1 This module covers the following applications:
3 * Filesharing: network file sharing
4 Maintainer: Jan Schäfer <j_schaef@informatik.uni-kl.de>
7 Maintainer: Jakub Stachowski <qbast@go2.pl>
9 * KGet: an advanced download manager
10 Maintainer: Dario Massarin <nekkar@libero.it>
11 Mailing-List: kget@kde.org
13 * Kopete: Instant Messaging client
14 Maintainer: Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org>
15 Mailing-List: kopete-devel@kde.org
17 * KPPP: dialer and front end for pppd
18 Maintainer: UNMAINTAINED
20 * KRDC: a client for Desktop Sharing
21 Maintainer: Urs Wolfer <uwolfer@kde.org>
23 * Krfb: Desktop Sharing server, allow others to access your desktop via VNC
24 Maintainer: Alessandro Praduroux <pradu@pradu.it>
27 For questions about the individual applications, please ask the maintainer or
28 write to the mailing-list if available.