* A problem has been found with QtRuby when it is run with Ruby 1.9.1
[kdebindings.git] / ruby / qtruby / INSTALL
1 Dependencies
2 ------------
4 - ruby 1.8 or greater
5 - cmake 2.4.6 or greater
6 - Qt 4.0 or greater 
8 Configure flags needed
9 ----------------------
11 In order to build just qtruby: 
13 Copy the CMakeLists.txt.qtruby file to QCMakeLists.txt, and follow the 
14 instructions in the file. 
16 Optionally give cmake and install prefix like this:
17 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/kde4
19 Then type 'make'
21 Building on Mac OS X
22 --------------------
24 Ryutaro Amano wrote this about creating a double clickable bundle:
26 "Thanks all, I have succeeded make rubyw.
27 sample script is launched in foreground.
28 And I have known the following steps to launch qt-ruby script by double clicking
29 from Finder.
31 As an example, I  take qtruby-1.0.11/qtruby/rubylib/tutorial/t14
33 cd qtruby-1.0.11/qtruby/rubylib/tutorial/t14
34 chmod 755 t14.rb
35 replace first line of t14.rb with "#!/usr/local/bin/rubyw"
36 mkdir -p Shoot.app/Contents/MacOS
37 mv t14.rb Shoot.app/Contents/MacOS/Shoot
38 cp {cannon.rb,gamebrd.rb,lcdrange.rb} Shoot.app/Contents/MacOS
39 cp  Info.plist Shoot.app/Contents
41 Info.plist is
43 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
44 <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
45 <plist version="0.9">
46 <dict>
47         <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
48         <string>Shoot</string>
49         <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
50         <string>jp.co.ryutaro.qtquit</string>
51         <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
52         <string>APPL</string>
53         <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
54         <string>????</string>
55 </dict>
56 </plist>
58 echo -n "APPL????" > Shoot.app/Contents/PkgInfo
60 Double click Shoot.app, Qt-Window appears in foreground."
62 QScintilla text editing widget support
63 --------------------------------------
65 QScintilla is a text editing widget with syntax highlighting for a
66 number of languages including ruby. It can be downloaded from here:
68 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/qscintilla/download.php
70 If the scintilla library is found by the cmake configuration, QtRuby will be
71 built with QScintilla support. The classes in a 'Qext::' module, with names such as 
72 Qext::Scintilla.
74 Qwt scientific plotting library support
75 ---------------------------------------
77 If the Qwt library is found by the cmake configuration, QtRuby will be
78 built with Qwt support. The classes in a 'Qwt::' module, with names such as 
79 Qext::Plot.