217 "hallucinations", "armours", "trance", "afterlife", "paradigms",
218 "customer support", "virginity", "zoology", "witchcraft", "wine",
219 "claustrophobia", "eddies", "vegetables", "mobility", "eudaimoia",
220 "ablutophobia", "palindromes", "jokes", "materialism", "surfaces",
221 "acarophobia", "energy", "momentum", "mushrooms", "brains",
223 "selenophobia", "alloys", "equations", "bombs", "fashion",
224 "taurophobia", "naturism", "nirvana", "drugs", "everything",
225 "ranidaphobia", "horror", "sightseeing", "marriage", "mirages",
226 "phronemophobia", "cancer", "scrofula", "depression", "air power",
227 "phallophobia", "romance", "bondage", "interfaces", "software",
229 "pentheraphobia", "nations", "levitation", "tubes", "structures",
230 "peladophobia", "travel", "meditation", "systems", "algorithms",
231 "lachanophobia", "taxonomy", "taxidermy", "viruses", "bacteria",
232 "epistaxiophobia", "camping", "resistance", "chauvinism", "fruits",
233 "ephebiphobia", "simulation", "computers", "conductors", "fibers",
235 "coulrophobia", "defence", "broomsticks", "fusion", "power",
236 "arachnophobia", "balls", "diseases", "universes", "weapons",
237 "virtue", "immortality", "elevators", "marketing", "civilizations",
238 "dreams", "anatomy", "reproduction", "calligraphy", "chess",
239 "Go", "cooking", "altruism", "anomalities", "fishing",
241 "crime", "nonsense", "monsters", "thought control", "euthanasia",
242 "genocide", "cremation", "waste disposal", "breeding", "eugenics",
243 "minds", "lottery", "sterilization", "utopias", "perpetual motion",
244 "dynamics", "entropy", "skepticism", "hoaxes", "creationism",
245 "cold fusion", "execution", "warfare", "miracles", "the truth",
247 "herecy", "programming", "gaming", "spheres", "curves",
248 "shapes", "speciesism", "feudalism", "bananas", "poker",
249 "meteorology", "pornography", "waves", "anarchy", "torture",
250 "accidents", "activity", "theathre", "runes", "writing",
251 "masonry", "pottery", "religions", "burial", "working",
253 "!Sid Meier's games",
254 "!the Art of Computer Programming",
255 "!the Theory of Everything",
256 "!the greatness of IVAN",
257 "!free software ideology",
258 "lobotomy", "circle squaring", "angle trisection", "cosmetics", "love",
259 "autopsies", "Zen", "polyandry", "polygyny", "bubbles";
261 ScienceTalkPossibility = 0;
262 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier */
263 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkWisdomModifier */
264 ScienceTalkCharismaModifier = 0;
265 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement */
266 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement */
267 ScienceTalkCharismaRequirement = 0;
268 IsExtraFragile = false;
269 AllowUnconsciousness = true;
270 CanChoke = true;
271 IsImmuneToStickiness = false;
272 RunDescriptionLineOne = ""; /* if empty, IVAN determines this itself */
273 RunDescriptionLineTwo = "";
274 VomittingIsUnhealthy = true;
275 AllowPlayerToChangeEquipment = true;
276 DefaultWillPower = 10;
277 TamingDifficulty = 0;
278 IsSadist = false;
279 IsMasochist = false;
280 IsCatacombCreature = false;
281 CreateUndeadConfigurations = false;
282 UndeadVersions = false;
283 UndeadAttributeModifier = 100;
284 UndeadVolumeModifier = 100;
285 UndeadCopyMaterials = true;
286 CanBeGeneratedOnlyInTheCatacombs = false;
287 IsAlcoholic = false;
288 IsUndead = false;
289 IsImmuneToWhipOfThievery = false;
290 IsRangedAttacker = false;
291 WhatCategoryToThrow = NONE;
292 WhatWeaponConfigToThrow = NONE;
293 WhatThrowItemTypesToThrow = NONE;
294 NaturalTeam = MONSTER_TEAM; // used for checking for bone prevention
295 AllowedDungeons == ALL_DUNGEONS; // example: AllowedDungeons := { UNDER_WATER_TUNNEL, MONDEDR; }
296 LevelTags := {} // same as {"*"}
297 HomeLevel := {} // no default home level