Macports: Updated the kbuild-head Portfile so it'll bootstrap the thing.
[kbuild-mirror.git] / dist / macports / devel / kbuild-head / Portfile
1 # $Id$
2 # Very crude atm, everything is exec'ed.
4 PortSystem 1.0
5 name            kbuild-head
6 version         9999
7 categories      devel
8 maintainers
9 description     kBuild subversion trunk
10 long_description \
11     See (I'm lazy).
13 homepage
14 platforms       darwin
15 fetch.type      svn
16 svn.url
17 #svn.url         svn://system360/svn-mirrors/kbuild/trunk
18 worksrcdir      trunk
20        no
22 configure {}
24 build {
25     system "cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir} && ./kBuild/ --full gnumake -f bootstrap.gmk NIX_INSTALL_DIR=${prefix} "
28 test {
29     system "cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir} && ./kBuild/ --full-with-bin kmk -C tests nothing "
32 destroot {
33     system "cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir} && ./kBuild/ --full-with-bin kmk NIX_INSTALL_DIR=${prefix} PATH_INS=${destroot}/ "