use kDebug
[kdegraphics.git] / doc / kamera / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY kappname "&kamera;">
4 <!ENTITY package "kdegraphics">
5 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
6 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
7 ]>
9 <book lang="&language;">
11 <bookinfo>
12 <title>The &kamera; Handbook</title>
14 <authorgroup>
15 <author>
16 <firstname></firstname>
17 <othername></othername>
18 <surname></surname>
19 <affiliation>
20 <address><email></email></address>
21 </affiliation>
22 </author>
24 </authorgroup>
26 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
28 <!-- Date and version information of the documentation
29 Don't forget to include this last date and this last revision number, we
30 need them for translation coordination !
31 Please respect the format of the date (DD/MM/YYYY) and of the version
32 (Major.minor.lesser), it could be used by automation scripts -->
34 <date>2000-09-02</date>
35 <releaseinfo>0.00.00</releaseinfo>
37 <!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
39 <abstract>
40 <para>
41 &kamera; allows you to view and download images on a digital camera.
42 </para>
43 </abstract>
46 <keywordset>
47 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
48 <keyword>Kapp</keyword>
49 </keywordset>
51 </bookinfo>
53 <chapter id="introduction"> <title>Introduction</title> <para>Sorry, but
54 the documentation for &kappname; was not finished when &kde; was installed on
55 this computer.</para> <para>If you need help, please check <ulink
56 url="">The &kde; Website</ulink> for updates, or by
57 submitting your question to <ulink url="">The
58 &kde; User Mailing list</ulink>.</para> <para><emphasis>The &kde;
59 Team</emphasis></para>
62 &underFDL;
64 </chapter>
66 &documentation.index;
67 </book>
69 <!--
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71 mode: sgml
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78 // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:noet
79 -->