[kdetoys.git] / doc / kweather / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY kweather "<application>kweather</application>">
4 <!ENTITY package "kdetoys">
5 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
6 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
7 ]>
9 <book lang="&language;">
11 <bookinfo>
12 <title>The &kweather; Handbook</title>
14 <authorgroup>
15 <author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>
17 </authorgroup>
19 <legalnotice>&GPLNotice;</legalnotice>
21 <date>2004-05-31</date>
22 <releaseinfo>3.00.00</releaseinfo>
24 <abstract>
25 <para>
26 KWeather is part of the kdetoys package.
27 </para>
28 </abstract>
31 <keywordset>
32 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
33 <keyword>KWeather</keyword>
34 </keywordset>
36 </bookinfo>
38 <chapter id="introduction">
39 <title>Introduction</title>
41 <para>&kweather; is an application that provides both a panel icon,
42 allowing you to watch the weather as reported by a local weather
43 station, and providing a weather service that can track multiple
44 weather stations and provide this information to other
45 applications including &konqueror;'s navigation panel and &kontact;'s
46 summary page.</para>
48 </chapter>
50 <chapter id="adding-applet">
51 <title>Using &kweather; as a Panel Applet</title>
53 <para>&RMB; click on an empty space in the panel and select
54 <guimenuitem>Add Applet to Panel...</guimenuitem> and then
55 <guilabel>Weather Report</guilabel> in the dialog.</para>
57 <para>A configuration dialog will open up. Initially the only
58 configuration required to make KWeather work is to select a
59 weather station.</para>
61 <note><para>While the weather stations available are fairly
62 comprehensive, not every town in every country will be represented,
63 simply because not every town has an appropriate weather station. If
64 your own town is not represented, you should choose the one nearest
65 you. Since flying planes safely requires accurate weather data, most
66 towns with an airport will be in the list, so a good bet
67 is to look for the nearest airport to you.</para></note>
69 <para>At this point, you can press the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button
70 and the dialog will close. You will now have an icon displaying the
71 current weather graphically on your panel. Clicking it once will open
72 a window that shows the weather in detail.</para>
74 <para>Further configuration is described in the next chapter.</para>
76 </chapter>
78 <chapter id="configuring-kweather">
79 <title>Configuring &kweather;</title>
81 <sect1 id="display">
82 <title>Display Setup</title>
84 <variablelist>
85 <varlistentry>
86 <term><guilabel>Weather Station Options</guilabel></term>
87 <listitem>
88 <variablelist>
89 <varlistentry>
90 <term><guilabel>Location:</guilabel></term>
91 <listitem><para>Select a location from a list of wheater stations.</para></listitem>
92 </varlistentry>
93 </variablelist>
94 </listitem>
95 </varlistentry>
96 <varlistentry>
97 <term><guilabel>Panel Display Options</guilabel></term>
98 <listitem>
99 <variablelist>
100 <varlistentry>
101 <term><guilabel>Show icon only</guilabel></term>
102 <term><guilabel>Show icon and temperature</guilabel></term>
103 <term><guilabel>Show icon, temperature, wind and pressure information</guilabel></term>
104 <listitem><para>You can choose here if the temperature should be
105 displayed beside the icon, or if the current wind speed, direction, and
106 air pressure are also displayed.</para>
107 <para>The icon is always shown.</para>
108 </listitem>
109 </varlistentry>
110 </variablelist>
111 </listitem>
112 </varlistentry>
113 <varlistentry>
114 <term><guilabel>Logging Options</guilabel></term>
115 <listitem>
116 <variablelist>
117 <varlistentry>
118 <term><guilabel>Enable logging</guilabel></term>
119 <listitem><para>By default KWeather does not retain old weather
120 information, and each time it updates the weather the old information
121 is discarded. If you wish instead to keep a record of the weather,
122 enable this option. Then, each time the weather is checked, KWeather
123 will append a new line to the log file containing the current weather
124 conditions in comma separated value form. The information written
125 will be the date, wind speed and direction, temperature, pressure, cover,
126 visibility, and "current weather".</para></listitem>
127 </varlistentry>
128 <varlistentry>
129 <term><guilabel>Log file</guilabel></term>
130 <listitem><para>If you have enabled the <guilabel>Enable
131 logging</guilabel> check box, this option will become available. Enter
132 or browse to the location you would like KWeather to keep it's log
133 file.</para>
134 </listitem>
135 </varlistentry>
136 </variablelist>
137 </listitem>
138 </varlistentry>
139 </variablelist>
141 </sect1>
143 <sect1 id="weather-service">
144 <title><guilabel>Weather Service</guilabel></title>
146 <variablelist>
147 <varlistentry>
148 <term><guilabel>Available stations</guilabel></term>
149 <listitem><para>Add or remove stations </para></listitem>
150 </varlistentry>
151 <varlistentry>
152 <term><guibutton>Update All</guibutton></term>
153 <listitem><para>Update all the listed stations
154 immediately.</para></listitem>
155 </varlistentry>
156 <varlistentry>
157 <term><guibutton>Stop Weather Service</guibutton></term>
158 <listitem><para>Stop fetching weather updates for all
159 listed stations, and stop providing weather
160 information to the &konqueror; navigation panel and &kontact;</para></listitem>
161 </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect1>
163 </chapter>
165 <chapter id="kweather-interfaces">
166 <title>KWeather Interfaces</title>
168 <para>While the most obvious KWeather interface is the panel icon,
169 there are several other places where you can access KWeather's
170 information. These are particularly useful if you need to watch
171 multiple weather stations. While &kweather; allows you to track
172 multiple weather stations, the panel icon displays only one at a
173 time.</para>
175 <para>These additional services are plug-ins to their respective
176 applications, and not provided with KWeather itself.</para>
178 <!-- FIXME: write some stuff and show some screenies of the konq and
179 kontact plugins -->
181 </chapter>
183 <chapter id="credits-and-licenses">
184 <title>Credits and Licenses</title>
186 <para>KWeather copyright &copy; Ian Reinhart Geiser
187 <email></email></para>
189 <variablelist>
190 <title>Contributors</title>
191 <varlistentry><term>Will Andrews
192 <email></email></term>
193 <listitem><para>Fixes for BSD port</para></listitem>
194 </varlistentry>
195 <varlistentry>
196 <term>Ben Burton <email></email></term>
197 <listitem><para>Debian fixes</para></listitem>
198 </varlistentry>
199 <varlistentry>
200 <term>Otto Bruggeman <email></email></term>
201 <listitem><para>Fixed the i18n stuff and source style
202 cleanups</para></listitem>
203 </varlistentry>
204 <varlistentry>
205 <term>Nadeem Hasan <email></email></term>
206 <listitem><para>Lots of bug fixes, improvements and
207 cleanups.</para></listitem>
208 </varlistentry>
209 <varlistentry>
210 <term>Carles Carbonell Bernado <email></email></term>
211 <listitem><para>Great new weather icons</para></listitem>
212 </varlistentry>
213 <varlistentry>
214 <term>John Ratke <email></email></term>
215 <listitem><para>Improvements and more code cleanups</para></listitem>
216 </varlistentry>
217 </variablelist>
220 &underFDL;
221 &underGPL;
223 </chapter>
225 &documentation.index;
226 </book>
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